11 The SQL Server Wire Protocol Driver : Advanced Features

Advanced Features
The driver supports the following advanced features:
The driver supports failover and its related connection options. Failover connection options are located on the Failover tab of the driver Setup dialog box. See “Using Failover” for a general description of failover and its implementation.
The driver supports authentication and encryption. Security connection options are located on the Security tab of the driver Setup dialog box. See “Using Security” for a general description of security and its implementation.
If you are using Kerberos, verify that your environment meets the requirements listed in Table 11-3 before you configure the driver for Kerberos authentication.
Microsoft SQL Server database server
The database server must be administered by the same domain controller that administers the client and must be running one of the following databases:
The Kerberos server is the machine where the user IDs for authentication are administered. The Kerberos server is also the location of the Kerberos KDC.
Connection Pooling
The driver supports connection pooling and its related connection options. Connection pooling connection options are located on the Pooling tab of the driver Setup dialog box. See “Using DataDirect Connection Pooling” for a general description of connection pooling and its implementation.
DataDirect Bulk Load
The driver supports DataDirect bulk load and its related connection options. Bulk load connection options are located on the Bulk tab of the driver Setup dialog box. See “Using DataDirect Bulk Load” for a general description of DataDirect bulk load and its implementation.
For optimal performance, you must enable minimal logging and Table Locking. Please refer to the following Web site for more information on minimal logging:
Table Locking, one of the Bulk Options, is enabled by default. This prevents other transactions from accessing the table during bulk load. See “Bulk Options” for details about this option.