Preface : What’s New in This Release?

What’s New in This Release?
The highlights of Release 7.0.1 are:
Red Hat Linux 6.1
The MaxVarcharSize connection option specifies the maximum size of columns of type SQL_VARCHAR that the driver describes through result set descriptions and catalog functions.
The MaxLongVarcharSize connection option specifies the maximum size of columns of type SQL_LONGVARCHAR that the driver describes through result set descriptions and catalog functions.
The MaxVarcharSize connection option specifies the maximum size of columns of type SQL_VARCHAR that the driver describes through result set descriptions and catalog functions.
The MaxLongVarcharSize connection option specifies the maximum size of columns of type SQL_LONGVARCHAR that the driver describes through result set descriptions and catalog functions.
The Keyset Cursor Options connection option determines which columns are used to comprise the keyset that the driver uses to create the initial keyset on which cursor operations are based.
You can now configure the Salesforce driver to operate in server mode, which allows the driver to connect to a 32-bit SQL engine JVM running as a separate service.The SQL Engine Mode connection option specifies whether the driver’s SQL engine runs in the same 32-bit process as the driver (direct mode) or runs in a process that is separate from the driver (server mode). The Server Port Number connection option specifies a valid port on which the SQL engine listens for requests from the driver.
Other enhancements include:
NOTE: For the Salesforce Web Service API versions supported by the Salesforce driver, refer to the product matrix on the Progress DataDirect Web site: