3 Advanced Features : Using Security

Using Security
The drivers support authentication and data encryption. For current information, refer to the security matrix on the Progress DataDirect Web site:
The individual driver chapters provide driver-specific details, but the following sections give an overview of both authentication and data encryption, as well as discussing general requirements.
On most computer systems, a password is used to prove a user's identity. This password often is transmitted over the network and can possibly be intercepted by malicious hackers. Because this password is the one secret piece of information that identifies a user, anyone knowing a user's password can effectively be that user. Authentication methods protect the identity of the user.
The drivers support the following authentication methods:
User ID/password authentication authenticates the user to the database using a database user name and password.
Client authentication uses the user ID and password of the user logged onto the system on which the driver is running to authenticate the user to the database. The database server relies on the client to authenticate the user and does not provide additional authentication.
Kerberos authentication is a trusted third-party authentication service that verifies user identities. DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC supports both Windows Active Directory Kerberos and MIT Kerberos implementations.
NTLM authentication authenticates clients to the database through a challenge-response authentication mechanism that enables clients to prove their identities without sending a database password to the server.
Kerberos Authentication
Kerberos authentication is available in the following DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC drivers:
Kerberos authentication can take advantage of the user name and password maintained by the operating system to authenticate users to the database or use another set of user credentials specified by the application.
The Kerberos method requires knowledge of how to configure your Kerberos environment. This method supports both Windows Active Directory Kerberos and MIT Kerberos environments.
To use Kerberos authentication, the application user first must obtain a Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) from the Kerberos server. The Kerberos server verifies the identity of the user and controls access to services using the credentials contained in the TGT.
If the application uses Kerberos authentication from a Windows client, the application user does not explicitly need to obtain a TGT. Windows Active Directory automatically obtains a TGT for the user.
If the application uses Kerberos authentication from a UNIX or Linux client, the user must explicitly obtain a TGT. To obtain a TGT explicitly, the user must log onto the Kerberos server using the kinit command. For example, the following command requests a TGT from the server with a lifetime of 10 hours, which is renewable for 5 days:
kinit -l 10h -r 5d user
where user is the application user.
Refer to your Kerberos documentation for more information about using the kinit command and obtaining TGTs for users.
NTLM Authentication
NTLM authentication is available in the following the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC drivers:
Table 3-3 provides the platform support information for the drivers.

NTLM single sign on is not supported. To connect to SQL Server, users must use connection attributes to supply the Windows User Id, Password, and Domain to the driver.

Data Encryption Across the Network
If your database connection is not configured to use data encryption, data is sent across the network in a format that is designed for fast transmission and can be decoded by interceptors, given some time and effort. For example, text data is often sent across the wire as clear text. Because this format does not provide complete protection from interceptors, you may want to use data encryption to provide a more secure transmission of data.
For example, you may want to use data encryption in the following scenarios:
Certain DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC drivers support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). SSL is an industry-standard protocol for sending encrypted data over database connections. SSL secures the integrity of your data by encrypting information and providing client/server authentication. In addition, the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol driver supports DB2 database-specific encryption.
NOTE: Data encryption may adversely affect performance because of the additional overhead (mainly CPU usage) required to encrypt and decrypt data.
SSL Encryption
SSL encryption is available in the following DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC drivers:
NOTE: Communication between the Salesforce driver and Salesforce.com, Force.com, and Database.com is always SSL encrypted.
SSL works by allowing the client and server to send each other encrypted data that only they can decrypt. SSL negotiates the terms of the encryption in a sequence of events known as the SSL handshake. The drivers support the SSL v2, SSL v3, and TLS v1 protocols using OpenSSL cipher suites, and negotiate the highest SSL/TLS protocol available during the handshake. The result of this negotiation determines the encryption cipher suite to be used for the SSL session.
The encryption cipher suite defines the type of encryption that is used for any data exchanged through an SSL connection. Refer to Chapter 8 “SSL Encryption Cipher Suites” in the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC Reference for a list of the encryption cipher suites supported by the drivers.
The handshake involves the following types of authentication:
SSL server authentication requires the server to authenticate itself to the client.
SSL client authentication is optional and requires the client to authenticate itself to the server after the server has authenticated itself to the client. Not all databases support SSL client authentication.
SSL requires the use of a digitally-signed document, an x.509 standard certificate, for authentication and the secure exchange of data. The purpose of this certificate is to tie the public key contained in the certificate securely to the person/company that holds the corresponding private key. The DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC drivers support many popular formats. Supported formats include:
DER Encoded Binary X.509
Base64 Encoded X.509
PKCS #12 / Personal Information Exchange
SSL Server Authentication
When the client makes a connection request, the server presents its public certificate for the client to accept or deny. The client checks the issuer of the certificate against a list of trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) that resides in an encrypted file on the client known as a truststore. If the certificate matches a trusted CA in the truststore, an encrypted connection is established between the client and server. If the certificate does not match, the connection fails and the driver generates an error.
Most truststores are password-protected. The driver must be able to locate the truststore and unlock the truststore with the appropriate password. Two connection string attributes are available to the driver to provide this information: TrustStore and TrustStorePassword. The value of TrustStore is a pathname that specifies the location of the truststore file. The value of TrustStorePassword is the password required to access the contents of the truststore.
Alternatively, you can configure the driver to trust any certificate sent by the server, even if the issuer is not a trusted CA. Allowing a driver to trust any certificate sent from the server is useful in test environments because it eliminates the need to specify truststore information on each client in the test environment. ValidateServerCertificate, another connection string attribute, allows the driver to accept any certificate returned from the server regardless of whether the issuer of the certificate is a trusted CA.
Finally, the connection string attribute, HostNameInCertificate, allows an additional method of server verification. When a value is specified for HostNameInCertificate, it must match the host name of the server, which has been established by the SSL administrator. This prevents malicious intervention between the client and the server and ensures that the driver is connecting to the server that was requested.
SSL Client Authentication
If the server is configured for SSL client authentication, the server asks the client to verify its identity after the server identity has been proven. Similar to server authentication, the client sends a public certificate to the server to accept or deny. The client stores its public certificate in an encrypted file known as a keystore. Public certificates are paired with a private key in the keystore. To send the public certificate, the driver must access the private key.
Like the truststore, most keystores are password-protected. The driver must be able to locate the keystore and unlock the keystore with the appropriate password. Two connection string attributes are available to the driver to provide this information: KeyStore and KeyStorePassword. The value of KeyStore is a pathname that specifies the location of the keystore file. The value of KeystorePassword is the password required to access the keystore.
The private keys stored in a keystore can be individually password-protected. In many cases, the same password is used for access to both the keystore and to the individual keys in the keystore. It is possible, however, that the individual keys are protected by passwords different from the keystore password. The driver needs to know the password for an individual key to be able to retrieve it from the keystore. An additional connection string attribute, KeyPassword, allows you to specify a password for an individual key.
Not all databases support SSL client authentication. The individual driver chapters indicate whether client authentication is supported.
Summary of Security-Related Options
Table 3-4 summarizes how security-related connection options work with the drivers. See "Connection Option Descriptions" in each driver chapter for details about configuring the options.
The name of the Generic Security Service (GSS) client library that the driver uses to communicate with the Key Distribution Center (KDC).