// Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved. // function WWHBookGroups_Object() { this.mbShowBooks = false; this.mbExpandAllAtTop = false; this.mChildren = new Array(); this.fAddGrouping = WWHBookGroups_AddGrouping; this.fAddDirectory = WWHBookGroups_AddDirectory; } function WWHBookGroups_AddGrouping(ParamTitle, bParamExpand, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon) { var bExpandBookGrouping; var BookGrouping; // Set mbExpand to true if top entries are to be expanded // bExpandBookGrouping = false; if ((typeof(bParamExpand) != "undefined") && (bParamExpand != null) && (bParamExpand == true)) { bExpandBookGrouping = true; } else { if (this.mbExpandAllAtTop) { bExpandBookGrouping = true; } } BookGrouping = new WWHBookGroups_Group_Object(ParamTitle, bExpandBookGrouping, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon); // Add to children list // this.mChildren[this.mChildren.length] = BookGrouping; return BookGrouping; } function WWHBookGroups_AddDirectory(ParamDirectory, bParamShow, bParamExpand, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon) { var bExpandBookDirectory; var BookDirectory; // Set mbExpand to true if top entries are to be expanded // bExpandBookDirectory = false; if ((typeof(bParamExpand) != "undefined") && (bParamExpand != null) && (bParamExpand == true)) { bExpandBookDirectory = true; } else { if (this.mbExpandAllAtTop) { bExpandBookDirectory = true; } } BookDirectory = new WWHBookGroups_Directory_Object(ParamDirectory, bParamShow, bExpandBookDirectory, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon); // Set mbShow to default values if not defined // if ((typeof(bParamShow) == "undefined") || (bParamShow == null)) { BookDirectory.mbShow = this.mbShowBooks; } // Add to children list // this.mChildren[this.mChildren.length] = BookDirectory; } function WWHBookGroups_Group_Object(ParamTitle, bParamExpand, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon) { this.mbGrouping = true; this.mTitle = ParamTitle; this.mbExpand = false; this.mChildren = new Array(); this.fAddGrouping = WWHBookGroups_Group_AddGrouping; this.fAddDirectory = WWHBookGroups_Group_AddDirectory; // Set mbExpand if override defined // if ((typeof(bParamExpand) != "undefined") && (bParamExpand != null)) { if (bParamExpand == true) { this.mbExpand = true; } } // Set mIcon if defined // if (typeof(ParamIcon) != "undefined") { this.mIcon = ParamIcon; } // Set mOpenIcon if defined // if (typeof(ParamOpenIcon) != "undefined") { this.mOpenIcon = ParamOpenIcon; } } function WWHBookGroups_Group_AddGrouping(ParamTitle, bParamExpand, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon) { var BookGrouping; BookGrouping = new WWHBookGroups_Group_Object(ParamTitle, bParamExpand, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon); this.mChildren[this.mChildren.length] = BookGrouping; return BookGrouping; } function WWHBookGroups_Group_AddDirectory(ParamDirectory, bParamShow, bParamExpand, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon) { var BookDirectory; BookDirectory = new WWHBookGroups_Directory_Object(ParamDirectory, bParamShow, bParamExpand, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon); this.mChildren[this.mChildren.length] = BookDirectory; } function WWHBookGroups_Directory_Object(ParamDirectory, bParamShow, bParamExpand, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon) { this.mbGrouping = false; this.mDirectory = ParamDirectory; this.mbShow = true; this.mbExpand = false; // Set mbShow if override defined // if ((typeof(bParamShow) == "undefined") || (bParamShow == null)) { this.mbShow = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBookGroups.mbShowBooks; } else { if (bParamShow == false) { this.mbShow = bParamShow; } } // Set mbExpand if override defined // if ((typeof(bParamExpand) != "undefined") && (bParamExpand != null)) { if (bParamExpand == true) { this.mbExpand = bParamExpand; } } // Set mIcon if defined // if (typeof(ParamIcon) != "undefined") { this.mIcon = ParamIcon; } // Set mOpenIcon if defined // if (typeof(ParamOpenIcon) != "undefined") { this.mOpenIcon = ParamOpenIcon; } // Add to book list // WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.fInit_AddBookDir(ParamDirectory); }