// Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved. // function WWHTabs_Object(ParamPanels) { this.mWidth = null; this.fReload = WWHTabs_Reload; this.fHeadHTML = WWHTabs_HeadHTML; this.fBodyHTML = WWHTabs_BodyHTML; this.fLoaded = WWHTabs_Loaded; // Calculate width based on number of panels // if (ParamPanels > 0) { this.mWidth = "" + (100 / ParamPanels) + "%"; } } function WWHTabs_Reload() { WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fReplaceLocation("WWHTabsFrame", WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/tabs.htm"); } function WWHTabs_HeadHTML() { var StylesHTML = ""; // Generate style section // StylesHTML += "\n"; return StylesHTML; } function WWHTabs_BodyHTML() { var TabsHTML = ""; var ImageDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/images"; var MaxIndex; var Index; var VarTabTitle; var VarAccessibilityTitle = ""; var CellType; var WrapPrefix; var WrapSuffix; var StyleAttribute; var OnClick; var ImgSuffix; var TableWidth; // Set style attribute to insure small image height // StyleAttribute = " style=\"font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;\""; // Force on one line with a table, except for Netscape 4.x // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser != 1) // Shorthand for Netscape { TabsHTML += "\n"; TabsHTML += ""; } // Tabs // for (MaxIndex = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.mPanelEntries.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++) { // Get tab title // VarTabTitle = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.mPanelEntries[Index].mPanelObject.mPanelTabTitle; // Display anchor only if not selected // if (Index == WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mCurrentTab) { // Determine title for accessibility // if (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mbAccessible) { VarAccessibilityTitle = WWHStringUtilities_FormatMessage(WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mAccessibilityActiveTab, VarTabTitle); VarAccessibilityTitle = " title=\"" + WWHStringUtilities_EscapeHTML(VarAccessibilityTitle) + "\""; } CellType = "th"; WrapPrefix = ""; WrapSuffix = ""; OnClick = ""; ImgSuffix = ""; } else { // Determine title for accessibility // if (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mbAccessible) { VarAccessibilityTitle = WWHStringUtilities_FormatMessage(WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mAccessibilityInactiveTab, VarTabTitle); VarAccessibilityTitle = " title=\"" + WWHStringUtilities_EscapeHTML(VarAccessibilityTitle) + "\""; } CellType = "td"; WrapPrefix = ""; WrapSuffix = ""; OnClick = " onclick=\"WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.fClickedChangeTabWithDelay(" + Index + ");\""; ImgSuffix = "x"; } // Force on one line with a table, except for Netscape 4.x // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser != 1) // Shorthand for Netscape { TabsHTML += "\n"; } } // Force on one line with a table, except for Netscape 4.x // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser != 1) // Shorthand for Netscape { TabsHTML += "\n"; TabsHTML += "
"; } // Force on one line with a table, except for Netscape 4.x // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 1) // Shorthand for Netscape { TableWidth = this.mWidth; } else { TableWidth = "100%"; } TabsHTML += ""; // Top spacer // TabsHTML += "" TabsHTML += ""; TabsHTML += "" // Top row // TabsHTML += ""; if (Index == 0) { TabsHTML += "\n"; } else { TabsHTML += "\n"; } TabsHTML += "\"\"\n"; TabsHTML += "\"\"\n"; TabsHTML += "\"\"\n"; if ((Index + 1) == MaxIndex) { TabsHTML += "\n"; } TabsHTML += ""; // Middle row // TabsHTML += ""; if (Index == 0) { TabsHTML += "\n"; } else { TabsHTML += "\n"; } TabsHTML += "\"\"\n"; TabsHTML += "<" + CellType + " background=\"" + ImageDir + "/btn_bg" + ImgSuffix + ".gif\" nowrap align=\"center\" width=\"100%\"" + OnClick + ">"; TabsHTML += WrapPrefix; TabsHTML += VarTabTitle; TabsHTML += WrapSuffix; TabsHTML += ""; TabsHTML += "\"\"\n"; if ((Index + 1) == MaxIndex) { TabsHTML += "\n"; } TabsHTML += ""; // Bottom row // TabsHTML += ""; if (Index == 0) { TabsHTML += "\n"; } else { TabsHTML += "\n"; } TabsHTML += "\"\"\n"; TabsHTML += "\"\"\n"; TabsHTML += "\"\"\n"; if ((Index + 1) == MaxIndex) { TabsHTML += "\n"; } TabsHTML += ""; TabsHTML += "
"; // Force on one line with a table, except for Netscape 4.x // if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser != 1) // Shorthand for Netscape { TabsHTML += "
\n"; } return TabsHTML; } function WWHTabs_Loaded() { // Set frame name for accessibility // if (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mbAccessible) { WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fSetFrameName("WWHTabsFrame"); } // Display requested panel // WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.fChangePanel(WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mCurrentTab); }