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Call Refresh if the explorer is already showing content.WW"Remove all the object type filters"Show the toolbar. Default is TrueShow the text filter UIWWWShow Security Menu PopupWW!Get the currently selected objectW"Show the border. Default is FalseGet or Set Sorting2Enable/Disable Deleting of items. Default it TrueRGet the server filters. These filters are passed through to the server unchanged.QSet the server filters. These filters are passed through to the server unchanged.WLReset the explorer so the repository collection can be replaced with anotherWW3Enable/Disable Advanced Filtering. Default is TrueWWWNEnable/Disable changes, such as renaming and folder creation. Default it True Show change view settings dialogWWShow Advanced FiltleringWWDelete selected objectInsert new folderW;Show/Hide menu item for Repository Info. Default is False.WWW Enable/Disable Logoff the serverWW?Add some filtering on the items to be retrieved from the serverWWW>Get the filters being applied when query is made to the server)Set the category of items to be displayedW%Enable/Disable some of the menu itemsW5Enable/Disable Change View Settings. Default is TrueWSet the default repository0Show all universes available in a flat structureWW7BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository Drop Context 14.0WWW"ICRRepositoryDropContext Interface%_IRepositoryGenericUIEvents InterfaceW>BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository Explorer Generic UI 14.0 ICRRepositoryGenericUI InterfaceWW @  %(0 @ 1, @ @`@@>Created by MIDL version 6.00.0366 at Thu Jan 07 22:02:33 2010 {FKWWnWW0DHL ,,D l p,D  p,D  pD t  p8\  8P8\ H 8 4 x,D  8 \  p, $L  `H, (D   p, ,D   p, 0D   p8 4T  H D8l  HD<l  p h P p0h$D,X8X@l $D! $ LD $$LA$(L! $,TD8 $0D! $4LD $8D! $<LD , @D   T D4  8, HD  P, LLD d $ PD!  8TdD@T@ 8@XT H4 HD\d P    `4 @,dLDd $hD! ,lLD $pD! ,tLD $xD! ,|LDX\ ,LD $D! ,LDh $D!`,LD $D! 8d P@ @ 8 T     !4 !,"LD#H $#D!" ,$LD% $%D!$  &4 &,'D ' l (4 ( )4 )(,*LD+< ,+D!*< ,,LD-| $-D!, 8.T . 8/d /@ @ ,0D!0$ p,1LD2P  $2D!1 ,3LD4x  $4D!3 85T!5 x,6LD7  $7D!6    !""$$8l`   @ p p D D X X p ,L 44X$Hl Dp D| 0\(Lx$\|<h,P<h444444444 4  4  4  4  4 4444444444444@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@L|P,` 4 t h  (<Pdx,@Th|<444@@@  (<444@@@p(<l  \ x(l p``H<8$ D  Tl xxxxxT 8PxdxxxT   xdxxxx````8t$( ppwwpwwpp p  pwwpp( "ʦ """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙f3333f3333333333f3333333f3f33ff3f3f3f3333f3333333f3̙33333f333ff3ffffff3f33f3ff3f3f3ffff3fffffffff3fffffff3f̙ffff3ff333f3ff33fff33f3ff̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff̙̙3̙f̙̙̙3f̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3ffffffffff!___www kk #+RR+--OOOOO---mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm#+RR+*##aaaR+Rzt33OUO333mmmځ 1**) ۹YYYmYYYmR+RztRR*#*RRztOVOm mm  821+*ܳYmYm*RRztRR*#ۊ#R--O—O---:: mm   m  zzXRR+ mm#RzzK#ҫ=ۊ#zRztRROOOOO::mmmmmmmځځ ÚY1 mm#zRztRRz+ҥaۊ#RRzt--::: m   z1 #RRztتۊ#R--OOOOO---:mmmmmm m 281* #R--OOOOO---[Ҫۊ#zRzt33OUO333: mmm<  8Y1* #zRzt33OUO333[[[ҫ܊#RRztOVO:m$$  z81 #RRztOVO[[[[[[܊#RRzt--O—O---: mm m<..$$  Y #RRzt--O—O---[[[[[ӊ#R*RRR**OOOOOmmmmmmmm<..$$  mmmmmm#R*RRR**OOOOO[[[[ӊR#RzztttR--mmmmmm<<..eee< ܳffffCCCCfffffmR#RzztttR--[[[R******RO-mYYYmm<  ܳmR******RO-[[O-mYYmm ۋmO-[mmmmmmmmmm m(`wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwpwwwwwwwwwpwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwpwwwwpwwwwwwwwwwxwwwwwxwpwwwwwwww{{{{{{wwws0wwwws0wpwwwwwwpwwwwx30wwx30pwwwwpwwww{{{{{{wwx;3wwx;3pwwwwwpwwwwx33wwx33pwwwwwpwww{{wwwx+0wwx+0pwwtwwwwww{{wx3yx3pwDwwpwww{{{wwwx{yy{pwDwwpwwwwwwwww~{w{pwDwwwww{{{{w{wwy{wpwwwpDpwwpwxwwwwwwwwpwwwwDpwwwwww{ww{wxwwwyywwwwpwwwwpDwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwxwxwwwywwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwxwwwwwwwwwwww( @wwwwwwwwwf3f3f3f3f3f3fww?RepositoryExplorer&Edit Rights...8Lo&g Off ServerLo&gon ServerSet as Default Repository&Rename... 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Updating repository objects cannot be undone and will affect the behavior of dependent objects.P QS&UpdatePbQS^&AddPQSCancelH͐DMS Shell DlgȀEnterprise objectsMS Shell DlgP&Choose Location:PPg2OKP2CancelP d&Add as Object Package HBNMS Shell DlgP Show items with this text i&n the name:PP! Show items by this a&uthor:P+Xl=2X&ApplyȀ View SettingsMS Shell DlgP%FilteringP+ P S&elect item types you would like to see:PAYSysListView32List1Pn%SortingP+r Pz ]&No Sorting P Z&Sort Items by Name P [Sort Items by &TypePf2OKP2CancelRepository Explorer New Folder Logon MessageAuthor DescriptionReportIDCUIDPAExpand all sub-foldersShow/Hide ImagesShow/Hide Text ObjectsAdvanced filteringShow/Hide Commands Update '%s'?Are you sure you want to update existing object '%s'? Updating repository objects cannot be undone and will affect the behavior of dependent objects. No Server ConnectionYou can update repository object '%s' or add a new repository object. Updating repository objects cannot be undone and will affect the behavior of dependent objects.UniversePAShow Item/Folder PropertiesRename the selected item/folderDelete the item/folderInsert a new folderRefresh Text Object OLE Object Bitmap ObjectUnknown Object New FolderAre you sure you want to delete object '%s'? Deleting repository objects cannot be undone and will affect the behavior of dependent objects. Delete '%s'?%Changes can not be made to this item.PAOperation Not AllowedChange view settings!This folder name can not be used.Logon...You must type a nameGAn item with this name already exists. Please choose a different name.HA folder with this name already exists. Please choose a different name./Comctl32.dll version 5.80 or newer is required.Warning8Registering the ANSI version of the Repository Explorer.FieldTableFormulaData FoundationFilter ParameterReport CommandCustom FunctionSQL ExpressionData ConnectionBusiness Element Business ViewDynamic Data Connection%BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository?This item can not be deleted. There may be dependencies on it.bThis folder can not be deleted. It may contain items that can not be seen in the current context.Unable to DeleteDatabase CommandNext... Previous...List of ValuesRepository Prompt GroupRepository Prompt Logoff...Choose Object PackagePublish Object New CategoryUnable to rename object.(The item no longer exists on the server. 10, 0, 0, 0RepositoryExplorerPA 4VS_VERSION_INFO?StringFileInfo040904b0`$CommentsRepository Explorer ActiveX Control.CompanyNameSAP AGPFileDescriptionRepository Explorer6 FileVersion14.1.0.896HInternalNameRepository Explorer|,LegalCopyrightCopyright 2012 SAP AG. 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