2 Using The Product : Version String Information

Version String Information
All drivers, except the flat-file drivers and the Salesforce driver, have a version string of the format:
All flat-file drivers have a version string of the format:
The Salesforce driver has a version string of the format:
The Driver Manager on UNIX and Linux has a version string of the format:
The component for the Unicode conversion tables (ICU) has a version string of the format:
XX is the major version of the product.
YY is the minor version of the product.
ZZZZ is the build number of the driver or ICU component.
AAAA is the build number of the driver's bas component.
BBBB is the build number of the driver's utl component.
CCCC is the build number of a flat-file driver's flt component.
DDDD is the version of the Java components used by the Salesforce driver.
For example:
07.00.0002 (b0001, u0002, F0001)
      |__|  |___|  |___|  |___|
     Driver  Bas    Utl    Flt
On Windows, you can check the version string through the properties of the driver DLL. Right-click the driver DLL and select Properties. The Properties dialog box appears. On the Version tab, click File Version in the Other version information list box.
You can always check the version string of a driver by looking at the About tab of the driver’s Setup dialog.
On UNIX and Linux, you can check the version string by using the test loading tool shipped with the product. This tool, ivtestlib for 32-bit drives and ddtestlib for 64-bit drivers, is located in install_directory/bin.
The syntax for the tool is:
ivtestlib shared_object
ddtestlib shared_object
For example, for the 32-bit Oracle Wire Protocol driver on Oracle Solaris:
ivtestlib ivora26.so
07.00.0001 (B0002, U0001)
Note that the Oracle Wire Protocol driver is not a flat-file driver; therefore, there is no flt component listed in the example.
For example, for the 64-bit Driver Manager on Solaris:
ddtestlib libodbc.so
07.00.0001 (U0001)
For example, for 32-bit ICU component on Solaris:
ivtestlib libivicu26.so
NOTE: On AIX, Linux, and Solaris, the full path to the driver does not have to be specified for the test loading tool. The HP-UX version of the tool, however, requires the full path.
getFileVersionString Function
Version string information can also be obtained programmatically through the function getFileVersionString. This function can be used when the application is not directly calling ODBC functions.
This function is defined as follows and is located in each driver's shared object:
const unsigned char* getFileVersionString();
This function is prototyped in the qesqlext.h file shipped with the product.