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This is the Crystal Reports Standard Edition. Please upgrade to Crystal Reports Professional version (or higher) in order to connect to the data source you have selected. swodbc32.dllS{Business Objects Closed XML ADO Provider},{Crystal Server Closed XML ADO Provider}5pvxodbc,pvxodbc32,pvxod32,pvod32cl,pvxod32cl,pvxodb32Use DSN Default Properties tod32.dll tod32.dll tod32.dll adsodbc.dllSLogonUser failed for user: '%1' domain: '%2'. Error code: %3. Error description: %4aImpersonateLoggedOnUser failed for user: '%1' domain: '%2'. Error code: %3. Error description: %4&Failed to switch security context. %1Use OS Authentication was specified with a username and password, however the system was unable to impersonate the specified user.PAeConversion failed. The provided parameter type could not be converted to the database parameter type.btmss btor, btorabtdb2btasebtifclbtxmlbttxtdummy reldbm32.dllNumeric (Teradata) AttributeBuilt-InCase ExpressionsDate/Time (Teradata) Hash-RelatedLogical PredicatesPAString (Teradata)A Stored Procedure with special parameter names could not be executed. You must log into BusinessObjects Enterprise and log onto your database again.ServerUser IDPasswordDatabaseTrusted ConnectionPA Data SourcePasswordUser IDUser IDPasswordDatabasePAServerUser IDPasswordDatabasePAServiceUser IDPasswordOS Authentication Oracle Server ConnectionServerUser IDPasswordDatabasePAServerUser IDPasswordDatabasePAServerUser IDPassword EnvironmentServerUser IDPasswordDatabasePA(4VS_VERSION_INFO?StringFileInfod040904b0j)CommentsCrystal Reports database driver for ODBCHCompanyNameSAP BusinessObjectsz)FileDescriptionCrystal Reports database driver for ODBC6 FileVersion14.1.0.8964 InternalNamecrdb_odbc|,LegalCopyrightCopyright 2012 SAP AG. 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