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NCS data timer is disabled since the interval is set to 0 NCS library failed to spawn the data dispatcher thread Data dispatcher thread is successfully triggered NCS library failed to spawn the data timer thread NCS data timer thread is successfully triggered NCS trace timer is disabled since the interval is set to 0 NCS library failed to spawn the trace dispatcher thread Trace dispatcher thread is successfully triggered NCS library failed to spawn the trace timer thread NCS trace timer thread is successfully triggered / C++ NLS error - File:%s Line:%d - %s d:\depot\bas\720_rel\src\optu\ntintel\proj\supporttools\ncs\sapstring.hppMemory allocation failed8P\OpS_P]`]*Max components threshold reachedToo large trace sizeTrace Finish Type<param name="Method Call Error" value="Max components threshold reached" /><param name="Method Call Error" value="Too large trace size" /><param name="Method Call Error" value="Timeout to zombie" /><param name="Trace Type" value="ErrorSnapshot" /><param name="Sampled Reason" value="Trace preview timeout" /><param name="Sampled Reason" value="Auto promoted trace due to long duration" /><param name="Trace Type" value="Sampled" /></event>request.header.SAP-PASSPORT -unknown |hh   P H Bad Introscope transaction trace format encountered from the context object! ncsmtcontext.cpp" />" value="<param name="Abnormal exception encountered, invalid recId input! %s%s%8.8XApplication Passport detected, level=%d, flag=%d, trace activated=%dGUID=%s SAP E2E Passport detected, version=%d, level=%d, flag=%d, trace activated=%d Trace is switched on due to the trace enabling from the EM _mtdata.log LNO candidated metric data log file could be created(even in the current working directory)! ncsmtdatasendingfileagent.cppSwitch to current working directory due to metric data log file could not be opened!vectorNI raw handle failed to be initilized due to the broken connection, connection to agent destination failed to be established NI raw handle failed to be initilized at IDEL to CONNECTED, connection to agent destination failed to be established ncsmtdatasendingsocketagent.cppNI raw handle gets initialized successfully NI raw handle gets restored successfully from the previous broken connectionNI raw handle gets initialized successfully for the first time in agent %dFailed to send metric data through the socket interface, errorcode: %dSend metric/trace data through the socket interface successfully in agent %dUTF conversion error! 5th agent failed to be initilized due to incorrect host setting! 4th agent failed to be initilized due to incorrect host setting! 3rd agent failed to be initilized due to incorrect host setting! 2nd agent failed to be initilized due to incorrect host setting! Main agent failed to be initilized due to incorrect host setting! CPU Time (us),DEFAULTx - [StartTiming] - [EndTiming] TimeStat:NOYES - [TerminateTiming] TimeStat:</calledComponent>%I64d">" duration="" offset="<calledComponent resource="" startTime="<event resource="LongCounterNoneLongCounter_: !!x!X!Low Watermark" value="High Watermark" value="" count="" min="" max="Current Value" value="<metric type="" name="IntAverage !!"Avg. Net CPU Time High Watermark(us)" value="Avg. Net Elapsed Time High Watermark(ms)" value="Avg. CPU Time High Watermark(us)" value="Avg. Elapsed Time High Watermark(ms)" value="Avg. Net CPU Time(us)" value="Avg. Net Elapsed Time(ms)" value="Avg. CPU Time(us)" value="Avg. Elapsed Time(ms)" value="Finished with undefined state" value="Finished Counter" value="Active Counter" value="ExceptionReturn ValueMethod Call Parameter outbound.SAP-PASSPORTUser ID_ncs.trc&  &t&|D&(&&NCS_getPassport2: buffer size is smaller than the required NCS_getPassportElement2: buffer size is smaller than the required NCS_getSingleParameterValue: buffer size is smaller than the required Previous context object is in the terminate status and was not cleaned up by NCS_initContext API ncsmain.cppNCS_ProcExit API invoked NCS_ProcExit API started Get sessionId function point is NULL External sessionId function returns the empty sessionId NCS_getTraceGuid: buffer size is smaller than the required NCS_getTraceGuidEx: buffer size is smaller than the required NCS_getPassport: buffer size is smaller than the required NCS_getPassportEx: buffer size is smaller than the required NCS_getPassportElement: buffer size is smaller than the required NCS_getPassportElementEx: buffer size is smaller than the required NCS_ProcInit API has been invoked before NCS_ProcInit API invoked NCS library version 2.3.9 (unicode) loaded NCS_ProcInitWithParam API has been invoked before NCS_ProcInitWithParam API invoked ncs.conf100050001313001800SAP_NCS259818localhost/usr/sap/ncs/log606001201000000550500010skip_times_in_namesagent_host_5agent_host_4agent_host_3agent_host_2specific_component_level_thresholds_tracespecific_component_level_thresholdsspecific_component_names_socket_recv_timeout_socket_send_timeouttrace_enabled_via_e2etrace_enabled_via_emskip_times_below_thresholdperf_metric_scopecontext_map_bucketlib_trace_levelcache_section_countzombie_check_intervalempty_timeoutzombie_timeoutsystem_nameagent_portagent_hostagent_typelogdirdatasending_methoddatasending_intervalauto_transaction_trace_thresholdtrace_preview_timeouttracesize_thresholdtracecheck_intervalmax_components_per_promotedstackmax_components_per_transactioninstrument_level_threshold/usr/sap/ncs/configNCS_CONFIG55|5<5444|484433333p3P3433222t2<22111X1100|0`0D00000/////////|/p/h/h//d/\/X/P/X/d/P/D/0/ERROR_DATE%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03ld%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02dUnknown2A54482A7H Application passport separater is missing when extract the traceFlag, use default flag value! ncspassporthelper.cppEpp error encountered when extract the traceFlag, use default flag value! Invalid application passport format encountered, use generated GUID instead! Epp error encountered when extract the transactionId, use generated GUID instead! Epp error encountered when extract the rootContextId/connectionId/connectionCounter, use generated GUID instead! %2.2XBad SAP passport format, deserialization failed! agent_port_5agent_type_5agent_port_4agent_type_4agent_port_3agent_type_3agent_port_2agent_type_2instrument_level_threshold_trace|5<5444|484433P3433222t2<22111<<<h<L<0<<;;000////////d/\/X/P/X/d/P/D/Parameter Name: |Parameter Value: End copying[unlock] Start copying[lock] Processing finished Performance or Resource Data Sending Finished Metric sending statistics: Performance metric# %ld sent, resource metric# %ld sentPerformance or Resource Data Detected 2.3.9NCS library versionStringEvent !!D@@@Trace sending statistics: Introscope TT trace# %ld sentTrace Data Detected Version Data Sent Once #[%]SAPFileVersion: 7200, 97, 19, 19188#[%]SAPProductVersion: 720, patch 97, changelist 1264372#[%]SAPPlatform: NTintel#[%]SAPSpecialBuild: optU (Jul 20 2011, 20:00:25)%s: NI initialization negative (%d) %s: NI already initializes (init=%d;cur=%d) %s: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (init=%d;par=%d;cur=%d) %s: parameter invalid (maxHandles > NI_MAX_HDLS) nixx.c%s: parameter invalid (maxHandles > NI_MAX_HDLS)NiInit3%s: NI library not initialized (%d) %s: NI library not initialized (%d)NiThrInit%s: NI library already released (%d) %s: NI library still in use (%d) NiExit%s: parameter invalid (pHandle == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pHandle == NULL)%s: parameter invalid ((protocol & ~(NI_PROTO_FAM_UNSPEC | NI_PROTO_FAM_LOCAL | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv4 | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv6)) != 0) %s: parameter invalid ((protocol & ~(NI_PROTO_FAM_UNSPEC | NI_PROTO_FAM_LOCAL | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv4 | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv6)) != 0)%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddr == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddr == NULL)NiRawHandleForAddr%s: invalid hdl %d %s: invalid hdl %dIPv6IPv4%s: parameter invalid (pWritten == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pWritten == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (dataLen < 0) %s: parameter invalid (dataLen < 0)%s: parameter invalid (pData == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pData == NULL)NiRawWrite%s: parameter invalid (pRead == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pRead == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < 0) %s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < 0)%s: parameter invalid (pBuffer == NULL && bufferLen != 0) %s: parameter invalid (pBuffer == NULL && bufferLen != 0)NiRawRead%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_DG_CONNECTED) %s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_DG_CONNECTED)%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_DG_UNCONNECTED) %s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_DG_UNCONNECTED)NiCloseHandle/P//S//H/%s: hostname '%s' unknown %s: parameter invalid (pHostName != NULL && strlenU(pHostName) >= NI_MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN) %s: parameter invalid (pHostName != NULL && strlenU(pHostName) >= NI_MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN)NiHostToAddr%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (%d) %s: malloc failed for %d bytes%s: return %%s %s: NiIGetNodeAddr failed (rc=%d) NiGetLoopbackAddr?***/W/%s: parameter invalid (strlenU(pInStr) >= bufferLen) %s: parameter invalid (strlenU(pInStr) >= bufferLen)%s: parameter invalid (pSecStr == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pSecStr == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pInStr == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pInStr == NULL)NiSecStr2%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_NODEADDR_STR_LEN) %s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_NODEADDR_STR_LEN)%d.%d.%d.%d%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_IPv4ADDR_STR_LEN) %s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_IPv4ADDR_STR_LEN)%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrStr == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrStr == NULL)NiAddrToStr<ERR>%s: parameter invalid (rc != SAP_O_K) %s: parameter invalid (rc != SAP_O_K)NiAddrToStr2%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_ADDRMASK_STR_LEN) %s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_ADDRMASK_STR_LEN)%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrMask == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrMask == NULL)NiAddrMaskToStr%s: invalid string length of '%s' (%d) %s: invalid string length of '%s' (%d)%s: '%s' -> %s (%d/%d) %s: invalid character in '%s' (%d;%d) %s: invalid character in '%s' (%d;%d)%s: invalid wildcards in '%s' %s: invalid wildcards in '%s'%s: invalid value in '%s' (%d;%d) %s: invalid value in '%s' (%d;%d)%s: invalid character in '%s' (%d) %s: invalid character in '%s' (%d)%s: invalid length of '%s' (%d) %s: invalid length of '%s' (%d)%s: invalid multiple group in '%s' %s: invalid multiple group in '%s'%s: invalid prefix in '%s' (%d) %s: invalid prefix in '%s' (%d)%s: invalid prefix in '%s' %s: invalid prefix in '%s'NiStrToAddrMask%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrB == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrB == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrA == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrA == NULL)NiAddrMatchoff%s: NiIMakeSockAddr failed (rc=%d) FALSETRUEOFF%s: invalid family %dI6I4UD??DGST%s: malloc failed for %d bytes %s: buffer too small (%d<=%d) %s: hdl %d, bufstat %d %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_RAW) %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_RAW)%s: address '%s' with subnet prefix %s: address '%s' with subnet prefixNiStrToAddrverify own hostname '%s' failedno free connect port found within rangeinvalid client versiontimeout while pending for route completionpartner '%s' not reachedinternal error (this retcode should be handled by caller of NI-layer)connection to partner '%s' brokentimeout occuredservice '%s' in useservice '%s' unknownhostname '%s' unknowninternal error::1:: (network interface)*** ERROR ***%s: NiThrInit failed (rc=%d) %s: NiInit failed (rc=%d) NiIGetThrGlobnixxi.cppINVALIDNI_DG_UNCONNECTEDNI_DG_CONNECTEDNI_ACCEPTEDNI_CONNECTEDNI_CONN_WAITNI_RI_LISTENNI_LISTENNI_INITIAL_CONNI_INITIAL_RILNI_INITIAL_LISNI_FREE%s: unknown error %d NiIErrorTextUnexpected function callHandle passed to other processAccepted handle pendingNetwork packet too bigQueue overflowOpcode receivedSNC processing failed: %sinvalid client requestedmaximum number of clients reachedinfo access denied (%s to %s, %s)router shutdownroute canceled by administatorconnection to %s, %s brokentalkmode Native2 not allowed%s: route permission denied (%s to %s, %s)NiIErrorNameNIEROUT_SNC_FAILURENIEROUT_EXTERNNIEROUT_NOCLIENTNIEROUT_MODE_DENIEDNIEROUT_OVERFLOWNIEROUT_INFO_DENIEDNIEROUT_SHUTDOWNNIEROUT_CANCELEDNIEROUT_VERSIONNIEROUT_CONN_BROKENNIEROUT_PERM_DENIEDNIEROUT_INTERNNIEROUT_CONN_REFUSEDNIEROUT_SERV_UNKNOWNNIEROUT_HOST_UNKNOWNNIECALLNIENO_ANSWERNIEPASSEDNIEACCEPTNIETOO_BIGNIEQUE_FULLNIEOPCODENIESNC_FAILURENIEMYHOST_VERIFYNIENOFREEPORTNIEVERSIONNIECONN_PENDINGNIEPINGNIECONN_REFUSEDNIEINVALNIETOO_SMALLNIECONN_BROKENNIETIMEOUTNIESERV_USEDNIESERV_UNKNOWNNIEHOST_UNKNOWNNIEINTERNSAP_O_K%s: CPU byte order: ???? (%d) %s: CPU byte order: big endian, network, high val..low val %s: CPU byte order: little endian, reverse network, low val .. high val NiITraceByteOrder%s: invalid family %d for hdl %d/sock %d %s: probably requested address can't be assign to IPv6 socket (hdl %d/sock %d; NI_USE_IP_PROTO=%s) %s: IPv6 address '%s' not supported by hdl %d with AF_INET sock %d (probably IPv6 not enabled (%s)) IPv4/IPv6%s: socket does not support IPv6NiIMakeSockAddrNiISolveSockAddr%s: NiISolveSockAddr failed (rc=%d) NiITraceSockAddr%s: state of hdl %d %s ???... POLLERR POLLHUP POLLOUT POLLIN index %d: sock %d, events = %d revents = %d (pfd at %p: %s: no free slot found (max=%d) %s: return used friendly slot %d %s: last free accept list entry in use (%d) NiIAlFindEntry%s: NI-chain destroyed NiIWalkNitabDATAGRAMSTREAMLOCAL%s: NiIGetThrGlob failed %s: calloc failed for %d bytes %s: calloc failed for %d bytesNiIThrInit%s: invalid value '%s' for SAP_IPv6_ACTIVE [0,1] NiISetIPProtoUsageSAP_IPv6_ACTIVE%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_UINT) %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_UINT)%s: new mask %016I64x NiEnableTraceNiDisableTraceSI_IPPROTO_TCPIPPROTO_IPV6IPPROTO_IPSOL_SOCKETTCP_NODELAYIPV6_LEAVE_GROUPIPV6_JOIN_GROUPIPV6_MULTICAST_LOOPIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPSIPV6_MULTICAST_IFIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIPIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIPIP_MULTICAST_LOOPIP_MULTICAST_TTLIP_MULTICAST_IFSO_LINGERSO_KEEPALIVESO_REUSEPORTSO_REUSEADDRSO_ERRORSO_RCVBUFSO_SNDBUF%s: parameter invalid (pHdl == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pHdl == NULL)%s: removed hdl %d from traffic control list NiITcDelHdl%s: invalid type (%d) %s: invalid type (%d)%s: hdl %d state %s %s: no more free handles (%d) %s: no more free handles (%d)%s: nitab_free_hdl=NULL; niIsInitialized=%d %s: *ppHdl should be NULL NiICreateHandle%s: %s failed (%s/%d%s%s%s)%s: %s failed for hdl %d / sock %d - sock %d (%s/%d; %s; %s%s%s%s)%s: %s failed for hdl %d/sock %d (%s/%d; %s; %s%s%s%s); ; %s; own high %d; max hds %d; L=P=%s: %sNiPConnectNiPConnect2connect; %dUDS addr (%d)NiITracePeerAddr%s: connection of hdl %d to %%s established %s: invalid state of hdl %d (%d) %s: connection of hdl %d to %%s still in progress (%d) NiICheckPendConnectionpassed over poll/select timeout (%ds>=%dms+%ds) %s: could not delete file '%s' (hdl %d; errno=%d) %s: could not delete file '%s' for hdl %dunlinkNiIBindSocketNiIGetSockNameNiIGetPeerName%s: TIMEOUT occured (%dms) %s: write-mask is NULL %s: fds in write-mask: %s: read-mask is NULL %d %s: fds in read-mask: %s: maximum fd=%d %s: timeout %dms %s: timeout NI_BLOCK NiISelect%s: TIMEOUT occured (%d ms) %s: poll(%p,%d,%d) caused EFAULT %s: poll looped %d times, caused by EAGAIN (limit=%d) NiIPoll%s: peek successful for hdl %d (%c) %c; %d%s: peek for hdl %d failed (%c; rc=%d) %s: peek for hdl %d timed out (%c; %dms) NiIPeek%s: set blockmode for hdl %d %s %s: not supported for RI hdl %d %s: not supported for RI hdl %d%s: leave blockmode for hdl %d %s NiIBlockMode HANDLE = %-5d TIME = %sSOCKET = %s STAT = %s TYPE = %s OUT = %lu messages %lu bytes IN = %lu messages %lu bytes LOCAL = %s %s REMOTE = %s OPTIONS = %s%s%s BUFFERED TRACE SNC%s %s%s %s %s%d, %d/tmp/.sapstream%d%s: FD_SETSIZE (%d) < NI_FD_SETSIZE (%d) %s: localhost structures already initialized %s: failed to create host/serv bufs (rc=%d) %s: no IPv6 localhost address '::1' configured, IPv6 will not be initialized %s: NiLHInit failed (rc=%d) %s: host/serv bufs already initialized %s: no IPv6 address configured, IPv6 will not be initialized %s: found more than %d (%d) local address %s: failed to read local adresses (rc=%d) %s: invalid value '%s' for SAP_CONNECT_RESTRICTION %s: restrict connect to local addresses SAP_CONNECT_RESTRICTION%s: FtInit failed (rc=%d) %s: FtInit failed (rc=%d)NITAB_FREE%s: allocated nitab (%d at %p) NI traffic control mutexNI accept-list mutexNI trc-peer mutexNI wakeup mutexNI param sectionNI hdl section%s: NI already initialized (%p) NiIInit%s-%s%s: set option %s-%s of hdl %d to %s %s: can not determine Windows version %s: Windows Version %d.%d, SO_KEEPALIVE postponed NiISetSockOpt%s: hdl %d closed in the meantime; race? (old rc=%d) %s: remove '%s' failed for hdl %d %s: closing initial hdl %d %s: shutdown and close hdl %d/sock %d %s: shutdown and close pseudo listen hdl %d/sock %d %s: shutdown and close hdl %d/sock %d - sock %d %s: called for hdl %d while waiting for connection NiICloseHandle%s: invalid socket type for %shdl %d/sock %d (%d) %s: invalid socket type (%d)%s: set default settings for %shdl %d/sock %d (%s; %s) new *** WARNING => %s: connection from %%s has been already shut down (hdl %d) %s: socket number too high (%d>%d;%d;%d) %s: socket number too high (%d)%s: SiSocket failed (sirc=%d; %s; %s; errno=%d: %s) NiIInitSocket%s: connection of hdl %d established to %%s %s: connection of hdl %d to %%s in progress (timeout=0) %s: error %s after %d SI_EPORT_INUSE please check SAP-note 734095 (WSAEADDRINUSE error during connection setup) %s: port still in use after %d tries %s: hdl %d is connecting to %%s (timeout=%d) NiIConnectSocket%s: SiGetSockName failed (sirc=%d) %s: hdl %d took local address %%s %s: hdl %d accepted hdl %d from %%s %s: NiIBlockMode failed (rc=%d) %s: NiIInitSocket failed (rc=%d) %s: hdl %d bound to %%s%s (inc. UDS) (IP only)%s: Could not bind local domain socket, only listening on internet socket %s: can not create socket (hdl %d; [%d,%d]; last port: %d; %d: %s) %s: can not create socket hdl %d within min %d max %d%s: no more free ports (hdl %d; [%d,%d]; last port: %d; %d: %s) %s: no free port for hdl %d within min %d max %dClosing socket and creating new socket. %s: port %u already used (errno=%d) ... %s: invalid type (%d) of hdl %d %s: invalid type (%d) of hdl %d%s: can not determine Windows version. NiIBindRunning on Windows Vista Will close socket when port in use Windows Version %d.%d, Build %d %s: MTU size reached (%d+%d<=%d) for hdl %d; flag connection as broken %s: MTU size reached (%d+%d<=%d;hdl %d)%s: hdl %d sent incomplete data (wrt=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d,%s,%dms) %s: more data written as passed (%d>%d;hdl %d) %s: more data written as passed (hdl %d)%s: return NIETIMEOUT due to NIP_QTEST %s: hdl %d sent incomplete hdr (wrt=%d,pnd=%d) %s: return NIETIMEOUT due to fragmentation test %s: hdl %d sent data (wrt=%d,pac=%d,%s) %s: hdl %d %s WSASend / WSAGetLastError = 0 (count=%u) %s: reduce data length (hdlLen=%d; dataLen=%d) %s: hdl %d %s failed (errno=%d; hdlLen=%d; dataLen=%d; %s; %s; %s%c%d) %s: hdl %d %s got EAGAIN after select socket successfully; call operating system-supplier (count=%u) j@@@@$@%s: hdl %d %s would block (errno=EAGAIN) %s: hdl %d sent incomplete data (wrt=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d) %s: hdl %d sent incomplete hdr (wrt=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d) A@Y@%s: qtest_count = %d, qtest_prop = %d, blocked_count = %d %s: fragmentation %d-%d -> %d-%d (%d) %s: dataLen <> mPendDataLenToWrite (hdl %d;%d<>%d;%d) %s: data not equal with pending data length (%d<>%d)%s: invalid mode %d for hdl %d %s: invalid mode %d for hdl %dNiIWrite%s: hdl %d received data (rcd=%d,pac=%d,%s) %s: raw read for hdl %d timed out (%dms) %s: hdl %d received incomplete data (rcd=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d,%s,%dms) %s: read for hdl %d timed out (%dms) %s: more data received as buffer length (%d>%d+%d;hdl %d) %s: more data received as buffer length (%d>%d+%d)%s: hdl %d buffer too small (%d<%d)%s: hdl %d receive reached bufferLen (rcd=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d) %s: invalid data (0x%x;mode=%d;hdl %d;peer=%s;local=%d) %s: invalid data (0x%x); probably RAW_IO%s: recv(%d,%p,%d,0) caused EFAULT %s: hdl %d received incomplete hdr (rcd=%d,pnd=%d) %s: hdl %d received incomplete hdr (rcd=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d) %s: hdl %d received incomplete data (rcd=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d) %s: hdl %d received fragmented hdr (rcd=%d,pac=%d,len=%d) %s: RAW_MODE read with buffer length 0 (hdl %d) %s: buffer length 0NiIRead%s: hdl %d sent %s to partner NI_PONGNI_PING%s: NiIWrite failed (rc=%d) %s: send incomplete (%d) %s: NiBufIWriteUserMsg failed (rc=%d) NiICheckNI_PONGNI_PING%s: free nitab %p NiIExit%s: NiIBind failed (rc=%d) %s: hdl %d tries to connect to '%s' over interface '%s' %s: force UDS connect to '%s' failed (%d; %d) %s: UDS connect only%s%c%d%s: blocked connection to %s (SAP_CONNECT_RESTRICTION) NiIConnect%s: reverse invoke (RI) inactive nixxri.cpp%s: reverse invoke (RI) inactiveNiIRiCliConnectNiIRiSrvCloseHandlepermitdenynixxacl.cpp%s NI ACL section%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->lis.mAcl == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pHdl->lis.mAcl == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType != NI_LISTEN) %s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType != NI_LISTEN)NiIAclDeletep %s: malloc %s, to %d bytes (unspecified)%s: Heap-space %u exhausted by %u bytes %s: called with len %d > NIBUF_MAXALLOC (%d) nibuf.cpp%s: required size too big (%d>%d)NiBufIAlloc%s: parameter invalid (length < 0) %s: parameter invalid (length < 0)%s: parameter invalid (ppBuffer == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (ppBuffer == NULL)NiBufAlloc2%s: ref %d for buf %p NiBufFreeNI heap sectionNI ref section%s: parameter invalid (*ppBufHdl == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (*ppBufHdl == NULL)NiBufIGetBufHdl%s: freed out-queue (hdl %d, heap %u) %s: mUserQueueLen=%d after freeing queue %s: called while buffer filled %c%c %s: clear extension for hdl %d NiBufIClose%s: unknown status %d NiBufIStatusTextSENDINGACCEPTINGERRCONN_WAITOK%s: hdl %d changed from %s to %s NiBufISetStatus%s: setting errInfo for hdl %d (rc=%d) %s: buffer of hdl %d in stat err without errinfoNiBufICheckErrormUserQueueLen %d<>%d mpNextUser %p: prev %p, next %p >%p (%d) , prev %p, break loop %c%p (%d) %s: mpOutQueue for hdl %d NiBufIDumpOutQueue%s: SiSendSocket failed (sirc=%d) for sock %d over hdl %d %s: SiSendSocket failed (sirc=%d) for sock %d over hdl %dNiBufISendSocket%s: set max message length for hdl %d to %d %s: set warn queue for hdl %d to %d %s: set max queue for hdl %d to %d %s: set alloc function for hdl %d to %p %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_ALLOCFUNC) %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_ALLOCFUNC)%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_BUFSTAT_OFF) %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_BUFSTAT_OFF)%s: set talkmode of hdl %d to %s%s (saved)%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_MESG_IO && pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_ROUT_IO && pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_RAW_IO) %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_MESG_IO && pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_ROUT_IO && pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_RAW_IO)NiBufISetHdlParam%s: getSocketPos failed (sirc=%d;hdl %d) %s: getSocketPos failed for hdl %d (rc=%d)%s: new STAT %c%c%c (%c%c%c) for hdl %d in set%s %s: new MODE %c%c (%c%c) for hdl %d in set%s NiBufISelUpdate%s: not enough space (%d>%d-%d) %s: not enough space (%d>%d-%d)NiBufIAddRouteEntry%s: NiBufIAddRouteEntry failed (rc=%d) service in route <%s> != servname param <%s> 3299RouteString <%s> NiBufIHostToRouteNI_ROUTE%s: invalid route received (%d;%d;%d;%d;%d) %s: invalid route received (%d;%d;%d;%d) %s: invalid route received (%d;%d;%d) %s: invalid route received (%d;%d) %s: invalid route receivedNiBufIRouteGetNext%s: allocfunc returned small buffer (%d<%d;hdl %d;peer=%s;local=%d) %s: retured buffer too small (%d<%d)NiBufICallAlloc%s: save data in NIBUF len=%d NIBUF%s: Adjusting data in NIBUF len=%d NiBufICopyTo%s: called with filled extension (%p;%p) %s: called with filled extension%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (hdl %d %s: init for hdl %d NiBufIHdlInit%s: ErrGetAttr failed (rc=%d) for hdl %d %s: no error information found%s: save rc %d in buffer (hdl %d) %s: discarding error %d due to older error NiBufISetError%s: heap-space exhausted (%d > limit %d) %s: out-queue for hdl %d down to %d packets %s: added buffer %p to out-queue (hdl %d, %d packets, heap %d) %s: queue for hdl %d full (%d packets) NiBufIAddToUserQueue%s: reduced user-queue (hdl %d, %d packets, heap now %d) %s: internal status error %s: free user-queue (hdl %d, heap now %d) %s: NiBufISelUpdate failed (rc=%d) NiBufIRemoveFromUserQueue%s: put buffer %p in ready-queue for hdl %d NiBufIPrivWrite%s: invalid talkmode of hdl %d %s: invalid talkmode of hdl %dNiBufIWriteUserMsg%s: send for hdl %d failed (rc=%d) NI_RTERR%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (hdl %d) %s: ErrGetAttr failed (rc=%d)NiBufISendMsg2%s: send ni-error rc %d to hdl %d %s: no errInfo set for hdl %d %s: error in hdl %dNiBufISendErr%s: send opCode %d to hdl %d (dataLen=%d) %s: local hdl %dNiBufISendMsg%s: NiBufISendMsg failed (rc=%d) %s: hdl %d mPendDataLenToWrite > 0 (%d), do not send VERSION %s: invalid internal state (hdl %d;%d;%p;%d<%d) %s: invalid internal state (hdl %d;%d;%p;%d<%d)%s: sent hdl %d successfully %s: invalid type of hdl %d %s: invalid type of hdl %d%s: sending hdl %d over hdl %d to pid %d %s: invalid internal state (hdl %d;%d;%p) %s: invalid internal state (hdl %d;%d;%p)%s: NiBufISetError failed (rc=%d) %s: passed by hdl %d%s: invalid internal state (hdl %d;%d;%p;%p;%d) %s: invalid internal state (hdl %d;%d;%p;%p;%d)%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (hdl %d)%s: NiBufISendMsg fauled (rc=%d) %s: NiBufISendErr failed (rc=%d) %s: hdl %d mPendDataLenToWrite > 0 (%d), do not send ERROR-INFO %s: unknown opcode %d received (hdl %d) %s: unknown opcode %d received%s: hdl %d processing opcode %d (len=%d; vers=%d) %s: hdl %d received rc=%d (%s) from peer %s: invalid error-msg received (%d>%d) %s: message detected %s: hdl %d received NI_PONG, check o.k. %s: hdl %d received NI_PONG: wait_count: %d %s: hdl %d received NI_PONG %s: NiICheck failed (rc=%d) %s: hdl %d mPendDataLenToWrite > 0 (%d), do not send PONG %s: hdl %d received NI_PING, reply NI_PONG NiBufIProcMsg%s: NIETOO_SMALL with allocated buffer (hdl %d) %s: NIETOO_SMALL with allocated buffer%s: invalid data (len=%d;0x%x;max=%d;hdl %d;peer=%s;local=%d) %s: message length %d exceeds max (%d)%s: packet complete for hdl %d %s: invalid data received (hdl %d;len=%d;msg=%d) %s: invalid data received%s: NiBufIProcMsg failed (rc=%d) %s: error message detected on hdl %d %s: NI_PONG detected on hdl %d %s: NI_PING detected on hdl %d %s: NIBUF len=%d NiBufIInNIBUF-IN%s: PONG received during handshake NiBufIFinishHandshake%s: no more packets in user- or ready-queue? NiBufIEmptyOutQueue %s starting NiBufIWrite%s: NiBufIEmptyOutQueue failed (rc=%d) NiBufITryToRead%s: buffer too small (%d<%d)NiBufIReadhandshake for hdl %d = %d %s: invalid status for hdl %d%s: hdl %d in fragment read %s: ready-queue could not be freed (hdl %d) NiBufISetHS%s: route connect for buffered hdl %d failed (rc=%d;%s); pong not received %s: route connect for non-buffered hdl %d failed (rc=%d;%s); pong not received %s: route connect '%s' timeout%s: route connect of non-buffered hdl %d to '%s' timeout %s: non-buffered hdl %d could not be sent in %dms (%s) %s: route could not be sent in %dms%s: forward route to SAProuter %s: non-buffered connect pending after %dms (hdl %d;%s) %s: connection pending after %dms %s <pass> <%s> %s: connect to route: %s: NiBufIHostToRoute failed (rc=%d) NiBufIConnect%s: noOfSockets = %d for hdl %d %s: noOfSockets = %d for hdl %d%s: NiIGetPeerName failed (rc=%d) %s: NiBufISetParam failed (rc=%d) %s: NiBufIHdlInit failed (rc=%d) %s: hdl %d accepted hdl %d bound to %%s%s %s: NiIPeek failed (rc=%d) %s: NiICreateHandle failed (rc=%d) %s: mpPassHdlData = NULL for hdl %d %s: mpPassHdlData = NULL for hdl %d%s: mpAcceptedHdl != NULL for hdl %d %s: mpAcceptedHdl != NULL for hdl %dNiBufIAcceptSentHdlSTAT_VALID_NAMESTAT_VALID_ADDRSTAT_UNKNOWN_NAMESTAT_UNKNOWN_ADDRSTAT_SLOT_FREE~Q ,t; PC=%s ; Port=%s; Ali=(null); Ali[%u]='%s'SN='%s'(null)%s: already initialized%s: malloc failed for service buffer implementation %s: malloc failed for service buffer implementation%s: malloc failed for %s buffer implementation nixxhs.cpp%s: malloc failed for %s buffer implementation%s: initialize hostname buffer (IPv4) %s: initialize hostname buffer (IPv4/IPv6) NiIHSBufInit%s: hostname '%s' = addr %s %s: only IPv6 addresses available%s: only IPv4 addresses available%s: invalid address passed (%s) IPv6 not active %s: invalid address passed (%s) IPv6 not active%s: invalid IPv6 address passed (%s) %s: invalid IPv6 address passed (%s)%s: invalid IPv4 address passed (%s) %s: invalid IPv4 address passed (%s)%s: hostname 'NULL' = addr %s %s: default loopback address is IPv4 (%s) %s: default loopback address is IPv6 (%s) %s: NiIHSBufInit failed (rc=%d) NiIGetNodeAddr%s: addr %s = hostname '%s'%s %s: addr NULL = hostname '%s'%s (fq)%s: buffer too small for '%s' (%d<%d) NiIGetHostName%s: servicename '%s' = port %s NiIGetServNo%s: port %s = servicename '%s' NiIGetServName%s: not initialized %s: not initializedNiISetHostInvalid%s: buffer too small)  select mask %p full (%d) sint.cpppTimeout->tv_usec: %d pTimeout->tv_sec: %d pExceptSet->fd_count: %d pWriteSet->fd_count: %d pReadSet->fd_count: %d gPendingConnSet.fd_count: %d pTimeout: %p pExceptSet: %p pWriteSet: %p pReadSet: %p maxFDp1: %d select %d WSAPollws2_32NOPOLL%s: invalid sent data length (%u<>%u) SiSendSocket%s: received sock %d (%s, %s) %s: no valid descriptor received; WSASocket failed (%d) %s: invalid received data length (%u<>%u|%u) SiRecvSocketplatform does not support a implementationunexpected value retured from system call, which cause invalid internal statusprotocol level or option not supportedprotocol family not supportedrecv, WSASocket, SetHandleInformationWSADuplicateSocket, sendselect, getsockoptselectSetHandleInformationGetHandleInformationsetsockoptgetsockoptgetpeernamegetsocknameshutdownioctlsocketrecv, WSARecv, recvfromrecvfromWSARecvrecvsend, WSASend, sendtosendtoWSASendsendacceptlistenbindclosesocketWSASocket, socketWSACleanupTcpipInit(none)%s: SiSelectInt failed for sock %d(%d-%s) SiPeek%s: connection of sock %d established %s: connection of sock %d broke (%d-%s) %s: SiSelectInt timed out for sock %d (%dms) %s: sock %d not in connecting status %s: connection of sock %d marked as broken (%d-%s) %s: could not get error code for sock %d %s: SiGetSockOpt failed for sock %d(%d-%s) SiPeekPendConntcpudp%u65535\wship6\ws2_32freeaddrinfogetnameinfogetaddrinfo%s: invalid address family %d (len=%d) ninti.c%s: got address '%s' (%s) NiPInsertSockAddr [%d] IP-Address: %s returning only the first %d %s: got %d interface(s) from operating system unicast%s: adapter: '%s' (%s / %d) %s: GetAdaptersAddresses failed (%d) GetAdaptersAddressesNiPGetNodeAddrList03%s: invalid address string '%s' %s: GetAdaptersInfo failed (%d) GetAdaptersInfoNiPGetNodeAddrList00%s: use GetAdaptersAddresses implementation (03) %s: use GetAdaptersInfo implementation (00) NiPGetNodeAddrListInitGetAdaptersAddressesiphlpapi.dll%s: gethostnameU failed NiPMyHostNamegethostname(%d-%d-%d-%d-%d) STREAM DGRAM RAW <unknown socket type %d> '%s' %d: %s%c%d <unknown family %d>addrinfo of '%s': %s: '%s' not found%s: invalid family %d %s: invalid address type (%d) getaddrinfoNiPGetHostByNameNI_USE_ADDRINFOWNiPGetHostByAddr: name '%s' too long (%d>=%d) getnameinfoNiPGetHostByAddr%s: result for '%s' is NULL %s: result for '%s' is NULLNiPGetServByName%s: servname of %s is '%s' NiPGetServByPort: name '%s' too long (%d>=%d) NiPGetServByPortNiPGetOSVersionInfo%s: malloc failed for %d/%d bytes (%p;%p) %s: malloc failed for %d/%d bytes%s: NiPGetNodeAddrList failed (rc=%d) %s: NiPMyHostName failed (rc=%d) %s: already initialized nixxlh.cppNiILHInit%s: NiILHInit failed (rc=%d) %s: SiSocket failed (sirc=%d) %s: local address list not initialized %s: %s not found in local address list %s: matched local address: %s (%s) downup%s: local loopback address: %s NiILocalCheckSI_EMEMORYSI_ENOTIMPLSI_EMFILESI_EINTERNSI_ETIMEOUTSI_ECONN_BROKENSI_ECONN_INPROGSI_ECONN_REFUSESI_EPORT_INUSESI_EADDR_NAVAILSI_ESYSCALLSI_EINTRSI_EINVAL_OPTSI_EINVAL_FAMISI_EINVAL_SOCKSI_EINVALSI_OKAF_INET6AF_INETAF_UNIXSOCK_RAWSOCK_DGRAMSOCK_STREAMSiPollSiSelectSiSetCloseExecSiGetCloseExecSiSetBlockModeSiGetBlockModeSiSetSockOpt2SiSetSockOptSiGetSockOpt2SiGetSockOptSiGetPeerName2SiGetPeerNameSiGetSockName2SiGetSockNameSiShutdownSiGetPendDataLenSiRecvMsg2SiRecvMsgSiRecvFrom2SiRecvFromSiRecvVSiRecvSiSendMsg2SiSendMsgSiSendTo2SiSendToSiSendVSiSendSiConnect2SiConnectSiAccept2SiAcceptSiListenSiBind2SiBindSiCloseSiSocketUDSSiSocketIPv6SiSocketIPv4SiSocketSiExitSiInit@@nixxsel.cpp%s: set failed for hdl %d set%s; maxSockets reached (%d) %s: set failed for hdl %d set%s; maxSockets reached (%d)%s: set failed for hdl %d set%s; internal error %s: set failed for hdl %d set%s; internal error%s: set failed for hdl %d set%s; unknown error %d %s: set failed for hdl %d set%s; unknown error %d%s: internal status error (%d) %s: add hdl %d [%d] to %s-list (%d) of set%s NiSelIListInsertbufsel%s: internal status error (hdl %d;%d) %s: internal status error (%d;%d) %s: remove hdl %d [%d] from %s-list (%d) of set%s NiSelIListRemove pp 0@NI serv section%s: servbuf overflow %s: service name '%s' not found by operating system %s: got service name '%s' from operating system %s: to get '%s' %s in %dms (tl=%dms%s%s) ; MT; UCfailedsucceeded%s: service name cached as unknown%s: retrying to get port number for '%s' %s: found service name '%s' in cache %s: service name not cached%s: service name too long for buffer%s: service name '%s' too long for buffer (%d>=%d) NiSrvLGetServNonixxsl.cpp%s: service name too long for buffer (%d>=%d) %s: port %s not found by operating system %s: got port %s from operating system %s: buffer too small (%d<=%d)%s: retrying to get service name for '%s' %s: found port number %s in cache %s: to get %s %s in %dms (tl=%dms%s%s) NiSrvLGetServName%s: service cache flushed NiSrvLFlush%s: buffer too small (%d<%d;%d) NiSrvLDumpBufLine%d%c%s%c%s%c%s%c%-4d%-7s %-11s %s%cUNKNOWNVALID%s: alloc serv bufs (%d entries) %s: disable serv bufs %s: already initialized) NiSrvLInit%s: init failed (rc=%d) %s: deallocate failed (rc=%d) NiSrvLSetIndexSize\PЮPNI host section%s: hostbuf overflow %s: hostname '%s' not found by operating system %s: NiPGetHostByName failed (rc=%d) %s: got hostname '%s' from operating system %s: more than %d interfaces found (%d) %s: hostname cached as unknown%s: retrying to get address for '%s' %s: found hostname '%s' in cache %s: hostname not cached%s: hostname too long for buffer%s: hostname '%s' too long for buffer (%d>=%d) nixxhl.cpphostname emptyNiHLGetNodeAddr%s: address %s not found by operating system %s: NiPGetHostByAddr failed (rc=%d) %s: got address %s from operating system %s: retrying to get hostname for '%s' %s: found address %s in cache %s: implementation doesn't support IPv6 NiHLGetHostName%s: set EntryType to '%d = %s' %s: set hostname to '%s' %s: set address to '%s' %s: set timestamp to '%d' (time=%d) %s: found (replacing) address '%s' in cache %s: found (replacing) hostname '%s' in cache %s: Entrytype invalid '%d' %s: address invalid '%s' NiHLsetHostEntry%s: found (resetting) hostname '%s' in cache NiHLsetHostInvalid%s: cache flushed NiHLFlushNiHLDumpBufLine%d%c%s%c%c%c%s%c%s%c%s%c%-4d%-7.7s %c %-15.15s %s%c%s: alloc host buf (%d entries) %s: disable host buf NiHLInitNiHLSetIndexSize0 @P NI host section I6%s: hostname '%s' (for protocol '%s') not found by operating system %s: 'policy table' does not match nixxhl6.cpp%s: applying 'preference policy' %s: more than %d addresses found (%d) NiHL6OSLookupNameToAddr%s: address %s not found in cache NiHL6CacheLookupAddrToName%s: found hostname '%s' in cache (%s, %s) unknown-addressunknown-namevalid-addressvalid-name%s: hostname '%s' not found in cache NiHL6CacheLookupNameToAddr%s: updating address '%s' in cache %s: updating hostname '%s' in cache NiHL6SetHostEntry%s: remove hostname '%s' (index=%d) from cache NiHL6SetHostInvalidNiHL6FlushNiHL6DumpBufLine%-4d%-7.7s %c %-39.39s %s%c%s: policy rule '%s' too long for buffer (%d>%d) NiHL6addPolicyRule%s: NI_ADDR_POLICY table overflow (%d>=%d) ;%s: NI_ADDR_POLICY '%s' to large (%d>=%d) NiHL6InitPolicyNI_ADDR_POLICYNiHL6Init%s: invalid type(%d) NiHL6AddAddress%s: invalid type(%s, %d) NiHL6CacheAddNameNiHL6SetIndexSize%s: protocol %s selected, setting lookup mode to NOBUF %s: hostname '%s' resolved to address '%s' from operating system NiHL6GetNodeAddr%s: address '%s' resolved to hostname '%s' from operating system %s: address cached as unknownNiHL6GetHostNameThrRecMtxUnlock: PANIC: #unlock > #lock, tag: "%s" not setThrCSUnlock: PANIC: #unlock > #lock, tag: "%s" %lu*** WARNING => *** ERROR => %-12.12s%d--------------------------------------------------- trc file: "%s", trc level: %d, release: "%s" 720 --------------------------------------------------- *** ERROR => CTrcOpen: fopen %s [Thr %02s] dptraceCTrcIGetThrAdm: ThrKeyVarGet failed aw*** ERROR => CTrcNewComp: too many comps ERROR => CTRC_IS_HANDLE2 != CTRC_IS_HANDLE hdl =%p ctrcadm =%p next_free_comp =%d ctrcadm + next_free_comp =%p %sERROR IN THRASCTIME %.24s %.24s:%03ld %4.4d %a %b %d %H:%M:%S DpTrc: maximum file size reached: %d DpTrc: found match for pattern >%s< in output %sdata was truncated *** ERROR => vsnprintf err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => vsnprintfU err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => Illegal encoding(%d) for Trace [%s %d] dptrace_r.c [%-12.12s %.5s] *** ERROR => Dptrc fmt string truncated %s contextinfo_hook_func failed %d (%d: %s) [%-12.12s %.5s] error text too longillegal errno Calling hook function for component '%c' *** ERROR => CTrcNewComp: not initialized CTrcNewComp called after CTrcLastCompDETAIL VARGSDETAIL MSG NODESCR VARGSDESCR MSG NOCOUNTERERRNO TEXTERRNOSYSTEM CALLDETAILLINEMODULERCVERSIONCOMPONENTRELEASETIMELOCATIONERROR* *ERR*;;;;ErrGetTxt: can't open file %s (%d %s) rerrmsgERR_MSG_FILEQ0I%14.14s%3d[%s %d] (%d: %s) ***LOG Q0I=> %s: %s %-12.12s%s ErrISetSys: error info too largeerr_r.cerror in ThrLocaltimeerror in ThrAsctimebad err infoErrGetFld: no error info available ErrCpNetToInt: bad err info (eyecatcher destroyed)\\ErrCpNetToInt2: internal area too small (%d<%d)ErrReplace: error info too largeErrReplace: no error info available ::::ErrCpTo: bad err info (eyecatcher destroyed)ErrCpTo: error info too large (%d bytes)%02.2x%02.2x xxxx %6.6d %p ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adresse Offset %s #nlsui1.cfopenU16wstrinlenConvertSCCSID_w failedConvertSCCSID_wABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789$ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789$zdate/DSTswitch_contloctime@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_str.c#3 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_str.c#3 $ SAP#@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_prnt.c#3 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_prnt.c#3 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_mem.c#4 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_mem.c#4 $ SAP INFORMIX_APC_DISABLE ,SAPP=APP=SAP-R3,VER=%SQOSPOLICYLOCATORSAP R/3QOSAPPNAMEQOSENABLEMAX_ALIASESnlsui2.ccnameMAX_ADDRESSESh_addr_list_bufh_aliases_bufMAX_IPADDR_LNh_length&h_aliases_buf[i*MAX_HOSTNAME_LN]gethostbynameU16h_name_bufMAX_HOSTNAME_LNERROR_ALL_SIDS_FILTERED: The SID filtering operation removed all SIDs.ERROR_AUDITING_DISABLED: The specified event is currently not being audited.COMADMIN_E_PARTITIONS_DISABLED: COM+ partitions are currently disabled.COMADMIN_E_REGISTRY_ACCESSDENIED: The specified user cannot write to the system registryCOMADMIN_E_SAFERINVALID: The specified SAFER level is invalid.COMADMIN_E_PRIVATE_ACCESSDENIED: Access is denied because the component is private.COMADMIN_E_CANNOT_ALIAS_EVENTCLASS: Alas, Event Class components cannot be aliased.COMADMIN_E_BASEPARTITION_REQUIRED_IN_SET: The Base Application Partition exists in all partition sets and cannot be removed.COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_PRIVATE: A private component cannot be moved (or copied) to a library application or to the base partitionCOMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_DEST: A component cannot be moved (or copied) to the System Application, an application proxy or a non-changeable applicationCOMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_SOURCE: A component cannot be moved (or copied) from the System Application, an application proxy or a non-changeable applicationCOMADMIN_E_LEGACYCOMPS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_NONBASE_PARTITIONS: Legacy components may not exist in non-base partitions.COMADMIN_E_LEGACYCOMPS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_1_0_FORMAT: Applications containing one or more legacy components may not be exported to 1.0 format.COMADMIN_E_PARTITION_MSI_ONLY: Only Application Files (*.MSI files) can be installed into partitions.COMADMIN_E_PARTITION_ACCESSDENIED: Access to the specified partition is denied.COMADMIN_E_RECYCLEDPROCESSMAYNOTBEPAUSED: A recycled process may not be paused.COMADMIN_E_DEFAULT_PARTITION_NOT_IN_SET: The partition specified as default is not a member of the partition set.COMADMIN_E_PROGIDINUSEBYCLSID: The ProgID provided to the copy operation is invalid. The ProgID is in use by another registered CLSID.COMADMIN_E_CANTMAKEINPROCSERVICE: Library applications may not be NT services.COMADMIN_E_PAUSEDPROCESSMAYNOTBERECYCLED: A paused process may not be recycled.COMADMIN_E_PROCESSALREADYRECYCLED: The process has already been recycled.COMADMIN_E_CANTRECYCLESERVICEAPPS: Applications running as NT services may not be recycled.COMADMIN_E_CANTRECYCLELIBRARYAPPS: Library applications may not be recycled.COMADMIN_E_USER_IN_SET: One or more users are already assigned to a local partition set.COMADMIN_E_SVCAPP_NOT_POOLABLE_OR_RECYCLABLE: COM+ applications that run as NT service may not be pooled or recycledCOMADMIN_E_INVALID_PARTITION: The partition(s) specified are not valid.COMADMIN_E_APP_NOT_RUNNING: The specified application is not currently runningCOMADMIN_E_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST: One of the specified objects cannot be foundCOMADMIN_E_OBJECT_PARENT_MISSING: One of the objects being inserted or updated does not belong to a valid parent collectionMSDTC_E_DUPLICATE_RESOURCE: Cannot create a duplicate resource of type Distributed Transaction CoordinatorCOMQC_E_UNTRUSTED_ENQUEUER: The message was requeued or moved by a user not in the "QC Trusted User" roleCOMQC_E_UNAUTHENTICATED: An unauthenticated message was received by an application that accepts only authenticated messagesCOMQC_E_BAD_MESSAGE: The message is improperly formatted or was damaged in transitCOMQC_E_NO_IPERSISTSTREAM: Unable to marshal an interface that does not support IPersistStreamCOMQC_E_QUEUING_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE: MSMQ is required for the requested operation and is not installedCOMQC_E_NO_QUEUEABLE_INTERFACES: At least one interface must be marked "queued" in order to create a queued component instance with the "queue" monikerCOMQC_E_APPLICATION_NOT_QUEUED: Only COM+ Applications marked "queued" can be invoked using the "queue" monikerCOMADMIN_E_CAT_SERVERFAULT: The COM+ Catalog Server threw an exception during executionCOMADMIN_E_CAT_PAUSE_RESUME_NOT_SUPPORTED: The application cannot be paused or resumedCOMADMIN_E_CAT_WRONGAPPBITNESS: There was a type mismatch between a binary and an applicationCOMADMIN_E_CAT_UNACCEPTABLEBITNESS: A binary of unknown or invalid type was providedCOMADMIN_E_CAT_BITNESSMISMATCH: There was a type mismatch between binariesCOMADMIN_E_MIG_SCHEMANOTFOUND: The schema version to be migrated could not be found in the COM+ registry databaseCOMADMIN_E_MIG_VERSIONNOTSUPPORTED: This version of the COM+ registry database cannot be migratedCOMADMIN_E_REGDB_ALREADYRUNNING: The COM+ registry database is already runningCOMADMIN_E_REGDB_SYSTEMERR: The COM+ registry database detected a system errorCOMADMIN_E_REGDB_NOTOPEN: The COM+ registry database is not openCOMADMIN_E_REGDB_NOTINITIALIZED: The COM+ registry database has not been initializedCOMADMIN_E_AMBIGUOUS_PARTITION_NAME: The partition name is not unique and cannot be resolved to a partition idCOMADMIN_E_AMBIGUOUS_APPLICATION_NAME: The application name is not unique and cannot be resolved to an application idCOMADMIN_E_CAT_IMPORTED_COMPONENTS_NOT_ALLOWED: Applications that contain one or more imported components cannot be installed into a non-base partitionCOMADMIN_E_FILE_PARTITION_DUPLICATE_FILES: The partition cannot be exported, because one or more components in the partition have the same file nameCOMADMIN_E_CAT_PARTITION_IN_USE: The partition cannot be deleted because it is the default partition for one or more usersCOMADMIN_E_CAT_INVALID_PARTITION_NAME: The specified partition name is invalid. Check that the name contains at least one visible characterCOMADMIN_E_CAT_DUPLICATE_PARTITION_NAME: The specified partition name is already in use on this computerCOMADMIN_E_START_APP_DISABLED: You cannot start an application that has been disabledCOMADMIN_E_BASE_PARTITION_ONLY: This function is valid for the base partition onlyCOMADMIN_E_LIB_APP_PROXY_INCOMPATIBLE: Library applications and application proxies are incompatibleCOMADMIN_E_EVENTCLASS_CANT_BE_SUBSCRIBER: An event class cannot also be a subscriber componentCOMADMIN_E_CANT_SUBSCRIBE_TO_COMPONENT: Can not subscribe to this component (the component may have been imported)COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_SYS_APP: System application is not exportableCOMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_START_APP: Failed to start application because it is either a library application or an application proxyCOMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_APP_PROXY: Application Proxy is not exportableCOMADMIN_E_REQUIRES_DIFFERENT_PLATFORM: This operation is not enabled on this platformCOMADMIN_E_START_APP_NEEDS_COMPONENTS: You must have components in an application in order to start the applicationCOMADMIN_E_ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST: A role assigned to a component, interface, or method did not exist in the applicationCOMADMIN_E_APPLID_MATCHES_CLSID: A CLSID with the same GUID as the new application ID is already installed on this machineCOMADMIN_E_OBJECTNOTPOOLABLE: This object is not poolableCOMADMIN_E_NOTINREGISTRY: Object was not found in registryCOMADMIN_E_PROPERTY_OVERFLOW: The property value is too largeCOMADMIN_E_REGFILE_CORRUPT: The registration file is corruptCOMADMIN_E_COMPONENTEXISTS: The component already existsCOMADMIN_E_OBJECTEXISTS: The object you are attempting to add or rename already existsCOMADMIN_E_PROPERTYSAVEFAILED: One or more property settings are either invalid or in conflict with each otherCOMADMIN_E_SERVICENOTINSTALLED: The service is not installedCOMADMIN_E_COREQCOMPINSTALLED: A component in the same DLL is already installedCOMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_NOREGISTRAR: The component registrar referenced in this file is not availableCOMADMIN_E_SYSTEMAPP: This operation can not be performed on the system applicationCOMADMIN_E_REGISTERTLB: The system was unable to register the TypeLibCOMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_BAD_DEST: The component move failed because the destination application no longer existsCOMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_LOCKED: The component move was disallowed, because the source or destination application is either a system application or currently locked against changesCOMADMIN_E_SESSION: The server catalog version is not supportedCOMADMIN_E_NOTDELETEABLE: The delete function has been disabled for this objectCOMADMIN_E_NOTCHANGEABLE: Changes to this object and its sub-objects have been disabledCOMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_NOTINSTALLABLE: The file does not contain components or component informationCOMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_BADTLB: The TypeLib could not be loadedCOMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_CLASSNOTAVAIL: The DLL does not support the components listed in the TypeLibCOMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_GETCLASSOBJ: GetClassObject failed in the DLLCOMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_LOADDLLFAIL: The DLL could not be loadedCOMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_DOESNOTEXIST: The file does not existCOMADMIN_E_REGISTRARFAILED: Errors occurred while in the component registrarCOMADMIN_E_APPDIRNOTFOUND: Application install directory not foundCOMADMIN_E_BADREGISTRYLIBID: The registered TypeLib ID is not validCOMADMIN_E_DLLLOADFAILED: DLL could not be loadedCOMADMIN_E_NOSERVERSHARE: No server file share availableCOMADMIN_E_DLLREGISTERSERVER: DllRegisterServer failed on component installCOMADMIN_E_REMOTEINTERFACE: Interface information is either missing or changedCOMADMIN_E_CLSIDORIIDMISMATCH: Application file CLSIDs or IIDs do not match corresponding DLLsCOMADMIN_E_USERPASSWDNOTVALID: The identity or password set on the application is not validCOMADMIN_E_AUTHENTICATIONLEVEL: Unable to set required authentication level for update requestCOMADMIN_E_BADREGISTRYPROGID: The component's progID is missing or corruptCOMADMIN_E_NOREGISTRYCLSID: The component's CLSID is missing or corruptCOMADMIN_E_INVALIDUSERIDS: One or more users in the application file are not validCOMADMIN_E_NOUSER: One or more users are not validCOMADMIN_E_CANTCOPYFILE: An error occurred copying the fileCOMADMIN_E_ROLEEXISTS: The role already existsCOMADMIN_E_APPLICATIONEXISTS: The application is already installedCOMADMIN_E_BADPATH: The file path is invalidCOMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_VERSION: Invalid version number in application fileCOMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_READFAIL: Error occurred reading the application fileCOMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_WRITEFAIL: Error occurred writing to the application fileCOMADMIN_E_ALREADYINSTALLED: The object is already registeredCOMADMIN_E_KEYMISSING: The object was not found in the catalogCOMADMIN_E_OBJECTINVALID: One or more of the object's properties are missing or invalidCOMADMIN_E_OBJECTERRORS: Errors occurred accessing one or more objects - the ErrorInfo collection may have more detailSCARD_W_CARD_NOT_AUTHENTICATED: No PIN was presented to the smart card.SCARD_W_CANCELLED_BY_USER: The action was cancelled by the user.SCARD_W_EOF: The end of the smart card file has been reached.SCARD_W_CHV_BLOCKED: The card cannot be accessed because the maximum number of PIN entry attempts has been reached.SCARD_W_WRONG_CHV: The card cannot be accessed because the wrong PIN was presented.SCARD_W_SECURITY_VIOLATION: Access was denied because of a security violation.SCARD_W_REMOVED_CARD: The smart card has been removed, so that further communication is not possible.SCARD_W_RESET_CARD: The smart card has been reset, so any shared state information is invalid.SCARD_W_UNPOWERED_CARD: Power has been removed from the smart card, so that further communication is not possible.SCARD_W_UNRESPONSIVE_CARD: The smart card is not responding to a reset.SCARD_W_UNSUPPORTED_CARD: The reader cannot communicate with the smart card, due to ATR configuration conflicts.SCARD_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY: The Smart card resource manager is too busy to complete this operation.SCARD_E_NO_KEY_CONTAINER: The requested key container does not exist on the smart card.SCARD_E_COMM_DATA_LOST: A communications error with the smart card has been detected. Retry the operation.SCARD_E_NO_READERS_AVAILABLE: Cannot find a smart card reader.SCARD_E_CERTIFICATE_UNAVAILABLE: The requested certificate could not be obtained.SCARD_E_NO_SUCH_CERTIFICATE: The requested certificate does not exist.SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_RES_MNG: An unrecognized error code was returned from a layered component.SCARD_E_INVALID_CHV: The supplied PIN is incorrect.SCARD_E_BAD_SEEK: There was an error trying to set the smart card file object pointer.SCARD_E_WRITE_TOO_MANY: The smartcard does not have enough memory to store the information.SCARD_E_NO_ACCESS: Access is denied to this file.SCARD_E_NO_FILE: The supplied path does not represent a smart card file.SCARD_E_NO_DIR: The supplied path does not represent a smart card directory.SCARD_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND: The identified file does not exist in the smart card.SCARD_E_DIR_NOT_FOUND: The identified directory does not exist in the smart card.SCARD_E_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE: This smart card does not support the requested feature.SCARD_E_ICC_CREATEORDER: The requested order of object creation is not supported.SCARD_E_ICC_INSTALLATION: No Primary Provider can be found for the smart card.SCARD_E_UNEXPECTED: An unexpected card error has occurred.SCARD_E_SERVICE_STOPPED: The Smart card resource manager has shut down.SCARD_E_NO_SERVICE: The Smart card resource manager is not running.SCARD_E_CARD_UNSUPPORTED: The smart card does not meet minimal requirements for support.SCARD_E_DUPLICATE_READER: The reader driver did not produce a unique reader name.SCARD_E_READER_UNSUPPORTED: The reader driver does not meet minimal requirements for support.SCARD_E_PCI_TOO_SMALL: The PCI Receive buffer was too small.SCARD_P_SHUTDOWN: The operation has been aborted to allow the server application to exit.SCARD_E_READER_UNAVAILABLE: The specified reader is not currently available for use.SCARD_E_NOT_TRANSACTED: An attempt was made to end a non-existent transaction.SCARD_E_INVALID_ATR: An ATR obtained from the registry is not a valid ATR string.SCARD_F_UNKNOWN_ERROR: An internal error has been detected, but the source is unknown.SCARD_F_COMM_ERROR: An internal communications error has been detected.SCARD_E_SYSTEM_CANCELLED: The action was cancelled by the system, presumably to log off or shut down.SCARD_E_INVALID_VALUE: One or more of the supplied parameters values could not be properly interpreted.SCARD_E_NOT_READY: The reader or smart card is not ready to accept commands.SCARD_E_PROTO_MISMATCH: The requested protocols are incompatible with the protocol currently in use with the smart card.SCARD_E_CANT_DISPOSE: The system could not dispose of the media in the requested manner.SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_CARD: The specified smart card name is not recognized.SCARD_E_NO_SMARTCARD: The operation requires a Smart Card, but no Smart Card is currently in the device.SCARD_E_SHARING_VIOLATION: The smart card cannot be accessed because of other connections outstanding.SCARD_E_TIMEOUT: The user-specified timeout value has expired.SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER: The specified reader name is not recognized.SCARD_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: The data buffer to receive returned data is too small for the returned data.SCARD_F_WAITED_TOO_LONG: An internal consistency timer has expired.SCARD_E_NO_MEMORY: Not enough memory available to complete this command.SCARD_E_INVALID_TARGET: Registry startup information is missing or invalid.SCARD_E_INVALID_PARAMETER: One or more of the supplied parameters could not be properly interpreted.SCARD_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The supplied handle was invalid.SCARD_E_CANCELLED: The action was cancelled by an SCardCancel request.SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR: An internal consistency check failed.SPAPI_E_ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED: No installed components were detected.SPAPI_E_UNRECOVERABLE_STACK_OVERFLOW: An unrecoverable stack overflow was encountered.SPAPI_E_ONLY_VALIDATE_VIA_AUTHENTICODE: The file may only be validated by a catalog signed via Authenticode(tm).SPAPI_E_SIGNATURE_OSATTRIBUTE_MISMATCH: The software was tested for compliance with Windows Logo requirements on a different version of Windows, and may not be compatible with this version.SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_PUBLISHER_NOT_TRUSTED: The publisher of an Authenticode(tm) signed catalog was not established as trusted.SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_TRUST_NOT_ESTABLISHED: The publisher of an Authenticode(tm) signed catalog has not yet been established as trusted.SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_TRUSTED_PUBLISHER: The INF was signed with an Authenticode(tm) catalog from a trusted publisher.SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_DISALLOWED: Authenticode(tm) signature verification is not supported for the specified INF.SPAPI_E_NO_AUTHENTICODE_CATALOG: A file could not be verified because it does not have an associated catalog signed via Authenticode(tm).SPAPI_E_DI_FUNCTION_OBSOLETE: The requested device install operation is obsolete.SPAPI_E_INF_IN_USE_BY_DEVICES: One or more devices are presently installed using the specified INF.SPAPI_E_NOT_AN_INSTALLED_OEM_INF: The specified file is not an installed OEM INF.SPAPI_E_REMOTE_REQUEST_UNSUPPORTED: The requested operation is not supported for a remote machine.SPAPI_E_PNP_REGISTRY_ERROR: A problem was encountered when accessing the Plug and Play registry database.SPAPI_E_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: An unknown exception was encountered.SPAPI_E_SCE_DISABLED: The Security Configuration Editor (SCE) APIs have been disabled on this Embedded product.SPAPI_E_INCORRECTLY_COPIED_INF: An INF was copied into the Windows INF directory in an improper manner.SPAPI_E_SET_SYSTEM_RESTORE_POINT: The operation involving unsigned file copying was rolled back, so that a system restore point could be set.SPAPI_E_IN_WOW64: Operation not allowed in WOW64.SPAPI_E_DRIVER_NONNATIVE: Driver is not intended for this platform.SPAPI_E_INVALID_TARGET: Cannot copy to specified target.SPAPI_E_CANT_REMOVE_DEVINST: The device could not be dynamically removed.SPAPI_E_NOT_DISABLEABLE: The device cannot be disabled.SPAPI_E_DEVINSTALL_QUEUE_NONNATIVE: An invalid attempt was made to use a device installation file queue for verification of digital signatures relative to other platforms.SPAPI_E_NO_CATALOG_FOR_OEM_INF: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.SPAPI_E_NON_WINDOWS_DRIVER: The driver selected for this device does not support Windows.SPAPI_E_NON_WINDOWS_NT_DRIVER: The driver selected for this device does not support Windows XP.SPAPI_E_INVALID_FILTER_DRIVER: One of the filter drivers installed for this device is invalid.SPAPI_E_DI_DONT_INSTALL: The class installer has denied the request to install or upgrade this device.SPAPI_E_INVALID_INF_LOGCONFIG: A logical configuration specified in this INF is invalid.SPAPI_E_NO_DEVICE_ICON: There is no icon that represents this device or device type.SPAPI_E_NO_COMPAT_DRIVERS: There are no compatible drivers for this device.SPAPI_E_INVALID_COINSTALLER: The device's co-installer is invalid.SPAPI_E_DI_POSTPROCESSING_REQUIRED: The device's co-installer has additional work to perform after installation is complete.SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_INTERFACE: The requested device interface is not present in the system.SPAPI_E_INVALID_PROPPAGE_PROVIDER: The property page provider registry entry is invalid.SPAPI_E_NO_CONFIGMGR_SERVICES: The Plug and Play service is not available on the remote machine.SPAPI_E_MACHINE_UNAVAILABLE: The machine selected for remote communication is not available at this time.SPAPI_E_REMOTE_COMM_FAILURE: A general remote communication error occurred.SPAPI_E_INVALID_MACHINENAME: The specified machine name does not conform to UNC naming conventions.SPAPI_E_INVALID_REFERENCE_STRING: The reference string supplied for this interface device is invalid.SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE_CLASS: This interface class does not exist in the system.SPAPI_E_BAD_INTERFACE_INSTALLSECT: An interface installation section in this INF is invalid.SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INTERFACE_REMOVED: The operation cannot be performed because the device interface has been removed from the system.SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ACTIVE: The operation cannot be performed because the device interface is currently active.SPAPI_E_NO_DEFAULT_DEVICE_INTERFACE: There is presently no default device interface designated for this interface class.SPAPI_E_NO_ASSOCIATED_SERVICE: The installation failed because a function driver was not specified for this device instance.SPAPI_E_NO_CLASS_DRIVER_LIST: There is no class driver list for the device information element.SPAPI_E_BAD_SERVICE_INSTALLSECT: A service installation section in this INF is invalid.SPAPI_E_FILEQUEUE_LOCKED: The operation cannot be performed because the file queue is locked.SPAPI_E_NO_CLASSINSTALL_PARAMS: No class installer parameters have been set for the device information set or element.SPAPI_E_DI_BAD_PATH: The specified path does not contain any applicable device INFs.SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_DATA_LOCKED: The operation cannot be performed because the device information element is locked.SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_LIST_LOCKED: The operation cannot be performed because the device information set is locked.SPAPI_E_NO_DEVICE_SELECTED: There is no device information element currently selected for this device information set.SPAPI_E_INVALID_HWPROFILE: The specified hardware profile does not exist.SPAPI_E_DI_NOFILECOPY: The operation does not require any files to be copied.SPAPI_E_DI_DO_DEFAULT: The class installer has indicated that the default action should be performed for this installation request.SPAPI_E_INVALID_CLASS_INSTALLER: The class installer registry entry is invalid.SPAPI_E_CANT_LOAD_CLASS_ICON: The icon representing this install class cannot be loaded.SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_DEVINST: The device instance does not exist in the hardware tree.SPAPI_E_NO_INF: The INF from which a driver list is to be built does not exist.SPAPI_E_INVALID_REG_PROPERTY: The device property code is invalid.SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_NOT_REGISTERED: The operation cannot be performed on a device information element that has not been registered.SPAPI_E_DEVINST_ALREADY_EXISTS: The device instance cannot be created because it already exists.SPAPI_E_INVALID_CLASS: The install class is not present or is invalid.SPAPI_E_INVALID_DEVINST_NAME: The device instance name is invalid.SPAPI_E_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST: The requested device registry key does not exist.SPAPI_E_NO_DRIVER_SELECTED: There is no driver selected for the device information set or element.SPAPI_E_DUPLICATE_FOUND: An existing device was found that is a duplicate of the device being manually installed.SPAPI_E_CLASS_MISMATCH: The INF or the device information set or element does not match the specified install class.SPAPI_E_NO_ASSOCIATED_CLASS: The INF or the device information set or element does not have an associated install class.SPAPI_E_NO_BACKUP: The files affected by the installation of this file queue have not been backed up for uninstall.SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND: The required line was not found in the INF.SPAPI_E_SECTION_NOT_FOUND: The required section was not found in the INF.SPAPI_E_WRONG_INF_STYLE: The style of the INF is different than what was requested.SPAPI_E_GENERAL_SYNTAX: The syntax of the INF is invalid.SPAPI_E_SECTION_NAME_TOO_LONG: An INF section was encountered whose name exceeds the maximum section name length.SPAPI_E_BAD_SECTION_NAME_LINE: A section name marker in the INF is not complete, or does not exist on a line by itself.SPAPI_E_EXPECTED_SECTION_NAME: A non-empty line was encountered in the INF before the start of a section.CERT_E_INVALID_NAME: The certificate has an invalid name. The name is not included in the permitted list or is explicitly excluded.CERT_E_INVALID_POLICY: The certificate has invalid policy.CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDCA: A certification chain processed correctly, but one of the CA certificates is not trusted by the policy provider.TRUST_E_EXPLICIT_DISTRUST: The certificate was explicitly marked as untrusted by the user.CERT_E_WRONG_USAGE: The certificate is not valid for the requested usage.CERT_E_CN_NO_MATCH: The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value.CERT_E_REVOCATION_FAILURE: The revocation process could not continue - the certificate(s) could not be checked.CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDTESTROOT: The certification path terminates with the test root which is not trusted with the current policy settings.CERT_E_REVOKED: A certificate was explicitly revoked by its issuer.TRUST_E_FAIL: Generic trust failure.CERT_E_CHAINING: A certificate chain could not be built to a trusted root authority.CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.CERT_E_MALFORMED: A certificate is missing or has an empty value for an important field, such as a subject or issuer name.CERT_E_ISSUERCHAINING: A parent of a given certificate in fact did not issue that child certificate.CERT_E_PURPOSE: A certificate being used for a purpose other than the ones specified by its CA.CERT_E_CRITICAL: A certificate contains an unknown extension that is marked 'critical'.CERT_E_PATHLENCONST: A path length constraint in the certification chain has been violated.CERT_E_ROLE: A certificate that can only be used as an end-entity is being used as a CA or visa versa.CERT_E_VALIDITYPERIODNESTING: The validity periods of the certification chain do not nest correctly.CERT_E_EXPIRED: A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file.TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE: No signature was present in the subject.PERSIST_E_NOTSELFSIZING: This object does not read and write self-sizing data.PERSIST_E_SIZEINDEFINITE: The size of the indefinite-sized data could not be determined.PERSIST_E_SIZEDEFINITE: The size of the data could not be determined.DIGSIG_E_CRYPTO: Unspecified cryptographic failure.DIGSIG_E_EXTENSIBILITY: Reading / writing Extensions where Attributes are appropriate, and visa versa.DIGSIG_E_DECODE: Error due to problem in ASN.1 decoding process.DIGSIG_E_ENCODE: Error due to problem in ASN.1 encoding process.TRUST_E_SUBJECT_NOT_TRUSTED: The subject is not trusted for the specified action.TRUST_E_SUBJECT_FORM_UNKNOWN: The form specified for the subject is not one supported or known by the specified trust provider.TRUST_E_ACTION_UNKNOWN: The trust verification action specified is not supported by the specified trust provider.TRUST_E_PROVIDER_UNKNOWN: Unknown trust provider.MSSIPOTF_E_STRUCTURE: Some kind of structural error.MSSIPOTF_E_PCONST_CHECK: A check failed in a partially constant table.MSSIPOTF_E_DSIG_STRUCTURE: The structure of the DSIG table is incorrect.MSSIPOTF_E_BADVERSION: There is a bad version number in the file.MSSIPOTF_E_CRYPT: A call to a CryptoAPI function failed.MSSIPOTF_E_FILE: Failed on a file operation (open, map, read, write).MSSIPOTF_E_NOT_OPENTYPE: The file is not an OpenType file.MSSIPOTF_E_FAILED_HINTS_CHECK: The file did not pass the hints check.MSSIPOTF_E_FAILED_POLICY: The signature does not have the correct attributes for the policy.MSSIPOTF_E_FILE_CHECKSUM: The file checksum is incorrect.MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_CHECKSUM: A table checksum is incorrect.MSSIPOTF_E_FILETOOSMALL: File is too small to contain the last table.MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_PADBYTES: Too many pad bytes between tables or pad bytes are not 0.MSSIPOTF_E_TABLES_OVERLAP: Two or more tables overlap.MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_FIRST_TABLE_PLACEMENT: First table does not appear after header information.MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_LONGWORD: A table does not start on a long word boundary.MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_TAGORDER: Duplicate table tags or tags out of alphabetical order.MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_OFFSET_TABLE: The offset table has incorrect values.MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_MAGICNUMBER: The magic number in the head table is incorrect.MSSIPOTF_E_NOHEADTABLE: Could not find the head table in the file.MSSIPOTF_E_CANTGETOBJECT: Could not retrieve an object from the file.MSSIPOTF_E_OUTOFMEMRANGE: Tried to reference a part of the file outside the proper range.TRUST_E_FINANCIAL_CRITERIA: The certificate does not meet or contain the Authenticode(tm) financial extensions.TRUST_E_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS: A certificate's basic constraint extension has not been observed.TRUST_E_BAD_DIGEST: The digital signature of the object did not verify.TRUST_E_TIME_STAMP: The timestamp signature and/or certificate could not be verified or is malformed.TRUST_E_CERT_SIGNATURE: The signature of the certificate can not be verified.TRUST_E_COUNTER_SIGNER: One of the counter signatures was invalid.TRUST_E_NO_SIGNER_CERT: The certificate for the signer of the message is invalid or not found.TRUST_E_SYSTEM_ERROR: A system-level error occurred while verifying trust.XENROLL_E_KEYSPEC_SMIME_MISMATCH: Signing certificate cannot include SMIME extension.XENROLL_E_RESPONSE_KA_HASH_MISMATCH: There is a key archival hash mismatch between the request and the response.XENROLL_E_RESPONSE_UNEXPECTED_KA_HASH: An unexpected key archival hash attribute was found in the response.XENROLL_E_RESPONSE_KA_HASH_NOT_FOUND: The key archival hash attribute was not found in the response.XENROLL_E_CANNOT_ADD_ROOT_CERT: You cannot add the root CA certificate into your local store.XENROLL_E_KEY_NOT_EXPORTABLE: The key is not exportable.CERTSRV_E_CERT_TYPE_OVERLAP: The certificate template renewal period is longer than the certificate validity period. The template should be reconfigured or the CA certificate renewed.CERTSRV_E_UNKNOWN_CERT_TYPE: One or more certificate templates to be enabled on this certification authority could not be found.CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_EMAIL_REQUIRED: The EMail name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject or Subject Alternate name.CERTSRV_E_KEY_LENGTH: The public key does not meet the minimum size required by the specified certificate template.CERTSRV_E_ARCHIVED_KEY_UNEXPECTED: The request includes a private key for archival by the server, but key archival is not enabled for the specified certificate template.CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_DNS_REQUIRED: The DNS name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name.CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_DIRECTORY_GUID_REQUIRED: The Active Directory GUID is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name.CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_UPN_REQUIRED: The UPN is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name.CERTSRV_E_ISSUANCE_POLICY_REQUIRED: The request is missing one or more required signature issuance policies.CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_REJECTED: One or more signatures did not include the required application or issuance policies. The request is missing one or more required valid signatures.CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_COUNT: The request is missing one or more required signatures.CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_POLICY_REQUIRED: The request is missing required signature policy information.CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_POLICY_REQUIRED: The template is missing a required signature policy attribute.CERTSRV_E_BAD_TEMPLATE_VERSION: The request template version is newer than the supported template version.CERTSRV_E_BAD_RENEWAL_SUBJECT: The request was made on behalf of a subject other than the caller. The certificate template must be configured to require at least one signature to authorize the request.CERTSRV_E_SMIME_REQUIRED: The request is missing a required SMIME capabilities extension.CERTSRV_E_ARCHIVED_KEY_REQUIRED: The request is missing a required private key for archival by the server.CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME_REQUIRED: The request is missing a required Subject Alternate name extension.CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_CONFLICT: The request contains conflicting template information.CERTSRV_E_NO_CERT_TYPE: The request contains no certificate template information.CERTSRV_E_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_TYPE: The requested certificate template is not supported by this CA.CERTSRV_E_DOWNLEVEL_DC_SSL_OR_UPGRADE: The contacted domain controller cannot support signed LDAP traffic. Update the domain controller or configure Certificate Services to use SSL for Active Directory access.CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_DENIED: The permissions on the certificate template do not allow the current user to enroll for this type of certificate.CERTSRV_E_ENROLL_DENIED: The permissions on this certification authority do not allow the current user to enroll for certificates.CERTSRV_E_ALIGNMENT_FAULT: A memory reference caused a data alignment fault.CERTSRV_E_NO_DB_SESSIONS: An attempt was made to open a Certification Authority database session, but there are already too many active sessions. The server may need to be configured to allow additional sessions.CERTSRV_E_BAD_RENEWAL_CERT_ATTRIBUTE: The request contains an invalid renewal certificate attribute.CERTSRV_E_NO_CAADMIN_DEFINED: At least one security principal must have the permission to manage this CA.CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUEST_KEY_ARCHIVAL: The request is incorrectly formatted. The encrypted private key must be in an unauthenticated attribute in an outermost signature.CERTSRV_E_NO_VALID_KRA: Cannot archive private key. The certification authority could not verify one or more key recovery certificates.CERTSRV_E_KEY_ARCHIVAL_NOT_CONFIGURED: Cannot archive private key. The certification authority is not configured for key archival.CERTSRV_E_RESTRICTEDOFFICER: The operation is denied. It can only be performed by a certificate manager that is allowed to manage certificates for the current requester.CERTSRV_E_ROLECONFLICT: The operation is denied. The user has multiple roles assigned and the certification authority is configured to enforce role separation.CERTSRV_E_ENCODING_LENGTH: The certificate contains an encoded length that is potentially incompatible with older enrollment software.CERTSRV_E_SERVER_SUSPENDED: Certificate service has been suspended for a database restore operation.CERTSRV_E_INVALID_CA_CERTIFICATE: The certification authority's certificate contains invalid data.CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY: The requested property value is empty.CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSTATUS: The request's current status does not allow this operation.CERTSRV_E_NO_REQUEST: The request does not exist.CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSUBJECT: The request subject name is invalid or too long.CRYPT_E_ASN1_NOEOD: ASN1 end of data expectedCRYPT_E_ASN1_EXTENDED: ASN1 skipped unknown extension(s).CRYPT_E_ASN1_NYI: ASN1 not yet implemented.CRYPT_E_ASN1_PDU_TYPE: ASN1 bad PDU type.CRYPT_E_ASN1_UTF8: ASN1 bad unicode (UTF8).CRYPT_E_ASN1_RULE: ASN1 bad encoding rule.CRYPT_E_ASN1_CHOICE: ASN1 bad choice value.CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADTAG: ASN1 bad tag value met.CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADREAL: ASN1 bad real value.CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADARGS: ASN1 bad arguments to function call.CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADPDU: ASN1 function not supported for this PDU.CRYPT_E_ASN1_OVERFLOW: ASN1 buffer overflow.CRYPT_E_ASN1_MEMORY: ASN1 out of memory.CRYPT_E_ASN1_CONSTRAINT: ASN1 constraint violated.CRYPT_E_ASN1_LARGE: ASN1 value too large.CRYPT_E_ASN1_CORRUPT: ASN1 corrupted data.CRYPT_E_ASN1_EOD: ASN1 unexpected end of data.CRYPT_E_ASN1_INTERNAL: ASN1 internal encode or decode error.CRYPT_E_ASN1_ERROR: ASN1 Certificate encode/decode error code base. The ASN1 error values are offset by CRYPT_E_ASN1_ERROR.OSS_CANT_CLOSE_TRACE_FILE: OSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error.OSS_MUTEX_NOT_CREATED: OSS ASN.1 Error: System resource error.OSS_OPEN_TYPE_ERROR: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_PER_DLL_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_BERDER_DLL_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_API_DLL_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_PDV_CODE_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_PDV_DLL_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_MEM_MGR_DLL_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_COMPARATOR_CODE_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_COMPARATOR_DLL_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_CONSTRAINT_DLL_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_COPIER_DLL_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_OUT_OF_RANGE: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_REAL_CODE_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_REAL_DLL_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data.OSS_TABLE_MISMATCH: OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data.OSS_TRACE_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN: OSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error.OSS_CANT_OPEN_TRACE_FILE: OSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error.OSS_OID_DLL_NOT_LINKED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.OSS_UNIMPLEMENTED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Function not implemented.OSS_CANT_OPEN_TRACE_WINDOW: OSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error.OSS_UNAVAIL_ENCRULES: OSS ASN.1 Error: Encode/Decode function not implemented.OSS_BAD_ENCRULES: OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data.OSS_NULL_FCN: OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data.OSS_NULL_TBL: OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data.OSS_ACCESS_SERIALIZATION_ERROR: OSS ASN.1 Error: Multi-threading conflict.OSS_FATAL_ERROR: OSS ASN.1 Error: Internal Error.OSS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data.OSS_TOO_LONG: OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data.OSS_BAD_TABLE: OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data.OSS_MEM_ERROR: OSS ASN.1 Error: Access violation.OSS_INDEFINITE_NOT_SUPPORTED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Unsupported BER indefinite-length encoding.OSS_BAD_TIME: OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data.OSS_BAD_PTR: OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data.OSS_LIMITED: OSS ASN.1 Error: Internal Error.OSS_PDU_MISMATCH: OSS ASN.1 Error: Encode/Decode Error.OSS_OUT_MEMORY: OSS ASN.1 Error: Out of memory.OSS_BAD_VERSION: OSS ASN.1 Error: Encode/Decode version mismatch.OSS_BAD_ARG: OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid argument.OSS_DATA_ERROR: OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data.OSS_MORE_INPUT: OSS ASN.1 Error: Output buffer is too small, the decoded data has been truncated.OSS_PDU_RANGE: OSS ASN.1 Error: Unknown ASN.1 data type.OSS_NEGATIVE_UINTEGER: OSS ASN.1 Error: Signed integer is encoded as a unsigned integer.OSS_MORE_BUF: OSS ASN.1 Error: Output Buffer is too small.CRYPT_E_OSS_ERROR: OSS Certificate encode/decode error code base See asn1code.h for a definition of the OSS runtime errors. The OSS error values are offset by CRYPT_E_OSS_ERROR.CRYPT_E_MISSING_PUBKEY_PARA: The public key's algorithm parameters are missing.CRYPT_E_NO_TRUSTED_SIGNER: None of the signers of the cryptographic message or certificate trust list is trusted.CRYPT_E_NOT_IN_CTL: The subject was not found in a Certificate Trust List (CTL).CRYPT_E_VERIFY_USAGE_OFFLINE: Since the server was offline, the called function was unable to complete the usage check.CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_CHECK: The called function was unable to do a usage check on the subject.CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_DLL: No DLL or exported function was found to verify subject usage.CRYPT_E_SECURITY_SETTINGS: The cryptographic operation failed due to a local security option setting.CRYPT_E_FILERESIZED: The Put operation can not continue. The file needs to be resized. However, there is already a signature present. A complete signing operation must be done.CRYPT_E_NOT_CHAR_STRING: The dwValueType for the CERT_NAME_VALUE is not one of the character strings. Most likely it is either a CERT_RDN_ENCODED_BLOB or CERT_TDN_OCTED_STRING.CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING: The string contains an invalid X500 name attribute key, oid, value or delimiter.CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING: The string contains a character not in the 7 bit ASCII character set.CRYPT_E_INVALID_PRINTABLE_STRING: The string contains a non-printable character.CRYPT_E_INVALID_NUMERIC_STRING: The string contains a non-numeric character.CRYPT_E_NOT_IN_REVOCATION_DATABASE: The certificate is not in the revocation server's database.CRYPT_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE: The revocation function was unable to check revocation because the revocation server was offline.CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_CHECK: The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate.CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_DLL: No Dll or exported function was found to verify revocation.CRYPT_E_REVOKED: The certificate is revoked.CRYPT_E_PENDING_CLOSE: Final closure is pending until additional frees or closes.CRYPT_E_NO_SIGNER: The signed cryptographic message does not have a signer for the specified signer index.CRYPT_E_BAD_MSG: Not a cryptographic message or the cryptographic message is not formatted correctly.CRYPT_E_NO_DECRYPT_CERT: Cannot find the certificate and private key to use for decryption.CRYPT_E_NO_KEY_PROPERTY: Cannot find the certificate and private key for decryption.CRYPT_E_UNEXPECTED_MSG_TYPE: The certificate does not have a property that references a private key.CRYPT_E_NO_MATCH: Cannot find the requested object.CRYPT_E_DELETED_PREV: The previous certificate or CRL context was deleted.CRYPT_E_SELF_SIGNED: The specified certificate is self signed.CRYPT_E_NO_PROVIDER: No provider was specified for the store or object.CRYPT_E_EXISTS: The object or property already exists.CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND: Cannot find object or property.CRYPT_E_FILE_ERROR: An error occurred while reading or writing to a file.CRYPT_E_BAD_ENCODE: An error occurred during encode or decode operation.CRYPT_E_BAD_LEN: The length specified for the output data was insufficient.CRYPT_E_STREAM_INSUFFICIENT_DATA: The streamed cryptographic message requires more data to complete the decode operation.CRYPT_E_STREAM_MSG_NOT_READY: The streamed cryptographic message is not ready to return data.CRYPT_E_ATTRIBUTES_MISSING: The cryptographic message does not contain all of the requested attributes.CRYPT_E_SIGNER_NOT_FOUND: Cannot find the original signer.CRYPT_E_ISSUER_SERIALNUMBER: Invalid issuer and/or serial number.CRYPT_E_CONTROL_TYPE: Invalid control type.CRYPT_E_RECIPIENT_NOT_FOUND: The enveloped-data message does not contain the specified recipient.CRYPT_E_NOT_DECRYPTED: The content of the cryptographic message has not been decrypted yet.CRYPT_E_ALREADY_DECRYPTED: The content of the cryptographic message has already been decrypted.CRYPT_E_INVALID_INDEX: The index value is not valid.CRYPT_E_HASH_VALUE: The hash value is not correct.CRYPT_E_AUTH_ATTR_MISSING: The cryptographic message does not contain an expected authenticated attribute.CRYPT_E_UNEXPECTED_ENCODING: Unexpected cryptographic message encoding.CRYPT_E_INVALID_MSG_TYPE: Invalid cryptographic message type.CRYPT_E_OID_FORMAT: The object identifier is poorly formatted.CRYPT_E_UNKNOWN_ALGO: Unknown cryptographic algorithm.CRYPT_E_MSG_ERROR: An error occurred while performing an operation on a cryptographic message.SEC_E_KDC_CERT_REVOKED: The domain controller certificate used for smartcard logon has been revoked. Please contact your system administrator with the contents of your system event log.SEC_E_KDC_CERT_EXPIRED: The domain controller certificate used for smartcard logon has expired. Please contact your system administrator with the contents of your system event log.SEC_E_ISSUING_CA_UNTRUSTED_KDC: An untrusted certificate authority was detected while processing the domain controller certificate used for authentication. There is additional information in the system event log. Please contact your system administrator.SEC_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE_KDC: The revocation status of the domain controller certificate used for smartcard authentication could not be determined. There is additional information in the system event log. Please contact your system administrator.SEC_E_CROSSREALM_DELEGATION_FAILURE: An attempt was made by this server to make a Kerberos constrained delegation request for a target outside of the server's realm. This is not supported, and indicates a misconfiguration on this server's allowed to delegate to list. Please contact your administrator.SEC_E_NO_S4U_PROT_SUPPORT: The Kerberos subsystem encountered an error. A service for user protocol request was made against a domain controller which does not support service for user.SEC_E_SMARTCARD_CERT_EXPIRED: The smartcard certificate used for authentication has expired. Please contact your system administrator.SEC_E_PKINIT_CLIENT_FAILURE: The smartcard certificate used for authentication was not trusted. Please contact your system administrator.SEC_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE_C: The revocation status of the smartcard certificate used for authentication could not be determined. Please contact your system administrator.SEC_E_ISSUING_CA_UNTRUSTED: An untrusted certificate authority was detected While processing the smartcard certificate used for authentication. Please contact your system administrator.SEC_E_SMARTCARD_CERT_REVOKED: The smartcard certificate used for authentication has been revoked. Please contact your system administrator. There may be additional information in the event log.SEC_E_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED: The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you.SEC_E_CERT_WRONG_USAGE: The certificate is not valid for the requested usage.SEC_E_NO_KERB_KEY: SEC_E_NO_KERB_KEYSEC_E_MULTIPLE_ACCOUNTS: The received certificate was mapped to multiple accounts.SEC_E_BAD_BINDINGS: Client's supplied SSPI channel bindings were incorrect.SEC_E_DELEGATION_REQUIRED: The requested operation cannot be completed. The computer must be trusted for delegation and the current user account must be configured to allow delegation.SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_PREAUTH: An unsupported preauthentication mechanism was presented to the kerberos package.SEC_E_KDC_UNKNOWN_ETYPE: The encryption type requested is not supported by the KDC.SEC_E_KDC_UNABLE_TO_REFER: The KDC was unable to generate a referral for the service requested.SEC_E_KDC_INVALID_REQUEST: An invalid request was sent to the KDC.SEC_E_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS: A system shutdown is in progress.SEC_E_SMARTCARD_LOGON_REQUIRED: Smartcard logon is required and was not used.SEC_E_PKINIT_NAME_MISMATCH: The client certificate does not contain a valid UPN, or does not match the client name in the logon request. Please contact your administrator.SEC_E_NO_PA_DATA: Expected to find PA data for a hint of what etype to use, but it was not found.SEC_E_TOO_MANY_PRINCIPALS: The KDC reply contained more than one principal name.SEC_E_STRONG_CRYPTO_NOT_SUPPORTED: The other end of the security negotiation is requires strong crypto but it is not supported on the local machine.SEC_E_MUST_BE_KDC: The local machine must be a Kerberos KDC (domain controller) and it is not.SEC_E_MAX_REFERRALS_EXCEEDED: The number of maximum ticket referrals has been exceeded.SEC_E_CRYPTO_SYSTEM_INVALID: The crypto system or checksum function is invalid because a required function is unavailable.SEC_E_WRONG_CREDENTIAL_HANDLE: The supplied credential handle does not match the credential associated with the security context.SEC_E_NO_IP_ADDRESSES: Unable to accomplish the requested task because the local machine does not have any IP addresses.SEC_E_NO_TGT_REPLY: The client is trying to negotiate a context and the server requires user-to-user but didn't send a TGT reply.SEC_E_UNFINISHED_CONTEXT_DELETED: A security context was deleted before the context was completed. This is considered a logon failure.SEC_E_SECURITY_QOS_FAILED: The security context could not be established due to a failure in the requested quality of service (e.g. mutual authentication or delegation).SEC_E_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH: The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm.SEC_E_DECRYPT_FAILURE: The specified data could not be decrypted.SEC_E_ENCRYPT_FAILURE: The specified data could not be encrypted.SEC_E_CERT_EXPIRED: The received certificate has expired.SEC_E_CERT_UNKNOWN: An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate.SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE: The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.SEC_E_UNTRUSTED_ROOT: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.SEC_E_TIME_SKEW: The clocks on the client and server machines are skewed.SEC_E_WRONG_PRINCIPAL: The target principal name is incorrect.SEC_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: The buffers supplied to a function was too small.SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_CREDENTIALS: The credentials supplied were not complete, and could not be verified. The context could not be initialized.SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE: The supplied message is incomplete. The signature was not verified.SEC_E_CONTEXT_EXPIRED: The context has expired and can no longer be used.SEC_E_BAD_PKGID: The requested security package does not existSEC_E_NO_AUTHENTICATING_AUTHORITY: No authority could be contacted for authentication.SEC_E_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE: The message supplied for verification is out of sequenceSEC_E_MESSAGE_ALTERED: The message or signature supplied for verification has been alteredSEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS: No credentials are available in the security packageSEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS: The credentials supplied to the package were not recognizedSEC_E_LOGON_DENIED: The logon attempt failedSEC_E_NO_IMPERSONATION: The security context does not allow impersonation of the clientSEC_E_QOP_NOT_SUPPORTED: The per-message Quality of Protection is not supported by the security packageSEC_E_CANNOT_PACK: The security package is not able to marshall the logon buffer, so the logon attempt has failedSEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN: The token supplied to the function is invalidSEC_E_CANNOT_INSTALL: The security package failed to initialize, and cannot be installedSEC_E_NOT_OWNER: The caller is not the owner of the desired credentialsSEC_E_SECPKG_NOT_FOUND: The requested security package does not existSEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR: The Local Security Authority cannot be contactedSEC_E_TARGET_UNKNOWN: The specified target is unknown or unreachableSEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION: The function requested is not supportedSEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle specified is invalidSEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY: Not enough memory is available to complete this requestNTE_FIXEDPARAMETER: The key parameters could not be set because the CSP uses fixed parameters.NTE_TEMPORARY_PROFILE: The profile for the user is a temporary profile.NTE_TOKEN_KEYSET_STORAGE_FULL: The security token does not have storage space available for an additional container.NTE_SILENT_CONTEXT: Provider could not perform the action since the context was acquired as silent.NTE_SYS_ERR: A base error occurred.NTE_FAIL: An internal error occurred.NTE_BAD_KEYSET_PARAM: The Keyset parameter is invalid.NTE_PROV_DLL_NOT_FOUND: Provider DLL could not be found.NTE_PROVIDER_DLL_FAIL: Provider DLL failed to initialize correctly.NTE_SIGNATURE_FILE_BAD: The digital signature file is corrupt.NTE_PROV_TYPE_NO_MATCH: Provider type does not match registered value.NTE_KEYSET_ENTRY_BAD: Keyset as registered is invalid.NTE_KEYSET_NOT_DEF: The keyset is not defined.NTE_PROV_TYPE_ENTRY_BAD: Provider type as registered is invalid.NTE_PROV_TYPE_NOT_DEF: Provider type not defined.NTE_BAD_KEYSET: Keyset does not existNTE_BAD_PUBLIC_KEY: Provider's public key is invalid.NTE_BAD_PROV_TYPE: Invalid provider type specified.NTE_BAD_PROVIDER: Invalid provider specified.NTE_DOUBLE_ENCRYPT: Data already encrypted.NTE_NOT_FOUND: Object was not found.NTE_PERM: Access denied.NTE_EXISTS: Object already exists.NTE_NO_MEMORY: Insufficient memory available for the operation.NTE_NO_KEY: Key does not exist.NTE_BAD_HASH_STATE: Hash not valid for use in specified state.NTE_BAD_KEY_STATE: Key not valid for use in specified state.NTE_BAD_TYPE: Invalid type specified.NTE_BAD_FLAGS: Invalid flags specified.NTE_BAD_ALGID: Invalid algorithm specified.NTE_BAD_VER: Bad Version of provider.NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE: Invalid Signature.NTE_BAD_DATA: Bad Data.NTE_BAD_LEN: Bad Length.NTE_BAD_KEY: Bad Key.NTE_BAD_HASH: Bad Hash.NTE_BAD_UID: Bad UID.MEM_E_INVALID_SIZE: The requested allocation size was too largeMEM_E_INVALID_LINK: An allocation chain contained an invalid link pointerMEM_E_INVALID_ROOT: An invalid root block pointer was specifiedCO_E_SERVER_STOPPING: Object server is stopping when OLE service contacts itMK_E_NO_NORMALIZED: Moniker path could not be normalizedCO_E_OBJSRV_RPC_FAILURE: OLE service could not communicate with the object serverCO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE: Server execution failedCO_E_BAD_PATH: Bad path to objectCO_E_SCM_RPC_FAILURE: RPC communication failed with OLE serviceCO_E_SCM_ERROR: OLE service could not bind objectCO_E_CLASS_CREATE_FAILED: Attempt to create a class object failedCO_E_ISOLEVELMISMATCH: The TxIsolation Level property for the COM+ component being created is stronger than the TxIsolationLevel for the "root" component for the transaction. The creation failed.CO_E_NOSYNCHRONIZATION: The COM+ component requires synchronization, and it is not configured for it.CO_E_NOTCONSTRUCTED: The COM+ component you created must use object construction to work correctly.CO_E_NOTPOOLED: The COM+ component you created must use object pooling to work.CO_E_DBERROR: An attempt to use a database generated a database specific error.CO_E_NOCOOKIES: An attempt to write a cookie failed.CO_E_NOIISINTRINSICS: IIS intrinsics not available. Start your work with IIS.CO_E_THREADINGMODEL_CHANGED: The components threading model has changed after install into a COM+ Application. Please re-install component.CONTEXT_E_NOTRANSACTION: The requested operation requires that the current context have a Transaction, and it does notCONTEXT_E_NOJIT: The requested operation requires that JIT be in the current context and it is notCO_E_INITIALIZATIONFAILED: COM+ Activation failed because an initialization function failed. Check the event log for more information.CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_TIMEOUT: COM+ activation failed because the activation could not be completed in the specified amount of time.CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_CATALOGERROR: COM+ Activation failed due to a catalog or configuration error.CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_EVENTLOGGED: COM+ Activation failed. Check the event log for more informationCO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED: An unexpected error occurred during COM+ Activation.CONTEXT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE: COM+ was unable to talk to the Microsoft Distributed Transaction CoordinatorCONTEXT_E_ROLENOTFOUND: The specified role was not configured for the applicationCONTEXT_E_OLDREF: You made a method call on a COM+ component that has a transaction that has already committed or aborted.CONTEXT_E_SYNCH_TIMEOUT: The component is configured to use synchronization and a thread has timed out waiting to enter the context.CONTEXT_E_WOULD_DEADLOCK: The component is configured to use synchronization and this method call would cause a deadlock to occur.CONTEXT_E_NOCONTEXT: There is no MTS object contextCONTEXT_E_ABORTING: You made a method call on a COM+ component that has a transaction that has already aborted or in the process of aborting.CONTEXT_E_ABORTED: The root transaction wanted to commit, but transaction abortedXACT_E_REPLAYREQUEST: XACT_E_REPLAYREQUESTXACT_E_INVALIDLSN: XACT_E_INVALIDLSNXACT_E_TRANSACTIONCLOSED: XACT_E_TRANSACTIONCLOSEDXACT_E_RECOVERYINPROGRESS: XACT_E_RECOVERYINPROGRESSXACT_E_CLERKEXISTS: XACT_E_CLERKEXISTSXACT_E_CLERKNOTFOUND: XACT_E_CLERKNOTFOUNDXACT_E_ABORTING: The local transaction has aborted.XACT_E_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_DTC_PROXY: MSDTC was unable to load the dtc proxy dll.XACT_E_UNABLE_TO_READ_DTC_CONFIG: MSDTC was unable to read its configuration information.XACT_E_XA_TX_DISABLED: The transaction manager has disabled its support for XA transactions.XACT_E_PARTNER_NETWORK_TX_DISABLED: The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions.XACT_E_NETWORK_TX_DISABLED: The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions.XACT_E_TIP_DISABLED: The Transaction Manager has disabled its support for TIP.XACT_E_DEST_TMNOTAVAILABLE: The Transaction Manager on the destination machine is not available.XACT_E_TIP_PULL_FAILED: This transaction manager could not propagate a transaction from another TIP transaction manager.XACT_E_TIP_PROTOCOL_ERROR: This transaction manager encountered a protocol error with another TIP transaction manager.XACT_E_TIP_CONNECT_FAILED: This transaction manager failed to establish a connection with another TIP transaction manager.XACT_E_REENLISTTIMEOUT: Resource manager reenlistment to determine transaction status timed out.XACT_E_CONNECTION_DENIED: A request to establish a connection with the transaction manager was denied.XACT_E_CONNECTION_DOWN: A connection with the transaction manager was lost.XACT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE: The Transaction Manager is not available.XACT_E_LOGFULL: The Transaction Manager returned a log full error.XACT_E_ABORTED: The transaction has already been aborted.XACT_E_ALREADYINPROGRESS: The requested operation is already in progress for the transaction.XACT_E_NOTIMEOUT: A time-out was specified, but time-outs are not supported.XACT_E_INDOUBT: The transaction status is in doubt. A communication failure occurred, or a transaction manager or resource manager has failedXACT_E_INVALIDCOOKIE: The transaction cookie is invalid.XACT_E_NOIMPORTOBJECT: An import object for the transaction could not be found.XACT_E_XTIONEXISTS: An enlistment in a transaction already exists.XACT_E_WRONGUOW: The indicated unit of work does not match the unit of work expected by the resource manager.XACT_E_WRONGSTATE: This method was called in the wrong stateXACT_E_UNKNOWNRMGRID: The resource manager id is not associated with this transaction or the transaction manager.XACT_E_NOTSUPPORTED: An invalid combination of flags was specifiedXACT_E_NOTRANSACTION: The transaction has already been implicitly or explicitly committed or abortedXACT_E_NOTCURRENT: The transaction failed to commit due to the failure of optimistic concurrency control in at least one of the resource managers.XACT_E_NORESOURCE: There is no resource presently associated with this enlistmentXACT_E_NOISORETAIN: The requested semantics of retention of isolation across retaining commit and abort boundaries cannot be supported by this transaction implementation, or isoFlags was not equal to zero.XACT_E_NOENLIST: Unable to enlist in the transaction.XACT_E_NOASYNC: The transaction manager doesn't support an asynchronous operation for this method.XACT_E_ISOLATIONLEVEL: The requested isolation level is not valid or supported.XACT_E_HEURISTICDANGER: Some of the states of the resource may have been committed while others may have been aborted, likely because of heuristic decisions.XACT_E_HEURISTICDAMAGE: Some of the states of the resource were committed while others were aborted, likely because of heuristic decisions.XACT_E_HEURISTICCOMMIT: Instead of aborting, the resource heuristically committed.XACT_E_HEURISTICABORT: Instead of committing, the resource heuristically aborted.XACT_E_COMMITPREVENTED: Cannot call commit on this transaction object because the calling application did not initiate the transaction.XACT_E_COMMITFAILED: The transaction failed to commit for an unknown reason. The transaction was aborted.XACT_E_CANTRETAIN: A retaining commit or abort is not supportedXACT_E_ALREADYOTHERSINGLEPHASE: Another single phase resource manager has already been enlisted in this transaction.SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING: The Task Scheduler Service is not running.SCHED_E_UNSUPPORTED_ACCOUNT_OPTION: The task has been configured with an unsupported combination of account settings and run time options.SCHED_E_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_VERSION: The task object version is either unsupported or invalid.SCHED_E_NO_SECURITY_SERVICES: Task Scheduler security services are available only on Windows NT.SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_DBASE_CORRUPT: Corruption was detected in the Task Scheduler security database; the database has been reset.SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_NAME_NOT_FOUND: Unable to establish existence of the account specified.SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION_NOT_SET: No account information could be found in the Task Scheduler security database for the task indicated.SCHED_E_INVALID_TASK: The object is either an invalid task object or is not a task object.SCHED_E_CANNOT_OPEN_TASK: The task object could not be opened.SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_INSTALLED: The Task Scheduler Service is not installed on this computer.SCHED_E_TASK_NOT_RUNNING: There is no running instance of the task to terminate.SCHED_E_TASK_NOT_READY: One or more of the properties that are needed to run this task have not been set.SCHED_E_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND: Trigger not found.EVENT_E_PER_USER_SID_NOT_LOGGED_ON: The owner of the PerUser subscription is not logged on to the system specifiedEVENT_E_INVALID_EVENT_CLASS_PARTITION: The event class for this subscription is in an invalid partitionEVENT_E_CANT_MODIFY_OR_DELETE_CONFIGURED_OBJECT: Cannot modify or delete an object that was added using the COM+ Admin SDKEVENT_E_CANT_MODIFY_OR_DELETE_UNCONFIGURED_OBJECT: Cannot modify or delete an object that was not added using the COM+ Admin SDKEVENT_E_COMPLUS_NOT_INSTALLED: COM+ is required for this operation, but is not installedEVENT_E_NOT_ALL_REMOVED: Not all the objects requested could be removedEVENT_E_MISSING_EVENTCLASS: A subscription cannot be stored unless its event class already existsEVENT_E_TOO_MANY_METHODS: An interface has too many methods to fire events fromEVENT_E_USER_EXCEPTION: A user-supplied component or subscriber raised an exceptionEVENT_E_INVALID_PER_USER_SID: The owner SID on a per-user subscription doesn't existEVENT_E_INTERNALERROR: An unexpected internal error was detectedEVENT_E_INTERNALEXCEPTION: An unexpected exception was raisedEVENT_E_QUERYFIELD: An invalid field name was used in a query stringEVENT_E_QUERYSYNTAX: A syntax error occurred trying to evaluate a query stringEVENT_E_ALL_SUBSCRIBERS_FAILED: An event was unable to invoke any of the subscribersCO_E_RELEASED: Object has been releasedCO_E_APPDIDNTREG: Application was launched but it didn't register a class factoryCO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED: Object is not connected to serverCO_E_OBJISREG: Object is already registeredCO_E_OBJNOTREG: Object is not registeredCO_E_WRONGOSFORAPP: Wrong OS or OS version for applicationCO_E_ERRORINDLL: Error in the DLLCO_E_DLLNOTFOUND: DLL for class not foundCO_E_ERRORINAPP: Some error in application programCO_E_APPSINGLEUSE: Application cannot be run more than onceCO_E_APPNOTFOUND: Application not foundCO_E_IIDSTRING: Invalid interface stringCO_E_CLASSSTRING: Invalid class stringCO_E_CANTDETERMINECLASS: Class of object cannot be determinedCO_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED: CoInitialize has already been called.CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED: CoInitialize has not been called.MK_E_ENUMERATION_FAILED: Moniker could not be enumeratedMK_E_NOPREFIX: No common prefixMK_E_NOSTORAGE: Moniker does not refer to storageMK_E_NOINVERSE: Moniker class has no inverseMK_E_MUSTBOTHERUSER: User input required for operation to succeedMK_E_CANTOPENFILE: Moniker cannot open fileMK_E_NOTBOUND: Moniker is not boundMK_E_NOTBINDABLE: Moniker is not bindableMK_E_INTERMEDIATEINTERFACENOTSUPPORTED: Intermediate operation failedMK_E_INVALIDEXTENSION: Bad extension for fileMK_E_NOOBJECT: No object for monikerMK_E_SYNTAX: Invalid syntaxMK_E_UNAVAILABLE: Operation unavailableMK_E_NEEDGENERIC: Moniker needs to be genericMK_E_EXCEEDEDDEADLINE: Operation exceeded deadlineMK_E_CONNECTMANUALLY: Moniker needs to be connected manuallyCLIPBRD_E_CANT_CLOSE: CloseClipboard FailedCLIPBRD_E_BAD_DATA: Data on clipboard is invalidCLIPBRD_E_CANT_SET: SetClipboard FailedCLIPBRD_E_CANT_EMPTY: EmptyClipboard FailedCLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN: OpenClipboard FailedCONVERT10_E_STG_DIB_TO_BITMAP: There was an error in a Windows GDI call while converting the DIB to a bitmap.CONVERT10_E_STG_NO_STD_STREAM: Contents of IStorage is missing one of the standard streamsCONVERT10_E_STG_FMT: Contents of the IStorage not in correct formatCONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_BITMAP_TO_DIB: There was an error in a Windows GDI call while converting the bitmap to a DIBCONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_FMT: Contents of the OLESTREAM not in correct formatCONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_PUT: OLESTREAM Put method failedCONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_GET: OLESTREAM Get method failedINPLACE_E_NOTOOLSPACE: Space for tools is not availableINPLACE_E_NOTUNDOABLE: Undo is not availableOLEOBJ_E_INVALIDVERB: Invalid verb for OLE objectOLEOBJ_E_NOVERBS: No verbs for OLE objectCACHE_E_NOCACHE_UPDATED: Cache not updatedCS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR: An error occurred in the software installation data in the Active Directory.CS_E_SCHEMA_MISMATCH: The schema for the software installation data in the Active Directory does not match the required schema.CS_E_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: The size of this object exceeds the maximum size set by the Administrator.CS_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error interrupted the operation.CS_E_INVALID_PATH: The path to the software installation data in the Active Directory is not correct.CS_E_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS: The software installation data object in the Active Directory already exists.CS_E_OBJECT_NOTFOUND: There is no software installation data object in the Active Directory.CS_E_NO_CLASSSTORE: There is no software installation data in the Active Directory.CS_E_INVALID_VERSION: The software installation data in the Active Directory is corrupt.CS_E_CLASS_NOTFOUND: The CLSID was not found in the software installation data in the Active Directory.CS_E_NOT_DELETABLE: Deleting this will break the referential integrity of the software installation data in the Active Directory.CS_E_PACKAGE_NOTFOUND: No package in the software installation data in the Active Directory meets this criteria.CAT_E_NODESCRIPTION: Description not foundCAT_E_CATIDNOEXIST: CATID does not existREGDB_E_BADTHREADINGMODEL: Threading model entry is not validREGDB_E_IIDNOTREG: Interface not registeredREGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG: Class not registeredREGDB_E_INVALIDVALUE: Invalid value for registryREGDB_E_KEYMISSING: Could not find the key in the registryREGDB_E_WRITEREGDB: Could not write key to registryREGDB_E_READREGDB: Could not read key from registryVIEW_E_DRAW: Error drawing viewCLASS_E_NOTLICENSED: Class is not licensed for useCLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE: ClassFactory cannot supply requested classCLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION: Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote)DRAGDROP_E_INVALIDHWND: Invalid window handleDRAGDROP_E_ALREADYREGISTERED: This window has already been registered as a drop targetDRAGDROP_E_NOTREGISTERED: Trying to revoke a drop target that has not been registeredDV_E_NOIVIEWOBJECT: Object doesn't support IViewObject interfaceDV_E_DVTARGETDEVICE_SIZE: tdSize parameter of the DVTARGETDEVICE structure is invalidDV_E_DVASPECT: Invalid aspect(s)DV_E_CLIPFORMAT: Invalid clipboard formatDV_E_TYMED: Invalid tymedDV_E_LINDEX: Invalid lindexDV_E_STATDATA: Invalid STATDATA structureDV_E_STGMEDIUM: Invalid STDGMEDIUM structureDV_E_DVTARGETDEVICE: Invalid DVTARGETDEVICE structureDV_E_FORMATETC: Invalid FORMATETC structureOLE_E_NOSTORAGE: Not able to perform the operation because object is not given storage yetOLE_E_CANTCONVERT: Not able to convert objectOLE_E_NOT_INPLACEACTIVE: Object is not in any of the inplace active statesOLE_E_INVALIDHWND: Invalid window handleOLE_E_WRONGCOMPOBJ: compobj.dll is too old for the ole2.dll initializedOLE_E_INVALIDRECT: Invalid rectangleOLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED: User canceled out of save dialogOLE_E_STATIC: Object is static; operation not allowedOLE_E_CANT_BINDTOSOURCE: Not able to bind to the sourceOLE_E_CANT_GETMONIKER: Not able to get the moniker of the objectOLE_E_CLASSDIFF: Linked object's source class has changedOLE_E_BLANK: Uninitialized objectOLE_E_NOCACHE: There is no cache to operate onOLE_E_NOTRUNNING: Need to run the object to perform this operationOLE_E_NOCONNECTION: There is no connection for this connection IDOLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED: This implementation doesn't take advisesOLE_E_ENUM_NOMORE: Can't enumerate any more, because the associated data is missingOLE_E_ADVF: Invalid advise flagsOLE_E_OLEVERB: Invalid OLEVERB structureSTG_E_RESETS_EXHAUSTED: Copy Protection Error - The drive's region setting may be permanent or the number of user resets has been exhausted.STG_E_CSS_REGION_MISMATCH: Copy Protection Error - The current DVD's region does not correspond to the region setting of the drive.STG_E_CSS_SCRAMBLED_SECTOR: Copy Protection Error - The read failed because the sector is encrypted.STG_E_CSS_KEY_NOT_ESTABLISHED: Copy Protection Error - DVD session key not established.STG_E_CSS_KEY_NOT_PRESENT: Copy Protection Error - The given sector does not have a valid CSS key.STG_E_CSS_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE: Copy Protection Error - DVD CSS Authentication failed.STG_E_STATUS_COPY_PROTECTION_FAILURE: Generic Copy Protection Error.STG_E_TERMINATED: The file download has been terminated.STG_E_INCOMPLETE: The file download was aborted abnormally. The file is incomplete.STG_E_NOTSIMPLEFORMAT: The compound file was not created with the STGM_SIMPLE flagSTG_E_DOCFILETOOLARGE: The compound file is too large for the current implementationSTG_E_BADBASEADDRESS: OLE32.DLL has been loaded at the wrong address.STG_E_DOCFILECORRUPT: The docfile has been corrupted.STG_E_EXTANTMARSHALLINGS: Illegal operation called on object with extant marshallings.STG_E_NOTFILEBASEDSTORAGE: Illegal operation called on non-file based storage.STG_E_SHAREREQUIRED: Share.exe or equivalent is required for operation.STG_E_OLDDLL: The compound file param_1 was produced with a newer version of storage.STG_E_OLDFORMAT: The compound file param_1 was produced with an incompatible version of storage.STG_E_CANTSAVE: Can't save.STG_E_REVERTED: Attempted to use an object that has ceased to exist.STG_E_NOTCURRENT: The storage has been changed since the last commit.STG_E_INUSE: Attempted to use an object that is busy.STG_E_INVALIDFLAG: Invalid flag error.STG_E_UNIMPLEMENTEDFUNCTION: That function is not implemented.STG_E_UNKNOWN: An unexpected error occurred.STG_E_INVALIDNAME: The name param_1 is not valid.STG_E_INVALIDHEADER: The file param_1 is not a valid compound file.STG_E_ABNORMALAPIEXIT: An API call exited abnormally.STG_E_PROPSETMISMATCHED: Illegal write of non-simple property to simple property set.STG_E_MEDIUMFULL: There is insufficient disk space to complete operation.STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid parameter error.STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS: param_1 already exists.STG_E_LOCKVIOLATION: A lock violation has occurred.STG_E_SHAREVIOLATION: A share violation has occurred.STG_E_READFAULT: A disk error occurred during a read operation.STG_E_WRITEFAULT: A disk error occurred during a write operation.STG_E_SEEKERROR: An error occurred during a seek operation.STG_E_DISKISWRITEPROTECTED: Disk is write-protected.STG_E_NOMOREFILES: There are no more entries to return.STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER: Invalid pointer error.STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY: There is insufficient memory available to complete operation.STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE: Attempted an operation on an invalid object.STG_E_ACCESSDENIED: Access Denied.STG_E_TOOMANYOPENFILES: There are insufficient resources to open another file.STG_E_PATHNOTFOUND: The path param_1 could not be found.STG_E_FILENOTFOUND: param_1 could not be found.STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION: Unable to perform requested operation.TYPE_E_CIRCULARTYPE: Circular dependency between types/modules.TYPE_E_INCONSISTENTPROPFUNCS: Inconsistent property functions.TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY: Error loading type library/DLL.TYPE_E_CANTCREATETMPFILE: Error creating unique tmp file.TYPE_E_IOERROR: I/O Error.TYPE_E_OUTOFBOUNDS: Invalid number of arguments.TYPE_E_TYPEMISMATCH: Type mismatch.TYPE_E_INVALIDID: Incorrect inheritance depth in standard OLE hmember.TYPE_E_DUPLICATEID: Duplicate ID in inheritance hierarchy.TYPE_E_SIZETOOBIG: Size may not exceed 64K.TYPE_E_BADMODULEKIND: Wrong module kind for the operation.TYPE_E_DLLFUNCTIONNOTFOUND: Function not defined in specified DLL.TYPE_E_UNKNOWNLCID: Unknown LCID.TYPE_E_NAMECONFLICT: Name already exists in the library.TYPE_E_AMBIGUOUSNAME: Ambiguous name.TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND: Element not found.TYPE_E_WRONGTYPEKIND: Type mismatch.TYPE_E_INVALIDSTATE: Invalid forward reference, or reference to uncompiled type.TYPE_E_QUALIFIEDNAMEDISALLOWED: Qualified name disallowed.TYPE_E_UNDEFINEDTYPE: Bound to unknown type.TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED: Library not registered.TYPE_E_REGISTRYACCESS: Error accessing the OLE registry.TYPE_E_UNSUPFORMAT: Old format or invalid type library.TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD: Old format or invalid type library.TYPE_E_FIELDNOTFOUND: Field name not defined in the record.TYPE_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL: Buffer too small.DISP_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL: Buffer too smallDISP_E_DIVBYZERO: Division by zero.DISP_E_NOTACOLLECTION: Does not support a collection.DISP_E_BADCALLEE: Invalid callee.DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL: Parameter not optional.DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT: Invalid number of parameters.DISP_E_ARRAYISLOCKED: Memory is locked.DISP_E_UNKNOWNLCID: Unknown language.DISP_E_BADINDEX: Invalid index.DISP_E_OVERFLOW: Out of present range.DISP_E_EXCEPTION: Exception occurred.DISP_E_BADVARTYPE: Bad variable type.DISP_E_NONAMEDARGS: No named arguments.DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME: Unknown name.DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH: Type mismatch.DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND: Parameter not found.DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND: Member not found.DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE: Unknown interface.RPC_E_UNEXPECTED: An internal error occurred.CO_E_CANCEL_DISABLED: Call Cancellation is disabledCO_E_ACNOTINITIALIZED: The COM IAccessControl object is not initializedCO_E_DECODEFAILED: Unable to decode the ACL in the stream provided by the userCO_E_FAILEDTOOPENPROCESSTOKEN: Unable to open the access token of the server processCO_E_INCOMPATIBLESTREAMVERSION: The version of ACL format in the stream is not supported by this implementation of IAccessControlCO_E_ACESINWRONGORDER: Not all the DENY_ACCESS ACEs are arranged in front of the GRANT_ACCESS ACEs in the stream.CO_E_EXCEEDSYSACLLIMIT: The number of ACEs in an ACL exceeds the system limit.CO_E_FAILEDTOCLOSEHANDLE: Unable to close a serialization handle or a file handle.CO_E_FAILEDTOCREATEFILE: Unable to create fileCO_E_FAILEDTOGENUUID: Unable to generate a uuid.CO_E_PATHTOOLONG: Path too longCO_E_FAILEDTOGETWINDIR: Unable to obtain the Windows directoryCO_E_SETSERLHNDLFAILED: Unable to set or reset a serialization handleCO_E_LOOKUPACCNAMEFAILED: The system function, LookupAccountName, failedCO_E_NOMATCHINGNAMEFOUND: Unable to find a trustee name that corresponds to a security identifier provided by the userCO_E_LOOKUPACCSIDFAILED: The system function, LookupAccountSID, failedCO_E_NOMATCHINGSIDFOUND: Unable to find a security identifier that corresponds to a trustee string provided by the userCO_E_CONVERSIONFAILED: Unable to convert a wide character trustee string to a multibyte trustee stringCO_E_INVALIDSID: One of the security identifiers provided by the user was invalidCO_E_WRONGTRUSTEENAMESYNTAX: One of the trustee strings provided by the user did not conform to the <Domain>\<Name> syntax and it was not the "*" stringCO_E_NETACCESSAPIFAILED: Either NetAccessDel or NetAccessAdd returned an error code.CO_E_ACCESSCHECKFAILED: The system function, AccessCheck, returned falseCO_E_FAILEDTOSETDACL: Unable to set a discretionary ACL into a security descriptorCO_E_FAILEDTOQUERYCLIENTBLANKET: Unable to obtain the client's security blanketCO_E_TRUSTEEDOESNTMATCHCLIENT: The client who called IAccessControl::IsAccessPermitted was not the trustee provided to the methodCO_E_FAILEDTOGETTOKENINFO: Unable to obtain user info from an access tokenCO_E_FAILEDTOOPENTHREADTOKEN: Unable to open the access token of the current threadCO_E_FAILEDTOGETSECCTX: Unable to obtain server's security contextCO_E_FAILEDTOIMPERSONATE: Unable to impersonate DCOM clientRPC_E_INVALID_STD_NAME: Principal name is not a valid MSSTD name.RPC_E_FULLSIC_REQUIRED: Full subject issuer chain SSL principal name expected from the server.RPC_E_NO_SYNC: There are no synchronize objects to wait on.RPC_E_TIMEOUT: This operation returned because the timeout period expired.RPC_E_NO_CONTEXT: No context is associated with this call. This happens for some custom marshalled calls and on the client side of the call.RPC_E_INVALID_OBJREF: The marshaled interface data packet (OBJREF) has an invalid or unknown format.RPC_E_REMOTE_DISABLED: Remote calls are not allowed for this process.RPC_E_ACCESS_DENIED: Access is denied.RPC_E_NO_GOOD_SECURITY_PACKAGES: No security packages are installed on this machine or the user is not logged on or there are no compatible security packages between the client and server.RPC_E_TOO_LATE: Security must be initialized before any interfaces are marshalled or unmarshalled. It cannot be changed once initialized.RPC_E_UNSECURE_CALL: Impersonate on unsecure calls is not supported.RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE: Call context cannot be accessed after call completed.RPC_S_WAITONTIMER: OLE is waiting before retrying a request.RPC_S_CALLPENDING: OLE has sent a request and is waiting for a reply.RPC_E_INVALID_OBJECT: The requested object does not exist.RPC_E_INVALID_IPID: The requested object or interface does not exist.RPC_E_INVALID_EXTENSION: OLE received a packet with an invalid extension.RPC_E_INVALID_HEADER: OLE received a packet with an invalid header.RPC_E_VERSION_MISMATCH: The version of OLE on the client and server machines does not match.RPC_E_THREAD_NOT_INIT: CoInitialize has not been called on the current thread.RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD: The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread.RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_ININPUTSYNCCALL: An outgoing call cannot be made since the application is dispatching an input-synchronous call.RPC_E_INVALID_CALLDATA: A call control interfaces was called with invalid data.RPC_E_SERVERCALL_REJECTED: The message filter rejected the call.RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER: The message filter indicated that the application is busy.RPC_E_RETRY: The object invoked chose not to process the call now. Try again later.RPC_E_DISCONNECTED: The object invoked has disconnected from its clients.RPC_E_INVALIDMETHOD: The method called does not exist on the server.RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE: Cannot change thread mode after it is set.RPC_E_SERVERFAULT: The server threw an exception.RPC_E_FAULT: RPC could not call the server or could not return the results of calling the server.RPC_E_NOT_REGISTERED: The requested interface is not registered on the server object.RPC_E_ATTEMPTED_MULTITHREAD: Attempted to make calls on more than one thread in single threaded mode.RPC_E_OUT_OF_RESOURCES: Could not allocate some required resource (memory, events, ...)RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED: System call failed.RPC_E_SERVER_DIED_DNE: The callee (server [not server application]) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call did not execute.RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_AGAIN: There is no second outgoing call on same channel in DDE conversation.RPC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER: A particular parameter is invalid and cannot be (un)marshalled.RPC_E_INVALID_DATA: Received data is invalid; could be server or client data.RPC_E_SERVER_CANTUNMARSHAL_DATA: The server (callee) cannot unmarshall the parameter data - low memory, etc.RPC_E_SERVER_CANTMARSHAL_DATA: The server (callee) cannot marshall the return data - low memory, etc.RPC_E_CLIENT_CANTUNMARSHAL_DATA: The client (caller) cannot unmarshall the return data - low memory, etc.RPC_E_CLIENT_CANTMARSHAL_DATA: The client (caller) cannot marshall the parameter data - low memory, etc.RPC_E_CANTTRANSMIT_CALL: The call was not transmitted properly; the message queue was full and was not emptied after yielding.RPC_E_INVALID_DATAPACKET: The data packet with the marshalled parameter data is incorrect.RPC_E_CLIENT_DIED: The caller (client) disappeared while the callee (server) was processing a call.RPC_E_SERVER_DIED: The callee (server [not server application]) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call may have executed.RPC_E_CONNECTION_TERMINATED: The connection terminated or is in a bogus state and cannot be used any more. Other connections are still valid.RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_INEXTERNALCALL: It is illegal to call out while inside message filter.RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_INASYNCCALL: The caller is dispatching an asynchronous call and cannot make an outgoing call on behalf of this call.RPC_E_CANTPOST_INSENDCALL: The caller is dispatching an intertask SendMessage call and cannot call out via PostMessage.RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED: Call was canceled by the message filter.RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED: Call was rejected by callee.E_UNEXPECTED: Catastrophic failureCO_E_MALFORMED_SPN: The server principal name (SPN) obtained during security negotiation is malformed.CO_E_SXS_CONFIG: The provided side-by-side configuration is invalidCO_E_THREADPOOL_CONFIG: The provided thread pool configuration is invalidCO_E_TRACKER_CONFIG: The provided tracker configuration is invalidCO_E_NO_SECCTX_IN_ACTIVATE: Unable to complete the call since there is no COM+ security context inside IObjectControl.Activate.CO_E_SERVER_INIT_TIMEOUT: The server started, but did not finish initializing in a timely fashion.CO_E_ASYNC_WORK_REJECTED: The thread-pool rejected the submitted asynchronous work.CO_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE: The common language runtime is not availableCO_E_CLASS_DISABLED: The component or application containing the component has been disabled.CO_E_SERVER_NOT_PAUSED: Activations on the server are not paused.CO_E_SERVER_PAUSED: Activations on the server are paused.CO_E_ATTEMPT_TO_CREATE_OUTSIDE_CLIENT_CONTEXT: The specified activation could not occur in the client context as specified.CO_E_MSI_ERROR: A Microsoft Software Installer error was encountered.CO_E_RELOAD_DLL: A dll must be loaded.CO_E_NOT_SUPPORTED: The operation attempted is not supported.CO_E_IIDREG_INCONSISTENT: The registration information for this interface is inconsistent or incomplete.CO_E_CLSREG_INCONSISTENT: The registration information for this server is inconsistent or incomplete.CO_E_SERVER_START_TIMEOUT: The server did not respond after being launched.CO_E_REMOTE_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE: This computer was unable to communicate with the computer providing the server.CO_E_START_SERVICE_FAILURE: The service providing this server could not be started.CO_E_LAUNCH_PERMSSION_DENIED: The client is not allowed to launch this server.CO_E_RUNAS_LOGON_FAILURE: The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and password.CO_E_RUNAS_CREATEPROCESS_FAILURE: The server process could not be started as the configured identity. The pathname may be incorrect or unavailable.CO_E_CREATEPROCESS_FAILURE: The server process could not be started. The pathname may be incorrect.CO_E_RUNAS_SYNTAX: A RunAs specification must be <domain name>\<user name> or simply <user name>CO_E_OLE1DDE_DISABLED: Use of Ole1 services requiring DDE windows is disabledCO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY: The class is configured to run as a security id different from the callerCO_E_BAD_SERVER_NAME: A Remote activation was necessary but the server name provided was invalidCO_E_CANT_REMOTE: A Remote activation was necessary but was not allowedCO_E_INIT_ONLY_SINGLE_THREADED: There was an attempt to call CoInitialize a second time while single threadedCO_E_INIT_SCM_EXEC_FAILURE: Failure attempting to launch OLE serviceCO_E_INIT_SCM_MAP_VIEW_OF_FILE: Unable to map view of file for OLE serviceCO_E_INIT_SCM_FILE_MAPPING_EXISTS: The OLE service file mapping already existsCO_E_INIT_SCM_MUTEX_EXISTS: The OLE service mutex already existsCO_E_INIT_UNACCEPTED_USER_ALLOCATOR: The user supplied memory allocator is unacceptableCO_E_INIT_TLS_CHANNEL_CONTROL: Could not allocate thread local storage channel controlCO_E_INIT_TLS_SET_CHANNEL_CONTROL: Cannot set thread local storage channel controlCO_E_INIT_RPC_CHANNEL: Unable to initialize RPC servicesCO_E_INIT_CLASS_CACHE: Unable to initialize class cacheCO_E_INIT_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR: Get memory allocator failureCO_E_INIT_SHARED_ALLOCATOR: Get shared memory allocator failureCO_E_INIT_TLS: Thread local storage failureE_PENDING: The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available.E_ACCESSDENIED: General access denied errorE_FAIL: Unspecified errorE_ABORT: Operation abortedE_HANDLE: Invalid handleE_POINTER: Invalid pointerE_NOINTERFACE: No such interface supportedE_INVALIDARG: One or more arguments are invalidE_OUTOFMEMORY: Ran out of memoryE_NOTIMPL: Not implementedCRYPT_I_NEW_PROTECTION_REQUIRED: The protected data needs to be re-protected.SEC_I_NO_LSA_CONTEXT: There is no LSA mode context associated with this context.SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE: The context data must be renegotiated with the peer.SEC_I_INCOMPLETE_CREDENTIALS: The credentials supplied were not complete, and could not be verified. Additional information can be returned from the context.SEC_I_CONTEXT_EXPIRED: The context has expired and can no longer be used.SEC_I_LOCAL_LOGON: The logon was completed, but no network authority was available. The logon was made using locally known informationSEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE: The function completed successfully, but both CompleteToken and this function must be called to complete the contextSEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED: The function completed successfully, but CompleteToken must be calledSEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED: The function completed successfully, but must be called again to complete the contextCO_S_MACHINENAMENOTFOUND: The specified machine name was not found in the cache.CO_S_NOTALLINTERFACES: Not all the requested interfaces were availableXACT_S_LASTRESOURCEMANAGER: The resource manager has requested to be the coordinator (last resource manager) for the transaction.XACT_S_LOCALLY_OK: The local transaction has not aborted.XACT_S_SINGLEPHASE: The resource manager has performed a single-phase commit of the transaction.XACT_S_ABORTING: An abort operation was already in progress.XACT_S_ALLNORETAIN: The transaction was successfully aborted. However, the abort was non-retaining.XACT_S_MADECHANGESINFORM: The sink is for the moment and wishes the transaction to proceed, but if other changes are made following this return by other event sinks then this sink wants another chance to lookXACT_S_MADECHANGESCONTENT: The sink is content and wishes the transaction to proceed. Changes were made to one or more resources during this call.XACT_S_OKINFORM: No changes were made during this call, but the sink wants another chance to look if any other sinks make further changes.XACT_S_SOMENORETAIN: The transaction was successfully aborted. However, this is a coordinated transaction, and some number of enlisted resources were aborted outright because they could not support abort-retaining semanticsXACT_S_READONLY: The method call succeeded because the transaction was read-only.XACT_S_DEFECT: XACT_S_DEFECTXACT_S_ASYNC: An asynchronous operation was specified. The operation has begun, but its outcome is not known yet.SCHED_S_EVENT_TRIGGER: Event triggers don't have set run times.SCHED_S_TASK_NO_VALID_TRIGGERS: Either the task has no triggers or the existing triggers are disabled or not set.SCHED_S_TASK_TERMINATED: The last run of the task was terminated by the user.SCHED_S_TASK_NOT_SCHEDULED: One or more of the properties that are needed to run this task on a schedule have not been set.SCHED_S_TASK_NO_MORE_RUNS: There are no more runs scheduled for this task.SCHED_S_TASK_HAS_NOT_RUN: The task has not yet run.SCHED_S_TASK_DISABLED: The task will not run at the scheduled times because it has been disabled.SCHED_S_TASK_RUNNING: The task is currently running.SCHED_S_TASK_READY: The task is ready to run at its next scheduled time.EVENT_S_NOSUBSCRIBERS: An event was delivered but there were no subscribersEVENT_S_SOME_SUBSCRIBERS_FAILED: An event was able to invoke some but not all of the subscribersMK_S_MONIKERALREADYREGISTERED: Moniker is already registered in running object tableMK_S_US: Common prefix is both monikersMK_S_HIM: Common prefix is input monikerMK_S_ME: Common prefix is this monikerMK_S_REDUCED_TO_SELF: Moniker reduced to itselfCONVERT10_S_NO_PRESENTATION: Unable to convert OLESTREAM to IStorageINPLACE_S_TRUNCATED: Message is too long; some of it had to be truncated before displayingOLEOBJ_S_INVALIDHWND: Invalid window handle passedOLEOBJ_S_CANNOT_DOVERB_NOW: Verb number is valid but verb cannot be done nowOLEOBJ_S_INVALIDVERB: Invalid verb for OLE objectCACHE_S_SOMECACHES_NOTUPDATED: Some cache(s) not updatedCACHE_S_SAMECACHE: Same cacheCACHE_S_FORMATETC_NOTSUPPORTED: FORMATETC not supportedVIEW_S_ALREADY_FROZEN: View is already frozenDATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC: Data has same FORMATETCDRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS: Use the default cursorDRAGDROP_S_CANCEL: Drag-drop operation canceledDRAGDROP_S_DROP: Successful drop took placeOLE_S_MAC_CLIPFORMAT: Macintosh clipboard formatOLE_S_STATIC: Success, but staticOLE_S_USEREG: Use the registry database to provide the requested informationSTG_S_CANNOTCONSOLIDATE: Consolidation of the storage file is inappropriate. (commit succeeded).STG_S_CONSOLIDATIONFAILED: Consolidation of the storage file failed. (commit succeeded).STG_S_MULTIPLEOPENS: Multiple opens prevent consolidated. (commit succeeded).STG_S_MONITORING: The notified event sink will not influence the storage operation.STG_S_RETRYNOW: The storage operation should retry immediately.STG_S_BLOCK: The storage operation should block until more data is available.STG_S_CONVERTED: The underlying file was converted to compound file format.ERROR_SXS_INVALID_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: The supplied assembly identity has one or more attribute names that contain characters not permitted in XML names.ERROR_SXS_MISSING_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE: The supplied assembly identity is missing one or more attributes which must be present in this context.ERROR_SXS_PROTECTION_CATALOG_FILE_MISSING: Assembly Protection Error : The catalog for an assembly is missing.ERROR_SXS_UNTRANSLATABLE_HRESULT: An HRESULT could not be translated to a corresponding Win32 error code.ERROR_SXS_PROTECTION_CATALOG_NOT_VALID: Assembly Protection Error : The catalog for an assembly is not valid, or does not match the assembly's manifest.ERROR_SXS_PROTECTION_PUBLIC_KEY_TOO_SHORT: Assembly Protection Error : The public key for an assembly was too short to be allowed.ERROR_SXS_PROTECTION_RECOVERY_FAILED: Assembly Protection Error : Unable to recover the specified assembly.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGEQUALS: Manifest Parse Error : Missing equals sign between attribute and attribute value.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_VERSION: Manifest Parse Error : Invalid version number.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNEXPECTED_STANDALONE: Manifest Parse Error : The standalone attribute cannot be used in external entities.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_STANDALONE: Manifest Parse Error : The standalone attribute must have the value 'yes' or 'no'.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADXMLCASE: Manifest Parse Error : The name 'xml' is reserved and must be lower case.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALIDSWITCH: Manifest Parse Error : Switch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALIDENCODING: Manifest Parse Error : System does not support the specified encoding.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_RESERVEDNAMESPACE: Manifest Parse Error : The namespace prefix is not allowed to start with the reserved string "xml".ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDCDATA: Manifest Parse Error : A CDATA section was not closed.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDDECL: Manifest Parse Error : A declaration was not closed.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDCOMMENT: Manifest Parse Error : A comment was not closed.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDSTRING: Manifest Parse Error : A string literal was not closed.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDENDTAG: Manifest Parse Error : End element was missing the character '>'.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDSTARTTAG: Manifest Parse Error : Element was not closed.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADPEREFINSUBSET: Manifest Parse Error : Parameter entities cannot be used inside markup declarations in an internal subset.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNEXPECTEDEOF: Manifest Parse Error : Unexpected end of file.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGROOT: Manifest Parse Error : XML document must have a top level element.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADXMLDECL: Manifest Parse Error : Invalid xml declaration.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALIDATROOTLEVEL: Manifest Parse Error : Invalid at the top level of the document.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MULTIPLEROOTS: Manifest Parse Error : Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_DUPLICATEATTRIBUTE: Manifest Parse Error : Duplicate attribute.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDTAG: Manifest Parse Error : The following tags were not closed: param_1.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNEXPECTEDENDTAG: Manifest Parse Error : End tag was not expected at this location.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_WHITESPACEORQUESTIONMARK: Manifest Parse Error : Expecting whitespace or '?'.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_UNICODE: Manifest Parse Error : Invalid unicode character value for this platform.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_HEXIDECIMAL: Manifest Parse Error : Invalid character for hexidecimal digit.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_DECIMAL: Manifest Parse Error : Invalid character for decimal digit.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MULTIPLE_COLONS: Manifest Parse Error : Multiple colons are not allowed in a name.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_EXPECTINGCLOSEQUOTE: Manifest Parse Error : A single or double closing quote character (\' or \") is missing.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSING_PAREN: Manifest Parse Error : Missing parenthesis.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INCOMPLETE_ENCODING: Manifest Parse Error : End of file reached in invalid state for current encoding.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNEXPECTED_WHITESPACE: Manifest Parse Error : Whitespace is not allowed at this location.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_INTERNALERROR: Manifest Parse Error : Internal error.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNBALANCEDPAREN: Manifest Parse Error : Unbalanced parentheses.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGSEMICOLON: Manifest Parse Error : A semi colon character was expected.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_EXPECTINGTAGEND: Manifest Parse Error : The character '>' was expected.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGWHITESPACE: Manifest Parse Error : Required white space was missing.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADCHARDATA: Manifest Parse Error : An Invalid character was found in text content.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_XMLDECLSYNTAX: Manifest Parse Error : Invalid syntax for an xml declaration.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADCHARINSTRING: Manifest Parse Error : A string literal contained an invalid character.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADNAMECHAR: Manifest Parse Error : A name contained an invalid character.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADSTARTNAMECHAR: Manifest Parse Error : A name was started with an invalid character.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_COMMENTSYNTAX: Manifest Parse Error : Incorrect syntax was used in a comment.ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGQUOTE: Manifest Parse Error : A string literal was expected, but no opening quote character was found.ERROR_SXS_POLICY_PARSE_ERROR: The policy manifest contains one or more syntax errors.ERROR_SXS_FILE_HASH_MISMATCH: A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest.ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_ASSEMBLY_NAME: Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest are different versions of the same component which is not permitted.ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_PROGID: Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM ProgIDs.ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_TLBID: Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM type library TLBIDs.ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_IID: Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have proxies for the same COM interface IIDs.ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_CLSID: Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM server CLSIDs.ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_WINDOWCLASS_NAME: Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have window classes with the same name.ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_DLL_NAME: Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have files by the same name.ERROR_SXS_PRIVATE_MANIFEST_CROSS_PATH_WITH_REPARSE_POINT: The private manifest probed has crossed reparse-point-associated pathERROR_SXS_MANIFEST_INVALID_REQUIRED_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE: The manifest has a default namespace specified on the assembly element but its value is not "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1".ERROR_SXS_MANIFEST_MISSING_REQUIRED_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE: The manifest is missing the required default namespace specification on the assembly element.ERROR_SXS_INVALID_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE: The manifest contains an attribute for the assembly identity which is not valid.ERROR_SXS_LEAF_MANIFEST_DEPENDENCY_NOT_INSTALLED: The manifest for an assembly used by the application has a reference to a dependent assembly which is not installedERROR_SXS_ROOT_MANIFEST_DEPENDENCY_NOT_INSTALLED: The application manifest contains a reference to a dependent assembly which is not installedERROR_SXS_INVALID_XML_NAMESPACE_URI: The manifest contains a reference to an invalid URI.ERROR_SXS_UNKNOWN_ENCODING: The encoding requested is not recognized.ERROR_SXS_UNKNOWN_ENCODING_GROUP: The encoding group identifier specified is not recognized.ERROR_SXS_PROCESS_DEFAULT_ALREADY_SET: An attempt to set the process default activation context failed because the process default activation context was already set.ERROR_SXS_THREAD_QUERIES_DISABLED: Lack of system resources has required isolated activation to be disabled for the current thread of execution.ERROR_SXS_WRONG_SECTION_TYPE: The type requested activation context section does not match the query API used.ERROR_SXS_VERSION_CONFLICT: A component version required by the application conflicts with another component version already active.ERROR_SXS_KEY_NOT_FOUND: The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context.ERROR_SXS_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DISABLED: The application attempted to activate a disabled activation context.ERROR_SXS_MANIFEST_PARSE_ERROR: The manifest file contains one or more syntax errors.ERROR_SXS_MANIFEST_FORMAT_ERROR: The manifest file does not begin with the required tag and format information.ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_NOT_FOUND: The referenced assembly is not installed on your system.ERROR_SXS_INVALID_ACTCTXDATA_FORMAT: The application binding data format is invalid.ERROR_SXS_CANT_GEN_ACTCTX: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.ERROR_SXS_SECTION_NOT_FOUND: The requested section was not present in the activation context.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NEG_STATUS_END: ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NEG_STATUS_ENDERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NEGOTIATION_DISABLED: IKE received a policy that disables negotiation.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_MM_LIMIT: Max number of established MM SAs to peer exceeded.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_CERT_KEYLEN: Key length in certificate is too small for configured security requirements.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_RESPONDER_LIFETIME_NOTIFY: The lifetime value received in the Responder Lifetime Notify is below the Windows 2000 configured minimum value. Please fix the policy on the peer machine.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_BENIGN_REINIT: Temporary state created to perform reinit. This is not a real failure.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_RPC_DELETE: Deleted via RPC callERROR_IPSEC_IKE_LOAD_FAILED: Load failedERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_SIG: Invalid certificate signatureERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_AUTH_ALG: Invalid authentication algorithmERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_ENCRYPT_ALG: Invalid encryption algorithmERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_HASH_SIZE: Invalid hash sizeERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_HASH_ALG: Invalid hash algorithmERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_HASH: Hash verification failedERROR_IPSEC_IKE_UNSUPPORTED_ID: Unsupported IDERROR_IPSEC_IKE_POLICY_MATCH: Policy match errorERROR_IPSEC_IKE_DECRYPT: Error decrypting payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_ENCRYPT: Error encrypting payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_GROUP: Invalid Diffie-Hellman groupERROR_IPSEC_IKE_DH_FAILURE: Diffie-Hellman failureERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_SITUATION: Invalid situationERROR_IPSEC_IKE_UNKNOWN_DOI: Invalid DOIERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_POLICY: Invalid policyERROR_IPSEC_IKE_ADD_UPDATE_KEY_FAILED: Failed to add Security Association to IPSec Driver. The most common cause for this is if the IKE negotiation took too long to complete. If the problem persists, reduce the load on the faulting machine.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Memory allocation failed.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_FILTER: Given filter is invalidERROR_IPSEC_IKE_GETSPIFAIL: Failed to obtain new SPI for the inbound SA from Ipsec driver. The most common cause for this is that the driver does not have the correct filter. Check your policy to verify the filters.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SRVQUERYCRED: Failed to determine SSPI principal name for ISAKMP/ERROR_IPSEC_IKE service (QueryCredentialsAttributes).ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SRVACQFAIL: Failed to obtain Kerberos server credentials for ISAKMP/ERROR_IPSEC_IKE service. Kerberos authentication will not function. The most likely reason for this is lack of domain membership. This is normal if your computer is a member of a workgroup.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_FAILQUERYSSP: Failed to query Kerberos package to obtain max token size.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_FAILSSPINIT: Failed to obtain security function table dispatch address from SSPI.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SECLOADFAIL: Failed to load SECURITY.DLL.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NOTCBPRIV: Failed to enabled TCB privilege.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_MM_POLICY: There is no available Main Mode IKE policy.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_POLICY_CHANGE: New policy invalidated SAs formed with old policyERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PEER_CRL_FAILED: Certification Revocation check of peer's certificate failedERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_PEER_CERT: Peer failed to send valid machine certificateERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_COOKIE: Invalid cookie received.ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SOFT_SA_TORN_DOWN: Soft SA torn downERROR_IPSEC_IKE_LOAD_SOFT_SA: Soft SA loadedERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_PAYLOAD: Invalid payload receivedERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_VENDOR: Error processing VendorId payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_DELETE: Error processing Delete PayloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_NOTIFY: Error processing Notify payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_NONCE: Error processing Nonce payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_SIG: Error processing Signature payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_HASH: Error processing Hash payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_CERT_REQ: Error processing Certificate Request payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_CERT: Error processing Cert payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_ID: Error processing ID payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_KE: Error processing KE payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_TRANS: Error processing Transform payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_PROP: Error processing Proposal payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_SA: Error processing SA payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR: Error processing error payloadERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_PUBLIC_KEY: Peer's certificate did not have a public keyERROR_IPSEC_IKE_KERBEROS_ERROR: Failed to authenticate using kerberosERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_SIGNATURE: Failed to verify signatureERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_POLICY: No policy configuredERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_HEADER: Invalid headerERROR_IPSEC_IKE_DH_FAIL: Failure in Diffie-Helman computationERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_PRIVATE_KEY: No private key associated with machine certificateERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_CERT_TYPE: Invalid certificate typeERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_KEY_USAGE: Invalid certificate key usageERROR_IPSEC_IKE_CRL_FAILED: Certificate Revocation Check failedERROR_IPSEC_IKE_ERROR: Unknown error occurredERROR_IPSEC_IKE_QM_DELAY_DROP: Negotiation took too longERROR_IPSEC_IKE_MM_DELAY_DROP: Negotiation took too longERROR_IPSEC_IKE_DROP_NO_RESPONSE: No response from peerERROR_IPSEC_IKE_QUEUE_DROP_NO_MM: Negotiation request sat in Queue too longERROR_IPSEC_IKE_QUEUE_DROP_MM: Negotiation request sat in Queue too longERROR_IPSEC_IKE_QM_ACQUIRE_DROP: Negotiation request sat in Queue too longERROR_IPSEC_IKE_MM_ACQUIRE_DROP: Negotiation request sat in Queue too longERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SA_REAPED: IKE SA deleted before establishment completedERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SA_DELETED: IKE SA deleted by peer before establishment completedERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_CERT: IKE failed to find valid machine certificateERROR_IPSEC_IKE_TIMED_OUT: Negotiation timed outERROR_IPSEC_IKE_GENERAL_PROCESSING_ERROR: General processing errorERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NEGOTIATION_PENDING: IKE Negotiation in progressERROR_IPSEC_IKE_ATTRIB_FAIL: IKE security attributes are unacceptableERROR_IPSEC_IKE_AUTH_FAIL: IKE authentication credentials are unacceptableERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NEG_STATUS_BEGIN: ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NEG_STATUS_BEGINWARNING_IPSEC_QM_POLICY_PRUNED: The Quick Mode policy was successfully added, but some of the requested offers are not supported.WARNING_IPSEC_MM_POLICY_PRUNED: The Main Mode policy was successfully added, but some of the requested offers are not supported.ERROR_IPSEC_QM_POLICY_PENDING_DELETION: The Quick Mode policy is pending deletion.ERROR_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_PENDING_DELETION: The Main Mode authentication bundle is pending deletion.ERROR_IPSEC_MM_POLICY_PENDING_DELETION: The Main Mode policy is pending deletion.ERROR_IPSEC_TUNNEL_FILTER_PENDING_DELETION: The tunnel filter is pending deletion.ERROR_IPSEC_TRANSPORT_FILTER_PENDING_DELETION: The transport filter is pending deletion.ERROR_IPSEC_MM_FILTER_PENDING_DELETION: The Main Mode filter is pending deletion.ERROR_IPSEC_TUNNEL_FILTER_NOT_FOUND: The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context.ERROR_IPSEC_TUNNEL_FILTER_EXISTS: The application attempted to activate a disabled activation context.ERROR_IPSEC_DEFAULT_QM_POLICY_NOT_FOUND: The manifest file contains one or more syntax errors.ERROR_IPSEC_DEFAULT_MM_AUTH_NOT_FOUND: The specified quick mode policy was not foundERROR_IPSEC_DEFAULT_MM_POLICY_NOT_FOUND: The specified main mode policy was not found.ERROR_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_IN_USE: The specified quick mode policy is being used.ERROR_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_NOT_FOUND: The specified main mode authentication list was not found.ERROR_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_EXISTS: The specified main mode authentication list exists.ERROR_IPSEC_TRANSPORT_FILTER_NOT_FOUND: The specified transport mode filter does not exist.ERROR_IPSEC_TRANSPORT_FILTER_EXISTS: The specified transport mode filter already exists.ERROR_IPSEC_MM_FILTER_NOT_FOUND: The specified main mode filter was not found.ERROR_IPSEC_MM_FILTER_EXISTS: The specified main mode filter already exists.ERROR_IPSEC_MM_POLICY_IN_USE: The specified main mode policy is being used.ERROR_IPSEC_MM_POLICY_NOT_FOUND: The specified main mode policy was not foundERROR_IPSEC_MM_POLICY_EXISTS: The specified main mode policy already exists.ERROR_IPSEC_QM_POLICY_IN_USE: The specified quick mode policy is being used.ERROR_IPSEC_QM_POLICY_NOT_FOUND: The specified quick mode policy was not found.ERROR_IPSEC_QM_POLICY_EXISTS: The specified quick mode policy already exists.WSA_QOS_RESERVED_PETYPE: A reserved policy element was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.WSA_QOS_ESHAPERATEOBJ: An invalid shaping rate object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.WSA_QOS_ESDMODEOBJ: An invalid shape discard mode object was found in the QOS provider specific buffer.WSA_QOS_EPSFILTERSPEC: An invalid FILTERSPEC was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.WSA_QOS_EPSFLOWSPEC: An invalid or inconsistent flowspec was found in the QOS provider specific buffer.WSA_QOS_EFLOWDESC: An invalid QOS flow descriptor was found in the flow descriptor list.WSA_QOS_EPOLICYOBJ: An invalid policy object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.WSA_QOS_EUNKOWNPSOBJ: An unrecognized object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.WSA_QOS_EFLOWCOUNT: An incorrect number of flow descriptors was specified in the QOS structure.WSA_QOS_EOBJLENGTH: An object with an invalid ObjectLength field was specified in the QOS provider-specific buffer.WSA_QOS_EFILTERCOUNT: An incorrect number of QOS FILTERSPECs were specified in the FLOWDESCRIPTOR.WSA_QOS_EFILTERTYPE: An invalid QOS filter type was used.WSA_QOS_EFILTERSTYLE: An invalid QOS filter style was used.WSA_QOS_EPROVSPECBUF: Invalid QOS provider-specific buffer.WSA_QOS_EFLOWSPEC: An invalid or inconsistent flowspec was found in the QOS structure.WSA_QOS_ESERVICETYPE: An invalid or unrecognized service type was found in the flowspec.WSA_QOS_GENERIC_ERROR: General QOS error.WSA_QOS_TRAFFIC_CTRL_ERROR: Problem with some part of the flowspec.WSA_QOS_BAD_OBJECT: Problem with some part of the filterspec or providerspecific buffer in general.WSA_QOS_BAD_STYLE: Unknown or conflicting style.WSA_QOS_POLICY_FAILURE: Rejected for administrative reasons - bad credentials.WSA_QOS_ADMISSION_FAILURE: Error due to lack of resources.WSA_QOS_REQUEST_CONFIRMED: Reserve has been confirmed.WSA_QOS_NO_RECEIVERS: There are no receivers.WSA_QOS_NO_SENDERS: There are no senders.WSA_QOS_SENDERS: At least one path has arrived.WSA_QOS_RECEIVERS: At least one reserve has arrived.WSANO_DATA: Valid name, no data record of requested typeWSANO_RECOVERY: This is a non-recoverable errorWSATRY_AGAIN: Non-authoritative host not foundWSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: Host not foundWSAEREFUSED: A database query failed because it was actively refused.WSA_E_CANCELLED: A call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled.WSA_E_NO_MORE: No more results can be returned by WSALookupServiceNext.WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND: The specified class was not found.WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND: No such service is known. The service cannot be found in the specified name space.WSASYSCALLFAILURE: A system call that should never fail has failed.WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT: The requested service provider could not be loaded or initialized.WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER: The requested service provider is invalid.WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE: The procedure call table is invalid.WSAECANCELLED: A call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled.WSAENOMORE: No more results can be returned by WSALookupServiceNext.WSAEDISCON: Graceful shutdown in progressWSANOTINITIALISED: Successful WSAStartup not yet performedWSAVERNOTSUPPORTED: WINSOCK.DLL version out of rangeWSASYSNOTREADY: Network subsystem is unavailableWSAEREMOTE: WSAESTALE: WSAEDQUOT: WSAEUSERS: WSAEPROCLIM: Too many processesWSAENOTEMPTY: WSAEHOSTUNREACH: No route to hostWSAEHOSTDOWN: Host is downWSAENAMETOOLONG: File name too longWSAELOOP: Too many levels of symbolic linksWSAECONNREFUSED: Connection refusedWSAETIMEDOUT: Connection timed outWSAETOOMANYREFS: Too many references: can't spliceWSAESHUTDOWN: Can't send after socket shutdownWSAENOTCONN: Socket is not connectedWSAEISCONN: Socket is already connectedWSAENOBUFS: No buffer space availableWSAECONNRESET: Connection reset by peerWSAECONNABORTED: Software caused connection abortWSAENETRESET: Network dropped connection on resetWSAENETUNREACH: Network is unreachableWSAENETDOWN: Network is downWSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: Can't assign requested addressWSAEADDRINUSE: Address already in useWSAEAFNOSUPPORT: Address family not supported by protocol familyWSAEPFNOSUPPORT: Protocol family not supportedWSAEOPNOTSUPP: Operation not supportedWSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: Socket type not supportedWSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: Protocol not supportedWSAENOPROTOOPT: Protocol not availableWSAEPROTOTYPE: Protocol wrong type for socketWSAEMSGSIZE: Message too longWSAEDESTADDRREQ: Destination address requiredWSAENOTSOCK: Socket operation on non-socketWSAEALREADY: Operation already in progressWSAEINPROGRESS: Operation now in progressWSAEWOULDBLOCK: Resource temporarily unavailableWSAEMFILE: Too many open filesWSAEINVAL: Invalid argumentWSAEFAULT: Bad addressWSAEACCES: Permission deniedWSAEBADF: WSAEINTR: Interrupted function callDNS_ERROR_DP_FSMO_ERROR: The application directory partition operation failed. The domain controller holding the domain naming master role is down or unable to service the request or is not running Windows Server 2003.DNS_ERROR_DP_NOT_AVAILABLE: The directory partition is not available at this time. Please wait a few minutes and try again.DNS_ERROR_DP_ALREADY_ENLISTED: This DNS server is already enlisted in the specified directory partition.DNS_ERROR_DP_NOT_ENLISTED: This DNS server is not enlisted in the specified directory partition.DNS_ERROR_DP_ALREADY_EXISTS: The specified directory partition already exists.DNS_ERROR_DP_DOES_NOT_EXIST: The specified directory partition does not exist.DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS: No DNS servers configured for local system.DNS_ERROR_NO_TCPIP: TCP/IP network protocol not installed.DNS_STATUS_CONTINUE_NEEDED: Secure update call needs to continue update request.DNS_INFO_ADDED_LOCAL_WINS: Added local WINS server.DNS_ERROR_AXFR: DNS zone transfer failed.DNS_INFO_AXFR_COMPLETE: DNS AXFR (zone transfer) complete.DNS_ERROR_NO_BOOTFILE_IF_DS_ZONE: DNS server not creating or reading the boot file for the directory service integrated DNS zone.DNS_ERROR_DS_ZONE_ALREADY_EXISTS: DNS zone already exists in the directory service.DNS_ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE: The directory service is unavailable.DNS_WARNING_DOMAIN_UNDELETED: DNS domain was undeleted.DNS_WARNING_PTR_CREATE_FAILED: Could not create pointer (PTR) record.DNS_ERROR_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST: DNS name does not exist.DNS_ERROR_NO_CREATE_CACHE_DATA: Could not create DNS cache data.DNS_ERROR_SECONDARY_DATA: Secondary DNS zone data error.DNS_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS: DNS record already exists.DNS_ERROR_RECORD_ONLY_AT_ZONE_ROOT: Record only at DNS zone root.DNS_ERROR_CNAME_COLLISION: A CNAME record already exists for given name.DNS_ERROR_NODE_IS_CNAME: Node is a CNAME DNS record.DNS_ERROR_CNAME_LOOP: CNAME loop detected.DNS_ERROR_NAME_NOT_IN_ZONE: Name not in DNS zone.DNS_ERROR_RECORD_TIMED_OUT: DNS record timed out.DNS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_RECORD_TYPE: Unknown DNS record type.DNS_ERROR_NODE_CREATION_FAILED: Node creation failure in DNS.DNS_ERROR_RECORD_FORMAT: DNS record format error.DNS_ERROR_RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST: DNS record does not exist.DNS_ERROR_DATAFILE_PARSING: Failure while reading datafile for DNS zone.DNS_ERROR_FILE_WRITEBACK_FAILED: Failed to write datafile for DNS zone.DNS_ERROR_DATAFILE_OPEN_FAILURE: Failed to open datafile for DNS zone.DNS_ERROR_INVALID_DATAFILE_NAME: Invalid datafile name for DNS zone.DNS_ERROR_PRIMARY_REQUIRES_DATAFILE: Primary DNS zone requires datafile.DNS_ERROR_ZONE_IS_SHUTDOWN: The operation cannot be performed because this zone is shutdown.DNS_ERROR_ZONE_REQUIRES_MASTER_IP: This zone must be configured with one or more master DNS server IP addresses.DNS_ERROR_FORWARDER_ALREADY_EXISTS: A conditional forwarding zone already exists for that name.DNS_ERROR_SOA_DELETE_INVALID: Invalid delete of start of authority (SOA)DNS_ERROR_NBSTAT_INIT_FAILED: NBTSTAT initialization call failed.DNS_ERROR_NEED_WINS_SERVERS: Need WINS servers.DNS_ERROR_WINS_INIT_FAILED: WINS initialization failed.DNS_ERROR_NEED_SECONDARY_ADDRESSES: Need secondary IP address.DNS_ERROR_ZONE_NOT_SECONDARY: DNS zone not secondary.DNS_ERROR_SECONDARY_REQUIRES_MASTER_IP: Secondary DNS zone requires master IP address.DNS_ERROR_INVALID_ZONE_TYPE: Invalid DNS zone type.DNS_ERROR_AUTOZONE_ALREADY_EXISTS: DNS automatic zone already exists.DNS_ERROR_ZONE_ALREADY_EXISTS: DNS zone already exists.DNS_ERROR_ZONE_CREATION_FAILED: DNS zone creation failed.DNS_ERROR_ZONE_LOCKED: DNS zone is locked.DNS_ERROR_ZONE_HAS_NO_NS_RECORDS: DNS zone has no Name Server (NS) record.DNS_ERROR_ZONE_HAS_NO_SOA_RECORD: DNS zone has no start of authority (SOA) record.DNS_ERROR_ZONE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR: Invalid DNS zone configuration.DNS_ERROR_INVALID_ZONE_OPERATION: Invalid operation for DNS zone.DNS_ERROR_NO_ZONE_INFO: DNS zone information not available.DNS_ERROR_ZONE_DOES_NOT_EXIST: DNS zone does not exist.DNS_ERROR_INCONSISTENT_ROOT_HINTS: The DNS server found root hints but they were not consistent across all adapters.DNS_ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_HINTS: The DNS server could not find a set of root hints.DNS_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_UNDER_DELEGATION: The record could not be created because this part of the DNS namespace has been delegated to another server.DNS_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_ROOT_SERVER: The operation requested is not permitted on a DNS root server.DNS_ERROR_NUMERIC_NAME: DNS name is entirely numeric.DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME_CHAR: DNS name contains an invalid character.DNS_STATUS_SINGLE_PART_NAME: DNS name is a single-part name.DNS_STATUS_DOTTED_NAME: DNS name is dotted (multi-label).DNS_STATUS_FQDN: DNS name is a fully-qualified DNS name.DNS_ERROR_NON_RFC_NAME: DNS name does not comply with RFC specifications.DNS_ERROR_NOT_UNIQUE: Record for given name and type is not unique.DNS_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN_LATER: Try DNS operation again later.DNS_ERROR_INVALID_PROPERTY: Invalid property.DNS_ERROR_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS: Invalid IP address.DNS_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE: Invalid DNS type.DNS_ERROR_UNSECURE_PACKET: Unsecured DNS packet.DNS_ERROR_RCODE: DNS error, check rcode.DNS_ERROR_NO_PACKET: No DNS packet.DNS_ERROR_BAD_PACKET: Bad DNS packet.DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS: No records found for given DNS query.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_BADTIME: DNS signature validity expired.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_BADKEY: DNS bad key.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_BADSIG: DNS signature failed to verify.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOTZONE: DNS name in update or prereq is not in zone.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOTAUTH: DNS server not authoritative for zone.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NXRRSET: DNS RR set that ought to exist, does not exist.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_YXRRSET: DNS RR set that ought not exist, does exist.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_YXDOMAIN: DNS name that ought not exist, does exist.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_REFUSED: DNS operation refused.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: DNS request not supported by name server.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR: DNS name does not exist.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_SERVER_FAILURE: DNS server failure.DNS_ERROR_RCODE_FORMAT_ERROR: DNS server unable to interpret format.ERROR_DS_DRA_OUT_SCHEDULE_WINDOW: The scheduled replication did not take place because the system was too busy to execute the request within the schedule window. The replication queue is overloaded. Consider reducing the number of partners or decreasing the scheduled replication frequency.ERROR_DS_LDAP_SEND_QUEUE_FULL: The LDAP servers network send queue has filled up because the client is not processing the results of it's requests fast enough. No more requests will be processed until the client catches up. If the client does not catch up then it will be disconnected.ERROR_DS_DISALLOWED_IN_SYSTEM_CONTAINER: The requested operation is not allowed on an object under the system container.ERROR_DS_REPL_LIFETIME_EXCEEDED: The Active Directory cannot replicate with this server because the time since the last replication with this server has exceeded the tombstone lifetime.ERROR_DS_EXISTING_AD_CHILD_NC: The Active Directory detected an Active Directory child partition below the requested new partition name. The Active Directory's partition heiarchy must be created in a top down method.ERROR_DS_DOMAIN_RENAME_IN_PROGRESS: The Directory Service cannot perform the requested operation because a domain rename operation is in progress.ERROR_DS_WKO_CONTAINER_CANNOT_BE_SPECIAL: The target container for a redirection of a well known object container cannot already be a special container.ERROR_DS_ROLE_NOT_VERIFIED: The FSMO role ownership could not be verified because its directory partition has not replicated successfully with atleast one replication partner.ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_APP_QUERY_GROUP: Cross-domain move of non-empty query based application groups is not allowed.ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_APP_BASIC_GROUP: Cross-domain move of non-empty basic application groups is not allowed.ERROR_DS_GROUP_CONVERSION_ERROR: The group cannot be converted due to attribute restrictions on the requested group type.ERROR_DS_INSUFFICIENT_ATTR_TO_CREATE_OBJECT: Insufficient attributes were given to create an object. This object may not exist because it may have been deleted and already garbage collected.ERROR_DS_DUPLICATE_ID_FOUND: The requested object has a non-unique identifier and cannot be retrieved.ERROR_DS_CANT_DEMOTE_WITH_WRITEABLE_NC: Writeable NCs prevent this DC from demoting.ERROR_DS_CANT_DERIVE_SPN_FOR_DELETED_DOMAIN: The DS cannot derive a service principal name (SPN) with which to mutually authenticate the target server because the server's domain has been deleted from the forest.ERROR_DS_CROSS_REF_BUSY: A cross reference is in use locally with the same name.ERROR_DS_REMOTE_CROSSREF_OP_FAILED: The remote create cross reference operation failed on the Domain Naming Master FSMO. The operation's error is in the extended data.ERROR_DS_INVALID_SCRIPT: The Directory Service cannot process the script because it is invalid.ERROR_DS_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED: The directory service failed to authorize the request.ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_RDNATTID: Schema deletion failed: attribute is used in rDNAttID.ERROR_DS_DUP_MSDS_INTID: Schema update failed: Duplicate msDS-INtId. Retry the operation.ERROR_DS_NO_MSDS_INTID: Schema update failed: No values for msDS-IntId are available.ERROR_DS_REPLICA_SET_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_DISABLED_CR: Operation not allowed on a disabled cross ref.ERROR_DS_DRS_EXTENSIONS_CHANGED: The directory service binding must be renegotiated due to a change in the server extensions information.ERROR_DS_DIFFERENT_REPL_EPOCHS: The directory service cannot perform the requested operation because the servers involved are of different replication epochs (which is usually related to a domain rename that is in progress).ERROR_DS_NTDSCRIPT_PROCESS_ERROR: The Directory Service cannot process the script because of an error.ERROR_DS_NTDSCRIPT_SYNTAX_ERROR: The Directory Service cannot parse the script because of a syntax error.ERROR_DS_SINGLE_USER_MODE_FAILED: The Directory Service failed to enter single user mode.ERROR_DS_CANT_DERIVE_SPN_WITHOUT_SERVER_REF: The DS cannot derive a service principal name (SPN) with which to mutually authenticate the target server because the corresponding server object in the local DS database has no serverReference attribute.ERROR_DS_NOT_CLOSEST: The Global catalog server is not in the closest site.ERROR_DS_THREAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: The thread limit for this request was exceeded.ERROR_DS_CR_IMPOSSIBLE_TO_VALIDATE_V2: The directory cannot validate the proposed naming context (or partition) name because it does not hold a replica nor can it contact a replica of the naming context above the proposed naming context. Please ensure that the parent naming context is properly registered in DNS, and at least one replica of this naming context is reachable by the Domain Naming master.ERROR_DS_CANT_ACCESS_REMOTE_PART_OF_AD: Could not access a partition of the Active Directory located on a remote server. Make sure at least one server is running for the partition in question.ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_STANDARD_SERVER: The requested action is not supported on standard server.ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_TRUST_REFERRAL: Unable to resolve completely, a referral to another forest is generated.ERROR_DS_MODIFYDN_WRONG_GRANDPARENT: This object is not allowed to change its grandparent container. Moves are not forbidden on this object, but are restricted to sibling containers.ERROR_DS_MODIFYDN_DISALLOWED_BY_FLAG: A system flag has been set on the object and does not allow the object to be moved or renamed.ERROR_DS_NO_OBJECT_MOVE_IN_SCHEMA_NC: Move operations on objects in the schema naming context are not allowed.ERROR_DS_MODIFYDN_DISALLOWED_BY_INSTANCE_TYPE: Rename or move operations on naming context heads or read-only objects are not allowed.ERROR_DS_AG_CANT_HAVE_UNIVERSAL_MEMBER: An account group can not have a universal group as a member.ERROR_DS_LINK_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE: Schema update failed: There are no link identifiers available.ERROR_DS_RESERVED_LINK_ID: Schema update failed: The link identifier is reserved.ERROR_DS_NO_REF_DOMAIN: Unable to find a valid security descriptor reference domain for this partition.ERROR_DS_INCOMPATIBLE_CONTROLS_USED: Unable to continue operation because multiple conflicting controls were used.ERROR_DS_OUT_OF_VERSION_STORE: The database is out of version store.ERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_CREATED_PRENT4: The machine account was created pre-NT4. The account needs to be recreated.ERROR_DS_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE: The requested name already exists as a unique identifier.ERROR_DS_NOT_SUPPORTED_SORT_ORDER: The sort order requested is not supported.ERROR_DS_NO_BEHAVIOR_VERSION_IN_MIXEDDOMAIN: The forest functional level cannot be raised to the requested value since one or more domains are still in mixed domain mode. All domains in the forest must be in native mode, for you to raise the forest functional level.ERROR_DS_LOW_DSA_VERSION: The functional level of the domain (or forest) cannot be raised to the requested value, because there exist one or more domain controllers in the domain (or forest) that are at a lower incompatible functional level.ERROR_DS_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION: The version of the operating system installed on this server is incompatible with the functional level of the domain or forest.ERROR_DS_DOMAIN_VERSION_TOO_LOW: The version of the operating system installed on this server no longer supports the current domain functional level. You must raise the domain functional level before this server can become a domain controller in this domain.ERROR_DS_FOREST_VERSION_TOO_LOW: The version of the operating system installed on this server no longer supports the current forest functional level. You must raise the forest functional level before this server can become a domain controller in this forest.ERROR_DS_DOMAIN_VERSION_TOO_HIGH: The version of the operating system installed is incompatible with the current domain functional level. You must upgrade to a new version of the operating system before this server can become a domain controller in this domain.ERROR_DS_FOREST_VERSION_TOO_HIGH: The version of the operating system installed is incompatible with the current forest functional level. You must upgrade to a new version of the operating system before this server can become a domain controller in this forest.ERROR_DS_SAM_INIT_FAILURE_CONSOLE: Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: param_1. Error Status: 0x%2. Please click OK to shutdown the system. You can use the recovery console to diagnose the system further.ERROR_DS_INIT_FAILURE_CONSOLE: Directory Services could not start because of the following error: param_1. Error Status: 0x%2. Please click OK to shutdown the system. You can use the recovery console to diagnose the system further.ERROR_DS_CANT_TREE_DELETE_CRITICAL_OBJ: Critical Directory Service System objects cannot be deleted during tree delete operations. The tree delete may have been partially performed.ERROR_DS_SRC_DC_MUST_BE_SP4_OR_GREATER: For security reasons, the source DC must be NT4SP4 or greater.ERROR_DS_MUST_BE_RUN_ON_DST_DC: For security reasons, the operation must be run on the destination DC.ERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED: Your computer could not be joined to the domain. You have exceeded the maximum number of computer accounts you are allowed to create in this domain. Contact your system administrator to have this limit reset or increased.ERROR_DS_UNICODEPWD_NOT_IN_QUOTES: The unicodePwd attribute value must be enclosed in double quotes.ERROR_DS_FILTER_USES_CONTRUCTED_ATTRS: A Filter was passed that uses constructed attributes.ERROR_DS_INVALID_NAME_FOR_SPN: A Service Principal Name (SPN) could not be constructed because the provided hostname is not in the necessary format.ERROR_DS_CANT_CREATE_IN_NONDOMAIN_NC: Security principal objects can only be created inside domain naming contexts.ERROR_DS_SOURCE_AUDITING_NOT_ENABLED: The operation requires that source domain auditing be enabled.ERROR_DS_NO_CHECKPOINT_WITH_PDC: The checkpoint with the PDC could not be taken because there too many modifications being processed currently.ERROR_DS_CANT_ADD_TO_GC: The attribute is not allowed to be replicated to the GC because of security reasons.ERROR_DS_NO_FPO_IN_UNIVERSAL_GROUPS: Foreign security principals cannot be members of universal groups.ERROR_DS_LOCAL_MEMBER_OF_LOCAL_ONLY: A local group can only be a member of other local groups in the same domain.ERROR_DS_GC_REQUIRED: The requested operation can be performed only on a global catalog server.ERROR_DS_NC_STILL_HAS_DSAS: The requested domain could not be deleted because there exist domain controllers that still host this domain.ERROR_DS_DRA_OBJ_NC_MISMATCH: The replication update could not be applied because either the source or the destination has not yet received information regarding a recent cross-domain move operation.ERROR_DS_DRA_EARLIER_SCHEMA_CONFLICT: The replication operation could not be completed due to a previous schema incompatibility.ERROR_DS_DRA_SCHEMA_CONFLICT: The replication operation could not be completed due to a schema incompatibility.ERROR_DS_DRA_SCHEMA_INFO_SHIP: Schema information could not be included in the replication request.ERROR_SAM_INIT_FAILURE: Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: param_1. Error Status: 0x%2. Click OK to shut down the system and reboot into Safe Mode. Check the event log for detailed information.ERROR_DS_SRC_AND_DST_OBJECT_CLASS_MISMATCH: The source and destination object must be of the same type.ERROR_DS_SRC_SID_EXISTS_IN_FOREST: The source object's SID already exists in destination forest.ERROR_DS_SRC_OBJ_NOT_GROUP_OR_USER: The source object must be a group or user.ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_DC_FOR_SRC_DOMAIN: The operation couldn't locate a DC for the source domain.ERROR_DS_DESTINATION_AUDITING_NOT_ENABLED: The operation requires that destination domain auditing be enabled.ERROR_DS_DESTINATION_DOMAIN_NOT_IN_FOREST: The destination domain must be in the forest.ERROR_DS_SOURCE_DOMAIN_IN_FOREST: The source domain may not be in the same forest as destination.ERROR_DS_NO_PKT_PRIVACY_ON_CONNECTION: The connection between client and server requires packet privacy or better.ERROR_DS_INIT_FAILURE: Directory Services could not start.ERROR_DS_CANT_START: Directory Service cannot start.ERROR_DS_SAM_NEED_BOOTKEY_FLOPPY: Security Account Manager needs to get the boot key from floppy disk.ERROR_DS_SAM_NEED_BOOTKEY_PASSWORD: Security Account Manager needs to get the boot password.ERROR_DS_WRONG_LINKED_ATT_SYNTAX: The syntax of the linked attribute being added is incorrect. Forward links can only have syntax,, and, and backlinks can only have syntax The object requested was not found, but an object with that key was found.ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_SD: The Security Descriptor attribute could not be read.ERROR_DS_COULDNT_UPDATE_SPNS: While processing a change to the DNS Host Name for an object, the Service Principal Name values could not be kept in sync.ERROR_DS_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILURE: The DSA operation is unable to proceed because of a DNS lookup failure.ERROR_DS_NAMING_MASTER_GC: Only DSAs configured to be Global Catalog servers should be allowed to hold the Domain Naming Master FSMO role. (Applies only to Windows 2000 servers)ERROR_DS_STRING_SD_CONVERSION_FAILED: The schema cache load failed to convert the string default SD on a class-schema object.ERROR_DS_HAVE_PRIMARY_MEMBERS: A group with primary members cannot change to a security-disabled group.ERROR_DS_LOCAL_CANT_HAVE_CROSSDOMAIN_LOCAL_MEMBER: A local group cannot have another cross domain local group as a member.ERROR_DS_GLOBAL_CANT_HAVE_CROSSDOMAIN_MEMBER: A global group cannot have a cross-domain member.ERROR_DS_UNIVERSAL_CANT_HAVE_LOCAL_MEMBER: A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.ERROR_DS_GLOBAL_CANT_HAVE_UNIVERSAL_MEMBER: A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.ERROR_DS_GLOBAL_CANT_HAVE_LOCAL_MEMBER: A global group cannot have a local group as a member.ERROR_DS_NO_NEST_LOCALGROUP_IN_MIXEDDOMAIN: You cannot nest local groups in a mixed domain if the group is security-enabled.ERROR_DS_NO_NEST_GLOBALGROUP_IN_MIXEDDOMAIN: You cannot nest global groups in a mixed domain if the group is security-enabled.ERROR_DS_INVALID_GROUP_TYPE: The specified group type is invalid.ERROR_DS_INSTALL_NO_SCH_VERSION_IN_INIFILE: The replica/child install failed to read the objectVersion attribute in the SCHEMA section of the file schema.ini in the system32 directory.ERROR_DS_INSTALL_NO_SRC_SCH_VERSION: The replica/child install failed to get the objectVersion attribute on the schema container on the source DC. Either the attribute is missing on the schema container or the credentials supplied do not have permission to read it.ERROR_DS_CANT_CREATE_UNDER_SCHEMA: An object of this class cannot be created under the schema container. You can only create attribute-schema and class-schema objects under the schema container.ERROR_DS_SCHEMA_UPDATE_DISALLOWED: Schema update is not allowed on this DC because the DC is not the schema FSMO Role Owner.ERROR_DS_NONSAFE_SCHEMA_CHANGE: Adding a new mandatory attribute to an existing class, deleting a mandatory attribute from an existing class, or adding an optional attribute to the special class Top that is not a backlink attribute (directly or through inheritance, for example, by adding or deleting an auxiliary class) is not allowed.ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_BASE_SCHEMA_MOD: An attempt is made to modify the base schema.ERROR_DS_CANT_MOD_PRIMARYGROUPID: Cannot change the primary group ID of a domain controller account.ERROR_DS_SENSITIVE_GROUP_VIOLATION: Only an administrator can modify the membership list of an administrative group.ERROR_DS_SAM_INIT_FAILURE: Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: param_1. Error Status: 0x%2. Click OK to shut down the system and reboot into Directory Services Restore Mode. Check the event log for detailed information.ERROR_DS_COULDNT_IDENTIFY_OBJECTS_FOR_TREE_DELETE: The directory service failed to identify the list of objects to delete while attempting a tree deletion.ERROR_DS_COULDNT_LOCK_TREE_FOR_DELETE: The directory service failed to lock a tree in preparation for a tree deletion because the tree was in use.ERROR_DS_NO_TREE_DELETE_ABOVE_NC: Tree deletions starting at an object which has an NC head as a descendant are not allowed.ERROR_DS_INVALID_SEARCH_FLAG: The search flags for the attribute are invalid. The ANR bit is valid only on attributes of Unicode or Teletex strings.ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_RESOURCE_GROUP: Cross-domain move of non-empty resource groups is not allowed.ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_ACCOUNT_GROUP: Cross-domain move of non-empty account groups is not allowed.ERROR_DS_MISSING_INFRASTRUCTURE_CONTAINER: The operation can not be performed because the server does not have an infrastructure container in the domain of interest.ERROR_DS_DST_DOMAIN_NOT_NATIVE: Destination domain must be in native mode.ERROR_DS_CR_IMPOSSIBLE_TO_VALIDATE: The directory cannot validate the proposed naming context name because it does not hold a replica of the naming context above the proposed naming context. Please ensure that the domain naming master role is held by a server that is configured as a global catalog server, and that the server is up to date with its replication partners. (Applies only to Windows 2000 Domain Naming masters)ERROR_DS_NC_MUST_HAVE_NC_PARENT: A naming context head must be the immediate child of another naming context head, not of an interior node.ERROR_DS_CANT_WITH_ACCT_GROUP_MEMBERSHPS: Can't move objects with memberships across domain boundaries as once moved, this would violate the membership conditions of the account group. Remove the object from any account group memberships and retry.ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_XDOM_MOVE_OPERATION: This object may not be moved across domain boundaries either because cross-domain moves for this class are disallowed, or the object has some special characteristics, e.g.: trust account or restricted RID, which prevent its move.ERROR_DS_CROSS_DOMAIN_CLEANUP_REQD: A cross-domain move operation failed such that two versions of the moved object exist - one each in the source and destination domains. The destination object needs to be removed to restore the system to a consistent state.ERROR_DS_PDC_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS: Another operation which requires exclusive access to the PDC FSMO is already in progress.ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_DELETED_OBJECT: Object being moved across-domains is already known to be deleted by the destination server. The source server does not have the latest version of the source object.ERROR_DS_SRC_GUID_MISMATCH: Source and destination of a cross-domain move do not agree on the identity of the source object. Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the source object.ERROR_DS_NOT_AUTHORITIVE_FOR_DST_NC: Destination of a cross-domain move is not authoritative for the destination naming context.ERROR_DS_DST_NC_MISMATCH: Source and destination for a cross-domain move are not in agreement on the naming contexts in the forest. Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the Partitions container.ERROR_DS_SRC_AND_DST_NC_IDENTICAL: Source and destination for the cross-domain move operation are identical. Caller should use local move operation instead of cross-domain move operation.ERROR_DS_SRC_NAME_MISMATCH: Source and destination of a cross-domain move do not agree on the object's current name. Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the object.ERROR_DS_EPOCH_MISMATCH: Source and destination of a cross-domain move do not agree on the object's epoch number. Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the object.ERROR_DS_BACKLINK_WITHOUT_LINK: The schema update operation tried to add a backward link attribute that has no corresponding forward link.ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_ATTS: The search failed to retrieve attributes from the database.ERROR_DS_NON_BASE_SEARCH: The requested search operation is only supported for base searches.ERROR_DS_INVALID_LDAP_DISPLAY_NAME: The LDAP display name of the class or attribute contains non-ASCII characters.ERROR_DS_DS_REQUIRED: The requested operation requires a directory service, and none was available.ERROR_DS_DRA_REPL_PENDING: The replication request has been posted; waiting for reply.ERROR_DS_WRONG_OM_OBJ_CLASS: The OM-Object-Class specified is incorrect for an attribute with the specified syntax.ERROR_DS_CONSTRUCTED_ATT_MOD: Modification of a constructed attribute is not allowed.ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_NO_SYNTACTICAL_MAPPING: Name translation: Unable to perform purely syntactical mapping at the client without going out to the wire.ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_DOMAIN_ONLY: Name translation: Unable to resolve completely, only the domain was found.ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_NO_MAPPING: Name translation: Input name found, but not the associated output format.ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_NOT_UNIQUE: Name translation: Input name mapped to more than one output name.ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: Name translation: Could not find the name or insufficient right to see name.ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_RESOLVING: Name translation: Generic processing error.ERROR_DS_DUP_LINK_ID: Schema update failed: An attribute with the same link identifier already exists.ERROR_DS_INSTALL_SCHEMA_MISMATCH: The version of the Active Directory schema of the source forest is not compatible with the version of Active Directory on this computer.ERROR_DS_DRA_EXTN_CONNECTION_FAILED: The server specified for this replication operation was contacted, but that server was unable to contact an additional server needed to complete the operation.ERROR_DS_DRA_SOURCE_IS_PARTIAL_REPLICA: The replication synchronization attempt failed because a master replica attempted to sync from a partial replica.ERROR_DS_DRA_INCOMPATIBLE_PARTIAL_SET: Synchronization attempt failed because the destination DC is currently waiting to synchronize new partial attributes from source. This condition is normal if a recent schema change modified the partial attribute set. The destination partial attribute set is not a subset of source partial attribute set.ERROR_DS_DRA_SHUTDOWN: The replication operation was terminated because the system is shutting down.ERROR_DS_DRA_ABANDON_SYNC: The replication synchronization attempt was abandoned because of a lack of updates.ERROR_DS_DRA_PREEMPTED: The replication operation was preempted.ERROR_DS_DRA_MISSING_PARENT: The replication operation failed because a required parent object is missing.ERROR_DS_DRA_SOURCE_REINSTALLED: The replication source has been reinstalled.ERROR_DS_DRA_NAME_COLLISION: The replication operation failed due to a collision of object names.ERROR_DS_DRA_SINK_DISABLED: The destination server is currently rejecting replication requests.ERROR_DS_DRA_SOURCE_DISABLED: The source server is currently rejecting replication requests.ERROR_DS_DRA_RPC_CANCELLED: The replication remote procedure call was cancelled.ERROR_DS_DRA_NOT_SUPPORTED: The requested operation is not supported by this version of the directory service.ERROR_DS_DRA_ACCESS_DENIED: Replication access was denied.ERROR_DS_DRA_NO_REPLICA: The naming context is in the process of being removed or is not replicated from the specified server.ERROR_DS_DRA_DB_ERROR: The replication operation encountered a database error.ERROR_DS_DRA_OBJ_IS_REP_SOURCE: The naming context cannot be removed because it is replicated to another server.ERROR_DS_DRA_REF_NOT_FOUND: The replication reference information for the target server does not exist.ERROR_DS_DRA_REF_ALREADY_EXISTS: The replication reference information for the target server already exists.ERROR_DS_DRA_MAIL_PROBLEM: The replication operation encountered an error with the mail system.ERROR_DS_DRA_OUT_OF_MEM: The replication operation failed to allocate memory.ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_INSTANCE_TYPE: The replication operation encountered an object with an invalid instance type.ERROR_DS_DRA_CONNECTION_FAILED: The server specified for this replication operation could not be contacted.ERROR_DS_DRA_INCONSISTENT_DIT: The replication operation encountered a database inconsistency.ERROR_DS_DRA_INTERNAL_ERROR: The replication system encountered an internal error.ERROR_DS_DRA_DN_EXISTS: The distinguished name specified for this replication operation already exists.ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_NC: The naming context specified for this replication operation is invalid.ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_DN: The distinguished name specified for this replication operation is invalid.ERROR_DS_DRA_BUSY: The directory service is too busy to complete the replication operation at this time.ERROR_DS_DRA_INVALID_PARAMETER: An invalid parameter was specified for this replication operation.ERROR_DS_DRA_GENERIC: The replication operation failed.ERROR_DS_UNABLE_TO_SURRENDER_ROLES: The directory service was unable to transfer ownership of one or more floating single-master operation roles to other servers.ERROR_DS_MISSING_FSMO_SETTINGS: The directory service is missing mandatory configuration information, and is unable to determine the ownership of floating single-master operation roles.ERROR_DS_REFUSING_FSMO_ROLES: This directory server is shutting down, and cannot take ownership of new floating single-master operation roles.ERROR_DS_ROOT_REQUIRES_CLASS_TOP: A root object requires a class of 'top'.ERROR_DS_UNKNOWN_ERROR: The directory service encountered an unknown failure.ERROR_DS_INTERNAL_FAILURE: The directory service encountered an internal failure.ERROR_DS_HIERARCHY_TABLE_MALLOC_FAILED: The allocation of the hierarchy table failed.ERROR_DS_COUNTING_AB_INDICES_FAILED: The attempt to count the address book indices failed.ERROR_DS_CONFIG_PARAM_MISSING: The directory configuration parameter is missing from the registry.ERROR_DS_BUILD_HIERARCHY_TABLE_FAILED: The attempt to build the hierarchy table failed.ERROR_DS_BAD_HIERARCHY_FILE: The hierarchy file is invalid.ERROR_DS_CANT_REPLACE_HIDDEN_REC: The operation cannot replace the hidden record.ERROR_DS_SECURITY_ILLEGAL_MODIFY: The modification was not permitted for security reasons.ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_CHILD: The child object could not be retrieved.ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_NC_IN_CACHE: The naming context could not be found in the cache.ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_EXPECTED_NC: The naming context could not be found.ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_DSA_OBJ: The DSA object could not be found.ERROR_DS_DRA_SCHEMA_MISMATCH: The replication operation failed because of a schema mismatch between the servers involved.ERROR_DS_GCVERIFY_ERROR: The global catalog verification failed. The global catalog is not available or does not support the operation. Some part of the directory is currently not available.ERROR_DS_ATT_SCHEMA_REQ_SYNTAX: Failed to obtain the required syntax for the attribute schema.ERROR_DS_SCHEMA_ALLOC_FAILED: Schema allocation failed. Please check if the machine is running low on memory.ERROR_DS_SCHEMA_NOT_LOADED: The schema is not loaded.ERROR_DS_SECURITY_CHECKING_ERROR: A security checking error has occurred.ERROR_DS_NCNAME_MISSING_CR_REF: The specified naming context is missing a cross reference.ERROR_DS_MISSING_EXPECTED_ATT: An expected attribute is missing.ERROR_DS_GOVERNSID_MISSING: The attribute GOVERNSID is missing.ERROR_DS_DATABASE_ERROR: A database error has occurred.ERROR_DS_CODE_INCONSISTENCY: An internal error has occurred.ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_INSTANCE: The instance type attribute could not be retrieved.ERROR_DS_MISSING_SUPREF: No superior reference has been configured for the directory service. The directory service is therefore unable to issue referrals to objects outside this forest.ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_DN: The distinguished name attribute could not be read.ERROR_DS_CANT_REMOVE_CLASS_CACHE: The class could not be removed from the cache.ERROR_DS_CANT_REMOVE_ATT_CACHE: The attribute could not be removed from the cache.ERROR_DS_CANT_CACHE_CLASS: The class could not be cached.ERROR_DS_CANT_CACHE_ATT: The attribute could not be cached.ERROR_DS_BAD_ATT_SCHEMA_SYNTAX: The attribute schema has bad syntax.ERROR_DS_ATT_SCHEMA_REQ_ID: Cannot read the governs class identifier for the schema record.ERROR_DS_CANT_DELETE: The requested delete operation could not be performed.ERROR_DS_TREE_DELETE_NOT_FINISHED: The tree deletion is not finished. The request must be made again to continue deleting the tree.ERROR_DS_RECALCSCHEMA_FAILED: Schema update failed in recalculating validation cache.ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_POSS_SUP: Schema deletion failed: class is used as poss superior.ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_SUB_CLS: Schema deletion failed: class is used as sub class.ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_AUX_CLS: Schema deletion failed: class is used as auxiliary class.ERROR_DS_BAD_RDN_ATT_ID_SYNTAX: Schema update failed: Rdn-Att-Id has wrong syntax.ERROR_DS_SUB_CLS_TEST_FAIL: Schema update failed: class in subclassof list does not exist or does not satisfy hierarchy rules.ERROR_DS_NONEXISTENT_POSS_SUP: Schema update failed: class in poss-superiors does not exist.ERROR_DS_AUX_CLS_TEST_FAIL: Schema update failed: class in aux-class list does not exist or is not an auxiliary class.ERROR_DS_NONEXISTENT_MUST_HAVE: Schema update failed: attribute in must-contain does not exist.ERROR_DS_NONEXISTENT_MAY_HAVE: Schema update failed: attribute in may-contain does not exist.ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_MAY_HAVE: Schema deletion failed: attribute is used in may-contain.ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_MUST_HAVE: Schema deletion failed: attribute is used in must-contain.ERROR_DS_SYNTAX_MISMATCH: Schema update failed: syntax mismatch.ERROR_DS_SEMANTIC_ATT_TEST: Schema update failed: range-lower less than range upper.ERROR_DS_DUP_LDAP_DISPLAY_NAME: Schema update failed: duplicate LDAP display name.ERROR_DS_DUP_SCHEMA_ID_GUID: Schema update failed: duplicate schema-id GUID.ERROR_DS_DUP_MAPI_ID: Schema update failed: duplicate MAPI identifier.ERROR_DS_DUP_OID: Schema update failed: duplicate OID.ERROR_DS_DUP_RDN: Schema update failed: duplicate RDN.ERROR_DS_NOTIFY_FILTER_TOO_COMPLEX: Notification filter is too complex.ERROR_DS_SUBTREE_NOTIFY_NOT_NC_HEAD: Subtree notifications are only supported on NC heads.ERROR_DS_CANT_DEL_MASTER_CROSSREF: It is not permitted to delete a master cross reference.ERROR_DS_CROSS_REF_EXISTS: A cross reference already exists.ERROR_DS_NAME_REFERENCE_INVALID: The name reference is invalid.ERROR_DS_OBJ_CLASS_NOT_SUBCLASS: The specified class is not a subclass.ERROR_DS_OBJ_CLASS_NOT_DEFINED: The specified class is not defined.ERROR_DS_REPLICATOR_ONLY: Only the replicator can perform this function.ERROR_DS_CANT_MOD_SYSTEM_ONLY: The attribute cannot be modified because it is owned by the system.ERROR_DS_CROSS_NC_DN_RENAME: Modification of a DN across a naming context is not permitted.ERROR_DS_COULDNT_CONTACT_FSMO: The requested FSMO operation failed. The current FSMO holder could not be contacted.ERROR_DS_INVALID_ROLE_OWNER: The role owner attribute could not be read.ERROR_DS_UNKNOWN_OPERATION: The directory service request is invalid.ERROR_DS_SHUTTING_DOWN: The operation could not be performed because the directory service is shutting down.ERROR_DS_NO_CROSSREF_FOR_NC: The cross reference for the specified naming context could not be found.ERROR_DS_NOT_ON_BACKLINK: The operation cannot be performed on a back link.ERROR_DS_OBJ_GUID_EXISTS: A local object with this GUID (dead or alive) already exists.ERROR_DS_INVALID_DMD: The schema object could not be found.ERROR_DS_CLASS_MUST_BE_CONCRETE: The class of the object must be structural; you cannot instantiate an abstract class.ERROR_DS_CANT_ADD_SYSTEM_ONLY: It is not permitted to add an attribute which is owned by the system.ERROR_DS_NCNAME_MUST_BE_NC: The object must be a naming context.ERROR_DS_SUBREF_MUST_HAVE_PARENT: The parent of a new subref must exist.ERROR_DS_NO_DELETED_NAME: Failed to create name for deleted object.ERROR_DS_SEC_DESC_INVALID: The security descriptor is invalid.ERROR_DS_SEC_DESC_TOO_SHORT: The security descriptor is too short.ERROR_DS_NOT_AN_OBJECT: The name does not identify an object; the name identifies a phantom.ERROR_DS_NAME_TYPE_UNKNOWN: The directory service cannot get the attribute type for a name.ERROR_DS_NAME_UNPARSEABLE: The directory service encountered an error parsing a name.ERROR_DS_NAME_VALUE_TOO_LONG: The name value is too long.ERROR_DS_NAME_TOO_LONG: The name is too long.ERROR_DS_NAME_TOO_MANY_PARTS: The name has too many parts.ERROR_DS_ATTRIBUTE_OWNED_BY_SAM: Access to the attribute is not permitted because the attribute is owned by the Security Accounts Manager (SAM).ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_SUPERIOR: The object cannot be added because the parent is not on the list of possible superiors.ERROR_DS_INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS: Insufficient access rights to perform the operation.ERROR_DS_CLASS_NOT_DSA: The object must be of class DSA.ERROR_DS_DSA_MUST_BE_INT_MASTER: The operation can only be performed on an internal master DSA object.ERROR_DS_GENERIC_ERROR: A directory service error has occurred.ERROR_DS_CANT_DELETE_DSA_OBJ: The DSA object cannot be deleted.ERROR_DS_OBJECT_BEING_REMOVED: The operation cannot continue because the object is in the process of being removed.ERROR_DS_OUT_OF_SCOPE: The operation is out of scope.ERROR_DS_CANT_DEREF_ALIAS: The alias cannot be dereferenced.ERROR_DS_ALIAS_POINTS_TO_ALIAS: It is not permitted for an alias to refer to another alias.ERROR_DS_BAD_NAME_SYNTAX: The object name has bad syntax.ERROR_DS_ALIASED_OBJ_MISSING: The aliased object is missing.ERROR_DS_OBJ_NOT_FOUND: Directory object not found.ERROR_DS_CHILDREN_EXIST: The operation cannot be performed because child objects exist. This operation can only be performed on a leaf object.ERROR_DS_CANT_MIX_MASTER_AND_REPS: The object and parent must be of the same type, either both masters or both replicas.ERROR_DS_PARENT_IS_AN_ALIAS: Having a parent that is an alias is not permitted. Aliases are leaf objects.ERROR_DS_NO_PARENT_OBJECT: The operation could not be performed because the object's parent is either uninstantiated or deleted.ERROR_DS_NO_CHAINED_EVAL: Chained evaluation is not permitted.ERROR_DS_NO_CHAINING: Chaining is not permitted.ERROR_DS_ROOT_CANT_BE_SUBREF: The specified root object cannot be a subref.ERROR_DS_CANT_REM_MISSING_ATT_VAL: The attribute value cannot be removed because it is not present on the object.ERROR_DS_CANT_REM_MISSING_ATT: The attribute cannot be removed because it is not present on the object.ERROR_DS_ATT_VAL_ALREADY_EXISTS: The specified value already exists.ERROR_DS_RANGE_CONSTRAINT: A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values.ERROR_DS_SINGLE_VALUE_CONSTRAINT: Multiple values were specified for an attribute that can have only one value.ERROR_DS_CANT_ADD_ATT_VALUES: The specified attribute is not present, or has no values.ERROR_DS_ATT_ALREADY_EXISTS: The specified attribute is already present on the object.ERROR_DS_ATT_NOT_DEF_FOR_CLASS: An attempt was made to modify an object to include an attribute that is not legal for its class.ERROR_DS_MISSING_REQUIRED_ATT: A required attribute is missing.ERROR_DS_OBJECT_CLASS_REQUIRED: The object class attribute must be specified.ERROR_DS_MASTERDSA_REQUIRED: The operation must be performed at a master DSA.ERROR_DS_BAD_INSTANCE_TYPE: The specified instance type is not valid.ERROR_DS_OBJ_TOO_LARGE: The specified object is too large.ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_MOD_OPERATION: Illegal modify operation. Some aspect of the modification is not permitted.ERROR_DS_ATT_IS_NOT_ON_OBJ: The attribute specified in the operation is not present on the object.ERROR_DS_USER_BUFFER_TO_SMALL: The user buffer is too small.ERROR_DS_NO_REQUESTED_ATTS_FOUND: None of the requested attributes were found on the objects.ERROR_DS_RDN_DOESNT_MATCH_SCHEMA: An attempt was made to add an object using an RDN that is not the RDN defined in the schema.ERROR_DS_NO_RDN_DEFINED_IN_SCHEMA: An attempt was made to add an object of a class that does not have an RDN defined in the schema.ERROR_DS_OBJ_STRING_NAME_EXISTS: An attempt was made to add an object to the directory with a name that is already in use.ERROR_DS_MAX_OBJ_SIZE_EXCEEDED: The maximum size of an object has been exceeded.ERROR_DS_ATT_NOT_DEF_IN_SCHEMA: A reference to an attribute that is not defined in the schema occurred.ERROR_DS_ADD_REPLICA_INHIBITED: The add replica operation cannot be performed. The naming context must be writeable in order to create the replica.ERROR_DS_ROOT_MUST_BE_NC: The root object must be the head of a naming context. The root object cannot have an instantiated parent.ERROR_DS_OFFSET_RANGE_ERROR: The search results exceed the offset range specified.ERROR_DS_SORT_CONTROL_MISSING: The search requires a SORT control.ERROR_DS_REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: The preset referral limit was exceeded.ERROR_DS_CLIENT_LOOP: A referral loop was detected by the client.ERROR_DS_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND: The specified control is not supported by the server.ERROR_DS_NO_RESULTS_RETURNED: No results were returned.ERROR_DS_NOT_SUPPORTED: The specified method is not supported.ERROR_DS_PARAM_ERROR: One or more parameters are illegal.ERROR_DS_FILTER_UNKNOWN: The search filter cannot be recognized.ERROR_DS_DECODING_ERROR: A decoding error has occurred.ERROR_DS_ENCODING_ERROR: An encoding error has occurred.ERROR_DS_LOCAL_ERROR: A local error has occurred.ERROR_DS_SERVER_DOWN: The server is not operational.ERROR_DS_AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS: The operation affects multiple DSAsERROR_DS_OBJECT_RESULTS_TOO_LARGE: The result set is too large.ERROR_DS_NAMING_VIOLATION: There is a naming violation.ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT: A loop has been detected.ERROR_DS_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM: The server is unwilling to process the request.ERROR_DS_ALIAS_DEREF_PROBLEM: There is an alias dereferencing problem.ERROR_DS_IS_LEAF: The object is a leaf object.ERROR_DS_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX: An invalid dn syntax has been specified.ERROR_DS_ALIAS_PROBLEM: There is an alias problem.ERROR_DS_NO_SUCH_OBJECT: There is no such object on the server.ERROR_DS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION: A constraint violation occurred.ERROR_DS_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING: Inappropriate matching.ERROR_DS_CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED: This request requires a secure connection.ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE_CRIT_EXTENSION: The server does not support the requested critical extension.ERROR_DS_REFERRAL: A referral was returned from the server.ERROR_DS_AUTH_UNKNOWN: The authentication mechanism is unknown.ERROR_DS_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH: Inappropriate authentication.ERROR_DS_STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED: A more secure authentication method is required for this server.ERROR_DS_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED: The requested authentication method is not supported by the server.ERROR_DS_COMPARE_TRUE: The compare response was true.ERROR_DS_COMPARE_FALSE: The compare response was false.ERROR_DS_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: The administrative limit for this request was exceeded.ERROR_DS_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED: The size limit for this request was exceeded.ERROR_DS_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED: The time limit for this request was exceeded.ERROR_DS_PROTOCOL_ERROR: A protocol error occurred.ERROR_DS_OPERATIONS_ERROR: An operations error occurred.ERROR_NO_PROMOTION_ACTIVE: A domain controller promotion is not currently activeERROR_PROMOTION_ACTIVE: A domain controller promotion is currently active.ERROR_POLICY_ONLY_IN_DS: The requested policy information is only in the directory service.ERROR_POLICY_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: The policy object does not exist.ERROR_SHARED_POLICY: The policy object is shared and can only be modified at the root.ERROR_DS_GC_NOT_AVAILABLE: Unable to contact the global catalog server.ERROR_DS_CROSS_DOM_MOVE_ERROR: The requested cross-domain move operation could not be performed.ERROR_DS_CANT_MOD_OBJ_CLASS: The directory service detected an attempt to modify the object class of an object.ERROR_DS_CANT_ON_RDN: The directory service cannot perform the requested operation on the RDN attribute of an object.ERROR_DS_CANT_ON_NON_LEAF: The directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object.ERROR_DS_OBJ_CLASS_VIOLATION: The requested operation did not satisfy one or more constraints associated with the class of the object.ERROR_DS_RIDMGR_INIT_ERROR: The directory service was unable to initialize the subsystem that allocates relative identifiers.ERROR_DS_INCORRECT_ROLE_OWNER: The requested operation could not be performed because the directory service is not the master for that type of operation.ERROR_DS_NO_MORE_RIDS: The directory service has exhausted the pool of relative identifiers.ERROR_DS_NO_RIDS_ALLOCATED: The directory service was unable to allocate a relative identifier.ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE: The directory service is unavailable.ERROR_DS_BUSY: The directory service is busy.ERROR_DS_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS: The specified directory service attribute or value already exists.ERROR_DS_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UNDEFINED: The attribute type specified to the directory service is not defined.ERROR_DS_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX: The attribute syntax specified to the directory service is invalid.ERROR_DS_NO_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE: The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist.ERROR_DS_MEMBERSHIP_EVALUATED_LOCALLY: The directory service evaluated group memberships locally.ERROR_DS_NOT_INSTALLED: An error occurred while installing the directory service. For more information, see the event log.FRS_ERR_INVALID_SERVICE_PARAMETER: The file replication service detected an invalid parameter.FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_DEMOTE: The file replication service cannot stop replicating the system volume because of an internal error. The event log may have more information.FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_IS_BUSY: The file replication service cannot process the request. The system volume is busy with a previous request.FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE_TIMEOUT: The file replication service cannot populate the system volume because of an internal timeout. The event log may have more information.FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE: The file replication service cannot populate the system volume because of an internal error. The event log may have more information.FRS_ERR_PARENT_TO_CHILD_COMM: The file replication service on the domain controller cannot communicate with the file replication service on this computer. The event log may have more information.FRS_ERR_CHILD_TO_PARENT_COMM: The file replication service cannot communicate with the file replication service on the domain controller. The event log may have more information.FRS_ERR_PARENT_AUTHENTICATION: The file replication service cannot satisfy the request because authenticated RPC is not available on the domain controller. The event log may have more information.FRS_ERR_PARENT_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV: The file replication service cannot satisfy the request because the user has insufficient privileges on the domain controller. The event log may have more information.FRS_ERR_AUTHENTICATION: The file replication service cannot satisfy the request because authenticated RPC is not available. The event log may have more information.FRS_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV: The file replication service cannot satisfy the request because the user has insufficient privileges. The event log may have more information.FRS_ERR_SERVICE_COMM: The file replication service cannot be contacted. The event log may have more information.FRS_ERR_INTERNAL: The file replication service terminated the request. The event log may have more information.FRS_ERR_INTERNAL_API: The file replication service API terminated the request. The event log may have more information.FRS_ERR_STOPPING_SERVICE: The file replication service cannot be stopped.FRS_ERR_STARTING_SERVICE: The file replication service cannot be started.FRS_ERR_INVALID_API_SEQUENCE: The file replication service API was called incorrectly.ERROR_ACTIVATION_COUNT_EXCEEDED: Activation has already been reset the maximum number of times for this installation. Your activation timer will not be cleared.ERROR_CTX_SHADOW_ENDED_BY_MODE_CHANGE: The remote control of the console was terminated because the display mode was changed. Changing the display mode in a remote control session is not supported.ERROR_CTX_SHADOW_NOT_RUNNING: Remote control could not be terminated because the specified session is not currently being remotely controlled.ERROR_CTX_LICENSE_EXPIRED: The system license has expired. Your logon request is denied.ERROR_CTX_LICENSE_CLIENT_INVALID: The client you are using is not licensed to use this system. Your logon request is denied.ERROR_CTX_LICENSE_NOT_AVAILABLE: The system has reached its licensed logon limit. Please try again later.ERROR_CTX_CLIENT_LICENSE_NOT_SET: Your request to connect to this Terminal Server has been rejected. Your Terminal Server client license number has not been entered for this copy of the Terminal Server client. Please contact your system administrator.ERROR_CTX_CLIENT_LICENSE_IN_USE: Your request to connect to this Terminal Server has been rejected. Your Terminal Server client license number is currently being used by another user. Please call your system administrator to obtain a unique license number.ERROR_CTX_SHADOW_DISABLED: The requested session is not configured to allow remote control.ERROR_CTX_SHADOW_INVALID: The requested session cannot be controlled remotely. This may be because the session is disconnected or does not currently have a user logged on.ERROR_CTX_INVALID_WD: The specified terminal connection driver is invalid.ERROR_CTX_WINSTATION_ACCESS_DENIED: The requested session access is denied.ERROR_CTX_SHADOW_DENIED: The request to control another session remotely was denied.ERROR_CTX_CONSOLE_CONNECT: Reconnecting a disconnected session to the console is not supported.ERROR_CTX_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT: Disconnecting the console session is not supported.ERROR_CTX_CLIENT_QUERY_TIMEOUT: The client failed to respond to the server connect message.ERROR_CTX_NOT_CONSOLE: The requested operation can be performed only on the system console. This is most often the result of a driver or system DLL requiring direct console access.ERROR_CTX_LOGON_DISABLED: Your interactive logon privilege has been disabled. Please contact your administrator.ERROR_CTX_GRAPHICS_INVALID: The application attempted to enable DOS graphics mode. DOS graphics mode is not supported.ERROR_CTX_BAD_VIDEO_MODE: An attempt has been made to connect to a session whose video mode is not supported by the current client.ERROR_CTX_WINSTATION_BUSY: The requested operation cannot be completed because the terminal connection is currently busy processing a connect, disconnect, reset, or delete operation.ERROR_CTX_WINSTATION_ALREADY_EXISTS: The specified session name is already in use.ERROR_CTX_WINSTATION_NOT_FOUND: The specified session cannot be found.ERROR_CTX_TD_ERROR: Transport driver errorERROR_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_VOICE: Voice detected at remote site on callback.ERROR_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_BUSY: Busy signal detected at remote site on callback.ERROR_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_NO_DIALTONE: Dial tone not detected within the required time. Verify that the phone cable is properly attached and functional.ERROR_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_NO_CARRIER: Carrier detect has failed or carrier has been dropped due to disconnect.ERROR_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: The modem did not respond to the command sent to it. Verify that the modem is properly cabled and powered on.ERROR_CTX_MODEM_RESPONSE_ERROR: The modem did not accept the command sent to it. Verify that the configured modem name matches the attached modem.ERROR_CTX_INVALID_MODEMNAME: The modem name was not found in MODEM.INF.ERROR_CTX_MODEM_INF_NOT_FOUND: The MODEM.INF file was not found.ERROR_CTX_NO_OUTBUF: There are no free output buffers available.ERROR_CTX_CLOSE_PENDING: A close operation is pending on the session.ERROR_CTX_SERVICE_NAME_COLLISION: A service with the same name already exists on the system.ERROR_CTX_CANNOT_MAKE_EVENTLOG_ENTRY: A registry key for event logging could not be created for this session.ERROR_CTX_WD_NOT_FOUND: The specified terminal connection driver was not found in the system path.ERROR_CTX_PD_NOT_FOUND: The specified protocol driver was not found in the system path.ERROR_CTX_INVALID_PD: The specified protocol driver is invalid.ERROR_CTX_WINSTATION_NAME_INVALID: The specified session name is invalid.SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_LOCALSYSTEM: The Task Scheduler service must be configured to run in the System account to function properly. Individual tasks may be configured to run in other accounts.ERROR_NO_BROWSER_SERVERS_FOUND: The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently availableERROR_EFS_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORT: A newer system is required to decrypt this encrypted file.ERROR_EFS_DISABLED: This machine is disabled for file encryption.ERROR_VOLUME_NOT_SUPPORT_EFS: The disk partition does not support file encryption.ERROR_EFS_ALG_BLOB_TOO_BIG: The encryption algorithm used on the source file needs a bigger key buffer than the one on the destination file.ERROR_BAD_RECOVERY_POLICY: Recovery policy configured for this system contains invalid recovery certificate.ERROR_EFS_SERVER_NOT_TRUSTED: The server is not trusted for remote encryption operation.ERROR_DIR_EFS_DISALLOWED: The directory has been disabled for encryption.ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY: The specified file is read only.ERROR_NOT_EXPORT_FORMAT: The specified file is not in the defined EFS export format.ERROR_FILE_NOT_ENCRYPTED: The specified file is not encrypted.ERROR_NO_USER_KEYS: There are no EFS keys defined for the user.ERROR_WRONG_EFS: The file was encrypted with a different encryption driver than is currently loaded.ERROR_NO_EFS: The required encryption driver is not loaded for this system.ERROR_NO_RECOVERY_POLICY: There is no valid encryption recovery policy configured for this system.ERROR_FILE_ENCRYPTED: The specified file is encrypted and the user does not have the ability to decrypt it.ERROR_DECRYPTION_FAILED: The specified file could not be decrypted.ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILED: The specified file could not be encrypted.ERROR_CLUSTER_MISMATCHED_COMPUTER_ACCT_NAME: The name of the corresponding computer account doesn't match the Network Name for this resource.ERROR_CLUSTER_OLD_VERSION: One or more nodes in the cluster are running a version of Windows that does not support this operation.ERROR_CLUSCFG_SYSTEM_DISK_DRIVE_LETTER_CONFLICT: The drive letter assigned to a system disk on one node conflicted with the drive letter assigned to a disk on another node.ERROR_CLUSCFG_ROLLBACK_FAILED: The cluster configuration action could not be rolled back.ERROR_CLUSCFG_ALREADY_COMMITTED: The cluster configuration action has already been committed.ERROR_CLUSTER_CANT_CREATE_DUP_CLUSTER_NAME: A cluster cannot be created with the specified cluster name because that cluster name is already in use. Specify a different name for the cluster.ERROR_CLUSTER_WRONG_OS_VERSION: This computer cannot be made a member of a cluster because it does not have the correct version of Windows installed.ERROR_NODE_CANNOT_BE_CLUSTERED: This computer cannot be made a member of a cluster.ERROR_CLUSTER_PARAMETER_MISMATCH: Two or more parameter values specified for a resource's properties are in conflict.ERROR_CLUSTER_EVICT_WITHOUT_CLEANUP: The cluster node was evicted from the cluster successfully, but the node was not cleaned up. Extended status information explaining why the node was not cleaned up is available.ERROR_CLUSTER_PROPERTY_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH: The actual data type of the property did not match the expected data type of the property.ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND_FOR_IP: A matching network for the specified IP address could not be found. Please also specify a subnet mask and a cluster network.ERROR_CLUSTER_INSTANCE_ID_MISMATCH: The join operation failed because the cluster instance ID of the joining node does not match the cluster instance ID of the sponsor node.ERROR_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_HALT: The membership engine requested shutdown of the cluster service on this node.ERROR_CLUSTER_QUORUMLOG_NOT_FOUND: The quorum resource does not contain the quorum log.ERROR_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_INVALID_STATE: An operation was attempted that is incompatible with the current membership state of the node.ERROR_RESOURCE_PROPERTY_UNCHANGEABLE: An attempt to modify a resource property failed because it conflicts with another existing property.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_HAS_DFS_ROOT: A DFS root already exists in this cluster node.ERROR_DATABASE_BACKUP_CORRUPT: The backed up cluster database is possibly corrupt.ERROR_QUORUM_DISK_NOT_FOUND: The quorum disk could not be located by the cluster service.ERROR_CLUSTER_GUM_NOT_LOCKER: A non locker code got a request to reserve the lock for making global updates.ERROR_RESMON_INVALID_STATE: The resource monitor will not allow the fail operation to be performed while the resource is in its current state. This may happen if the resource is in a pending state.ERROR_CLUSTER_DATABASE_SEQMISMATCH: The join operation failed because the cluster database sequence number has changed or is incompatible with the locker node. This may happen during a join operation if the cluster database was changing during the join.ERROR_CLUSTER_OWNER_NOT_IN_PREFLIST: You cannot bring the group online because the owner of the group is not in the preferred list for the group. To change the owner node for the group, move the group.ERROR_CLUSTER_NO_RPC_PACKAGES_REGISTERED: No authentication package could be registered with the RPC server.ERROR_CLUSTER_RESNAME_NOT_FOUND: The specified resource name is not supported by this resource DLL. This may be due to a bad (or changed) name supplied to the resource DLL.ERROR_CLUSTER_RESTYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED: The specified node does not support a resource of this type. This may be due to version inconsistencies or due to the absence of the resource DLL on this node.ERROR_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND: The specified resource type was not found.ERROR_CLUSTER_SYSTEM_CONFIG_CHANGED: The system configuration changed during the cluster join or form operation. The join or form operation was aborted.ERROR_CLUSTER_MAXNUM_OF_RESOURCES_EXCEEDED: This resource cannot be created because the cluster has reached the limit on the number of resources it can monitor.ERROR_CLUSTER_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSIONS: The cluster join operation failed due to incompatible software versions between the joining node and its sponsor.ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_ABORTED: The cluster join operation was aborted.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_SHUTTING_DOWN: The cluster node is shutting down.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_READY: The cluster node is not ready to perform the requested operation.ERROR_NODE_CANT_HOST_RESOURCE: The cluster resource cannot be brought online. The owner node cannot run this resource.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_PAUSED: The cluster node is paused.ERROR_DEPENDENCY_NOT_ALLOWED: The cluster quorum resource is not allowed to have any dependencies.ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION_ON_QUORUM: This operation cannot be performed on the cluster resource as it the quorum resource. You may not bring the quorum resource offline or modify its possible owners list.ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_HAS_DEPENDENTS: One or more cluster resources depend on the network to provide service to clients. The client access capability cannot be removed from the network.ERROR_CLUSTER_LAST_INTERNAL_NETWORK: The cluster network is the only one configured for internal cluster communication between two or more active cluster nodes. The internal communication capability cannot be removed from the network.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_MEMBER: The cluster node is already a member of the cluster.ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_ALREADY_OFFLINE: The cluster network is already offline.ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_ALREADY_ONLINE: The cluster network is already online.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_DOWN: The cluster node is already down.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_UP: The cluster node is already up.ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_INTERNAL: The cluster network is not configured for internal cluster communication.ERROR_CLUSTER_NO_SECURITY_CONTEXT: No cluster security context is available.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_PAUSED: The cluster node is not paused.ERROR_CLUSTER_IPADDR_IN_USE: The cluster IP address is already in use.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_UP: The cluster node is up.ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_NETWORK: The cluster network is not valid.ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_NOT_IN_PROGRESS: A cluster join operation is not in progress.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_MEMBER: The cluster node is not a member of the cluster.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_UNREACHABLE: The cluster node is not reachable.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_DOWN: The cluster node is down.ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_NETWORK_PROVIDER: The cluster network provider is not valid.ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_REQUEST: The cluster request is not valid for this object.ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND: The cluster network interface was not found.ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_EXISTS: The cluster network interface already exists.ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND: The cluster network was not found.ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_EXISTS: The cluster network already exists.ERROR_CLUSTER_LOCAL_NODE_NOT_FOUND: The cluster local node information was not found.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_FOUND: The cluster node was not found.ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_IN_PROGRESS: A node is in the process of joining the cluster.ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_EXISTS: The cluster node already exists.ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_NODE: The cluster node is not valid.ERROR_RESOURCE_FAILED: A cluster resource failed.ERROR_ALL_NODES_NOT_AVAILABLE: All cluster nodes must be running to perform this operation.ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE: A cluster node is not available for this operation.ERROR_NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE: A cluster network is not available for this operation.ERROR_QUORUM_OWNER_ALIVE: The cluster node failed to take control of the quorum resource because the resource is owned by another active node.ERROR_CLUSTERLOG_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE: The minimum required disk space needed for logging is not available.ERROR_CLUSTERLOG_CHKPOINT_NOT_FOUND: No checkpoint record was found in the cluster log.ERROR_CLUSTERLOG_EXCEEDS_MAXSIZE: The cluster log exceeds its maximum size.ERROR_CLUSTERLOG_RECORD_EXCEEDS_MAXSIZE: The record could not be written to the cluster log since it exceeds the maximum size.ERROR_CLUSTERLOG_CORRUPT: The cluster log is corrupt.ERROR_QUORUMLOG_OPEN_FAILED: The quorum log could not be created or mounted successfully.ERROR_QUORUM_RESOURCE_ONLINE_FAILED: The quorum resource failed to come online.ERROR_CORE_RESOURCE: The cluster resource could not be deleted since it is a core resource.ERROR_NOT_QUORUM_CLASS: The cluster could not make the specified resource a quorum resource because it does not belong to a shared storage class.ERROR_RESOURCE_PROPERTIES_STORED: The properties were stored but not all changes will take effect until the next time the resource is brought online.ERROR_INVALID_STATE: The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.ERROR_CLUSTER_SHUTTING_DOWN: The cluster software is shutting down.ERROR_NOT_QUORUM_CAPABLE: The cluster could not make the specified resource a quorum resource because it is not capable of being a quorum resource.ERROR_QUORUM_RESOURCE: The cluster resource could not be deleted or brought offline because it is the quorum resource.ERROR_RESOURCE_ONLINE: The operation could not be completed because the cluster resource is online.ERROR_RESMON_ONLINE_FAILED: The cluster resource could not be brought online by the resource monitor.ERROR_RESMON_CREATE_FAILED: The cluster resource could not be created in the specified resource monitor.ERROR_HOST_NODE_NOT_GROUP_OWNER: The cluster node is not the owner of the group.ERROR_HOST_NODE_NOT_RESOURCE_OWNER: The cluster node is not the owner of the resource.ERROR_GROUP_NOT_ONLINE: The operation could not be completed because the cluster group is not online.ERROR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND: The cluster group could not be found.ERROR_GROUP_NOT_AVAILABLE: The cluster group is not available for any new requests.ERROR_OBJECT_IN_LIST: The object is already in the list.ERROR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS: The object already exists.ERROR_CANT_EVICT_ACTIVE_NODE: A cluster node cannot be evicted from the cluster unless the node is down or it is the last node.ERROR_SHUTDOWN_CLUSTER: The cluster is being shut down.ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND: The cluster resource could not be found.ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE: The cluster resource is not available.ERROR_HOST_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE: A cluster node is not available for this operation.ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_ONLINE: The cluster resource is not online.ERROR_DEPENDENCY_ALREADY_EXISTS: The cluster resource cannot be made dependent on the specified resource because it is already dependent.ERROR_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND: The cluster resource dependency cannot be found.ERROR_DEPENDENT_RESOURCE_EXISTS: The cluster resource cannot be moved to another group because other resources are dependent on it.ERROR_VOLUME_NOT_SIS_ENABLED: Single Instance Storage is not available on this volume.ERROR_REPARSE_TAG_MISMATCH: There is a mismatch between the tag specified in the request and the tag present in the reparse point.ERROR_REPARSE_TAG_INVALID: The tag present in the reparse point buffer is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_REPARSE_DATA: The data present in the reparse point buffer is invalid.ERROR_REPARSE_ATTRIBUTE_CONFLICT: The reparse point attribute cannot be set because it conflicts with an existing attribute.ERROR_NOT_A_REPARSE_POINT: The file or directory is not a reparse point.ERROR_REMOTE_STORAGE_MEDIA_ERROR: The remote storage service encountered a media error.ERROR_REMOTE_STORAGE_NOT_ACTIVE: The remote storage service is not operational at this time.ERROR_FILE_OFFLINE: The remote storage service was not able to recall the file.ERROR_IEPORT_FULL: Cannot use the ieport because it is not empty.ERROR_CLEANER_CARTRIDGE_INSTALLED: A cleaner cartridge is present in the tape library.ERROR_NO_SUPPORTING_DRIVES: This offline media cannot be mounted on this system since no enabled drives are present which can be used.ERROR_INDIGENOUS_TYPE: The media type cannot be removed from this library since at least one drive in the library reports it can support this media type.ERROR_VOLUME_CONTAINS_SYS_FILES: The volume contains system or paging files.ERROR_MESSAGE_EXCEEDS_MAX_SIZE: The message provided exceeds the maximum size allowed for this parameter.ERROR_CANT_DELETE_LAST_ITEM: The last remaining item in this group or resource cannot be deleted.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_OMID: Unexpected on-medium identifier.ERROR_CLEANER_CARTRIDGE_SPENT: The cleaner cartridge has performed the maximum number of drive cleanings.ERROR_CLEANER_SLOT_NOT_SET: A cleaner slot is not reserved.ERROR_CLEANER_SLOT_SET: A cleaner slot is already reserved.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_EJECT_MOUNTED_MEDIA: Unable to eject the medium because it is in a drive.ERROR_CONTROLLING_IEPORT: Unable to open or close the inject/eject port.ERROR_TRANSPORT_FULL: Cannot use the transport because it is already in use.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INVENTORY_TRANSPORT: Unable to retrieve status about the transport.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INVENTORY_SLOT: Unable to retrieve the slot status.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INVENTORY_DRIVE: Unable to retrieve the drive status.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_MEDIUM: Unable to load the medium into the drive.ERROR_MEDIUM_NOT_ACCESSIBLE: The transport cannot access the medium.ERROR_LIBRARY_FULL: Library is full. No slot is available for use.ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE_OBJECT: The drive identifier does not represent a valid drive.ERROR_REQUEST_REFUSED: The operator or administrator has refused the request.ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE: The device is not ready for use.ERROR_MEDIA_NOT_AVAILABLE: The media is not mounted or ready for use.ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION: The operation identifier is not valid.ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_PRESENT: The resource required for this operation does not exist.ERROR_MEDIA_INCOMPATIBLE: The medium is not compatible with the device or media pool.ERROR_DATABASE_FULL: The database is full.ERROR_DATABASE_FAILURE: Unable to read from or write to the database.ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: The object identifier does not represent a valid object.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CLEAN: The drive cannot be cleaned or does not support cleaning.ERROR_INVALID_CLEANER: The media identifier does not represent a valid cleaner.ERROR_RESOURCE_DISABLED: A resource required for this operation is disabled.ERROR_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE: No media is currently available in this media pool or library.ERROR_NOT_EMPTY: The library, drive, or media pool must be empty to perform this operation.ERROR_EMPTY: The library, drive, or media pool is empty.ERROR_LIBRARY_OFFLINE: The operation cannot be performed on an offline library.ERROR_MEDIA_OFFLINE: The medium currently exists in an offline library and must be online to perform this operation.ERROR_DRIVE_MEDIA_MISMATCH: The drive and medium are not compatible or exist in different libraries.ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_POOL: The media pool identifier does not represent a valid media pool.ERROR_INVALID_LIBRARY: The library identifier does not represent a valid library.ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA: The media identifier does not represent a valid medium.ERROR_WMI_SET_FAILURE: The WMI data item or data block could not be changed.ERROR_WMI_READ_ONLY: The WMI data item or data block is read only.ERROR_WMI_ALREADY_DISABLED: The WMI data block or event notification has already been disabled.ERROR_WMI_INVALID_REGINFO: The WMI registration information is not valid.ERROR_WMI_INVALID_MOF: The WMI MOF information is not valid.ERROR_WMI_DP_FAILED: The WMI data provider failed to carry out the request.ERROR_WMI_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE: The WMI data service is not available.ERROR_WMI_GUID_DISCONNECTED: The WMI data block is no longer available.ERROR_WMI_ALREADY_ENABLED: The WMI data block or event notification has already been enabled.ERROR_WMI_UNRESOLVED_INSTANCE_REF: The WMI data provider references an instance set that has not been registered.ERROR_WMI_DP_NOT_FOUND: The WMI data provider could not be located.ERROR_WMI_TRY_AGAIN: The WMI request could not be completed and should be retried.ERROR_WMI_ITEMID_NOT_FOUND: The data item ID passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider.ERROR_WMI_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND: The instance name passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider.ERROR_WMI_GUID_NOT_FOUND: The GUID passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider.ERROR_DHCP_ADDRESS_CONFLICT: The DHCP client has obtained an IP address that is already in use on the network. The local interface will be disabled until the DHCP client can obtain a new address.ERROR_RPL_NOT_ALLOWED: Replication with a nonconfigured partner is not allowed.ERROR_REC_NON_EXISTENT: The name does not exist in the WINS database.ERROR_FULL_BACKUP: The backup failed. Check the directory to which you are backing the database.ERROR_INC_BACKUP: The backup failed. Was a full backup done before?ERROR_STATIC_INIT: The importation from the file failed.ERROR_CAN_NOT_DEL_LOCAL_WINS: The local WINS can not be deleted.ERROR_WINS_INTERNAL: WINS encountered an error while processing the command.ERROR_PRINTER_DRIVER_BLOCKED: The printer driver is known to harm the system.ERROR_PRINTER_DRIVER_WARNED: The printer driver is known to be unreliable.ERROR_PRINTER_NOT_FOUND: No printers were found.ERROR_SUCCESS_RESTART_REQUIRED: The requested operation is successful. Changes will not be effective until the service is restarted.ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED: The requested operation is successful. Changes will not be effective until the system is rebooted.ERROR_PRINTER_HAS_JOBS_QUEUED: The requested operation is not allowed when there are jobs queued to the printer.ERROR_PRINT_MONITOR_IN_USE: The specified print monitor is currently in use.ERROR_INVALID_PRINT_MONITOR: The specified print monitor does not have the required functions.ERROR_PRINT_MONITOR_ALREADY_INSTALLED: The specified print monitor has already been installed.ERROR_PRINT_PROCESSOR_ALREADY_INSTALLED: The specified print processor has already been installed.ERROR_SPL_NO_ADDJOB: An AddJob call was not issued.ERROR_SPL_NO_STARTDOC: A StartDocPrinter call was not issued.ERROR_SPOOL_FILE_NOT_FOUND: The spool file was not found.ERROR_PRINTER_DRIVER_IN_USE: The specified printer driver is currently in use.ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINT_MONITOR: The specified print monitor is unknown.ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USE: The device is in use by an active process and cannot be disconnected.ERROR_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS: Active connections still exist.ERROR_OPEN_FILES: This network connection has files open or requests pending.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED: This network connection does not exist.ERROR_BAD_USERNAME: The specified username is invalid.ERROR_CONNECTED_OTHER_PASSWORD_DEFAULT: The network connection was made successfully using default credentials.ERROR_CONNECTED_OTHER_PASSWORD: The network connection was made successfully, but the user had to be prompted for a password other than the one originally specified.ERROR_INVALID_COLORINDEX: The specified named color index is not present in the profile.ERROR_COLORSPACE_MISMATCH: The specified transform does not match the bitmap's color space.ERROR_INVALID_TRANSFORM: The specified color transform is invalid.ERROR_DELETING_ICM_XFORM: There was an error while deleting the color transform.ERROR_ICM_NOT_ENABLED: Image Color Management is not enabled.ERROR_INVALID_COLORSPACE: The specified color space is invalid.ERROR_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND: The specified color profile was not found.ERROR_PROFILE_NOT_ASSOCIATED_WITH_DEVICE: The specified color profile is not associated with any device.ERROR_DUPLICATE_TAG: The specified tag is already present.ERROR_TAG_NOT_PRESENT: A required tag is not present.ERROR_TAG_NOT_FOUND: The specified tag was not found.ERROR_INVALID_PROFILE: The specified color profile is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_CMM: The specified color management module is invalid.ERROR_CLIPPING_NOT_SUPPORTED: The requested clipping operation is not supported.ERROR_TRANSFORM_NOT_SUPPORTED: The requested transformation operation is not supported.ERROR_METAFILE_NOT_SUPPORTED: The requested metafile operation is not supported.ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_STYLE: The window style or class attribute is invalid for this operation.ERROR_BAD_DRIVER: The specified driver is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_PIXEL_FORMAT: The pixel format is invalid.ERROR_REMOTE_PRINT_CONNECTIONS_BLOCKED: Remote connections to the Print Spooler are blocked by a policy set on your machine.ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FIREWALL_FAILED: Logon Failure: The machine you are logging onto is protected by an authentication firewall. The specified account is not allowed to authenticate to the machine.ERROR_USER_DELETE_TRUST_QUOTA_EXCEEDED: The current user's delegated trust deletion quota has been exceeded.ERROR_ALL_USER_TRUST_QUOTA_EXCEEDED: The total delegated trust creation quota has been exceeded.ERROR_PER_USER_TRUST_QUOTA_EXCEEDED: The current user's delegated trust creation quota has been exceeded.ERROR_CONTEXT_EXPIRED: The context has expired and can no longer be used.ERROR_KM_DRIVER_BLOCKED: The printer driver is not compatible with a policy enabled on your computer that blocks NT 4.0 drivers.RPC_S_GRP_ELT_NOT_REMOVED: The group element could not be removed.RPC_S_GRP_ELT_NOT_ADDED: The group element could not be added.RPC_S_PRF_ELT_NOT_REMOVED: The specified profile element could not be removed.RPC_S_PRF_ELT_NOT_ADDED: The specified profile element could not be added.RPC_S_PROFILE_NOT_ADDED: The specified profile entry could not be added.RPC_S_INTERFACE_NOT_EXPORTED: Interface could not be exported to the specified entry.RPC_S_NOT_ALL_OBJS_EXPORTED: Not all object UUIDs could be exported to the specified entry.RPC_S_ENTRY_TYPE_MISMATCH: The entry is not of the expected type.ERROR_CANT_RESOLVE_FILENAME: The name of the file cannot be resolved by the system.ERROR_CANT_ACCESS_FILE: The file can not be accessed by the system.ERROR_NO_SITENAME: No site name is available for this machine.RPC_X_PIPE_EMPTY: No more data is available from the RPC pipe.RPC_X_PIPE_DISCIPLINE_ERROR: The RPC call completed before all pipes were processed.RPC_X_PIPE_CLOSED: The RPC pipe object has already been closed.RPC_S_INVALID_ASYNC_CALL: Invalid asynchronous RPC call handle for this operation.RPC_S_INVALID_ASYNC_HANDLE: Invalid asynchronous remote procedure call handle.RPC_S_SEND_INCOMPLETE: Some data remains to be sent in the request buffer.OR_INVALID_SET: The object resolver set specified was not found.OR_INVALID_OID: The object specified was not found.OR_INVALID_OXID: The object exporter specified was not found.ERROR_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT: The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to.ERROR_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_NOT_FOUND: Could not find the domain controller for this domain.ERROR_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE: The user's password must be changed before logging on the first time.ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_STATE: The state of the printer is invalid.ERROR_PRINTER_DELETED: The specified printer has been deleted.ERROR_ALREADY_WAITING: The specified printer handle is already being waited onERROR_INVALID_FORM_SIZE: The specified form size is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_FORM_NAME: The specified form name is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_TIME: The specified time is invalid.RPC_S_INVALID_OBJECT: The object universal unique identifier (UUID) is the nil UUID.EPT_S_CANT_CREATE: The endpoint mapper database entry could not be created.RPC_S_GROUP_MEMBER_NOT_FOUND: The group member was not found.RPC_X_WRONG_PIPE_VERSION: Unsupported RPC pipe version.RPC_X_WRONG_PIPE_ORDER: An invalid operation was attempted on an RPC pipe object.RPC_X_INVALID_PIPE_OBJECT: The RPC pipe object is invalid or corrupted.RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION: Incompatible version of the RPC stub.RPC_X_WRONG_ES_VERSION: Incompatible version of the serializing package.RPC_X_INVALID_ES_ACTION: Invalid operation on the encoding/decoding handle.RPC_S_NOT_CANCELLED: Thread is not canceled.RPC_S_SEC_PKG_ERROR: A security package specific error occurred.RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY: A UUID that is valid only on this computer has been allocated.RPC_S_NOT_RPC_ERROR: The error specified is not a valid Windows RPC error code.RPC_S_NO_PRINC_NAME: No principal name registered.RPC_S_UNSUPPORTED_AUTHN_LEVEL: The requested authentication level is not supported.RPC_S_COMM_FAILURE: A communications failure occurred during a remote procedure call.RPC_S_BINDING_INCOMPLETE: The binding handle does not contain all required information.RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED: The remote procedure call was cancelled.RPC_S_NO_INTERFACES: No interfaces have been registered.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA: Not enough quota is available to process this command.ERROR_RESOURCE_LANG_NOT_FOUND: The specified resource language ID cannot be found in the image file.ERROR_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND: The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND: The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.ERROR_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND: The specified image file did not contain a resource section.ERROR_SERVER_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES: The server is in use and cannot be unloaded.ERROR_DOMAIN_TRUST_INCONSISTENT: The name or security ID (SID) of the domain specified is inconsistent with the trust information for that domain.ERROR_NOLOGON_SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT: The account used is a server trust account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.ERROR_NOLOGON_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT: The account used is a computer account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.ERROR_NOLOGON_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT: The account used is an interdomain trust account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.RPC_S_NO_MORE_BINDINGS: There are no more bindings.ERROR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT: The environment specified is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE: The specified datatype is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_COMMAND: The printer command is invalid.ERROR_PRINTER_ALREADY_EXISTS: The printer already exists.ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME: The printer name is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_PRIORITY: The specified priority is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_SEPARATOR_FILE: The specified separator file is invalid.ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINTPROCESSOR: The print processor is unknown.ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINTER_DRIVER: The printer driver is unknown.ERROR_UNKNOWN_PORT: The specified port is unknown.ERROR_PRINTER_DRIVER_ALREADY_INSTALLED: The specified printer driver is already installed.ERROR_REDIRECTOR_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES: The redirector is in use and cannot be unloaded.ERROR_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED: The user's account has expired.ERROR_NETLOGON_NOT_STARTED: An attempt was made to logon, but the network logon service was not started.RPC_S_CALL_IN_PROGRESS: A remote procedure call is already in progress for this thread.ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE: The network logon failed.ERROR_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_FAILURE: The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.ERROR_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_FAILURE: The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.ERROR_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT: The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.ERROR_NO_TRUST_LSA_SECRET: The workstation does not have a trust secret.ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA: The disk media is not recognized. It may not be formatted.ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER: The supplied user buffer is not valid for the requested operation.RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA: The stub received bad data.RPC_X_BYTE_COUNT_TOO_SMALL: The byte count is too small.RPC_X_ENUM_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE: The enumeration value is out of range.RPC_X_NULL_REF_POINTER: A null reference pointer was passed to the stub.RPC_X_SS_CANNOT_GET_CALL_HANDLE: The stub is unable to get the remote procedure call handle.RPC_X_SS_HANDLES_MISMATCH: The binding handles passed to a remote procedure call do not match.RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_DAMAGED: The context handle changed during a remote procedure call.RPC_X_SS_IN_NULL_CONTEXT: A null context handle was passed from the client to the host during a remote procedure call.RPC_X_SS_CHAR_TRANS_SHORT_FILE: The file containing the character translation table has fewer than 512 bytes.RPC_X_SS_CHAR_TRANS_OPEN_FAIL: Unable to open the character translation table file.RPC_X_NO_MORE_ENTRIES: The list of RPC servers available for the binding of auto handles has been exhausted.RPC_S_FP_OVERFLOW: A floating-point overflow occurred at the RPC server.RPC_S_FP_UNDERFLOW: A floating-point underflow occurred at the RPC server.RPC_S_FP_DIV_ZERO: A floating-point operation at the RPC server caused a division by zero.RPC_S_ADDRESS_ERROR: An addressing error occurred in the RPC server.RPC_S_ZERO_DIVIDE: The RPC server attempted an integer division by zero.RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR: An internal error occurred in a remote procedure call (RPC).RPC_S_NO_CONTEXT_AVAILABLE: No security context is available to allow impersonation.RPC_S_CANNOT_SUPPORT: The requested operation is not supported.RPC_S_INVALID_NAF_ID: The network address family is invalid.RPC_S_NAME_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: The name service is unavailable.RPC_S_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: The entry is not found.RPC_S_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS: The entry already exists.RPC_S_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND: The interface was not found.RPC_S_NOT_ALL_OBJS_UNEXPORTED: There is nothing to unexport.RPC_S_NO_MORE_MEMBERS: There are no more members.RPC_S_INVALID_VERS_OPTION: The version option is invalid.RPC_S_INCOMPLETE_NAME: The entry name is incomplete.RPC_S_NOTHING_TO_EXPORT: No interfaces have been exported.EPT_S_NOT_REGISTERED: There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper.EPT_S_CANT_PERFORM_OP: The server endpoint cannot perform the operation.EPT_S_INVALID_ENTRY: The entry is invalid.RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHZ_SERVICE: The authorization service is unknown.RPC_S_INVALID_AUTH_IDENTITY: The security context is invalid.RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_LEVEL: The authentication level is unknown.RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_SERVICE: The authentication service is unknown.RPC_S_BINDING_HAS_NO_AUTH: The binding does not contain any authentication information.RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE: The procedure number is out of range.RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_FOUND: The RPC protocol sequence was not found.RPC_S_STRING_TOO_LONG: The string is too long.RPC_S_MAX_CALLS_TOO_SMALL: The maximum number of calls is too small.RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_TYPE: The authentication type is unknown.RPC_S_DUPLICATE_ENDPOINT: The endpoint is a duplicate.RPC_S_UUID_NO_ADDRESS: No network address is available to use to construct a universal unique identifier (UUID).RPC_S_UNSUPPORTED_NAME_SYNTAX: The name syntax is not supported.RPC_S_INVALID_NAME_SYNTAX: The name syntax is invalid.RPC_S_NO_ENTRY_NAME: The binding does not contain an entry name.RPC_S_INVALID_BOUND: The array bounds are invalid.RPC_S_INVALID_TAG: The tag is invalid.RPC_S_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE: The universal unique identifier (UUID) type is not supported.RPC_S_UNSUPPORTED_TRANS_SYN: The transfer syntax is not supported by the RPC server.RPC_S_PROTOCOL_ERROR: A remote procedure call (RPC) protocol error occurred.RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE: The remote procedure call failed and did not execute.RPC_S_CALL_FAILED: The remote procedure call failed.RPC_S_NO_CALL_ACTIVE: There are no remote procedure calls active on this thread.RPC_S_INVALID_NETWORK_OPTIONS: The network options are invalid.RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY: The RPC server is too busy to complete this operation.RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE: The RPC server is unavailable.RPC_S_OUT_OF_RESOURCES: Not enough resources are available to complete this operation.RPC_S_CANT_CREATE_ENDPOINT: The endpoint cannot be created.RPC_S_NO_PROTSEQS: There are no protocol sequences.RPC_S_NO_BINDINGS: There are no bindings.RPC_S_UNKNOWN_IF: The interface is unknown.RPC_S_UNKNOWN_MGR_TYPE: The manager type is unknown.RPC_S_NOT_LISTENING: The RPC server is not listening.RPC_S_NO_PROTSEQS_REGISTERED: No protocol sequences have been registered.RPC_S_ALREADY_LISTENING: The RPC server is already listening.RPC_S_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTERED: The type universal unique identifier (UUID) has already been registered.RPC_S_ALREADY_REGISTERED: The object universal unique identifier (UUID) has already been registered.RPC_S_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: The object universal unique identifier (UUID) was not found.RPC_S_INVALID_TIMEOUT: The timeout value is invalid.RPC_S_NO_ENDPOINT_FOUND: No endpoint was found.RPC_S_INVALID_NET_ADDR: The network address is invalid.RPC_S_INVALID_ENDPOINT_FORMAT: The endpoint format is invalid.RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID: The string universal unique identifier (UUID) is invalid.RPC_S_INVALID_RPC_PROTSEQ: The RPC protocol sequence is invalid.RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_SUPPORTED: The RPC protocol sequence is not supported.RPC_S_INVALID_BINDING: The binding handle is invalid.RPC_S_WRONG_KIND_OF_BINDING: The binding handle is not the correct type.RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_BINDING: The string binding is invalid.ERROR_INSTALL_REMOTE_PROHIBITED: The Windows Installer does not permit installation from a Remote Desktop Connection.ERROR_INSTALL_TRANSFORM_REJECTED: One or more customizations are not permitted by software restriction policy.ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_REJECTED: The patch package is not permitted by software restriction policy.ERROR_PATCH_TARGET_NOT_FOUND: The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer an d that you have the correct upgrade patch.ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED: The requested operation completed successfully. The system will be restarted so the changes can take effect.ERROR_INSTALL_REMOTE_DISALLOWED: Only administrators have permission to add, remove, or configure server software during a Terminal services remote session. If you want to install or configure software on the server, contact your network administrator.ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE: Invalid command line argument. Consult the Windows Installer SDK for detailed command line help.ERROR_PRODUCT_VERSION: Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel.ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_UNSUPPORTED: This patch package cannot be processed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service.ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_INVALID: This patch package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package.ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED: This patch package could not be opened. Verify that the patch package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package.ERROR_INSTALL_NOTUSED: Component not used on this computer.ERROR_INSTALL_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED: This installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor.ERROR_INSTALL_TEMP_UNWRITABLE: The Temp folder is on a drive that is full or is inaccessible. Free up space on the drive or verify that you have write permission on the Temp folder.ERROR_CREATE_FAILED: The Windows Installer service failed to start. Contact your support personnel.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE: Data of this type is not supported.ERROR_DATATYPE_MISMATCH: Data supplied is of wrong type.ERROR_INVALID_TABLE: Invalid or unknown table specified.ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED: Function failed during execution.ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_CALLED: Function could not be executed.ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_REJECTED: This installation is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator.ERROR_INSTALL_TRANSFORM_FAILURE: Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.ERROR_INSTALL_LANGUAGE_UNSUPPORTED: The language of this installation package is not supported by your system.ERROR_INSTALL_LOG_FAILURE: Error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified log file location exists and that you can write to it.ERROR_INSTALL_UI_FAILURE: There was an error starting the Windows Installer service user interface. Contact your support personnel.ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALID: This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED: This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.ERROR_INSTALL_ALREADY_RUNNING: Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install.ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED: The device has been removed.ERROR_INVALID_FIELD: Record field does not exist.ERROR_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX: SQL query syntax invalid or unsupported.ERROR_PRODUCT_UNINSTALLED: Product is uninstalled.ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_VERSION: This installation package cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service.ERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT: The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.ERROR_INDEX_ABSENT: Component qualifier not present.ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION: The configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel.ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE_STATE: Handle is in an invalid state.ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY: Unknown property.ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT: Component ID not registered.ERROR_UNKNOWN_FEATURE: Feature ID not registered.ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT: This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND: Installation suspended, incomplete.ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE: Fatal error during installation.ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT: User cancelled installation.ERROR_INSTALL_SERVICE_FAILURE: The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.ERROR_EVENTLOG_FILE_CHANGED: The event log file has changed between read operations.ERROR_LOG_FILE_FULL: The event log file is full.ERROR_EVENTLOG_CANT_START: No event log file could be opened, so the event logging service did not start.ERROR_EVENTLOG_FILE_CORRUPT: The event log file is corrupted.ERROR_INCORRECT_SIZE: Incorrect size argument.ERROR_INVALID_MONITOR_HANDLE: Invalid monitor handle.ERROR_TIMEOUT: This operation returned because the timeout period expired.ERROR_REQUIRES_INTERACTIVE_WINDOWSTATION: This operation requires an interactive window station.ERROR_HOOK_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED: Hook type not allowed.ERROR_INVALID_KEYBOARD_HANDLE: Invalid keyboard layout handle.ERROR_MENU_ITEM_NOT_FOUND: A menu item was not found.ERROR_COMMITMENT_LIMIT: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.ERROR_PAGEFILE_QUOTA: Insufficient quota to complete the requested service.ERROR_WORKING_SET_QUOTA: Insufficient quota to complete the requested service.ERROR_PAGED_SYSTEM_RESOURCES: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.ERROR_NONPAGED_SYSTEM_RESOURCES: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.ERROR_INVALID_SHOWWIN_COMMAND: Cannot show or remove the window in the way specified.ERROR_INVALID_SCROLLBAR_RANGE: Scroll bar range cannot be greater than MAXLONG.ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARS: The window does not have scroll bars.ERROR_POPUP_ALREADY_ACTIVE: Popup menu already active.ERROR_NON_MDICHILD_WINDOW: Cannot process a message from a window that is not a multiple document interface (MDI) window.ERROR_INVALID_THREAD_ID: Invalid thread identifier.ERROR_INVALID_GW_COMMAND: Invalid GW_* command.ERROR_NOT_CHILD_WINDOW: The window is not a child window.ERROR_HWNDS_HAVE_DIFF_PARENT: All handles to windows in a multiple-window position structure must have the same parent.ERROR_SCREEN_ALREADY_LOCKED: Screen already locked.ERROR_INVALID_SPI_VALUE: Invalid system-wide (SPI_*) parameter.ERROR_INVALID_MSGBOX_STYLE: Invalid message box style.ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_MENU: The window does not have a system menu.ERROR_CHILD_WINDOW_MENU: Child windows cannot have menus.ERROR_DESTROY_OBJECT_OF_OTHER_THREAD: Cannot destroy object created by another thread.ERROR_LB_WITHOUT_TABSTOPS: This list box does not support tab stops.ERROR_SETCOUNT_ON_BAD_LB: LB_SETCOUNT sent to non-lazy list box.ERROR_INVALID_LB_MESSAGE: Invalid message for single-selection list box.ERROR_HOOK_NOT_INSTALLED: The hook procedure is not installed.ERROR_JOURNAL_HOOK_SET: The journal hook procedure is already installed.ERROR_GLOBAL_ONLY_HOOK: This hook procedure can only be set globally.ERROR_HOOK_NEEDS_HMOD: Cannot set nonlocal hook without a module handle.ERROR_INVALID_FILTER_PROC: Invalid hook procedure.ERROR_INVALID_HOOK_FILTER: Invalid hook procedure type.ERROR_DC_NOT_FOUND: Invalid device context (DC) handle.ERROR_INVALID_EDIT_HEIGHT: Height must be less than 256.ERROR_WINDOW_NOT_COMBOBOX: The window is not a combo box.ERROR_INVALID_COMBOBOX_MESSAGE: Invalid message for a combo box because it does not have an edit control.ERROR_CONTROL_ID_NOT_FOUND: Control ID not found.ERROR_WINDOW_NOT_DIALOG: The window is not a valid dialog window.ERROR_HOTKEY_NOT_REGISTERED: Hot key is not registered.ERROR_CLIPBOARD_NOT_OPEN: Thread does not have a clipboard open.ERROR_NO_WILDCARD_CHARACTERS: No wildcards were found.ERROR_LISTBOX_ID_NOT_FOUND: The list box identifier was not found.ERROR_PRIVATE_DIALOG_INDEX: Using private DIALOG window words.ERROR_INVALID_ICON_HANDLE: Invalid icon handle.ERROR_INVALID_INDEX: Invalid index.ERROR_CLASS_HAS_WINDOWS: Class still has open windows.ERROR_CLASS_DOES_NOT_EXIST: Class does not exist.ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS: Class already exists.ERROR_HOTKEY_ALREADY_REGISTERED: Hot key is already registered.ERROR_WINDOW_OF_OTHER_THREAD: Invalid window; it belongs to other thread.ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_WND_CLASS: Cannot find window class.ERROR_TLW_WITH_WSCHILD: Cannot create a top-level child window.ERROR_INVALID_DWP_HANDLE: Invalid handle to a multiple-window position structure.ERROR_INVALID_HOOK_HANDLE: Invalid hook handle.ERROR_INVALID_ACCEL_HANDLE: Invalid accelerator table handle.ERROR_INVALID_CURSOR_HANDLE: Invalid cursor handle.ERROR_INVALID_MENU_HANDLE: Invalid menu handle.ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE: Invalid window handle.ERROR_CURRENT_DOMAIN_NOT_ALLOWED: This operation can not be performed on the current domain.ERROR_TIME_SKEW: There is a time and/or date difference between the client and server.ERROR_MUTUAL_AUTH_FAILED: Mutual Authentication failed. The server's password is out of date at the domain controller.ERROR_WRONG_TARGET_NAME: Logon Failure: The target account name is incorrect.ERROR_LICENSE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED: The service being accessed is licensed for a particular number of connections. No more connections can be made to the service at this time because there are already as many connections as the service can accept.ERROR_NO_USER_SESSION_KEY: There is no user session key for the specified logon session.ERROR_DISK_CORRUPT: The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable.ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT: The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.ERROR_NO_INHERITANCE: Indicates an ACL contains no inheritable components.ERROR_LM_CROSS_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED: A cross-encrypted password is necessary to change this user password.ERROR_TOO_MANY_SIDS: Too many security IDs have been specified.ERROR_INVALID_MEMBER: A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type.ERROR_NO_SUCH_MEMBER: A member could not be added to or removed from the local group because the member does not exist.ERROR_NT_CROSS_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED: A cross-encrypted password is necessary to change a user password.ERROR_LOGON_TYPE_NOT_GRANTED: Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.ERROR_TOO_MANY_CONTEXT_IDS: During a logon attempt, the user's security context accumulated too many security IDs.ERROR_INTERNAL_DB_ERROR: The local security authority database contains an internal inconsistency.ERROR_SECRET_TOO_LONG: The length of a secret exceeds the maximum length allowed.ERROR_TOO_MANY_SECRETS: The maximum number of secrets that may be stored in a single system has been exceeded.ERROR_LOGON_NOT_GRANTED: Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.ERROR_ALIAS_EXISTS: The specified local group already exists.ERROR_MEMBER_IN_ALIAS: The specified account name is already a member of the local group.ERROR_MEMBER_NOT_IN_ALIAS: The specified account name is not a member of the local group.ERROR_NO_SUCH_ALIAS: The specified local group does not exist.ERROR_TOKEN_ALREADY_IN_USE: The token is already in use as a primary token.ERROR_MEMBERS_PRIMARY_GROUP: The user cannot be removed from a group because the group is currently the user's primary group.ERROR_SPECIAL_USER: Cannot perform this operation on this built-in special user.ERROR_SPECIAL_GROUP: Cannot perform this operation on this built-in special group.ERROR_SPECIAL_ACCOUNT: Cannot perform this operation on built-in accounts.ERROR_RXACT_COMMIT_FAILURE: An internal security database corruption has been encountered.ERROR_RXACT_INVALID_STATE: The transaction state of a registry subtree is incompatible with the requested operation.ERROR_CANNOT_IMPERSONATE: Unable to impersonate using a named pipe until data has been read from that pipe.ERROR_INVALID_LOGON_TYPE: A logon request contained an invalid logon type value.ERROR_LOGON_SESSION_COLLISION: The logon session ID is already in use.ERROR_BAD_LOGON_SESSION_STATE: The logon session is not in a state that is consistent with the requested operation.ERROR_NO_SUCH_PACKAGE: A specified authentication package is unknown.ERROR_LOGON_SESSION_EXISTS: Cannot start a new logon session with an ID that is already in use.ERROR_NOT_LOGON_PROCESS: The requested action is restricted for use by logon processes only. The calling process has not registered as a logon process.ERROR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT: A security descriptor is not in the right format (absolute or self-relative).ERROR_GENERIC_NOT_MAPPED: Generic access types were contained in an access mask which should already be mapped to nongeneric types.ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR: An internal error occurred.ERROR_INTERNAL_DB_CORRUPTION: Unable to complete the requested operation because of either a catastrophic media failure or a data structure corruption on the disk.ERROR_DOMAIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: An attempt was made to exceed the limit on the number of domains per server.ERROR_DOMAIN_EXISTS: The specified domain already exists.ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN: The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.ERROR_INVALID_DOMAIN_ROLE: This operation is only allowed for the Primary Domain Controller of the domain.ERROR_INVALID_DOMAIN_STATE: The domain was in the wrong state to perform the security operation.ERROR_INVALID_SERVER_STATE: The security account manager (SAM) or local security authority (LSA) server was in the wrong state to perform the security operation.ERROR_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO: Configuration information could not be read from the domain controller, either because the machine is unavailable, or access has been denied.ERROR_NO_SECURITY_ON_OBJECT: Unable to perform a security operation on an object that has no associated security.ERROR_BAD_TOKEN_TYPE: The type of the token is inappropriate for its attempted use.ERROR_BAD_VALIDATION_CLASS: The validation information class requested was invalid.ERROR_CANT_OPEN_ANONYMOUS: Cannot open an anonymous level security token.ERROR_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL: Either a required impersonation level was not provided, or the provided impersonation level is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_GROUP_ATTRIBUTES: The specified attributes are invalid, or incompatible with the attributes for the group as a whole.ERROR_ALLOTTED_SPACE_EXCEEDED: No more memory is available for security information updates.ERROR_INVALID_ID_AUTHORITY: The value provided was an invalid value for an identifier authority.ERROR_SERVER_NOT_DISABLED: The server is currently enabled.ERROR_SERVER_DISABLED: The server is currently disabled.ERROR_BAD_INHERITANCE_ACL: The inherited access control list (ACL) or access control entry (ACE) could not be built.ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR: The security descriptor structure is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_SID: The security ID structure is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_ACL: The access control list (ACL) structure is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_SUB_AUTHORITY: The subauthority part of a security ID is invalid for this particular use.ERROR_LUIDS_EXHAUSTED: No more local user identifiers (LUIDs) are available.ERROR_TOO_MANY_LUIDS_REQUESTED: Too many local user identifiers (LUIDs) were requested at one time.ERROR_NONE_MAPPED: No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.ERROR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED: Logon failure: account currently disabled.ERROR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED: Logon failure: the specified account password has expired.ERROR_INVALID_WORKSTATION: Logon failure: user not allowed to log on to this computer.ERROR_INVALID_LOGON_HOURS: Logon failure: account logon time restriction violation.ERROR_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION: Logon failure: user account restriction. Possible reasons are blank passwords not allowed, logon hour restrictions, or a policy restriction has been enforced.ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.ERROR_PASSWORD_RESTRICTION: Unable to update the password. The value provided for the new password does not meet the length, complexity, or history requirement of the domain.ERROR_ILL_FORMED_PASSWORD: Unable to update the password. The value provided for the new password contains values that are not allowed in passwords.ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD: Unable to update the password. The value provided as the current password is incorrect.ERROR_LAST_ADMIN: The last remaining administration account cannot be disabled or deleted.ERROR_MEMBER_NOT_IN_GROUP: The specified user account is not a member of the specified group account.ERROR_MEMBER_IN_GROUP: Either the specified user account is already a member of the specified group, or the specified group cannot be deleted because it contains a member.ERROR_NO_SUCH_GROUP: The specified group does not exist.ERROR_GROUP_EXISTS: The specified group already exists.ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER: The specified user does not exist.ERROR_USER_EXISTS: The specified user already exists.ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME: The name provided is not a properly formed account name.ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD: A required privilege is not held by the client.ERROR_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGE: A specified privilege does not exist.ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.ERROR_NO_LOGON_SERVERS: There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.ERROR_CANT_DISABLE_MANDATORY: The group may not be disabled.ERROR_NO_IMPERSONATION_TOKEN: An attempt has been made to operate on an impersonation token by a thread that is not currently impersonating a client.ERROR_INVALID_PRIMARY_GROUP: This security ID may not be assigned as the primary group of an object.ERROR_INVALID_OWNER: This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.ERROR_REVISION_MISMATCH: Indicates two revision levels are incompatible.ERROR_UNKNOWN_REVISION: The revision level is unknown.ERROR_NULL_LM_PASSWORD: The password is too complex to be converted to a LAN Manager password. The LAN Manager password returned is a NULL string.ERROR_LOCAL_USER_SESSION_KEY: No encryption key is available. A well-known encryption key was returned.ERROR_NO_QUOTAS_FOR_ACCOUNT: No system quota limits are specifically set for this account.ERROR_SOME_NOT_MAPPED: Some mapping between account names and security IDs was not done.ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED: Not all privileges referenced are assigned to the caller.ERROR_UNIDENTIFIED_ERROR: Insufficient information exists to identify the cause of failure.ERROR_VDM_DISALLOWED: param_1 is a 16-bit application. You do not have permissions to execute 16-bit applications. Check your permissions with your system administrator.ERROR_DELAY_LOAD_FAILED: An attempt to delay-load a .dll or get a function address in a delay-loaded .dll failed.ERROR_DEBUGGER_INACTIVE: An attempt to do an operation on a debug object failed because the object is in the process of being deleted.ERROR_PARAMETER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED: Data present in one of the parameters is more than the function can operate on.ERROR_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN: The system detected an overrun of a stack-based buffer in this application. This overrun could potentially allow a malicious user to gain control of this application.ERROR_ALREADY_THREAD: The current thread has already been converted from a fiber.ERROR_ALREADY_FIBER: The current thread has already been converted to a fiber.ERROR_RECOVERY_FAILURE: A transaction recover failed.ERROR_ACCESS_DISABLED_WEBBLADE_TAMPER: Windows cannot open this program because the license enforcement system has been tampered with or become corrupted.ERROR_ACCESS_DISABLED_WEBBLADE: Windows cannot open this program since it has been disabled.ERROR_INVALID_IMPORT_OF_NON_DLL: A dynamic link library (DLL) referenced a module that was neither a DLL nor the process's executable image.ERROR_DRIVER_BLOCKED: This driver has been blocked from loadingERROR_SYNC_FOREGROUND_REFRESH_REQUIRED: The group policy framework should call the extension in the synchronous foreground policy refresh.ERROR_CALLBACK_SUPPLIED_INVALID_DATA: An application-defined callback gave invalid data when called.ERROR_MACHINE_LOCKED: The machine is locked and can not be shut down without the force option.ERROR_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED: The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you.ERROR_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE: The kerberos protocol encountered an error while attempting to utilize the smartcard subsystem.ERROR_PKINIT_FAILURE: The kerberos protocol encountered an error while validating the KDC certificate during smartcard logon. There is more information in the system event log.ERROR_CSCSHARE_OFFLINE: The share is currently offline or does not exist.ERROR_REG_NAT_CONSUMPTION: A program attempt to use an invalid register value. Normally caused by an uninitialized register. This error is Itanium specific.ERROR_ACCESS_DISABLED_BY_POLICY: Windows cannot open this program because it has been prevented by a software restriction policy. For more information, open Event Viewer or contact your system administrator.ERROR_APPHELP_BLOCK: AppHelp dialog canceled thus preventing the application from starting.ERROR_NON_DOMAIN_SID: The security identifier provided does not have a domain component.ERROR_NON_ACCOUNT_SID: The security identifier provided is not from an account domain.ERROR_HOST_DOWN: The remote system is not available. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.ERROR_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS: The server machine is shutting down.ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_SBS: This operation is not supported on a computer running Windows Server 2003 for Small Business ServerERROR_BAD_USER_PROFILE: The specified user does not have a valid profile.ERROR_OVERRIDE_NOCHANGES: The group policy framework should call the extension even if there are no changes.ERROR_ONLY_IF_CONNECTED: This operation is supported only when you are connected to the server.ERROR_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_EXISTS: A domain controller with the specified name already exists.ERROR_NO_SUCH_SITE: The specified site does not exist.ERROR_NO_MORE_DEVICES: No more local devices.ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED: An attempt was made to perform an initialization operation when initialization has already been completed.ERROR_CONTINUE: Continue with work in progress.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_ON: The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not logged on to the network. The specified service does not exist.ERROR_NOT_AUTHENTICATED: The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not been authenticated.ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND: The specified service does not exist.ERROR_ALREADY_REGISTERED: The service is already registered.ERROR_INCORRECT_ADDRESS: The network address could not be used for the operation requested.ERROR_LOGIN_WKSTA_RESTRICTION: The account is not authorized to log in from this station.ERROR_LOGIN_TIME_RESTRICTION: Attempting to log in during an unauthorized time of day for this account.ERROR_CONNECTION_COUNT_LIMIT: A connection to the server could not be made because the limit on the number of concurrent connections for this account has been reached.ERROR_RETRY: The operation could not be completed. A retry should be performed.ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED: The network connection was aborted by the local system.ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED: The request was aborted.ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE: No service is operating at the destination network endpoint on the remote system.ERROR_PROTOCOL_UNREACHABLE: The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE: The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE: The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.ERROR_CONNECTION_ACTIVE: An invalid operation was attempted on an active network connection.ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID: An operation was attempted on a nonexistent network connection.ERROR_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSOCIATED: An address has not yet been associated with the network endpoint.ERROR_ADDRESS_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED: The network transport endpoint already has an address associated with it.ERROR_GRACEFUL_DISCONNECT: The network connection was gracefully closed.ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED: The remote system refused the network connection.ERROR_USER_MAPPED_FILE: The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open.ERROR_CANCELLED: The operation was canceled by the user.ERROR_NO_NETWORK: The network is not present or not started.ERROR_DUP_DOMAINNAME: The workgroup or domain name is already in use by another computer on the network.ERROR_REMOTE_SESSION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: An attempt was made to establish a session to a network server, but there are already too many sessions established to that server.ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT: Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again.ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGEDEST: The format of the specified message destination is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGENAME: The format of the specified message name is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORDNAME: The format of the specified password is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_SHARENAME: The format of the specified share name is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME: The format of the specified network name is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_SERVICENAME: The format of the specified service name is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_DOMAINNAME: The format of the specified domain name is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_EVENTNAME: The format of the specified event name is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_COMPUTERNAME: The format of the specified computer name is invalid.ERROR_INVALID_GROUPNAME: The format of the specified group name is invalid.ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR: An extended error has occurred.ERROR_NOT_CONTAINER: Cannot enumerate a noncontainer.ERROR_BAD_PROFILE: The network connection profile is corrupted.ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PROFILE: Unable to open the network connection profile.ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER: The specified network provider name is invalid.ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH: No network provider accepted the given network path.ERROR_DEVICE_ALREADY_REMEMBERED: The local device name has a remembered connection to another network resource.ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL: The device is not currently connected but it is a remembered connection.ERROR_BAD_DEVICE: The specified device name is invalid.ERROR_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETED: The journal entry has been deleted from the journal.ERROR_POTENTIAL_FILE_FOUND: A file was found, but it may not be the correct file.ERROR_JOURNAL_NOT_ACTIVE: The volume change journal is not active.ERROR_JOURNAL_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS: The volume change journal is being deleted.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_MOVE_REPLACEMENT_2: Unable to move the replacement file to the file to be replaced. The file to be replaced has been renamed using the backup name.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_MOVE_REPLACEMENT: Unable to move the replacement file to the file to be replaced. The file to be replaced has retained its original name.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_REPLACED: Unable to remove the file to be replaced.ERROR_NO_VOLUME_ID: The Volume ID could not be found.ERROR_NO_TRACKING_SERVICE: The tracking (workstation) service is not running.ERROR_POINT_NOT_FOUND: The point passed to GetMouseMovePoints is not in the buffer.ERROR_SET_NOT_FOUND: The property set specified does not exist on the object.ERROR_NO_MATCH: There was no match for the specified key in the index.ERROR_NOT_FOUND: Element not found.ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED: The device is not connected.ERROR_DEVICE_DOOR_OPEN: The device has indicated that its door is open.ERROR_DEVICE_REQUIRES_CLEANING: The device has indicated that cleaning is required before further operations are attempted.ERROR_DEVICE_REINITIALIZATION_NEEDED: The indicated device requires reinitialization due to hardware errors.ERROR_MAGAZINE_NOT_PRESENT: The indicated element is part of a magazine that is not present.ERROR_ILLEGAL_ELEMENT_ADDRESS: The indicated element does not exist.ERROR_DESTINATION_ELEMENT_FULL: The indicated destination element already contains media.ERROR_SOURCE_ELEMENT_EMPTY: The indicated source element has no media.ERROR_MESSAGE_SYNC_ONLY: The message can be used only with synchronous operations.ERROR_NO_MORE_USER_HANDLES: The current process has used all of its system allowance of handles for Window Manager objects.ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND: One of the library files needed to run this application cannot be found.ERROR_DDE_FAIL: An error occurred in sending the command to the application.ERROR_NO_ASSOCIATION: No application is associated with the specified file for this operation.ERROR_INVALID_DLL: One of the library files needed to run this application is damaged.ERROR_RMODE_APP: The specified program was written for an earlier version of Windows.ERROR_SINGLE_INSTANCE_APP: Cannot start more than one instance of the specified program.ERROR_APP_WRONG_OS: The specified program is not a Windows or MS-DOS program.ERROR_OLD_WIN_VERSION: The specified program requires a newer version of Windows.ERROR_TOO_MANY_LINKS: An attempt was made to create more links on a file than the file system supports.ERROR_SET_POWER_STATE_FAILED: The system BIOS failed an attempt to change the system power state.ERROR_SET_POWER_STATE_VETOED: An attempt to change the system power state was vetoed by another application or driver.ERROR_MAPPED_ALIGNMENT: The base address or the file offset specified does not have the proper alignment.ERROR_POSSIBLE_DEADLOCK: A potential deadlock condition has been detected.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY: Not enough server storage is available to process this command.ERROR_EOM_OVERFLOW: Physical end of tape encountered.ERROR_DISK_RESET_FAILED: While accessing the hard disk, a disk controller reset was needed, but even that failed.ERROR_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED: While accessing the hard disk, a disk operation failed even after retries.ERROR_DISK_RECALIBRATE_FAILED: While accessing the hard disk, a recalibrate operation failed, even after retries.ERROR_FLOPPY_BAD_REGISTERS: The floppy disk controller returned inconsistent results in its registers.ERROR_FLOPPY_UNKNOWN_ERROR: The floppy disk controller reported an error that is not recognized by the floppy disk driver.ERROR_FLOPPY_WRONG_CYLINDER: Mismatch between the floppy disk sector ID field and the floppy disk controller track address.ERROR_FLOPPY_ID_MARK_NOT_FOUND: No ID address mark was found on the floppy disk.ERROR_COUNTER_TIMEOUT: A serial I/O operation completed because the timeout period expired. (The IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER did not reach zero.)ERROR_MORE_WRITES: A serial I/O operation was completed by another write to the serial port. (The IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER reached zero.)ERROR_IRQ_BUSY: Unable to open a device that was sharing an interrupt request (IRQ) with other devices. At least one other device that uses that IRQ was already opened.ERROR_SERIAL_NO_DEVICE: No serial device was successfully initialized. The serial driver will unload.ERROR_IO_DEVICE: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.ERROR_NO_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS: Unable to abort the system shutdown because no shutdown was in progress.ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS: A system shutdown is in progress.ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page.ERROR_NO_MEDIA_IN_DRIVE: No media in drive.ERROR_BUS_RESET: The I/O bus was reset.ERROR_MEDIA_CHANGED: The media in the drive may have changed.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UNLOAD_MEDIA: Unable to unload the media.ERROR_UNABLE_TO_LOCK_MEDIA: Unable to lock the media eject mechanism.ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_PARTITIONED: Tape partition information could not be found when loading a tape.ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK_LENGTH: When accessing a new tape of a multivolume partition, the current block size is incorrect.ERROR_PARTITION_FAILURE: Tape could not be partitioned.ERROR_NO_DATA_DETECTED: No more data is on the tape.ERROR_SETMARK_DETECTED: A tape access reached the end of a set of files.ERROR_BEGINNING_OF_MEDIA: The beginning of the tape or a partition was encountered.ERROR_FILEMARK_DETECTED: A tape access reached a filemark.ERROR_END_OF_MEDIA: The physical end of the tape has been reached.ERROR_NOT_SAFEBOOT_SERVICE: This service cannot be started in Safe ModeERROR_SERVICE_NOT_IN_EXE: The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service.ERROR_NO_RECOVERY_PROGRAM: No recovery program has been configured for this service.ERROR_CANNOT_DETECT_PROCESS_ABORT: This service runs in the same process as the service control manager. Therefore, the service control manager cannot take action if this service's process terminates unexpectedly.ERROR_CANNOT_DETECT_DRIVER_FAILURE: Failure actions can only be set for Win32 services, not for drivers.ERROR_DIFFERENT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT: The account specified for this service is different from the account specified for other services running in the same process.ERROR_DUPLICATE_SERVICE_NAME: The name is already in use as either a service name or a service display name.ERROR_SERVICE_NEVER_STARTED: No attempts to start the service have been made since the last boot.ERROR_BOOT_ALREADY_ACCEPTED: The current boot has already been accepted for use as the last-known-good control set.ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_DELETED: The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion.ERROR_ALREADY_RUNNING_LKG: The system is currently running with the last-known-good configuration.ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS: The specified service already exists.ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE: The specified service has been marked for deletion.ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_LOCK: The specified service database lock is invalid.ERROR_SERVICE_START_HANG: After starting, the service hung in a start-pending state.ERROR_SERVICE_LOGON_FAILED: The service did not start due to a logon failure.ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_FAIL: The dependency service or group failed to start.ERROR_PROCESS_ABORTED: The process terminated unexpectedly.ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR: The service has returned a service-specific error code.ERROR_DATABASE_DOES_NOT_EXIST: The database specified does not exist.ERROR_EXCEPTION_IN_SERVICE: An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request.ERROR_FAILED_SERVICE_CONTROLLER_CONNECT: The service process could not connect to the service controller.ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE: The service has not been started.ERROR_SERVICE_CANNOT_ACCEPT_CTRL: The service cannot accept control messages at this time.ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.ERROR_CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY: Circular service dependency was specified.ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_ACCOUNT: The account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account name specified.ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING: An instance of the service is already running.ERROR_SERVICE_DATABASE_LOCKED: The service database is locked.ERROR_SERVICE_NO_THREAD: A thread could not be created for the service.ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_CONTROL: The requested control is not valid for this service.ERROR_DEPENDENT_SERVICES_RUNNING: A stop control has been sent to a service that other running services are dependent on.ERROR_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR: A notify change request is being completed and the information is not being returned in the caller's buffer. The caller now needs to enumerate the files to find the changes.ERROR_CHILD_MUST_BE_VOLATILE: Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key.ERROR_KEY_HAS_CHILDREN: Cannot create a symbolic link in a registry key that already has subkeys or values.ERROR_NO_LOG_SPACE: System could not allocate the required space in a registry log.ERROR_KEY_DELETED: Illegal operation attempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion.ERROR_NOT_REGISTRY_FILE: The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format.ERROR_REGISTRY_IO_FAILED: An I/O operation initiated by the registry failed unrecoverably. The registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files that contain the system's image of the registry.ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT: The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or corrupted.ERROR_REGISTRY_RECOVERED: One of the files in the registry database had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful.ERROR_CANTWRITE: The configuration registry key could not be written.ERROR_CANTREAD: The configuration registry key could not be read.ERROR_CANTOPEN: The configuration registry key could not be opened.ERROR_BADKEY: The configuration registry key is invalid.ERROR_BADDB: The configuration registry database is corrupt.ERROR_NO_TOKEN: An attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist.ERROR_FULLSCREEN_MODE: The requested operation cannot be performed in full-screen mode.ERROR_FILE_INVALID: The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME: The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted.ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS: Invalid flags.ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE: Cannot complete this function.ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE: The window cannot act on the sent message.ERROR_STACK_OVERFLOW: Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed.ERROR_SWAPERROR: Error performing inpage operation.ERROR_NOACCESS: Invalid access to memory location.ERROR_IO_PENDING: Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE: Overlapped I/O event is not in a signaled state.ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.ERROR_EA_ACCESS_DENIED: Access to the extended attribute was denied.ERROR_PIPE_LISTENING: Waiting for a process to open the other end of the pipe.ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED: There is a process on other end of the pipe.ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW: Arithmetic result exceeded 32 bits.ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS: Attempt to access invalid address.ERROR_SCOPE_NOT_FOUND: The scope specified was not found.ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND: The system cannot find message text for message number 0xparam_1 in the message file for %2.ERROR_DELETE_PENDING: The file cannot be opened because it is in the process of being deleted.ERROR_DISK_TOO_FRAGMENTED: The volume is too fragmented to complete this operation.ERROR_INVALID_OPLOCK_PROTOCOL: An invalid oplock acknowledgment was received by the system.ERROR_OPLOCK_NOT_GRANTED: The oplock request is denied.ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.ERROR_TOO_MANY_POSTS: Too many posts were made to a semaphore.ERROR_NOT_OWNER: Attempt to release mutex not owned by caller.ERROR_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED: The mounted file system does not support extended attributes.ERROR_INVALID_EA_HANDLE: The specified extended attribute handle is invalid.ERROR_EA_TABLE_FULL: The extended attribute table file is full.ERROR_EA_FILE_CORRUPT: The extended attribute file on the mounted file system is corrupt.ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT: The extended attributes did not fit in the buffer.ERROR_DIRECTORY: The directory name is invalid.ERROR_CANNOT_COPY: The copy functions cannot be used.ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: No more data is available.WAIT_TIMEOUT: The wait operation timed out.ERROR_EA_LIST_INCONSISTENT: The extended attributes are inconsistent.ERROR_INVALID_EA_NAME: The specified extended attribute name was invalid.ERROR_VC_DISCONNECTED: The session was canceled.ERROR_MORE_DATA: More data is available.ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED: No process is on the other end of the pipe.ERROR_NO_DATA: The pipe is being closed.ERROR_PIPE_BUSY: All pipe instances are busy.ERROR_BAD_PIPE: The pipe state is invalid.ERROR_EXE_CANNOT_MODIFY_STRONG_SIGNED_BINARY: The image file param_1 is strong signed, unable to modify.ERROR_EXE_CANNOT_MODIFY_SIGNED_BINARY: The image file param_1 is signed, unable to modify.ERROR_EXE_MACHINE_TYPE_MISMATCH: The image file param_1 is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine.ERROR_NESTING_NOT_ALLOWED: Cannot nest calls to LoadModule.ERROR_TOO_MANY_MODULES: Too many dynamic-link modules are attached to this program or dynamic-link module.ERROR_LOCKED: The segment is locked and cannot be reallocated.ERROR_THREAD_1_INACTIVE: The signal handler cannot be set.ERROR_INVALID_SIGNAL_NUMBER: The signal being posted is not correct.ERROR_META_EXPANSION_TOO_LONG: The global filename characters, * or ?, are entered incorrectly or too many global filename characters are specified.ERROR_RING2_STACK_IN_USE: The ring 2 stack is in use.ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE: The filename or extension is too long.ERROR_NO_SIGNAL_SENT: No process in the command subtree has a signal handler.ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND: The system could not find the environment option that was entered.ERROR_INFLOOP_IN_RELOC_CHAIN: The operating system cannot run param_1.ERROR_RELOC_CHAIN_XEEDS_SEGLIM: The operating system cannot run param_1.ERROR_RING2SEG_MUST_BE_MOVABLE: The code segment cannot be greater than or equal to 64K.ERROR_AUTODATASEG_EXCEEDS_64k: The operating system cannot run this application program.ERROR_INVALID_SEGDPL: The operating system cannot run param_1.ERROR_IOPL_NOT_ENABLED: The operating system is not presently configured to run this application.ERROR_DYNLINK_FROM_INVALID_RING: The operating system cannot run this application program.ERROR_INVALID_MINALLOCSIZE: The operating system cannot run param_1.ERROR_ITERATED_DATA_EXCEEDS_64k: The operating system cannot run param_1.ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT: param_1 is not a valid Win32 application.ERROR_EXE_MARKED_INVALID: The operating system cannot run param_1.ERROR_INVALID_EXE_SIGNATURE: Cannot run param_1 in Win32 mode.ERROR_INVALID_MODULETYPE: The operating system cannot run param_1.ERROR_INVALID_STACKSEG: The operating system cannot run param_1.ERROR_INVALID_STARTING_CODESEG: The operating system cannot run param_1.ERROR_SEM_NOT_FOUND: The specified system semaphore name was not found.ERROR_INVALID_FLAG_NUMBER: The flag passed is not correct.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.ERROR_INVALID_ORDINAL: The operating system cannot run param_1.ERROR_INVALID_SEGMENT_NUMBER: The system detected a segment number that was not correct.ERROR_ATOMIC_LOCKS_NOT_SUPPORTED: The file system does not support atomic changes to the lock type.ERROR_CANCEL_VIOLATION: A lock request was not outstanding for the supplied cancel region.ERROR_BUSY: The requested resource is in use.ERROR_LOCK_FAILED: Unable to lock a region of a file.ERROR_MAX_THRDS_REACHED: No more threads can be created in the system.ERROR_SIGNAL_PENDING: A signal is already pending.ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME: The specified path is invalid.ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS: One or more arguments are not correct.ERROR_BAD_THREADID_ADDR: The address for the thread ID is not correct.ERROR_NOT_LOCKED: The segment is already unlocked.ERROR_DISCARDED: The segment is already discarded and cannot be locked.ERROR_SIGNAL_REFUSED: The recipient process has refused the signal.ERROR_TOO_MANY_TCBS: Cannot create another thread.ERROR_LABEL_TOO_LONG: The volume label you entered exceeds the label character limit of the target file system.ERROR_INVALID_LIST_FORMAT: The DosMuxSemWait list is not correct.ERROR_TOO_MANY_MUXWAITERS: DosMuxSemWait did not execute; too many semaphores are already set.ERROR_INVALID_EVENT_COUNT: The number of specified semaphore events for DosMuxSemWait is not correct.ERROR_SYSTEM_TRACE: System trace information was not specified in your CONFIG.SYS file, or tracing is disallowed.ERROR_IS_SUBST_TARGET: An attempt was made to join or substitute a drive for which a directory on the drive is the target of a previous substitute.ERROR_PATH_BUSY: The path specified cannot be used at this time.ERROR_IS_JOIN_PATH: Not enough resources are available to process this command.ERROR_IS_SUBST_PATH: The path specified is being used in a substitute.ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY: The directory is not empty.ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT: The directory is not a subdirectory of the root directory.ERROR_SAME_DRIVE: The system cannot join or substitute a drive to or for a directory on the same drive.ERROR_BUSY_DRIVE: The system cannot perform a JOIN or SUBST at this time.ERROR_SUBST_TO_JOIN: The system tried to SUBST a drive to a directory on a joined drive.ERROR_JOIN_TO_SUBST: The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a substituted drive.ERROR_SUBST_TO_SUBST: The system tried to substitute a drive to a directory on a substituted drive.ERROR_JOIN_TO_JOIN: The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive.ERROR_NOT_SUBSTED: The system tried to delete the substitution of a drive that is not substituted.ERROR_NOT_JOINED: The system tried to delete the JOIN of a drive that is not joined.ERROR_IS_SUBSTED: An attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been substituted.ERROR_IS_JOINED: An attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been joined.ERROR_IS_JOIN_TARGET: A JOIN or SUBST command cannot be used for a drive that contains previously joined drives.ERROR_SEEK_ON_DEVICE: The file pointer cannot be set on the specified device or file.ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK: An attempt was made to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file.ERROR_DIRECT_ACCESS_HANDLE: Attempt to use a file handle to an open disk partition for an operation other than raw disk I/O.ERROR_CHILD_NOT_COMPLETE: The param_1 application cannot be run in Win32 mode.ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN: There are no child processes to wait for.ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND: The specified procedure could not be found.ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND: The specified module could not be found.ERROR_NO_VOLUME_LABEL: The disk has no volume label.ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL: The system call level is not correct.ERROR_INVALID_NAME: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: The data area passed to a system call is too small.ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT: The semaphore timeout period has expired.ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: This function is not supported on this system.ERROR_BAD_DRIVER_LEVEL: The system does not support the command requested.ERROR_INVALID_VERIFY_SWITCH: The verify-on-write switch parameter value is not correct.ERROR_INVALID_CATEGORY: The IOCTL call made by the application program is not correct.ERROR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLE: The target internal file identifier is incorrect.ERROR_NO_MORE_SEARCH_HANDLES: No more internal file identifiers available.ERROR_DISK_FULL: There is not enough space on the disk.ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: The file name is too long.ERROR_OPEN_FAILED: The system cannot open the device or file specified.ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE: The pipe has been ended.ERROR_DRIVE_LOCKED: The disk is in use or locked by another process.ERROR_DISK_CHANGE: The program stopped because an alternate diskette was not inserted.ERROR_SEM_USER_LIMIT: Insert the diskette for drive param_1.ERROR_SEM_OWNER_DIED: The previous ownership of this semaphore has ended.ERROR_INVALID_AT_INTERRUPT_TIME: Cannot request exclusive semaphores at interrupt time.ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEM_REQUESTS: The semaphore cannot be set again.ERROR_SEM_IS_SET: The semaphore is set and cannot be closed.ERROR_EXCL_SEM_ALREADY_OWNED: The exclusive semaphore is owned by another process.ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEMAPHORES: Cannot create another system semaphore.ERROR_NO_PROC_SLOTS: The system cannot start another process at this time.ERROR_NET_WRITE_FAULT: A write fault occurred on the network.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: The parameter is incorrect.ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD: The specified network password is not correct.ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED: The local device name is already in use.ERROR_OUT_OF_STRUCTURES: Storage to process this request is not available.ERROR_FAIL_I24: Fail on INT 24.ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE: The directory or file cannot be created.ERROR_FILE_EXISTS: The file exists.ERROR_REDIR_PAUSED: The specified printer or disk device has been paused.ERROR_REQ_NOT_ACCEP: No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept.ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED: The remote server has been paused or is in the process of being started.ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESS: The network BIOS session limit was exceeded.ERROR_TOO_MANY_NAMES: The name limit for the local computer network adapter card was exceeded.ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME: The network name cannot be found.ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE: The network resource type is not correct.ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED: Network access is denied.ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED: The specified network name is no longer available.ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED: Your file waiting to be printed was deleted.ERROR_NO_SPOOL_SPACE: Space to store the file waiting to be printed is not available on the server.ERROR_PRINTQ_FULL: The printer queue is full.ERROR_BAD_REM_ADAP: The remote adapter is not compatible.ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR: An unexpected network error occurred.ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP: The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.ERROR_ADAP_HDW_ERR: A network adapter hardware error occurred.ERROR_TOO_MANY_CMDS: The network BIOS command limit has been reached.ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST: The specified network resource or device is no longer available.ERROR_NETWORK_BUSY: The network is busy.ERROR_BAD_NETPATH: The network path was not found.ERROR_DUP_NAME: You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network. Go to System in Control Panel to change the computer name and try again.ERROR_REM_NOT_LIST: Windows cannot find the network path. Verify that the network path is correct and the destination computer is not busy or turned off. If Windows still cannot find the network path, contact your network administrator.ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: The request is not supported.EILSEQ*: Illegal byte sequenceENOTEMPTY*: Directory not emptyENOSYS*: Function not implementedENOLCK*: No locks available OR: The disk is full.ENAMETOOLONG*: Filename too long OR: Reached the end of the file.EDEADLOCK*: Resource deadlock avoided OR: Too many files opened for sharing.ERANGE*: Result too large OR: The wrong diskette is in the drive. Insert param_2 (Volume Serial Number: %3) into drive %1.EDOM*: Domain error OR: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.EPIPE*: Broken pipe OR: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.EMLINK*: Too many links OR: A device attached to the system is not functioning.EROFS*: Read-only file system OR: The system cannot read from the specified device.ESPIPE*: Invalid seek OR: The system cannot write to the specified device.ENOSPC*: No space left on device OR: The printer is out of paper.EFBIG*: File too large OR: The drive cannot find the sector requested.ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK: The specified disk or diskette cannot be accessed.ENOTTY*: Inappropriate I/O control operation OR: The drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk.EMFILE*: Too many open files OR: The program issued a command but the command length is incorrect.ENFILE*: Too many open files in system OR: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).EINVAL*: Invalid argument OR: The device does not recognize the command.EISDIR*: Is a directory OR: The device is not ready.ENOTDIR*: Not a directory OR: The system cannot find the device specified.ENODEV*: No such device OR: The media is write protected.EXDEV*: Improper link OR: There are no more files.EEXIST*: File exists OR: The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive.EBUSY*: Resource device OR: The directory cannot be removed.ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE: The system cannot find the drive specified.EFAULT*: Bad address OR: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.EACCES*: Permission denied OR: The data is invalid.ENOMEM*: Not enough space OR: The access code is invalid.EAGAIN*: Resource temporarily unavailable OR: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.ECHILD*: No child processes OR: The environment is incorrect.EBADF*: Bad file descriptor OR: The storage control block address is invalid.ENOEXEC*: Exec format error OR: Not enough storage is available to process this command.E2BIG*: Arg list too long OR: The storage control blocks were destroyed.ENXIO*: No such device or address OR: The handle is invalid.EIO*: Input/output error OR: Access is denied.EINTR*: Interrupted function call OR: The system cannot open the file.ESRCH*: No such process OR: The system cannot find the path specified.ENOENT*: No such file or directory OR: The system cannot find the file specified.EPERM*: Operation not permitted OR: Incorrect function.ERROR_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.IIpHGPGFpFE E D D C B @BAA@?x??h>=`=<;;:9h98(87 6!5"4$04&3'@3(2)2*x2223004.5.60.7-8,9p,:+;P+<*=x*>)?()@(A (B'C0'Dp&E%F(%G#HH#P#R"SH"T!U(!V W( XYdef`gh0ijkhlmnopqru0vwxPyz0{|}~hh   ( @  P@ph8@(0PXP80h X h@`08`8`Phh   P8 *8+p,-H./=>xXHh@0Px08  !"ȴ#8$%Ȳ&P'x() *p+,X-./p01H234567إ89P:;<LMNpO؞PhQRS@TU8VWhXY0Z[\8]^_h`Pa0bcdeȎfgh(ijk`ltuЇv~XP@P~~H}h|p{zhz zyxHxw8wvhu tsrPrq8qpponhnmPmlplk0kjiXih(hgf8fXdc(ba0aP`_ _H^]\\[ZXXWWpV UPTSR`RQPOPO@NMpMLKKJIHHPGFE@DChBA?>=(=<;p:9x88h7685X4H3`21P0/.8.h-@,+8+*)((8' `&!%"H%#$$($%#&H#'"(x!) *+,-./x01 2x34P56789:x<=>?@AB C` D E F( G HIJK(LMNO(P QHRSX T U VP W X Y Z( [ \ ]@ ^@ _ `( ap b c8 dP ep f g h i( jX kh lx m n o p qp r s t0 u@ v w xh y z { | } ~ (    @   (    (  0   x        x  X      0   `    0   h    `    (   `    8   A8 BȽ CX D E( F GP H I J K0 L MX N Oh P Q Rx S TP U@ V W8 XP Y` Z [p \ ] ^ _8 `Ȧ a bH ch d ep f g h i j k l@ mP Д 8 ȓ 0   x   8    h Ќ `   @ ؊ `  8   p  `   `     ( @ Ѐ P  ` ~ P~ } } | | { 8{ z y xy y x (x w 8w v hv u `u t 0t s r `r q q xp o n n  m pl k j Xj i Pi h (h xg f e d d c b b a a H` _ `_ ^ P^ ]  `]  \  h\  [  h[ [ Y xX @W V U T T HS xR Q `Q P 0P O N pN M   M !L "8L #K $K %J &I 'PI (H j`H kG lG mF n0F oE pE qD rD s@C tB uA v8A w@ xH@ y? 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The following files must be in the path described by the environment variable "PATH": %s, %s, %sSearching for libicuuc in \\wdfroot\sapmnt\depot\tools\gen\ntintel\OpenSource\icuNO_SAP_ICU_PATH\\wdfroot\sapmnt\depot\tools\gen\ntintel\OpenSource\icuLoaded ICU data lib: %sSearching for libicuuc in additional path %sLoaded ICU common lib: %sICUPATH is set to %s PATHSearching for libicuuc in environment path PATHRequired ICU library files: %s %s %sProgram is compiled with ICU version %su_strToUpper_3_4uenum_count_3_4uenum_unext_3_4u_cleanup_3_4u_init_3_4u_setMemoryFunctions_3_4u_getPropertyValueName_3_4u_getPropertyEnum_3_4u_charDirection_3_4u_getIntPropertyValue_3_4u_charType_3_4u_getUnicodeVersion_3_4u_getVersion_3_4u_errorName_3_4u_versionToString_3_4u_charMirror_3_4ubidi_getLevelAt_3_4ubidi_getVisualMap_3_4ubidi_getLogicalMap_3_4ubidi_writeReordered_3_4ubidi_setPara_3_4ubidi_setInverse_3_4ubidi_close_3_4ubidi_open_3_4u_shapeArabic_3_4unorm_compare_3_4unorm_concatenate_3_4unorm_previous_3_4unorm_next_3_4unorm_isNormalizedWithOptions_3_4unorm_isNormalized_3_4unorm_quickCheckWithOptions_3_4unorm_quickCheck_3_4unorm_normalize_3_4uloc_getDefault_3_4ubrk_getLocaleByType_3_4ubrk_getRuleStatus_3_4ubrk_isBoundary_3_4ubrk_countAvailable_3_4ubrk_getAvailable_3_4ubrk_following_3_4ubrk_preceding_3_4ubrk_last_3_4ubrk_first_3_4ubrk_previous_3_4ubrk_next_3_4ubrk_current_3_4ubrk_setText_3_4ubrk_close_3_4ubrk_safeClone_3_4ubrk_openRules_3_4ubrk_open_3_4uidna_compare_3_4uidna_IDNToUnicode_3_4uidna_IDNToASCII_3_4uidna_toUnicode_3_4uidna_toASCII_3_4ucal_setMillis_3_4ucal_getMillis_3_4ucal_get_3_4ucal_setDate_3_4ucal_set_3_4ucal_close_3_4ucal_open_3_4ucal_countAvailable_3_4ucal_getAvailable_3_4ICU data shared lib does not behave correctly.ICU uses Unicode version %sRunning with ICU version %sCompiled with ICU version %sCould not open the ICU i18n libraryLoaded ICU i18n lib: %sSearching for libicui18n in \\wdfroot\sapmnt\depot\tools\gen\ntintel\OpenSource\icuLoaded ICU I18n lib: %sSearching for libicui18n in additional path %sLoaded ICU i18n lib: %s from environment pathSearching for libicui18n in environment path PATHicuin34.dll is closed againucol_getLocaleByType_3_4ucol_getSortKey_3_4ucol_setStrength_3_4ucol_close_3_4ucol_strcoll_3_4ucol_open_3_4utrans_transUChars_3_4utrans_openIDs_3_4utrans_countAvailableIDs_3_4utrans_setFilter_3_4utrans_getUnicodeID_3_4utrans_close_3_4utrans_openInverse_3_4utrans_openU_3_4This is not supported in 7-bit mode. ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function isalnumU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function isalphaU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function iscntrlU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function islowerU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function isprintU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function isspaceU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function isupperU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function tolowerU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function toupperU Unicode ctype functions are replaced with 7bit fallback functionsEnvironment variable NLSUI_7BIT_FALLBACK is set.Terminating. You may set the environment variable NLSUI_7BIT_FALLBACK to run the program without the ICU libraries in an emergency mode.NLSUI_7BIT_FALLBACKICU shared libraries are not loadedloadIcuDo() is called@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_put.c#3 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_put.c#3 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_get.c#4 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_get.c#4 $ SAPu16_get.cInvalid UTF-8 encountered by fgetsU16 (fileno 0x%x){#@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_aux.c#4 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_aux.c#4 $ SAPCmdline : %s --- Unicode interface [%.60s line %d] pid = %d time = %ld: --- Unicode interface ------ End of message --------- Unicode interface ------ End of message ------%.10s "%s%s" (fileno 0x%x) %02x %04xCharacters previously read:All bytes to process (but where?) encountered invalid UTF-8 : malloc : Out of memory.Function %.64s : Array %.32s length %.32s is too small.Error in format string at or near 'Y': u16_aux.cU16 trace level set to @(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/rscp/rscpu86r.c#1 $ SAPdest buffer overflowHalf low surrogate in middleHalf surrogate at endHalf surrogate in middleillegal follow-up byteUTF-8 bejond UTF-32overlong UTF-8 sequencesource exhausted within a charillegal start byte@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/rscp/rscpu84r.c#1 $ SAP0     @(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_FrmOut.c#5 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_FrmOut.c#5 $ SAPadvapi32.dllEqualSidSetSecurityInfoAddAceGetAceGetAclInformationGetSecurityInfoBuildExplicitAccessWithNameABuildExplicitAccessWithNameWSetEntriesInAclWSetEntriesInAclAInitializeAclAddAccessAllowedAceInitializeSecurityDescriptorSetSecurityDescriptorDaclAllocateAndInitializeSidGetLengthSidCopySidFreeSidnetapi32.dllNetShareGetInfopsapi.dllEnumProcessesEnumProcessModulesGetModuleBaseNameAGetModuleBaseNameWGetModuleFileNameExAGetModuleFileNameExWGetProcessMemoryInfoGetModuleInformationpdh.dllPdhOpenQueryPdhCloseQueryPdhCollectQueryDataPdhAddCounterAPdhAddCounterWPdhRemoveCounterPdhGetRawCounterValuePdhGetFormattedCounterValuePdhEnumObjectItemsWPdhEnumObjectItemsAPdhMakeCounterPathWPdhMakeCounterPathAPdhGetCounterTimeBasePdhLookupPerfNameByIndexWPdhLookupPerfNameByIndexAkernel32.dllGlobalMemoryStatusExSapAdrReb.dllNT_CleanAddressSpacesfc.dllSfcIsFileProtectedCreateJobObjectACreateJobObjectWAssignProcessToJobObjectntdll.dllNtQuerySystemInformationGetNetworkParamsGetAdaptersInfoGetProcessAffinityMaskSetProcessAffinityMaskGetLogicalProcessorInformationGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskGetNativeSystemInfo%d.%d.%d.%d%d.%d.%d.%d:%dwship6.dll%d%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%xNo such host is known. This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server. A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup. The operation completed successfully. The specified class was not found. An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used. The support for the specified socket type does not exist in this address family. Not enough storage is available to process this command. An invalid argument was supplied. gai_strerrorGetProcessHandleCountGetNumaHighestNodeNumberInitializeProcThreadAttributeListUpdateProcThreadAttributeDeleteProcThreadAttributeListGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskExGetLogicalProcessorInformationExGetProcessGroupAffinityGetMaximumProcessorCount@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutStr.c#4 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutStr.c#4 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutCon.c#3 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutCon.c#3 $ SAPu16_OutCon.c@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutCS.c#3 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutCS.c#3 $ SAPvvfprintfU16u16_OutCS.cBuffer overflow (floating point output)\)c=HpfzقnQ:B(nil)@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_LenMod.c#2 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_LenMod.c#2 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutPrc.c#3 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutPrc.c#3 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_FldWd.c#2 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_FldWd.c#2 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutFlg.c#2 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutFlg.c#2 $ SAP%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02XUuidCreateSequentialrpcrt4.dlleppSetTraceLeveleppClearVarParteppClearItemeppGetItemLengtheppGetItemCounteppGetItemTypeeppGetItemeppSetItemeppGetVersioneppGetConnectionCountereppIncrConnectionCountereppSetConnectionCountereppGetConnectionIdeppSetConnectionIdeppGetRootContextIdeppSetRootContextIdeppGetComponenteppGetClienteppSetClienteppGetTransactionIdeppSetTransactionIdeppGetPreComponentNameeppSetPreComponentNameeppGetActionTypeeppSetActionTypeeppGetActioneppSetActioneppGetUserIdeppSetUserIdeppGetServiceeppSetServiceeppGetComponentNameeppSetComponentNameeppGetTraceFlageppSetTraceFlageppGetActiveVersioneppSetEnvironmenteppSetVersioneppNeededNetworkSizeeppPrinteppCleareppInitAndSeteppSetDefaulteppDeleteeppSerializeeppDeserializeeppInit%s: passport handle not valid %s: serialized passport instance %p (needed bytes=%lu, used bytes =%lu) %s: supplied output area too small (%lu < %lu) mutex lock failure %s: serializing passport instance %p passport library not yet initialized %s: deleting passport instance %p %s: setting new default passport failed %s: setting %p as default passport %s: getting needed network size for passport %p %s: setting passport version for passport %p to %c %s: set component = %u, version = %u, allocFunc = %p, freeFunc = %p, traceFunc = %p, traceLevel = %u %s: setting trace flag for passport %p to [%.02x,%.02x] %s: getting trace flag from passport %p %s: supplied component name too long %s: setting component name for passport %p to %.*s %s: supplied output area too small %s: setting trace flag for passport %p to %u %s: supplied user id too long %s: setting user id for passport %p to %.*s %s: supplied action field too long %s: setting action field for passport %p to %.*s %s: setting action type for passport %p to %u %s: supplied previous component name too long %s: setting previous component name for passport %p to %.*s %s: supplied transaction id too long %s: this field can only be set for passports with version %u or higher %s: setting transaction id for passport %p to %.*s %s: getting the transaction id from passport %p %s: supplied client field too long %s: setting client field for passport %p to %.*s %s: setting root context id for passport %p %s: getting root context id from passport %p %s: setting connection id for passport %p %s: getting connection id from passport %p %s: setting connection counter for passport %p to %u %s: getting connection counter from passport %p %s: getting core part version from passport %p %s: passed variable part id not valid %s: clearing variable part %u of passport %p %s: could not create passport instance %s: creating new passport instance %s: unable to set item (rc=%d) %s: could not create variable part %s: setting item for passport %p, varpart %u %s: deserialization failed (rc=%d)%s: unable to create new passport %s: data stream invalid, could not find valid trailing eyecatcher %s: inconsistend length of passport and bytestream (%lu > %lu)%s: data stream invalid, could not find valid leading eyecatcher *TH*%s: data stream invalid, not long enough (%lu) %s: data stream pointer invalid %s: deserializing network stream (%lu bytes) eppSetComponenteppISetVersioneppINeededNetworkSizeeppCreateItemeppDeleteVarParteppCreateVarParteppFindVarParteppCheckVarParteppCheckCoreParteppCreateCorePart%s: created passport %p %s: unable to initialize mutex EPPLIB%s: allocation failed %s: core part eyecatcher invalid %s: variable part eyecatcher invalid %s: found variable part with index %u %s: could not find variable part with id %u %s: created new variable part with id %u for passport %p at index %u %s: deleting variable part with id %u for passport %p at index %u %s: set item %u for application %u with type %u %s: application %u has reached it's maximum number of items (%u) %s: found %u items for application id %u %s: item %u for application %u already exists %s: maximum length of the variable part (%lu) already reached (%u) %s: invalid byte stream size (%lu), maximum size (%u) %s: invalid string length (%lu), maximum length (%u) %s: need %d bytes %s: calculating the needed network size for passport %p %s: setting active version of passport %p to %u %s: setting component of passport %p to %u %s: checking passport %p for validity D ~pOsMK.$<5IkQO sMK.$V~2@LJsMK.$x|sMK.$Gy1WuD|O tD|O #yOs1q4L|WJV32O 2ċZY4H*w}v<5IkQO 'yHZw<5IkQO E:K.$fKgqO( I#yO0eOKp>Wm7.O 32O 2ċZfVOUKVCZZQZ:ZQZNm7.O HRSDS{_3E$6ݲD:\depot\bas\720_REL\src\optU\NTintel\proj\supporttools\ncs\ncs_nt.pdb`L\h`@L@ȐȐ@ (0 @\`p|0\@`(@đ@(PDT`|@D@@|@@t0t@@PX@@X@ X @ 0@X@ ,pX,@p`X`@ (@4Xhp4@Xɢ)a @`>hѥ(Px9h!@,Y˪֫BiԬ)Yɭ)Yد4ɰ2rɱPв^~[= ۸KȺ)»"seɾ2bÿt1PO1d["R""R-R"R*}-R4bV]"Ij2b"RT"YLcS[K0PxN3`,X!Qxg0zS!^:Kx8v""< "hP"""@"(8@p"@"@ "0@@x"@@"4"\Ф٤""#,5`" "L@)x"@_*" "8@+d"tp""" P &1`""ɧѧ٧" "<@=5"i`"" Ш٨"8 #"lP"@9" @:< "` L @: "  " " D 09EQ\gr}" @M? 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