15 The Btrieve (Pervasive.SQL) Driver : Alter Table Statement

Alter Table Statement
The Btrieve driver supports the Alter Table statement to add one or more columns to a table or to delete (drop) a single column.
The Alter Table statement has the form:
ALTER TABLE table_name {ADD column_name data_type
| ADD (column_name data_type [, column_name data_type]...)
| DROP [COLUMN] column_name}
table_name is the name of the table to which you are adding or dropping columns.
column_name assigns a name to the column you are adding or specifies the column you are dropping.
data_type specifies the native data type of each column you add.
For example, to add two columns to the emp table:
ALTER TABLE emp (ADD startdate date, dept char 10)
You cannot add columns and drop columns in a single statement, and you can drop only one column at a time. For example, to drop a column:
ALTER TABLE emp DROP startdate
The Alter Table statement fails when you attempt to drop a column upon which other objects, such as indexes or views, are dependent.