// Copyright (c) 2009-2009 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Derived from icu/source/data/unidata/DerivedCoreProperties.txt // // Editor: Visual Studio C# Express 2005 // // ^{[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]}\.\.{[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]} +;.*$ // if (('\\u\1' <= c) && (c <= '\\u\2')) return true; // // ^{[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]} +;.*$ // if (c == '\\u\1') return true; // // ^{[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]}\.\.{[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]} +;.*$ // if (('\\u\1' <= c) && (c <= '\\u\2')) return true; // // ^{[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]} +;.*$ // if (c == '\\u\1') return true; function WWHUnicodeInfo_Alphabetic(c) { if (('\u0041' <= c) && (c <= '\u005A')) return true; if (('\u0061' <= c) && (c <= '\u007A')) return true; if (c == '\u00AA') return true; if (c == '\u00B5') return true; if (c == '\u00BA') return true; if (('\u00C0' <= c) && (c <= '\u00D6')) return true; if (('\u00D8' <= c) && (c <= '\u00F6')) return true; if (('\u00F8' <= c) && (c <= '\u01BA')) return true; if (c == '\u01BB') return true; if (('\u01BC' <= c) && (c <= '\u01BF')) return true; if (('\u01C0' <= c) && (c <= '\u01C3')) return true; if (('\u01C4' <= c) && (c <= '\u0236')) return true; if (('\u0250' <= c) && (c <= '\u02AF')) return true; if (('\u02B0' <= c) && (c <= '\u02C1')) return true; if (('\u02C6' <= c) && (c <= '\u02D1')) return true; if (('\u02E0' <= c) && (c <= '\u02E4')) return true; if (c == '\u02EE') return true; if (c == '\u0345') return true; if (c == '\u037A') return true; if (c == '\u0386') return true; if (('\u0388' <= c) && (c <= '\u038A')) return true; if (c == '\u038C') return true; if (('\u038E' <= c) && (c <= '\u03A1')) return true; if (('\u03A3' <= c) && (c <= '\u03CE')) return true; if (('\u03D0' <= c) && (c <= '\u03F5')) return true; if (('\u03F7' <= c) && (c <= '\u03FB')) return true; if (('\u0400' <= c) && (c <= '\u0481')) return true; if (('\u048A' <= c) && (c <= '\u04CE')) return true; if (('\u04D0' <= c) && (c <= '\u04F5')) return true; if (('\u04F8' <= c) && (c <= '\u04F9')) return true; if (('\u0500' <= c) && (c <= '\u050F')) return true; if (('\u0531' <= c) && (c <= '\u0556')) return true; if (c == '\u0559') return true; if (('\u0561' <= c) && (c <= '\u0587')) return true; if (('\u05B0' <= c) && (c <= '\u05B9')) return true; if (('\u05BB' <= c) && (c <= '\u05BD')) return true; if (c == '\u05BF') return true; if (('\u05C1' <= c) && (c <= '\u05C2')) return true; if (c == '\u05C4') return true; if (('\u05D0' <= c) && (c <= '\u05EA')) return true; if (('\u05F0' <= c) && (c <= '\u05F2')) return true; if (('\u0610' <= c) && (c <= '\u0615')) return true; if (('\u0621' <= c) && (c <= '\u063A')) return true; if (c == '\u0640') return true; if (('\u0641' <= c) && (c <= '\u064A')) return true; if (('\u064B' <= c) && (c <= '\u0657')) return true; if (('\u066E' <= c) && (c <= '\u066F')) return true; if (c == '\u0670') return true; if (('\u0671' <= c) && (c <= '\u06D3')) return true; if (c == '\u06D5') return true; if (('\u06D6' <= c) && (c <= '\u06DC')) return true; if (('\u06E1' <= c) && (c <= '\u06E4')) return true; if (('\u06E5' <= c) && (c <= '\u06E6')) return true; if (('\u06E7' <= c) && (c <= '\u06E8')) return true; if (c == '\u06ED') return true; if (('\u06EE' <= c) && (c <= '\u06EF')) return true; if (('\u06FA' <= c) && (c <= '\u06FC')) return true; if (c == '\u06FF') return true; if (c == '\u0710') return true; if (c == '\u0711') return true; if (('\u0712' <= c) && (c <= '\u072F')) return true; if (('\u0730' <= c) && (c <= '\u073F')) return true; if (('\u074D' <= c) && (c <= '\u074F')) return true; if (('\u0780' <= c) && (c <= '\u07A5')) return true; if (('\u07A6' <= c) && (c <= '\u07B0')) return true; if (c == '\u07B1') return true; if (('\u0901' <= c) && (c <= '\u0902')) return true; if (c == '\u0903') return true; if (('\u0904' <= c) && (c <= '\u0939')) return true; if (c == '\u093D') return true; if (('\u093E' <= c) && (c <= '\u0940')) return true; if (('\u0941' <= c) && (c <= '\u0948')) return true; if (('\u0949' <= c) && (c <= '\u094C')) return true; if (c == '\u0950') return true; if (('\u0958' <= c) && (c <= '\u0961')) return true; if (('\u0962' <= c) && (c <= '\u0963')) return true; if (c == '\u0981') return true; if (('\u0982' <= c) && (c <= '\u0983')) return true; if (('\u0985' <= c) && (c <= '\u098C')) return true; if (('\u098F' <= c) && (c <= '\u0990')) return true; if (('\u0993' <= c) && (c <= '\u09A8')) return true; if (('\u09AA' <= c) && (c <= '\u09B0')) return true; if (c == '\u09B2') return true; if (('\u09B6' <= c) && (c <= '\u09B9')) return true; if (c == '\u09BD') return true; if (('\u09BE' <= c) && (c <= '\u09C0')) return true; if (('\u09C1' <= c) && (c <= '\u09C4')) return true; if (('\u09C7' <= c) && (c <= '\u09C8')) return true; if (('\u09CB' <= c) && (c <= '\u09CC')) return true; if (c == '\u09D7') return true; if (('\u09DC' <= c) && (c <= '\u09DD')) return true; if (('\u09DF' <= c) && (c <= '\u09E1')) return true; if (('\u09E2' <= c) && (c <= '\u09E3')) return true; if (('\u09F0' <= c) && (c <= '\u09F1')) return true; if (('\u0A01' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A02')) return true; if (c == '\u0A03') return true; if (('\u0A05' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A0A')) return true; if (('\u0A0F' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A10')) return true; if (('\u0A13' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A28')) return true; if (('\u0A2A' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A30')) return true; if (('\u0A32' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A33')) return true; if (('\u0A35' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A36')) return true; if (('\u0A38' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A39')) return true; if (('\u0A3E' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A40')) return true; if (('\u0A41' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A42')) return true; if (('\u0A47' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A48')) return true; if (('\u0A4B' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A4C')) return true; if (('\u0A59' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A5C')) return true; if (c == '\u0A5E') return true; if (('\u0A70' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A71')) return true; if (('\u0A72' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A74')) return true; if (('\u0A81' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A82')) return true; if (c == '\u0A83') return true; if (('\u0A85' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A8D')) return true; if (('\u0A8F' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A91')) return true; if (('\u0A93' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AA8')) return true; if (('\u0AAA' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AB0')) return true; if (('\u0AB2' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AB3')) return true; if (('\u0AB5' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AB9')) return true; if (c == '\u0ABD') return true; if (('\u0ABE' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AC0')) return true; if (('\u0AC1' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AC5')) return true; if (('\u0AC7' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AC8')) return true; if (c == '\u0AC9') return true; if (('\u0ACB' <= c) && (c <= '\u0ACC')) return true; if (c == '\u0AD0') return true; if (('\u0AE0' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AE1')) return true; if (('\u0AE2' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AE3')) return true; if (c == '\u0B01') return true; if (('\u0B02' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B03')) return true; if (('\u0B05' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B0C')) return true; if (('\u0B0F' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B10')) return true; if (('\u0B13' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B28')) return true; if (('\u0B2A' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B30')) return true; if (('\u0B32' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B33')) return true; if (('\u0B35' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B39')) return true; if (c == '\u0B3D') return true; if (c == '\u0B3E') return true; if (c == '\u0B3F') return true; if (c == '\u0B40') return true; if (('\u0B41' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B43')) return true; if (('\u0B47' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B48')) return true; if (('\u0B4B' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B4C')) return true; if (c == '\u0B56') return true; if (c == '\u0B57') return true; if (('\u0B5C' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B5D')) return true; if (('\u0B5F' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B61')) return true; if (c == '\u0B71') return true; if (c == '\u0B82') return true; if (c == '\u0B83') return true; if (('\u0B85' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B8A')) return true; if (('\u0B8E' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B90')) return true; if (('\u0B92' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B95')) return true; if (('\u0B99' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B9A')) return true; if (c == '\u0B9C') return true; if (('\u0B9E' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B9F')) return true; if (('\u0BA3' <= c) && (c <= '\u0BA4')) return true; if (('\u0BA8' <= c) && (c <= '\u0BAA')) return true; if (('\u0BAE' <= c) && (c <= '\u0BB5')) return true; if (('\u0BB7' <= c) && (c <= '\u0BB9')) return true; if (('\u0BBE' <= c) && (c <= '\u0BBF')) return true; if (c == '\u0BC0') return true; if (('\u0BC1' <= c) && (c <= '\u0BC2')) return true; if (('\u0BC6' <= c) && (c <= '\u0BC8')) return true; if (('\u0BCA' <= c) && (c <= '\u0BCC')) return true; if (c == '\u0BD7') return true; if (('\u0C01' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C03')) return true; if (('\u0C05' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C0C')) return true; if (('\u0C0E' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C10')) return true; if (('\u0C12' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C28')) return true; if (('\u0C2A' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C33')) return true; if (('\u0C35' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C39')) return true; if (('\u0C3E' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C40')) return true; if (('\u0C41' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C44')) return true; if (('\u0C46' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C48')) return true; if (('\u0C4A' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C4C')) return true; if (('\u0C55' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C56')) return true; if (('\u0C60' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C61')) return true; if (('\u0C82' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C83')) return true; if (('\u0C85' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C8C')) return true; if (('\u0C8E' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C90')) return true; if (('\u0C92' <= c) && (c <= '\u0CA8')) return true; if (('\u0CAA' <= c) && (c <= '\u0CB3')) return true; if (('\u0CB5' <= c) && (c <= '\u0CB9')) return true; if (c == '\u0CBD') return true; if (c == '\u0CBE') return true; if (c == '\u0CBF') return true; if (('\u0CC0' <= c) && (c <= '\u0CC4')) return true; if (c == '\u0CC6') return true; if (('\u0CC7' <= c) && (c <= '\u0CC8')) return true; if (('\u0CCA' <= c) && (c <= '\u0CCB')) return true; if (c == '\u0CCC') return true; if (('\u0CD5' <= c) && (c <= '\u0CD6')) return true; if (c == '\u0CDE') return true; if (('\u0CE0' <= c) && (c <= '\u0CE1')) return true; if (('\u0D02' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D03')) return true; if (('\u0D05' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D0C')) return true; if (('\u0D0E' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D10')) return true; if (('\u0D12' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D28')) return true; if (('\u0D2A' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D39')) return true; if (('\u0D3E' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D40')) return true; if (('\u0D41' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D43')) return true; if (('\u0D46' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D48')) return true; if (('\u0D4A' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D4C')) return true; if (c == '\u0D57') return true; if (('\u0D60' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D61')) return true; if (('\u0D82' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D83')) return true; if (('\u0D85' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D96')) return true; if (('\u0D9A' <= c) && (c <= '\u0DB1')) return true; if (('\u0DB3' <= c) && (c <= '\u0DBB')) return true; if (c == '\u0DBD') return true; if (('\u0DC0' <= c) && (c <= '\u0DC6')) return true; if (('\u0DCF' <= c) && (c <= '\u0DD1')) return true; if (('\u0DD2' <= c) && (c <= '\u0DD4')) return true; if (c == '\u0DD6') return true; if (('\u0DD8' <= c) && (c <= '\u0DDF')) return true; if (('\u0DF2' <= c) && (c <= '\u0DF3')) return true; if (('\u0E01' <= c) && (c <= '\u0E30')) return true; if (c == '\u0E31') return true; if (('\u0E32' <= c) && (c <= '\u0E33')) return true; if (('\u0E34' <= c) && (c <= '\u0E3A')) return true; if (('\u0E40' <= c) && (c <= '\u0E45')) return true; if (c == '\u0E46') return true; if (c == '\u0E4D') return true; if (('\u0E81' <= c) && (c <= '\u0E82')) return true; if (c == '\u0E84') return true; if (('\u0E87' <= c) && (c <= '\u0E88')) return true; if (c == '\u0E8A') return true; if (c == '\u0E8D') return true; if (('\u0E94' <= c) && (c <= '\u0E97')) return true; if (('\u0E99' <= c) && (c <= '\u0E9F')) return true; if (('\u0EA1' <= c) && (c <= '\u0EA3')) return true; if (c == '\u0EA5') return true; if (c == '\u0EA7') return true; if (('\u0EAA' <= c) && (c <= '\u0EAB')) return true; if (('\u0EAD' <= c) && (c <= '\u0EB0')) return true; if (c == '\u0EB1') return true; if (('\u0EB2' <= c) && (c <= '\u0EB3')) return true; if (('\u0EB4' <= c) && (c <= '\u0EB9')) return true; if (('\u0EBB' <= c) && (c <= '\u0EBC')) return true; if (c == '\u0EBD') return true; if (('\u0EC0' <= c) && (c <= '\u0EC4')) return true; if (c == '\u0EC6') return true; if (c == '\u0ECD') return true; if (('\u0EDC' <= c) && (c <= '\u0EDD')) return true; if (c == '\u0F00') return true; if (('\u0F40' <= c) && (c <= '\u0F47')) return true; if (('\u0F49' <= c) && (c <= '\u0F6A')) return true; if (('\u0F71' <= c) && (c <= '\u0F7E')) return true; if (c == '\u0F7F') return true; if (('\u0F80' <= c) && (c <= '\u0F81')) return true; if (('\u0F88' <= c) && (c <= '\u0F8B')) return true; if (('\u0F90' <= c) && (c <= '\u0F97')) return true; if (('\u0F99' <= c) && (c <= '\u0FBC')) return true; if (('\u1000' <= c) && (c <= '\u1021')) return true; if (('\u1023' <= c) && (c <= '\u1027')) return true; if (('\u1029' <= c) && (c <= '\u102A')) return true; if (c == '\u102C') return true; if (('\u102D' <= c) && (c <= '\u1030')) return true; if (c == '\u1031') return true; if (c == '\u1032') return true; if (c == '\u1036') return true; if (c == '\u1038') return true; if (('\u1050' <= c) && (c <= '\u1055')) return true; if (('\u1056' <= c) && (c <= '\u1057')) return true; if (('\u1058' <= c) && (c <= '\u1059')) return true; if (('\u10A0' <= c) && (c <= '\u10C5')) return true; if (('\u10D0' <= c) && (c <= '\u10F8')) return true; if (('\u1100' <= c) && (c <= '\u1159')) return true; if (('\u115F' <= c) && (c <= '\u11A2')) return true; if (('\u11A8' <= c) && (c <= '\u11F9')) return true; if (('\u1200' <= c) && (c <= '\u1206')) return true; if (('\u1208' <= c) && (c <= '\u1246')) return true; if (c == '\u1248') return true; if (('\u124A' <= c) && (c <= '\u124D')) return true; if (('\u1250' <= c) && (c <= '\u1256')) return true; if (c == '\u1258') return true; if (('\u125A' <= c) && (c <= '\u125D')) return true; if (('\u1260' <= c) && (c <= '\u1286')) return true; if (c == '\u1288') return true; if (('\u128A' <= c) && (c <= '\u128D')) return true; if (('\u1290' <= c) && (c <= '\u12AE')) return true; if (c == '\u12B0') return true; if (('\u12B2' <= c) && (c <= '\u12B5')) return true; if (('\u12B8' <= c) && (c <= '\u12BE')) return true; if (c == '\u12C0') return true; if (('\u12C2' <= c) && (c <= '\u12C5')) return true; if (('\u12C8' <= c) && (c <= '\u12CE')) return true; if (('\u12D0' <= c) && (c <= '\u12D6')) return true; if (('\u12D8' <= c) && (c <= '\u12EE')) return true; if (('\u12F0' <= c) && (c <= '\u130E')) return true; if (c == '\u1310') return true; if (('\u1312' <= c) && (c <= '\u1315')) return true; if (('\u1318' <= c) && (c <= '\u131E')) return true; if (('\u1320' <= c) && (c <= '\u1346')) return true; if (('\u1348' <= c) && (c <= '\u135A')) return true; if (('\u13A0' <= c) && (c <= '\u13F4')) return true; if (('\u1401' <= c) && (c <= '\u166C')) return true; if (('\u166F' <= c) && (c <= '\u1676')) return true; if (('\u1681' <= c) && (c <= '\u169A')) return true; if (('\u16A0' <= c) && (c <= '\u16EA')) return true; if (('\u16EE' <= c) && (c <= '\u16F0')) return true; if (('\u1700' <= c) && (c <= '\u170C')) return true; if (('\u170E' <= c) && (c <= '\u1711')) return true; if (('\u1712' <= c) && (c <= '\u1713')) return true; if (('\u1720' <= c) && (c <= '\u1731')) return true; if (('\u1732' <= c) && (c <= '\u1733')) return true; if (('\u1740' <= c) && (c <= '\u1751')) return true; if (('\u1752' <= c) && (c <= '\u1753')) return true; if (('\u1760' <= c) && (c <= '\u176C')) return true; if (('\u176E' <= c) && (c <= '\u1770')) return true; if (('\u1772' <= c) && (c <= '\u1773')) return true; if (('\u1780' <= c) && (c <= '\u17B3')) return true; if (c == '\u17B6') return true; if (('\u17B7' <= c) && (c <= '\u17BD')) return true; if (('\u17BE' <= c) && (c <= '\u17C5')) return true; if (c == '\u17C6') return true; if (('\u17C7' <= c) && (c <= '\u17C8')) return true; if (c == '\u17D7') return true; if (c == '\u17DC') return true; if (('\u1820' <= c) && (c <= '\u1842')) return true; if (c == '\u1843') return true; if (('\u1844' <= c) && (c <= '\u1877')) return true; if (('\u1880' <= c) && (c <= '\u18A8')) return true; if (c == '\u18A9') return true; if (('\u1900' <= c) && (c <= '\u191C')) return true; if (('\u1920' <= c) && (c <= '\u1922')) return true; if (('\u1923' <= c) && (c <= '\u1926')) return true; if (('\u1927' <= c) && (c <= '\u1928')) return true; if (('\u1929' <= c) && (c <= '\u192B')) return true; if (('\u1930' <= c) && (c <= '\u1931')) return true; if (c == '\u1932') return true; if (('\u1933' <= c) && (c <= '\u1938')) return true; if (('\u1950' <= c) && (c <= '\u196D')) return true; if (('\u1970' <= c) && (c <= '\u1974')) return true; if (('\u1D00' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D2B')) return true; if (('\u1D2C' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D61')) return true; if (('\u1D62' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D6B')) return true; if (('\u1E00' <= c) && (c <= '\u1E9B')) return true; if (('\u1EA0' <= c) && (c <= '\u1EF9')) return true; if (('\u1F00' <= c) && (c <= '\u1F15')) return true; if (('\u1F18' <= c) && (c <= '\u1F1D')) return true; if (('\u1F20' <= c) && (c <= '\u1F45')) return true; if (('\u1F48' <= c) && (c <= '\u1F4D')) return true; if (('\u1F50' <= c) && (c <= '\u1F57')) return true; if (c == '\u1F59') return true; if (c == '\u1F5B') return true; if (c == '\u1F5D') return true; if (('\u1F5F' <= c) && (c <= '\u1F7D')) return true; if (('\u1F80' <= c) && (c <= '\u1FB4')) return true; if (('\u1FB6' <= c) && (c <= '\u1FBC')) return true; if (c == '\u1FBE') return true; if (('\u1FC2' <= c) && (c <= '\u1FC4')) return true; if (('\u1FC6' <= c) && (c <= '\u1FCC')) return true; if (('\u1FD0' <= c) && (c <= '\u1FD3')) return true; if (('\u1FD6' <= c) && (c <= '\u1FDB')) return true; if (('\u1FE0' <= c) && (c <= '\u1FEC')) return true; if (('\u1FF2' <= c) && (c <= '\u1FF4')) return true; if (('\u1FF6' <= c) && (c <= '\u1FFC')) return true; if (c == '\u2071') return true; if (c == '\u207F') return true; if (c == '\u2102') return true; if (c == '\u2107') return true; if (('\u210A' <= c) && (c <= '\u2113')) return true; if (c == '\u2115') return true; if (('\u2119' <= c) && (c <= '\u211D')) return true; if (c == '\u2124') return true; if (c == '\u2126') return true; if (c == '\u2128') return true; if (('\u212A' <= c) && (c <= '\u212D')) return true; if (('\u212F' <= c) && (c <= '\u2131')) return true; if (('\u2133' <= c) && (c <= '\u2134')) return true; if (('\u2135' <= c) && (c <= '\u2138')) return true; if (c == '\u2139') return true; if (('\u213D' <= c) && (c <= '\u213F')) return true; if (('\u2145' <= c) && (c <= '\u2149')) return true; if (('\u2160' <= c) && (c <= '\u2183')) return true; if (c == '\u3005') return true; if (c == '\u3006') return true; if (c == '\u3007') return true; if (('\u3021' <= c) && (c <= '\u3029')) return true; if (('\u3031' <= c) && (c <= '\u3035')) return true; if (('\u3038' <= c) && (c <= '\u303A')) return true; if (c == '\u303B') return true; if (c == '\u303C') return true; if (('\u3041' <= c) && (c <= '\u3096')) return true; if (('\u309D' <= c) && (c <= '\u309E')) return true; if (c == '\u309F') return true; if (('\u30A1' <= c) && (c <= '\u30FA')) return true; if (('\u30FC' <= c) && (c <= '\u30FE')) return true; if (c == '\u30FF') return true; if (('\u3105' <= c) && (c <= '\u312C')) return true; if (('\u3131' <= c) && (c <= '\u318E')) return true; if (('\u31A0' <= c) && (c <= '\u31B7')) return true; if (('\u31F0' <= c) && (c <= '\u31FF')) return true; if (('\u3400' <= c) && (c <= '\u4DB5')) return true; if (('\u4E00' <= c) && (c <= '\u9FA5')) return true; if (('\uA000' <= c) && (c <= '\uA48C')) return true; if (('\uAC00' <= c) && (c <= '\uD7A3')) return true; if (('\uF900' <= c) && (c <= '\uFA2D')) return true; if (('\uFA30' <= c) && (c <= '\uFA6A')) return true; if (('\uFB00' <= c) && (c <= '\uFB06')) return true; if (('\uFB13' <= c) && (c <= '\uFB17')) return true; if (c == '\uFB1D') return true; if (c == '\uFB1E') return true; if (('\uFB1F' <= c) && (c <= '\uFB28')) return true; if (('\uFB2A' <= c) && (c <= '\uFB36')) return true; if (('\uFB38' <= c) && (c <= '\uFB3C')) return true; if (c == '\uFB3E') return true; if (('\uFB40' <= c) && (c <= '\uFB41')) return true; if (('\uFB43' <= c) && (c <= '\uFB44')) return true; if (('\uFB46' <= c) && (c <= '\uFBB1')) return true; if (('\uFBD3' <= c) && (c <= '\uFD3D')) return true; if (('\uFD50' <= c) && (c <= '\uFD8F')) return true; if (('\uFD92' <= c) && (c <= '\uFDC7')) return true; if (('\uFDF0' <= c) && (c <= '\uFDFB')) return true; if (('\uFE70' <= c) && (c <= '\uFE74')) return true; if (('\uFE76' <= c) && (c <= '\uFEFC')) return true; if (('\uFF21' <= c) && (c <= '\uFF3A')) return true; if (('\uFF41' <= c) && (c <= '\uFF5A')) return true; if (('\uFF66' <= c) && (c <= '\uFF6F')) return true; if (c == '\uFF70') return true; if (('\uFF71' <= c) && (c <= '\uFF9D')) return true; if (('\uFF9E' <= c) && (c <= '\uFF9F')) return true; if (('\uFFA0' <= c) && (c <= '\uFFBE')) return true; if (('\uFFC2' <= c) && (c <= '\uFFC7')) return true; if (('\uFFCA' <= c) && (c <= '\uFFCF')) return true; if (('\uFFD2' <= c) && (c <= '\uFFD7')) return true; if (('\uFFDA' <= c) && (c <= '\uFFDC')) return true; if (('\u10000' <= c) && (c <= '\u1000B')) return true; if (('\u1000D' <= c) && (c <= '\u10026')) return true; if (('\u10028' <= c) && (c <= '\u1003A')) return true; if (('\u1003C' <= c) && (c <= '\u1003D')) return true; if (('\u1003F' <= c) && (c <= '\u1004D')) return true; if (('\u10050' <= c) && (c <= '\u1005D')) return true; if (('\u10080' <= c) && (c <= '\u100FA')) return true; if (('\u10300' <= c) && (c <= '\u1031E')) return true; if (('\u10330' <= c) && (c <= '\u10349')) return true; if (c == '\u1034A') return true; if (('\u10380' <= c) && (c <= '\u1039D')) return true; if (('\u10400' <= c) && (c <= '\u1044F')) return true; if (('\u10450' <= c) && (c <= '\u1049D')) return true; if (('\u10800' <= c) && (c <= '\u10805')) return true; if (c == '\u10808') return true; if (('\u1080A' <= c) && (c <= '\u10835')) return true; if (('\u10837' <= c) && (c <= '\u10838')) return true; if (c == '\u1083C') return true; if (c == '\u1083F') return true; if (('\u1D400' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D454')) return true; if (('\u1D456' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D49C')) return true; if (('\u1D49E' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D49F')) return true; if (c == '\u1D4A2') return true; if (('\u1D4A5' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D4A6')) return true; if (('\u1D4A9' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D4AC')) return true; if (('\u1D4AE' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D4B9')) return true; if (c == '\u1D4BB') return true; if (('\u1D4BD' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D4C3')) return true; if (('\u1D4C5' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D505')) return true; if (('\u1D507' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D50A')) return true; if (('\u1D50D' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D514')) return true; if (('\u1D516' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D51C')) return true; if (('\u1D51E' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D539')) return true; if (('\u1D53B' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D53E')) return true; if (('\u1D540' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D544')) return true; if (c == '\u1D546') return true; if (('\u1D54A' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D550')) return true; if (('\u1D552' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D6A3')) return true; if (('\u1D6A8' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D6C0')) return true; if (('\u1D6C2' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D6DA')) return true; if (('\u1D6DC' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D6FA')) return true; if (('\u1D6FC' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D714')) return true; if (('\u1D716' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D734')) return true; if (('\u1D736' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D74E')) return true; if (('\u1D750' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D76E')) return true; if (('\u1D770' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D788')) return true; if (('\u1D78A' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D7A8')) return true; if (('\u1D7AA' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D7C2')) return true; if (('\u1D7C4' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D7C9')) return true; if (('\u20000' <= c) && (c <= '\u2A6D6')) return true; if (('\u2F800' <= c) && (c <= '\u2FA1D')) return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_Grapheme_Extend(c) { if (('\u0300' <= c) && (c <= '\u0357')) return true; if (('\u035D' <= c) && (c <= '\u036F')) return true; if (('\u0483' <= c) && (c <= '\u0486')) return true; if (('\u0488' <= c) && (c <= '\u0489')) return true; if (('\u0591' <= c) && (c <= '\u05A1')) return true; if (('\u05A3' <= c) && (c <= '\u05B9')) return true; if (('\u05BB' <= c) && (c <= '\u05BD')) return true; if (c == '\u05BF') return true; if (('\u05C1' <= c) && (c <= '\u05C2')) return true; if (c == '\u05C4') return true; if (('\u0610' <= c) && (c <= '\u0615')) return true; if (('\u064B' <= c) && (c <= '\u0658')) return true; if (c == '\u0670') return true; if (('\u06D6' <= c) && (c <= '\u06DC')) return true; if (c == '\u06DE') return true; if (('\u06DF' <= c) && (c <= '\u06E4')) return true; if (('\u06E7' <= c) && (c <= '\u06E8')) return true; if (('\u06EA' <= c) && (c <= '\u06ED')) return true; if (c == '\u0711') return true; if (('\u0730' <= c) && (c <= '\u074A')) return true; if (('\u07A6' <= c) && (c <= '\u07B0')) return true; if (('\u0901' <= c) && (c <= '\u0902')) return true; if (c == '\u093C') return true; if (('\u0941' <= c) && (c <= '\u0948')) return true; if (c == '\u094D') return true; if (('\u0951' <= c) && (c <= '\u0954')) return true; if (('\u0962' <= c) && (c <= '\u0963')) return true; if (c == '\u0981') return true; if (c == '\u09BC') return true; if (c == '\u09BE') return true; if (('\u09C1' <= c) && (c <= '\u09C4')) return true; if (c == '\u09CD') return true; if (c == '\u09D7') return true; if (('\u09E2' <= c) && (c <= '\u09E3')) return true; if (('\u0A01' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A02')) return true; if (c == '\u0A3C') return true; if (('\u0A41' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A42')) return true; if (('\u0A47' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A48')) return true; if (('\u0A4B' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A4D')) return true; if (('\u0A70' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A71')) return true; if (('\u0A81' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A82')) return true; if (c == '\u0ABC') return true; if (('\u0AC1' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AC5')) return true; if (('\u0AC7' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AC8')) return true; if (c == '\u0ACD') return true; if (('\u0AE2' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AE3')) return true; if (c == '\u0B01') return true; if (c == '\u0B3C') return true; if (c == '\u0B3E') return true; if (c == '\u0B3F') return true; if (('\u0B41' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B43')) return true; if (c == '\u0B4D') return true; if (c == '\u0B56') return true; if (c == '\u0B57') return true; if (c == '\u0B82') return true; if (c == '\u0BBE') return true; if (c == '\u0BC0') return true; if (c == '\u0BCD') return true; if (c == '\u0BD7') return true; if (('\u0C3E' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C40')) return true; if (('\u0C46' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C48')) return true; if (('\u0C4A' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C4D')) return true; if (('\u0C55' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C56')) return true; if (c == '\u0CBC') return true; if (c == '\u0CBF') return true; if (c == '\u0CC2') return true; if (c == '\u0CC6') return true; if (('\u0CCC' <= c) && (c <= '\u0CCD')) return true; if (('\u0CD5' <= c) && (c <= '\u0CD6')) return true; if (c == '\u0D3E') return true; if (('\u0D41' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D43')) return true; if (c == '\u0D4D') return true; if (c == '\u0D57') return true; if (c == '\u0DCA') return true; if (c == '\u0DCF') return true; if (('\u0DD2' <= c) && (c <= '\u0DD4')) return true; if (c == '\u0DD6') return true; if (c == '\u0DDF') return true; if (c == '\u0E31') return true; if (('\u0E34' <= c) && (c <= '\u0E3A')) return true; if (('\u0E47' <= c) && (c <= '\u0E4E')) return true; if (c == '\u0EB1') return true; if (('\u0EB4' <= c) && (c <= '\u0EB9')) return true; if (('\u0EBB' <= c) && (c <= '\u0EBC')) return true; if (('\u0EC8' <= c) && (c <= '\u0ECD')) return true; if (('\u0F18' <= c) && (c <= '\u0F19')) return true; if (c == '\u0F35') return true; if (c == '\u0F37') return true; if (c == '\u0F39') return true; if (('\u0F71' <= c) && (c <= '\u0F7E')) return true; if (('\u0F80' <= c) && (c <= '\u0F84')) return true; if (('\u0F86' <= c) && (c <= '\u0F87')) return true; if (('\u0F90' <= c) && (c <= '\u0F97')) return true; if (('\u0F99' <= c) && (c <= '\u0FBC')) return true; if (c == '\u0FC6') return true; if (('\u102D' <= c) && (c <= '\u1030')) return true; if (c == '\u1032') return true; if (('\u1036' <= c) && (c <= '\u1037')) return true; if (c == '\u1039') return true; if (('\u1058' <= c) && (c <= '\u1059')) return true; if (('\u1712' <= c) && (c <= '\u1714')) return true; if (('\u1732' <= c) && (c <= '\u1734')) return true; if (('\u1752' <= c) && (c <= '\u1753')) return true; if (('\u1772' <= c) && (c <= '\u1773')) return true; if (('\u17B7' <= c) && (c <= '\u17BD')) return true; if (c == '\u17C6') return true; if (('\u17C9' <= c) && (c <= '\u17D3')) return true; if (c == '\u17DD') return true; if (('\u180B' <= c) && (c <= '\u180D')) return true; if (c == '\u18A9') return true; if (('\u1920' <= c) && (c <= '\u1922')) return true; if (('\u1927' <= c) && (c <= '\u1928')) return true; if (c == '\u1932') return true; if (('\u1939' <= c) && (c <= '\u193B')) return true; if (('\u200C' <= c) && (c <= '\u200D')) return true; if (('\u20D0' <= c) && (c <= '\u20DC')) return true; if (('\u20DD' <= c) && (c <= '\u20E0')) return true; if (c == '\u20E1') return true; if (('\u20E2' <= c) && (c <= '\u20E4')) return true; if (('\u20E5' <= c) && (c <= '\u20EA')) return true; if (('\u302A' <= c) && (c <= '\u302F')) return true; if (('\u3099' <= c) && (c <= '\u309A')) return true; if (c == '\uFB1E') return true; if (('\uFE00' <= c) && (c <= '\uFE0F')) return true; if (('\uFE20' <= c) && (c <= '\uFE23')) return true; if (c == '\u1D165') return true; if (('\u1D167' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D169')) return true; if (('\u1D16E' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D16F')) return true; if (('\u1D17B' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D182')) return true; if (('\u1D185' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D18B')) return true; if (('\u1D1AA' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D1AD')) return true; if (('\uE0100' <= c) && (c <= '\uE01EF')) return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_Extend(c) { return WWHUnicodeInfo_Grapheme_Extend(c); } // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kana // // Hiragana range in Unicode is U+3040 ... U+309F, and the Katakana range is U+30A0 ... U+30FF. // function WWHUnicodeInfo_Hiragana(c) { if (('\u3040' <= c) && (c <= '\u309F')) return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_Katakana(c) { if (('\u30A0' <= c) && (c <= '\u30FF')) return true; if (c == '\u30FC') return true; if (c == '\uFF70') return true; if (c == '\uFF9E') return true; if (c == '\uFF9F') return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_Ideographic(c) { if (('\u1100' <= c) && (c <= '\u1159')) return true; if (c == '\u115F') return true; if (('\u2E80' <= c) && (c <= '\u2E99')) return true; if (('\u2E9B' <= c) && (c <= '\u2EF3')) return true; if (('\u2F00' <= c) && (c <= '\u2FD5')) return true; if (('\u2FF0' <= c) && (c <= '\u2FFB')) return true; if (c == '\u3000') return true; if (('\u3003' <= c) && (c <= '\u3004')) return true; if (('\u3006' <= c) && (c <= '\u3007')) return true; if (('\u3012' <= c) && (c <= '\u3013')) return true; if (('\u3020' <= c) && (c <= '\u3029')) return true; if (('\u3030' <= c) && (c <= '\u303A')) return true; if (('\u303D' <= c) && (c <= '\u303F')) return true; if (c == '\u3042') return true; if (c == '\u3044') return true; if (c == '\u3046') return true; if (c == '\u3048') return true; if (('\u304A' <= c) && (c <= '\u3062')) return true; if (('\u3064' <= c) && (c <= '\u3082')) return true; if (c == '\u3084') return true; if (c == '\u3086') return true; if (('\u3088' <= c) && (c <= '\u308D')) return true; if (('\u308F' <= c) && (c <= '\u3094')) return true; if (c == '\u309F') return true; if (c == '\u30A2') return true; if (c == '\u30A4') return true; if (c == '\u30A6') return true; if (c == '\u30A8') return true; if (('\u30AA' <= c) && (c <= '\u30C2')) return true; if (('\u30C4' <= c) && (c <= '\u30E2')) return true; if (c == '\u30E4') return true; if (c == '\u30E6') return true; if (('\u30E8' <= c) && (c <= '\u30ED')) return true; if (('\u30EF' <= c) && (c <= '\u30F4')) return true; if (('\u30F7' <= c) && (c <= '\u30FA')) return true; if (c == '\u30FC') return true; if (('\u30FE' <= c) && (c <= '\u30FF')) return true; if (('\u3105' <= c) && (c <= '\u312C')) return true; if (('\u3131' <= c) && (c <= '\u318E')) return true; if (('\u3190' <= c) && (c <= '\u31B7')) return true; if (('\u3200' <= c) && (c <= '\u321C')) return true; if (('\u3220' <= c) && (c <= '\u3243')) return true; if (('\u3251' <= c) && (c <= '\u327B')) return true; if (('\u327F' <= c) && (c <= '\u32CB')) return true; if (('\u32D0' <= c) && (c <= '\u32FE')) return true; if (('\u3300' <= c) && (c <= '\u3376')) return true; if (('\u337B' <= c) && (c <= '\u33DD')) return true; if (('\u33E0' <= c) && (c <= '\u33FE')) return true; if (('\u3400' <= c) && (c <= '\u4DB5')) return true; if (('\u4E00' <= c) && (c <= '\u9FA5')) return true; if (('\uA000' <= c) && (c <= '\uA48C')) return true; if (('\uA490' <= c) && (c <= '\uA4C6')) return true; if (('\uAC00' <= c) && (c <= '\uD7A3')) return true; if (('\uF900' <= c) && (c <= '\uFA2D')) return true; if (('\uFA30' <= c) && (c <= '\uFA6A')) return true; if (('\uFE30' <= c) && (c <= '\uFE34')) return true; if (('\uFE45' <= c) && (c <= '\uFE46')) return true; if (('\uFE49' <= c) && (c <= '\uFE4F')) return true; if (c == '\uFE51') return true; if (c == '\uFE58') return true; if (('\uFE5F' <= c) && (c <= '\uFE66')) return true; if (c == '\uFE68') return true; if (c == '\uFE6B') return true; if (('\uFF02' <= c) && (c <= '\uFF03')) return true; if (('\uFF06' <= c) && (c <= '\uFF07')) return true; if (('\uFF0A' <= c) && (c <= '\uFF0B')) return true; if (c == '\uFF0D') return true; if (('\uFF0F' <= c) && (c <= '\uFF19')) return true; if (('\uFF1C' <= c) && (c <= '\uFF1E')) return true; if (('\uFF20' <= c) && (c <= '\uFF3A')) return true; if (c == '\uFF3C') return true; if (('\uFF3E' <= c) && (c <= '\uFF5A')) return true; if (c == '\uFF5C') return true; if (c == '\uFF5E') return true; if (('\uFFE2' <= c) && (c <= '\uFFE4')) return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_ALetter(c) { if (c == '\u05F3') return true; if (WWHUnicodeInfo_Ideographic(c)) return false; if (WWHUnicodeInfo_Katakana(c)) return false; if (WWHUnicodeInfo_Alphabetic(c)) return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_ABaseLetter(c) { if (WWHUnicodeInfo_Grapheme_Extend(c)) return false; if (WWHUnicodeInfo_ALetter(c)) return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_ACMLetter(c) { if (WWHUnicodeInfo_Grapheme_Extend(c)) { if (WWHUnicodeInfo_ALetter(c)) return true; } return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_MidLetter(c) { if (c == '\u0027') return true; if (c == '\u00B7') return true; if (c == '\u05F4') return true; if (c == '\u2019') return true; if (c == '\u2027') return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_MidNumLet(c) { if (c == '\u002E') return true; if (c == '\u003A') return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_MidNum(c) { if (c == '\u002C') return true; if (c == '\u002E') return true; if (c == '\u003a') return true; if (c == '\u003b') return true; if (c == '\u0589') return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_Numeric(c) { if (('\u0030' <= c) && (c <= '\u0039')) return true; if (('\u0660' <= c) && (c <= '\u0669')) return true; if (('\u066B' <= c) && (c <= '\u066C')) return true; if (('\u06F0' <= c) && (c <= '\u06F9')) return true; if (('\u07C0' <= c) && (c <= '\u07C9')) return true; if (('\u0966' <= c) && (c <= '\u096F')) return true; if (('\u09E6' <= c) && (c <= '\u09EF')) return true; if (('\u0A66' <= c) && (c <= '\u0A6F')) return true; if (('\u0AE6' <= c) && (c <= '\u0AEF')) return true; if (('\u0B66' <= c) && (c <= '\u0B6F')) return true; if (('\u0BE6' <= c) && (c <= '\u0BEF')) return true; if (('\u0C66' <= c) && (c <= '\u0C6F')) return true; if (('\u0CE6' <= c) && (c <= '\u0CEF')) return true; if (('\u0D66' <= c) && (c <= '\u0D6F')) return true; if (('\u0E50' <= c) && (c <= '\u0E59')) return true; if (('\u0ED0' <= c) && (c <= '\u0ED9')) return true; if (('\u0F20' <= c) && (c <= '\u0F29')) return true; if (('\u1040' <= c) && (c <= '\u1049')) return true; if (('\u17E0' <= c) && (c <= '\u17E9')) return true; if (('\u1810' <= c) && (c <= '\u1819')) return true; if (('\u1946' <= c) && (c <= '\u194F')) return true; if (('\u19D0' <= c) && (c <= '\u19D9')) return true; if (('\u1B50' <= c) && (c <= '\u1B59')) return true; if (('\u104A0' <= c) && (c <= '\u104A9')) return true; if (('\u1D7CE' <= c) && (c <= '\u1D7FF')) return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_Korean_L(c) { if (('\u1100' <= c) && (c <= '\u115f')) return true; if (('\uac00' <= c) && (c <= '\ud7a3')) return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_Korean_V(c) { if (('\u1160' <= c) && (c <= '\u11a2')) return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_Korean_T(c) { if (('\u11a8' <= c) && (c <= '\u11f9')) return true; return false; } var WWHUnicodeInfo_Korean_LV_Data = { '\uac00': true, '\uac1c': true, '\uac38': true, '\uac54': true, '\uac70': true,'\uac8c': true, '\uaca8': true, '\uacc4': true, '\uace0': true, '\uacfc': true, '\uad18': true, '\uad34': true, '\uad50': true, '\uad6c': true, '\uad88': true, '\uada4': true, '\uadc0': true, '\uaddc': true, '\uadf8': true, '\uae14': true, '\uae30': true, '\uae4c': true, '\uae68': true, '\uae84': true, '\uaea0': true, '\uaebc': true, '\uaed8': true, '\uaef4': true, '\uaf10': true, '\uaf2c': true, '\uaf48': true, '\uaf64': true, '\uaf80': true, '\uaf9c': true, '\uafb8': true, '\uafd4': true, '\uaff0': true, '\ub00c': true, '\ub028': true, '\ub044': true, '\ub060': true, '\ub07c': true, '\ub098': true, '\ub0b4': true, '\ub0d0': true, '\ub0ec': true, '\ub108': true, '\ub124': true, '\ub140': true, '\ub15c': true, '\ub178': true, '\ub194': true, '\ub1b0': true, '\ub1cc': true, '\ub1e8': true, '\ub204': true, '\ub220': true, '\ub23c': true, '\ub258': true, '\ub274': true, '\ub290': true, '\ub2ac': true, '\ub2c8': true, '\ub2e4': true, '\ub300': true, '\ub31c': true, '\ub338': true, '\ub354': true, '\ub370': true, '\ub38c': true, '\ub3a8': true, '\ub3c4': true, '\ub3e0': true, '\ub3fc': true, '\ub418': true, '\ub434': true, '\ub450': true, '\ub46c': true, '\ub488': true, '\ub4a4': true, '\ub4c0': true, '\ub4dc': true, '\ub4f8': true, '\ub514': true, '\ub530': true, '\ub54c': true, '\ub568': true, '\ub584': true, '\ub5a0': true, '\ub5bc': true, '\ub5d8': true, '\ub5f4': true, '\ub610': true, '\ub62c': true, '\ub648': true, '\ub664': true, '\ub680': true, '\ub69c': true, '\ub6b8': true, '\ub6d4': true, '\ub6f0': true, '\ub70c': true, '\ub728': true, '\ub744': true, '\ub760': true, '\ub77c': true, '\ub798': true, '\ub7b4': true, '\ub7d0': true, '\ub7ec': true, '\ub808': true, '\ub824': true, '\ub840': true, '\ub85c': true, '\ub878': true, '\ub894': true, '\ub8b0': true, '\ub8cc': true, '\ub8e8': true, '\ub904': true, '\ub920': true, '\ub93c': true, '\ub958': true, '\ub974': true, '\ub990': true, '\ub9ac': true, '\ub9c8': true, '\ub9e4': true, '\uba00': true, '\uba1c': true, '\uba38': true, '\uba54': true, '\uba70': true, '\uba8c': true, '\ubaa8': true, '\ubac4': true, '\ubae0': true, '\ubafc': true, '\ubb18': true, '\ubb34': true, '\ubb50': true, '\ubb6c': true, '\ubb88': true, '\ubba4': true, '\ubbc0': true, '\ubbdc': true, '\ubbf8': true, '\ubc14': true, '\ubc30': true, '\ubc4c': true, '\ubc68': true, '\ubc84': true, '\ubca0': true, '\ubcbc': true, '\ubcd8': true, '\ubcf4': true, '\ubd10': true, '\ubd2c': true, '\ubd48': true, '\ubd64': true, '\ubd80': true, '\ubd9c': true, '\ubdb8': true, '\ubdd4': true, '\ubdf0': true, '\ube0c': true, '\ube28': true, '\ube44': true, '\ube60': true, '\ube7c': true, '\ube98': true, '\ubeb4': true, '\ubed0': true, '\ubeec': true, '\ubf08': true, '\ubf24': true, '\ubf40': true, '\ubf5c': true, '\ubf78': true, '\ubf94': true, '\ubfb0': true, '\ubfcc': true, '\ubfe8': true, '\uc004': true, '\uc020': true, '\uc03c': true, '\uc058': true, '\uc074': true, '\uc090': true, '\uc0ac': true, '\uc0c8': true, '\uc0e4': true, '\uc100': true, '\uc11c': true, '\uc138': true, '\uc154': true, '\uc170': true, '\uc18c': true, '\uc1a8': true, '\uc1c4': true, '\uc1e0': true, '\uc1fc': true, '\uc218': true, '\uc234': true, '\uc250': true, '\uc26c': true, '\uc288': true, '\uc2a4': true, '\uc2c0': true, '\uc2dc': true, '\uc2f8': true, '\uc314': true, '\uc330': true, '\uc34c': true, '\uc368': true, '\uc384': true, '\uc3a0': true, '\uc3bc': true, '\uc3d8': true, '\uc3f4': true, '\uc410': true, '\uc42c': true, '\uc448': true, '\uc464': true, '\uc480': true, '\uc49c': true, '\uc4b8': true, '\uc4d4': true, '\uc4f0': true, '\uc50c': true, '\uc528': true, '\uc544': true, '\uc560': true, '\uc57c': true, '\uc598': true, '\uc5b4': true, '\uc5d0': true, '\uc5ec': true, '\uc608': true, '\uc624': true, '\uc640': true, '\uc65c': true, '\uc678': true, '\uc694': true, '\uc6b0': true, '\uc6cc': true, '\uc6e8': true, '\uc704': true, '\uc720': true, '\uc73c': true, '\uc758': true, '\uc774': true, '\uc790': true, '\uc7ac': true, '\uc7c8': true, '\uc7e4': true, '\uc800': true, '\uc81c': true, '\uc838': true, '\uc854': true, '\uc870': true, '\uc88c': true, '\uc8a8': true, '\uc8c4': true, '\uc8e0': true, '\uc8fc': true, '\uc918': true, '\uc934': true, '\uc950': true, '\uc96c': true, '\uc988': true, '\uc9a4': true, '\uc9c0': true, '\uc9dc': true, '\uc9f8': true, '\uca14': true, '\uca30': true, '\uca4c': true, '\uca68': true, '\uca84': true, '\ucaa0': true, '\ucabc': true, '\ucad8': true, '\ucaf4': true, '\ucb10': true, '\ucb2c': true, '\ucb48': true, '\ucb64': true, '\ucb80': true, '\ucb9c': true, '\ucbb8': true, '\ucbd4': true, '\ucbf0': true, '\ucc0c': true, '\ucc28': true, '\ucc44': true, '\ucc60': true, '\ucc7c': true, '\ucc98': true, '\uccb4': true, '\uccd0': true, '\uccec': true, '\ucd08': true, '\ucd24': true, '\ucd40': true, '\ucd5c': true, '\ucd78': true, '\ucd94': true, '\ucdb0': true, '\ucdcc': true, '\ucde8': true, '\uce04': true, '\uce20': true, '\uce3c': true, '\uce58': true, '\uce74': true, '\uce90': true, '\uceac': true, '\ucec8': true, '\ucee4': true, '\ucf00': true, '\ucf1c': true, '\ucf38': true, '\ucf54': true, '\ucf70': true, '\ucf8c': true, '\ucfa8': true, '\ucfc4': true, '\ucfe0': true, '\ucffc': true, '\ud018': true, '\ud034': true, '\ud050': true, '\ud06c': true, '\ud088': true, '\ud0a4': true, '\ud0c0': true, '\ud0dc': true, '\ud0f8': true, '\ud114': true, '\ud130': true, '\ud14c': true, '\ud168': true, '\ud184': true, '\ud1a0': true, '\ud1bc': true, '\ud1d8': true, '\ud1f4': true, '\ud210': true, '\ud22c': true, '\ud248': true, '\ud264': true, '\ud280': true, '\ud29c': true, '\ud2b8': true, '\ud2d4': true, '\ud2f0': true, '\ud30c': true, '\ud328': true, '\ud344': true, '\ud360': true, '\ud37c': true, '\ud398': true, '\ud3b4': true, '\ud3d0': true, '\ud3ec': true, '\ud408': true, '\ud424': true, '\ud440': true, '\ud45c': true, '\ud478': true, '\ud494': true, '\ud4b0': true, '\ud4cc': true, '\ud4e8': true, '\ud504': true, '\ud520': true, '\ud53c': true, '\ud558': true, '\ud574': true, '\ud590': true, '\ud5ac': true, '\ud5c8': true, '\ud5e4': true, '\ud600': true, '\ud61c': true, '\ud638': true, '\ud654': true, '\ud670': true, '\ud68c': true, '\ud6a8': true, '\ud6c4': true, '\ud6e0': true, '\ud6fc': true, '\ud718': true, '\ud734': true, '\ud750': true, '\ud76c': true, '\ud788': true }; function WWHUnicodeInfo_Korean_LV(c) { if (WWHUnicodeInfo_Korean_LV_Data[c] == true) return true; return false; } function WWHUnicodeInfo_Korean_LVT(c) { if ( ! WWHUnicodeInfo_Korean_LV(c)) { if (('\uac00' <= c) && (c <= '\ud7a3')) return true; } return false; } var WWHUnicodeInfo_WWNoBreak_Data = { '\u2027': true, '\u00AD': true, '\u2011': true, '\u2010': true, '\u2043': true, '\u002D': true, '\u005f': true, '\u0332': true, '\u002a': true, '\u002f': true, '\u005c': true, '\u0040': true, '\u0026': true, '\u003d': true, '\u0024': true }; function WWHUnicodeInfo_WWNoBreak(c) { if (WWHUnicodeInfo_WWNoBreak_Data[c]) { return true; } return false; } var WWHUnicodeInfo_WWOpenBracket_Data = { '\u0028': true, '\u005b': true, '\u007b': true, '\u003c': true }; function WWHUnicodeInfo_WWOpenBracket(c) { if (WWHUnicodeInfo_WWOpenBracket_Data[c]) { return true; } return false; } var WWHUnicodeInfo_WWCloseBracket_Data = { '\u0029': true, '\u005d': true, '\u007d': true, '\u003e': true }; function WWHUnicodeInfo_WWCloseBracket(c) { if (WWHUnicodeInfo_WWCloseBracket_Data[c]) { return true; } return false; }