16 The dBASE Driver : Data Types

Data Types
Table 16-2 shows how dBASE data types map to the standard ODBC data types. These dBASE data types can be used in a Create Table statement. Refer to Chapter 11 “SQL Statements for Flat-File Drivers” in the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC Reference for the syntax of the Create Table statement.
Table 16-3 shows how the additional FoxPro 3.0 data types map to the ODBC data types.
NOTE: A few products can create dBASE files with numbers that do not conform to the precision and scale of the Number column. For example, these products can store 100000 in a column declared as NUMBER(5,2). When this occurs, the dBASE driver displays error 1244, Unsupported decimal format. To remedy this situation, multiply the nonconforming column by 1, which converts it to the Float data type. For example:
BADCOL * 1 is evaluated as an expression and is returned as a float value.
Table 16-2. dBASE Data Types 

dBASE V only.

254 characters maximum (1024 for Clipper).

dBASE IV and V only.

FoxPro and dBASE V only.

See “Retrieving Data Type Information” for information about retrieving data types.