1 Quick Start Connect : Using the Performance Wizard

Using the Performance Wizard
The Performance Wizard leads you step-by-step through a series of questions about your application. Based on your answers, the Wizard provides the optimal settings for performance-related connection string options. The Wizard applies to the following drivers:
The Wizard runs as an applet within a browser window. The browser must be configured to run applets. Refer to your browser’s documentation for instructions on configuring your browser.
NOTE: Security features set in your browser can prevent the Performance Wizard from launching. If this is the case, a security warning message is displayed. Often, the warning message provides instructions for unblocking the Performance Wizard for the current session. To allow the Performance Wizard to launch without encountering a security warning message, the security settings in your browser can be modified. Check with your system administrator before disabling any security features.
Starting the Wizard
You can start the Wizard in the following ways:
On all platforms, you can start the Wizard by launching the following file from your browser window, where install_dir is your product installation directory:
Tuning Performance Using the Wizard
After you start the Wizard, a Welcome window appears. Click Start to start the process and select a driver.
The following is an example of one of the questions you may be asked to answer for the DB2 Wire Protocol driver.
Sample Performance Tuning Wizard Question Window
When you have answered all questions for a driver, the results appear in the form of a connection string, as shown in the following example:
Sample Performance Tuning Wizard Result Window
You can copy these results to an existing connection string for immediate use or to a text file for later reference.
You can also either click Administrator, if you are using the Windows or Linux ODBC administrator, or ODBC.INI, if you are editing the odbc.ini file. Clicking either of these buttons displays a window that provides the values to use for configuring a data source.
See “Data Source Configuration” for details about configuring data sources through the odbc.ini file.