19 The XML Driver

The DataDirect Connect for ODBC XML driver (the XML driver) supports:
Tabular- and hierarchical-formatted XML documents that can be accessed from either a local file system, a web server, or a web service. The three main types of tabular-formatted files that the driver supports are Microsoft Data Islands, ADO 2.5 persisted files, and DataDirect Format.
See “Supported Tabular Formats for XML Documents” for more details.
The XML driver is 32-bit only and is supported in the Windows environments. See “Environment-Specific Information” for detailed information about the environments supported by this driver.
The XML driver includes a SQL Engine that provides ANSI SQL-92 support. The following table lists the SQL statements that the driver supports for the different types of file formats.
See “SQL Support” for more information.
Refer to the readme file shipped with your DataDirect Connect product for the file name of the XML driver.