21 The Salesforce Driver : Data Types

Data Types
Table 21-2 lists the data types supported by the Salesforce driver for local tables, how the Salesforce data types exposed by the Salesforce Web Service API map to them, and how the Salesforce Web Service API data types map to the ODBC data types.
SQL_DOUBLE if scale does not = 0 or precision > 9 or the NumberFieldMapping key of the ConfigOptions connection option is set to 2.
SQL_INTEGER if scale = 0 and precision <= 9 and the NumberFieldMapping key of the ConfigOptions connection option is set to 1.
Table 21-3 lists the data types supported by the Salesforce driver for remote tables, how the Salesforce data types exposed by the Salesforce Web Service API map to them, and how the Salesforce Web Service API data types map to the ODBC data types.
SQL_DOUBLE if scale does not = 0 or precision > 9 or the NumberFieldMapping key of the ConfigOptions connection option is set to 2.
SQL_INTEGER if scale = 0 and precision <= 9 and the NumberFieldMapping key of the ConfigOptions connection option is set to 1.