21 The Salesforce Driver : ODBC Conformance Level

ODBC Conformance Level
Refer to Chapter 2 “ODBC API and Scalar Functions” in the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC Reference for a list of the Core and Level 1 functions supported by the driver for Force.com Web Services API.
The Salesforce driver extends the standard results returned by the SQLColumns ODBC function to include the IS_EXTERNAL_ID column.
Provides an indication of whether the column can be used as an External ID. External ID columns can be used as the lookup column for insert and upsert operations and foreign-key relationship values.
YES: The column can be used as an external ID.
NO: The column cannot be used as an external ID.
The standard catalog table SYSTEM_COLUMNS is also extended to include the IS_EXTERNAL_ID column.
The Salesforce driver supports only the following Level 2 functions: