// Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved. // function WWHRelatedTopics_Object() { this.mRelatedTopicList = new Array(); this.mPopup = new WWHPopup_Object("WWHFrame.WWHRelatedTopics.mPopup", WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fGetFrameReference("WWHDocumentFrame"), WWHRelatedTopicsPopup_Translate, WWHRelatedTopicsPopup_Format, "WWHRelatedTopicsDIV", "WWHRelatedTopicsText", 10, 0, 0, WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mRelatedTopics.mWidth); this.fHasRelatedTopics = WWHRelatedTopics_HasRelatedTopics; this.fClear = WWHRelatedTopics_Clear; this.fAdd = WWHRelatedTopics_Add; this.fHTML = WWHRelatedTopics_HTML; this.fDisplayTopic = WWHRelatedTopics_DisplayTopic; this.fShow = WWHRelatedTopics_Show; this.fShowAtEvent = WWHRelatedTopics_ShowAtEvent; this.fHide = WWHRelatedTopics_Hide; this.fInlineHTML = WWHRelatedTopics_InlineHTML; this.fPopupHTML = WWHRelatedTopics_PopupHTML; } function WWHRelatedTopics_HasRelatedTopics() { var bVarHasRelatedTopics = false; if (this.mRelatedTopicList.length > 0) { bVarHasRelatedTopics = true; } return bVarHasRelatedTopics; } function WWHRelatedTopics_Clear() { this.mRelatedTopicList.length = 0; } function WWHRelatedTopics_Add(ParamText, ParamContext, ParamFileURL) { this.mRelatedTopicList[this.mRelatedTopicList.length] = new WWHRelatedTopicEntry_Object(ParamText, ParamContext, ParamFileURL); } function WWHRelatedTopics_HTML() { var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object(); var Settings = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mRelatedTopics; var FontFamily = ""; var FontSize; var MaxIndex; var Index; var ContextBook; if ( ! WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mbSupportsPopups) { // Determine font family if running Netscape 4.x // Required due to errors processing style attributes // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 1) // Shorthand for Netscape 4.x { FontFamily = WWHStringUtilities_ExtractStyleAttribute("font-family", Settings.mInlineFontStyle); FontSize = WWHStringUtilities_ExtractStyleAttribute("font-size", Settings.mInlineFontStyle); } } for (MaxIndex = this.mRelatedTopicList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++) { ContextBook = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.fGetContextBook(this.mRelatedTopicList[Index].mContext); if (ContextBook != null) { if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mbSupportsPopups) { HTML.fAppend(""); HTML.fAppend(""); HTML.fAppend(""); HTML.fAppend(""); HTML.fAppend(""); HTML.fAppend("
"); HTML.fAppend(""); HTML.fAppend("\"\""); HTML.fAppend(""); HTML.fAppend(""); HTML.fAppend(""); HTML.fAppend(this.mRelatedTopicList[Index].mText); HTML.fAppend(""); HTML.fAppend("
\n"); } else { if (HTML.fSize() == 0) { HTML.fAppend("\n"); } } return HTML.fGetBuffer(); } function WWHRelatedTopics_DisplayTopic(ParamIndex) { var ContextBook; var RelatedTopicURL = null; ContextBook = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.fGetContextBook(this.mRelatedTopicList[ParamIndex].mContext); if (ContextBook != null) { RelatedTopicURL = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBaseURL + ContextBook.mDirectory + this.mRelatedTopicList[ParamIndex].mFileURL; // Hide popup to prevent JavaScript errors before displaying target document // this.fHide(); WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fSetDocumentHREF(RelatedTopicURL, false); } } function WWHRelatedTopicEntry_Object(ParamText, ParamContext, ParamFileURL) { this.mText = ParamText; this.mContext = ParamContext; this.mFileURL = ParamFileURL; } function WWHRelatedTopics_Show() { var FakeEvent; var VarDocumentFrame; // Create dummy event to pass to popup show command // FakeEvent = new WWHRelatedTopicsPopup_FakeEvent_Object(); VarDocumentFrame = eval(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fGetFrameReference("WWHDocumentFrame")); // Assign coordinates to event base on browser type // Place event at far right and allow popup code to handle repositioning for display // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 1) // Shorthand for Netscape 4.x { FakeEvent.layerX = VarDocumentFrame.innerWidth + VarDocumentFrame.pageXOffset; FakeEvent.layerY = VarDocumentFrame.pageYOffset; } else if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 2) // Shorthand for IE { if ((typeof(VarDocumentFrame.document.documentElement) != "undefined") && (typeof(VarDocumentFrame.document.documentElement.clientWidth) != "undefined") && (typeof(VarDocumentFrame.document.documentElement.clientHeight) != "undefined") && ((VarDocumentFrame.document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0) || (VarDocumentFrame.document.documentElement.clientHeight != 0))) { FakeEvent.x = VarDocumentFrame.document.documentElement.clientWidth; FakeEvent.y = 0; } else { FakeEvent.x = VarDocumentFrame.document.body.clientWidth; FakeEvent.y = 0; } } else if ((WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 4) || // Shorthand for Netscape 6.x (Mozilla) (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 5)) // Shorthand for Safari { FakeEvent.layerX = VarDocumentFrame.innerWidth + VarDocumentFrame.pageXOffset; FakeEvent.layerY = VarDocumentFrame.pageYOffset; } // Show popup // this.fShowAtEvent(FakeEvent); } function WWHRelatedTopics_ShowAtEvent(ParamEvent) { var RelatedTopicsHTML; // Show popup // RelatedTopicsHTML = this.fHTML(); if (RelatedTopicsHTML.length > 0) { this.mPopup.fShow(RelatedTopicsHTML, ParamEvent); } } function WWHRelatedTopics_Hide() { this.mPopup.fHide(); } function WWHRelatedTopics_InlineHTML() { var HTML = ""; var Settings; var FontFamily = ""; var FontSize; var ForegroundColor; var BackgroundColor; var BorderColor; var ImageDir; var AnchorAttributes; if (this.fHasRelatedTopics()) { Settings = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mRelatedTopics; // Determine font family if running Netscape 4.x // Required due to errors processing style attributes // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 1) // Shorthand for Netscape 4.x { FontFamily = WWHStringUtilities_ExtractStyleAttribute("font-family", Settings.mInlineFontStyle); FontSize = WWHStringUtilities_ExtractStyleAttribute("font-size", Settings.mInlineFontStyle); } ForegroundColor = Settings.mInlineForegroundColor; BackgroundColor = Settings.mInlineBackgroundColor; BorderColor = Settings.mInlineBorderColor; ImageDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/images"; if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mbSupportsPopups) { if (Settings.mbInlineEnabled) { AnchorAttributes = "href=\"javascript:WWHDoNothingHREF();\""; AnchorAttributes += " onclick=\"WWHShowRelatedTopicsPopup((document.all||document.getElementById||document.layers)?event:null);\""; HTML += "
"; HTML += ""; HTML += ""; HTML += ""; HTML += ""; HTML += ""; HTML += "
"; HTML += ""; if (FontFamily.length > 0) { HTML += ""; } HTML += ""; HTML += WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mMessages.mRelatedTopicsIconLabel; HTML += ""; HTML += " "; if (FontFamily.length > 0) { HTML += ""; } HTML += ""; HTML += ""; HTML += ""; HTML += "\"\""; HTML += ""; HTML += "
"; HTML += "
"; } } else { // Display inline without popups // if ((WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mbRelatedTopicsEnabled) || (Settings.mbInlineEnabled)) { // Emit title // HTML += "
"; if (FontFamily.length > 0) { HTML += "

"; HTML += ""; } else { HTML += "

"; } HTML += WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mMessages.mRelatedTopicsIconLabel + " "; if (FontFamily.length > 0) { HTML += ""; } HTML += "

"; // Get formatted HTML // HTML += this.fHTML(); } } } return HTML; } function WWHRelatedTopics_PopupHTML() { var VarHTML = ""; if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mbSupportsPopups) { VarHTML = this.mPopup.fDivTagText(); } return VarHTML; } function WWHRelatedTopicsPopup_FakeEvent_Object() { } function WWHRelatedTopicsPopup_Translate(ParamText) { return ParamText; } function WWHRelatedTopicsPopup_Format(ParamWidth, ParamTextID, ParamText) { var FormattedText = ""; var Settings = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mRelatedTopics; var ImageDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/images"; var BackgroundColor = Settings.mBackgroundColor; var BorderColor = Settings.mBorderColor; var TitleForegroundColor = Settings.mTitleForegroundColor; var TitleBackgroundColor = Settings.mTitleBackgroundColor; var ReqSpacer1w2h = "\"\""; var ReqSpacer2w1h = "\"\""; var ReqSpacer4w4h = "\"\""; var Spacer1w2h = ReqSpacer1w2h; var Spacer2w1h = ReqSpacer2w1h; var Spacer4w4h = ReqSpacer4w4h; // Netscape 6.x (Mozilla) renders table cells with graphics // incorrectly inside of
tags that are rewritten on the fly // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 4) // Shorthand for Netscape 6.x (Mozilla) { Spacer1w2h = ""; Spacer2w1h = ""; Spacer4w4h = ""; } FormattedText += ""; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += "
" + Spacer1w2h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mMessages.mRelatedTopicsIconLabel + "\"\"" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ParamText + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer1w2h + "
"; return FormattedText; } function WWHALinks_Object() { this.mALinksHash = new Object(); this.mPopup = new WWHPopup_Object("WWHFrame.WWHALinks.mPopup", WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fGetFrameReference("WWHDocumentFrame"), WWHALinksPopup_Translate, WWHALinksPopup_Format, "WWHALinksDIV", "WWHALinksText", 10, 0, 0, WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mALinks.mWidth); this.mALinks = new Array(); this.mbSingle = false; this.fAdd = WWHALinks_Add; this.fA = WWHALinks_Add; this.fSetALinks = WWHALinks_SetALinks; this.fHTML = WWHALinks_HTML; this.fGotoALink = WWHALinks_GotoALink; this.fShow = WWHALinks_Show; this.fHide = WWHALinks_Hide; this.fInlineHTML = WWHALinks_InlineHTML; this.fPopupHTML = WWHALinks_PopupHTML; } function WWHALinks_Add(ParamKeyword, ParamALinksArray) { var VarALinksEntry; // Access alink entry // VarALinksEntry = this.mALinksHash[ParamKeyword + "~"]; if ((typeof(VarALinksEntry) == "undefined") || (VarALinksEntry == null)) { VarALinksEntry = new WWHALinksEntry_Object(); this.mALinksHash[ParamKeyword + "~"] = VarALinksEntry; } // Add links // VarALinksEntry.fAddLinks(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mInitIndex, ParamALinksArray); } function WWHALinks_SetALinks(ParamKeywordsArray) { var bVarFirstLink = true; var VarMaxIndex; var VarIndex; var VarKeyword; var VarALinksEntry; var VarMaxBookLinksIndex; var VarBookLinksIndex; var VarBookLinks; var VarCheckHashArray = new Array(); var VarALinkEntry; var VarCheckHash; var VarMaxLinkIndex; var VarLinkIndex; var VarCheckLink; // Reset alinks info // this.mALinks = new Array(); this.mbSingle = false; // Get links for each keyword // for (VarMaxIndex = ParamKeywordsArray.length, VarIndex = 0 ; VarIndex < VarMaxIndex ; VarIndex++) { VarKeyword = ParamKeywordsArray[VarIndex]; // Get keyword links // VarALinksEntry = this.mALinksHash[VarKeyword + "~"]; if ((typeof(VarALinksEntry) != "undefined") && (VarALinksEntry != null)) { // Add links // for (VarMaxBookLinksIndex = VarALinksEntry.mBookLinks.length, VarBookLinksIndex = 0 ; VarBookLinksIndex < VarMaxBookLinksIndex ; VarBookLinksIndex++) { // Access book info // VarBookLinks = VarALinksEntry.mBookLinks[VarBookLinksIndex]; // Access book entries // while (this.mALinks.length <= VarBookLinks.mBookIndex) { this.mALinks[this.mALinks.length] = new Array(); VarCheckHashArray[VarCheckHashArray.length] = new Object(); } VarALinkEntry = this.mALinks[VarBookLinks.mBookIndex]; VarCheckHash = VarCheckHashArray[VarBookLinks.mBookIndex]; // Add entries // for (VarMaxLinkIndex = VarBookLinks.mLinks.length, VarLinkIndex = 0 ; VarLinkIndex < VarMaxLinkIndex ; VarLinkIndex++) { // Confirm link will not be added more than once per book // VarCheckLink = VarCheckHash[VarBookLinks.mLinks[VarLinkIndex] + "~"]; if ((typeof(VarCheckLink) == "undefined") || (VarCheckLink == null)) { // Add the link // VarALinkEntry[VarALinkEntry.length] = VarBookLinks.mLinks[VarLinkIndex]; VarCheckHash[VarBookLinks.mLinks[VarLinkIndex] + "~"] = "1"; // Single link? // if (bVarFirstLink) { this.mbSingle = true; bVarFirstLink = false; } else { this.mbSingle = false; } } } } } } } function WWHALinks_HTML(bParamReplace) { var VarHTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object(); var VarImageDirectory = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/images"; var VarSettings = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mALinks; var VarFontFamily = ""; var VarFontSize; var VarMaxIndex; var VarIndex; var VarLinks; var VarLink; var VarParts; var VarLinkFileIndex; // Get font information // if ( ! WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mbSupportsPopups) { // Determine font family if running Netscape 4.x // Required due to errors processing style attributes // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 1) // Shorthand for Netscape 4.x { VarFontFamily = WWHStringUtilities_ExtractStyleAttribute("font-family", VarSettings.mInlineFontStyle); VarFontSize = WWHStringUtilities_ExtractStyleAttribute("font-size", VarSettings.mInlineFontStyle); } } // Format and display as HTML // VarHTML.fReset(); for (VarMaxIndex = this.mALinks.length, VarIndex = 0; VarIndex < VarMaxIndex ; VarIndex++) { VarLinks = this.mALinks[VarIndex]; if (VarLinks.length > 0) { // Emit book title // if (VarSettings.mbShowBook) { // Emit the book title // VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend("
"); VarHTML.fAppend("\"\""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.fGetBookTitle(VarIndex)); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend("
\n"); // Open indentation // VarHTML.fAppend("
\n"); } for (VarMaxLinkIndex = VarLinks.length, VarLinkIndex = 0 ; VarLinkIndex < VarMaxLinkIndex ; VarLinkIndex++) { // Get link info // VarLink = VarLinks[VarLinkIndex]; VarParts = VarLink.split("#"); VarLinkFileIndex = parseInt(VarParts[0]); // Emit link entry // VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend("
"); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend("\"\""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.fBookIndexFileIndexToTitle(VarIndex, VarLinkFileIndex)); VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend("
\n"); } if (VarSettings.mbShowBook) { // Close indendation // VarHTML.fAppend("
\n"); } } } return VarHTML.fGetBuffer(); } function WWHALinks_GotoALink(ParamBookIndex, ParamLinkIndex, bParamReplace) { var VarLinks; var VarLink; var VarParts; var VarLinkFileIndex; var VarLinkAnchor; var VarDocumentURL; // Hide popup to prevent JavaScript errors before displaying target document // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mbSupportsPopups) { this.fHide(); } // Determine document URL // VarLinks = this.mALinks[ParamBookIndex]; VarLink = VarLinks[ParamLinkIndex]; VarParts = VarLink.split("#"); VarLinkFileIndex = parseInt(VarParts[0]); VarLinkAnchor = null; if (VarParts.length > 1) { if (VarParts[1].length > 0) { VarLinkAnchor = VarParts[1]; } } VarDocumentURL = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fGetBookIndexFileIndexURL(ParamBookIndex, VarLinkFileIndex, VarLinkAnchor); // Reset alinks list // this.mALinks = new Array(); this.mbSingle = false; // Goto document // WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fSetDocumentHREF(VarDocumentURL, bParamReplace); } function WWHALinks_Show(ParamKeywordArray, ParamEvent) { var VarMaxIndex; var VarIndex; var VarLinks; var VarALinksHTML; // Set alinks for given keywords // this.fSetALinks(ParamKeywordArray); if (this.mALinks.length > 0) { if (this.mbSingle) { // Just go to single target // for (VarMaxIndex = this.mALinks.length, VarIndex = 0 ; VarIndex < VarMaxIndex ; VarIndex++) { VarLinks = this.mALinks[VarIndex]; if (VarLinks.length > 0) { // Display single link // this.fGotoALink(VarIndex, 0, false); // Exit loop // VarIndex = VarMaxIndex; } } } else { if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mbSupportsPopups) { // Show popup // VarALinksHTML = this.fHTML(false); if (VarALinksHTML.length > 0) { this.mPopup.fShow(VarALinksHTML, ParamEvent); } } else { // Display selection page in browser window // WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fSetDocumentHREF(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/alinks.htm", false); } } } } function WWHALinks_Hide() { this.mPopup.fHide(); } function WWHALinks_InlineHTML() { var VarHTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object(); var VarSettings = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mALinks; var ImageDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/images"; var BackgroundColor = VarSettings.mBackgroundColor; var BorderColor = VarSettings.mBorderColor; var TitleForegroundColor = VarSettings.mTitleForegroundColor; var TitleBackgroundColor = VarSettings.mTitleBackgroundColor; var ReqSpacer1w2h = "\"\""; var ReqSpacer2w1h = "\"\""; var ReqSpacer4w4h = "\"\""; var Spacer1w2h = ReqSpacer1w2h; var Spacer2w1h = ReqSpacer2w1h; var Spacer4w4h = ReqSpacer4w4h; VarHTML.fReset(); // Netscape 6.x (Mozilla) renders table cells with graphics // incorrectly inside of
tags that are rewritten on the fly // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 4) // Shorthand for Netscape 6.x (Mozilla) { Spacer1w2h = ""; Spacer2w1h = ""; Spacer4w4h = ""; } VarHTML.fAppend(""); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend(" "); VarHTML.fAppend("
" + Spacer1w2h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mMessages.mSeeAlsoLabel + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + WWHFrame.WWHALinks.fHTML(true) + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer1w2h + "
"); return VarHTML.fGetBuffer(); } function WWHALinks_PopupHTML() { var VarHTML = ""; if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mbSupportsPopups) { VarHTML = this.mPopup.fDivTagText(); } return VarHTML; } function WWHALinksPopup_Translate(ParamText) { return ParamText; } function WWHALinksPopup_Format(ParamWidth, ParamTextID, ParamText) { var FormattedText = ""; var VarSettings = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mSettings.mALinks; var ImageDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/images"; var BackgroundColor = VarSettings.mBackgroundColor; var BorderColor = VarSettings.mBorderColor; var TitleForegroundColor = VarSettings.mTitleForegroundColor; var TitleBackgroundColor = VarSettings.mTitleBackgroundColor; var ReqSpacer1w2h = "\"\""; var ReqSpacer2w1h = "\"\""; var ReqSpacer4w4h = "\"\""; var Spacer1w2h = ReqSpacer1w2h; var Spacer2w1h = ReqSpacer2w1h; var Spacer4w4h = ReqSpacer4w4h; // Netscape 6.x (Mozilla) renders table cells with graphics // incorrectly inside of
tags that are rewritten on the fly // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 4) // Shorthand for Netscape 6.x (Mozilla) { Spacer1w2h = ""; Spacer2w1h = ""; Spacer4w4h = ""; } FormattedText += ""; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += "
" + Spacer1w2h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mMessages.mSeeAlsoLabel + "\"\"" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ParamText + "" + ReqSpacer4w4h + "" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer2w1h + "" + Spacer4w4h + "" + Spacer2w1h + "
" + Spacer1w2h + "
"; return FormattedText; } function WWHALinksEntry_Object() { this.mBookLinks = new Array(); this.fAddLinks = WWHALinksEntry_AddLinks; } function WWHALinksEntry_AddLinks(ParamBookIndex, ParamLinksArray) { var VarBookLinks; VarBookLinks = new WWHALinksBookLinks_Object(ParamBookIndex, ParamLinksArray); this.mBookLinks[this.mBookLinks.length] = VarBookLinks; } function WWHALinksBookLinks_Object(ParamBookIndex, ParamLinksArray) { this.mBookIndex = ParamBookIndex; this.mLinks = ParamLinksArray; }