21 The Salesforce Driver : Mapping Objects to Tables

Mapping Objects to Tables
The Salesforce driver automatically maps Salesforce data source objects and fields to tables and columns the first time it connects to a data source instance. The driver maps both standard and custom objects and includes any relationships defined between objects. You can use SQLPrimaryKeys and SQLForeignKeys to report relationships among objects.
By default, the Salesforce driver does not include audit columns in table definitions when mapping Salesforce objects to tables. The Config Options connection option can be used to include audit columns. The following columns can be included or excluded:
When mapping custom objects and fields, the Salesforce driver strips the standard "__c" suffix from the names of the custom objects and fields by default. You can set the CustomSuffix key of the Config Options connection option to prevent the driver from stripping the "__c" suffix. When mapping Salesforce system fields to columns in a table, the driver changes the column name to make it evident that the column is a system column. If you do not want the driver to change the names of system columns, set the MapSystemColumnNames key of the Config Options connection option to 0.
The Create Database connection option allows you to update or re-create the embedded database that defines and handles the object-to-table mapping.