3 Advanced Features : Using DataDirect Connection Pooling

Using DataDirect Connection Pooling
DataDirect connection pooling is available in the following DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC drivers:
Connection pooling allows you to reuse connections rather than creating a new one every time the driver needs to establish a connection to the underlying database. The DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC drivers enable connection pooling without requiring changes to your client application.
NOTE: Connection pooling works only with connections that are established using SQLConnect or SQLDriverConnect with the SQL_DRIVER_NO_PROMPT argument and only with applications that are thread-enabled.
DataDirect connection pooling that is implemented by the DataDirect driver is different than connection pooling implemented by the Windows Driver Manager. The Windows Driver Manager opens connections dynamically, up to the limits of memory and server resources. DataDirect connection pooling, however, allows you to control the number of connections in a pool through the Min Pool Size (minimum number of connections in a pool) and Max Pool Size (maximum number of connections in a pool) connection options. In addition, DataDirect connection pooling is cross-platform, allowing it to operate on UNIX and Linux. See the "Connection Option Descriptions" section in each driver’s chapter for details about how the connection options manage DataDirect connection pooling.
IMPORTANT: On a Windows system, do not use both Windows Driver Manager connection pooling and DataDirect connection pooling at the same time.
Creating a Connection Pool
Each connection pool is associated with a specific connection string. By default, the connection pool is created when the first connection with a unique connection string connects to the data source. The pool is populated with connections up to the minimum pool size before the first connection is returned. Additional connections can be added until the pool reaches the maximum pool size. If the Max Pool Size option is set to 10 and all connections are active, a request for an eleventh connection has to wait in queue for one of the 10 pool connections to become idle. The pool remains active until the process ends or the driver is unloaded.
If a new connection is opened and the connection string does not exactly match an existing pool, a new pool must be created. By using the same connection string, you can enhance the performance and scalability of your application.
Adding Connections to a Pool
A connection pool is created in the process of creating each unique connection string that an application uses. When a pool is created, it is populated with enough connections to satisfy the minimum pool size requirement, set by the Min Pool Size connection option. The maximum pool size is set by the Max Pool Size connection option. The driver allocates additional connections to the pool until the number of connections reaches the value set by Max Pool Size.
Once the maximum pool size has been reached and no usable connection is available to satisfy a connection request, the request is queued in the driver. The driver waits for the length of time specified in the Login Timeout connection option for a usable connection to return to the application. If this time period expires and a connection has not become available, the driver returns an error to the application.
A connection is returned to the pool when the application calls SQLDisconnect. Your application is still responsible for freeing the handle, but this does not result in the database session ending.
Removing Connections from a Pool
A connection is removed from a connection pool when it exceeds its lifetime as determined by the Load Balance Timeout connection option. In addition, DataDirect has created connection attributes described in Table 3-5 to give your application the ability to reset connection pools. If connections are in use at the time of these calls, they are marked appropriately. When SQLDisconnect is called, the connections are discarded instead of being returned to the pool.
Calling SQLSetConnectAttr (SQL_ATTR_CLEAR_POOLS, SQL_CLEAR_ALL_CONN_POOL) clears all the connection pools associated with the driver that created the connection.
This is a write-only connection attribute. The driver returns an error if SQLGetConnectAttr (SQL_ATTR_CLEAR_POOLS) is called.
Calling SQLSetConnectAttr (SQL_ATTR_CLEAR_POOLS, SQL_CLEAR_CURRENT_CONN_POOL) clears the connection pool that is associated with the current connection.
This is a write-only connection attribute. The driver returns an error if SQLGetConnectAttr (SQL_ATTR_CLEAR_POOLS) is called.
NOTE: By default, if removing a connection causes the number of connections to drop below the number specified in the Min Pool Size option, a new connection is not created until an application needs one.
Handling Dead Connections in a Pool
What happens when an idle connection loses its physical connection to the database? For example, suppose the database server is rebooted or the network experiences a temporary interruption. An application that attempts to connect could receive errors because the physical connection to the database has been lost.
DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC drivers handle this situation transparently to the user. The application does not receive any errors on the connection attempt because the driver simply returns a connection from a connection pool. The first time the connection handle is used to execute a SQL statement, the driver detects that the physical connection to the server has been lost and attempts to reconnect to the server before executing the SQL statement. If the driver can reconnect to the server, the result of the SQL execution is returned to the application; no errors are returned to the application.
The driver uses connection failover option values, if they are enabled, when attempting this seamless reconnection; however, it attempts to reconnect even if these options are not enabled. See “Connection Failover” for information about configuring the driver to connect to a backup server when the primary server is not available.
NOTE: If the driver cannot reconnect to the server (for example, because the server is still down), an error is returned indicating that the reconnect attempt failed, along with specifics about the reason the connection failed.
The technique that Progress DataDirect uses for handling dead connections in connection pools allows for maximum performance of the connection pooling mechanism. Some drivers periodically test the server with a dummy SQL statement while the connections sit idle. Other drivers test the server when the application requests the use of the connection from the connection pool. Both of these approaches add round trips to the database server and ultimately slow down the application during normal operation.
Connection Pool Statistics
Progress DataDirect has created a connection attribute to monitor the status of the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC connection pools. This attribute, which is described in Table 3-6, allows your application to fetch statistics for the pool to which a connection belongs.
Calling SQLGetConnectAttr (SQL_ATTR_POOL_INF, SQL_GET_POOL_INFO) returns a PoolInfoStruct that contains the statistics for the connection pool to which this connection belongs. This PoolInfoStruct is defined in qesqlext.h. For example:
SQLGetConnectAttr(hdbc, SQL_ATTR_POOL_INFO, PoolInfoStruct *, SQL_LEN_BINARY_ATTR(PoolInfoStruct), &len);
This is a read-only connection attribute. The driver returns an error if SQLSetConnectAttr (SQL_ATTR_POOL_INFO) is called.
Summary of Pooling-Related Options
Table 3-7 summarizes how connection pooling-related connection options work with the drivers. See "Connection Option Descriptions" in each driver chapter for details about configuring the options.