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Hierarchy lists should not be added as fields to the report but act as providers for Hierarchy variables.Cached Data UsedCache Refresh Time Cube TypeCube Creation TimeSchema Update TimeData Update Time~The key figure structure is not a valid field to use for reporting. Use the actual key figures with their unit fields instead.SAP BW MDX Query3The BW Query '%1' could not be found on the server. %1 Node ID%1 Parent Node ID%1 Member Unique NameThe license key does not include use of the BW MDX driver. Please contact Business Objects for information on how to obtain such a license key.CubesQueries%1 Formatted Value%1 ValueSelect SAP systemAvailable SAP systemsEnter User logon credentialsLanguageUsernamePasswordClientSAP System LogonzAn error occurred when setting up the system for batch data reception. Please see SAP system and gateway logs for details.This driver requires a keycode in order to function. The driver was either unable to find such a keycode or the one found had expired.]The attempt to log on without a password failed. The following credentials are incomplete: %1WThe attempt to log on with a password failed. The following credentials are invalid: %1Selected systemGenerate RFC trace filesEnable ABAP DebuggerExtended logon parameterscAn error occurred while parsing data from the SAP system. This may be due to mismatched codepages.Show Empty DataPA4VS_VERSION_INFO? (StringFileInfo040904b0CommentsHCompanyNameSAP BusinessObjectsZFileDescriptionCRDB SAP BW Query driver6 FileVersion14.1.0.896 InternalName|,LegalCopyrightCopyright 2012 SAP AG. 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