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There is not enough memory to complete the operation.3An error occurred while accessing system functions.2An error occurred while loading a support library.<An error occurred while accessing CORBA framework functions.|Failed to create or write to a temporary file. Please make sure the system has proper file permission and enough disk space.PAwFailed to load or initialize Java Virtual Machine. Please make sure the Java Runtime Environment is properly installed.Failed to discover the required Java class or method. Please make sure the Java components are installed, with class path to the components properly setup.jFailed to instantiate Java object. The system may be out of memory, or the Java components may be invalid.eFailed to access Java object. The system may be out of memory, or the Java components may be invalid.PAlFailed to obtain object reference for connecting to the Java object. The Java components may not be running.jFailed to initialize CORBA framework. Please make sure CORBA is properly setup, and of the proper version.Failed to resolve the object reference required to connect to the server through CORBA. Please make sure your server is of the proper version.uFailed to access server functions through the CORBA framework. Please make sure your server is of the proper version.PAiFailed to start the sign-on server as a child process. Please make sure the server is installed properly.cFailed to communicate with the sign-on server process. The server may have terminated unexpectedly.aFailed to connect to the sign-on server because the network address is either invalid or missing.Failed to connect to the sign-on server because a communication error had occurred. Please check the server address and ensure the server is running.NOT USED No error.4An unspecified error occurred in the sign-on server.=An internal programming error occurred in the sign-on server.NAn error occurred in the sign-on server while accessing Java system functions.RAn error occurred in the sign-on server while accessing CORBA framework functions.~An error occurred in the sign-on server while reading the configuration file. The file may be missing, incomplete, or invalid.An error occurred in the sign-on server while connecting to Siebel. Please make sure the server address and logon credentials are correct.NAn error occurred in the sign-on server while preparing a query for execution.@An error occurred in the sign-on server while executing a query.LAn error occurred in the sign-on server while fetching records from a query.^An error occurred in the sign-on server while retrieving field values from a query result set.^An error occurred in the sign-on server while retrieving an associated MVG Business Component.7Failed to authenticate user as the user does not exist.9Failed to authenticate user as the password is incorrect.;SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Sign-on Server for Siebel4Provides authentication and single sign-on services.PAInvalid server address: %1.PA#The name is not well formatted: %1.Invalid user name: %1.Invalid user id: %1.PAInvalid role name: %1.Invalid role id: %1.OThe security option specifying the Siebel roles enabled is not properly set up.RThe security option specifying logon credentials to Siebel is not properly set up.SThe security option specifying addresses of sign-on servers is not properly set up.Unable to find a sign-on server of domain %1 to handle your request. Please make sure the security plug-in %2 is properly setup, and the sign-on server for the domain is running.8The user %1 is not a member in any of the mapped groups.=The role %1 does not exist in the Siebel system of domain %2.PAKThe security plugin failed to access BusinessObjects Enterprise as user %1.PA8An error occurred while creating a connection to Siebel.7An error occurred while accessing the Siebel interface.PA-Error %1 occurred in Siebel with message: %27Error occurred while parsing the configuration file %1.3Error occurred while parsing the connect string %1.PAXUnable to identify the repository %1. The repository may not exist or may not be active.UUnable to identify the repository %1. Multiple repositories with the same name exist.yUnable to identify the business object component %1.%2. The business object component may not exist or may not be active.uUnable to identify the business object component %1.%2. Multiple business object components with the same name exist.hUnable to identify the business component %1. The business component may not exist or may not be active.dUnable to identify the business component %1. Multiple business components with the same name exist.PAKUnable to proceed as the specified access keys are invalid or have expired.TUnable to proceed as an error occurred while interpreting current query information.RUnable to proceed as an error occurred while interpreting user access information.bUnable to proceed as an error occurred while accessing BusinessObjects Enterprise functionalities.YUnable to proceed as the Siebel context is required to be available for report execution.pUnable to proceed as the Siebel context is associated with a business component not matching that of the report.LocalLocal (Active Session)ServerServer (Active Session)Local (Dedicated Session) Local (Active Dedicated Session)PAServer (Java Session)Server (Active Java Session)Local (Unix Session)Local (Active Unix Session)Your copy of the BusinessObjects Enterprise Integration Kit for Siebel has expired. Please contact us at for information on obtaining a full version of the product. Thank you for choosing Business Objects.NFailed to process query, as the query contains unsupported selection criteria.Improper use of view mode virtual field. The view mode field can only be used to match exactly one of the valid Siebel view modes.^Failed to interpret and execute SQL expression. The specified expression may not be supported.Improper use of parent virtual field. The parent field can only be used as a 'from' field in the parent-child relationship between two Siebel business components.Improper use of child virtual field. The child field can only be used as a 'to' field in the parent-child relationship between two Siebel business components.*Improper use of multi-value virtual field.(Improper use of pick-list virtual field.Siebel eBusiness ApplicationsSystemPAConnection InformationConnection DetailsYPlease provide necessary information to connect to Siebel system using the native driver.Connection TypeConnection NameConnection StringLanguageUserPasswordApply Current QueryRestrict to Current Selection Repository Config File Data SourceServerNOT USED hPAh4VS_VERSION_INFO?StringFileInfo040904b0CommentsBCompanyNameBusiness ObjectsVFileDescriptionIntegration for Siebel6 FileVersion14.1.0.896 InternalName&LanguageCodeen|,LegalCopyrightCopyright 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.ZLegalTrademarksBusinessObjects Enterprise is a trademark of Business Objects or one of its subsidiaries.(OriginalFilenameVProductNameBusinessObjects Enterprise: ProductVersion14.1.0.896DBuildDate2013/03/20:15:34:04DVarFileInfo$Translation  PADPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD 0 0)0.0B0N0i0q0z000000000111.141;1T1Z1m1r1111111111122"2?2L2d222,3W3e3p3v33333334!4@4E4d4j4p4v4|45 55;5O5U5555555>6C6W6z666666666666677"7(7.747:7A7H7O7V7]7d7k7s7{777777777777777 8888$8*80868<8B8H8N8T8Z8`8f8 0001 11111220 *H p0l1 0 +0h +7Z0X03 +70% <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +^&)oC00W~|NYKw;0  *H 01 0 UZA10U Western Cape10U Durbanville10 U Thawte10U Thawte Certification10UThawte Timestamping CA0 121221000000Z 201230235959Z0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20"0  *H 0 ITK %y"W*oܸ&Csk¿.PZvC%CE{t"״MD$k_E;DCsi+˙r&Mq1QaSI,xE/W?=ƒJ{3y uAQlie)`; tޒ"t|'JÞ-'}aqPK],e ؖ|NHDD h]jxdE`F~T|yq00U_n\t}?L.02+&0$0"+0http://ocsp.thawte.com0U00?U8060420. 0 +0U0(U!0010UTimeStamp-2048-10  *H  yY0h O]7_R DnmX|0i#s oG9*ÎY M1\*zzWLey@b%n7j!AW?wI*^8j"Q~0085njP0  *H 0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20 121018000000Z 201229235959Z0b1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation1402U+Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G40"0  *H 0 c 9D#DIa Sۭ,Jn"hcSit<üu00eeR&.Y)"\0  *H 0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority0 090521000000Z 190520235959Z01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at (c)09100.U'VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA0"0  *H 0 g`IoV|f^ q-!ќPL"5; .Z|=;%X{ ξ'tag'MjaXy'M4+G Df$fO8TrfujIh8y 0,`Hת809:|@T/ܨR>+!\ P4.M^%Ԍn|)]1ZՌgX5+!`x^{`W ]A cT`C!00U00pU i0g0e `HE0V0(+*+0 a0_][0Y0W0U image/gif0!00+kπjH,{.0%#$+0*0(0&$""0 010UClass3CA2048-1-550Uk&pȡ?-50  *H ݔAaix0Ɛ<~B$s/DrPU nQj71ܥ-OM2NgUejzd8xEv1z`³]fvYI8VAwX00_.KS^0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at (c)09100.U'VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA0 100909000000Z 130908235959Z01 0 UDE10UBaden-Wuerttemberg10UWalldorf/Baden10 U SAP AG1>0<U 5Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v21'0%U SAP BusinessObjects Production10 USAP AG00  *H 0شMo/)ou,*Hp{@=Ђ+xPK b m:G,z2.JO詉\7p+#?YkbtkwGa,mBYN00 U00U0DU=0;09753 =0;09 `HE0*0(+ 0 +0u+i0g0$+0ȡ?-50 `HB0 +700  *H t._;IOnjD_ڳ$-e $f@-j ͥvB%f}llgtHkU**WFt:=-d!F1٩xw+(')-]N>ʑg2wWGo-&=D KX,@zQJvPΥ.wu{8B7K4Q:K/rKX6ہDh sd`!HR0fNJr~5D `k|>@IYK e&e}R ܍;`J`6 [Cx߳x˜ʭVDV*yB%>rrIQ({Ly ͎lcnOgv