2 Using The Product : About the Product

About the Product
The DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC drivers are compliant with the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) specification.
Progress DataDirect provides ODBC drivers for both relational and flat-file database systems. The flat-file drivers provide full SQL support; refer to Chapter 11 “SQL Statements for Flat-File Drivers” in the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC Reference for details.
Support for Multiple Environments
Progress DataDirect provides ODBC-compliant database drivers for Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems. See “Environment-Specific Information” for an explanation of the environment-specific differences when using the database drivers in your operating environment.
Database drivers are continually being added to each operating environment. For the latest information about the specific drivers available for your platform, refer to the Progress DataDirect database support matrix Web pages at:
http://www.datadirect.com/products/odbc/matrix/connectodbc.htm (32-bit)
http://www.datadirect.com/products/odbc64/matrix/connect64odbc.htm (64-bit)