18 The Text Driver : Date Masks

Date Masks
Date masks tell the driver how a date is stored in a text file. When a value is inserted into a text file, the date is formatted so that it matches the mask. When reading a text file, the driver converts the formatted date into a date data type.
Table 18-3 lists the symbols to use when specifying the date mask.
Output the three-letter abbreviation for the month depending on the case of the Ms (for example, jan, Jan, JAN).
Output the name of the full month depending on the case of the Ms (for example, january, January, JANUARY).
Output the three-letter day abbreviation depending on the case of the Ds (for example, mon, Mon, MON).
Output the name of the full day depending on the case of the Ds (for example, monday, Monday, MONDAY).
\ - .  :  , (space)
Output the next character. For example, if the mask is mm/dd/yyyy \A\D, the value appears as 10/01/2003 AD in the text file.
Table 18-4 shows some example date values, masks, and how the date appears in the text file.
Table 18-4. Date Mask Examples