FeatureNotImplemented=Feature not implemented. InvalidReportVersion=Invalid report version or not a report file. InvalidLoadingMode=Attempt to load with an invalid mode. ErrorLoadingPrinterInfo=Error loading printer information. UnexpectedRecordFound=Unexpected record found. NoCurrentRecord=No current record. Pre90ReportsNotSupported=Only version 9.0 reports and later are supported. InvalidReportVersion=Invalid report version or not a report file. ReadPastEndOfRecord=Unable to read past end of record. UnexpectedEndOfFile=Unexpected end of file. InvalidInputStream=Invalid input stream. InvalidOutputStream=Invalid output stream. RecordNotFound=Record not found. TslvRecordNotFound=TSLV record not found. StartOfRecordNotFound=Start of record not found. InvalidFileFormat=Invalid file format. ErrorReadingXml=Error reading XML: {0} BadSchema=Bad schema. min=min IOError=Unexpected IO error. FailedToReadMetaData=Failed to read document meta information. UnsupportedCharacterSet=Support for the character set {0} cannot be found. InvalidCharacterInEncodedString=The string to be decoded has an invalid character: {0}. InvalidEscapeSequence=The string to be decoded has an invalid escape sequence. IncompleteEscapeSequence=The string to be decoded ends with an incomplete escape sequence. FileTooLarge=The file {0} is too big. FailedToReadEntireFile=Failed to read all of file {0}. InvalidFilePath=The file path {0} is invalid. BadURL=The URL is incorrectly formatted: {0}. FailedToCreateImage=Failed to create a binary value from image bytes. ConfigFileNotFound = Unable to locate {0} configuration file ErrorReadingConfigFile=Error reading configuration file : {0} InvalidArgumentError=Invalid argument NotAnInstanceOfCommonCommand=Not An Instance Of CommonCommand CannotCreateConfig=Cannot read or parse the XML configuration NoMoreConfigs=No more configurations to remove BadConfigPath=Bad client specified config file pathname