MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $cYe Ye Ye ~cXe ~wXe ~qXe ~uXe RichYe PELJQ! N * Z0JT .text& `.rdata @@.rsrcJ0J@@.relocR@B ̸JQm| |JQR H L P i crdb_legacy_res_en.dllGetResDllVersionRSDSX5QV@d:\a41r32\win32_x86\release\pdb\crystalreports.dataaccess\crdb_dictionary_res_en.pdbH  H`x  8 P h  yy(x@xXpK0H`x/y y8yPyhyyyyyyy y(!y@"yX#yp        ( 8 H X h x             (  8  H  X  h  x                      (  8  H  X  h  x                      ( 8;4l<4=T>4?4@4A4$C4XD4E4F4G4(I4\J4K4L4M4,OOD(QR4DRTZ2 \t\]*0]^cfi,jjk|pdr, sBPsds"sssssstt(t|<<88<<>|?????( @p? 0 0p?( @????( @???>|?<<<<>|????( Pwww(! wwwwwwwxwwwxwwwwxwwwwwwwȀ FNewMS Shell DlgP{&New P}1dP(OKP(CancelP+(F&HelpȀ FMS Shell DlgDictionary/Infoview Database Name Database TypeUser IDSession PasswordSystem Database PathDatabase Password&Dictionary/Infoview Files|*.dc5;*.civ| Server Type Server Name0There are no tables exist in current data source:The Dictionary view is empty. Check dictionary definition.)Current table does not contain any fieldsDSystem error, check with system administrator(server handle is null)GSystem error, check with system administrator(dictionary model is null)Error building query-System error, data engine is not initialized.7Failed to fetch rowset, check query engine registrationMSystem error, check with system administrator(rowset handle returned is null).Query engine failed, while fetch rowset fieldsCDictionary driver failed to get number of records from query engine-Dictionary driver failed to get field object./Dictionay driver get columns collection failed.4Dictionary get table from view by table name failed.Query engine returned errorLInvalid incoming logon information, binary logon data required but is empty.Dictionary LocationUse Cached DictionaryChoose DictionaryPADatabase Log On ConnectionDictionary Not FoundCan not process the dictionary.=Can not connect to the datasources or open the database filesPA*Opening Secured Info Views is not allowed.OpenSave AsAll Files (*.*)Untitledan unnamed filePA&HidePANo error message is available.'An unsupported operation was attempted.$A required resource was unavailable.Out of memory.An unknown error has occurred.$An invalid argument was encountered.PAInvalid filename.Failed to open document.Failed to save document.Save changes to %1? Failed to create empty document.The file is too large to open.Could not start print job.Failed to launch help.Internal application error.Command failed.)Insufficient memory to perform operation.PSystem registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.BNot all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.FThis program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.tThis program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.PAPlease enter an integer.Please enter a number.*Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.(Please enter a number between %1 and %2.(Please enter no more than %1 characters.Please select a button.*Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. Please enter a positive integer. Please enter a date and/or time.Please enter a currency.Please enter a GUID.Please enter a time.Please enter a date.PAUnexpected file format.V%1 Cannot find this file. Please verify that the correct path and file name are given.Destination disk drive is full.5Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.AUnable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else..An unexpected error occurred while reading %1..An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.%1: %2 Continue running script?Dispatch exception: %1PA#Unable to read write-only property.#Unable to write read-only property.#Unable to load mail system support.Mail system DLL is invalid.!Send Mail failed to send message.PANo error occurred.-An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.%1 was not found.%1 contains an invalid path.=%1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.Access to %1 was denied..An invalid file handle was associated with %1.<%1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.6%1 could not be created because the directory is full.Seek failed on %15A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.0A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.0A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.Disk full while accessing %1..An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.No error occurred.-An unknown error occurred while accessing %1./An attempt was made to write to the reading %1..An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.0An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.%1 has a bad format."%1 contained an unexpected object. %1 contains an incorrect schema.pixelsUncheckCheckMixedPA @4 @4 PA @4  @4 @4 @4 @4 @4 @4  @4 @4  @4  @4  @4 @4 @44VS_VERSION_INFO?fStringFileInfoB040904B0p,CommentsCrystal Reports driver for dictionary filesHCompanyNameSAP BusinessObjects,FileDescriptionCrystal Reports driver for dictionary files6 FileVersion14.1.0.896@InternalNamecrdb_dictionary|,LegalCopyrightCopyright 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksPOriginalFilenamecrdb_dictionary.dllJProductNameSBOP Crystal Reports: ProductVersion14.1.0.896DVarFileInfo$Translation  PAD0} *H n0j1 0 +0h +7Z0X03 +70% <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +1߂^UW| ~00W~|NYKw;0  *H 01 0 UZA10U Western Cape10U Durbanville10 U Thawte10U Thawte Certification10UThawte Timestamping CA0 121221000000Z 201230235959Z0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20"0  *H 0 ITK %y"W*oܸ&Csk¿.PZvC%CE{t"״MD$k_E;DCsi+˙r&Mq1QaSI,xE/W?=ƒJ{3y uAQlie)`; tޒ"t|'JÞ-'}aqPK],e ؖ|NHDD h]jxdE`F~T|yq00U_n\t}?L.02+&0$0"+0http://ocsp.thawte.com0U00?U8060420. 0 +0U0(U!0010UTimeStamp-2048-10  *H  yY0h O]7_R DnmX|0i#s oG9*ÎY M1\*zzWLey@b%n7j!AW?wI*^8j"Q~0085njP0  *H 0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20 121018000000Z 201229235959Z0b1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation1402U+Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G40"0  *H 0 c 9D#DIa Sۭ,Jn"hcSit<üu00eeR&.Y)"\0  *H 0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority0 090521000000Z 190520235959Z01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at (c)09100.U'VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA0"0  *H 0 g`IoV|f^ q-!ќPL"5; .Z|=;%X{ ξ'tag'MjaXy'M4+G Df$fO8TrfujIh8y 0,`Hת809:|@T/ܨR>+!\ P4.M^%Ԍn|)]1ZՌgX5+!`x^{`W ]A cT`C!00U00pU i0g0e `HE0V0(+*+0 a0_][0Y0W0U image/gif0!00+kπjH,{.0%#$+0*0(0&$""0 010UClass3CA2048-1-550Uk&pȡ?-50  *H ݔAaix0Ɛ<~B$s/DrPU nQj71ܥ-OM2NgUejzd8xEv1z`³]fvYI8VAwX00_.KS^0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at (c)09100.U'VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA0 100909000000Z 130908235959Z01 0 UDE10UBaden-Wuerttemberg10UWalldorf/Baden10 U SAP AG1>0<U 5Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v21'0%U SAP BusinessObjects Production10 USAP AG00  *H 0شMo/)ou,*Hp{@=Ђ+xPK b m:G,z2.JO詉\7p+#?YkbtkwGa,mBYN00 U00U0DU=0;09753 =0;09 `HE0*0(+ 0 +0u+i0g0$+0ȡ?-50 `HB0 +700  *H t._;IOnjD_ڳ$-e $f@-j ͥvB%f}llgtHkU**WFt:=-d!F1٩xw+(')-]N>ʑg2wWGo-&=D KX,@zQJvPΥ.wu{!6i+'M|N`: %Х"/!ʼ!נ~\ilc 0 *H  100r0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G285njP0 +]0 *H  1  *H 0 *H  1 130321043351Z0# *H  1Jmv[Aʷ0  *H p֗ [ Wˋ9Q~x|n^1Qvx_ۥEgUC8sMp%'%aǶ`Gfg4DtNq.m(dhD,` \x):ؾn69QD-SS{_DX~DE2]d<