/** * Separator Constructor. */ function newSeparatorWidget(id, h, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft) { var o=newWidget(id); o.height=(h==null)?null:h+'px'; o.marginTop=marginTop; o.marginRight=marginRight; o.marginBottom=marginBottom; o.marginLeft=marginLeft; o.getHTML=Separator_getHTML; o.getHeight=Separator_getHeight; return o; } function Separator_getHTML() { var o=this, s=''; var className = o.height ? 'verticalSeparator' : 'horizontalSeparator'; var heightStyle = o.height ? 'height:' + o.height + 'px;' : ''; var widthStyle = (_ie && _isQuirksMode && o.height) ? 'width:2px;' : ''; s += '
'; return s; } /** * @return Returns the outer height of the widget, including margins */ function Separator_getHeight() { if(this.isDisplayed()) return this.layer.offsetHeight + this.marginTop + this.marginBottom; else return 0; };