10 SQL Statements and Extensions for the Salesforce Driver : Alter Session (EXT)

Alter Session (EXT)
The Alter Session statement changes various attributes of a database session or a remote session. A database session maintains the state of the overall connection. A remote session maintains the state that pertains to a particular remote data source connection.
ALTER SESSION SET attribute_name=value
attribute_name specifies the name of the attribute to be changed. Attributes apply to either database sessions or remote sessions.
value refers to the specific value setting for that attribute.
Table 10-2 lists the database and remote session attributes, and provides their descriptions.
Sets the current schema for the database session. The current schema is the schema used when an identifier in a SQL statement is unqualified. The string value must be the name of a schema visible in the database session. For example:
Sets the maximum number of Web service calls the driver can make in executing a statement. Setting the Stmt_Call_Limit attribute has the same effect as setting the StmtCallLimit connection option. It sets the default Web service call limit used by any statement on the connection. Executing this command on a statement overrides the previously set StmtCallLimit for the connection. The value specified must be a positive integer or 0. The value 0 means that no call limit exists. For example:
Resets the Web service call count of a remote session to the value specified. The value must be zero or a positive integer. WS_Call_Count represents the total number of Web service calls made to the remote data source instance for the current session. For example:
The current value of WS_Call_Count can be obtained by referring to the System_Remote_Sessions system table (refer to “SYSTEM_REMOTE_SESSIONS Catalog Table” in Chapter 21 of the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC User’s Guide for details). For example: