10 SQL Statements and Extensions for the Salesforce Driver : Drop Cache (EXT)

Drop Cache (EXT)
The Drop Cache statement drops the cache defined on a remote table. To drop a relational cache, the specified table must be the primary table of the relational cache. If a relational cache is specified, the cache for the primary table and all referenced caches are dropped.
NOTE: Caches on views are not supported.
DROP CACHE ON {remote_table} [IF EXISTS]
remote_table is the name of the remote table cache to be dropped. The remote table name can be a two-part name: schemaname.tablename. When specifying a two-part name, the specified remote table must be mapped in the specified schema, and you must have the privilege to drop objects in the specified schema.
IF EXISTS specifies that an error is not to be returned if a cache for the remote table or view does not exist.