15 The Btrieve (Pervasive.SQL) Driver : Managing Databases

Managing Databases
If you already use Scalable SQL, the Btrieve driver can access your Scalable SQL databases directly. If not, your Btrieve files must be incorporated into a Scalable SQL database.
A Scalable SQL database is composed of data files that contain your records and data dictionary files that describe the database. The data files are Btrieve files. The data dictionary files are special Btrieve files that contain descriptions of the data files, views, fields, and indexes in your database.
All Btrieve files in a Scalable SQL database must reside in the same directory. In addition to the Btrieve data files, the three data dictionary files (FILE.DDF, FIELD.DDF, and INDEX.DDF) also must be in the directory.
Incorporating a Btrieve file into a Scalable SQL database does not change the Btrieve file in any way. You can continue to access the file directly with any existing Btrieve application.