7 The MySQL Wire Protocol Driver

The DataDirect Connect for ODBC and DataDirect Connect64 for ODBC MySQL Wire Protocol driver (the MySQL Wire Protocol driver) each support multiple connections to the following server and storage engines:
MySQL 5.0.x server
NOTE: The DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC drivers for MySQL Enterprise were developed using the MySQL Protocol Documentation whose copyright is owned by, and licensed by Progess DataDirect from, MySQL AB. If any of the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC is licensed for the MySQL database, the following shall apply: You must purchase commercially licensed MySQL database software or a MySQL Enterprise subscription to use the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC drivers for MySQL Enterprise with MySQL software.
The MySQL Wire Protocol driver is supported in the Windows, UNIX, and Linux environments. See “Environment-Specific Information” for detailed information about the environments supported by this driver.
See the readme file shipped with your DataDirect Connect product for the file name of the MySQL Wire Protocol driver.