// Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved. // function WWHOutline_Object() { var bUseSafeMethods = true; // Determine display method based on browser type // if ((WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 2) || // Shorthand for IE (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 3) || // Shorthand for iCab (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 4) || // Shorthand for Netscape 6.0 (Mozilla) (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 5)) // Shorthand for Safari { bUseSafeMethods = false; } this.mbPanelInitialized = false; this.mPanelAnchor = null; this.mPanelTabTitle = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mTabsTOCLabel; this.mPanelTabIndex = -1; this.mPanelFilename = "panelvie.htm"; this.mInitIndex = 0; this.mBookEntryArray = new Array(); this.mEntryHash = new WWHOutlineEntryHash_Object(); this.mTopEntry = new WWHOutlineEntry_Top_Object(); this.mNextEntryID = 0; this.mMaxLevel = 0; this.mSyncBookIndex = null; this.mSyncFileIndex = null; this.mSyncAnchor = null; this.mImagingObject = (bUseSafeMethods) ? new WWHOutlineImagingSafe_Object() : new WWHOutlineImagingFast_Object(); this.fInitHeadHTML = WWHOutline_InitHeadHTML; this.fInitBodyHTML = WWHOutline_InitBodyHTML; this.fInitGroupings = WWHOutline_InitGroupings; this.fInitLoadBookTOC = WWHOutline_InitLoadBookTOC; this.fHeadHTML = WWHOutline_HeadHTML; this.fClickedExpand = WWHOutline_ClickedExpand; this.fClickedCollapse = WWHOutline_ClickedCollapse; this.fClickedDisplayDoc = WWHOutline_ClickedDisplayDoc; this.fStartHTMLSegments = WWHOutline_StartHTMLSegments; this.fAdvanceHTMLSegment = WWHOutline_AdvanceHTMLSegment; this.fGetHTMLSegment = WWHOutline_GetHTMLSegment; this.fEndHTMLSegments = WWHOutline_EndHTMLSegments; this.fPanelNavigationLoaded = WWHOutline_PanelNavigationLoaded; this.fPanelViewLoaded = WWHOutline_PanelViewLoaded; this.fHoverTextTranslate = WWHOutline_HoverTextTranslate; this.fHoverTextFormat = WWHOutline_HoverTextFormat; this.fExpand = WWHOutline_Expand; this.fCollapse = WWHOutline_Collapse; this.fDisplayDoc = WWHOutline_DisplayDoc; this.fSync = WWHOutline_Sync; } function WWHOutline_InitHeadHTML() { var InitHeadHTML = ""; return InitHeadHTML; } function WWHOutline_InitBodyHTML() { var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object(); var BookList = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList; var VarParameters; var MaxIndex; var Index; // Workaround Safari reload bug // VarParameters = ""; if (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 5) // Shorthhand for Safari { VarParameters = "?" + (new Date() * 1); } // Display initializing message // HTML.fAppend("

" + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mInitializingMessage + "

\n"); // Create top level entries for groups and books // this.fInitGroupings(this.mTopEntry, WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBookGroups); // Load book TOC data // this.mInitIndex = 0; for (MaxIndex = BookList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++) { // Reference TOC data // HTML.fAppend("\n"); // Load TOC data for current book // HTML.fAppend("\n"); } return HTML.fGetBuffer(); } function WWHOutline_InitGroupings(ParamParentEntry, ParamGroup) { var MaxIndex; var Index; var GroupEntry; var TOCEntry; for (MaxIndex = ParamGroup.mChildren.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++) { GroupEntry = ParamGroup.mChildren[Index]; if (GroupEntry.mbGrouping) { // Create entry in TOC // TOCEntry = ParamParentEntry.fNewChild(GroupEntry.mTitle, "", GroupEntry.mIcon, GroupEntry.mOpenIcon); TOCEntry.mbExpanded = GroupEntry.mbExpand; this.fInitGroupings(TOCEntry, GroupEntry); } else // Must be a book directory { TOCEntry = ParamParentEntry.fNewChild(WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList[this.mBookEntryArray.length].mTitle, "", GroupEntry.mIcon, GroupEntry.mOpenIcon); // Set display options // TOCEntry.mbShow = GroupEntry.mbShow; if (GroupEntry.mbShow) { TOCEntry.mbExpanded = GroupEntry.mbExpand; } else { TOCEntry.mbExpanded = true; TOCEntry.mLevel = ParamParentEntry.mLevel; } // Add to mBookEntryArray // this.mBookEntryArray[this.mBookEntryArray.length] = TOCEntry; } } } function WWHOutline_InitLoadBookTOC(ParamAddTOCEntriesFunc) { var BookEntry; // Access book entry // BookEntry = this.mBookEntryArray[this.mInitIndex]; // Set Book Index // BookEntry.mBookIndex = this.mInitIndex; // Load TOC // ParamAddTOCEntriesFunc(BookEntry); // Assign URL for book entry // if ((BookEntry.mbShow) && (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList[BookEntry.mBookIndex].mFiles.mFileList.length > 0)) { BookEntry.mURL = "0"; } // Increment init book index // this.mInitIndex++; // Mark initialized if done // if (this.mInitIndex == WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBooks.mBookList.length) { this.mbPanelInitialized = true; // Sync contents if necessary // if ((this.mSyncBookIndex != null) && (this.mSyncFileIndex != null) (this.mSyncAnchor != null)) { this.fSync(this.mSyncBookIndex, this.mSyncFileIndex, this.mSyncAnchor, false); this.mSyncBookIndex = null; this.mSyncFileIndex = null; this.mSyncAnchor = null; } } } function WWHOutline_HeadHTML() { var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object(); // Write formatting styles // HTML.fAppend(this.mImagingObject.fGenerateStyles()); return HTML.fGetBuffer(); } function WWHOutline_ClickedExpand(ParamEntryID) { var VarAnchorPrefix; // Expand // this.fExpand(ParamEntryID); // Set focus // if (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mbAccessible) { VarAnchorPrefix = "t"; } else { VarAnchorPrefix = "tb"; } WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fFocus("WWHPanelViewFrame", VarAnchorPrefix + ParamEntryID); } function WWHOutline_ClickedCollapse(ParamEntryID) { var VarAnchorPrefix; // Collapse // this.fCollapse(ParamEntryID); // Set focus // if (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mbAccessible) { VarAnchorPrefix = "t"; } else { VarAnchorPrefix = "tb"; } WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fFocus("WWHPanelViewFrame", VarAnchorPrefix + ParamEntryID); } function WWHOutline_ClickedDisplayDoc(ParamEntryID) { this.fDisplayDoc(ParamEntryID); } function WWHOutline_StartHTMLSegments() { var HTML = new WWHStringBuffer_Object(); // Reset imaging object // this.mImagingObject.fReset(); // Define accessor functions to reduce file size // HTML.fAppend("\n"); return HTML.fGetBuffer(); } function WWHOutline_AdvanceHTMLSegment() { return this.mImagingObject.fAdvance(WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMaxHTMLSegmentSize); } function WWHOutline_GetHTMLSegment() { return this.mImagingObject.mHTMLSegment.fGetBuffer(); } function WWHOutline_EndHTMLSegments() { return ""; } function WWHOutline_PanelNavigationLoaded() { } function WWHOutline_PanelViewLoaded() { // Restore focus // WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fFocus("WWHPanelViewFrame"); } function WWHOutline_HoverTextTranslate(ParamEntryID) { return this.mEntryHash[ParamEntryID].mText; } function WWHOutline_HoverTextFormat(ParamWidth, ParamTextID, ParamText) { var FormattedText = ""; var ForegroundColor = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mForegroundColor; var BackgroundColor = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mBackgroundColor; var BorderColor = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mBorderColor; var ImageDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/images"; var ReqSpacer1w2h = "\"\""; var ReqSpacer2w1h = "\"\""; var ReqSpacer1w7h = "\"\""; var ReqSpacer5w1h = "\"\""; var Spacer1w2h = ReqSpacer1w2h; var Spacer2w1h = ReqSpacer2w1h; var Spacer1w7h = ReqSpacer1w7h; var Spacer5w1h = ReqSpacer5w1h; var StyleAtttribute; // Set style attribute to insure small image height // StyleAttribute = " style=\"font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;\""; FormattedText += ""; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " " + Spacer1w2h + ""; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " " + Spacer2w1h + ""; FormattedText += " " + Spacer1w7h + ""; FormattedText += " " + Spacer2w1h + ""; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " " + Spacer2w1h + ""; FormattedText += " " + Spacer1w7h + ""; FormattedText += " " + Spacer2w1h + ""; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += " " + Spacer1w2h + ""; FormattedText += " "; FormattedText += "
" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "" + ReqSpacer5w1h + "" + ParamText + "" + ReqSpacer5w1h + "" + ReqSpacer2w1h + "
"; return FormattedText; } function WWHOutline_Expand(ParamEntryID) { var Entry = this.mEntryHash[ParamEntryID]; Entry.mbExpanded = true; this.mImagingObject.fUpdateEntry(Entry); } function WWHOutline_Collapse(ParamEntryID) { var Entry = this.mEntryHash[ParamEntryID]; Entry.mbExpanded = false; this.mImagingObject.fUpdateEntry(Entry); } function WWHOutline_DisplayDoc(ParamEntryID) { var Entry; var Parent; var DocumentDisplayed; var Parts; var LinkFileIndex; var LinkAnchor; var BookListEntry; var URL; // Close down any popups we had going to prevent JavaScript errors // WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mPanels.mPopup.fHide(); // Access entry // Entry = this.mEntryHash[ParamEntryID]; // Determine which book this document belongs to // Parent = Entry; while ((typeof(Parent.mBookIndex) != "number") && (Parent.mParent != null)) { Parent = Parent.mParent; } DocumentDisplayed = false; if (typeof(Parent.mBookIndex) == "number") { // Confirm URL defined (handles group entries) // if (Entry.mURL.length > 0) { // Determine link file index and anchor // Parts = Entry.mURL.split("#"); LinkFileIndex = parseInt(Parts[0]); LinkAnchor = null; if (Parts.length > 1) { if (Parts[1].length > 0) { LinkAnchor = Parts[1]; } } URL = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fGetBookIndexFileIndexURL(Parent.mBookIndex, LinkFileIndex, LinkAnchor); WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fSetDocumentHREF(URL, false); DocumentDisplayed = true; } } // Expand/collapse view as needed // if (Entry.mbExpanded) { // Collapse folder if Accessible // if (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mbAccessible) { // Document displayed? // if (DocumentDisplayed) { // Indicate collapsing // WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mCollapsingTOCEntry = true; } this.fCollapse(ParamEntryID); // Set focus // WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fFocus("WWHPanelViewFrame", "t" + ParamEntryID); } } else { // Expand if folder // if (Entry.mChildren != null) { this.fExpand(ParamEntryID); // Set focus // WWHFrame.WWHHelp.fFocus("WWHPanelViewFrame", "t" + ParamEntryID); } } } function WWHOutline_Sync(ParamBookIndex, ParamFileIndex, ParamAnchor, bParamVisible, bParamReportError) { var BookEntry; var MaxIndex; var Index; var SearchPattern; var Iterator; var MatchedEntry; var CandidateEntry; if ( ! this.mbPanelInitialized) { this.mSyncBookIndex = ParamBookIndex; this.mSyncFileIndex = ParamFileIndex; this.mSyncAnchor = ParamAnchor; } else // (this.mbPanelInitialized) { BookEntry = null; MatchedEntry = null; // Find book entry // if (this.mBookEntryArray.length > 0) { // Find matching book entry // for (MaxIndex = this.mBookEntryArray.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++) { if (this.mBookEntryArray[Index].mBookIndex == ParamBookIndex) { BookEntry = this.mBookEntryArray[Index]; } } } // Confirm we found our matching book entry // if (BookEntry != null) { // Confirm we have a possible entry // if (ParamFileIndex != -1) { SearchPattern = "" + ParamFileIndex + ParamAnchor; Iterator = new WWHOutlineIterator_Object(false); if (ParamAnchor.length > 0) { // Look for match // Iterator.fReset(BookEntry); while ((MatchedEntry == null) && (Iterator.fAdvance(null))) { if (Iterator.mEntry.mURL == SearchPattern) { MatchedEntry = Iterator.mEntry; } } } // If match not found, search using just the file index without the anchor // if (MatchedEntry == null) { SearchPattern = "" + ParamFileIndex; // Look for match // Iterator.fReset(BookEntry); while ((MatchedEntry == null) && (Iterator.fAdvance(null))) { // Trim of any trailing anchor information, if specified // if (Iterator.mEntry.mURL.indexOf("#") != -1) { CandidateEntry = Iterator.mEntry.mURL.substring(0, Iterator.mEntry.mURL.indexOf("#")); } else { CandidateEntry = Iterator.mEntry.mURL; } if (CandidateEntry == SearchPattern) { MatchedEntry = Iterator.mEntry; } } } // See if this matches the book entry // if ((MatchedEntry == null) && (BookEntry.mbShow)) { SearchPattern = "" + ParamFileIndex; if (SearchPattern == BookEntry.mURL) { MatchedEntry = BookEntry; } } // Sync display if entry found // if (MatchedEntry != null) { // Update display // this.mImagingObject.fRevealEntry(MatchedEntry, bParamVisible); } } } // Display a message if the entry was not found // if (bParamReportError) { if ((BookEntry == null) || (MatchedEntry == null)) { setTimeout("alert(\"" + WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mTOCFileNotFoundMessage + "\");", 1); } } } } function WWHOutlineEntry_Top_Object() { this.mParent = null; this.mbShow = false; this.mText = "Top Level"; this.mURL = ""; this.mID = -1; this.mLevel = -1; this.mbExpanded = true; this.mChildren = null; this.fNewChild = WWHOutlineEntry_NewChild; this.fN = WWHOutlineEntry_NewChild; } function WWHOutlineEntry_Object(ParamParent, ParamText, ParamURL, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon) { this.mParent = ParamParent; this.mbShow = true; this.mText = ParamText; this.mURL = (typeof(ParamURL) == "string") ? ParamURL : ""; this.mID = WWHFrame.WWHOutline.mNextEntryID; this.mLevel = ParamParent.mLevel + 1; this.mbExpanded = false; this.mChildren = null; this.fNewChild = WWHOutlineEntry_NewChild; this.fN = WWHOutlineEntry_NewChild; // Assign custom icons if defined // if (typeof(ParamIcon) == "string") { this.mIcon = ParamIcon; } if (typeof(ParamOpenIcon) == "string") { this.mOpenIcon = ParamOpenIcon; } // Increment ID // WWHFrame.WWHOutline.mNextEntryID++; } function WWHOutlineEntry_NewChild(ParamText, ParamURL, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon) { var NewChild; // Create a new entry // NewChild = new WWHOutlineEntry_Object(this, ParamText, ParamURL, ParamIcon, ParamOpenIcon); // Expand top level entries, if necessary // if (NewChild.mLevel == 0) { if (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mBookGroups.mbExpandAllAtTop) { NewChild.mbExpanded = true; } } // Add to entry hash keyed by ID // WWHFrame.WWHOutline.mEntryHash[NewChild.mID] = NewChild; // Add child to parent entry // if (this.mChildren == null) { this.mChildren = new Array(NewChild); } else { this.mChildren[this.mChildren.length] = NewChild; } // Bump mMaxLevel if we've exceeded it // if (NewChild.mLevel > WWHFrame.WWHOutline.mMaxLevel) { WWHFrame.WWHOutline.mMaxLevel = NewChild.mLevel; } return NewChild; } function WWHOutlineEntryHash_Object() { } function WWHOutlineIterator_Object(bParamVisibleOnly) { this.mbVisibleOnly = bParamVisibleOnly; this.mIteratorScope = null; this.mEntry = null; this.mStack = new Array(); this.fReset = WWHOutlineIterator_Reset; this.fAdvance = WWHOutlineIterator_Advance; } function WWHOutlineIterator_Reset(ParamEntry) { this.mIteratorScope = ParamEntry; this.mEntry = ParamEntry; this.mStack.length = 0; } function WWHOutlineIterator_Advance(ParamLevelStatusObject) { var bSameLevel; var ParentEntry; var StackTop; // Advance to the next visible entry // if (this.mEntry != null) { // Check for visible children // if ((this.mEntry.mChildren != null) && (( ! this.mbVisibleOnly) || (this.mEntry.mbExpanded))) { // Process children // this.mEntry = this.mEntry.mChildren[0]; this.mStack[this.mStack.length] = 0; if (ParamLevelStatusObject != null) { ParamLevelStatusObject.fOpenLevel(); } } // If we've reached the iterator scope, we're done // else if (this.mEntry.mID == this.mIteratorScope.mID) { this.mEntry = null; } else { bSameLevel = true; ParentEntry = this.mEntry.mParent; this.mEntry = null; // Find next child of parent entry // while (ParentEntry != null) { // Increment position // StackTop = this.mStack.length - 1; this.mStack[StackTop]++; // Confirm this is a valid entry // if (this.mStack[StackTop] < ParentEntry.mChildren.length) { // Return the parent's next child // this.mEntry = ParentEntry.mChildren[this.mStack[StackTop]]; // Signal break from loop // ParentEntry = null; } else { // Last child of parent, try up a level // if (ParentEntry.mID == this.mIteratorScope.mID) { ParentEntry = null; } else { ParentEntry = ParentEntry.mParent; } this.mStack.length--; bSameLevel = false; if (ParamLevelStatusObject != null) { ParamLevelStatusObject.fCloseLevel(ParentEntry == null); } } } if (bSameLevel) { if (ParamLevelStatusObject != null) { ParamLevelStatusObject.fSameLevel(); } } } } return (this.mEntry != null); } function WWHOutlineImaging_ImageSrcDir() { var ImageSrcDir = "../../../"; // Update img src reference based on browser type and platform // if ((WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mBrowser == 2) && // Shorthand for IE (WWHFrame.WWHBrowser.mPlatform == 2)) // Shorthand for Macintosh { ImageSrcDir = WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mHelpURLPrefix + "wwhelp/"; } return ImageSrcDir; } function WWHOutlineImaging_GetIconURL(ParamEntry) { var IconURL = ""; if (ParamEntry.mChildren != null) { if (ParamEntry.mbExpanded) { if (typeof(ParamEntry.mOpenIcon) == "string") { IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "images/" + ParamEntry.mOpenIcon; } else if (typeof(ParamEntry.mIcon) == "string") { IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "images/" + ParamEntry.mIcon; } else { IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "wwhimpl/common/images/fo.gif"; } } else { if (typeof(ParamEntry.mIcon) == "string") { IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "images/" + ParamEntry.mIcon; } else { IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "wwhimpl/common/images/fc.gif"; } } } else { if (typeof(ParamEntry.mIcon) == "string") { IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "images/" + ParamEntry.mIcon; } else { IconURL = this.mImageSrcDir + "wwhimpl/common/images/doc.gif"; } } return IconURL; } function WWHOutlineImaging_GetPopupAction(ParamEntry) { var PopupAction = ""; if (WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mSettings.mHoverText.mbEnabled) { PopupAction += " onmouseover=\"fS(" + ParamEntry.mID + ", " + this.mEventString + ");\""; PopupAction += " onmouseout=\"fH();\""; } return PopupAction; } function WWHOutlineImaging_GetLink(ParamEntry, bParamForIcon) { var VarLink; var VarAccessibilityMessage; var VarAccessibilityTitle = ""; var VarSiblings; var VarMaxIndex; var VarIndex; var VarIDPrefix; var VarAction; // Initialize return value // VarLink = ""; // Determine title for accessibility // if (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mbAccessible) { // Determine if this is a book or a topic // if (ParamEntry.mChildren != null) { if (ParamEntry.mbExpanded) { VarAccessibilityMessage = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mAccessibilityTOCBookExpanded; } else { VarAccessibilityMessage = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mAccessibilityTOCBookCollapsed; } } else { VarAccessibilityMessage = WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mAccessibilityTOCTopic; } // Format message // VarAccessibilityTitle = WWHStringUtilities_FormatMessage(VarAccessibilityMessage, ParamEntry.mText); // Add position information // if (ParamEntry.mParent != null) { VarSiblings = ParamEntry.mParent.mChildren; VarMaxIndex = VarSiblings.length; VarIndex = 0; while (VarIndex < VarMaxIndex) { if (VarSiblings[VarIndex].mID == ParamEntry.mID) { // Record position // VarAccessibilityTitle += " " + WWHStringUtilities_FormatMessage(WWHFrame.WWHJavaScript.mMessages.mAccessibilityTOCOneOfTotal, (VarIndex + 1), VarMaxIndex); // Exit loop // VarIndex = VarMaxIndex; } VarIndex += 1; } } VarAccessibilityTitle = WWHStringUtilities_EscapeHTML(VarAccessibilityTitle); VarAccessibilityTitle = " title=\"" + VarAccessibilityTitle + "\""; } // Set link // if ((ParamEntry.mURL.length > 0) || (ParamEntry.mChildren != null)) { if (bParamForIcon) { VarIDPrefix = "tb"; } else { VarIDPrefix = "t"; } // Determine display action // VarAction = "fD"; if ( ! WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mbAccessible) { if (bParamForIcon) { if (ParamEntry.mChildren != null) { if (ParamEntry.mbExpanded) { VarAction = "fC"; } else { VarAction = "fE"; } } } } VarLink += ""; } return VarLink; } function WWHOutlineImaging_GetEntryHTML(ParamEntry) { var EntryHTML = ""; var IconURL; var VarLink; EntryHTML += ""; EntryHTML += ""; if (ParamEntry.mLevel > 0) { EntryHTML += ""; } EntryHTML += ""; EntryHTML += ""; EntryHTML += ""; EntryHTML += "
"; EntryHTML += "\"\""; EntryHTML += ""; EntryHTML += ""; IconURL = this.fGetIconURL(ParamEntry); VarLink = this.fGetLink(ParamEntry, true); if (VarLink.length > 0) { EntryHTML += VarLink; } EntryHTML += "\"\""; if (VarLink.length > 0) { if ( ! WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mbAccessible) { EntryHTML += ""; } } EntryHTML += "\"\""; if (VarLink.length > 0) { if (WWHFrame.WWHHelp.mbAccessible) { EntryHTML += ""; } } EntryHTML += ""; EntryHTML += ""; EntryHTML += ""; VarLink = this.fGetLink(ParamEntry, false); if (VarLink.length > 0) { EntryHTML += VarLink; } EntryHTML += ParamEntry.mText; if (VarLink.length > 0) { EntryHTML += ""; } EntryHTML += ""; EntryHTML += "
"; return EntryHTML; }