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It is a OleUndoManagerWWproperty DocumentWindowWWW method UndoWWW method RedoWWWHThe DataDefController allows you to modify the report's data definition.WWnThe DatabaseController is used to add, remove and modify the tables that are used as the report's data source.kThe RowsetController enables you to browse field and table values in the database that the report is using.WWWproperty CubeDefControllerThe ReportDefController is used to modify portions of the report definition. In the Report Application Server, it is used to manipulate charting options in a report.WYThe ReportSource is used by the HTML Report Viewer to display the contents of the report.Wmethod BuildCubeWW^This method checks to ensure that the report is using the most current data from its database.QThis property allows you to retrieve and modify the report's summary information.Wproperty CubeBuilderTypeWWUse ReportOptions to modify the report's behavior and capabilities such as how it should handle server data, dates, queries, printing, viewing, and other such options.WWWproperty ReportDocumentWWW The Database property allows you to retrieve the report's database name, tables and table links, as well as retrieve a particular field based on a field ID and table.WWWThe DataDefinition property allows you to access a report's formula fields, group filters, group name fields, groups, parameter fields, record filters, result fields, sorting definitions, and summary fields.WWW{The ReportDefinition property allows you to access a report's ReportObjects, such as text, lines, boxes, charts, fields etcWWW method GetFormulaFunctionCatalogWWmethod GetSQLFunctionCatalogWW0The major version number of the report's format.WW2The minor version number of the document's RecordingOutputFileWWproperty PlayBackRequestsW:method CancelProcessing, so that document becomes not busymethod FlushRequestsWWReturns the SubreportController, which is used to determine the names of the subreports in the report and to modify the subreports' databases.:Returns the SearchController, which is used for searching.NReturns the CustomFunctionController, which is used to modify custom functionsRefreshReportDocumentWHReturns the PrintOutputController, which is used to export report outputWWqThe RepositoryLogonInfo is used to connect to the Repository server to refresh report objects on opening documentW(Modify the report's summary information.WWModify the report's behavior and capabilities such as how it should handle server data, dates, queries, printing, viewing, and other such AutoCloseproperty Saved Export OptionsW method GetAvailableExportFormatsWWget current request statusForce to read all the records.$Enable the call back of given event.WW&Add callback for format section event.)Remove callback for format section event.W%Add callback for field mapping event.W(Remove callback for field mapping event.WW.Add callback for before formatting page event.1Remove callback for before formatting page event.W-Add callback for after formatting page event.W0Remove callback for after formatting page event.WW/Add callback for formatting page no data event.WWW9Remove callback for before formatting page no data event.W'IReportClientDocumentInternal InterfaceWWW*Returns the internal report source object.QHold the client document. Pass in VARIANT_TRUE to hold, VARIANT_FALSE to release.Wproperty HasSubreportsproperty UpdateSubreportStatus"property OnSubreportDatabaseChange(property OnSubreportDataDefinitionChangeWW*property OnSubreportReportDefinitionChange,property OnSubreportRowsetCacheStatusChangedWW Update the Database object modelWWISCDRequestRecorder InterfaceWproperty FilePathWproperty FileHandleWWWmethod AttachHandleWWW method CreateW method CloseWW&enum DISPID_ISCDCubeViewClientDocument$ISCDCubeViewClientDocument InterfaceWWproperty CubeURIWWproperty CubeViewDocumentWmethod ImportWDFWW$ISCDAnalysisClientDocument InterfaceWWproperty Report DocumentWW!property Analytic Report DocumentW-Saves the file overwriting any existing file.W(Options for method ClientDocument.SaveAsWWqObsoleted. Save the file in a Crystal Reports Version 7 format. This flag is only applicable to report documents.W.Options for method ReportClientDocument.SaveAsRetrieve no ReportDefinitionWW&Retrieve min set of the ReportDocument$Do not retrieve the ReportDefinitionWWOpen the document as read only$Retrieve static picture object imageWW/Repository objects must be updated when openingWWWConstruct table joinsW*Do not replace the datasource when opening,Options for method ReportClientDocument.OpenWW#_ISCDClientDocumentEvents InterfaceWWWmethod PreClosingWmethod OnClosingWWmethod OnClosedWWWmethod PreSavingWWmethod OnSavingWWWmethod OnSavedmethod OnPropertyChangingWmethod OnPropertyChangedWWISReportAppFactory InterfaceWW4Opens a ReportSource object for the viewer controls.WWfOpens the given report object. Options can be values defined in CdReportClientDocumentOpenOptionsEnum#Creates a new ReportClientDocument.WWW$IReportClientDocumentState InterfaceWWproperty AgentIDWWproperty IsModifiedWWWproperty ReportAppServerWWproperty DocumentOptionsWWproperty RepositoryLogonInfoWWproperty StateUIDWproperty CommunicationAdapterWThis represents a Report Application Server document in general. ClientDocument is used as a base class to support methods and properties that are common to all Report Application Server documents.WThe ReportClientDocument object represents the report that was opened; it enables you perform a variety of modifications to it, as well as being able to save, copy and close it.WCubeViewClientDocument ClassWWAnalysisClientDocument ClassWWErrorReporter ClassWWWRequestRecorder ClassWReportAppSession Class!ReportClientDocumentFactory ClassWReportAppFactory ClassReportClientDocumentState ClassWWWAdvancedReportSource Class@@ @  (%@81 @ =X`IpxU@amy@@  ( @ d@H@X@p@X @  !-9 (E8@QPX]@hixu (8@PXhp)5AMY(e8qH@}`hx>Created by MIDL version 6.00.0366 at Wed Mar 20 18:11:03 2013 (^JQWWnWW!@WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WW WW WW WW WWWWWWWWWWWW0DHL |4T4\4d4l@4t4|4@4@4 @4 4 4 4 444444@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@Dd$@d ,Lt(<Pdx,@Th<444@@@((444444 4@@@@@@@@8(<Pdx<444@@@x(d44444@@@@@ 0T|(<Pd44444 @@@@@@p(<P,LDH , D!H\$ D0Hdx \( D0Hd  ,X,, L  ` 4 @, LDP ,$D! ,@(TD0 ,,LD @ ,0D! 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Please select Preview to re-fetch the data.'Failed to recreate the document. Retry?Save Crystal Report Document AsPASave Cube View Document AsGThe file "%1" already exists. Do you want to replace the existing file?Save As WarningYes Cube View Document (*.ccv)|*.ccvAll Files (*.*)|*.*&Crystal Reports Document (*.rpt)|*.rpt0Version 7 Crystal Reports Document (*.rpt)|*.rpt%Loading OLAP Intelligence Explorer...9Loading the detail data for OLAP Intelligence Explorer...%Closing OLAP Intelligence Explorer...)Opening the OLAP Intelligence document...Creating a new document...Fetching group tree...Fetching records...Adding a table to document...!Removing a table from document...Modifying document...Fetching report pages...Fetching report group tree... Navigating... Searching...Drilling down on chart...Exporting report ...Fetching browse data...$Saving OLAP Intelligence document...%Closing OLAP Intelligence document...Auto-formatting report...Fetching SQL functions...Fetching formula functions...Verifying CMS logon...Retrieving default options...Modifying report object...Modifying report section(s)...+Retrieving the page number of the record...Refreshing data...Creating a new chart...Drilling down on map...Fetching SQL statement...Checking formula...Checking version...PA&Deleting the selected report object...Fetching tables...Fetching fields...Building on-the-fly cube... Loading...Fetching report object...Fetching report sections...Sending request...Set data source...PAWhen saving in version 7 report formats, all the cube view information will be lost. Are you sure you want to save as version 7 report formats?%1: This report was created using a previous version of Crystal Reports. Do you want to overwrite it into version 8 report formats? If you choose No, you may go to the File | Save As menu to save it into version 7 format.Z%1: This report could not be opened for writing. Any changes must be saved to a new file.Rename alias...Verify database...$Refreshing body of formula fields...Reading records ...Modifying summary info...Fetching chart objects...Fetching prompt variables...$Getting database connection info ...PAModify area...Modify section...Insert section...Delete section...Modifying report object...Inserting report object...Deleting report object...Fetching report information...Fetching custom functions...Modify custom function...%Modify view time selection formula... Report add...PA1st error (no need to localize)Failed to load bitmap.)The document type, %1, is not supported.`User license limit exceeded. Please refer to the license agreement or contact Business Objects.;Failed to save document as %1. Document %1 already exists.>Cannot save document because the given file path is not valid.fFailed to save document because the document has not yet been created. Please use the SaveAs command.>Cannot open document because the given file path is not valid.>Cannot find an available Enterprise Report Application Server.(ReportAppSession is already initialized.Failed to build cube.'There is no cube view document defined.$There is no cube definition defined.Unknown document type.PANull document.Null remote agent.%Failed to retrieve the document path.6An Enterprise Report Application Server was not found.RThe connection to the server cannot be changed after the document has been opened.File not opened.The document is busy.The document has been closed.0The document has already been opened or created.The document is closing.*ReportAppSession has not been initialized.:Cannot change user identity after ReportAppSession starts.The document is being opened.!The document has not been opened.MCannot change the Report Application Server once the ReportAppSession starts.^User cannot change the Report Application Server once the document has been opened or created.LUser needs to provide a parent folder location in order to perform SaveAs().File is already open.9The PlayBack feature is not supported in standalone mode.BUser needs to provide a display name for the document to be saved.Failed to create %1.GUnable to save the document because the document is marked read-only. 8Save As Crystal Reports version 7 is no longer supportedDefault report application server configuration file %1 was specified, however no server options were found. Check that the file exists and is valid.QThe locale ID of the report document cannot be changed once the document is open.Failed to logon.PYou are not licensed to use the Report Application Server's report creation API.YYou do not have enough rights to use the Report Application Server's report creation API./You can not save page range for export options.3Constant Column Width must be in range %1-%2 twips.*The group number must be between 1 and %1.7The number of lines per page must be greater than zero.9The number of characters per inch much be in range %1-%2.Base area type is not valid..Saving of this export format is not supported.PA Last error (no need to localize)`Unsupported Operation. A document processed by the JRC engine cannot be opened in the C++ stack.+Opening .rptr report is currently disabled.PA 9, 0, 0, 0 ClientDocPAT4VS_VERSION_INFO?StringFileInfo040904b0.CompanyNameSAP AGXFileDescriptionCrystal Client Document6 FileVersion14.1.0.896 InternalName|,LegalCopyrightCopyright 2012 SAP AG. 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