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The dimension moved is given along with the position it was in.Viewpoint connectedViewpoint disconnectedThe axis has changedA sequence of viewpoint events will occur followed by a ReleaseEventsComplete or an UndoOperationsComplete event. It is not necessary to update the display of the viewpoint until the sequence is complete.The viewpoint has been alteredMNo changes were made to the viewpoint, and the sequence of events is complete3The selection of cells in the viewpoint has changedISMember InterfacePAISViewPoint InterfaceISCellPage InterfaceISAxisPage InterfaceISAxes InterfaceISDimensions InterfaceISCube InterfaceISDimensionPart InterfaceISDimension InterfaceISHierarchy InterfaceISLevel InterfaceISMemberSet Interface"ISPropertySpecifications InterfaceISViewpointResultSet Interface!ISPropertySpecification InterfaceISHierarchies InterfaceISLevels InterfaceISAxis InterfaceISViewpointDimensions InterfaceISViewpointDimension InterfaceISProperties InterfaceISProperty InterfacePA Sort Class Filter ClassISSortSpecification Interface ISExcludeSpecification InterfaceISSortSpecifications Interface!ISExcludeSpecifications Interface Sorts Class Filters Class#Represents an axis on the viewpoint#CalculatedMemberSpecification Class)ISCalculatedMemberSpecification Interface)ISCalculatedMemberSpecification InterfaceCalculations ClassJSet the member to be its parent, returns false if the member has no parentQSet the member to be its first child, returns false if the member has no childrenWSet the member to be its first sibling, returns false if the member is the only siblingGet the data for this Viewpoint&The parent viewpoint of this viewpointConnect to a cube or viewpointAThe cube or viewpoint that this viewpoint is directly attached toproperty IsConnectedThe axes of the viewpointThe dimensions of the viewpointThe name of the property A propertyThe number of propertiesThe value of the cell"The current position of the cursor"Move to the next item in the block-The number of dimensions stacked in this axisThe name of this memberThe description of this member8The level the selected member is at within its hierarchyThe caption of this memberThe unique name of this member&The number of children this member hasPAWhether this member is drilledJWhether this member has the same parent as the previous member in the page"The current position of the cursor"Move to the next item in the block$The number of axes the viewpoint hasHGet a particular axis, starting with columns, ending with the paged axis'Get a dimension by index or unique nameThe number of dimensions4The position of the current item in the entire rangePAThe URI used to open the cubeThe dimensions of the cube The dimensionThe default hierarchyHierarchies of the dimension;Create a memberset containing the members of this hierarchyRCreate a member with the given unique name, or the default member if none is givenThe levels in this hierarchy7Create a memberset containing the members of this levelGet the members of this setThe name)The unique name, used in calls to objectsPA&The caption, used for display purposesThe description of the objectGet a property specification!Number of property specificationsAdd a property specification"Delete this property specificationGet a page of cell dataNumber of cells availableZThe start of the range of cell data to fetch, a cell ordinal of the top-left of this range\The end of the range of cell data to fetch, a cell ordinal of the bottom-right of this range^Request that events for pages of cell values to be sent for all the cells in the current rangeCancel request for page events#The axes which bound this cell gridaAn event will be fired when the relational data behind the cell at the given ordinal is availableCThe value of the named property at the current position in the pageWhether this is the last pageThe properties available$The name that the property will have*The type of property that will be returnedBThe parameters that were specified when the QueryField was createdNumber of hierarchiesGet a hierarchy#Get a level by unqiue name or index"Number of levels in the collectionGet the next page of members(Number of members in the MemberResultSet&The start of the range to be retrieved$The end of the range to be retrievedNGotPage events occur until the fetch is cancelled or the last page is receivedCancels any outstanding pagesThe dimensions on this axis%Number of dimensions in the viewpointGet a dimension The dimensionThe current memberThe active membersetThe axis this dimension is on"Position of the dimension its axisNumber of properties"Get a property by index or by nameName of the propertyValue of the property method Itemproperty CountDisconnect the viewpoint0The way the viewpoint is connected to its source*The viewpoint that these dimensions are on'The viewpoint that this dimension is on$The viewpoint that these axes are on#The hierarchy that this level is on&The hierarchy that these levels are on'The dimension that this hierarchy is on+The dimension that these hierarchies are on%The cube that these dimensions are on"The number of members in this page The number of cells in this pageBWhether the current position has been moved to the end of the page<The parameter that will be used for linking with a viewpointThe cube this viewpoint is on3The viewpoint which is the parent of this viewpoint!The direction the sort will be inEWhether the sort is by cell value, or the one of the names of members=Whether the sort preserves members in the hierarchy of levels%The members which the sort applies to2The number of sort specifications on the viewpoint-Get the sort specification at the given index5The number of exclude specifications on the viewpoint0Get the exclude specification at the given index"The sorts active on this viewpoint%The excludes active on this viewpointThe column axis The row axis$The dimensions not on any other axis%The formula for the calculated member7The members which give the column or row to be excludedEThe number of calculated member specifications on the given viewpoint:Get the calculated member specification at the given index!Add an exclusion to the viewpoint&Remove an exclusion from the viewpointVSet the member to be its last sibling, returns false if the member is the last siblingBThe unique names of the operands to be used for member calculation<The dimension containing the operands for member calculation0The operator that defines the member calculation2The Native Data Expression of a member calculationoMode: Determines whether a calculated member is specified by a native data expression or a predefined function.%The name of the new calculated memberThe adjacent memberkThe flag that deternmines whether the new calculated member is inserted before or after the adjacent memberYWhether the exclude specification compares against a value, or simply uses the name given1The type of comparison between the value and data)The value to be compared against the dataPA$The axis that this object represents Close the connection to the cubeOpen a connection to a cube=The maximum number of dimensions that can be set on this axis:The minimum number of dimensions that must be on this axisCThe position of the first item of this page within the entire rangeHThe position of the current item relative to the first item in this page/Make the next item in the page the current item#The numeric identifier for the sort&The numeric identifier for the excludeAttribute coclassAttribute interface2The member with which the attribute is associated.IThe dimension containing the member with which the attribute is asociatedSThe dimension list that corresponds to the name lists that the attribute applies toPA3The set of name lists that the attribute applies to/The background color specified by the attribute/The foreground color specified by the attribute*The font family specified by the attribute(The font size specified by the attribute)The font style specified by the attribute0The underlining style specified by the attribute;The lower limit of the range to which the attribute applies;The upper limit of the range to which the attribute applies0The type of range to which the attribute appliesThe type of command to create/A ViewpointBasicCommand object will be returned/Used to set complex attributes on the viewpoint.A ViewpointSortCommand object will be returned1A ViewpointExcludeCommand object will be returned9A ViewpointCalculateMemberCommand object will be returnedPA5A ViewpointTransactionCommand object will be returned'Used to set attributes on the viewpoint/Get the sort corresponding to the given sort ID5Get the exclude corresponding to the given exclude IDISRendering interfaceRendering coclassDThe ISRendering interface associated with an attribute specificationISRenderings interface(The number of renderings in a collection4The rendering in a collection with a specified index1The collection of renderings on a given cell pagePAECreate the list of renderings associated with a given cell data chunkCAre the active slice and memberset shared with the parent viewpointSaves the viewpoint to a file4Determines how the viewpoint is linked to the source&The source of this viewpoint is a cube1The source of this viewpoint is another viewpoint%Enumeration for the default hierarchyAUsed to get the default hierarchy from the Hierarchies collectionPSpecifies the direction the sort will be in with respect to increasing positionsSort ascendingSort dsecending$Sort ascending, breaking hierarchies%Sort descending, breaking hierarchies!What values the sort should orderSort by the name of the member!Sort by the caption of the member%Sort by the unique name of the member%Sort by the description of the member$Exclude based on the values of cells$What comparison will exclude membersEqual Less thanLess than or equal to Greater thanGreater than or equal to Not equal/What the value of the calculated member will beThe sum of the operandsThe difference of the operandsThe product of the operandsThe quotient of the operandsThe mean of the operands&The sum of the squares of the operands$The root mean square of the operands An expressionThe understyle to useNo underliningSingle underliningDashed underliningDoubled underliningType 1 thick underliningType 2 thick underlining$The type of target for the attributeTarget is a viewpointTarget is a viewpoint dimensionTarget is a dimension fieldTarget given by name listsThe type of range used Cell valueAbsolute from meanPercentage from meanStandard deviations from meanPercent of parentPercent of totalLinear growth analysisCompound growth analysis4What type of property will be specified to the query/The Sort ID for each of the members is returnedKThe ID for the filter is returned for each member, or zero if there is none9Whether or not there is a style associated with this cellThe calculation is returned7Whether or not the member is a last sobling is returned0Whether each member is a calculation is returned)Sets the size of the pages to be returned3Whether each member is in the given set is returnedPA3Excludes empty rows/columns from the axis specifiedHReturns the result of a user defined operation with the given parametersISAttribute::Axis property.To Exclude values that fall between two values.To Exclude values that fall outside two values"To Exclude values that are missing=Type of function that is being applied as part of the Exclude_Determine whether we are showing or excluding the values that match the criteria of the Exclude*The function to be used to compare membersAbsolute ValueCompare against another memberBased on a calculationdSorts a set and returns the top n elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentagegSorts a set and returns the bottom n elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentage9Returns a specified number of items from the top of a set<Returns a specified number of items from the bottom of a setPA`Sorts a set and returns the top n elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified value.cSorts a set and returns the bottom n elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified value.Based on Dimension PropertiesBased on an expression8The expression that is to be used as part of the excludeXThe parameter to the top/bottom functions, for example specifying the top count required@The Lower bound for when using a function that specifies a range@The Upper bound for when using a function that specifies a range%The selected members of the dimension"Load the viewpoint from the source%The rendering context at a given cell5The directory the sort of the memberset is in, if any0The type of member name that the sort is made onRThe unique name of the member that will be the parent of the new calculated memberThe cells have changedPACalculationList coclassISCalculationList interface"The solve order of the calculation,The CalcPriorities property of the viewpoint(The DrillThrough method on the viewpoint=Event fired after a drillthrough operation has been performedISMemberProperties interfaceISMemberProperty interfaceThe name of the member property The value of the member property1The number of member properties in the collection6The current member property with the specificied index#Additional properties of the memberCalcFunction coclassISCalcFunction interface$The name of the calculation function+The description of the calculation function.The parameter list of the calculation functionAThe name of the library to which the calculation function belongsCalcFunctions coclassISCalcFunctions interface;The calculated member function library attached to the cube2A tag for identifying the class of the calculationPA(Dimension contains items of unknown typeTime dimensionMeasures dimension(The type of information in the dimensionThe type of a dimension7The hierarchy that the elements of the memberset are inMake a copy of this membersetMemberList coclassISMemberList interface<The list of unique names associated with a given member list@The collection of dimensions associated with a given member list(The sorts currently applied to this axisMemberLists coclassISMemberLists interface0The number of member lists in a given collection2The member list with a given index in a collectionPA"Adds a member list to a collection-Adds a dimension/member pair to a member list,Obtain the status for the current data point1Get the Property Specifications for the viewpoint,The parent viewpoint of the format condition+The number format associated with the style8The formatted value of the current cell in the cell page0The viewpoint dimension associated with the sort@Sets the undo manager used for viewpoints connected to this cube#The undo manager for this viewpoint5Adds a new calculation to the Calculations collection@Inserts an existing calculation into the Calculations collection6Removes a calculation from the Calculations collection+Adds a new filter to the Filters collection6Inserts an existing filter into the Filters collection,Removes a filter from the Filters collectionAdd the children of the member, memberset or list of member unique names down to the depth given, optionally keeping the parentsAdd the parents of the member, memberset of list of member unique names up to the height given, optionally keeping the childrenYAdd the member, memberset or comma separated list of member unique names to the memberset^Remove the member, memberset or comma separated list of member unique names from the memberset`The memberset is set to include all members in the hierarchy except those that are already in it#The memberset is emptied of membersAdds the members between (and inclusive of) start and end, which may be given as unique names or members. If numbers are given, these are relative to the AnchorMember with negative numbers indicating members before the anchor in the set.@Whether or not the hierarchy of levels is preserved when sorting8Which additional fields should be returned when querying9The way in which the members in the memberset are ordered@The members are in ascending order, based on the SortBy propertyAThe members are in descending order, based on the SortBy property&The members are in their natural order'The members are in a user defined orderMove the member or members specified by the list of member unique names, member or memberset object to the beginning of the set, or after the optional member InsertAfterlSet the member to be the previous member in the level, returns false if the member is the first in its levelPAgSet the member to be the next member in the level, returns false if the member is the last in its leveldSet the member to the first top-level member of the hierarchy, returns false if this is not possible The level that this member is inThe unique name of the memberThe name of this member<The caption which should be used when displaying this member&The description of this member, if anyFWhether this member is on the server or a calculation on the viewpoint$Whether this member is a calculation3Whether this is the default member of the hierarchy&Moves a dimension within the viewpoint)Swaps two dimensions within the viewpointThe type of memberThe member exists on the server"The member is a server calculation"Whether the cube can be written toThe cube cannot be written toFThe access mode for the cube. Cannot be changed when the cube is open.%Empties the collection of QueryFields,The number of parameters this QueryField has#The selected cells in the viewpoint,Measures an inclusive range of integer vales,Measures an inclusive range of integer valesThe lowest integer in the range The highest integer in the rangeThe session the viewpoint is in$Get the members that are on the axis<The additional properties that will be returned with a queryGet a page of axis members%The total number of items in the axis<Set the point within the axis from which data will be return.Set the point beyond which on data is returnedaStart receiving events for each of the pages required to describe the specified range of the axisStop receiving events for pages+Represents the results of querying an axis *Represents the results of querying an axis!Move to the beginning of the page3Change the order in which the two sorts are applied8The sorts on this axis, in the order they are applied in8The sorts on this axis, in the order they are applied in4The type of axis, either a view axis or a paged axis=The index of this hierarchy within the hierarchies collection4The index of this level within the levels collectionThe session this cube is inyAdd a sort to the viewpoint. Specify the member names of the axis position to be ordered, with their matching dimensions.7Copy a sort from another viewpoint into this collection)Remove all the sorts from this collectionEHow the collections of other viewpoints interact with this collectionPA Not affected by other viewpointsInherits the settings of collections of viewpoints this viewpoint is linked to, but not affected by viewpoints linking to this viewpointThe collection is an amalgam on members from this viewpoint, from the viewpoint it is linked to, and any viewpoints linking to it<How the sorts collection is affected by connected viewpoints<A collection of MemberResultSets, one for each axis there is/Gets the axis result set for the requested axis<A collection of MemberResultSets, one for each axis there isWThe number of AxisResultSets in the collection, which is the same as the number of axes0The type of the axis, which may be paged or viewwThe axis is a view axis, and will use the ActiveMembersets of its dimensions to define part of the view within the cubetThe axis is a paged axis, and will use the ActiveSlices of its dimensions to define part of the view within the cubeSet the selected cells in the viewpoint. Give the ordinal of the top-left of the range as the start, and of the bottom-right as the end.OReturns a server property in the result set. This is a really crap helpstring.IThe viewpoint with which this object is associated has been disconnected.XThe viewpoint this data was retrieved from has been altered, so this data is out of dateZThe QueryField could not be added to the collection, as another of the same name is in usePA6The children of this member are added to the memberset:The children of this member are removed from the memberset1The active selection of the dimension has changed+The hierarchy on which the favorite resides0The set of members that constitues this favoriteCollection of FavoritesThe Favorites Object2Count of the number of Favorites in the collection+Get a specific favorite from the collection6The Calculations that are applicable on this hierarchy3The Favorites that are applicable on this hierarchy-The Hierarchy that is the favorites belong to*Add a Favorite to the favorites collection/Insert a favorite into the favorites collection/Remove a favorite from the favorites collectionUser defined calculationUser defined favorite%Enumeration of the types of FavoritesFavorite is a specified member'Favorite is the result of a calculation*Tell the viewpoint not to propigate events=Tell the viewpoint to release all the events that it has held2Undo the events that are sitting on the viewpoint.EThe index this dimension is at in the viewpoint dimensions collection*The grouping method used for the favorites&Sum the values of the members together(No calculation to be used on the membersThe expression for the favoriteThe current status of the cube&Enumeration for the status of the cubeThe cube is currently closedThe cube is currently openThe cube is in a transaction!Clear the collection of favorites$Delete this instance of the favoriteFilter Priorities ClassFilter Priorities InterfaceBegin TransactionCommit TransactionRollback TransactionStatus of the ViewpointName of the ViewpointWhat does the Viewpoint support Cell is OK Cell is NULLPermission Denined to CellCell UnavailableCell Data truncatedUnknown Cell ErrorIndex of the current dimension/Move to the next dimension across the axis page,Move to the first dimension on the axis page+Type of the current member on the axis page;Get the list of functions available for use in calculationsAsk the cube what it supportsBegin a transaction on the cube Commit a transaction on the cube#Roll back a transaction on the cube-Get/Set the active hierarchy on the dimension.Get the Parent for the query fields collection'Get the formats for the Data result set'Get the formats for the axis result set(Get the number of dimensions on the axisGet the Link Mode for the axesPA&Get the filter priorities for the axis(Get the Parent Object for the propertiesDelete the sort object-Get the Parent Viewpoint for the Sort objects3Count of the number of filters in the priority list)Get a particular item from the collection1Get the Parent Axis that the priorities belong toGet the index of the given sortClear the collection of Filters/Get/Set the link mode on the filters collection?Clear the collection of calculations that are currently present;Get the Parent Viewpoint on which the filters have been set=Get the Parent Hierarchy on which the calculations are storedAdd a format to the collection0Swap the two specified formats in the collection<Clear the collection of formats that are currently specified2Get/Set the link mode on the collection of formats=Insert the format at the specified location in the collection/Remove the specified format from the collection0Get the Parent object for the formats collectionDelete the current filterDelete the current calculation7Get the member which represents the current calculation!Obtain what the Format applies to8Obtain the hierarhcy which is the context for the formatGet the style of Bold Get the style of ItalicsGet the style of Strike Through.Get the name that has been given to this style0Get the Character Set that is used in this style'Get the Size that is used in this stylePABObtain the expression that specifies the condition for this format0Obtain the ID that has been given to this formatDelete the current format8Get the Parent Data Result Set for the Member Result Set$Unspecified Source for the Viewpoint.Enumeration to give the state of the viewpointViewpoint is disconnectedViewpoint is connected&Events are being held by the viewpoint)Ask if the member is a client calculation)Ask if the member is a server calculation:Get the parent Viewpoint that the sorts have been added to7Enumeration of the options of who created a calculation*The calculation was generated through code7The calculation was generated as a result of a favoriteClose Status enumerationViewpoint Closed successfully0Viewpoint closed as a result of a source failure%Get the type of the Expression object&Get the value of the Expression object'Get the text from the expression object*Get the operators of the expression objectDelete this expression object+Cancel the Asynchronous opening of the cube"Find the index of the given Filter6Clear the contents of the Filter Priorities collectionCoCreateSet enumerations4Create a set will all members of the hierarchy/levelFCreate a set with all user created calculations in the hierarchy/levelPAHCreate a set with all server created calculations in the hierarchy/level6Create a set with all favorites in the hierarchy/level9Create a set with all calculations in the hierarchy/levelBCreate a set of the members with no parents in the hierarchy/level(Create a the given member from the levelCGet the count of the number of children that the current member has?Find out if the current member is the first in its sibling list>Find out if the current member is the last in its sibling list/Move the current member to the specified memberIRemove the parent of the member, memberset or list of member unique namesKRemove the children of the member, memberset or list of member unique namesRemoves the members between (and inclusive of) start and end, which may be given as unique names or members. If numbers are given, these are relative to the AnchorMember with negative numbers indicating members before the anchor in the set.4Clear the contents of the sort priorities collection>Define the subscript/superscript settings on the current styleCoScriptMode EnumerationScript Mode TransparentScript Mode NoneScript Mode SuperscriptScript Mode Subscript2The set of Favorites for the dimension has changed(Perform an Asynchronous open on the cube(Cancel the Asynchronous open on the cube1The Async openning of the viewpoint has completed*The closing of the viewpoint has completedCoSaveFormat Enumeration#Save the Viewpoint as version 1 XML5The Viewpoint is currently in the process of openningThe viewpoint has changed%Obtain the property of the given name!Set the property on the viewpoint&The cube is in the process of openningCoStyle EnumerationPAThe Style is transparentThe Style is TrueThe Style is False*The Style is taken from the System DefaultThe Viewpoint is OpenOpen a cube asynchronously!Open a cube for read/write accessThe Viewpoint is ClosedCoSupports Enumeration#Does the Cube support Drill Through"Does the Cube support Calculations"Does the Cube support TransactionsDoes the Cube support FiltersExpression ClassExpression InterfaceExpressions CollectionExpressions InterfaceCoExpression enumerationExpression Type NoneExpression Type Value Expression Type Percentage ValueExpression Type Equal ToExpression Type Not Equal ToExpression Type Less Than%Expression Type Less Than or Equal ToExpression Type Greater Than(Expression Type Greater Than or Equal ToExpression Type TopExpression Type BottomExpression Type NullExpression Type AndExpression Type OrExpression Type NotExpression Type AddExpression Type NegateExpression Type XorExpression Type CosExpression Type ABSExpression Type ExponentExpression Type Integer DivideExpression Type DivideExpression Type TimesExpression Type SubtractExpression Type Square RootExpression Type LogExpression Type Natural LogExpression Type ASinExpression Type ACosPAExpression Type ATanExpression Type TanExpression Type SinExpression Type SumExpression Type AverageExpression Type MaxExpression Type MinExpression Type ExpExpression Type SgnExpression Type IntExpression Type ModExpression Type String ValueExpression Type Boolean ValueCoFilter EnumerationFilter based on Cell valuesFilter based on Member CaptionsPA#Filter based on Member DescriptionsFilter based on Member Names#Filter based on Member Unique Names2Obtain the number of expressions in the collection6Get a specific item from the collection of expressions#Clear the collection of expressions/Add an Expression to the Expressions collectionSave as an Excel Table6Save as an Excel Table with the Excel Worksheet Add-InSave as an Excel Chart2Save as an Excel Chart with the Excel Chart Add-In?Obtain the Parent Cube that the Calculation Functions belong to2Obtain the DataResultSet that created the CellPage8Obtain the Viewpoint that was used to create this object8Obtain the Parent object that this expression belongs to:Obtain the Parent object that these expressions belongs toPA?Obtain the Parent Viewpoint that the fitler has been applied to+Obtain the Parent for the MemberPage object0Obtain the Parent for the MemberResultSet object0Obtain the Parent Viewpoint for the Range object-Obtain the Parent object for the Style object8Create a Member from the current psotion in the SequenceCreate an Empty setProvider classProviders collection+Obtain the Parent object to the Query Field%Move to the last item in the Sequence)move to the previous item in the Sequence-Is the current item the first in the Sequence-The Access to the Cube is currently Undefined:Exclude any line (row or column) where all values are NULLExpression Type Count#Add the Leaf Nodes to the MemberSet(Remove the Leaf Nodes from the MemberSet"Specify the Order of the MemberSet1Does the Cube support Positioning of Calculations0Does the Cube support Parents Following Children/Does the Cube support the Formatting of NumbersDoes the Cube support ActionsCoMemberSetOrder Enumeration*Order the MemberSet as given by the Server.Order the MemberSet so Parents Follow Children.Order the MemberSet so Children Follow Parents+Order the MemberSet as the User has DefinedAction Interface ObjectName of the ActionCaption for the ActionDescription of the ActionPAType of the ActionOrigin of the Action!Target Application for the ActionContent of the Action(Enumeration for the Origin of the ActionAction is based on the Cube Action is based on the DimensionAction is based on the LevelAction is based on the Memeber Action is based on the MemberSetAction is based on the Cell&Enumeration for the Type of the ActionURLHTML StatementDataSetPARowset ProprietaryActions Interface"Obtain an Item from the collection)Get the number of items in the collection)Get the Actions associated with this Cube%Obtain the Actions for this Dimension!Obtain the Actions for this Level"Obtain the Actions for this Member%Obtain the Actions for this MemberSetAObtain the Actions for the current Position in the MemberSequence?Obtain the Actions for the current Position in the CellSequenceCoResolve EnumerationName is AmbigiousName resolves to a CubeName resolves to a DimensionName resolves to a HierarchyName resolves to a LevelName resolves to a MemberName resolves to a MemberSetName resolves to a ActionName resolves to a Calculation+Does the Cube support Reordering MemberSets'Does the Cube support Pseudo Dimensions6Does the Cube support MemberSets defined on the Server=Try to Resolve the given name and determine what it refers to Action ClassActions Collection;Create a MemberSet that includes only the Base level fields$The ID of the action being performed+The parameter of the action being performedPA#The source viewpoint for the action+The dimension the action will be applied to The memberset the action may useThe ISCOAction interfaceThe ISCOActions interface'The number of actions in the collection!A specific item in the collection$The target viewpoint for the actionsThe ISCOTransition interface.Execute the transition on the target viewpoint/The target viewpoint property of the transitionThe actions collectionThe transition XML stringThe Transition classThe Actions collection classThe Action classPA)Whether the Cube Support the MDX language2Whether the Cube supports the use of the Favorites1The Active Hierarchy on the Dimension has changedRGet a Hint as to the Maximum Value on the current View given where it should applyRGet a Hint as to the Minimum Value on the current View given where it should apply$Save the Viewpoint into a Byte ArrayThe Name of the TransitionCoCommand Enumeration No Action Share MembersODrill Down on the Selected Member (only one allowed), loose selection of parentNDrill Down on the Selected Member (only one allowed), keep selection of parent=Drill Down on the Selected Members, loose selection of parent2Drill Down on the Selected Members, keep of parent+Take the Selected Member (only one allowed)Take the Selected MembersPATake the Specified MembersATake a range of members based on the selected member on the Slice4Take a range of members based on the selected member$Make a copy of the Transition Object&Expression Node is a Native ExpressionExpression Type BetweenExpression Type OutsideCoMemberSetOrder Enumeration-Order the MemberSet with the default ordering?Order the MemberSet so that Parents appear after their Children@Order the MemberSet so that Parents appear before their Children1The Order of the MemberSet is defined by the userCoContains Enumeration4The MemberSet contains all of the Members questioned5The MemberSet contains none of the Members questioned5The MemberSet contains some of the Members questionedJFind out whether the specified Members are contained within this MemberSetLObtain the Intersection of the current MemberSet and those Members specified*Obtain the Ancestors of the Current Member(The Caption associated with the FunctionExpression Type ParameterPAOLAP Data Library 1.0ISBrowseObject InterfaceISBrowseObjects Interface.The number of browse objects in the collection2Get a particular browse object from the collection"The contents of this browse objectThe name of this browse objectThe type of this browse objectThe URI of this objectOpen the browse objectClose the browse object.The type of the children of this browse objectInterface ISURIPropertyInterface ISURIPropertiesInterface ISURI#The type of the property in the URIPA$The value of the property in the URINumber of properties in the URIGet a property of this URINAdd a property to the URI, giving it either a type or a name for a custom typeThe properties of this URI!Remove this property from the URIThe URI as a string7The different types of properties there can be in a URIThe cube the URI indicatesThe protocol the URI indicatesThe transport the URI indicatesThe server the URI indicatesThe data the URI indicatesCustom information in the URI!The server name the URI indicatesThe provider the URI indicatesPAThe database the URI indicatesThe schema the URI indicates The session ID the URI indicates)The name that the property has in the URI"The collection this is a member of3The URI whose properties this collection represents"The catalog that the URI indicatesThe user that the URI indicatesThe password used!The domain that the URI indicatesThe type of the browse object Unknown typeA persistant serverA transient server9A collection of browse objects, such as catalog or schemaA resource, for example a cube5Controls the scheme this URI uses to identify objects(The session that the browse object is in The scheme that the URI is using&Connecting by the ODBC for OLAP scheme1Connecting by the Open Client Architecture scheme2Connecting by Application Processing Server schemeThe address of the uriPerform an Asynchronous OpenBrowse Object State EnumerationBrowse Object is OpenBrowse Object is OpeningBrowse Object is Closed#Browse Object has completed opening#Browse Object has completed closing!Cube Object has completed opening!Cube Object has completed closingPA3Cancel the Asynchronous Openning of a browse object,Obtain the Parent object for this collectionConnecting by another schemeProviders Interface9Count of the number of provider objects in the collection*Obtain a specific item from the collectionProvider InterfaceObtain the name of the Provider&Obtain the description of the Provider-Obtain the scheme that this Provider requiresKObtain the collection of URI Properties that are available on this ProviderThe Location the URI indicates?Obtain the Parent URI that created this collection of Providers4Obtain the URI that this Provider was generated fromBrowse Object Kind EnumerationOLAP Data Browse ObjectOLAP Processor Browse Object4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?(StringFileInfo040904B0DBuild Date2013/08/05:21:41:03HCompanyNameSAP BusinessObjects|*FileDescriptionSOFA_SDK_COMPONENT_NOQUOTE - Help Strings8 FileVersion14.1.1.1036>InternalNamecodata_res.dll|,LegalCopyrightCopyright 2013 SAP AG. 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