!table !version 300 !charset WindowsLatin1 Definition Table Type NATIVE Charset "WindowsLatin1" Fields 27 Country Char (30) Index 1 ; Capital Char (30) Index 2 ; Pop_1994 Decimal (11, 0) ; Pop_Grw_Rt Decimal (6, 1) ; Pop_Male Decimal (12, 0) ; Pop_Fem Decimal (12, 0) ; Pop_0_14 Decimal (10, 0) ; Pop_15_64 Decimal (11, 0) ; Pop_65Plus Decimal (12, 0) ; Male_0_14 Decimal (11, 0) ; Male_15_64 Decimal (12, 0) ; Male_65Plus Decimal (12, 0) ; Fem_0_14 Decimal (12, 0) ; Fem_15_64 Decimal (12, 0) ; Fem_65Plus Decimal (12, 0) ; Pop_Urban Decimal (11, 0) ; Pop_Rural Decimal (11, 0) ; Pop_Urb_Male Decimal (14, 0) ; Pop_Urb_Fem Decimal (12, 0) ; Pop_Rur_Male Decimal (13, 0) ; Pop_Rur_Fem Decimal (14, 0) ; Arable_Pct Decimal (4, 1) ; Literacy Decimal (6, 1) ; Inflat_Rate Decimal (7, 1) ; Unempl_Rate Decimal (6, 1) ; Indust_Growth Decimal (6, 1) ; Continent Char (20) Index 3 ; ReadOnly begin_metadata "\Identification" = "" "\Identification\Use Constraints" = "For use with MapInfo Professional" "\Identification\Access Constraints" = "Licensed Users" "\Identification\Domain" = "" "\Identification\Domain\Bounds" = "" "\Identification\Domain\Bounds\West" = "6433203.32" "\Identification\Domain\Bounds\East" = "11243573.09" "\Identification\Domain\Bounds\North" = "5674972.12" "\Identification\Domain\Bounds\South" = "1943424.94" "\Identification\Citation" = "MapInfo Professional Bundled Maps; China Country Bdy" "\Identification\Description" = "" "\Identification\Description\Abstract" = "People's Rebublic of China boundary" "\Identification\Time Period" = "" "\Identification\Time Period\Currentness" = "1992" "\Identification\Keywords" = "" "\Identification\Keywords\Theme" = "" "\Identification\Keywords\Theme\Geography" = "Country" "\Identification\Keywords\Theme\Geography\Abbreviation" = "" "\Identification\Keywords\Theme\Content" = "Reference Data" "\Identification\Keywords\Place" = "" "\Identification\Keywords\Place\Layers" = "" "\Identification\Keywords\Place\Layers\Count" = "2" "\Identification\Keywords\Place\Layers\Layer1Name" = "Continent" "\Identification\Keywords\Place\Layers\Layer1" = "Asia" "\Identification\Keywords\Place\Layers\Layer2Name" = "Country" "\Identification\Keywords\Place\Layers\Layer2" = "China" "\IsReadOnly" = "FALSE" "\Spatial Reference" = "" "\Spatial Reference\Geographic" = "" "\Spatial Reference\Geographic\Projection" = "" "\Spatial Reference\Geographic\Projection\Clause" = "CoordSys Earth Projection 12, 62, ""m"", 0 Bounds (-34012036.7393, -8625248.51472) (34012036.7393, 8625248.51472)" "\Spatial Reference\Geographic\Projection\Name" = "Robinson" "\Spatial Reference\Geographic\Coordinate Units" = "Decimal Degree" "\Spatial Reference\Geodetic" = "" "\Spatial Reference\Geodetic\Datum" = "NA" "\Spatial Reference\Geodetic\Ellipsoid" = "NA" "\Spatial Organization" = "" "\Spatial Organization\Object" = "" "\Spatial Organization\Object\Type1" = "Regions" "\Spatial Organization\Object\Type1\Count" = "2" "\Spatial Organization\Object\Type2" = "Points" "\Spatial Organization\Object\Type2\Count" = "0" "\Spatial Organization\Object\Type3" = "Polylines" "\Spatial Organization\Object\Type3\Count" = "0" "\Spatial Organization\Object\Type4" = "Lines" "\Spatial Organization\Object\Type4\Count" = "0" "\Spatial Organization\Object\All" = "" "\Spatial Organization\Object\All\TotalCount" = "2" "\Spatial Organization\Method" = "" "\Spatial Organization\Method\Type" = "Polygons" "\Quality" = "" "\Quality\Lineage" = "" "\Quality\Lineage\Source" = "" "\Quality\Lineage\Source\Vintage" = "1992" "\Quality\Lineage\Source\Scale" = "1:1,000,000" "\Quality\Lineage\Source\Citation" = "MapInfo from Digital Chart of the World" end_metadata