21 The Salesforce Driver : Error Handling

Error Handling
The Salesforce driver reports errors to the application by returning SQL_ERROR to the failing ODBC API call. The application can then call SQLGetDiagRec to obtain the error details which consist of the following information:
Driver Errors
An error generated by the driver has the following format:
[DataDirect][ODBC Salesforce Driver]message
For example:
[DataDirect][ODBC Salesforce Driver]Timeout expired.
You may need to check the last ODBC call your application made and refer to the ODBC specification for the recommended action.
NOTE TO DATABASE.COM USERS: The error text reads [ODBC Salesforce Driver] even if the driver is connected to Database.com.
Data Source Errors
An error generated by the remote or local data source has the following format:
[DataDirect][ODBC Salesforce Driver][Salesforce] message
For example:
[DataDirect][ODBC Salesforce Driver][Salesforce]
Invalid Object Name.
Refer to your Salesforce documentation for details on the returned message.