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programsWcWhether or not to enable global credentials when credentials are not available during schedule timeWWWSet global user nameWWGet global user nameWWSet global passwordWWWISProgramBase InterfaceWWWSet the program typeWWGet the program typeWWGet binary program interfaceWWGet java program interfaceGet script program interfaceWWMime type for the result dataW)Result data returned as an array of bytesW&Crystal Enterprise ISProgram interface#Collection of InfoObject propertiesWWW4Get a specific Property from InfoObject - DEPRECATEDWW4Set a specific Property from InfoObject - DEPRECATEDWWInfoObject unique IDWW4ID of Parent Info Object in the Enterprise hierarchyWWTitle of the InfoObjectWWWDescription of the InfoObjectW"True if this object is an instanceInfo Object locale6Collection of the actions available to this InfoObjectCClient side info objects collection which contains this Info ObjectWWWObtain picture for objectW(Ask the plugin to perform a Win32 actionWW"get info object's associated files|Retrieve additional properties from the InfoStore. Provide either a single property name or an array with the property namesWWgScheduling info for the object. It will be an empty reference if the object does not support schedulingWWWgProcessing info for the object. It will be an empty reference if the object does not support schedulingWWWSecurity info for the objectWWFAsk for a plugin specific interface. Necessary for scripting languagesmethod DoHTMLActionWWWCheck if the objects are equal#Get object unique ID in the clusterWWWGet global object unique IDWWW*Get object unique ID in the object package:CUID of the parent Info Object in the Enterprise hierarchy get prog idWWWGet the object typeWWWKeywordWWWget parent info object.Save the current object from Object Repository0Delete the current object from Object RepositoryWW&Get ISDestination interface for SendToget KindWW!Check whether the object is dirtyW&Check whether the object has been read True if the InfoObject is lockedWW!Set to false to unlock infoObjectWLock status of infoObjectW8List of principals you want to deliver to their inboxes.WW'Security info for the object since 14.0WWW get_DeltaW ApplyDeltaGets the LockInfo ObjectWWUnlocks the object collectionWSerializing InfoObjectDeserializing InfoObjectWW"Get UpdatedTimestamp of Infoobject get_DeltaExWWW ApplyDeltaExWW-Get MLTitle of Infoobject based on the LocaleW2Get MLTiltle based on the Locale and the Fallback "Get All the LocaleValues for Title3Get MLDescription of Infoobject based on the LocaleWWW7Get MLDescription based on the Locale and the Fallback WWW(Get All the LocaleValues for DescriptionWW?Get info object's associated files based on the Provided LocaleWWW5Get SOURCE bag for the info object's associated filesWhReturn a List of all locales in SI_FILES,not including SOURCE or null if the files bag is single-valued.WWRemoves an ISFiles associated with a certain locale. If SI_FILES is not multilingual or the locale isn't found then null is returned. Otherwise the removed IFiles is returned. WW Removes the InfoObject's SOURCE files. If SI_FILES is not multilingual or the SOURCE files isn't found then null is returned. Otherwise the removed ISFilesWObtain PictureIcon for objectWget Parent KindWWWget Specific KindWget Parent prog idget Specific prog idWW'AlertNotification plugin for the objectWWW,Parent corporate categories returned as IDs.WW+Parent personal categories returned as IDs.WWW Program ClassW$Program plugin Global system optionsWWBinaryProgram ClassWWWJavaProgram ClassWScriptProgram ClassWWW@ @  @ @d(0@H,X` px@@%1=IUam ( @ y@PXhp@@>Created by MIDL version 6.00.0366 at Thu Jun 07 15:34:16 2012 |OWWnWW0DHL p4(4D4T4d@@@@@Xl8T,D! , LD ,$D  ,(LD ,,D! ,0LD ,4D!,,8D!<,<LDT , @D! l, DLD  , HD!  , LLD  , PD! ,TLD  ,XLD ,\LD   ,,@TTdd||,X4`<h,D! , LD ,$D! ,(LD ,,D!,,0D!<,4LDT ,8D!l,<LD , @D! 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