/* Copyright (c) Business Objects 2006. All rights reserved. */ var L_bobj_crv_MainReport = "Main Report"; // Viewer Toolbar tooltips var L_bobj_crv_Back = "Go Back"; var L_bobj_crv_Forward = "Go Forward"; var L_bobj_crv_Page = "Page"; var L_bobj_crv_PageNum = "Page {0}"; var L_bobj_crv_FirstPage = "Go to First Page"; var L_bobj_crv_PrevPage = "Go to Previous Page"; var L_bobj_crv_NextPage = "Go to Next Page"; var L_bobj_crv_LastPage = "Go to Last Page"; var L_bobj_crv_InvalidPageNumber = "Please specify a page number greater than 0."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamPanel = "Prompt Panel"; var L_bobj_crv_Parameters = "Parameters"; var L_bobj_crv_GroupTree = "Group Tree"; var L_bobj_crv_Search = "Find"; var L_bobj_crv_SearchResults = "Find Results"; var L_bobj_crv_DrillUp = "Drill Up"; var L_bobj_crv_DrillTo = "Drill to %1"; var L_bobj_crv_Refresh = "Refresh Report"; var L_bobj_crv_Zoom = "Zoom"; var L_bobj_crv_PageNav = "Page Navigation"; var L_bobj_crv_SelectPage = "Go to Page"; var L_bobj_crv_SearchText = "Find"; var L_bobj_crv_SearchOptions = "Find Options"; var L_bobj_crv_Export = "Export this report"; var L_bobj_crv_Print = "Print this report"; var L_bobj_crv_History = "History"; var L_bobj_crv_ClearHistory = "Clear History"; var L_bobj_crv_TabList = "Tab List"; var L_bobj_crv_Minimize = "Minimize"; var L_bobj_crv_Logo= "Business Objects Logo"; var L_bobj_crv_FileMenu = "File Menu"; var L_bobj_crv_ResultsFound = "{0} Results Found"; var L_bobj_crv_MatchWholeWordsOnly = "Match Whole Word Only"; var L_bobj_crv_MatchCase = "Match Case"; var L_bobj_crv_FindMore = "Find More"; var L_bobj_crv_Completed = "Completed"; var L_bobj_crv_Breadcrumb= "Breadcrumb"; var L_bobj_crv_File = "File"; var L_bobj_crv_Show = "Show"; var L_bobj_crv_Hide = "Hide"; var L_bobj_crv_Find = "Find..."; var L_bobj_crv_of = "%1 of %2"; // Example: Page "1 of 3" var L_bobj_crv_submitBtnLbl = "Export"; var L_bobj_crv_ActiveXPrintDialogTitle = "Print"; var L_bobj_crv_PDFPrintDialogTitle = "Print to PDF"; var L_bobj_crv_PrintRangeLbl = "Page Range:"; var L_bobj_crv_PrintAllLbl = "All Pages"; var L_bobj_crv_PrintPagesLbl = "Select Pages"; var L_bobj_crv_PrintFromLbl = "From:"; var L_bobj_crv_PrintToLbl = "To:"; var L_bobj_crv_PrintInfoTitle = "Print to PDF:"; var L_bobj_crv_PrintInfo1 = 'The viewer must export to PDF to print. Choose the Print option from the PDF reader application once the document is opened.'; var L_bobj_crv_PrintInfo2 = 'Note: You must have a PDF reader installed to print. (eg. Adobe Reader)'; var L_bobj_crv_PrintPageRangeError = "Enter a valid page range."; var L_bobj_crv_ExportBtnLbl = "Export"; var L_bobj_crv_ExportDialogTitle = "Export"; var L_bobj_crv_ExportFormatLbl = "File Format:"; var L_bobj_crv_ExportInfoTitle = "To export:"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsApply = "Apply"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsAdvDlg = "Edit parameter value"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsDeleteTooltip = "Delete parameter value"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsAddValue = "Click to Add..."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsApplyTip = "Apply Parameter Values"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsDlgTitle = "Enter Values"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsCalBtn = "Calendar"; var L_bobj_crv_Reset= "Reset"; var L_bobj_crv_ResetTip = "Reset Parameter Values"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsDirtyTip = "Parameter value has changed. Click the Apply button to apply changes."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsDataTip = "This is a data-fetching parameter"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsMaxNumDefaultValues = "Click here for more items..."; var L_bobj_crv_paramsOpenAdvance = "Advanced prompt button for \'%1\'"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsInvalidTitle = "The parameter value is not valid"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsTooLong = "Parameter value can be no more than %1 characters long"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsTooShort = "Parameter value must be at least %1 characters long"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsBadNumber = "This parameter is of type \"Number\" and can only contain a negative sign symbol, digits (\"0-9\"), digit grouping symbols or a decimal symbol."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsBadCurrency = "This parameter is of type \"Currency\" and can only contain a negative sign symbol, digits (\"0-9\"), digit grouping symbols or a decimal symbol."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsBadDate = "This parameter is of type \"Date\" and the correct format is \"%1\" where \"yyyy\" is the four digit year, \"mm\" is the month (e.g. January = 1), and \"dd\" is the day of the month."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsBadTime = "This parameter is of type \"Time\" and the correct format is \"hh:mm:ss\" where \"hh\" is hours in a 24 hour clock, \"mm\" is minutes, and \"ss\" is seconds."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsBadDateTime = "This parameter is of type \"DateTime\" and the correct format is \"%1 hh:mm:ss\". \"yyyy\" is the four digit year, \"mm\" is the month (e.g. January = 1), \"dd\" is the day of the month, \"hh\" is hours in a 24 hour clock, \"mm\" is minutes, and \"ss\" is seconds."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsMinTooltip = "Please specify a %1 value greater than or equal to %2."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsMaxTooltip = "Please specify a %1 value less than or equal to %2."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsMinAndMaxTooltip = "Please specify a %1 value between %2 and %3."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsStringMinOrMaxTooltip = "The %1 length for this field is %2."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsStringMinAndMaxTooltip = "The value must be between %1 and %2 characters long."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsYearToken = "yyyy"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsMonthToken = "mm"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsDayToken = "dd"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsReadOnly = "This parameter is of type \"Read Only\"."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsNoValue = "No Value"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsDuplicateValue = "Duplicate values are not allowed."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsEnterOptional = "Enter %1 (Optional)"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsNoneSelected= "(None Selected)"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsClearValues= "Clear Values"; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsMoreValues= "%1 more values..."; var L_bobj_crv_ParamsMoreValue= "%1 more value..."; var L_bobj_crv_Error = "Error"; var L_bobj_crv_OK = "OK"; var L_bobj_crv_Cancel = "Cancel"; var L_bobj_crv_showDetails = "Show Details"; var L_bobj_crv_hideDetails = "Hide Details"; var L_bobj_crv_RequestError = "Unable to process your request"; var L_bobj_crv_ServletMissing = "The viewer is unable to connect with the CrystalReportViewerServlet that handles asynchronous requests.\nPlease ensure that the Servlet and Servlet-Mapping have been properly declared in the application\'s web.xml file."; var L_bobj_crv_FlashRequired = "This content requires Adobe Flash Player 11 or higher. {0}Please click here to install."; var L_bobj_crv_ReadOnlyInPanel= "This parameter is not editable in the panel. Open advanced prompt dialog to modify its value"; var L_bobj_crv_Tree_Drilldown_Node = "Drilldown node %1"; var L_bobj_crv_ReportProcessingMessage = "Please wait while the document is being processed."; var L_bobj_crv_PrintControlProcessingMessage = "Please wait while the Crystal Reports Print Control is loaded."; var L_bobj_crv_SundayShort = "S"; var L_bobj_crv_MondayShort = "M"; var L_bobj_crv_TuesdayShort = "T"; var L_bobj_crv_WednesdayShort = "W"; var L_bobj_crv_ThursdayShort = "T"; var L_bobj_crv_FridayShort = "F"; var L_bobj_crv_SaturdayShort = "S"; var L_bobj_crv_Minimum = "minimum"; var L_bobj_crv_Maximum = "maximum"; var L_bobj_crv_Date = "Date"; var L_bobj_crv_Time = "Time"; var L_bobj_crv_DateTime = "DateTime"; var L_bobj_crv_Boolean = "Boolean"; var L_bobj_crv_Number = "Number"; var L_bobj_crv_Text = "Text"; var L_bobj_crv_InteractiveParam_NoAjax = "The web browser you are using is not configured to show the Parameter Panel."; var L_bobj_crv_AdvancedDialog_NoAjax= "The viewer is unable to open an advanced prompt dialog."; var L_bobj_crv_EnableAjax= "Please contact your administrator to enable asynchronous requests."; var L_bobj_crv_LastRefreshed = "Last Refreshed : {0}"; var L_bobj_crv_Collapse = "Collapse"; var L_bobj_crv_CatalystTip = "Online Resources"; var L_bobj_crv_LoadingPage = "Loading Page {0}..."; var L_bobj_crv_TakeActionMenuTip = "Select a bound action"; var L_bobj_crv_TakeActionExecuteActionError = "A problem has occurred executing the action; please contact your Administrator."; // # Note to translators, this string is used under a context menu item where no items are available so we show this disabled menu item instead var L_bobj_crv_TakeActionNoActionsMenuLabel = "(No actions available)"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidArray = "\'{0}\' is of type Array"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidBoolean = "\'{0}\' is of type Boolean"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidPageNumber = "\'pageNumber\' is of type Integer and greater than 0"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InstantiationFailed = "New instance of {0} must be created."; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidParamValue = "The value of parameter field \'{0}\' is not valid."; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidParamType = "The type of parameter field \'{0}\' is not valid. Please select a valid type from SAP.CR.Parameter.DataTypes"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidParamName = "The name of the parameter field must be a string of length greater than 0."; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidNumOfArguments = "{0} requires {1} argument(s)."; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidValueType = "Expected value type for this parameter is \'{0}\'."; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidCanvasListener= "Listener must be an instance of SAP.CR.Viewer.CanvasListener"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidActionListener= "Listener must be an instance of SAP.CR.Viewer.ActionListener"; var L_bobj_crv_API_ValueTypeUndefined= "The paramType property of the parameter field is not valid. Only values from SAP.CR.Parameter.DataTypes.* are supported."; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidRangeBound = "The upper bound and lower bound can only use values from SAP.CR.Parameter.RangeBoundTypes"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidBeginValue = "The begin value is not valid"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidEndValue = "The end value is not valid"; var L_bobj_crv_API_RangeBeginValueGreaterThanEndValue = "The begin value must be less than or equal to the end value"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidLowerAndUpperRangeBound = "The value of both lower bound and upper bound cannot be equal to SAP.CR.Parameter.DataTypes.UNBOUNDED"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidBeginAndEndValue = "The begin and end value cannot be equal."; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidColor = "The color \'{0}\' is not valid."; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidResolution = "The resolution {0} is not valid"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidEventName = "\'{0}\' is not a valid event. Please choose an event from {1}"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidViewerName = "The viewer name \'{0}\' is malformed. It must begin with a letter and may be followed by any number of letters or digits."; var L_bobj_crv_API_ViewerInitFailed = "Failed to initialize viewer"; var L_bobj_crv_API_ViewerLoadFailed = "Failed to load viewer"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidPrintMode = "\'{0}\' is not a valid print mode. Please choose a print mode from {1}"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidReportMode = "\'{0}\' is not a valid report mode. Please choose a report mode from {1}"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidZoom = "\'{0}\' is not valid a zoom level"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidFunction = "First argument should be a function"; var L_bobj_crv_API_InvalidFunctionAfterInit = "\'{0}\' cannot be called after viewer has been initialized.";