bobj.crv.SearchPanelState = { Searching : "Searching", SearchCancelled : "SearchCancelled", Idle : "Idle", FoundFirstN : "FoundFirstN" }; bobj.crv.newSearchPanel = function(kwArgs) { kwArgs = MochiKit.Base.update( { id : bobj.uniqueId() + '_searchPanel', searchText : "" }, kwArgs); return new bobj.crv.SearchPanel(, kwArgs.searchText); }; bobj.crv.SearchPanel = function(id, searchText) { = id; this.searchText = searchText; this.status = bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.Idle; this.itemCount = 0; this.widgetType = "Search"; this.isMatchCase = false; this.isMatchWholeWordOnly = false; this.FIRST_N_SIZE = 100; var bind = bobj.bindFunctionToObject; var startSearchCB = bind(this.startSearch, this); var cancelSearchCB = bind(this.cancelSearch, this); var showOptionsCB = bind(this._showOptionsMenu, this); var hideMenuCB = bind(this._onHideMenu, this); var toggleMatchCaseCB = bind(this._toggleMatchCase, this); var toggleMatchWholeWordOnlyCB = bind(this._toggleMatchWholeWordOnly, this); this._resultPanel = new bobj.crv.SelectList(null, L_bobj_crv_SearchResults); this._optionsMenu = newMenuWidget( + "_menu", hideMenuCB); this._optionsMenu.setAccelEnabled(false); this._optionsMenu.insertCheck(1, "case", L_bobj_crv_MatchCase, toggleMatchCaseCB); this._optionsMenu.insertCheck(2, "wholeWord", L_bobj_crv_MatchWholeWordsOnly , toggleMatchWholeWordOnlyCB); this._searchButton = newIconWidget( + "_button", bobj.crv.allInOne.uri, startSearchCB, null, L_bobj_crv_SearchText, 16, 14, 0, bobj.crv.allInOne.toolbarSearchDy, bobj.crv.allInOne.toolbarSearchDy, 3, true); this._searchButton.margin = 0; this._cancelSearchButton = newIconWidget( + "_cancelButton", bobj.crv.allInOne.uri, cancelSearchCB, null, L_bobj_crv_Cancel, 16, 14, 0, bobj.crv.allInOne.cancelDy, bobj.crv.allInOne.cancelDy, 0, true); this._cancelSearchButton.margin = 0; this._optionsArrowButton = newIconWidget( + "_optionsArrowButton", bobj.skinUri("menus.gif"), showOptionsCB, null, L_bobj_crv_SearchOptions, 7, 12, 0, 83, 0, 83, true, true); bobj.crv.setAllClasses(this._searchButton, 'button'); bobj.crv.setAllClasses(this._cancelSearchButton, 'button'); bobj.crv.setAllClasses(this._optionsArrowButton, 'button'); this._cancelSearchButton.setDisplay(false); this.totalNumOfGroupPaths = 0; this.currentSearchText = ''; this.continueSearchGroupPath = null; this.widx=_widgets.length; this.findMoreItem = null; _widgets[this.widx]=this; }; bobj.crv.SearchPanel.prototype = { getHTML : function() { var divH = bobj.isBorderBoxModel() ? 20 : 18; var h = bobj.html; return h.DIV( { id :, 'class' : 'searchPanel' }, h.TABLE( { style : { width : '100%', height : '100%' } }, h.TR( { style : { height : '25px' } }, h.TD(null, h.TABLE( { style : { width : '100%' } }, h.TR(null, h.TD(null, h.DIV( { id : + "_searchInputContainer", 'class' : 'searchPanelTextContainer', style : {height : divH + 'px'} }, h.TABLE( { cellpadding : '0', cellspacing : '0', style : { width : '100%', height : '100%', 'table-layout' : 'fixed' } }, h.TR(null, h.TD( { style : { width : '100%', 'padding-left' : '5px', 'padding-right' : '2px' } }, h.INPUT( { onkeydown : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'onTextFieldKeyDown'), 'class' : 'searchPanel searchPanelInput', id : + "_searchTextinput", title : L_bobj_crv_Search } )), h.TD( { style : { 'width' : '20px', 'vertical-align' : 'middle' }}, this._searchButton.getHTML(), this._cancelSearchButton.getHTML()), h.TD( { style : { width : '14px', 'vertical-align' : 'top' }}, h.DIV( { 'class' : 'arrowContainer', 'style' : { 'float' : 'left' }}, this._optionsArrowButton.getHTML())))))))))), h.TR(null, h.TD( { 'style' : { 'padding' : '0px' }}, h.DIV( { id : + "_info", 'class' : 'searchPanel info' }, h.TABLE( { 'style' : { 'width' : '100%', 'height' : '24px' }}, h.TR(null, h.TD( { 'style' : { 'width' : '100%', 'height' : '100%' }}, h.DIV( { id : + "_numOfResultsFound", 'tabIndex' : '0', 'class' : 'searchPanel info resultsFoundText', 'style' : bobj.crv.config.isRTL?{'right' : '5px', 'left':'0px'}:{}, "aria-live" : 'polite', "aria-atomic" : "true" })), h.TD( { 'style' : { 'width' : '45px' }}, h.DIV( { 'id' : + "_loadingPercentText", 'class' : 'searchPanel loadingInfo', 'tabIndex' : '0', 'title' : L_bobj_crv_Completed, 'style' : { 'display' : 'none', 'text-align': 'right', 'padding' : '0px', 'margin-right' : bobj.crv.config.isRTL?'-5px' : '0px' }})), h.TD( { 'style' : { 'width' : '20px', 'height' : '20px' }}, h.DIV( { 'id' : + "_loadingImage", 'style' : { 'margin-right' : '4px', 'display' : 'none', 'vertical-align' : 'top' }}, simpleImgOffset(bobj.skinUri("wait01.gif"), 20, 20, 90, 10, null, null, null, "float:right"))))) ))), h.TR(null, h.TD(null, this._resultPanel.getHTML())))); }, setSelected : function(isSelected) { if(isSelected) this.layer.setAttribute("role", "search"); else this.layer.removeAttribute("role"); }, focusFirstChild : function () { this._searchTextInput.focus(); return true; }, onTextFieldKeyDown : function(e) { if(eventGetKey(e)==13) { this.startSearch(); return false; } return true; }, init : function() { this.layer = getLayer(; this._searchButton.init(); this._cancelSearchButton.init(); this._optionsArrowButton.init(); this._resultPanel.init(); this._infoLayer = getLayer( + "_info"); this._numOfResultsFoundLayer = getLayer( + "_numOfResultsFound"); this._loadingPercentText = getLayer( + "_loadingPercentText"); this._loadingImage = getLayer( + "_loadingImage"); this._searchTextInput = getLayer( + "_searchTextinput"); this._searchInputContainer = getLayer( + "_searchInputContainer"); MochiKit.Signal.connect(this._resultPanel, "itemSelected", this, '_OnSelectSearchItem'); }, _OnSelectSearchItem : function (item) { if(item == this.findMoreItem) { this.continueSearch(); } else { MochiKit.Signal.signal( this, 'selectSearchItem', item.groupPath); } }, _toggleMatchCase : function() { this.isMatchCase = !this.isMatchCase }, _toggleMatchWholeWordOnly : function() { this.isMatchWholeWordOnly = !this.isMatchWholeWordOnly }, update : function(update) { if (update && update.cons == "bobj.crv.newSearchPanel" && update.args != null) { if (update.args.state) { var state = update.args.state; if (state.clearResults) { this.reset(); } else if (state.searchText == this.currentSearchText) { if (state.isFinished) { this.updateSearchStatus(bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.Idle); var foundItems = update.args.foundItems; this.batchAddSearchItems(foundItems); } else if (this.status == bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.Searching) { if (state.totalNumOfGroupPaths) { this.totalNumOfGroupPaths = state.totalNumOfGroupPaths; } if (state.numberOfProcessedGroupPath == undefined ) // ipoint does not have this fix, keep compatible for ipoint this.updateLoadingPercent(state.remainingGroupPaths.length); else this.updateLoadingPercent(state.remainingGroupPaths.length + this.totalNumOfGroupPaths - state.numberOfProcessedGroupPath); var foundItems = update.args.foundItems; var isFetchNextBatch = true; if (foundItems != null && foundItems.length > 0) { for ( var i = 0, len = foundItems.length; i < len; i++) { var item = foundItems[i]; if (state.isFindFirstN && this.itemCount == this.FIRST_N_SIZE) { if (this.continueSearchGroupPath == null) { this.continueSearchGroupPath = { remainingItems : [], state : state }; } this.continueSearchGroupPath.remainingItems.push(item); isFetchNextBatch = false; } else { this.addSearchItem(item.title, item.desc, item.drillGroupPath, item.isRTL); } } this.updateItemsCount(); } if (isFetchNextBatch) { MochiKit.Signal.signal(this, 'searchAll', state.searchText, false, state.isMatchCase, state.isMatchWholeWordOnly, state.isFindFirstN, state.lastPageNumber, state.remainingGroupPaths, state.numberOfProcessedGroupPath); } else { this.updateSearchStatus(bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.FoundFirstN); } } } } } }, updateLoadingPercent : function(numOfRemainingGroupPaths) { if (this.totalNumOfGroupPaths == 0) { = "none"; } else { var percent = parseInt(((this.totalNumOfGroupPaths - numOfRemainingGroupPaths) / this.totalNumOfGroupPaths) * 100); this._loadingPercentText.innerHTML = "[" + percent + "%]"; = "inline"; } }, resetLoadingPercent : function() { this._loadingPercentText.innerHTML = ""; = "none"; }, addSearchItem : function(title, desc, groupPath, isRTL) { this._resultPanel.addChild(title, desc, groupPath, isRTL); this.incrementItemCount(); }, resetItemCount : function() { this.itemCount = 0; this.updateItemsCount(); }, updateItemsCount : function() { var itemsFound = this.itemCount; if(this.status == bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.FoundFirstN) { itemsFound = itemsFound + "+"; } this._numOfResultsFoundLayer.innerHTML = L_bobj_crv_ResultsFound.replace("{0}", bobj.html.B(null, itemsFound)); }, incrementItemCount : function() { this.itemCount++; }, getBestFitHeight : function() { return bobj.getHiddenElementDimensions(this.layer).h; }, resize : function(w, h) { bobj.setOuterSize(this.layer, w, h); if (bobj.isNumber(h)) { this._resultPanel.resize(w - 6, h - 63); } }, setDisplayResultsFound : function(isDisplay) { = isDisplay ? "block" : "none"; }, setDisplayLoadingInfo : function(isDisplay) { = isDisplay ? "block" : "none"; = isDisplay ? "block" : "none"; }, setDisplayFindMoreItem : function(isDisplay) { if(isDisplay) { if(!this.findMoreItem) { var h = bobj.html; this.findMoreItem = this._resultPanel.addChild(h.B(null, h.A(null, L_bobj_crv_FindMore)), " ", "FindMore"); } } else { if(this.findMoreItem) { this._resultPanel.removeChild(this.findMoreItem); } this.findMoreItem = null; } }, setDisableTextInput : function (isDisable) { this._searchTextInput.disabled = isDisable; this._optionsArrowButton.setDisabled(isDisable); this._searchInputContainer.className = isDisable ? 'searchPanelTextContainer searchPanelTextContainerDisabled' : 'searchPanelTextContainer'; if(_firefox && !isDisable && document.activeElement == this._searchTextInput) { /* work around a bug in firefox where blinking cursor on textinput disappears*/ this._searchTextInput.blur(); this._searchTextInput.focus(); } }, startSearch : function() { if(this._searchTextInput.value.length > 0) { this.reset(); this.currentSearchText = this._searchTextInput.value; this.updateSearchStatus(bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.Searching); MochiKit.Signal.signal(this, 'searchAll', this.currentSearchText, true, this.isMatchCase, this.isMatchWholeWordOnly, true, null, null, null); } }, reset : function () { this.continueSearchGroupPath = null; this._resultPanel.reset(); this.resetItemCount(); this.resetLoadingPercent(); this.totalNumOfGroupPaths = 0; this.updateSearchStatus(bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.Idle); this.setDisplayResultsFound(false); }, batchAddSearchItems : function (items) { if(items != null && items.length > 0) { MochiKit.Iter.forEach(items, function(item) { this.addSearchItem(item.title, item.desc, item.drillGroupPath, item.isRTL); }, this); this.updateItemsCount(); } }, continueSearch : function() { if (this.continueSearchGroupPath != null) { this.updateSearchStatus(bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.Searching); var remainingItems = this.continueSearchGroupPath.remainingItems; this.batchAddSearchItems(remainingItems); var state = this.continueSearchGroupPath.state; MochiKit.Signal.signal(this, 'searchAll', state.searchText, false, state.isMatchCase, state.isMatchWholeWordOnly, false, state.lastPageNumber, state.remainingGroupPaths, state.numberOfProcessedGroupPath); } this.continueSearchGroupPath = null; }, cancelSearch : function() { this.updateSearchStatus(bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.SearchCancelled); }, updateSearchStatus : function(status) { this.status = status; switch (this.status) { case bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.SearchCancelled: this.setDisplayLoadingInfo(false); this.setDisplayResultsFound(true); this.setDisplayFindMoreItem(false); this._searchButton.setDisplay(true); this._cancelSearchButton.setDisplay(false); this.setDisableTextInput(false);; break; case bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.Searching: this.setDisplayResultsFound(true); this.setDisplayLoadingInfo(true); this.setDisplayFindMoreItem(false); this._searchButton.setDisplay(false); this._cancelSearchButton.setDisplay(true); this.setDisableTextInput(true); break; case bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.Idle: this.setDisplayResultsFound(true); this.setDisplayLoadingInfo(false); this.setDisplayFindMoreItem(false); this._searchButton.setDisplay(true); this._cancelSearchButton.setDisplay(false); this.setDisableTextInput(false); break; case bobj.crv.SearchPanelState.FoundFirstN: this.setDisplayResultsFound(true); this.setDisplayLoadingInfo(false); this._cancelSearchButton.setDisplay(false); this._searchButton.setDisplay(true); this.setDisplayFindMoreItem(true); this.setDisableTextInput(false); this.updateItemsCount(); } }, _onHideMenu : function() { this._optionsArrowButton.focus(); }, _showOptionsMenu : function() { var layer = this._optionsArrowButton.layer; var position = getPosScrolled(layer); var dimension = MochiKit.Style.getElementDimensions(layer) if (this._optionsMenu.layer==null) this._optionsMenu.justInTimeInit(); var menuDimension = MochiKit.Style.getElementDimensions(this._optionsMenu.layer); var xPos = position.x - menuDimension.w + dimension.w; var yPos = position.y + dimension.h + 3; if (MochiKit.Base.isIE()) { if (bobj.isQuirksMode()) { yPos += 2; } } xPos = Math.max(xPos, 0); yPos = Math.max(yPos, 0); //RTL position for options menu with no parent if(_rtl) xPos += 2*menuDimension.w - layer.offsetWidth;, xPos, yPos); }, getWidth : Widget_getWidth, setDisplay : Widget_setDisplay };