MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ٍ5%5"RichPELjO!  jB@,i.rsrc,ij@@@p0H`x   C 8Ph    (@Xp9LM^_`ab0H`x x8yPzh{|}~(@Xp  0 H ` x     S V W _8 YP Zh [ \              0  @  P  `  p                        0  @  P  `  p                        0  @  P  `  p                      0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p         , P9 E RTtXZd\4(__``a bbc`dpdfpkoJ`rhC6FIKRPTY&]Hch< mmno4q"Could not load translations tables for string data conversion.Unknown codepage. FSecurity Services Error: A required input parameter could not be read.JSecurity Services Error: A required output parameter could not be written.3Security Services Error: A parameter was malformed.@Security Services Error: The requested mechanism is unavailable.6Security Services Error: An invalid name was supplied.DSecurity Services Error: A supplied name was of an unsupported type.BSecurity Services Error: Incorrect channel bindings were supplied.=Security Services Error: An invalid status code was supplied.4Security Services Error: A token had an invalid MIC.JSecurity Services Error: No credentials were found for the specified name.9Security Services Error: No context has been established.BSecurity Services Error: Consistency checks on input token failed.PAASecurity Services Error: The referenced credentials were invalid.YSecurity Services Error: The credentials could not be acquired because they have expired.9Security Services Error: The context has already expired.<Security Services Error: Unspecified error at the GSS layer.bSecurity Services Error: The requested quality of protection could not be provided by the context.MSecurity Services Error: The operation is forbidden by local security policy.6Security Services Error: The operation is unavailable.ISecurity Services Error: The requested credential element already exists.DSecurity Services Error: The provided name was not a mechanism name.?Security Services Error: Security Mechanism Calling Code = %d1.QSecurity Services Error: Security Mechanism Routine Code = %d1. Minor Code = %d2.Security Services Error: %s1.*Security Services Error: Minor Code = %d1./Security Services Error: Output buffer overflow2Security Services Error: No Service Principle NamePAcSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: Not enough memory is available to complete this request.KSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The specified handle is invalid.SSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The requested function is not supported.ZSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The specified target is unknown or unreachable.\Security Support Provider Interface Error: The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted.YSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The requested security package does not exist.bSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The caller is not the owner of the desired credentials.nSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The security package failed to initialize, and cannot be installed.YSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The token supplied to the function is invalid.Security Support Provider Interface Error: The security package is not able to marshall the logon buffer, so the logon attempt has failed.zSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The per-message Quality of Protection is not supported by the security package.kSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The secuirty context does not allow impersonation of the client.DSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The logon attempt failed.pSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The credentials supplied to the security package were not recognized.`Security Support Provider Interface Error: No credentials are available in the security package.bSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The message supplied for verification has been altered.dSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The message supplied for verification is out of sequence.\Security Support Provider Interface Error: No authority could be contacted for verification.]Security Support Provider Interface Error: The context has expired and can no longer be used.oSecurity Support Provider Interface Error: The supplied message is incomplete. The signature was not verified.Security Support Provider Interface Error: The function completed successfully, but must be called again to complete the context.Security Support Provider Interface Error: The function completed successfully, but CompleteToken must be called to complete the context.Security Support Provider Interface Error: The function completed successfully, but both CompleteToken and this function must be called to complete the context.Security Support Provider Interface Error: The logon was completed, but no network authority was available. The logon was made using locally known information. LSA Error: !Credentials cache I/O error: %d1.,Credentials cache error; unable to find %s1.BCredentials cache error; file too small; needed: %d1, actual: %d2.MCredentials cache error; wrong encryption key size; needed: %d1, actual: %d2.DCredentials cache error; buffer too small; needed: %d1, actual: %d2.5Credentials cache error; only version 5 is supported.9Credentials cache error; default principal has %d1 names.@Credentials cache error; principal has %d1 names; expecting %d2.CCredentials cache error; principal names (%s1 and %s2) don't match.LCredentials cache error; wrong encryption type; expecting %s1 but found %s2.SCredentials cache error; wrong encryption type; expecting %s1 or %s2 but found %s3.CCredentials cache error; renewable tickets not supported by Oracle.3XML: %s1 is not supported. Only UTF-8 is supported.Unable to build string.Get attribute error.Memory buffer error #%d1.bConnection failed because the connection pool manager could not start the maintenance thread. %s16Please ensure that your application is thread enabled. Error: %d1!Error reading NTLM security token!Error writing NTLM security token5An NTLM value was not specified for Workstation Name.NThe size of the NTLM message is larger than the allocated NTLM message buffer.<Something went wrong in building the NTLM Negotiate message.-Read past the end of the NTLM message buffer.bThe NTLM message received was invalid. The signature and or message type could not be determined./The NTLM CHALLENGE message received is invalid.1An unknown attribute value pair %d1 id was found.EAttempted to set the message buffer position to an invalid value %s1.,Error constructing Authenticate message: %s1NTLM Key Exchange is required.$NTLM 128 bit encryption is required.,Lan Manager Authentication is not supported."NTLM Identify token not supported.+NTLM Extended Session Security is required.&Anonymous Connection is not supported.Error writing NTLM log. %s1.NInvalid Password. Password must be 14 characters or less and can not be null.PAA value was not specified for the Domain connection option. A domain name or workgroup must be specified when using Domain NTLM.ZA value was not specified for User. A user name must be specified when using Domain NTLM.^A value was not specified for Password. A password must be specified when using Domain NTLM. GNTLM Challenge Message: Attribute Value Pair Restrictions not supportedDData type for parameter %d1 has changed since first SQLExecute call.(Negative length given for parameter %d1.VNumber of parameters set by SQLSetParam does not equal number of ?'s in SQL statement.AParameter marker not in SQL clause which can contain ? parameter.>Invalid sequence of operations: statement has not been closed.(Unrecognizable ODBC SQL escape sequence.8Database cannot convert this ODBC escape sequence: %s1 .Unable to open file %s1.Data truncated, column %d1.Numeric overflow, column %d1.NUnable to convert column %d1. Cannot convert from SQL type %d2 to C type %d3.QUnable to convert parameter %d1. Cannot convert from C type %d2 to SQL type %d3./Value has not been specified for parameter %d1.7Insufficient information to connect to the data source.AAn unexpected error occurred while trying to create a dialog box.,Invalid attribute in connection string: %s1.PAPThe qualifier '%s1' was larger than SQL_MAX_QUALIFIER_LEN from SQLGetInfo (%d2).MThe owner '%s1' was larger than SQL_MAX_OWNER_NAME_LEN from SQLGetInfo (%d2).RThe table name '%s1' was larger than SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN from SQLGetInfo (%d2).TThe column name '%s1' was larger than SQL_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN from SQLGetInfo (%d2).ZThe procedure name '%s1' was larger than SQL_MAX_PROCEDURE_NAME_LEN from SQLGetInfo (%d2).MEscape clause beginning with --*( or { was not properly ended with *)-- or }.OThe statement contained an escape clause not supported by this database driver.+Error parsing connect string at offset %d1."Error using translation DLL. %s1.PError using translation DLL. Output buffer size not equal to input buffer size.7%d1 is greater that the number of columns allowed, %d2."Unrecognized function escape: %s1.UEscape sequence malformed. --*( was not followed by vendor(Microsoft),product(ODBC).9Invalid date escape. Correct syntax is {d 'yyyy-mm-dd'}.7Invalid time escape. Correct syntax is {t 'hh:mm:ss'}.OInvalid timestamp escape. Correct syntax is {ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.ffffff'}.PAData truncated, parameter %d1.=Number of bound columns exceeds the number of result columns.>More than one row was affected by CURRENT-OF-CURSOR emulation.YError getting column value for search clause for CURRENT-OF-CURSOR emulation, column %d1.aUnable to locate SELECT statement with cursor named in this statement's CURRENT-OF-CURSOR clause.dStatement with cursor named in this statement's CURRENT-OF-CURSOR clause is not a SELECT FOR UPDATE.]Statement with cursor named in this statement's CURRENT-OF-CURSOR is not positioned on a row.Statement with cursor named in this statement's CURRENT-OF-CURSOR does not contain any columns useable for selecting a unique row.-Too few arguments given in a function escape.WCould not find end of argument in a function escape, probably due to mismatched parens.:No value was specified for a required connection argument.mParameter number %d1 was declared with a precision of %d2 which is larger than the memory manager can handle. Error in parameter %d1..'%s1' is not a valid ODBC SQL type for CONVERTMThe keywords LEFT OUTER JOIN were not found in an outer join escape sequence.]The keyword ON preceding the search condition was not found in an outer join escape sequence.`The currently active transaction was committed before changing the AutoCommit connection option.;Invalid escape sequence. Missing function name after 'FN'.uA SQL_C_BINARY parameter was passed an incorrect number of bytes. Expecting %d1 bytes, application passed %d2 bytes.*Cursor name missing after WHERE CURRENT OFHNo rows were affected by UPDATE/DELETE WHERE CURRENT OF cursor emulationcCharacter, decimal, and binary parameters cannot have a precision of zero. Error in parameter %d1.tTimestamp parameters with zero scale must have a precision of 13, 16, or 19. Parameter number: %d1, precision: %d2.Timestamp parameters with a scale, must have a scale less than ten and a precision equal to 20 plus the scale. You specified a precision of %d2 and scale of %d3. Error in parameter %d1.FDatabase does not allow negative scale values. Error in parameter %d1.=%d1 is greater that the number of bound columns allowed, %d2.:%d1 is greater that the number of parameters allowed, %d2.2ODBC SQL data type not supported by this database.You are not licensed to use this DataDirect Technologies product under the license you have purchased. If you wish to purchase a license for use with this application, then you may use this product for a period of %s1B15 days, during which time you are required to obtain a license. You can order a license for this DataDirect Technologies product for use with this application by calling DataDirect Technologies at 800-876-3101 in North America and +44 (0) 1753-218 930 elsewhere. Thank you for your cooperation. %s1mDatabase does not allow NOT NULL in the create table statement and so it has been removed from the statement.PAZIn SQLExtendedFetch, only SQL_FETCH_NEXT is supported for SQL_SCROLL_FORWARD_ONLY cursors.Warning]SQL_MAX_LENGTH has been set to the maximum size of data that can be returned by the database.You have exceeded the limit on SQL statements allowed by this demo version. To reset the SQL statement counter, exit and then restart your application.0Password passed in is longer than 24 characters.Data Truncated.Numeric overflow. Error in column %d1. Error in parameter %d1.>Default parameters values are not suppported by this database.}To use SQLParamOptions with this driver, you must also use SQLBindParameter and specify a valid cbValueMax for parameter %d1.Parameter %d1 precision exceeds the maximum literal length and will loose data, data source does not have native support for parameters.\Statement with cursor named in this statement's ADJUSTING clause is not a SELECT FOR UPDATE.rYou are attempting to use this DataDirect Technologies product from an application that is not licensed to use it.AThe value in the escape clause must be enclosed in single quotes.PAnThis driver does not support SQL_ADD/SQL_UPDATE/SQL_DELETE when the SELECT statement contains multiple tables.NThis operation may have failed due to column aliasing on the select statement.!OEM driver successfully unlocked.;No parameter information returned from SQLProcedureColumns.Error writing to tmp file.HDriver only supports XML persistence when using driver's static cursors./String data translation caused data truncation.:Not all string data could be converted between code pages.(String data code page conversion failed.>Could not load translations tables for string data conversion.Unknown codepage %d.WThe DataDirect product you are attempting to access has been provided to you by %s1 %s2m%s for exclusive use with %s. You are not licensed to use this product with any application other than %s. If you would like to purchase this product for some other use, please call 800-876-3101 or visit DataDirect at Missing Company NameMissing Product NamePAMData truncated, column %d1, due to the setting for StaticCursorLongColBuffLenLFirst connection attempt failed. However, a substitute connection succeeded.HConnection failover and load balancing is not supported for this driver.#Error in AlternateServers near %s1.,Invalid attribute (%s1) in AlternateServers.OAttribute (%s1) appears more than once for the same server in AlternateServers.FRequired attribute (%s1) was omitted for a server in AlternateServers.QSQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT must be specified for connection failover and load balancing. Reason Code: %s2You are not licensed to use this DataDirect Technologies product under the license you have purchased. You are licensed for up to %d1 processors. The current system is configured with %d2 processors. %s3 If you wish to purchase a license for use with this application, then you may use this product for a period of %d4 days, during which time you are required to obtain a license.You can order a license for use with this application by calling DataDirect Technologies at 800-876-3101 in North America and +44 (0) 1753-218 930 elsewhere. Thank you for your cooperation. %s1 Reason Code: %s2=You have exceeded your number of purchased connections (%d1).B You have used %s1 connections on %s2 and need to buy %s3 many as %d1 more than 100a %d1-connectionan unlimited connection DataDirectODBC Unable to get module name Unable to load  Unable to find ConfigDSNW Unable to find ConfigDSNCAn invalid encryption method was specified. Valid values are: %s1.You are not licensed to use this DataDirect Technologies product under the license you have purchased. You are licensed for up to %d1 processing units. The current system is configured to use as many as %d2 processing units. %s3 PA'Unexpected Network Error. ErrNum = %d1Socket read timed out.No bytes read from socket.Socket closed.PAUnexpected EOF on socket.5Connection refused. Verify Host Name and Port Number.Invalid Port Number.Invalid Host Name.Invalid Connection Data.1Attempt to read SSL data from non-SSL connection.,SSL not supported with Named Pipes protocol.SSL not supported.Named Pipes is not supported.SSL Negotiation failed.$SSL Certificate verification failed.No SSL Listener Found.SSL Initialization failure.,Requested SSL Method Initialization failure.Cannot load trust store.SSL I/O Error.*SSL issuer certificate could not be found.,SSL CRL of a certificate could not be found.1SSL certificate signature could not be decrypted.)SSL CRL signature could not be decrypted.JSSL public key in the certificate SubjectPublicKeyInfo could not be read. ,SSL signature of the certificate is invalid.,SSL signature of the certificate is invalid.!SSL certificate is not yet valid.SSL certificate has expired.SSL CRL is not yet valid.SSL CRL has expired.9SSL certificate notBefore field contains an invalid time.8SSL certificate notAfter field contains an invalid time.3SSL CRL lastUpdate field contains an invalid time. .CRL nextUpdate field contains an invalid time.-SSL error occurred trying to allocate memory.sSSL passed certificate is self signed and the same certificate cannot be found in the list of trusted certificates.qSSL certificate chain could be built up using the untrusted certificates but the root could not be found locally.PAMSSL issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found.oSSL signatures could not be verified because the chain contains only one certificate and it is not self signed.HSSL certificate chain length is greater than the supplied maximum depth.!SSL certificate has been revoked.SSL CA certificate is invalid.<SSL basicConstraints pathlength parameter has been exceeded.BSSL supplied certificate cannot be used for the specified purpose.?SSL root CA is not marked as trusted for the specified purpose.6SSL root CA is marked to reject the specified purpose.SSL current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate.SSL current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject key identifier was present and did not match the authority key identifier current certificate.SSL current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate.ySSL current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its keyUsage extension does not permit certificate signing.%SSL application verification failure.Cannot load client certificateRSeeding the PRNG failed, most likely because the system does not have /dev/random.JFailed to verify the host name in the certificate presented by the server.Failed to set the cipher list.&Client's entry in database has expired&Server's entry in database has expired(Requested protocol version not supported.Client's key is encrypted in an old master key.Server's key is encrypted in an old master key%Client not found in Kerberos database%Server not found in Kerberos database3Principal has multiple entries in Kerberos databaseClient or server has a null key#Ticket is ineligible for postdating5Requested effective lifetime is negative or too shortKDC policy rejects request"KDC can't fulfill requested option&KDC has no support for encryption type$KDC has no support for checksum type"KDC has no support for padata type%KDC has no support for transited type%Clients credentials have been revoked(Credentials for server have been revokedTGT has been revoked&Client not yet valid - try again later&Server not yet valid - try again laterPassword has expiredPreauthentication failed&Additional pre-authentication required'Requested server and ticket don't matchDecrypt integrity check failedPATicket expiredTicket not yet validRequest is a replayThe ticket isn't for us Ticket/authenticator don't matchClock skew too greatIncorrect net addressProtocol version mismatchInvalid message typeMessage stream modifiedMessage out of orderIllegal cross-realm ticketKey version is not availableService key not availableMutual authentication failedIncorrect message directionPA*Alternative authentication method required$Incorrect sequence number in message)Inappropriate type of checksum in messagePolicy rejects transited path(Response too big for UDP, retry with TCPGeneric error (see e-text))Field is too long for this implementationPA((RCS Id string for the krb5 error table)Invalid flag for file lock modeCannot read passwordPassword mismatchPassword read interrupted#Illegal character in component name%Malformed representation of principal+Can't open/find Kerberos configuration file.Improper format of Kerberos configuration file1Insufficient space to return complete information+Invalid message type specified for encodingCredential cache name malformedUnknown credential cache typeMatching credential not foundEnd of credential cache reachedRequest did not supply a ticketPAWrong principal in requestTicket has invalid flag set*Requested principal and ticket don't match$KDC reply did not match expectations!Clock skew too great in KDC reply6Client/server realm mismatch in initial ticket request)Program lacks support for encryption type"Program lacks support for key type-Requested encryption type not used in message'Program lacks support for checksum type#Cannot find KDC for requested realmKerberos service unknown*Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm&No local name found for principal nameMutual authentication failed'Replay cache type is already registeredPA1No more memory to allocate (in replay cache code)Replay cache type is unknownGeneric unknown RC errorMessage is a replayReplay I/O operation failed XXX7Replay cache type does not support non-volatile storage$Replay cache name parse/format errorEnd-of-file on replay cache I/O5No more memory to allocate (in replay cache I/O code)&Permission denied in replay cache code"I/O error in replay cache i/o codeGeneric unknown RC/IO error5Insufficient system space to store replay information&Can't open/find realm translation file)Improper format of realm translation file*Can't open/find lname translation databasePA0No translation available for requested principal-Improper format of translation database entryCryptosystem internal errorKey table name malformedUnknown Key table typeKey table entry not foundEnd of key table reached#Cannot write to specified key tableError writing to key table&Cannot find ticket for requested realmDES key has bad parityDES key is a weak keyBad encryption type-Key size is incompatible with encryption type1Message size is incompatible with encryption type-Credentials cache type is already registered.PA%Key table type is already registered.*Credentials cache I/O operation failed XXX,Credentials cache file permissions incorrectNo credentials cache found Internal credentials cache error"Error writing to credentials cache6No more memory to allocate (in credentials cache code)Bad format in credentials cacheTInvalid KDC option combination (library internal error) [for dual tgt library calls]:Request missing second ticket [for dual tgt library calls]*No credentials supplied to library routineBad sendauth version was sent/Bad application version was sent (via sendauth)'Bad response (during sendauth exchange)9Server rejected authentication (during sendauth exchange)"Unsupported preauthentication type+Required preauthentication key not supplied!Generic preauthentication failure.Unsupported replay cache format version number3Unsupported credentials cache format version number+Unsupported key table format version number&Program lacks support for address type2Message replay detection requires rcache parameter Hostname cannot be canonicalizedCannot determine realm for host7Conversion to service principal undefined for name type5Initial Ticket response appears to be Version 4 error&Cannot resolve KDC for requested realm/Requesting ticket can't get forwardable tickets6Bad principal name while trying to forward credentials'Looping detected inside krb5_get_in_tkt1Configuration file does not specify default realm"Bad SAM flags in obtain_sam_padataKeytab name too long:Key version number for principal in key table is incorrectThis application has expiredThis Krb5 library has expired"New password cannot be zero lengthPassword change failedBad format in keytabEncryption type not permitted2No supported encryption types (config file error?),Program called an obsolete, deleted functionunknown getaddrinfo failure&no data available for host/domain namehost/domain name not foundservice name unknown/Cannot determine realm for numeric host address MS SQL ServerOwnerDatabaseStored ProcedureTablelength max length precisionprecision,scalePACHARVARCHARFLOATDATETIMESMALLINTINTEGERDECIMAL TIMESTAMPCHAR FOR BIT DATAVARCHAR FOR BIT DATALONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATAGRAPHIC VARGRAPHICLONG VARGRAPHIC LONG VARCHAR Server Name Database NameLogon IDPasswordApplication NamePAWorkstation IDLanguageCancelNetapiAboutAdvanced ConnectionGeneralOptions1 of 32 of 33 of 31ODBC SQL Server Legacy Wire Protocol Driver Setup&PACannot open file '%s1'.)Error (%d1) on input or output to a file.Cannot rename '%s1' to '%s2'.#Not enough memory for this command.-The maximum number of files are already open.*Reserved file name cannot be opened '%s1'.PA!Insufficient memory to start Q+E.File system is Read Only.%s Additional Information %s.-Out of file handles. Cannot open file '%s1'.Out of memory.        4VS_VERSION_INFOpStringFileInfoL040904E4(CompanyNameSAPx*LegalCopyright Progress Software Corporation 1988-2012: ProductVersion07.00.0029TFileVersion07.00.0029 (b0038, U0044)GFileDescriptionSAP Business Objects SQL Server Legacy Wire Protocol ODBC Resource DLL4 ProductNameODBC PackCommentsDVarFileInfo$Translation  PAPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD