ࡱ>   !"$%&'()*+,-.Root Entry Fy)<%@HE;Ch?@ABCDEG G4w24B7_  ܅șx<#$%'()*,.1#$%'()*,.#&%'(+-/003 胼68:<>@B79;=?AC@HBExE(;2DD1BE6H@H C5BErED/H;@H??wElDj;E$H cklmnoRHHH&HHHHH@ HH&&@HHH&HHHHH             &  % .     & &  &     regardless of the 'Action' state associated with the component.File;Registry;ODBCDataSourceEither the primary key into the File table, Registry table, or ODBCDataSource table. This extract path is stored when the component is installed, and is used to detect the presence of the component and to return the path to it.Primary key, non-localized token, must match identifier in cabinet. For uncompressed files, this field is ignored.Foreign key referencing Component that controls the file.FilenameFile name used for installation, may be localized. This may contain a "short name|long name" pair.Version string for versioned files; Blank for unversioned files.List of decimal language Ids, comma-separated if more than one.Integer containing bit flags representing file attributes (with the decimal value of each bit position in parentheses)Sequence with respect to the media images; order must track cabinet order.Name of tableName of columnY;NWhether the column is nullableMinimum value allowedMaximum value allowedFor foreign key, Name of table to which data must linkColumn to which foreign key connectsText;Formatted;Template;Condition;Guid;Path;Version;Language;Identifier;Binary;UpperCase;LowerCase;Filename;Paths;AnyPath;WildCardFilename;RegPath;KeyFormatted;CustomSource;Property;Cabinet;Shortcut;URLString categorySet of values that are permittedDescription of columnis table specifying the default parent directory. A record parented to itself or with a Null parent represents a root of the install tree.The default sub-pat      &   # H-%B!o!)>076f#79.:> kQ ;>'s9cA?vJ 6$ 2F8D@%@%1Windows Installer XML v2.0.3116.0 (candle/light)TextString value for property. Never null oDigitalSignature$ #0  *H  0 1 0 +0g +7Y0W02 +70$ F0!0 +k.e)mW+!\ P4.M^%Ԍn|)]1ZՌgX5+!`x^{`W ]A cT`C!00U00pU i0g0e `HE0V0(+https://www.verisign.com/cps0*+0https://www.verisign.com/rpa0U0m+ a0_][0Y0W0U image/gif0!00+kπjH,{.0%#http://logo.verisign.com/vslogo.gif0U%0++04+(0&0$+0http://ocsp.verisign.com01U*0(0&$" http://crl.verisign.com/pca3.crl0)U"0 010UClass3CA2048-1-550Uk&pȡ?-50  *H ݔAaix0Ɛ<~B$s/DrPU nQj71ܥ-OM2NgUejzd8xEv1z`³]fvYI8VAwX00_.KS^0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)09100.U'VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA0 100909000000Z 130908235959Z01 0 UDE10UBaden-Wuerttemberg10UWalldorf/Baden10 U SAP AG1>0<U 5Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v21'0%U SAP BusinessObjects Production10 USAP AG00  *H 0شMo/)ou,*Hp{@=Ђ+xPK b m:G,z2.JO詉\7p+#?YkbtkwGa,mBYN00 U00U0DU=0;09753http://csc3-2009-2-crl.verisign.com/CSC3-2009-2.crl0DU =0;09 `HE0*0(+https://www.verisign.com/rpa0U% 0 +0u+i0g0$+0http://ocsp.verisign.com0?+03http://csc3-2009-2-aia.verisign.com/CSC3-2009-2.cer0U#0k&pȡ?-50 `HB0 +700  *H t._;IOnjD_ڳ$-e $f@-j ͥvB%f}llgtHkU**WFt:=-d!F1٩xw+(')-]N>ʑg2wWGo-&=D KX,@zQJvPΥ.wu{`JgP] e H ]T0 *H {0w1 0 +0g +7Y0W02 +70$ F0!0 +k.e)mW"hcSit<üu00eeR&.Y)"\0  *H 0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority0 090521000000Z 190520235959Z01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)09100.U'VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA0"0  *H 0 g`IoV|f^ q-!ќPL"5; .Z|=;%X{ ξ'tag'MjaXy'M4+G Df$fO8TrfujIh8y 0,`Hת809:|@T/ܨR>+!\ P4.M^%Ԍn|)]1ZՌgX5+!`x^{`W ]A cT`C!00U00pU i0g0e `HE0V0(+https://www.verisign.com/cps0*+0https://www.verisign.com/rpa0U0m+ a0_][0Y0W0U image/gif0!00+kπjH,{.0%#http://logo.verisign.com/vslogo.gif0U%0++04+(0&0$+0http://ocsp.verisign.com01U*0(0&$" http://crl.verisign.com/pca3.crl0)U"0 010UClass3CA2048-1-550Uk&pȡ?-50  *H ݔAaix0Ɛ<~B$s/DrPU nQj71ܥ-OM2NgUejzd8xEv1z`³]fvYI8VAwX00_.KS^0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at https://www.verisign.com/rpa (c)09100.U'VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA0 100909000000Z 130908235959Z01 0 UDE10UBaden-Wuerttemberg10UWalldorf/Baden10 U SAP AG1>0<U 5Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v21'0%U SAP BusinessObjects Production10 USAP AG00  *H 0شMo/)ou,*Hp{@=Ђ+xPK b m:G,z2.JO詉\7p+#?YkbtkwGa,mBYN00 U00U0DU=0;09753http://csc3-2009-2-crl.verisign.com/CSC3-2009-2.crl0DU =0;09 `HE0*0(+https://www.verisign.com/rpa0U% 0 +0u+i0g0$+0http://ocsp.verisign.com0?+03http://csc3-2009-2-aia.verisign.com/CSC3-2009-2.cer0U#0k&pȡ?-50 `HB0 +700  *H t._;IOnjD_ڳ$-e $f@-j ͥvB%f}llgtHkU**WFt:=-d!F1٩xw+(')-]N>ʑg2wWGo-&=D KX,@zQJvPΥ.wu{`JgP] e H ]T 0 *H  100r0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G285njP0 +]0 *H  1  *H 0 *H  1 130320231830Z0# *H  15eٔq(vAuW0  *H ;^SӾrXiVza$#ջ.`fꖛu cg=9B /3Ώ#P4ꢀx<`f7`?ڴw$Xe"3fJVL+ 0^uxx8h=YF9<%/صؠ~ѡ9ݔ-uVOEJݬ(8}u'zj%p?1u%۹Z wNhK