Preface : Using this Book

Using this Book
The content of this book assumes that you are familiar with your operating system and its commands. It contains the following information:
Chapter 1 “Code Page Values” provides valid values for the IANAAppCodePage connection option. This option is valid only for drivers that run on UNIX and Linux.
Chapter 2 “ODBC API and Scalar Functions” lists the ODBC API functions that each driver supports. Any exceptions are listed in the appropriate driver chapter in the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC User’s Guide, under the section "ODBC Conformance Level." This chapter also lists ODBC scalar functions.
Chapter 3 “Threading” discusses how ODBC ensures thread safety.
Chapter 4 “Internationalization, Localization, and Unicode” discusses internationalization issues concerning the use of ODBC drivers.
Chapter 5 “Designing ODBC Applications for Performance Optimization” provides guidelines for designing performance-oriented ODBC applications.
Chapter 6 “Using Indexes” provides general guidelines on how to improve performance when querying a database system.
Chapter 7 “Locking and Isolation Levels” provides a general discussion of isolation levels and locking.
Chapter 8 “SSL Encryption Cipher Suites” provides the SSL encryption cipher suites supported by the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC drivers.
Chapter 9 “DataDirect Bulk Load” provides information about the functions and statement attributes associated with DataDirect Bulk Load.
Chapter 10 “SQL Statements and Extensions for the Salesforce Driver” explains the SQL statements and extensions that you can use with the Salesforce driver.
Chapter 11 “SQL Statements for Flat-File Drivers” explains the SQL statements that you can use with Btrieve, dBASE, and text files.
Chapter 12 “WorkAround Options” explains non-standard connection options (workarounds) for the Connect Series for ODBC drivers that enable you to take full advantage of packaged ODBC-enabled applications requiring non-standard or extended behavior.
In addition, “Glossary” helps you with terminology referenced in this book.
NOTE: This book refers the reader to Web pages using URLs for more information about specific topics, including Web URLs not maintained by Progress DataDirect. Because it is the nature of Web content to change frequently, Progress DataDirect can guarantee only that the URLs referenced in this book were correct at the time of publishing.