// Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved. // function WWHGetWWHFrame(ParamToBookDir, ParamRedirect) { var Frame = null; // Set reference to top level help frame // if ((typeof(parent.WWHHelp) != "undefined") && (parent.WWHHelp != null)) { Frame = eval("parent"); } else if ((typeof(parent.parent.WWHHelp) != "undefined") && (parent.parent.WWHHelp != null)) { Frame = eval("parent.parent"); } // Redirect if Frame is null // if ((Frame == null) && (ParamRedirect)) { var bPerformRedirect = true; var Agent; // No redirect if running Netscape 4.x // Agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if ((Agent.indexOf("mozilla") != -1) && (Agent.indexOf("spoofer") == -1) && (Agent.indexOf("compatible") == -1)) { var MajorVersion; MajorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion) if (MajorVersion < 5) { bPerformRedirect = false; // Skip redirect for Netscape 4.x } } if (bPerformRedirect) { var BaseFilename; BaseFilename = location.href.substring(location.href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, location.href.length); if (ParamToBookDir.length > 0) { var RelativePathList = ParamToBookDir.split("/"); var PathList = location.href.split("/"); var BaseList = new Array(); var MaxIndex; var Index; PathList.length--; for (MaxIndex = RelativePathList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++) { if (RelativePathList[Index] == ".") { ; // Do nothing! } else if (RelativePathList[Index] == "..") { if (BaseList.length == 0) { BaseList[BaseList.length] = PathList[PathList.length - 1]; PathList.length = PathList.length - 1; } else { BaseList.length--; } } else { BaseList[BaseList.length] = RelativePathList[Index]; } } BaseFilename = BaseList.join("/") + BaseFilename; } location.replace(WWHToWWHelpDirectory() + ParamToBookDir + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/api.htm?context=" + WWHBookData_Context() + "&file=" + BaseFilename + "&single=true"); } } return Frame; } function WWHShowPopup(ParamContext, ParamLink, ParamEvent) { if (WWHFrame != null) { if ((ParamEvent == null) && (typeof(window.event) != "undefined")) { ParamEvent = window.event; // Older IE browsers only store event in window.event } WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fShowPopup(ParamContext, ParamLink, ParamEvent); } } function WWHPopupLoaded() { if (WWHFrame != null) { WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fPopupLoaded(); } } function WWHHidePopup() { if (WWHFrame != null) { WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fHidePopup(); } } function WWHClickedPopup(ParamContext, ParamLink, ParamPopupLink) { if (WWHFrame != null) { WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fClickedPopup(ParamContext, ParamLink, ParamPopupLink); } } function WWHShowTopic(ParamContext, ParamTopic) { if (WWHFrame != null) { WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fShowTopic(ParamContext, ParamTopic); } } function WWHUpdate() { var bVarSuccess = true; if (WWHFrame != null) { bVarSuccess = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fUpdate(location.href); // Only update if "?" is not present (and therefore has priority) // if (location.href.indexOf("?") == -1) { // Start check hash polling // if ((WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 2) || // Shorthand for IE (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 4)) // Shorthand for Netscape 6.0 (Mozilla) { if (WWHFrame.location.hash.length > 0) { WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mLastHash = WWHFrame.location.hash; WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mCheckHashTimeoutID = setTimeout(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fGetFrameReference("WWHDocumentFrame") + ".WWHCheckHash()", 100); } } } } return bVarSuccess; } function WWHCheckHash() { var VarURL; // Clear timeout ID // WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mCheckHashTimeoutID = null; // Change detected? // if ((WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mLastHash.length > 0) && (WWHFrame.location.hash != WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mLastHash)) { if ((WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mLastHash.indexOf("topic=") > 0) && (WWHFrame.location.hash.indexOf("#href=") == 0)) { // Context-sensitive link resolved // Update last hash and keep polling // WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mLastHash = WWHFrame.location.hash; WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mCheckHashTimeoutID = setTimeout(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fGetFrameReference("WWHDocumentFrame") + ".WWHCheckHash()", 100); } else { // Set context document // WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mLastHash = ""; WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fSetContextDocument(WWHFrame.location.href); } } else { // Keep polling // WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mLastHash = WWHFrame.location.hash; WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mCheckHashTimeoutID = setTimeout(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fGetFrameReference("WWHDocumentFrame") + ".WWHCheckHash()", 100); } } function WWHUnload() { var bVarSuccess = true; if (WWHFrame != null) { // Stop check hash polling // if ((WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mCheckHashTimeoutID != null) && (typeof(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mCheckHashTimeoutID) != "undefined")) { clearTimeout(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mCheckHashTimeoutID); WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mCheckHashTimeoutID = null; WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mLastHash = ""; } if (typeof(WWHFrame.WWHHelp) != "undefined") { bVarSuccess = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fUnload(); } } return bVarSuccess; } function WWHHandleKeyDown(ParamEvent) { var bVarSuccess = true; if (WWHFrame != null) { bVarSuccess = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fHandleKeyDown(ParamEvent); } return bVarSuccess; } function WWHHandleKeyPress(ParamEvent) { var bVarSuccess = true; if (WWHFrame != null) { bVarSuccess = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fHandleKeyPress(ParamEvent); } return bVarSuccess; } function WWHHandleKeyUp(ParamEvent) { var bVarSuccess = true; if (WWHFrame != null) { bVarSuccess = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fHandleKeyUp(ParamEvent); } return bVarSuccess; } function WWHClearRelatedTopics() { if (WWHFrame != null) { WWHFrame.WWHRelatedTopics.fClear(); } } function WWHAddRelatedTopic(ParamText, ParamContext, ParamFileURL) { if (WWHFrame != null) { WWHFrame.WWHRelatedTopics.fAdd(ParamText, ParamContext, ParamFileURL); } } function WWHRelatedTopicsInlineHTML() { var HTML = ""; if (WWHFrame != null) { HTML = WWHFrame.WWHRelatedTopics.fInlineHTML(); } return HTML; } function WWHDoNothingHREF() { // Nothing to do. // } function WWHShowRelatedTopicsPopup(ParamEvent) { if (WWHFrame != null) { if ((ParamEvent == null) && (typeof(window.event) != "undefined")) { ParamEvent = window.event; // Older IE browsers only store event in window.event } WWHFrame.WWHRelatedTopics.fShowAtEvent(ParamEvent); } } function WWHShowALinksPopup(ParamKeywordArray, ParamEvent) { if (WWHFrame != null) { if ((ParamEvent == null) && (typeof(window.event) != "undefined")) { ParamEvent = window.event; // Older IE browsers only store event in window.event } WWHFrame.WWHALinks.fShow(ParamKeywordArray, ParamEvent); } } function WWHRelatedTopicsDivTag() { var RelatedTopicsDivTag = ""; if (WWHFrame != null) { RelatedTopicsDivTag = WWHFrame.WWHRelatedTopics.fPopupHTML(); } return RelatedTopicsDivTag; } function WWHPopupDivTag() { var PopupDivTag = ""; if (WWHFrame != null) { PopupDivTag = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fPopupHTML(); } return PopupDivTag; } function WWHALinksDivTag() { var ALinksDivTag = ""; if (WWHFrame != null) { ALinksDivTag = WWHFrame.WWHALinks.fPopupHTML(); } return ALinksDivTag; }