bobj.crv.SelectList = function(id, ariaLabel) { = id ? id : bobj.uniqueId() + "_selectList"; this.ariaLabel = ariaLabel ? ariaLabel : ""; this._prevSelectedItem = null; this._prevFocusedItem = null; this._children = new Array(); this._curSigs = new Array(); this.widx=_widgets.length; _widgets[this.widx]=this; this.vsbar = new bobj.crv.VerticalScrollBar(); } bobj.crv.SelectList.prototype = { addChild: function(title, desc, groupPath, isRTL) { var newItem = new bobj.crv.SelectListItem(title, desc, groupPath, isRTL); append(this._itemsNode, newItem.getHTML()); newItem.init(); this._children.push(newItem); this._curSigs.push(MochiKit.Signal.connect(newItem, 'selected', this, this.onSelectItem)); this._curSigs.push(MochiKit.Signal.connect(newItem, 'focused', this, this.onFocusItem)); return newItem; }, removeChild : function (child) { var childIndex = -1; for(var i = this._children.length -1; i >= 0; i--) { if(this._children[i] == child) { childIndex = i; break; } } if(childIndex > -1) { this._children.splice(childIndex, 1); var focusPrevChild = false; if(child == this._prevFocusedItem) { focusPrevChild = true; this._prevFocusedItem = null; } if(child == this._prevSelectedItem) { focusPrevChild = true; this._prevSelectedItem = null; } if(focusPrevChild) { var prevChild = this._children[childIndex - 1]; if(prevChild && prevChild.layer) prevChild.layer.onfocus(); } child.dispose(); } }, onSelectItem : function (item) { if(this._prevSelectedItem && this._prevSelectedItem != item) this._prevSelectedItem.deselect(); this._prevSelectedItem = item; this._prevFocusedItem = item; MochiKit.Signal.signal(this, 'itemSelected', item); this._scrollToItem(item); }, onFocusItem : function (item) { if(this._prevFocusedItem && this._prevFocusedItem != item) this._prevFocusedItem.unhighlight(); this._prevFocusedItem = item; this._scrollToItem(item); this._itemsNode.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", item.getID()); }, _scrollToItem : function (item) { var scrTop = this._itemsNode.scrollTop; var ctrHeight = this.layer.offsetHeight; if (item.layer) { var itemTop = item.layer.offsetTop; var itemHeight = item.layer.offsetHeight; // If the item is above the visible area, move the scroll top to the top of the item if (itemTop < scrTop) this._itemsNode.scrollTop = itemTop; // If the item is below the visible area, move the scroll top so that the bottom of // the item is visible else if (itemTop + itemHeight > scrTop + ctrHeight) this._itemsNode.scrollTop = itemTop + itemHeight - ctrHeight; } }, reset : function() { while(this._children.length > 0) { var child = this._children.pop(); child.dispose(); } /* removes all the signals */ while (this._curSigs.length > 0) { bobj.crv.SignalDisposer.dispose (this._curSigs.pop ()); } bobj.removeAllChildElements(this._itemsNode); this._prevSelectedItem = null; this._prevFocusedItem = null; = 'none'; }, getHTML : function () { var h = bobj.html; return h.DIV({id :, onkeydown : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'onKeyDown'), onblur : bobj.getExecuteDOMCallbackHTML(this.widx, 'onBlur'), 'class' : 'selectListControl'}, h.LABEL({'class' : 'crvHidden', id : + "_label"}, this.ariaLabel), h.DIV({ id : + '_items', style : { overflow : 'hidden', padding: '2px' }, 'tabIndex' : '0', role : 'listbox', 'aria-labelledby' : + "_label" }), this.vsbar.getHTML()); }, onBlur : function () { if(this._prevFocusedItem) { this._prevFocusedItem.unhighlight(); this._prevFocusedItem = null; } }, init : function () { this.layer = getLayer(; this._itemsNode = getLayer( + '_items'); this.vsbar.init(); this.vsbar.setScrollableElement (this._itemsNode); }, onKeyDown : function (e) { if(eventGetKey(e)==38) //arrow up { if(this._prevFocusedItem != null) { var layer = this._prevFocusedItem.layer.previousSibling; if(layer != null) { layer.onfocus(); return false; //prevent scrolling on widget } } else if(this._prevSelectedItem != null) { var layer = this._prevSelectedItem.layer.previousSibling; if(layer != null) { layer.onfocus(); return false; //prevent scrolling on widget } } } else if(eventGetKey(e)==40) //arrow down { if(this._prevFocusedItem != null) { var layer = this._prevFocusedItem.layer.nextSibling; if(layer != null) { layer.onfocus(); return false; //prevent scrolling on widget } } else if(this._prevSelectedItem != null) { var layer = this._prevSelectedItem.layer.nextSibling; if(layer != null) { layer.onfocus(); return false; //prevent scrolling on widget } } else { if(this._children.length > 0) { var firstChild = this._children[0]; if(firstChild && firstChild.layer) { firstChild.layer.onfocus(); return false; } } } } else if(eventGetKey(e) == KEY_PAGEUP || eventGetKey(e) == KEY_PAGEDOWN) { if(this._children.length == 0) return; var isPageDown = (eventGetKey(e) == KEY_PAGEDOWN); var ADJUSTMENT = 5; //To workaround an issue in IE var isOnLastPage = this._itemsNode.scrollTop + ADJUSTMENT > (this._itemsNode.scrollHeight - this._itemsNode.offsetHeight); /* * if last page has smaller height than other pages, make sure current page reflects that so when user presses Page_UP button, * Page at index (length-2) is not skipped */ var pageAdjuster = isOnLastPage ? Math.ceil : Math.round; var currentPage = pageAdjuster(this._itemsNode.scrollTop / this._itemsNode.offsetHeight); var newPage = Math.max(0, currentPage + ( isPageDown ? 1 : -1)); this.focusFirstNodeOnPage(newPage); } else if(eventGetKey(e)==36) /*home*/ { if(this._itemsNode.children.length > 0) { this._itemsNode.firstChild.onfocus(); return false; } } else if(eventGetKey(e)==35) { /*end*/ if(this._itemsNode.children.length > 0) { this._itemsNode.lastChild.onfocus(); return false; } } else if(eventGetKey(e)==13 || eventGetKey(e)==32) // On Enter or spacebar, signal switch panel { if(this._prevFocusedItem != null) {; } return false; } return true; }, focusFirstNodeOnPage : function (pageNum) { var itemHeight = this._children[0].getHeight(); var itemsPerPage = this._itemsNode.offsetHeight / itemHeight; var newNodeNum = Math.ceil(itemsPerPage * pageNum); if(newNodeNum < this._itemsNode.children.length) { var node = this._itemsNode.children[newNodeNum]; node.onfocus(); this._itemsNode.scrollTop = node.offsetTop; } }, _doLayout : function(w, h) { bobj.setOuterSize(this.layer, w, h); // we need to subract 1 for ie because of a gradient bug which causes it to overlap the border bobj.setOuterSize(this._itemsNode, Math.max(0, w - 2), Math.max(0, h - 2 - (_ie ? 1 : 0)), true); if (bobj.isNumber(h)) { this.vsbar.adjustForResize (Math.max(0, h - 2)); if (this.vsbar.isDisplayed()) { bobj.setOuterSize(this._itemsNode, Math.max(0, w - this.vsbar.SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 2), null); } } }, resize : function (w, h) { this._doLayout(w, h); } };