10 SQL Statements and Extensions for the Salesforce Driver : Drop Table

Drop Table
The Drop Table statement drops (removes) a remote or local table, its data, and its indexes. A remote table is a Salesforce object and is exposed in the SFORCE schema. Dropping a table in the SFORCE schema drops a remote table. A local table is maintained by the driver and is local to the machine on which the driver is running. A local table is exposed in the PUBLIC schema. Dropping a table in the PUBLIC schema drops a local table.
table_name specifies the name of an existing table to drop.
IF EXISTS specifies that an error is not to be returned if the table does not exist.
RESTRICT is in effect by default, meaning that the drop fails if any tables or views reference this table.
CASCADE specifies that the drop extends to linked objects. If the specified table is a local table, it drops all dependent views and any foreign key constraints that link this table to other tables. If the specified table is a remote table, any tables that reference the specified table are dropped also.