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Proceed?9The operating system denied access to the specified file.2The filename association is incomplete or invalid.AThe .EXE file is invalid (non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image)._The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed.The DDE transaction failed.IThe DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out.1The specified dynamic-link library was not found.!The specified file was not found.EThere is no application associated with the given filename extension.Unable to open hyperlink:3The operating system is out of memory or resources.6There was not enough memory to complete the operation.!The specified path was not found.A sharing violation occurred.Unknown Error (%1d) occurred.Crystal Reports: Memory ErrorPACrystal Reports: Font ErrorCannot initialize.Cannot enumerate fonts.Invalid font use count.Font still in use.Unknown face name.Invalid font context.nNo default printer selected. Please use the Control Panel to select a printer and start Crystal Reports again.#Cannot get LOGFONT for system font.Memory allocation failed.Cannot get text metrics.Internal error - %1s %2s.PACrystal Reports: Printer Error#Crystal Reports: File Manager Error Dos error.File not found.Invalid directory.Too many open files.Access denied.Invalid file handle.0The current working directory cannot be removed.There are no directory entries.Invalid seek address.There was a hardware error.*The file is in use by another application.*The file is in use by another application. Disk full.End of file reached.PAFile already exists.No more files.Invalid TLV record.Invalid report schema.TSLV Record Not Found.Read past end of TSLV record.]The file cannot be retrieved from the Web server. Please check the permissions on the server.WThe file cannot be saved to the Web server. Please check the permissions on the server.Crystal Reports: ErrorNot implemented. Memory full.EThere are not enough free System Resources to perform this operation.Not supported.User cancelled.Crystal Reports: MFC ErrorCrystal Reports: CS DLL ErrorPACrystal Reports: DIB ErrorUnrecognized bitmap format.Crystal Reports: Implode ErrorPAReport Files|*.rpt||MemoTimeDateBooleanCurrencyNumberPAStringCan't load file: )The selected page is after the last page.Verify DatabasePASAP Crystal Reports: Link ErrorPA>The OLAP cube "%1s" has changed. Proceed to fix up the report?Showing GrandTotalsShowing SubTotals New DocumentrecordsUntitledPA Drill-DownYou cannot perform this command and keep your Drill-down and Analyzer tabs. If you continue, the Drill-down and Analyzer tabs will be closed. Do you want to continue? Drill-Down views will be closed.ACrystal Analysis is not installed or the installation is corrupt.%1s%2sCA_%3s%4sRPlease choose a filename and path that is different to that of the current report.Preview Report FieldsOthersFormatting Page %1lGenerating Page %1l %1l of %2lRecalculating SummariesTotalRecalculating FormulasSorting Records %1l%%Reading Records Grand Total: %1l to %2lUse Data Read So FarZNot all the data has been read. Do you want to print the report with the data read so far?Printing Page %1l Copy: %1lPABlackMaroonBuilding Cross-Tab GridFilling Cross-Tab GridCalculating Cross-Tab Summaries&Saving data for subreports: %1d of %2dOLAP Generation Fields:DATAGreenOliveNavyPurpleTealGraySilverRedLimeYellowBlueFuchsiaAquaWhite TransparentCustomReport Header %1sPage Header %1sGroup Header #%1d%2s Details %1sGroup Footer #%1d%2sPage Footer %1sReport Footer %1sRH%1sPH%1sGH%1d%2sD%1sGF%1d%2sPAPF%1sRF%1sData? Group #%1d%1s: %2s (%3s) - %4s%1s: %2s - %3sGroup #%1d NameColumn #%1d Name Row #%1d NamePA5Main report and Subreport data will all be refreshed.Refresh Report DataRefresh report data?OLAPInsert Parameter FieldPrint Printer SetupExportCurrent page numberToggle group tree Total records Percent readPASearch Search text Refresh Data&Close Page Area Report Area Group #%1dDetail Text Object OLE ObjectChart Cross-Tab Blob FieldFormat OLAP GridThe database is up to date.The database is now up to date.Insert OLAP GridMagnification FactorUnable To Save Data With Report OLAP Grid OLAP ExpertEnter Parameter Values Records read of Enter Prompting Parameter Field-Please enter a Boolean value, "%1s" or "%2s".Please enter a currency value.Please enter a number..Please enter a date value. For example: "%1s".Launch Crystal AnalysisCrystal Reports!There are no more matching items.The data for all OLAP grid instances has not been read. Please go to the last page of the report before saving with data. Continue and save without saved data?8The saved data is incomplete. Generate the data to save?The current report must be saved to a new report file, which will then be opened in Crystal Analysis. Any modification to the new report file in Crystal Analysis will not be reflected in your current report. Any changes to the new report may be saved from within Crystal Analysis. Select "OK" to bring up the SaveAs dialog box and open the new report file in Crystal Analysis or "Cancel" to abort and return to your current application.(Unformatted Text text without formattingCannot Load Ole ObjectYAn Ole object in this report could not be loaded. It has been replaced by a blank object.DateTime Slice/Page Rows/ColumnsPAValue OLAP DataPlease choose a cube first.3Please select rows and columns for the grid object.(Link Dimension "%1s" to Relational FieldOLAP Report ExpertDIt is not necessary to sort if there is no 'on change of' dimension. %1s & %2s %1s / %2s.The minimum cannot be larger than the maximum.Couldn't load mapping dlls#Unable to view on-demand subreports,Do not have permission to retrieve the data.PAMapPA6Select a group parameter field which has a True value.=Select and add group parameter fields which have True values. Next Level...Accessing DatabaseThis report is from a previous version of SAP Crystal Reports: File: %1s Title: %2s Do you want to overwrite it with the latest report format? Note: Overwriting the file will prevent it from being opened by any version of SAP Crystal Reports prior to version 9.PA is equal tois not equal tois less than or equal tois greater thanis greater than or equal to is betweenis not betweenDefault border styleNone Single box Double boxSingle underlineDouble underlineSingle overlineDouble overlineSingle box, double underline Default colorNo color this fieldvalueor is less than Highlighting.Please enter a time value. For example: "%1s".6Please enter a datetime value. For example: "%1s %2s". Combined PAThe string '%1s' was not found.PAConverting RecordsLoading Saved RecordsLoading Formula RecordsLoading Memo Field Values Loading IndexSaving Data RecordsSaving Formula RecordsSaving Memo Values Saving IndexPAAdjusting Cross-Tab GridDetermining Total Page CountCompleting SummariesCompressing SummariesLoading SummariesSaving SummariesReading Saved RecordsLoading Old Saved RecordsCalculating Advanced ChartGenerating Group TreeSearching ReportPA Operators Functions OLAP LabelsPaste%Rich Text Format text with formatting$Unicode Text text without formatting HTML Format text with formattingPA OLAP chartBubble size based on For Stock Chart Bubble Chart Scatter ChartPAPage %1l of %2lACrosstabs and OLAP grids are not supported in this export format.Exporting RecordsPage %1lPA*Opening Secured Info Views is not allowed.yyyyMMMdddyyyy'/'MM'/'dd YYYY/MM/DDhhhHHHmmmsssttDeleteEditingTypingDragCut%1s (children ONLY)%1s (and children)PA%1s (descendants ONLY)%1s (and descendants)Children of "%1s"Descendants of "%1s"%1s (Crystal aggregate)On-Demand Subreport*Some additional fields have been selected.Reading OLAP grid cells: %1l%%)The maximum length for this field is %1l.)The minimum length for this field is %1l.&You must enter a value for this field.Password-You must enter a value for this masked field.&The value must be between %1s and %2s.%The date must be between %1s and %2s.%The time must be between %1s and %2s.*The date-time must be between %1s and %2s.!This character should be a digit.*This character should be a digit or space.=This character should be a digit, space, plus or minus sign."This character should be a letter.+This character should be a letter or digit.%This character should match the mask.PAGroup #%1d (%2s) Group #%1d %1s (%2s)Discrete Va&lueBoo&lean Parameter"Boolean parameters with True valueErrorThis report is based on the Essbase Script Method which is not supported in this release of SAP Crystal Reports. For information on migrating this report to Open OLAP please refer to the release notes.Value Start EndValue/Start EndPA#The custom function already exists.)The custom function name cannot be empty.iA custom function name can only use letters, numbers, and the underscore, and cannot begin with a number.X'%1s' is an existing formula language keyword or function name. Please try another name.M'%1s' is an existing formula language variable name. Please try another name.fThe saved data will be discarded since the Business View that the report is based on has been changed.>Data Source: DataConnector %1s for table %2s is not available.6Data Source: Logon failed on server %1s for table %2s. Report Search&%1s This document could not be opened.This document has the expected file extension (.RPT), but it seems to be corrupted. If this report used to work, try opening it with a different version of SAP Crystal Reports. If that still does not work, please contact your administrator.[This document has an unexpected file extension and might not be a Crystal Reports document.EData Source: Verify for table %1s failed. Possible report corruption.=Data Source: The server %1s for table %2s could not be found.Data Source: Could not connect to all datasources. Unable to continue checking report data. Please connect to all report datasources before trying again.@Data Source: The database indexes on the table %1s have changed.PAyData Source: Reports based on Crystal Dictionaries are no longer supported. Please contact support for the migration toolmData Source: The parameters for the table or stored procedure, %1s, have changed. Please verify your report.OData Source: There is a problem with the location for server %1s for table %2s.]Data Source: The fields for table %1s, have changed on server %2s. Please verify your report.uData Source: There was an unknown problem detected when checking table %1s, on server %2s. Please verify your report.yData Source: There are unlinked tables in your report. In some cases this could lead to an excessive quantity of records.ILOV datasource of parameter '%1s' is removed due to data integrity error.One or more List of Values are no longer valid because their data source has been removed. These List of Values have been removed and will need to be recreated on new data sources. To find and correct these problems please use the Dependency Checker.RPTR files cannot be opened by the Crystal Reports designer. Please use SAP Crystal Reports 2013 viewer, the .Net report viewers, or a server based viewer on SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 to view RPTR files.NameValuePA&Enable Repository RefreshBCCANYWA for each day.for each week.for each two weeks.for each half month.for each month.for each quarter.for each half year.for each year.for each second.for each minute.for each hour. for AM/PM.PAon any change.on change to yes.on change to no. on every yes. on every no.on next is yes.on next is no.PA Server Type Server NameUser IDPasswordDatabasePA200020012002Use DSN Default PropertiesBooleanCurrencyDateDateTimeNumberPAStringTimeIntegerValue Start EndValue/Start EndPAFalseTrueFTNoYesNY01 Arithmetic Add ( x + y ) Subtract ( x - y ) Multiply ( x * y ) Divide ( x / y ) Percent ( x % y ) Negate ( -x ) Modulus ( x % y ) Conversion To currency ( $x ) Comparisons Equal ( x = y ) Not equal ( x <> y ) Less than ( x < y ) Greater than ( x > y )PA Greater or equal ( x >= y ) Less or equal ( x <= y )Strings Concatenate ( x + y ) Subscript ( x [y] ) In string ( x in y )Ranges Make range ( x to y ) In range ( x in y )Boolean And ( x and y ) Or ( x or y ) Not ( not x )Arrays Make array ( [x, ...] ) Subscript ( x [y] ) In array ( x in y )Pattern" Starts with ( x startsWith y ) Like pattern ( x like y )Other Parentheses ( (x) ) Assignment ( x := y ) if x then y else z Comment ( // )Scope Local Global SharedVariable Declarations BooleanVar x := y; NumberVar x := y; CurrencyVar x := y; DateVar x := y; TimeVar x := y; DateTimeVar x := y; StringVar x := y; NumberVar range x := y to z;" CurrencyVar range x := y to z; DateVar range x := y to z;PA TimeVar range x := y to z;" DateTimeVar range x := y to z; StringVar range x := y to z;& BooleanVar array x := [y, z, ...];% NumberVar array x := [y, z, ...];' CurrencyVar array x := [y, z, ...];# DateVar array x := [y, z, ...];# TimeVar array x := [y, z, ...];( DateTimeVar arrray x := [y, z, ...];% StringVar array x := [y, z, ...];5 NumberVar range array x := [a to c, y to z, ...];7 CurrencyVar range array x := [a to c, y to z, ...];3 DateVar range array x := [a to c, y to z, ...];3 TimeVar range array x := [a to c, y to z, ...];7 DateTimeVar range array x := [a to c, y to z, ...];5 StringVar range array x := [a to c, y to z, ...];PAoption loop maxIterationsOption Loop maxIterationsLine Style Constants NoLine SingleLine DoubleLine DashedLine DottedLineHorizontal Alignment Constants DefaultHorAligned LeftAligned CenteredHorizontally RightAligned JustifiedColor Constants Color (red, green, blue) Black Maroon Green Olive Navy Purple Teal GrayPA Silver Red Lime Yellow Blue Fuchsia Aqua White NoColorVertical Alignment Constants DefaultVerAligned TopAligned CenteredVertically BottomAlignedDateTime Order Constants DateThenTime TimeThenDate DateOnly TimeOnlyYear Constants ShortYear LongYear NoYearNegative Sign Constants NoNegativeSignPA LeadingMinus TrailingMinus BracketedNegativesBoolean Constants TrueOrFalse TOrF YesOrNo YOrN OneOrZeroCurrency Order Constants LeadingCurrencyInsideNegative! LeadingCurrencyOutsideNegative! TrailingCurrencyInsideNegative" TrailingCurrencyOutsideNegativePACurrency Symbol Constants NoCurrencySymbol FixedCurrencySymbol FloatingCurrencySymbolDate Type Constants WindowsLong WindowsShort CustomTime Base Constants TwelveHour TwentyFourHourLeading Day Constants NoLeadingDay ShortLeadingDay LongLeadingDayMonth Constants NumericMonth LeadingZeroMonth ShortMonth LongMonth NoMonth Day Constants NumericDay LeadingZeroDay NoDayAPADOSDate Order Constants YearMonthDay DayMonthYear MonthDayYearPAAMPM Order Constants AMPMBefore AMPMAfterPAFieldLineBoxDay of Week Constants ShortDayOfWeek LongDayOfWeek NoDayOfWeekDay of Week Position Constants LeadingDayOfWeek TrailingDayOfWeek Era Constants ShortEra LongEra NoEraPADay of Week Enclosure Constants DayOfWeekNotEnclosed DayOfWeekInParentheses DayOfWeekInFWParentheses DayOfWeekInSquareBrackets DayOfWeekInFWSquareBracketsPABooleanCurrencyNumberStringPADateTimeDateTime%1s Range Array %1s Array %1s RangePADrawing Object SubreportPA Print Date Print TimeModification DateModification Time Data Date Data Time Record Number Page Number Group NumberTotal Page Count Report TitleReport CommentsRecord Selection FormulaGroup Selection FormulaFile Path and Name File AuthorPAFile Creation Date Page N of MHour Constants NoHour NumericHour LeadingZeroHourMinute Constants NoMinute NumericMinute LeadingZeroMinute8Must select a valid export format or export destination.Second Constants NoSecond NumericSecond LeadingZeroSecondCalendar Constants GregorianCalendar GregorianEnglishCalendar JapaneseCalendarPAText Interpretation Constants UninterpretedText RTFText HTMLTextHorizontal Page NumberCurrent CE User NameCurrent CE User IDCurrent CE User Time ZonePrint Time ZoneData Time ZoneNo Summarized FieldContent LocalenUnable to load prompt group from repository. Recreating prompt group locally but some information may be lost.Loading Parameter\Unable to load parameter from report. Recreating parameter but some information may be lost.Selection LocaleExport Option ErrorCurrent Page OrientationCurrent Page WidthCurrent Page HeightCurrent Page Left MarginCurrent Page Top MarginCurrent Page Right MarginCurrent Page Bottom MarginPAsumaveragesample variancesample standard deviationmaximumminimumcountpopulation variancepopulation standard deviationdistinct count correlation covarianceweighted averagemedianPth percentile Nth largest Nth smallestmodeNth most frequent Sum of %1s Avg of %1s Var of %1s StdDev of %1s Max of %1sPA Min of %1s Count of %1s PopVar of %1sPopStdDev of %1sDistinctCount of %1sCor of %1s with %2sCov of %1s with %2sWeighted avg of %1s with %2s Median of %1sPth percentile (P = %1d) of %2sNth largest (N = %1d) of %2s Nth smallest (N = %1d) of %2s Mode of %1sNth most freq (N = %1d) of %2sInsert Summarized Field HerePercentage of %1sPA%1s (Hierarchical)BarLineAreaPieDoughnut3D Riser 3D Surface XY ScatterRadarBubbleStock Numeric AxisGaugeGanttFunnel Histogram WaterfallSide by side bar chart. Bars display a value for each group and subgroup (optional). Good for showing comparisons between group values.Stacked bar chart. Subgroup totals make up the group/bar total. Good for showing comparisons between group and subgroup values.Percent bar chart. Subgroups are shown as a percentage of the group or bar total. Good for emphasizing each component's proportionate part of a total.Side by side bar chart with 3D visual effect. Bars display a value for each group, and subgroup (optional). Good for showing comparisons between group values.Stacked bar chart with 3D visual effect. Stacked bar chart. Subgroup totals make up the group or bar total. Good for showing comparisons between group and subgroup values.Percent bar chart with 3D visual effect. Subgroups are shown as a percentage of the group or bar total. Good for emphasizing each component's proportionate part of a total.TitleSubtitleFootnotePA Legend title Group title Data title Data2 title Group labels Data labels Data2 labels Data points Percentage of is equal toshow grid on change of Arithmetic Remainder (num, denom) Abs (x) Round (x) Round (x, #places) Truncate (x) Truncate (x, #places) Sum (fld) Sum (fld, condFld) Sum (fld, condFld, cond) Average (fld) Average (fld, condFld) Average (fld, condFld, cond) StdDev (fld) StdDev (fld, condFld) StdDev (fld, condFld, cond) PopulationStdDev (fld)# PopulationStdDev (fld, condFld)) PopulationStdDev (fld, condFld, cond) Variance (fld) Variance (fld, condFld)! Variance (fld, condFld, cond) PopulationVariance (fld)% PopulationVariance (fld, condFld)+ PopulationVariance (fld, condFld, cond) Maximum (fld) Maximum (fld, condFld) Maximum (fld, condFld, cond) Minimum (fld) Minimum (fld, condFld) Minimum (fld, condFld, cond) Count (fld) Count (fld, condFld) Count (fld, condFld, cond) DistinctCount (fld) DistinctCount (fld, condFld)& DistinctCount (fld, condFld, cond) Correlation (fld, fld)# Correlation (fld, fld, condFld)) Correlation (fld, fld, condFld, cond) Covariance (fld, fld)" Covariance (fld, fld, condFld)( Covariance (fld, fld, condFld, cond) WeightedAverage (fld, fld)' WeightedAverage (fld, fld, condFld)- WeightedAverage (fld, fld, condFld, cond) Median (fld) Median (fld, condFld) Median (fld, condFld, cond) PthPercentile (P, fld)# PthPercentile (P, fld, condFld)) PthPercentile (P, fld, condFld, cond) NthLargest (N, fld) NthLargest (N, fld, condFld)& NthLargest (N, fld, condFld, cond) NthSmallest (N, fld)! NthSmallest (N, fld, condFld)' NthSmallest (N, fld, condFld, cond)PA Mode (fld) Mode (fld, condFld) Mode (fld, condFld, cond) NthMostFrequent (N, fld)% NthMostFrequent (N, fld, condFld)+ NthMostFrequent (N, fld, condFld, cond)Strings Length (str) TrimLeft (str) TrimRight (str) Trim (str)" ReplicateString (str, #copies) UpperCase (str) LowerCase (str) NumericText (str)PA ToNumber (x) ToText (x) ToText (x, y) ToText (x, y, z) ToText (x, y, z, w) ToText (x, y, z, w, q) ToWords (x) ToWords (x, #places) Space (x) InStr (str1, str2) InStr (start, str1, str2) StrCmp (str1, str2) StrCmp (str1, str2, compare) Mid (str, start) Mid (str, start, length) Left (str, length) Right (str, length) Val (str) Chr (x) Asc (str) AscW (str) Date and Time Date (dateTime) Date (YYYY, MM, DD) Year (x) Month (x) Day (x) DayOfWeek (x) CurrentDate Time (dateTime) Time (HH, MM, SS) CurrentTime Hour (x) Minute (x) Second (x) DateTime (date, time) DateTime (YYYY, MM, DD)' DateTime (YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS) CurrentDateTime Grid Value Date Ranges WeekToDateFromSun MonthToDate YearToDate Last7Days Last4WeeksToSun LastFullWeek LastFullMonth AllDatesToToday AllDatesToYesterday AllDatesFromToday AllDatesFromTomorrow Aged0To30Days Aged31To60Days Aged61To90Days Over90Days Next30Days Next31To60Days Next61To90Days Next91To365Days Calendar1stQtr Calendar2ndQtr Calendar3rdQtr Calendar4thQtrPA Calendar1stHalf Calendar2ndHalf LastYearMTD LastYearYTDArrays Sum (x) Average (x) StdDev (x) PopulationStdDev (x) Variance (x) PopulationVariance (x) Maximum (x) Minimum (x) Count (x) DistinctCount (x) ChrW (x)Other Previous (fld) Next (fld) IsNull (fld) PreviousIsNull (fld) NextIsNull (fld) PrintDate PrintTime ModificationDate ModificationTime DataDate DataTime PageNumber TotalPageCount RecordNumberPA GroupNumber ReportTitle ReportComments RecordSelection GroupSelection Filename FileAuthor FileCreationDate PageNofM InRepeatedGroupHeader OnFirstRecord OnLastRecordEvaluation Time BeforeReadingRecords WhileReadingRecordsPA WhilePrintingRecords EvaluateAfter (x)Additional Functions CurrentCEUserName CurrentCEUserIDCurrentPageOrientation HasValue (param-fld)PAFetching Records&Are you sure you want to delete '%1s'?Confirm DeleteRunning Total Condition FormulaRecord SelectionGroup Selection Record SearchPA Group SearchView Time Record Selection ConditionMessageSaved Data SelectionSuppress If DuplicatedSuppress If Zero NegativesUse Thousands Separator Leading ZeroDecimalsRoundingEnable Currency SymbolOne Currency Symbol Per PageCurrency PositionThousands SeparatorDecimal SeparatorCurrency SymbolAllow Field ClippingBoolean_Output_Type Date Type Date OrderYearMonthDayDate First SeparatorDate Second SeparatorDay Of Week TypeDay Of Week Separator12/24 Hour ClockAM/PM PositionHourMinuteSecondHour/Minute SeparatorMinute/Second Separator AM SymbolPA PM SymbolDate/Time OrderDate/Time Separator Word_WrapFirst_Line_Indent Left_Indent Right_Indent Max_N_LinesLeft Line StyleRight Line StyleTop Line StyleBottom Line StyleTight Horizontal Drop Shadow Border ColorPABackground Color Line_Width Fill_StyleSuppressHorizontal Alignment Keep Object TogetherClose Border on Page BreakCan GrowSuppress (No Drill-Down) Show_AreaNew Page BeforeNew Page After Keep TogetherSuppress Blank SectionReset Page Number AfterPAPrint At Bottom Of PageUnderlay Following SectionsBackground Color Font Color Tool Tip TextSubreport Preview CaptionOn-Demand Subreport CaptionDay Of Week Position Calendar TypeEra Date Prefix Date SuffixText InterpretationDay Of Week EnclosureReverse Sign For DisplayRotationPAHyperlink TextCSS Class NameChart_Color_Format_Formula Font Name Font Style Font SizeFont UnderlineFont StrikeoutDisplay String Field HeadingPACrystal Reports XMLPA+Output XML according to the built-in schemaPAInteger divide ( x \ y )Exponentiate ( x ^ y )Modulus ( x Mod y )Subscript ( x (y) )In String ( x In y )Make Range ( x To y )In Range ( x In y ) Not ( Not x )And ( x And y ) Or ( x Or y )Xor ( x Xor y )Eqv ( x Eqv y )Imp ( x Imp y )Make array ( Array (x, ...) )In array ( x In y )Starts with ( x StartsWith y )Like pattern ( x Like y )If c Then s1 Else s2.If c1 Then s1 ElseIf c2 Then s2 Else sn End If0Select Case e Case e1 s1 Case Else sn End SelectFor i = a To b Step c s Next iExit ForWhile c s WendDo While c s LoopDo Until c s LoopDo s Loop While cDo s Loop Until cExit DoAssignment ( x = y ) Comment (Rem) Comment (')Date-time literal (#...#)PADimDim xDim x ()Dim x As BooleanDim x As NumberDim x As Currency Dim x As Date Dim x As TimeDim x As DateTimeDim x As StringDim x As Number RangeDim x As Currency RangeDim x As Date RangeDim x As Time RangeDim x As DateTime RangeDim x As String RangeDim x () As BooleanDim x () As NumberDim x () As CurrencyDim x () As DateDim x () As TimeDim x () As DateTimeDim x () As StringDim x () As Number RangeDim x () As Currency RangeDim x () As Date RangeDim x () As Time RangeDim x () As DateTime RangeDim x () As String RangeControl Structures Financial!DDB (cost, salvage, life, period)PA)DDB (cost, salvage, life, period, factor)FV (rate, nPeriods, payment)+FV (rate, nPeriods, payment, presentValue)1FV (rate, nPeriods, payment, presentValue, type)+IPmt (rate, period, nPeriods, presentValue)8IPmt (rate, period, nPeriods, presentValue, futureValue)>IPmt (rate, period, nPeriods, presentValue, futureValue, type) IRR (values)IRR (values, guess)(MIRR (values, financeRate, reinvestRate)"NPer (rate, payment, presentValue)/NPer (rate, payment, presentValue, futureValue)5NPer (rate, payment, presentValue, futureValue, type)NPV (rate, values)"Pmt (rate, nPeriods, presentValue)/Pmt (rate, nPeriods, presentValue, futureValue)PA5Pmt (rate, nPeriods, presentValue, futureValue, type)+PPmt (rate, period, nPeriods, presentValue)8PPmt (rate, period, nPeriods, presentValue, futureValue)>PPmt (rate, period, nPeriods, presentValue, futureValue, type)PV (rate, nPeriods, payment)&Rate (nPeriods, payment, presentValue)3Rate (nPeriods, payment, presentValue, futureValue)9Rate (nPeriods, payment, presentValue, futureValue, type)@Rate (nPeriods, payment, presentValue, futureValue, type, guess)SLN (cost, salvage, life)!SYD (cost, salvage, life, period)MathAtn (x)Cos (x)Exp (x)Log (x)PAPiRnd Rnd (seed)Sin (x)Tan (x) ArithmeticInt (x)Sgn (x)Type ConversionCBool (number or currency)!CCur (number, currency or string)*CDbl (number, currency, string or boolean)CStr (x) CStr (x, y)CStr (x, y, z)CStr (x, y, z, w)PACStr (x, y, z, w, q)CDate (number or string)CDate (dateTime)CDate (YYYY, MM, DD)CTime (number or string)CTime (dateTime)CTime (HH, MM, SS)CDateTime (number or string)CDateTime (date, time)CDateTime (date)CDateTime (YYYY, MM, DD)$CDateTime (YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS)Programming ShortcutsChoose (index, choice1, ...)%IIF (expression, truePart, falsePart)*Switch (expr1, value1, expr2, value2, ...)PA Date and TimeDateValue (number or string)DateValue (dateTime)DateValue (YYYY, MM, DD)TimeValue (number or string)TimeValue (dateTime)TimeValue (HH, MM, SS) DateTimeValue (number or string)DateTimeValue (date, time)DateTimeValue (date)DateTimeValue (YYYY, MM, DD)(DateTimeValue (YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS)IsDate (string or number)IsTime (string or number)IsDateTime (string or number)MonthName (month)PAMonthName (month, abbreviate)WeekdayName (weekday)!WeekdayName (weekday, abbreviate)1WeekdayName (weekday, abbreviate, firstDayOfWeek)1DateAdd (intervalType, nIntervals, startDateTime)3DateDiff (intervalType, startDateTime, endDateTime)CDateDiff (intervalType, startDateTime, endDateTime, firstDayOfWeek)&DatePart (intervalType, inputDateTime)6DatePart (intervalType, inputDateTime, firstDayOfWeek)GDatePart (intervalType, inputDateTime, firstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear)DateSerial (year, month, day)Timer!TimeSerial (hour, minute, second)First Day of Week Constants UseSystemSundayPAMondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayFirst Week of Year Constants FirstJan1 FirstFourDays FirstFullWeekArrayArray (x, ...)UBound (array)Strings#Filter (inputStrings, searchString),Filter (inputStrings, searchString, include)5Filter (inputStrings, searchString, include, compare)0Replace (inputString, findString, replaceString)?Replace (inputString, findString, replaceString, startPosition)FReplace (inputString, findString, replaceString, startPosition, count)OReplace (inputString, findString, replaceString, startPosition, count, compare) Join (list)Join (list, delimiter)Split (inputString)Split (inputString, delimiter)%Split (inputString, delimiter, count).Split (inputString, delimiter, count, compare)"InStrRev (inputString, findString)1InStrRev (inputString, findString, startPosition)*PV (rate, nPeriods, payment, futureValue)0PV (rate, nPeriods, payment, futureValue, type):InStrRev (inputString, findString, startPosition, compare)PAStrReverse (str)SummaryMath Print StateDocument PropertiesFix (x)Fix (x, #places) Len (str) LTrim (str) RTrim (str) UCase (str) LCase (str)IsNumeric (str)WeekDay (date)WeekDay (date, firstDayOfWeek)PreviousValue (fld)PANextValue (fld)MakeArray (x, ...)RGB (red, green, blue)DayOfWeek (date) DayOfWeek (date, firstDayOfWeek)Xor ( x xor y )Eqv ( x eqv y )Imp ( x imp y )select x case a : y default : zfor i := a to b step c do zexit for while x do y do x while y exit whileModulus ( x mod y )Crystal SyntaxPA Basic Syntax(Left endpoint excluded range ( x _to y ))Right endpoint excluded range ( x to_ y )*Both endpoints excluded range ( x _to_ y )Up to ( upTo x )#Up to but not including ( upTo_ x )Up from ( upFrom x )(Up from but not including ( upFrom_ x ) redim x [n]redim preserve x [n](Left endpoint excluded range ( x _To y ))Right endpoint excluded range ( x To_ y )*Both endpoints excluded range ( x _To_ y )Is < xIs > xIs <= xPAIs >= x Redim x (n)Redim Preserve x (n)Assignment (Let x = y)CallDDBFVIPmtIRRNPerPmtPPmtPVRateRoundTruncateSumAverageStdDevPopulationStdDevVariancePopulation VarianceMaximumMinimumCount DistinctCount Correlation CovarianceWeightedAverageMedian PthPercentile NthLargest NthSmallestModeNthMostFrequentToTextToWordsInStrInStrRevStrCmpMidFilterReplaceJoinSplitDateTimeDateTimePA DateValue TimeValue DateTimeValue DayOfWeek MonthName WeekdayNameDateDiffDatePartCStrCDateCTime CDateTimeRndFixWeekDayStandard Form LetterForm Cross-Tab Subreport Mail Label Drill DownOLAPDocument Import ToolReservedReservedReservedReservedReservedPA%Crystal Reports|*.rpt|All Files|*.*||PAhttp://mailto: PercentOfSumPercentOfSum (fld, condFld)!PercentOfSum (fld, condFld, cond).PercentOfSum (fld, innerCondFld, outerCondFld)9PercentOfSum (fld, innerCondFld, innerCond, outerCondFld)9PercentOfSum (fld, innerCondFld, outerCondFld, outerCond)DPercentOfSum (fld, innerCondFld, innerCond, outerCondFld, outerCond)PercentOfAverage (fld, condFld)%PercentOfAverage (fld, condFld, cond)2PercentOfAverage (fld, innerCondFld, outerCondFld)=PercentOfAverage (fld, innerCondFld, innerCond, outerCondFld)=PercentOfAverage (fld, innerCondFld, outerCondFld, outerCond)HPercentOfAverage (fld, innerCondFld, innerCond, outerCondFld, outerCond)PercentOfMaximum (fld, condFld)%PercentOfMaximum (fld, condFld, cond)2PercentOfMaximum (fld, innerCondFld, outerCondFld)PercentOfAveragePercentOfMaximum=PercentOfMaximum (fld, innerCondFld, innerCond, outerCondFld)=PercentOfMaximum (fld, innerCondFld, outerCondFld, outerCond)HPercentOfMaximum (fld, innerCondFld, innerCond, outerCondFld, outerCond)PercentOfMinimumPercentOfMinimum (fld, condFld)%PercentOfMinimum (fld, condFld, cond)2PercentOfMinimum (fld, innerCondFld, outerCondFld)=PercentOfMinimum (fld, innerCondFld, innerCond, outerCondFld)=PercentOfMinimum (fld, innerCondFld, outerCondFld, outerCond)HPercentOfMinimum (fld, innerCondFld, innerCond, outerCondFld, outerCond)PercentOfCountPercentOfCount (fld, condFld)#PercentOfCount (fld, condFld, cond)0PercentOfCount (fld, innerCondFld, outerCondFld);PercentOfCount (fld, innerCondFld, innerCond, outerCondFld);PercentOfCount (fld, innerCondFld, outerCondFld, outerCond)FPercentOfCount (fld, innerCondFld, innerCond, outerCondFld, outerCond)PercentOfDistinctCount%PercentOfDistinctCount (fld, condFld)+PercentOfDistinctCount (fld, condFld, cond)8PercentOfDistinctCount (fld, innerCondFld, outerCondFld)CPercentOfDistinctCount (fld, innerCondFld, innerCond, outerCondFld)CPercentOfDistinctCount (fld, innerCondFld, outerCondFld, outerCond)NPercentOfDistinctCount (fld, innerCondFld, innerCond, outerCondFld, outerCond)Concatenate ( x & y )Font Style ConstantsBoldItalicRegular BoldItalicSqr (x)formulaAlerts Alert NamesPAIsAlertEnabled (alertName)IsAlertTriggered (alertName)AlertMessage (alertName)DrillDownGroupLevelProperCase (str)RangesHasLowerBound (x)HasUpperBound (x)IncludesLowerBound (x)IncludesUpperBound (x)RoundUp RoundUp (x) RoundUp (x, #places)MRound MRound (x) MRound (x, multiple)PACeiling Ceiling (x) Ceiling (x, multiple)Floor Floor (x) Floor (x, multiple)IWARNING -- leave room for more formula editor related strings up to 25200PAReport Report HeaderPA Report Footer Page Header Page FooterDetails ReportObjectText SubreportChartMapCrosstabOlapOLEPictureFieldLineBoxPAAdvanced Financial FunctionsDISC.DISC (settlement, maturity, price, redemption)5DISC (settlement, maturity, price, redemption, basis)ACCRINTEACCRINT (issue, firstInterest, settlement, rate, parValue, frequency)LACCRINT (issue, firstInterest, settlement, rate, parValue, frequency, basis)ACCRINTM*ACCRINTM (issue, maturity, rate, parValue)1ACCRINTM (issue, maturity, rate, parValue, basis) AmorDEGRCBAmorDEGRC (cost, purchaseDate, firstPeriod, salvage, period, rate)IAmorDEGRC (cost, purchaseDate, firstPeriod, salvage, period, rate, basis)AmorLINCAAmorLINC (cost, purchaseDate, firstPeriod, salvage, period, rate)HAmorLINC (cost, purchaseDate, firstPeriod, salvage, period, rate, basis) CoupDayBS+CoupDayBS (settlement, maturity, frequency)2CoupDayBS (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)CoupDays*CoupDays (settlement, maturity, frequency)1CoupDays (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis) CoupDaysNC,CoupDaysNC (settlement, maturity, frequency)3CoupDaysNC (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis))CoupNCD (settlement, maturity, frequency)Advanced Financial FunctionsDISC)CoupPCD (settlement, maturity, frequency)PA.DISC (settlement, maturity, price, redemption)5DISC (settlement, maturity, price, redemption, basis)8CumIPMT (rate, nPeriods, presentValue, start, end, type)9CumPRINC (rate, nPeriods, presentValue, start, end, type)DB DB (cost, salvage, life, period)'DB (cost, salvage, life, period, month)Days360Days360 (start, end)Days360 (start, end, method)DollarDE (fraction, base)DollarFR (decimal, base)Duration7Duration (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, frequency)>Duration (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, frequency, basis)Effect (rate, periods)FVSchedule (value, rates)IntRate4IntRate (settlement, maturity, purchase, redemption);IntRate (settlement, maturity, purchase, redemption, basis)%ISPMT (rate, period, nPeriods, value) MDuration8MDuration (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, frequency)?MDuration (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, frequency, basis)Nominal (rate, periods) OddFPriceMOddFPrice (settlement, maturity, issue, first, rate, yield, value, frequency)TOddFPrice (settlement, maturity, issue, first, rate, yield, value, frequency, basis) OddFYieldUOddFYield (settlement, maturity, issue, first, rate, purchase, redemption, frequency)\OddFYield (settlement, maturity, issue, first, rate, purchase, redemption, frequency, basis) OddLPriceEOddLPrice (settlement, maturity, last, rate, yield, value, frequency)LOddLPrice (settlement, maturity, last, rate, yield, value, frequency, basis) OddLYieldMOddLYield (settlement, maturity, last, rate, purchase, redemption, frequency)TOddLYield (settlement, maturity, last, rate, purchase, redemption, frequency, basis)Price;Price (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, value, frequency)BPrice (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, value, frequency, basis) PriceDisc-PriceDisc (settlement, maturity, rate, value)4PriceDisc (settlement, maturity, rate, value, basis)PriceMat3PriceMat (settlement, maturity, issue, rate, yield):PriceMat (settlement, maturity, issue, rate, yield, basis)Received,Received (settlement, maturity, value, rate)3Received (settlement, maturity, value, rate, basis)$TBillEq (settlement, maturity, rate)'TBillPrice (settlement, maturity, rate)(TBillYield (settlement, maturity, price)VDB)VDB (cost, salvage, lifetime, start, end)1VDB (cost, salvage, lifetime, start, end, factor)3VDB (cost, salvage, lifetime, start, end, noSwitch);VDB (cost, salvage, lifetime, start, end, factor, noSwitch)YieldCYield (settlement, maturity, rate, purchase, redemption, frequency)JYield (settlement, maturity, rate, purchase, redemption, frequency, basis) YieldDisc6YieldDisc (settlement, maturity, purchase, redemption)=YieldDisc (settlement, maturity, purchase, redemption, basis)YieldMatPA3YieldMat (settlement, maturity, issue, rate, price):YieldMat (settlement, maturity, issue, rate, price, basis)XIRRXIRR (values, dates)XIRR (values, dates, guess)XNPV (rate, values, dates)InStr (str1, str2, compare)"InStr (start, str1, str2, compare))CoupNum (settlement, maturity, frequency)ACCRINTEACCRINT (issue, firstInterest, settlement, rate, parValue, frequency)YearFracYearFrac (start, end)YearFrac (start, end, basis)Roman Roman (value)PARoman (value, form)Row or Column NamesFormatting FunctionsVisual Basic UFLsBoolean ConditionsDate ConditionsTime Conditions" ToWords (x, #places, formtype)@Warning - Leave room for more Formula Editor Strings up to 25800LACCRINT (issue, firstInterest, settlement, rate, parValue, frequency, basis)ACCRINTM*ACCRINTM (issue, maturity, rate, parValue)1ACCRINTM (issue, maturity, rate, parValue, basis) AmorDEGRCBAmorDEGRC (cost, purchaseDate, firstPeriod, salvage, period, rate)IAmorDEGRC (cost, purchaseDate, firstPeriod, salvage, period, rate, basis)AmorLINCAAmorLINC (cost, purchaseDate, firstPeriod, salvage, period, rate)HAmorLINC (cost, purchaseDate, firstPeriod, salvage, period, rate, basis) CoupDayBS+CoupDayBS (settlement, maturity, frequency)2CoupDayBS (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis)CoupDays*CoupDays (settlement, maturity, frequency)1CoupDays (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis) CoupDaysNC,CoupDaysNC (settlement, maturity, frequency)3CoupDaysNC (settlement, maturity, frequency, basis))CoupNCD (settlement, maturity, frequency))CoupPCD (settlement, maturity, frequency)8CumIPMT (rate, nPeriods, presentValue, start, end, type)9CumPRINC (rate, nPeriods, presentValue, start, end, type)DB DB (cost, salvage, life, period)'DB (cost, salvage, life, period, month)Days360Days360 (start, end)Days360 (start, end, method)DollarDE (fraction, base)DollarFR (decimal, base)Duration7Duration (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, frequency)>Duration (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, frequency, basis)Effect (rate, periods)FVSchedule (value, rates)IntRate4IntRate (settlement, maturity, purchase, redemption);IntRate (settlement, maturity, purchase, redemption, basis)PA%ISPMT (rate, period, nPeriods, value) MDuration8MDuration (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, frequency)?MDuration (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, frequency, basis)Nominal (rate, periods) OddFPriceMOddFPrice (settlement, maturity, issue, first, rate, yield, value, frequency)TOddFPrice (settlement, maturity, issue, first, rate, yield, value, frequency, basis) OddFYieldUOddFYield (settlement, maturity, issue, first, rate, purchase, redemption, frequency)\OddFYield (settlement, maturity, issue, first, rate, purchase, redemption, frequency, basis) OddLPriceEOddLPrice (settlement, maturity, last, rate, yield, value, frequency)LOddLPrice (settlement, maturity, last, rate, yield, value, frequency, basis) OddLYieldMOddLYield (settlement, maturity, last, rate, purchase, redemption, frequency)TOddLYield (settlement, maturity, last, rate, purchase, redemption, frequency, basis)Price;Price (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, value, frequency)BPrice (settlement, maturity, rate, yield, value, frequency, basis) PriceDisc-PriceDisc (settlement, maturity, rate, value)4PriceDisc (settlement, maturity, rate, value, basis)PriceMat3PriceMat (settlement, maturity, issue, rate, yield):PriceMat (settlement, maturity, issue, rate, yield, basis)Received,Received (settlement, maturity, value, rate)3Received (settlement, maturity, value, rate, basis)$TBillEq (settlement, maturity, rate)'TBillPrice (settlement, maturity, rate)(TBillYield (settlement, maturity, price)PAVDB)VDB (cost, salvage, lifetime, start, end)1VDB (cost, salvage, lifetime, start, end, factor)3VDB (cost, salvage, lifetime, start, end, noSwitch);VDB (cost, salvage, lifetime, start, end, factor, noSwitch)YieldCYield (settlement, maturity, rate, purchase, redemption, frequency)JYield (settlement, maturity, rate, purchase, redemption, frequency, basis) YieldDisc6YieldDisc (settlement, maturity, purchase, redemption)=YieldDisc (settlement, maturity, purchase, redemption, basis)YieldMat3YieldMat (settlement, maturity, issue, rate, price):YieldMat (settlement, maturity, issue, rate, price, basis)XIRRXIRR (values, dates)XIRR (values, dates, guess)XNPV (rate, values, dates)InStr (str1, str2, compare)"InStr (start, str1, str2, compare))CoupNum (settlement, maturity, frequency)YearFracYearFrac (start, end)YearFrac (start, end, basis)Roman Roman (value)Roman (value, form)Row or Column NamesFormatting FunctionsVisual Basic UFLsBoolean ConditionsDate ConditionsTime Conditions" ToWords (x, #places, formtype) URLEncodeURLEncode (inputString)'URLEncode (inputString, encodingScheme) URLDecodeURLDecode (inputString)'URLDecode (inputString, encodingScheme)CurrentCEUserTimeZone PrintTimeZone DataTimeZone<ShiftDateTime (inputDateTime, inputTimeZone, outputTimeZone)HierarchyLevel (groupingLevel)GroupingLevel (fld) Java UFLsGroup Sort Order ConstantsPAAscending OrderDescending OrderOriginal Order4URLEncode (inputString, encodingScheme, neverEncode)BURLEncode (inputString, encodingScheme, neverEncode, alwaysEncode)5URLEncode (inputString, encodingScheme, characterSet)BURLEncode (inputString, encodingScheme, characterSet, neverEncode)PURLEncode (inputString, encodingScheme, characterSet, neverEncode, alwaysEncode)5URLDecode (inputString, encodingScheme, characterSet) ContentLocaleSelectionLocale((not a valid cross-tab group sort order)@Warning - Leave room for more Formula Editor Strings up to 25800PAClose DescriptionValueUse Optional Value: Boolean Array Number ArrayCurrency Array String Array Date ArrayDateTime Array Time ArrayCurrency Range Number RangePA String Range Date RangeDateTime Range Time RangeCurrency Range ArrayNumber Range ArrayString Range ArrayDate Range ArrayDateTime Range ArrayTime Range ArrayItemValueUnitsMultiple Objects Saved DataNumber of Data SourcesSaved Data VersionUnicode Saved DataTotal Number of RecordsPASelected Number of Records Recurring Database Record LengthRecurring Formula Record LengthConstant Formula Record LengthSize of Saved RecordsSize of Saved Memo Fields Group TreeNumber of Nodes in Group TreeNumber of Summary ValuesSize of Saved Group Tree Built the Group Tree in Progress Processing Grouping Done on Database ServerSorting Done on Database Server(Record Selection Done on Database ServerPARequire Two PassesRequire the Total Page CountLatest Report ChangesRecurring Database FieldsConstant Database FieldsSummary FieldsRunning Total FieldsRecord Selection FormulaGroup Selection Formula Report GroupsCrossTab GroupsConstant FormulasRecurring FormulasPrint Time Formulas#Print Time Formula Evaluation OrderTopN/Group SortingDatabase Table LinkingRecord Sort OrderTopN SelectionGroup Name FormulasYesPartialNoChanged UnchangedKBReport DefinitionNumber of Database FieldsNumber of Memo/Blob FieldsNumber of Summary FieldsNumber of Running Total FieldsNumber of Subreport ObjectsPANumber of Formatting FormulasNumber of On-Demand FormulasNumber of Constant FormulasNumber of Recurring FormulasNumber of Print Time FormulasNumber of Global VariablesNumber of Shared VariablesPage N of M UsedFile Format SchemaCommentsNone UFLs in use None in useOnly %1s in useInsert Empty String ( "" )Insert Empty String ( "" )Insert Empty String ( '' )Excel (*.xls, *.xlw) *.xls;*.xlwXML Files (*.xml;*.xsd) *.xml;*.xsdField Definition (*.ttx)*.ttxxBase Files (*.dbf)*.dbfParadox Files (*.db)*.dbBtrieve Dictionaries (*.ddf)*.ddfAccess Files (*.mdb)*.mdbData Link Files (*.udl)*.udl All Files*.*              ACT Files (*.dbf)*.dbfBDE Files (*.db;*.dbf) *.db;*.dbfbytebytesms'Number of subreport instances formatted&Time to format all subreport instancesNumber of Charts formattedTime to format all chartsNumber of OLAP grids formattedTime to format all OLAP grids-Number of Running Totals Using Distinct CountConstant Database Record LengthNumber of OLAP Grid ObjectsNumber of Chart ObjectsMBFor all instancesPACurrent Parameter Values<No parameters have any values>Unable to edit the parameter.cThis parameter uses the Enterprise Repository, which can not be accessed with this product version.hThis parameter uses the Enterprise Repository. You need to log on to Enterprise before you can proceed.gThis parameter uses a dynamic data source. This product version is unable to edit a dynamic parameter.Create New ParameterEdit Parameter: %s\Prompting failed with the following error message: '%s'. Error source: %s Error code: 0x%X Reading OrderPA&SAP Crystal Reports: Application ErrorCouldn't load %1s.Failed to load routine.The file CRW.NET cannot be found. Please check that it is in the working directory as shown by the Program Manager's File|Properties command.Invalid multi-user file.6Error locking file. Ensure that SHARE has been loaded.SAP Crystal ReportsPA#SAP Crystal Reports: Database ErrorPhysical database not found.Dictionary integrity error.File not foundFile permission error.File integrity error.Main window not found.SQL server error.Server has not yet been opened.@Unable to log off. This server is still in use by some reports.0This dictionary is still in use by some reports.Incorrect password.Open database session failed.%Error detected by database connector.wError removing file. There are still fields in the report from this file. Please clear them before removing the file.\Error opening new index. The file "%1s" could not be recognized as an index for file "%2s".PAZError opening new index. The index must be in the same directory as the data file: "%1s".EError opening file. "%1s" could not be opened. Please choose again.Configuration Error. Error loading report database - newer version than expected. Please run a more recent version of the application.Cannot create temporary file.Cannot rename temporary file.Cannot delete old file.Cannot save to temporary file.WError recognizing file. File "%1s" is not a known database type. Please choose again.LError opening file. File could not be found: "%1s", at file location: "%2s"JError opening file. File permission error: "%1s", at file location: "%2s"IError opening file. File integrity error: "%1s", at file location: "%2s"MError opening file. File could not be opened: "%1s", at file location: "%2s"JError opening dictionary. There are no files in the dictionary: "%1s%2s".QError opening file. File could not be opened: "%1s". Please check its location.VError opening file. File could not be opened: "%1s". Please choose correct location.GError opening dictionary. There are no files in the dictionary: "%1s".PA<Error opening file. There are no fields in the file: "%1s".jWarning - Dictionary file "%1s" not found. Please give location of dictionary used to create this report.2Error - Dictionary file "%1s" could not be opened.SAlias already exists. Alias is already in database: "%1s", at file location: "%2s"VAlias already exists. Alias is already in database: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s"cDatabase file error. File could not be read due to memory error: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s"ODatabase file error. File could not be read: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s"YConfiguration Error. File could not be opened because the library "%1s" cannot be found.UConfiguration Error. Library "%1s" cannot be opened. Please check its configuration.Configuration Error. No database connectors found ("PD*.DLL"). Ensure that the application is installed in the same directory as the database DLLs.vConfiguration Error. Error loading "%1s" - newer version than expected. Run a more recent version of the application.CConfiguration Error. Error loading "%1s" - Missing function: '%2s'%1sYConfiguration Error. Feature not supported by SQL DLL. Please upgrade to newer version.YError in file links. Warning: Fields in the report from the file "%1s" cannot be linked.KInvalid file link. SQL tables must be joined on the same number of fields.;Invalid file link. SQL stored procedures cannot be linked.?Invalid file link. A File must be selected for this file link.XInvalid file link. To link the same file to itself please assign two different aliases.2Invalid file link. This file link already exists.AInvalid file link. An index must be selected for this file link.Invalid file link. Field(s) must be selected from the first file. Click the combo box items to insert fields in the list box.wFile link warning. The specified fields may not link successfully due to different lengths (%1d and %2d respectively).<Field not Found. The data dictionary field '%1s' not found.\Error loading field. The data dictionary field (tableID %1l, fieldID %2l) cannot be loaded.An error handled by a DB DLLDB Error: Bad number of files"DB Error: Invalid parameter values#DB Error: No stored procedure found&There are no more databases to remove.PA SAP Crystal Reports: Field ErrorBad formula code.Bad formula result.1The formula result is not valid for this formula.:Prompt Manager encountered an error during loading/saving.<An unexpected error occured while updating the prompt group.PA<The field %1s does not exist in the database of this report. SAP Crystal Reports: Model ErrorSAP Crystal Reports: Sort ErrorPA)SAP Crystal Reports: Formula Parser Error*The matching ' for this string is missing.*The matching " for this string is missing..The matching } for this field name is missing.-There are too many characters in this string.1There are too many characters in this field name.)There are too many digits in this number.3There are too many letters and digits in this name.The keyword '%1s' is missing.A ( is expected here.A [ is expected here.The ) is missing.The ] is missing.VA number, currency amount, boolean, date, time, date-time, or string is expected here.This field name is not known.(A boolean range variable is not allowed.PA6A variable cannot be redeclared with a different type.!A variable name is expected here.=The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula.0A variable type (for example, '%1s') is missing.8There are too many characters in this date time literal.*This date time literal was not understood.5The matching # for this date time literal is missing.A statement is expected here.!A function name is expected here. An equals sign is expected here. A variable cannot be redeclared.3The following statement should start on a new line.DMatching 'For' and 'Next' counter variables must have the same name.An assignment is expected here.A colon is expected here.FThe 'As' clause is required when an explicit array dimension is given.@One of the comparison operators <, <=, > or >= is expected here.The formula is too long.0The custom function name '%1s' is expected here.:Only local variables can be used within a custom function.$A positive integer is expected here.3UFL '%1s' that implements this function is missing.YThe Visual Basic UFL that implements this function is missing (or U2lcom.dll is missing).'%1s' is expected here.PA+SAP Crystal Reports: Formula Compiler ErrorA number is required here.#A currency amount is required here.A boolean is required here.A date is required here.A string is required here.A function is required here. A number range is required here."A currency range is required here.A date range is required here. A number array is required here. A dollar array is required here.!A boolean array is required here.A date array is required here. A string array is required here.VA number, currency amount, boolean, date, time, date-time, or string is required here..A number, or currency amount is required here.MA number, currency amount, date, time, date-time, or string is required here.EA number, currency amount, date, time, or date-time is required here.0A string or an array of values is required here.2A number array or currency array is required here.$An array of values is required here.9A number field or currency amount field is required here. This field cannot be summarized.A field is required here.5This field cannot be used as a group condition field.&A group condition is not allowed here.#A group condition must be a string."This group condition is not known..There must be a group that matches this field.7The summary / running total field could not be created.0The special variable field could not be created.PA4Too many arguments have been given to this function.6Not enough arguments have been given to this function.-Too many items have been given to this array.*The result of a formula cannot be a range.2The result of selection formula must be a boolean.>This field must be in the same section as the current formula.FThis field must be earlier in the same section as the current formula.8This array must be subscripted. For example: Array [i].+The result of a formula cannot be an array.*Dates must be between year 1 and year 9999@A formula cannot refer to itself, either directly or indirectly.DThere is an error in this formula. Please edit it for more details.)A blob field cannot be used in a formula.)This field has no previous or next value.A variable is required here."The variable could not be created.6A variable cannot be redeclared with a different type.6The formula cannot be evaluated at the time specified.=This field cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.?This formula cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.@This function cannot be used because it must be evaluated later.=Sorry, this feature is not yet implemented. Try again later.:Error in parse tree. Please contact SAP Business Objects.The word 'else' is missing.Error in dBASE expression: %1s."Unknown error in dBASE expression.%1s*The group name field could not be created.A time is required here.A date-time is required here.A time range is required here.#A date-time range is required here.'SAP Crystal Reports: Formula Code Error A string range is required here.A time array is required here.#A date-time array is required here.#A number must be between 0 and 255.$The formula result must be a number.%The formula result must be a boolean.$The formula result must be a string.dInvalid time: hour must be between 0 and 23, minutes between 0 and 59, and seconds between 0 and 59.6This function can only be used in formatting formulas.<This function can only be used in field formatting formulas.1This number must be an integer between 0 and 100.1This number must be an integer between 1 and 100.<A 'shared' variable can only be used while printing records.KThe special variable 'Formula' must be assigned a value within the formula.An array is required here.PA#An array variable is required here.CThis is not the name of a grid group for the field being formatted.6This function cannot be used within a custom function./Fields cannot be used within a custom function.'A constant expression is required here.:'%1s' must be assigned a value within the custom function.KThere is an error in this custom function. Please edit it for more details."The alert name was not recognized.DThis field is not constant over the group that the Alert applies to.JOne of the previous fields is not constant over group level of this field.JThe other formula is using a group level where this field is not constant.[The other formula is using a field which is not constant for the group level of this field.,Alert formulas can only use local variables.EOne of operands is a running total field that is using this formula. *A function with this name cannot be found.=A function with this name and argument types cannot be found.CMore than one function with this name and argument types was found.$A string or number is required here.5This function cannot be used in a print-time formula.^Formatting formulas must be print-time formulas. Formulas containing '%1s' are not print-time.BThis function can be used only within the context of a value grid.CThe evaluation time of grid calculation formulas cannot be changed.GFormulas used in a Value Grid cannot modify global or shared variables.#A parameter field is required here."The summary index is out of range.VUnable to compute the return type because the Embedded Summary is referring to itself.PA*SAP Crystal Reports: Formula Encoder Error@Error encoding parse tree. Please contact SAP Business Objects./'exit while' without an enclosing 'while' loop.)'Exit Do' without an enclosing 'Do' loop.+'exit for' without an enclosing 'for' loop.PA,SAP Crystal Reports: Formula Evaluator ErrorNumeric overflow.Division by zero.+Dates must be between year 1 and year 9999.(A month number must be between 1 and 12.CA day number must be between 1 and the number of days in the month.#The number of days is out of range..A string can be at most 65534 characters long.;A subscript must be between 1 and the length of the string.8A subscript must be between 1 and the size of the array./The formula is too complex. Try simplifying it.4The result of the selection formula must be boolean.<The number of decimal places is too large or not an integer.The string is non-numeric.Cannot find "CRToWords_??.DLL"."CRToWords_??.DLL" is damaged.BThe number of copies of the string is too large or not an integer.%1s<Sorry this feature is not yet implemented. Try again later.<Error in formula code. Please contact SAP Business Objects.Error in dBASE expression: %1s"Unknown error in dBASE expression.Hour must be between 0 and 23.!Minutes must be between 0 and 59.!Seconds must be between 0 and 59.Bad number format string.Bad date format string.Bad time format string.Bad date-time format string.!Compare condition must be 0 or 1./String length is less than 0 or not an integer.0Start position is less than 1 or not an integer.Invalid date or time.!Number must be between 0 and 255.1There is no business calendar set for the report."Business calendar function failed.1The date is out of the business calendar's range.'The argument to 'Log' must be positive.*The argument to 'Sqr' must be nonnegative.ANumerical method did not converge; try another value for 'guess'.CA loop was evaluated more than the maximum number of times allowed.;An array's dimension must be an integer between 1 and 1000.'Argument #%1d of '%2s' is out of range.%1s9A combination of the arguments of '%1s' are out of range.RThe 'values' array argument of '%1s' must have both positive and negative entries.9An error occurred when calling the custom function '%1s'.;In '%1s', argument #%2d must be earlier than argument #%3d.PA;In '%1s', argument #%2d must be smaller than argument #%3d.(The size of the arrays must be the same.;The numeric method failed. Try different parameter values.DThe number of form type is out of range. Valid numbers are 0, 1, 2..The size of the array must be greater than %1s"The time zone string is not valid.9The week of the month must be between 1 and 5, inclusive.7The day of the week must be between 0 and 6, inclusive.WThe encoding rule strings must only contain characters with ascii values less than 128.VThe string to be decoded must only contain characters with ascii values less than 128.>The string to be decoded contained an invalid escape sequence.BThe string to be decoded ended with an incomplete escape sequence.Parameter has no value.SAP Crystal Reports: CInfoFailed to logon to CMS.&Info View Row security: Access denied./User does not have the right to design reports.WUser has logged on to a CMS which is different from the CMS used in the current report.2User does not have the right to by pass Info View.7User does not have the right to analyze Info OLAP cube.NFailed to start up CIDkdlg(the mini desktop dialog). Error code returned: %1d.#Crystal Report: OLAP Database Error%Failed to load OLAP Database Manager. Failed to open dimension "%1s" .Failed to open cube "%1s".&Failed to get logon info for PDS DLLs.,Failed to open OLAP database with DLL "%1s".Failed to create field filters..Failed to calculate the number of generations.#Failed to create dimension filters. Failed to set dimension filters.&Failed to set default section filters."Failed to get OLAP database types.#Failed to open OLAP database "%1s".Failed to open OLAP database."Failed to get OLAP database names.Failed to get the cube name.%Failed to retrieve the list of cubes.Failed to get field names.Failed to read cell value.4Failed to read cell value: get cube cell spec error.9Failed to read cell value: add cell dimension spec error. Failed to read OLAP cell values.Dimension "%1s" doesn't exist.Failed to get field objects.Dimension(s) used in OLAP grid is/are not found in new data source. Before refreshing, please use the OLAP Expert or OLAP Report Creation Wizard to reformat the grid to use existing dimensions.'Failed to get denormalized field names.-Import OLAP grid format: Invalid file format.-Import OLAP grid format: Failed to open file.'Import OLAP grid format: Unknown error. ODBEGetCube2!ODBECube2CreateNewSliceSpecObject(ODBECube2CreateNewStringCollectionObjectODBEAddSliceDimODBEStringCollectionAddString'Failed to retrieve multiple cell valuesODBESetAPSLogOnOptionI"%1s" dimension was added to the data source. Please verify the database.7Failed to retrieve all dimensions on OLAP cube: "%1s" .iA Slice/Page Dimension was removed from OLAP grid because the dimension was not found in the data source.The advanced features in this report are not supported in Crystal Reports 2008 for Visual Studio. For the latest release, contact Business Objects. SAP Crystal Reports: Load ErrorError reading query file.Cannot open secure query.PA SAP Crystal Reports: Batch Error%SAP Crystal Reports: Saved Data ErrorPA&SAP Crystal Reports: Data Source Error%1s This group section cannot be printed because its condition field is nonexistent or invalid. Format the section to choose another condition field.PACannot open database.PA&SAP Crystal Reports: Page Format ErrorUThe page size was not large enough to format the contents of an object in the report.PAError formatting Blob Field.Error formatting Text Object.PAError formatting OLE Object.Error formatting Field Object.Cannot get OLE image.PA!SAP Crystal Reports: Report Error7Page Header plus Page Footer is too large for the page.)Group specified on a non-recurring field.<A Cross-Tab row has been specified on a non-recurring field.?A Cross-Tab column has been specified on a non-recurring field.6A summary has been specified on a non-recurring field.Invalid report schema.Invalid report version.0Not a 4.x or earlier version of Crystal Reports.!Error in making view format info.Error in getting data source."Error in creating new data source.Error in serializing view info.#Error in storing report parameters.#Error in loading report parameters.Cannot open secured report.:This version of SAP Crystal Reports does not support OLAP./A non-numeric summary is used in a chart or mapFA print time formula that modifies variables is used in a chart or map4A running total cannot refer to a print time formula4A summary is placed in a detail section or page areaZError in storing data sources. Please turn off "Save Data With Report" flag and try again.\This report contains an object that is not supported by this version of SAP Crystal Reports.!SAP Crystal Reports: Export ErrorFile I/O error.No export DLLs found. Failed to export the report. %1s UNKNOWN.RPTNo pages have been exported!)SAP Crystal Reports: Format Options ErrorPASAP Crystal Reports: View ErrorPA#SAP Crystal Reports: Totaller ErrorInvalid group number.4SAP Crystal Reports: Internal Error in Report Engine No error. Not enough memory for operation.1Buffer too small for string or missing null byte.No print destination specified.Invalid job number.Invalid text or object handle.Report not found.Invalid table number.Invalid file name.Invalid field number.Invalid field name.Invalid formula name.Invalid sort direction.Report engine not opened.Invalid printer specified.PA.Error in File %1s: Export file already exists.(Error in File %1s: Error in formula %2s<Error in File %1s: Invalid condition field in group section.0Error in File %1s: Report engine already in use.#Error in File %1s: Invalid section.-Error in File %1s: No print window is opened.-Error in File %1s: Print job already started.)Error in File %1s: Invalid summary field.Not enough system resources.+Error in File %1s: Invalid group condition."Error in File %1s: Print job busy.Unable to load report.&Error in File %1s: No default printer.$Error in File %1s: SQL server error..Error in File %1s: Invalid report line number.Error in File %1s: Disk full."Error in File %1s: File I/O error.Incorrect password. Cannot find .Unable to open database.%Error detected by database connector.CError in File %1s: Unable to connect: incorrect session parameters.BError in File %1s: Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.?Error in File %1s: Unable to connect: incorrect table location.8Error in File %1s: Parameter has invalid structure size.1Error in File %1s: Operation not yet implemented.1Error in File %1s: Request cancelled by the user. Error in File %1s: Invalid date.5Error in File %1s: Missing or out-of-date export DLL.4Error in File %1s: Error detected by export DLL: %2sDError in File %1s: Unable to go to previous page when at first page.?Error in File %1s: Unable to go to next page when at last page.PAQError in File %1s: Access to report file denied. Another program may be using it.JError in File %1s: Unable to open report because OLE 2.0 cannot be loaded.<Error in File %1s: Invalid row or column field in cross-tab.4Error in File %1s: No summarized field in cross-tab.3Error in File %1s: Print destination is not export.(Error in File %1s: Unknown label number.3Error in File %1s: Table is not a stored procedure.*Error in File %1s: Invalid parameter name.'Error in File %1s: Invalid page number.#Error in File %1s: Graph not found.&Error in File %1s: Invalid graph type.&Error in File %1s: Invalid graph data.;Error in File %1s: Cannot move the graph to other sections.&Error in File %1s: Invalid graph text.)Error in File %1s: Invalid graph options.*Error in File %1s: Invalid section height.PA*Error in File %1s: Invalid subreport name.(Error in File %1s: Field already exists.*Error in File %1s: Invalid parent window.0Error in File %1s: Invalid window magnification.&Error in File %1s: Invalid value type.2Error in File %1s: Invalid multicolumn label info.<Error in File %1s: Page header or footer longer than a page.)Error in File %1s: Low system resources..KError in File %1s: Report is not using Crystal Dictionary or Crystal Query.(Error in File %1s: Invalid group number..Error in File %1s: Invalid object format name.*Error in File %1s: Invalid negative value.Invalid memory address.'Error in File %1s: Invalid object type.&Error in File %1s: Invalid line style.3Error in File %1s: Invalid cross-tab row or column.PA+Error in File %1s: Invalid graph data type.,Error in File %1s: Invalid paragraph number.*Error in File %1s: Invalid alignment type.+Error in File %1s: Invalid tab-stop number.1Error in File %1s: Invalid embedded field number.1Error in File %1s: Invalid subreport link number.7Error in File %1s: Parameter field link already exists.3Error in File %1s: Invalid cross-tab row col value.*Error in File %1s: Invalid summary number.3Error in File %1s: Invalid graph data field number.,Error in File %1s: Invalid subreport number.'Error in File %1s: Invalid field scope.'Error in File %1s: Invalid report type.#Error in File %1s: Field is in use.%Error in File %1s: Invalid file type.5Error in File %1s: Invalid database table alias name.,Error in File %1s: Invalid special var type.,Error in File %1s: Invalid parameter number.(Error in File %1s: Invalid page margins.\Error in File %1s: Report is based on a secure query. It cannot be set to non-secure report.,Error in File %1s: Cannot open secure query.*Error in File %1s: Invalid section number.Cannot open SQL server.'Error in File %1s: Logon to CMS failed.LError in File %1s: Logon to a CMS different from the one used to create CIV.6Error in File %1s: User has no bypass info view right.(Error in File %1s: Invalid summary type.0Error in File %1s: Invalid database link number.'Error in File %1s: Not main report job.3Error in File %1s: Table alias name already exists."Error in File %1s: Invalid cursor.+Error in File %1s: First pass not finished.PA/Error in File %1s: Creating data source failed.8Error in File %1s: Creating drill down parameter failed.-Error in File %1s: Encapsulating page failed.1Error in File %1s: Encapsulating totaller failed.;Error in File %1s: Checking for data source changes failed.9Error in File %1s: Starting background processing failed.)Error in File %1s: Drill on graph failed./Error in File %1s: Get last page number failed.4Error in File %1s: Get page number for group failed.(Error in File %1s: SQL server is in use.2Error in File %1s: Group sort field cannot be set.JError in File %1s: Cannot save summaries when not saving data with report.FError in File %1s: Unable to load OLAP Database Manager, OLAPDBMG.DLL.,Error in File %1s: Unable to open OLAP cube.1Error in File %1s: Reading OLAP cube data failed.1Error in File %1s: Encapsulate field list failed.PA(Error in File %1s: Unable to save query.5Error in File %1s: Unable to read database for query.DError in File %1s: The number of days is too large or equal to zero.;Error in File %1s: The main report field is linked already..Error in File %1s: Invalid mapping type value.'Error in File %1s: Cannot load fax dll.5Error in File %1s: Unable to get printer information.5Error in File %1s: Selected the wrong printer driver./Error in File %1s: Unable to create fax images.&Error in File %1s: Unable to send fax.`Error in File %1s: Hit test failed. Failed to locate report object with the given coordination.SError in File %1s: No SQL expression by the specified *name* exists in this report.UError in File %1s: No SQL expression by the specified *number* exists in this report.-Error in File %1s: SQL Expression error: %2s.BError in File %1s: Invalid index for default value of a parameter.NError in File %1s: The specified PE_PF_* type does not have min or max values.PAPError in File %1s: The value types for both min and max values must be the same.CError in File %1s: The named parameter has no browse field defined.%Error in File %1s: Cannot link tables&Error in File %1s: Error create router'Error in File %1s: Invalid field index.7Error in File %1s: Invalid graph title type (PE_GTT_*).<Error in File %1s: Invalid graph title font type (PE_GTF_*).SError in File %1s: The specified value type is different to the current value type.MError in File %1s: The value types for the start and end ranges is different.Error in File %1s: An operation was attempted on a discrete(range) parameter that is only legal for a range(discrete) parameter.\Error in File %1s: Invalid faxDriver parameter value specified in the call to PEOutputToFax.PError in File %1s: An operation was attempted that is disallowed for subreports.BError in File %1s: Invalid index for current value of a parameter.9Error in File %1s: Operation illegal on linked parameter.CError in File %1s: Max processing time or Max records limit reached-Error in File %1s: Invalid hilightitem index.PA<Error in File %1s: Specified value is not one of PE_HE_RC_*.@Error in File %1s: Specified value is not one of PE_HE_BORDER_*./Error in File %1s: Invalid running total index.HError in File %1s: A running total by the specified name does not exist.UError in File %1s: Invalid running total evaluate or reset condition (PE_RT_TOTAL_*).nError in File %1s: The running total condition type (evaluate or reset) does not match the condition being setHError in File %1s: The specified summary operation parameter is invalid.$Error in File %1s: Invalid map type.*Error in File %1s: Invalid map theme size.3Error in File %1s: Invalid map distribution method.+Error in File %1s: Invalid map legend type.1Error in File %1s: Invalid map legend title type.IError in File %1s: The operation is undefined for the specified map type.PError in File %1s: Invalid PE_RI_* combination in parameter rangeinfo specifier.+Error in File %1s: Invalid OLAP cube index.JError in File %1s: Invalid PE_MAP_ORIENT_* in crosstab/OLAP map condition.PA-Error in File %1s: Invalid sort method index.EError in File %1s: Graph subtype is invalid for the graph's main typeTError in File %1s: One of the members of a PEGraphOptionInfo struct is out of range.RError in File %1s: One of the members of a PEGraphAxisInfo struct is out of range.yError in File %1s: An operation was attempted on a stored procedure parameter that is only legal for a report parameter. 0Error in File %1s: The subreport is not imported'Error in File %1s: Invalid index number,Error in File %1s: Invalid user group number"Error in File %1s: No restrictions+Error in File %1s: Failed to get group infopError in File %1s: Invalid parameter value: exceeds the Min or Max or conflicts with existing value or edit mask/Error in File %1s: Unknown formula syntax type./Error in File %1s: Cropping values are too big.+Error in File %1s: Invalid collation value.HError in File %1s: The start page can not be greater than the stop page.7Error in File %1s: Invalid export DLL or export format.PAqError in File %1s: Cannot call PEReimportSubreport while subreport preview window or subreport print job is open.Error in File %1s: Cannot save report to Crystal Reports 7 format because it contains features not available in Crystal Reports 7.9Error in File %1s: This alerting index ID does not exist.`Error in File %1s: The parameter is in password mode. It can only contain single discrete value.JError in File %1s: Edit mask cannot be set for non string parameter field.NError in File %1s: Can't have mutually exclusive group with all FALSE boolean.gError in File %1s: Can't disallow editing if the parameter doesn't contain more than one default value.LError in File %1s: This parameter option is read only and cannot be changed.@Error in File %1s: This report bursting index ID does not exist.AError in File %1s: The minimum cannot be larger than the maximum.XError in File %1s: The specified start page is greater than the last page on the report.BError in File %1s: Specified value is not one of PE_HE_FONTSTYLE_*PError in File %1s: The request could not be submitted for background processing.^Error in File %1s: More background processing is required before the request can be processed.@Error in File %1s: Invalid Hierarchical Summary Type (PE_HST_*).-Error converting string from MBCS to UNICODE.PA@Error in File %1s: Error converting string from UNICODE to MBCS.QError in File %1s: A PE_xx_yyyy constant is not in the specified allowable range.3Error in File %1s: Unknown Database Connector ErrorError in File %1s: %2s0Error in File %1s: The field could not be found.0Error in File %1s: The table could not be found.4Error in File %1s: The parameter could not be found.CError in File %1s: The table alias is already in use in the report.BError in File %1s: SQL Expressions can not be used in this report. Error in File %1s: Logon failed.Error in File %1s: Unable to remove table. There are still fields in the report from this table. Please clear them before removing the table.7Error in File %1s: Failed to save database information.=Error in File %1s: Failed to save Database Connector session.7Error in File %1s: Failed to load database information.=Error in File %1s: Failed to load Database Connector session.2Error in File %1s: A processing limit was reached.PA<Error in File %1s: Database Connector initialization failed.=Error in File %1s: Unable to perform smart linking on tables.8Error in File %1s: The rowset column could not be found.=Error in File %1s: Failed to retrieve data from the database.<Error in File %1s: A matching connection could not be found.8Error in File %1s: Failed to create link between tables..Error in File %1s: Dictionary integrity error.Error in File %1s: Configuration Error. Error loading report database - newer version than expected. Please run a more recent version of the application.CError in File %1s: Failed to create the Crystal Database Connector.NError in File %1s: Cannot add/edit/delete default value for Boolean parameter.MError in File %1s: This is a boolean parameter. It cannot have a range limit.XError in File %1s: The parameter has an edit mask already. It cannot take a range limit.lError in File %1s: The minimum and maximum values should be zero when the range limit option is not checked.jError in File %1s: The parameter has an edit mask, so it cannot show the description of the default value.MError in File %1s: Invalid parameter value options for the boolean parameter.QError in File %1s: Invalid parameter value options for the non-boolean parameter.PAPError in File %1s: A discrete and ranged parameter must contain multiple values.=Error in File %1s: Report can only be saved to latest format.\Error in File %1s: The database driver used by this report is not supported by this product.RError in File %1s: A non-report parameter cannot have "Password" as its edit mask._Error in File %1s: Get/Drill report part(s) failed - the report object(s) '%2s' were not found.0Error in File %1s: Failed to modify text object.7Error in File %1s: Invalid Database Connector property.AError in File %1s: Database Connector property cannot be changed.YError in File %1s: Get/Drill report part(s) failed - the data context '%2s' is not valid.hError in File %1s: Get/Drill report part(s) failed - can not find object(s) '%2s' at data context '%3s'.AError in File %1s: Maximum number of print jobs has been reached.TError in File %1s: The user function manager DLL (ufmanager.dll) could not be found.9Error in File %1s: Could not find the data context '%2s'.)Error in File %1s: Invalid reading order.-Error in File %1s: Invalid line spacing type.BError in File %1s: The name %2s is not valid or is already in use.PAMError in File %1s: The Crystal Report Object Repository could not be located.KError in File %1s: Failed to logon to the Crystal Report Object Repository.CError in File %1s: Unknown Crystal Reports Object Repository error.HError in File %1s: Cannot add a table based on a Business View directly.Failed to open the connection.Error in Business View SDK.WThere is a row and column restriction applied on the same field. No data will be shown.Business View security error.%Repository object could not be found.HBusiness View based reports with multiple connections are not supported. Business View object not loaded.)Business View invalid enterprise session.(Business View invalid repository object.Business View integrity error.No security permissions for Business View. Please contact your System Administrator to obtain the correct set of rights for the Business View objects that this report is based upon.&Business View invalid object property.%Business View error in formula field..Business View error in Dynamic DataConnection.Business View error in Filter."Business View error in Table Link.1Error in File %1s: Invalid argument for database.No data access right for data connection. Please contact your System Administrator to obtain the correct set of rights for the Business View objects that this report is based upon.IReport that has been disconnected from Business View cannot be refreshed.Cannot get the object from the repository. Either you do not have view right on the specified object, or the object has been deleted from the repository./Cannot add hidden business view database field.Failed to load Business View. Failed to process Business View.HTopN/BottomN/TopPercentage/BottomPercentage value is out of valid range.KSelected exporter does not support one of the features used in this report.Invalid export options.PAOne or more List of Values are no longer valid because their data source has been removed. These List of Values have been removed and will need to be recreated on new data sources. To find and correct these problems please use the Dependency Checker.;The formula null treatment value is out of the valid range.Further drill down within this report has been disabled. All data in the report has been displayed. For more information, please contact your Crystal Enterprise/Reports Administrator.&Dynamic parameters cannot be modified.BThis report contains no saved export options for the given format.<Changing to Query or Dictionary connection is not supported.VReplacing Business View connection with non-Business View connection is not supported.0Replacing Universe connections is not supported.BError in File %1s: Cannot set logon information on connected cube.Invalid locale ID.qIllegal operation on Crystal Reports Read-Only (RPTR) report. Please check release notes to get more information.PA,Error in File %1s: The data is out of bound.&Unsupported exporting format for RPTR.*Unsupported report created by Java engine.Failed to create connection.Failed to create command table.Too many links per report.PA)SAP Crystal Reports: SQL Expression Error!Error in creating SQL Expression.%Error in setting SQL Expression name.%Error in setting SQL Expression text.(Error in compiling SQL Expression : %1s. Error in loading SQL Expression. Error in storing SQL Expression.3Error in setting SQL Expression field by reference.,Error in initializing SQL Expression parser.,Error in creating SQL Expression COM parser./Error in adding field to SQL Expression parser.&Error in building SQL Expression list.0Error in creating SQL Expression COM field info.3Error in creating SQL Expression COM function info. Error in parsing SQL expression.COM parser failed.PA2Error in adding function to SQL Expression parser.&SAP Crystal Reports: Page Format Error"Error formatting Cross-Tab Object.JError starting print job. Please check your printer or network connection.YThe number of rows or columns is too big. Try limiting the number of unique group values.&The cURL shared library was not found.'The cURL shared library failed to load.-The cURL shared library failed to initialize.CA malformed or incorrect URL was passed to the cURL shared library.4The cURL shared library encountered a network error.6The cURL shared library encountered an internal error.Error formatting Flash Object.SAP Crystal Reports requires ufmanager.dll or uf12mananager.dll to create or open reports. This file appears to missing. Please re-run the installation to fix this problem. [Database Vendor Code: %1s ]PSQODB32NameOfDllHasPrompt5The number of rows or columns exceeds its limit, %1l. Reading Order Left To Right Right To LeftMNo SQL Query is used because the record selection formula returns no records.^Converting from a Business View connection to a non-Business View connection is not supported.ABusiness View connections cannot be mixed with other connections.>The report has invalid data. Do you want to save it anyway? OThis report was saved with invalid data. Please modify it before proceeding. %The report saved data is discarded. &CountHierarchicalChildren (groupLevel)Performance Timing Open DocumentRun the Database QueryRead Database RecordsFormat First PageNumber of pages formattedAverage time to format a pageNumber of page starts generated%Average time to generate a page startTotal DisplayedTotal ExcludedSAP Crystal Reports: OLAP ErrorPAUnable to open OLAP cube.Loading an OLAP report failed.Saving an OLAP report failed.Reading OLAP meta data failed.Reading OLAP cell data failed.%Undoing/redoing OLAP commands failed.Calculating OLAP values failed.+No name was given to new calculated member.1No expression was given to new calculated member.1Cannot use edited calculation in own expressions.The name exists already.#The calculated member is not added.6An unexpected error occured whilst adding calculation.Filtering OLAP members failed.Sorting OLAP members failed.)Reordering displayed OLAP members failed.PA#All OLAP cell data is filtered out.Calculating subtotals failed.OLAP Cube connection failed. Reservered OLAP dimension not found on cubeReservedReservedLoading cube parameters failed.ReservedReservedReservedReservedReservedReservedPA#SAP Crystal Reports: Database Error Unknown Database Connector ErrorDatabase Connector Error: '%1s'#The field '%1s' could not be found.#The table '%1s' could not be found.'The parameter '%1s' could not be found.6The table alias '%1s' is already in use in the report./SQL Expressions can not be used in this report. Logon failed.Unable to remove table '%1s'. There are still fields in the report from this table. Please clear them before removing the table.$Failed to save database information.*Failed to save Database Connector session.$Failed to load database information.*Failed to load Database Connector session.A processing limit was reached.)Database Connector initialization failed.PA*Unable to perform smart linking on tables.%The rowset column could not be found.*Failed to retrieve data from the database.)A matching connection could not be found.%Failed to create link between tables.Dictionary integrity error.Configuration Error. Error loading report database - newer version than expected. Please run a more recent version of the application.0Failed to create the Crystal Database Connector.&Data Object cannot be opened/accessed.The database driver used by this report '%1s', is not supported by this product. Please use the Set Location option under the Database menu to convert to a supported driver, or contact Business Objects for information about support for this driver in new products.0Crystal Dictionary not supported in this versioncOne or more fields could not be found in the result set. Use Verify Database to update the report.Failed to open the connection.Error in Business View SDK.WThere is a row and column restriction applied on the same field. No data will be shown.PACannot find the QE property.Reports based on Business View with multiple connections are not supported. Preview will not be available until the extra connections are removed from the report. Business View object not loaded.)Business View invalid enterprise session.(Business View invalid repository object.Business View integrity error.(Business View Object could not be found.Business View no security right. Please contact your System Administrator to obtain the correct set of rights for the Business View objects that this report is based upon.&Business View invalid object property.%Business View error in formula field..Business View error in Dynamic DataConnection.Business View error in Filter."Business View error in Table Link.Invalid Argument provided.CCannot determine the queries necessary to get data for this report.Data Connection Access Right is not granted. Please contact your System Administrator to obtain the correct set of rights for the Business View objects that this report is based upon.PASCannot browse the data because the row restriction cannot be pushed down to server.IReport that has been disconnected from Business View cannot be refreshed.DNo view right on the object, or the object is not in the repository.Failed to load Business View. Failed to process Business View.,Invalid handle to Database Connector object.Single Sign-On Error: '%1s'Single Sign-On Error: '%1s'Single Sign-On Error: '%1s'Single Sign-On Error: '%1s'Single Sign-On Error: '%1s'Refresh on this report instance has been disabled, it is opened for view only. For more information, please contact your Business Objects Enterprise/Reports Administrator.The data is out of bound.Goto first pageGoto previous pageGoto next pageGoto last pageCancel reading recordsPAClose current report viewPA8Modify the members that are included Change OLAP MembersGreenwich Standard Time,0BGMT Standard Time,0,GMT Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/01:00,10.5.0/02:00PW. Europe Standard Time,-60,W. Europe Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00ZCentral Europe Standard Time,-60,Central Europe Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00LRomance Standard Time,-60,Romance Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00^Central European Standard Time,-60,Central European Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00#W. Central Africa Standard Time,-60EGTB Standard Time,-120,GTB Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00PE. Europe Standard Time,-120,E. Europe Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/00:00,9.5.0/01:00HEgypt Standard Time,-120,Egypt Daylight Time,-60;5.1.5/02:00,9.5.3/02:00South Africa Standard Time,-120EFLE Standard Time,-120,FLE Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/03:00,10.5.0/04:00Jerusalem Standard Time,-120KArabic Standard Time,-180,Arabic Daylight Time,-60;4.1.0/03:00,10.1.0/04:00Arab Standard Time,-180MRussian Standard Time,-180,Russian Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00E. Africa Standard Time,-180FIran Standard Time,-210,Iran Daylight Time,-60;3.1.0/02:00,9.4.2/02:00Arabian Standard Time,-240OCaucasus Standard Time,-240,Caucasus Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00Afghanistan Standard Time,-270WEkaterinburg Standard Time,-300,Ekaterinburg Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00West Asia Standard Time,-300India Standard Time,-330Nepal Standard Time,-345]N. Central Asia Standard Time,-360,N. Central Asia Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00Central Asia Standard Time,-360Sri Lanka Standard Time,-360Myanmar Standard Time,-390SE Asia Standard Time,-420SNorth Asia Standard Time,-420,North Asia Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00China Standard Time,-480PA]North Asia East Standard Time,-480,North Asia East Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00"Malay Peninsula Standard Time,-480WW. Australia Standard Time,-480,W. Australia Daylight Time,-60;10.5.0/02:00,3.5.0/03:00Taipei Standard Time,-480Tokyo Standard Time,-540Korea Standard Time,-540MYakutsk Standard Time,-540,Yakutsk Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00[Cen. Australia Standard Time,-570,Cen. Australia Daylight Time,-60;10.1.0/02:00,4.1.0/03:00AUS Central Standard Time,-570E. Australia Standard Time,-600UAUS Eastern Standard Time,-600,AUS Eastern Daylight Time,-60;10.1.0/02:00,4.1.0/03:00West Pacific Standard Time,-600OTasmania Standard Time,-600,Tasmania Daylight Time,-60;10.1.0/02:00,4.1.0/03:00UVladivostok Standard Time,-600,Vladivostok Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00"Central Pacific Standard Time,-660TNew Zealand Standard Time,-720,New Zealand Daylight Time,-60;9.5.0/02:00,4.1.0/03:00Fiji Standard Time,-720Tonga Standard Time,-780Cape Verde Standard Time,60IAzores Standard Time,60,Azores Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00UMid-Atlantic Standard Time,120,Mid-Atlantic Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,9.5.0/02:00PGreenland Standard Time,180,Greenland Daylight Time,-60;4.1.0/02:00,10.5.0/02:00SA Eastern Standard Time,180^E. South America Standard Time,180,E. South America Daylight Time,-60;10.3.0/02:00,2.2.0/02:00VNewfoundland Standard Time,210,Newfoundland Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/00:01,11.1.0/00:01RPacific SA Standard Time,240,Pacific SA Daylight Time,-60;10.2.6/00:00,3.2.6/00:00SA Western Standard Time,240NAtlantic Standard Time,240,Atlantic Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:00US Eastern Standard Time,300LEastern Standard Time,300,Eastern Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:00SA Pacific Standard Time,300 Canada Central Standard Time,360JMexico Standard Time,360,Mexico Daylight Time,-60;4.1.0/02:00,10.5.0/02:00LCentral Standard Time,360,Central Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:00!Central America Standard Time,360NMountain Standard Time,420,Mountain Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:00US Mountain Standard Time,420LPacific Standard Time,480,Pacific Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:00LAlaskan Standard Time,540,Alaskan Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:00Hawaiian Standard Time,600Samoa Standard Time,660Dateline Standard Time,720TopN/Percentage Value FormulaX Position AdjustmentWidth AdjustmentGroup Sort Order FormulaGraphic LocationPA*ERROR: Mandatory logon information missing3'%1s' is mandatory. Please choose or enter a value.Business View FiltersUnknown Field ObjectExceptions For NullsDefault Values For NullsSet Default Export OptionsTotal5Default values cannot be set for mandatory variables.IThis conditional formatting formula must return one of the following %1s:8Current user has no data access rights on this Universe.DCurrent user has no data access rights on the Universe's connection.DCurrent user has no data access rights on one of the core Universes.PATo create reports from web service of Query As A Web Service (QAAWS), go to Universes to connect the QAAWS, and then create reports from Universes.PAlThe group value is used to identify this calculated row/column. // This formula must return a/an %1s value.TThe header text is shown in this row/column's header. It must return a String value.jThe insertion formula determines where this calculated member is inserted. It must return a Boolean value.The calculation formula is used in place of the summaries in Calculated Members. // This calculation formula must return a/an %1s value.PALeft Page Margin FormulaTop Page Margin FormulaRight Page Margin FormulaBottom Page Margin FormulaMargins (pixels)Margins (inches)Margins (centimeters)0This formula must return a number in twip units. New Page After N Visible RecordsPlease enter a valid page size.SThe margins overlap or they are off the page. Please enter a different margin size.New Page After N Visible GroupsUser Defined SizePA8.5x11'' (Letter)8.5x11'' (Letter Small)11x17'' (Tabloid)17x11'' (Ledger)8.5x14'' (Legal)5.5x8.5'' (Statement)7.25x 10.5'' (Executive)A3 (297x420mm)A4 (210x297mm)A4 Small(210x297mm)A5 (148x210mm)B4 (250x354mm) B5 (182x257mm)Clamp Page FooterPAFlash?Current user has no query modification rights on this universe.GetNumColumnGroupsGetNumRowGroups GetNumRows GetNumColumnsGetNumSummariesCurrentRowIndexCurrentColumnIndexCurrentSummaryIndex$GetColumnGroupIndexOf (column index)GetRowGroupIndexOf (row index)GetGroupIndexOf (index)GetTotalValueFor%GetTotalValueFor (row or column name)PA4GetTotalValueFor (row or column name, summary index) GetIndexOf&GetIndexOf (row or column name, value)6GetIndexOf (row or column name, value, starting index)GridRowColumnValue'GridRowColumnValue (row or column name).GridRowColumnValue (row or column name, index)0GridValueAt(rowIndex, columnIndex, summaryIndex)PAXcelsiusToXMLColumn (x) ToXMLRow (x) ToXMLData (x)5GridLabelAt (row or column name, row or column index)4GetRowPathIndexOf(1st row value, 2nd row value, ...)=GetColumnPathIndexOf(1st column value, 2nd column value, ...)Page Selector Page Selector5Show or hide the navigation bar Toggle Navigation BarNavigation Tools%1s is not a valid SWF fileOThe SWF at %1s could not be found. Please verify that this location is correct.|Flash player version 9.0 or later was not found; some functionality may not be available. Please reinstall the Flash player.Page Orientation ConstantsPortrait LandscapeVariable ConstantsCOM and .NET UFLs)2010 - 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.PASAP Crystal ReportsFor Help, press F1%Select an object on which to get HelpChange the window sizeChange the window positionReduce the window to an iconEnlarge the window to full size"Switch to the next document window&Switch to the previous document window7Close the active window and prompt to save the document!Restore the window to normal sizeActivate Task ListActivate this windowPAOpens the selected itemPAOpenSave AsAll Files (*.*)Untitled'Close print preview mode Cancel Previewan unnamed file&HidePANo error message is available.'An unsupported operation was attempted.$A required resource was unavailable.Out of memory.An unknown error has occurred.$An invalid argument was encountered.PAon %1 &One Page &Two PagePage %uPage %u Pages %u-%u prn Output.prn1Printer Files (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| Print to Fileto %1Updating ActiveX objectsPicture (Metafile) a picture5Device Independent Bitmap a device independent bitmapPABitmap a bitmap%s %s%s %s Linked %s Unknown Type7Rich Text (RTF) text with font and paragraph formatting,Unformatted Text text without any formattingInvalid Currency.Invalid filename.Failed to open document.Failed to save document.Save changes to %1? 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