###################################################################################################### ### ### Wily Introscope instrumentation for SAP products ### $Revision: #3 $ ### $DateTime: 2011/09/06 15:15:00 $ ### ###################################################################################################### ######################################################################## # # Introscope AutoProbe and Agent Configuration # # CA Introscope(R) Version 9.1 Release # Copyright (c) 2011 CA. All Rights Reserved. # Introscope(R) is a registered trademark of CA. ######################################################################## ######################## # AutoProbe Properties # ######################## ####################### # On/Off Switch # # ================ # This boolean property gives you the ability to disable # Introscope AutoProbe by settings the property value # to false. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.autoprobe.enable=true ####################### # Custom Log File Location # # ================ # Introscope AutoProbe will always attempt to log the changes # it makes. Set this property to move the location of the # log file to something other than the default. Non-absolute # names are resolved relative to the location of this # properties file. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.autoprobe.logfile=../logs/AutoProbe_Tomcat.log ####################### # Directives Files # # ================ # This property specifies all the directives files that determine # how Introscope AutoProbe performs the instrumentation. Specify # a single entry, or a comma-delimited list of entries. The list # may include any combination of: # - directives (.pbd) files # - directives list (.pbl) files # - directories that will be scanned about once per minute for # .pbd files. Directives files placed in a listed directory # will be loaded automatically, without any need to edit this # Agent profile. If dynamic instrumentation is enabled, the # directives will take effect immediately without an app reboot. # Non-absolute names will be resolved relative to the location of # this properties file. # IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a required parameter and it MUST be set # to a valid value. # - If the property is not specified or the values are invalid, # the Introscope Agent will not run! # - If the property is set to include a directory, and invalid # directives files are placed in the directory, AutoProbe # metrics will no longer be reported! # - If the property is set to include a directory, and loaded # directives files are removed from the directory, AutoProbe # metrics will no longer be reported! # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property # take effect. However, if the property includes one or more directories, # and dynamic instrumentation is enabled, the Introscope Agent will load # directives files from the specified directories without an app restart, # as noted above. # Don't include ../core/config/sap_boe_webapp.jar because it contains old # PBDs. The PBD definitions in ../webapp/pbd will be the latest introscope.autoprobe.directivesFile=../core/config/sap_typical.jar,../core/config/sap_tomcat_typical.jar,../core/config/sap_tomcat_full.jar,../webapp/pbd introscope.agent.configuration.old=true # configuration properties for the setup UI (not used by the agent) com.sap.autoprobe.directives.required=sap_typical.jar,sap_tomcat_typical.jar com.sap.autoprobe.directives.default=sap_typical.jar,sap_tomcat_typical.jar,sap_boe_webapp.jar com.sap.autoprobe.directives.optional=sap_tomcat_full.jar,sap_bo_enterprise.jar,sap_boe_webapp.jar # Description fields for the SMD Setup UI (not used by the agent) com.sap.autoprobe.directives.description.sap_tomcat_typical=Default and mandatory instrumentation file for Tomcat. com.sap.autoprobe.directives.description.sap_tomcat_full=Extended instrumentation set for Tomcat. com.sap.autoprobe.directives.description.sap_bo_enterprise=SAP Business Objects Enterprise instrumentation 3.x. com.sap.autoprobe.directives.description.sap_boe_webapp=SAP Business Objects Enterprise Web Application instrumentation 4.0. ####################### # Agent Properties # ####################### ################################# # Logging Configuration # # ================ # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. # This property controls both the logging level and the output location. # To increase the logging level, set the property to: # log4j.logger.IntroscopeAgent=VERBOSE#com.wily.util.feedback.Log4JSeverityLevel, console, logfile # To send output to the console only, set the property to: # log4j.logger.IntroscopeAgent=INFO, console # To send output to the logfile only, set the property to: # log4j.logger.IntroscopeAgent=INFO, logfile log4j.logger.IntroscopeAgent=INFO, logfile # If "logfile" is specified in "log4j.logger.IntroscopeAgent", # the location of the log file is configured using the # "log4j.appender.logfile.File" property. # System properties (Java command line -D options) # are expanded as part of the file name. For example, # if Java is started with "-Dmy.property=Server1", then # "log4j.appender.logfile.File=../logs/Introscope-${my.property}.log" # is expanded to: # "log4j.appender.logfile.File=../logs/Introscope-Server1.log". log4j.appender.logfile.File=../logs/IntroscopeAgent_Tomcat.log ########## See Warning below ########## # Warning: The following properties should not be modified for normal use. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. log4j.additivity.IntroscopeAgent=false log4j.appender.console=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.console.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a z} [%-3p] [%c] %m%n log4j.appender.console.target=System.err log4j.appender.logfile=com.wily.introscope.agent.AutoNamingRollingFileAppender log4j.appender.logfile.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.logfile.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a z} [%-3p] [%c] %m%n log4j.appender.logfile.MaxBackupIndex=4 log4j.appender.logfile.MaxFileSize=10MB ######################################### ################################# # Enterprise Manager Connection Order # # ================ # The Enterprise Manager connection order list the Agent uses if it # is disconnected from its Enterprise Manager. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.connectionorder=DEFAULT ################################# # Enterprise Manager Locations and Names # (names defined in this section are only used in the # introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.connectionorder property) # # ================ # Settings the Introscope Agent uses to find the Enterprise Manager # and names given to host and port combinations. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.host.DEFAULT=%IntroscopeAgentEnterpriseManagerHost% introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.port.DEFAULT=%IntroscopeAgentEnterpriseManagerPort% introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.socketfactory.DEFAULT=com.wily.isengard.postofficehub.link.net.DefaultSocketFactory # The following connection properties enable the Agent to tunnel communication # to the Enterprise Manager over HTTP. # # WARNING: This type of connection will impact Agent and Enterprise Manager # performance so it should only be used if a direct socket connection to the # the Enterprise Manager is not feasible. This may be the case if the Agent # is isolated from the Enterprise Manager with a firewall blocking all but # HTTP traffic. # # When enabling the HTTP tunneling Agent, uncomment the following host, port, # and socket factory properties, setting the host name and port for the # Enterprise Manager Web Server. Comment out any other connection properties # assigned to the "DEFAULT" channel and confirm that the "DEFAULT" channel is # assigned as a value for the "introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.connectionorder" # property. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.host.DEFAULT=localhost #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.port.DEFAULT=8081 #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.socketfactory.DEFAULT=com.wily.isengard.postofficehub.link.net.HttpTunnelingSocketFactory # The following properties are used only when the Agent is tunneling over HTTP # and the Agent must connect to the Enterprise Manager through a proxy server # (forward proxy). Uncomment and set the appropriate proxy host and port values. # If the proxy server cannot be reached at the specified host and port, the # Agent will try a direct HTTP tunneled connection to the Enterprise Manager # before failing the connection attempt. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.http.proxy.host= #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.http.proxy.port= # The following properties are used only when the proxy server requires # authentication. Uncomment and set the user name and password properties. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.http.proxy.username= #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.http.proxy.password= # To connect to the Enterprise Manager using HTTPS (HTTP over SSL), # uncomment these properties and set the host and port to the EM's secure https listener host and port. #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.host.DEFAULT=localhost #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.port.DEFAULT=8444 #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.socketfactory.DEFAULT=com.wily.isengard.postofficehub.link.net.HttpsTunnelingSocketFactory # To connect to the Enterprise Manager using SSL, # uncomment these properties and set the host and port to the EM's SSL server socket host and port. #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.host.DEFAULT=localhost #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.port.DEFAULT=5443 #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.socketfactory.DEFAULT=com.wily.isengard.postofficehub.link.net.SSLSocketFactory # Additional properties for connecting to the Enterprise Manager using SSL. # # Location of a truststore containing trusted EM certificates. # If no truststore is specified, the agent trusts all certificates. # Either an absolute path or a path relative to the agent's working directory. # On Windows, backslashes must be escaped. For example: C:\\keystore #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.truststore.DEFAULT= # The password for the truststore #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.trustpassword.DEFAULT= # Location of a keystore containing the agent's certificate. # A keystore is needed if the EM requires client authentication. # Either an absolute path or a path relative to the agent's working directory. # On Windows, backslashes must be escaped. For example: C:\\keystore #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.keystore.DEFAULT= # The password for the keystore #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.keypassword.DEFAULT= # Set the enabled cipher suites. # A comma-separated list of cipher suites. # If not specified, use the default enabled cipher suites. #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.ciphersuites.DEFAULT= # Properties for SAProuter support # put the complete router string except for the port in the host property #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.socketfactory.DEFAULT=com.sap.sup.wily.saprouter.SapRouterSocketFactory #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.host.DEFAULT=/H/saprouter1/H/saprouter2/H/emhost #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.transport.tcp.port.DEFAULT=6001 ################################# # Enterprise Manager Failback Retry Interval # # ================ # When the Agent is configured to have multiple Enterprise Managers # in its connection order and this property is enabled, the Introscope # Agent will automatically attempt to reconnect to the first Enterprise # Manager in its connection order when it is connected to any other # Enterprise Manager. The reconnection attempt will occur on a regular # interval as specified. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.enterprisemanager.failbackRetryIntervalInSeconds=120 ####################### # Custom Process Name # # ================ # Specify the process name as it should appear in the # Introscope Enterprise Manager and Workstation. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.customProcessName=Tomcat ####################### # Default Process Name # # ================ # If no custom process name is provided and the # agent is unable to determine the name of the # main application class, this value will be # used for the process name. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.defaultProcessName=Tomcat ####################### # Agent Name # # ================ # Specify the name of this agent as it appears in the # Introscope Enterprise Manager and Workstation. # Use this property if you want to specify the Agent # Name using the value of a Java System Property. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.agentNameSystemPropertyKey=introscope.agent.name # This enables/disables auto naming of the agent using # an Application Server custom service. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.agentAutoNamingEnabled=false # The amount of time to delay connecting to the Introscope Enterprise # Manager while Agent Auto Naming is attempted. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.agentAutoNamingMaximumConnectionDelayInSeconds=120 # When Agent Auto Naming is enabled, the Agent will check for # a new Application Server determined name on the specified interval. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.agentAutoRenamingIntervalInMinutes=10 # Auto name of log files (Agent, AutoProbe and LeakHunter) with # the Agent name or a timestamp can be disabled by setting the # value of this property to 'true'. Log file auto naming only # takes effect when the Agent name can be determined using a # Java System Property or an Application Server custom service. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.disableLogFileAutoNaming=false # This Agent Name is used if the other methods are disabled or fail. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.agentName=BOEWebApp # Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) can be enabled by setting this property # value to 'true'. By Default (false) it will display HostName. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.display.hostName.as.fqdn=false ####################### # Agent Socket Rate Metrics # # ================ # Set to true to enable the reporting of input and # output bandwidth rate metrics for individual sockets. NOTE: this parameter is only # used if PDB flag ManagedSocketTracing is 'on'. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.sockets.reportRateMetrics=false ############################### #Agent Memory Overhead Setting # # ======================= # Set to true if you want to attempt to reduce the agent memory overhead introduced by architectural improvements to the 8.x Agent. # Increased Agent memory overhead only occurs in certain extreme cases. # The trade-off for the possible lower memory consumption is a possible increase in response time. # Each application is unique and will experience different variations in Memory vs. Response Time trade-offs. # This property is set to false by default and out of the box is commented out. This is not a hot property # and the managed application needs to be restarted for this flag to take effect. introscope.agent.reduceAgentMemoryOverhead=true ####################### # Agent I/O Socket Metrics # Generation of I/O Socket metrics may be restricted by the following parameters. # Each parameter consists of a comma-separate list of values. If any individual value is # invalid, it will be ignored. If any parameter is not defined, or after exclusion of any # invalid values is an empty list, no restriction will apply to that parameter. All # parameters are 'hot', i.e. no restart of the managed application is required before the # changed value is used. # # Restrict socket client connections instrumented to those with specified remote hosts introscope.agent.io.socket.client.hosts= # Restrict socket client connections instrumented to those with specified remote ports introscope.agent.io.socket.client.ports= # Restrict socket client connections instrumented to those using specified local ports. introscope.agent.io.socket.server.ports= ####################### # Agent NIO Metrics # Generation of Datagram and Socket metrics may be restricted by the following parameters. # Each parameter consists of a comma-separate list of values. If any individual value is # invalid, it will be ignored. If any parameter is not defined, or after exclusion of any # invalid values is an empty list, no restriction will apply to that parameter. All # parameters are 'hot', i.e. no restart of the managed application is required before the # changed value is used. # # Restrict datagram client connections instrumented to those with specified remote hosts introscope.agent.nio.datagram.client.hosts= # Restrict datagram client connections instrumented to those with specified remote ports introscope.agent.nio.datagram.client.ports= # Restrict datagram client connections instrumented to those using specified local ports. introscope.agent.nio.datagram.server.ports= # Restrict socket client connections instrumented to those with specified remote hosts introscope.agent.nio.socket.client.hosts= # Restrict socket client connections instrumented to those with specified remote ports introscope.agent.nio.socket.client.ports= # Restrict socket client connections instrumented to those using specified local ports. introscope.agent.nio.socket.server.ports= ####################### # Agent Extensions Directory # # ================ # This property specifies the location of all extensions to be loaded # by the Introscope Agent. Non-absolute names are resolved relative # to the location of this properties file. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.extensions.directory=../core/ext ####################### # Agent Common Directory # # ================ # This property specifies the location of common directory to be loaded # by the Introscope Agent. Non-absolute names are resolved relative # to the location of this properties file. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.common.directory=../common ####################### # Agent Thread Priority # # ================ # Controls the priority of agent threads. Varies # from 1 (low) to 10 (high). Default value if unspecified is Thread.NORM_PRIORITY (5) # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.thread.all.priority=5 ####################### # Cloned Agent Configuration # # ================ # Set to true when running identical copies of an application on the same machine. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.clonedAgent=false ####################### # Blame Type Configuration # # ================ # Allowable values: standard, boundary # Default is boundary # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.blame.type=boundary ####################### # Platform Monitor Configuration # # ================ # Use this property to override the Agent's default Platform Monitor # detection. To override the default, uncomment the relevant # definition of introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system from those # shown below. # 32-Bit platform monitor binaries can work only on 32-bit JVMs and # 64-Bit platform monitor binaries can work only on 64-bit JVMs. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=SolarisAmd32 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=SolarisAmd64 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=SolarisSparc32 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=SolarisSparc64 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=AIXPSeries32 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=AIXPSeries64 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=HP-UXItanium32 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=HP-UXItanium64 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=HP-UXParisc32 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=HP-UXParisc64 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=WindowsIntelAmd32 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=WindowsIntelAmd64 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=LinuxIntelAmd32 #introscope.agent.platform.monitor.system=LinuxIntelAmd64 ####################### # JMX Configuration # # ================ # Controls collection of data from JMX MBeans; # set to true to gather JMX data in the Introscope Agent. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.jmx.enable=true # JMX metrics polling interval; # Set to true to change the polling interval to 15 seconds; default is false (7.5 seconds) #introscope.agent.jmx.maxpollingduration.enable=true # Controls collection of rate counter metrics for JMX MBeans data; # Set to true to gather JMX rate counter metrics in the Introscope Agent; default is false. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.jmx.ratecounter.enable=true # Used to account for a counter reset for JMX rate counter metrics. # Will report the old counter rate if the rate is negative; default is false. #introscope.agent.jmx.ratecounter.reset.enable=true # Controls collection of data (CompositeData type) from JMX MBeans; # Set to true to gather JMX data in the Introscope Agent; default is false. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.jmx.compositedata.enable=true # Configure primary name keys to use for conversion of # MBean names into Introscope metric names; # A comma-separated, ordered list of keys which # should uniquely identify a particular MBean. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.jmx.name.primarykeys= # Controls which JMX data is gathered - a comma-separated # list of desired keywords If the Introscope metric name contains # one of them, the metric will be polled by the Introscope Agent. # Leave empty to include all MBean data available in the system. # * and ? wildcard characters are supported and can be escaped with \\. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.jmx.name.filter= # Controls which (if any) JMX MBean attributes are to be ignored. # A comma-separated list of desired keywords. If an MBean attribute # name matches one in this list then it will be ignored. # Leave empty to include all MBean attributes. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.jmx.ignore.attributes=server # Controls whether or not to include string-valued metrics. # Excluding string-valued metrics reduces the overall metric # count, improving agent and EM performance. To enable # string-valued metrics, set this property value to false. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.jmx.excludeStringMetrics=true ####################### # LeakHunter Configuration # # ================ # Configuration settings for Introscope LeakHunter # Controls whether the feature is enabled if the LeakHunter Add-on is present. # Set the value to true to enable LeakHunter. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.leakhunter.enable=false # Controls the location for the LeakHunter log file. # Relative filenames are relative to the application working directory. # Leave the value blank if you do not want LeakHunter to record data # to a log file. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.leakhunter.logfile.location=../logs/LeakHunter.log # Controls whether LeakHunter will append or overwrite the log file. # Set the value to true to append to the log file. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.leakhunter.logfile.append=false # Controls the sensitivity of the leak detection algorithm. # The value should be an integer from 1-10. A higher # sensitivity setting will result in more potential leaks # reported and a lower sensitivity will result in fewer # potential leaks reported. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.leakhunter.leakSensitivity=5 # Controls the length of time LeakHunter spends looking for new # potential leaks. After the timeout, LeakHunter will stop looking # for new potential leaks and just continue tracking the previously # identified potential leaks. Set the value to zero if you want # LeakHunter to always look for new potential leaks. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.leakhunter.timeoutInMinutes=120 # Controls whether LeakHunter generates allocation stack traces for # potential leaks. Turning this on gives you more precise data about # the potential leak's allocation, but requires additional memory and # CPU overhead. For this reason, the default setting is false. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.leakhunter.collectAllocationStackTraces=false # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.leakhunter.ignore.0=org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.jstl.* introscope.agent.leakhunter.ignore.1=net.sf.hibernate.collection.* introscope.agent.leakhunter.ignore.2=org.jnp.interfaces.FastNamingProperties introscope.agent.leakhunter.ignore.3=java.util.SubList introscope.agent.leakhunter.ignore.4=com.sun.faces.context.BaseContextMap$EntrySet introscope.agent.leakhunter.ignore.5=com.sun.faces.context.BaseContextMap$KeySet introscope.agent.leakhunter.ignore.6=com.sun.faces.context.SessionMap introscope.agent.leakhunter.ignore.7=java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap introscope.agent.leakhunter.ignore.8=org.hibernate.collection.PersistentSet ####################### # SQL Agent Configuration # # ================ # Configuration settings for Introscope SQL Agent # The following setting configures SQL Agent to optionally participate # in the Introscope blame stack, thus creating blame metrics. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.sqlagent.useblame=true introscope.agent.sqlagent.sql.maxlength=140 ###################################### # SQL Agent Normalizer extension # # ================ # Configuration settings for SQL Agent normalizer extension # Specifies the name of the sql normalizer extension that will be used # to override the preconfigured normalization scheme. To make custom # normalization extension work, the value of its manifest attribute # com-wily-Extension-Plugin-{pluginName}-Name should match with the # value given to this property. If you specify a comma separated list # of names, only the first name will be used. Example, # introscope.agent.sqlagent.normalizer.extension=ext1, ext2 # Only ext1 will be used for normalization. By default we now ship the # RegexSqlNormalizer extension # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not # require the managed application to be restarted. #introscope.agent.sqlagent.normalizer.extension=RegexSqlNormalizer ############################## # RegexSqlNormalizer extension # # ================== # The following properties pertain to RegexSqlNormalizer which # uses regex patterns and replace formats to normalize the sql in # a user defined way. # This property if set to true will make sql strings to be # evaluated against all the regex key groups. The implementation # is chained. Hence, if the sql matches multiple key groups, the # normalized sql output from group1 is fed as input to group2 and # so on. If the property is set to 'false', as soon as a key group # matches, the normalized sql output from that group is returned # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require # the managed application to be restarted. # Default value is 'false' #introscope.agent.sqlagent.normalizer.regex.matchFallThrough=true # This property specifies the regex group keys. They are evaluated in order # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not # require the managed application to be restarted. #introscope.agent.sqlagent.normalizer.regex.keys=key1 # This property specifies the regex pattern that will be used # to match against the sql. All valid regex alowed by java.util.Regex # package can be used here. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not # require the managed application to be restarted. # eg: (\\b[0-9,.]+\\b) will filter all number values, ('.*?') will filter # anything between single quotes, ((?i)\\bTRUE\\b|\\bFALSE\\b) will filter # boolean values from the query. #introscope.agent.sqlagent.normalizer.regex.key1.pattern=(".*?")|('.*?')|(\\b[0-9,.]+\\b)|((?i)\\bTRUE\\b|\\bFALSE\\b) # This property if set to 'false' will replace the first occurrence of the # matching pattern in the sql with the replacement string. If set to 'true' # it will replace all occurrences of the matching pattern in the sql with # replacement string # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not # require the managed application to be restarted. # Default value is 'false' #introscope.agent.sqlagent.normalizer.regex.key1.replaceAll=true # This property specifies the replacement string format. All valid # regex allowed by java.util.Regex package java.util.regex.Matcher class # can be used here. # eg: The default normalizer replaces the values with a question mark (?) # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not # require the managed application to be restarted. #introscope.agent.sqlagent.normalizer.regex.key1.replaceFormat=? # This property specifies whether the pattern match is sensitive to case # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not # require the managed application to be restarted. #introscope.agent.sqlagent.normalizer.regex.key1.caseSensitive=false ####################### # Agent Metric Clamp Configuration # # ================ # The following setting configures the Agent to approximately clamp the number of metrics sent to the EM # If the number of metrics pass this metric clamp value then no new metrics will be created. Old metrics will still report values. # If the property is not set then no metric clamping will occur. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. # introscope.agent.metricClamp=5000 ####################### # Transaction Tracer Configuration # # ================ # Configuration settings for Introscope Transaction Tracer # The following settings configure Transaction Tracer to optionally # capture the user ID used to invoke servlets and JSPs if it is stored # in one of the three following ways. Uncomment the set of properties # that correspond to how user IDs are stored in your application. # Make sure only one set of properties are uncommented or the wrong # properties could be used. # Uncomment the following property if the user ID is accessed through HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.transactiontracer.userid.method=HttpServletRequest.getRemoteUser # Uncomment the following properties if the user ID is accessed through HttpServletRequest.getHeader. # Make sure to set the key that is used by your application. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.transactiontracer.userid.method=HttpServletRequest.getHeader #introscope.agent.transactiontracer.userid.key= # Uncomment the following properties if the user ID is accessed through HttpSession.getValue. # Make sure to set the key that is used by your application. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.agent.transactiontracer.userid.method=HttpSession.getValue #introscope.agent.transactiontracer.userid.key= # Uncomment the following properties to record specific http request headers, parameters or session # attributes in the Transaction Tracer data. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.transactiontracer.parameter.httprequest.headers=X-CorrelationID,SAP-PASSPORT #introscope.agent.transactiontracer.parameter.httprequest.parameters=parameter1,parameter2 #introscope.agent.transactiontracer.parameter.httpsession.attributes=attribute1,attribute2 # Uncomment the following property to specify the maximum number of components allowed in a Transaction # Trace. By default, the clamp is set at 5000. # Note that any Transaction Trace exceeding the clamp will be discarded at the agent, # and a warning message will be logged in the Agent log file. # Warning: If this clamp size is increased, the requirement on the memory will be higher and # as such, the max heap size for the JVM may need to be adjusted accordingly, or else the # managed application may run out of memory. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.transactiontrace.componentCountClamp=50000 # Uncomment the following property to specify the maximum depth of components allowed in # head filtering, which is the process of examining the start of a transaction for # the purpose of potentially collecting the entire transaction. Head filtering will # check until the first blamed component exits, which can be a problem on very deep # call stacks when no clamping is done. The clamp value will limit the memory and # CPU utilization impact of this behavior by forcing the agent to only look up to a # fixed depth. By default, the clamp is set at 30. # Note that any Transaction Trace whose depth exceeds the clamp will no longer be examined # for possible collection UNLESS some other mechanism, such as sampling or user-initiated # transaction tracing, is active to select the transaction for collection. # Warning: If this clamp size is increased, the requirement on the memory will be higher and # as such, garbage collection behavior may be affected, which will have an application-wide # performance impact. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. #introscope.agent.transactiontrace.headFilterClamp=30 # # Use compression to reduce the size of cross process tracing data. This option will increase agent CPU overhead, # but reduce the size of interprocess headers. # Valid options are lzma, gzip or none. # LZMA compression is more efficient than GZIP, but may use more CPU. # Note that .NET agents do not support gzip option, so if interoperability is required, do not use gzip. introscope.agent.crossprocess.compression=lzma # Minimum length of cross process parameter data length for which to apply compression introscope.agent.crossprocess.compression.minlimit=1500 # Maximum size of cross process parameter data allowed. # If total size of cross process parameter even after applying compression (if allowed) is more than this limit, # some data will be dropped and some cross process correlation functionality will not work properly. # However, this settings will protect user transactions from failing in network transmission due to too large header size. introscope.agent.crossprocess.correlationid.maxlimit=4096 # Changes to above 3 properties take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted # Uncomment the following property to disable Transaction Tracer Sampling # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. #introscope.agent.transactiontracer.sampling.enabled=false # The following property limits the number of transactions that are reported by the agent # per reporting cycle. The default value if the property is not set is 200. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.ttClamp=50 ####################### # URL Grouping Configuration # # ================ # Configuration settings for Frontend naming. By default, all frontends # go into the "Default" group. This is done so that invalid URLs (i.e. # those that would generate a 404 error) do not create unique, one-time # metrics -- this can bloat the EM's memory. To get more meaningful # metrics out of the Frontends|Apps|URLs tree, set up URL groups that # are relevant to the deployment # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.urlgroup.keys=default introscope.agent.urlgroup.group.default.pathprefix=* introscope.agent.urlgroup.group.default.format=Default ####################### # Error Detector Configuration # # ================ # Configuration settings for Error Detector # Please include errors.pbd in your pbl (or in introscope.autoprobe.directivesFile) # The error snapshot feature captures transaction details about serious errors # and enables recording of error count metrics. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.errorsnapshots.enable=true # The following setting configures the maximum number of error snapshots # that the Agent can send in a 15-second period. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.errorsnapshots.throttle=10 # The following series of properties lets you specify error messages # to ignore. Error snapshots will not be generated or sent for # errors with messages matching these filters. You may specify # as many as you like (using .0, .1, .2 ...). You may use wildcards (*). # The following are examples only. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. #introscope.agent.errorsnapshots.ignore.0=*com.company.HarmlessException* #introscope.agent.errorsnapshots.ignore.1=*HTTP Error Code: 404* # Minimum threshold for stall event duration # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.stalls.thresholdseconds=30 # Frequency that the agent checks for stall events # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.stalls.resolutionseconds=10 ######################## # TT Sampling # ================ # These are normally configured in the EM. Configuring in the Agent disables configuring # them in the EM # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. # #introscope.agent.transactiontracer.sampling.perinterval.count=1 #introscope.agent.transactiontracer.sampling.interval.seconds=120 ####################### # Remote Configuration Settings # # ================ # Configuration settings for remote configuration # Enable/disable remote configuration of agent # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.remoteagentconfiguration.enabled=true # The exact list of files that are allowed to be remotely transferred to this agent # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.remoteagentconfiguration.allowedFiles=domainconfig.xml ####################### # Bootstrap Classes Instrumentation Manager # # ================ # Configuration settings for the bootstrap classes instrumentation manager #enable/disable bootstrap manager. If set to false, no system classes will be #instrumented. If the property is not set, the default value is false. #You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.bootstrapClassesManager.enabled=true #Define a wait time in seconds at startup before instrumenting bootstrap classes introscope.bootstrapClassesManager.waitAtStartup=5 ####################### # Remote Dynamic Instrumentation Settings # # ================ # Configuration settings for remote dynamic instrumentation # Enable/disable the remote management of dynamic instrumentation # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. # For Tomcat User, we support remote dynamic instrumentation only for java 6 or above # If you are deploying on a Java 6 or above, you may change this # property to be true introscope.agent.remoteagentdynamicinstrumentation.enabled=false ####################### # Dynamic Instrumentation Settings # ================================= # This feature enables changes to PBDs to take effect without restarting the application server or the agent process. # This is a very CPU intensive operation, and it is highly recommended to use configuration to minimize the classes that are # being redefined.PBD editing is all that is required to trigger this process. # Enable/disable the dynamic instrumentation feature. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.autoprobe.dynamicinstrument.enabled=true # The polling interval in minutes to poll for PBD changes # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.autoprobe.dynamicinstrument.pollIntervalMinutes=1 # Some classloader implementations have been observed to return huge class files.This is to prevent memory errors. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.autoprobe.dynamicinstrument.classFileSizeLimitInMegs=1 # Re-defining too many classes at a time might be very CPU intensive. In cases where the changes in PBDs trigger # a re-definition of a large number of classes,this batches the process at a comfortable rate. #introscope.autoprobe.dynamic.limitRedefinedClassesPerBatchTo=10 # Deep Inheritance Settings # ========================= # This property enables deep inheritance instrumentation through PBD directives. If set to false, deep inheritance directives # will behave as shallow inheritance, i.e. will not recognize inheritance relations beyond the immediate superclass or interfaces. # The default value is true. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.autoprobe.deepinheritance.enabled=true # Multiple Inheritance Settings # ============================== # For directives based on interfaces or super classes the agent is unable to detect # multiple inheritance and hence those classes are not instrumented.Enable this feature to # determine those cases after the appserver or the agent process starts up.This feature logs the # classes which need to be instrumented but have not been and relies on dynamic instrumentation to affect the changes. # Enable/disable the hierarchy support instrumentation feature. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.autoprobe.hierarchysupport.enabled=true # Since most cases have the applications already deployed, the behavior needs to run only once # to detect uninstrumented classes. Unless new applications are deployed after this behavior runs, # it need not be run again.Change this to true only if you need detection on a periodic basis. # The default value is true, i.e. it runs only once. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.autoprobe.hierarchysupport.runOnceOnly=false # The polling interval to check for classes which could not be instrumented due to multiple inheritance. # Since in most cases this will happen only once, a conservative value is recommended to account for # app server initialization. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.autoprobe.hierarchysupport.pollIntervalMinutes=5 # If you need the behavior to run a finite times instead of running it only once/ running it periodically always # use this property to specify the exact number of times it should run.Using this over-rides the run once only setting. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.autoprobe.hierarchysupport.executionCount=3 # Uncomment this if you dont need to log the classes being detected.This would make sense only # if dynamic instrumentation is enabled. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.autoprobe.hierarchysupport.disableLogging=true # Uncomment this to only log the changes and disable the triggering of dynamic instrumentation. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.autoprobe.hierarchysupport.disableDirectivesChange=true # Log4j Settings for this feature- these settings would create a log file called pbdupdate.log in # the current directory of the application. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #log4j.additivity.IntroscopeAgent.inheritance=false #log4j.logger.IntroscopeAgent.inheritance=INFO,pbdlog #log4j.appender.pbdlog.File=pbdupdate.log #log4j.appender.pbdlog=com.wily.introscope.agent.AutoNamingRollingFileAppender #log4j.appender.pbdlog.layout=com.wily.org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout #log4j.appender.pbdlog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{M/dd/yy hh:mm:ss a z} [%-3p] [%c] %m%n_ ################################ # Agent Metric Aging # ============================== # Detects metrics that are not being updated consistently with new data and removes these metrics. # By removing these metrics you can avoid metric explosion. # Metrics that are in a group will be removed only if all metrics under this group are considered candidates for removal. # BlamePointTracer metrics are considered a group. # # Enable/disable the metric agent aging feature. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.metricAging.turnOn=true # # The time interval in seconds when metrics are checked for removal # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.metricAging.heartbeatInterval=1800 # # During each interval, the number of metrics that are checked for metric removal # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.metricAging.dataChunk=500 # # The metric becomes a candidate for removal when it reaches the number of intervals set (numberTimeslices) and has not invoked any new data points during that period. # If the metric does invoke a new data point during that period then the numberTimeslices resets and starts over. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.metricAging.numberTimeslices=3000 # # You can choose to ignore metrics from removal by adding the metric name or metric filter to the list below. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.metricAging.metricExclude.ignore.0=Threads* ######################################### # Servlet Header Decorator # ======================================= # On/Off Switch # # ================ # If this Boolean vlaue is set to true, it configures the agent to add # additional performance monitoring information to HTTP response # headers. ServletHeaderDecorator attaches the GUID to each transaction # and inserts the GUID into an HTTP header, x-wily-info # This enables the correlation of transaction between Wily CEM and Wily Introscope introscope.agent.decorator.enabled=false ####################### # Security # # Determine the format of decorated HTTP response headers, which are sent to Wily CEM. # clear - clear text encoding # encrypted - header data is encrypted # default is clear # introscope.agent.decorator.security=clear ######################################### # ChangeDetector configuration properties # ======================================= # On/Off Switch # # ================ # This boolean property gives you the ability to enable # Introscope ChangeDetector by settings the property value # to true. It is set to false by default. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.changeDetector.enable=false ####################### # Root directory # # ================ # The root directory is the folder where ChangeDetector creates its local cache files. # Use a backslash to escape the backslash character, as in the example. #introscope.changeDetector.rootDir=c:\\sw\\AppServer\\wily\\change_detector ####################### # Startup wait time # # ================ # Time to wait after agent starts before trying to connect to the Enterprise manager #introscope.changeDetector.isengardStartupWaitTimeInSec=15 ####################### # Interval between connection attempts # # ================ # Specify the number of seconds to wait before retrying connection to the Enterprise manager #introscope.changeDetector.waitTimeBetweenReconnectInSec=10 ####################### # Agent ID # # ================ # A string used by ChangeDetector to identify this agent #introscope.changeDetector.agentID=SampleApplicationName # ####################### # Data source configuration file path # # ================ # The absolute or relative path to the ChangeDetector datasources configuration file. # Use a backslash to escape the backslash character. #introscope.changeDetector.profile=../../common/ChangeDetector-config.xml # ####################### # Data source configuration file directory # # ================ # The absolute or relative path to the datasource configuration file(s) directory. # Use a backslash to escape the backslash character. # All datasource configuration file(s) from this directory will be used in addition # to any file specified by introscope.changeDetector.profile property. #introscope.changeDetector.profileDir=changeDetector_profiles # ####################### # Data Compression # # ================ # Enabling these properties will allow compression on the # Change Detector data buffer. This could be useful # if you experience memory consumption at start-up # Default property value is "false" # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. # #introscope.changeDetector.compressEntries.enable=true # # The following property defines the batch size for the compression job # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. #introscope.changeDetector.compressEntries.batchSize=1000 ####################### # Application Map Transaction sampling # # ================ # Transaction sampling currently affects only Application Map tracers. # After agent start for the initial period all trnsactions are tracerd # (i.e. sampling rate of 1:1). Then for duration of same period the sampling # rate is gradually incresed until it reaches maxrate. # # Note that the periods are given in number of transactions detected rather # than seconds. # # Changes to following properties take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. # # Maximum sampling rate to use for sampling. By default 1 out 10 transactions are # monitored. Set value to 0 to disable sampling and monitor all transactions. #introscope.agent.tracer.sampling.maxrate=10 # # Period for which all transaction is traced in number of transactions passed. # Default value is 100 #introscope.agent.tracer.sampling.initial.period=100 # # Period after which sampling counter is reset, and after which all transactions # are monitored again for number of transactions specified in initial period. # Default value is 10000 #introscope.agent.tracer.sampling.reset.period=10000 ####################### # Application Map Agent Side # # ================ #Enable/disable tracking in the monitored code for Application Map introscope.agent.appmap.enabled=true #Enable/disable tracking of metrics for app map nodes. #Default value is false #introscope.agent.appmap.metrics.enabled=true #Enable/disable sending additional information for integration with catalyst #default value is false #introscope.agent.appmap.catalystIntegration.enabled=true #Set the buffer size for app map data #default value is 1000. Must be a positive integer. If the value is set to 0, the buffer is #unbounded. #introscope.agent.appmap.queue.size=1000 #Set the frequency in milliseconds for sending app map data to the EM. #default value is 1000. Must be a positive integer. # If the value is set to 0, the default value is used. #introscope.agent.appmap.queue.period=1000 #Enable/disable sending additional intermediate nodes between application frontend and # backend nodes. #Default value is false. # Change to this property takes effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. #introscope.agent.appmap.intermediateNodes.enabled=true #For the AppMapMarkerTracers, we can set the properties that define if they sending # Class or MethodClass level information #[Class] will enable to report Class level application edge to Application map #[MethodClass] will enable to report Method Class level application edge to Application map introscope.agent.appmap.levels.enabled=MethodClass #For the AppMapMarkerTracers, we can set the properties that define if they sending # information for Application or Business Transactionowners #[Application] will enable to report applciation owners #[BusinessTransactionComponent] will enable to report BTC owners introscope.agent.appmap.owners.enabled=Application,BusinessTransactionComponent ###################### # Application Map and Socket # # ================== # Enable/Disable sockets to appear in application map # All the properties below need restart to the managed application # before changes to this property take effect. #Enables Managed sockets to appear in Application map #Default value true introscope.agent.sockets.managed.reportToAppmap=true #Enables Managed sockets to report Class level application edge to Application map #Default value false introscope.agent.sockets.managed.reportClassAppEdge=false #Enables Managed sockets to report Method level application edge to Application map #Default value true introscope.agent.sockets.managed.reportMethodAppEdge=true #Enables Managed sockets to report Class level Business Txn edge to Application map #Default value false introscope.agent.sockets.managed.reportClassBTEdge=false #Enables Managed sockets to report Method level Business Txn edge to Application map #Default value true introscope.agent.sockets.managed.reportMethodBTEdge=true ####################### # Business Recording # # ================ # Enable/disable business recording # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. introscope.agent.bizRecording.enabled=true # # Match POST parameter patterns before the servlets execute; THIS CAN POTENTIALLY BREAK USER APPLICATIONS # Please consult a technical CA Wily representative or CA Support before enabling #introscope.agent.bizdef.matchPost = before # Never attempt to match POST parameters. This option is fastest, but may result in inaccurate business transaction component matching #introscope.agent.bizdef.matchPost = never # Match POST parameter patterns after servlet has executed. Cross process mapping and some metrics will not be available introscope.agent.bizdef.matchPost = after ####################### # Garbage collection and Memory Monitoring # # ================ # Enable/disable Garbage Collection monitor # Changes to following property take effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. introscope.agent.gcmonitor.enable=true ###################################################### # Thread Dump Collection ###################################################### # Enable/disable Thread Dump Feature support. introscope.agent.threaddump.enable=true # Configure the maximum stack elements the Thread dump can have, # If the user configures the max stack elements beyond 25000, # The property is reset to the default value of 12000 introscope.agent.threaddump.MaxStackElements=12000 # Enable/disable DeadLock poller Metric support. introscope.agent.threaddump.deadlockpoller.enable=false # The property determines the interval in which the Agent queries for any deadlock in the system. introscope.agent.threaddump.deadlockpollerinterval=15000 ####################### # Primary network interface selector # # Agent reports details of host computer's primary interface (IP address, MAC address, host & domain name). # If following property is unset, agent will attempt to determine an appropriate interface as the primary # interface. If an alternate interface is required, uncomment following property and specify required # interface identity. # Change to this property takes effect immediately and do not require the managed application to be restarted. # #introscope.agent.primary.net.interface.name=eth0.0 ################### # Default Backend Legacy # # The default backend feature behavior has changed to include methods marked as frontend # in the detection of socket calling. # The following property will set the default backend detection to run as in # 9.0.x release. By default, the value of the property of false. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect. # #introscope.agent.configuration.defaultbackends.legacy=false ####################### # Web Services Manager / SOA Manager # # ================ # Enables or disables insertion of Introscope SPM SOAP header entries. # If set to True: Introscope SPM adds clientside correlation and dependency # information to the SOAP header. # If set to False: Introscope SPM does not add client-side correlation and # dependency information to the SOAP header. # The SOA Dependency Map does not display properly if this property is disabled # and SOAP correlation information is added to the SOAP header (rather than # added to the HTTP or JMS header). Default: True # Set this property if your SOAPbased applications do not work properly due to # unexpected header entries. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take # effect. #com.wily.introscope.agent.soapheaderinsertion.enabled=false # Enables or disables Transaction Trace boundary traces used to supply data # needed to display the SOA Dependency Map. # If set to True: The Introscope SPM Agent extension collects Transaction Trace # bounder trace data required for the SOA Dependency Map and transmits it to the # Enterprise Manager. # If set to False: The Introscope SPM Agent extension does not collect # Transaction Trace bounder trace data required for the SOA Dependency Map. # Default: False # Bounty traces are sent from the Introscope SPM Agent extension cache at a # specific size to avoid overhead issues. # You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take # effect. #com.wily.introscope.agent.transactiontrace.boundaryTracing.enable=true # Specifies the number of days that will pass before the Introscope agent memory # cache next flushes all the dependency data. Default: 30 # Set this property to clear the Introscope Agent cache if you want to # periodically flush idle threads. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the # managed application to be restarted. #com.wily.introscope.agent.transactiontrace.boundaryTracing.cacheFlushFrequency=30 com.wily.introscope.agent.soa.metricNameFormatting=/: #introscope.agent.hostName=virtualHostName ############################### #SAP Passport handling # # ======================= # Enables the transaction trace filter which inspects the SAP passport and triggers # a transaction trace if the trace level is set to medium. # Changes to this property take effect immediately and do not require the # managed application to be restarted. Default value is false. com.sap.passport.ttfilter.enable=true