Preface : Conventions Used in This Book

Conventions Used in This Book
The following sections describe the typography and other conventions used in this book.
Typographical Conventions
This book uses the following typographical conventions:
Emphasizes important information. Also indicates button, menu, and icon names on which you can act. For example, click Next.
monospaced italics
Separates menus and their associated commands. For example, Select File / Copy means that you should select Copy from the File menu.
Indicates optional items. For example, in the following statement: SELECT [DISTINCT], DISTINCT is an optional keyword.
Indicates that you must select one item. For example, {yes | no} means that you must specify either yes or no.
Indicates that the immediately preceding item can be repeated any number of times in succession. An ellipsis following a closing bracket indicates that all information in that unit can be repeated.
Environment-Specific Information
The drivers are supported in the Windows, UNIX, and Linux environments. When the information provided is not applicable to all supported environments, the following symbols are used to identify that information:
This information pertains to UNIX and Linux.The Windows symbol signifies text that is applicable only to Windows.
This information pertains to UNIX and Linux.The UNIX symbol signifies text that is applicable only to UNIX and Linux.