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No additional filenames may be added.Cannot create or rename a filename that already exists.The directory object in the file system is corrupted.Cannot rename a file to a file system on another device.Cannot delete or rename a file object while the file system is busy.Cannot delete a directory that is not empty.Cannot write to a read-only file system.Cannot perform directory operation on a normal file.File not found.File name is too long.Symbolic link loop.Cannot perform a normal file operation on a directory.The device for storing the file is full.Write would result in file larger than the system allows.The file is already locked.The operation would have deadlocked.Unused.TCP connection reset by peer.The value requested is too large to be stored in the data buffer provided.Access to the remote file has been severed.The host operating system does not support the protocol requested.The requested operation is not supported by the platform.Access Denied.TCP file descriptor is already bound.TCP-specific function attempted on a non-TCP file descriptor.Network operation attempted on non-network file descriptor.System open FD table is full.Process open FD table is full.Attempt to access a TPD key that is out of range.A directory lookup on a network address has failed.Insufficient system resources.Symbol not found in any of the loaded dynamic libraries.Failure to unload dynamic library.Failure to load dynamic library.Network file descriptor is not connected.Connection attempt timed out.Network address is presently unreachable.Connection refused by peer.Local Network address is in use.Network address is invalid.Already connected.Network address type not supported.Network address not available (in use?).Invalid function argument.The directory could not be opened.I/O operation on busy file descriptor.I/O operation timed out.I/O function error.function not implemented.Operation interrupted by another thread.Some unknown error has occurred.Invalid function for file type.Invalid memory address argument.The operation would have blocked.Invalid file descriptor.Memory allocation attempt failed.The OCSP response contains out-of-date information.The OCSP response is not yet valid (contains a date in the future).The signer of the OCSP response is not authorized to give status for this certificate.The response from the OCSP server was corrupted or improperly formed.You must set the OCSP default responder before performing this operation.You must enable OCSP before performing this operation.The OCSP server has no status for the certificate.The OCSP server returned an unrecognizable status.The OCSP server has refused this request as unauthorized.The OCSP server requires a signature on this request.The OCSP server suggests trying again later.The OCSP server experienced an internal error.The OCSP server found the request to be corrupted or improperly formed.The OCSP server returned unexpected/invalid HTTP data.The OCSP response cannot be fully decoded; it is of an unknown type.The location for the certificate status server has invalid format.The signer's certificate could not be found.The requested certificate could not be found.The certificate revocation list for this certificate is not yet valid.The key revocation list for this certificate is not yet valid.The Certifying Authority for this certificate is not permitted to issue a certificate with this name.New CKL has different issuer than current CKL. Delete current CKL.New KRL is not later than the current one.Unable to delete moduleUnable to add moduleInvalid module path/filenameInvalid module name.A sensitive key cannot be moved to the slot where it is needed.Certificate nickname already in use.Old password entered incorrectly. Please try again.Password entered is invalid. Please pick a different one.Unable to generate public/private key pair.Unable to export. Key database corrupt or deleted.Unable to import. Unable to read the import file.Unable to export. Unable to write the export file.Unable to export. Private Key could not be located and exported.Unable to export. Unable to locate certificate or key by nickname.Unable to import. Error attempting to import certificate chain.Unable to import. Error attempting to import private key.Address in signing certificate does not match address in message headers.Certificate type not approved for application.Certificate key usage inadequate for attempted operation.Message not sent.Not imported, already in database.The user pressed cancel.Unable to import. Same nickname already exists in database.Unable to import. Incorrect privacy password.Unable to import. File version not supported.Unable to import. Encryption algorithm not supported.Unable to import. File structure is corrupt.Unable to import. Only password integrity and privacy modes supported.Unable to import. MAC algorithm not supported.Unable to import. Invalid MAC. Incorrect password or corrupt file.Unable to import. Decoding error. File not valid.Error attempting to import certificates.Error attempting to export certificates.Required algorithm is not allowed.This principal doesn't have a certificateCouldn't delete the privilegeCouldn't remove the principalerror while creating baggage objecterror while creating safe objectA key with the same nickname already exists.A certificate with the same nickname already exists.No slot or token was library: read-only database.The security card or token does not exist, needs to be initialized, or has been library: no security module can perform the requested library: need random data.New KRL has an invalid format.The key for this site's certificate has been revoked.The KRL for this site's certificate has an invalid signature.The KRL for this site's certificate has expired.No KRL for this site's certificate has been found.Cannot decrypt: encrypted using a disallowed algorithm or key size.Unsupported or unknown key algorithm.Signature verification failed: no signer found, too many signers found, or improper or corrupted data.Cannot decrypt: key encryption algorithm does not match your certificate.Cannot decrypt: you are not a recipient, or matching certificate and private key not found.Not encrypted: you do not have certificates for each of the recipients.Not encrypted or signed: you do not yet have an email certificate.New CRL is not later than the current one.Certificate contains unknown critical extension.The key does not support the requested operation.**Internal ONLY module**Certificate usages field is invalid.Certificate path length constraint is invalid.Issuer certificate is invalid.Certificate extension not found.Certificate extension value is invalid.New CRL has an invalid format.The CRL for the certificate's issuer has an invalid signature.The CRL for the certificate's issuer has expired. Update it or check your system data and time.The certificate issuer's certificate has expired. Check your system date and time.Cert Library: No ResponseThis certificate is not valid.This certificate is valid.The private key for this certificate cannot be found in key databaseError refiling the key for this certificate.Error adding certificate to database.Downloaded certificate's name duplicates one already in your database.Certificate already exists in your database.Peer's certificate has been marked as not trusted by the user.Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the library: memory allocation library: bad library: no nodelock.New password entered incorrectly. Please try again.The security password entered is incorrect.Peer's public key is invalid.Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.Peer's Certificate has been revoked.Peer's Certificate has expired.Peer's certificate has an invalid library: improperly formatted DER-encoded message.Improperly formatted time library: invalid library: invalid library: invalid library has experienced an input length library: output length library: received bad library failure.An I/O error occurred during security authorization.Peer does not permit renegotiation of SSL security parameters.Peer user canceled handshake.Peer reports it experienced an internal error.Server requires ciphers more secure than those supported by client.Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version.Peer reports negotiation not in compliance with export regulations.Peer reports failure of signature verification or key exchange.Peer could not decode an SSL handshake message.Peer received a valid certificate, but access was denied.Peer does not recognize and trust the CA that issued your certificate.Peer received an SSL record that was longer than is permitted.Peer was unable to decrypt an SSL record it received.Client's SSL session ID not found in server's session cache.No certificate authority is trusted for SSL client authentication.The certificate provided cannot be used with the selected key exchange algorithm.Received incorrect handshakes hash values from peer.Cannot initiate another SSL handshake until current handshake is complete.Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common compression algorithm(s).No PKCS#11 token could be found to do a required operation.PKCS#11 token was inserted or removed while operation was in progress.Server has no key for the attempted key exchange algorithm.Client failed to generate session keys for SSL session.Failed to initialize the selected cipher suite.PKCS11 code failed to translate an IV into a param.SSL Server attempted to use domestic-grade public key with export cipher suite.Failure to unwrap the Symmetric key in Client Key Exchange message.Failure to create Symmetric Key context.MAC computation failed.SHA-1 digest function failed.MD5 digest function failed.Attempt to write encrypted data to underlying socket failed.Bulk data decryption algorithm failed in selected cipher suite.Bulk data encryption algorithm failed in selected cipher suite.Unspecified failure while processing SSL Client Key Exchange handshake.Unspecified failure while processing SSL Server Key Exchange handshake.SSL was unable to extract the public key from the peer's certificate.Unable to digitally sign data required to verify your certificate.SSL experienced a failure of its random number generator.SSL peer had some unspecified issue with the certificate it received.SSL peer does not support certificates of the type it received.SSL peer rejected a handshake message for unacceptable content.SSL peer was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters.SSL peer was unable to succesfully decompress an SSL record it received.SSL peer was not expecting a handshake message it received.SSL peer has closed this connection.SSL received an alert record with an unknown alert description.SSL received a handshake message with an unknown message type.SSL received a record with an unknown content type.SSL received an unexpected Application Data record.SSL received an unexpected Handshake record.SSL received an unexpected Alert record.SSL received an unexpected Change Cipher Spec record.SSL received an unexpected Finished handshake message.SSL received an unexpected Cllient Key Exchange handshake message.SSL received an unexpected Certificate Verify handshake message.SSL received an unexpected Server Hello Done handshake message.SSL received an unexpected Certificate Request handshake message.SSL received an unexpected Server Key Exchange handshake message.SSL received an unexpected Certificate handshake message.SSL received an unexpected Server Hello handshake message.SSL received an unexpected Client Hello handshake message.SSL received an unexpected Hello Request handshake message.SSL received a malformed Application Data record.SSL received a malformed Handshake record.SSL received a malformed Alert record.SSL received a malformed Change Cipher Spec record.SSL received a malformed Finished handshake message.SSL received a malformed Client Key Exchange handshake message.SSL received a malformed Certificate Verify handshake message.SSL received a malformed Server Hello Done handshake message.SSL received a malformed Certificate Request handshake message.SSL received a malformed Server Key Exchange handshake message.SSL received a malformed Certificate handshake message.SSL received a malformed Server Hello handshake message.SSL received a malformed Client Hello handshake message.SSL received a malformed Hello Request handshake message.SSL attempted to send a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.SSL received a record with bad block padding.No cipher suites are present and enabled in this program.An unknown SSL cipher suite has been requested.Cannot connect: SSL is disabled.SSL peer rejected your certificate as expired.SSL peer rejected your certificate as revoked.SSL peer cannot verify your certificate.SSL peer reports incorrect Message Authentication Code.SSL received a record with an incorrect Message Authentication Code.Peer only supports SSL version 2, which is locally disabled.Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does not match the server's certificate.Client authentication failed: private key in key database does not match public key in certificate database.Peer using unsupported version of security protocol.Unsupported certificate type.The client has encountered bad data from the server.The server has encountered bad data from the client.Unable to communicate securely with peer: peers's certificate was rejected.Unable to find the certificate or key necessary for authentication.Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s).Unable to communicate securely. Peer requires high-grade encryption which is not supported.Unable to communicate securely. Peer does not support high-grade encryption.X~}}`}}||| H| { h{({zz|zLzzyyy\yyxxLxxww Xw!w"v#v$`v%,v&v'u(u)hu*,u+t,t-pt.(t/s0s1Xs2s3r4r5r6Tr7 r8q9q:xq;`p? p@oAoBXoCoDnEnF@nGnHmImJmKhmL[?[@x[A[BZCZDZEdZF@ZGZHYIYJYKYL`YM4YNYOXPXQ@XR XSWTWUtWV4WWWXVYVZV[tV\(V]U^U_`U`UaTbTcxTdLTeTfSgSipSjXSk8Sl SmSnRoRp0RqQrQstQtDQuQvPwPx8PyPzO{O|dO}0O~NNxN0NMM\M8MMLLLLLdLHL4LLKKKK`KLK0K KJJJxJTJ0JIIIlILI,IHHHxH;<<==]>=? D[0|0000,131P1W1u1k2222233:3M3T3r33_4w44555-6D6666667798@8e8s88888888899 9999$9*90969<9B9H9N9T9Z9`9f9l9r9x9~999999999999999999::*:2:;:F:[:d:|:::::::::::;;.;3;@;O;d;j;y;;;;;;;;;< <%>>>>>>?n?t?z??????0l00'0J0W0c0k0s000000000000001 1111&1-141;1C1K1S1_1h1m1s1}111111111111@ 1p`>>>>>>>>>>>? ???$?,?4?