21 The Salesforce Driver : Advanced Features

Advanced Features
The driver supports the following advanced features:
The Salesforce driver supports reconnection after a session timeout. Salesforce, like most web-based connections has a session timeout associated with it. The Salesforce driver will reconnect to Salesforce if it receives an error from Salesforce indicating the session has timed out. No configuration is needed.
You can configure the Salesforce driver to retry web service fetch operations if the web service operation timed out; Insert, Update and Delete operations are not retried. the WSRetry Count connection option specifies whether the Salesforce driver retries fetch operations and the number of times it retries. The WSTimeout connection option specifies Web Service timeout period.
No configuration is required to use SSL. By default, all communication using the driver is SSL-encrypted. SSL secures the integrity of your data by encrypting information and providing authentication. See “Data Encryption Across the Network” for an overview.
Depending on how the Salesforce instance is configured, a security token may need to be included with the user id and password. The Security Token connection option specifies the token.
Connection Pooling
The driver supports connection pooling and its related connection options. Connection pooling connection options are located on the Pooling tab of the driver Setup dialog box. See “Using DataDirect Connection Pooling” for a general description of connection pooling and its implementation.