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All rights reserved.KLegalTrademarksSAP BusinessObjects BI platform (tm) is a trademark of SAP BusinessObjects(OriginalFilenameHProductNameSAP BusinessObjects2ProductVersion14.1.0DBuildDate2013/08/05:21:41:03DVarFileInfo$Translation Greenwich Standard Time,0"(GMT, No DST) Casablanca, MonroviaBGMT Standard Time,0,GMT Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/01:00,10.5.0/02:00B(GMT, DST) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, LondonPW. Europe Standard Time,-60,W. Europe Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00A(GMT+01:00, DST) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, ViennaZCentral Europe Standard Time,-60,Central Europe Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00B(GMT+01:00, DST) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, PragueLRomance Standard Time,-60,Romance Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:004(GMT+01:00, DST) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris^Central European Standard Time,-60,Central European Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00B(GMT+01:00, DST) Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofija, Vilnius, Warsaw, Zagreb#W. Central Africa Standard Time,-60'(GMT+01:00, No DST) West Central AfricaEGTB Standard Time,-120,GTB Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00((GMT+02:00, DST) Athens, Istanbul, MinskPE. Europe Standard Time,-120,E. Europe Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/00:00,9.5.0/01:00(GMT+02:00, DST) BucharestHEgypt Standard Time,-120,Egypt Daylight Time,-60;5.1.5/02:00,9.5.3/02:00(GMT+02:00, DST) CairoSouth Africa Standard Time,-120$(GMT+02:00, No DST) Harare, PretoriaEFLE Standard Time,-120,FLE Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/03:00,10.5.0/04:00((GMT+02:00, DST) Helsinki, Riga, TallinnJerusalem Standard Time,-120(GMT+02:00, No DST) JerusalemKArabic Standard Time,-180,Arabic Daylight Time,-60;4.1.0/03:00,10.1.0/04:00(GMT+03:00, DST) BaghdadArab Standard Time,-180"(GMT+03:00, No DST) Kuwait, RiyadhRussian Standard Time,-2405(GMT+04:00, No DST) Moscow, St. Petersburg, VolgogradE. Africa Standard Time,-180(GMT+03:00, No DST) NairobiFIran Standard Time,-210,Iran Daylight Time,-60;3.1.0/02:00,9.4.2/02:00(GMT+03:30, DST) TehranArabian Standard Time,-240%(GMT+04:00, No DST) Abu Dhabi, MuscatOCaucasus Standard Time,-240,Caucasus Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00'(GMT+04:00, DST) Baku, Tbilisi, YerevanAfghanistan Standard Time,-270(GMT+04:30, No DST) KabulWEkaterinburg Standard Time,-300,Ekaterinburg Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00(GMT+05:00, DST) EkaterinburgWest Asia Standard Time,-3000(GMT+05:00, No DST) Islamabad, Karachi, TashkentIndia Standard Time,-3308(GMT+05:30, No DST) Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, New DelhiNepal Standard Time,-345(GMT+05:45, No DST) Kathmandu]N. Central Asia Standard Time,-360,N. Central Asia Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00$(GMT+06:00, DST) Almaty, NovosibirskCentral Asia Standard Time,-360!(GMT+06:00, No DST) Astana, DhakaSri Lanka Standard Time,-360'(GMT+06:00, No DST) Sri JayawardenepuraMyanmar Standard Time,-390(GMT+06:30, No DST) RangoonSE Asia Standard Time,-420+(GMT+07:00, No DST) Bangkok, Hanoi, JakartaSNorth Asia Standard Time,-420,North Asia Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00(GMT+07:00, DST) KrasnoyarskChina Standard Time,-4809(GMT+08:00, No DST) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi]North Asia East Standard Time,-480,North Asia East Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00&(GMT+08:00, DST) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar"Malay Peninsula Standard Time,-480+(GMT+08:00, No DST) Kuala Lumpur, SingaporeWW. Australia Standard Time,-480,W. Australia Daylight Time,-60;10.5.0/02:00,3.5.0/03:00(GMT+08:00, DST) PerthTaipei Standard Time,-480(GMT+08:00, No DST) TaipeiTokyo Standard Time,-540)(GMT+09:00, No DST) Osaka, Sapporo, TokyoKorea Standard Time,-540(GMT+09:00, No DST) SeoulMYakutsk Standard Time,-540,Yakutsk Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00(GMT+09:00, DST) Yakutsk[Cen. Australia Standard Time,-570,Cen. Australia Daylight Time,-60;10.1.0/02:00,4.1.0/03:00(GMT+09:30, DST) AdelaideAUS Central Standard Time,-570(GMT+09:30, No DST) DarwinE. Australia Standard Time,-600(GMT+10:00, No DST) BrisbaneUAUS Eastern Standard Time,-600,AUS Eastern Daylight Time,-60;10.1.0/02:00,4.1.0/03:00,(GMT+10:00, DST) Canberra, Melbourne, SydneyWest Pacific Standard Time,-600&(GMT+10:00, No DST) Guam, Port MoresbyOTasmania Standard Time,-600,Tasmania Daylight Time,-60;10.1.0/02:00,4.1.0/03:00(GMT+10:00, DST) HobartUVladivostok Standard Time,-600,Vladivostok Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00(GMT+10:00, DST) Vladivostok"Central Pacific Standard Time,-6607(GMT+11:00, No DST) Magadan, Solomon Is., New CaledoniaTNew Zealand Standard Time,-720,New Zealand Daylight Time,-60;9.5.0/02:00,4.1.0/03:00%(GMT+12:00, DST) Auckland, WellingtonFiji Standard Time,-7201(GMT+12:00, No DST) Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.Tonga Standard Time,-780(GMT+13:00, No DST) Nuku'alofaCape Verde Standard Time,60"(GMT-01:00, No DST) Cape Verde Is.IAzores Standard Time,60,Azores Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,10.5.0/03:00(GMT-01:00, DST) AzoresUMid-Atlantic Standard Time,120,Mid-Atlantic Daylight Time,-60;3.5.0/02:00,9.5.0/02:00(GMT-02:00, DST) Mid-AtlanticPGreenland Standard Time,180,Greenland Daylight Time,-60;4.1.0/02:00,10.5.0/02:00(GMT-03:00, DST) GreenlandSA Eastern Standard Time,180,(GMT-03:00, No DST) Buenos Aires, Georgetown^E. South America Standard Time,180,E. South America Daylight Time,-60;10.3.0/02:00,2.2.0/02:00(GMT-03:00, DST) BrasiliaVNewfoundland Standard Time,210,Newfoundland Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:00(GMT-03:30, DST) NewfoundlandRPacific SA Standard Time,240,Pacific SA Daylight Time,-60;10.2.6/00:00,3.2.6/00:00(GMT-04:00, DST) SantiagoSA Western Standard Time,240#(GMT-04:00, No DST) Caracas, La PazNAtlantic Standard Time,240,Atlantic Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:00'(GMT-04:00, DST) Atlantic Time (Canada)US Eastern Standard Time,300"(GMT-05:00, No DST) Indiana (East)LEastern Standard Time,300,Eastern Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:00+(GMT-05:00, DST) Eastern Time (US & Canada)SA Pacific Standard Time,300'(GMT-05:00, No DST) Bogota, Lima, Quito Canada Central Standard Time,360 (GMT-06:00, No DST) SaskatchewanJMexico Standard Time,360,Mexico Daylight Time,-60;4.1.0/02:00,10.5.0/02:00(GMT-06:00, DST) Mexico CityLCentral Standard Time,360,Central Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:00+(GMT-06:00, DST) Central Time (US & Canada)!Central America Standard Time,360#(GMT-06:00, No DST) Central AmericaNMountain Standard Time,420,Mountain Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:00,(GMT-07:00, DST) Mountain Time (US & Canada)US Mountain Standard Time,420(GMT-07:00, No DST) ArizonaLPacific Standard Time,480,Pacific Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:004(GMT-08:00, DST) Pacific Time (US & Canada); TijuanaLAlaskan Standard Time,540,Alaskan Daylight Time,-60;3.2.0/02:00,11.1.0/02:00(GMT-09:00, DST) AlaskaHawaiian Standard Time,600(GMT-10:00, No DST) HawaiiSamoa Standard Time,660((GMT-11:00, No DST) Midway Island, SamoaDateline Standard Time,720'(GMT-12:00, No DST) Eniwetok, Kwajalein Report Viewer%1 was loaded.%1 was unloaded.Unable to load %1PFunction %1 in the DLL %2 found. The DLL is not the correct version. (FWB 00088)BExlate failed to translate EPF to HTML and returned error code %1.<Attempted to modify a read-only property. Property name: %1"Property appears more than once %1This group has children %1Child not found %1CModification of object hierarchy would create a circular reference.Property should not be blank %1>Internal error: Attempted to retrieve expired data from cache.No such propertyID is missing.Could not delete property. %2 [On Web Component Server: %1],%2 [On Report Caching/Processing Server: %1]2Connection to the Report Processing Server failed.:Security privileges are not sufficient for this operation.Timeout.+This feature has been disabled. (FWB 00009)J-outputdir <outputdir> : the directory for storing XML result files.-repair : reposcan should repair all inconsistencies it finds (default: off, cannot be used when -syscopy is used).a-count <max errors> : the maximum number of inconsistencies to scan for (default: 1000).&Attempt to delete property %1 rejectedFailover logon: logon should be retried; failover session either exists on a different CMS, or another thread of this CMS won in creating the session.OInvalid locale parameter. Cannot set user default for Preferred Viewing Locale.$This session is for a different CMS.nThe object named '%1' with id number '%2' cannot be deleted because it is the infoobject for a running server.<Detected server identifier duplicate with server named '%1'.XThe server object with id number '%1' cannot be created because it has no friendly name.(Use access level for security assignment7Use access level that user owns for security assignment|You can not add -ns to your server's command line. This argument is provided automatically by the Server Intelligence Agent.?Server registration denied for %1; server not found in cluster.>Server registration denied for %1; host authentication failed.>Cannot delete %1. Deletion of default objects is not allowed.{Your request was cancelled. Reasons for the cancellation are shut down of the server or inactivity. Please try again later.The requests received by the Report Processing Server have the format of an old version. Please ask your system administrator to upgrade.uThe request could not be processed due to heavy load on database or Report Processing Server. Please try again later.=The value for this property must be either "true" or "false". Cache SizeRefresh IntervalMaximum Number of ThreadsMaximum Idle TimeCannot write to cache folder %1. This indicates a high request volume for the configured size of the cache. This problem can be solved by increasing the size of the cache.^Cannot cleanup cache folder %1. This indicates an internal error in the Report Caching Server.HRequest tracing is enabled. The performance of the server will decrease.3Opening the output file for request tracing failed.(Report with %1 data viewed successfully.(Report viewed unsuccessfully. Reason: %1savedliveunknownGThe following alias IDs are skipped because they can't be verified: %1.BThere are problems in linking the user to third-party user groups.The Report Processing Server cannot logon to the CMS. This is due to invalid security credentials. Please verify your user ID and password.The report you are trying to access (ID = %1) has recently been removed from the server, it never existed, or you do not have the right to see this report. Please select a different report.hThe syntax of the value for prompt '%1' is incorrect near '%2'. Please correct the syntax and try again.$Session ID is not valid. (FWB 00011)4The main administrator session cannot be terminated.?The Report Processing Server cannot load files in directory %1.?The Report Processing Server cannot save files to directory %1.CThe Report Processing Server cannot access file %1 in directory %2.Your request was cancelled due to an internal error on the Report Processing Server. The object you are trying to view does not have the required property '%1'. Please contact your system administrator.Your request was cancelled because the Report Processing Server was disabled by the system administrator. If this is unexpected, please contact your system administrator.hYour request cannot be processed due to low system resources. Please contact your system administrator.sYour request has failed due to a problem with the security server retrieving server group information for group %1.Your request was cancelled. You do not have the right to access this server group or the server group does not exist. Please contact your system administrator.pYour request has failed due to a problem with the security server retrieving hyperlink information for object %1iYour request has failed due to a problem with the security server retrieving members of object package %1Unexpected error.&This feature has not been implemented.System is out of memory."One or more arguments are invalid.)The interface requested is not supported.Invalid pointer.Invalid handle.Operation aborted.Unspecified error. Access is denied.The object you are trying to access (ID = %1) has type %2. The Report Processing Server only supports objects of type %3. Please select a different object.1Property %1 is missing on object identified by %2{The NT Authentication plugin failed to verify the user "%1". Please make sure this user is in one of the mapped NT groups.NT Authentication failed to verify the group "%1". Please enter global NT groups as DomainName\GroupName and local NT groups as \\ServerName\GroupName.NT Authentication failed to get the NT groups for the account with ID "%1". Please make sure this account is valid and belongs to an accessible domain.NT Authentication failed to get the members of the group with ID "%1". If the problem persists, please delete this group and re-map it into SAP BusinessObjects BI platform, then try again.\The NT Authentication plugin failed to get the default domain and the default mapped group. vThe NT Authentication plugin failed to verify the domain "%1". Please make sure this domain exists and is accessible.NT Authentication failed to verify the mapped groups. If the problem persists, please delete and re-map into SAP BusinessObjects BI platform all currently mapped groups.The NT Authentication plugin failed to set the default domain "%1" on the client. Please make sure this domain exists and is accessible.NT Authentication failed to log you on. Please contact your system administrator to make sure you are a member of a valid mapped group and try again.An internal error has occurred in the NT Authentication plugin while trying to establish group membership. Please make sure that each mapped NT group belongs to an accessible domain.An internal error has occurred in the NT Authentication plugin during initialization. Please make sure your system is not low on virtual memory.An internal error has occurred in the NT Authentication plugin during termination. If the problem persists, please contact your technical support department.~Your request was cancelled. The necessary security privileges could not be verified. Please contact your system administrator.QA request was cancelled. The necessary security privileges could not be verified.Your request was refused because you do not have the right '%1' on report '%2'. Please ask your system administrator to grant you this right.%1%1%1kThe user collateral relationships committed on the object named '%1' with id number %2 are not permissible.PBusiness Objects Enterprise CMS: User reload started for authentication type %1.RBusiness Objects Enterprise CMS: User reload completed for authentication type %1.LBusiness Objects Enterprise CMS: User reload fetched %1 users and %2 groups.?The SAP security plugin failed to get SAP user/group attribute.The secSAPR3 security plug-in failed while trying to load the Logon Ticket Library. Please ensure that %1 and %2 are in the path. The error message returned from the loader: %3.7The Logon Ticket Library loaded successfully..GetName() failed because input userID == NULL.2GetUserId() failed because input userName == NULL.4GetGroupId() failed because input groupName == NULL.GFailed while trying to log on to SAP system. No credentials were found.SFailed while trying to log on to SAP system. The following RFC error was returned: [Group, Key, Message]: [%1, "%2", "%3"]. The entitlement system has been disabled in memory. This may be because the SAP system is unavailable or because the credentials are invalid. The entitlement system has to be re-enabled before it can be used again.Logon ticket could not be validated using any private address books: %1. MySapEvalLogonTicket failed. [Standard error code: %2. SSF error code: %3.]7Failed while trying to initialize SAP security library.3Failed while trying to load SAP security library %1VThe ticket processing library is NOT properly initialized. Strange things will happen.=Failed while shutting down ticket processing. Error code = %1Failed logon attempt by user %16Failed while trying to log on user %1. RFC error: "%2"bCSecSAPR3Binding::XRFCCnxBroker::BorrowConnection() failed. See following log entries for details.uCSecSAPR3Binding::XRFCCnxBroker::ReturnConnection() non-critical failure. The connection failed during the operation.Failed while retrieving user list using class CSecRfcRemoteUsersActGrp in method CSecSAPR3Binding::GetUsersInternal(). Error code: %1. Description: %2. (EAS 10001)Failed while retrieving user role list using class CSecRfcBapiGetUserDetail in method CSecSAPR3Binding::GetParentsInternal(). Error code: %1. Description: %2. (EAS 10002)Failed retrieving role member list using class CSecRfcBapiUserGetlist in method CSecSAPR3Binding::GetChildrenInternal(). Error code: %1. Description: %2. (EAS 10003)Failed validating role membership using class CSecRfcBapiGetUserDetail in method CSecSAPR3Binding::VerifyGroupMembership(). Error code: %1. Description: %2. (EAS 10004)^Logon attempt failed as user %1 does not belong to any of the required roles -- %2 (EAS 10005)*In %1: failed to load resource string #%2. SAP System IDMapped SAP Roles Available#In %1: Input parameters are invalidGRole checking is disabled in the current build of the security plug-in.SAP Role checks are in effect.4The credentials passed to secSAPR3 [%1] are invalid.1No credentials provided. Logon attempt will fail.:Internal error. Function ContinueLogin() is not supported.mFailed in CSecSAPR3GlobalState::GetMemberGroups() while trying to build member group list. Member groups = %16Failed while trying to initialize JTC thread storage. 8Failed while trying to uninitialize JTC thread storage. QInternal programming error in BorrowConnection(). Set insertion operation failed.3Attempting to log on using Logon Ticket. Attempting to log on as %s !Trying ticket validation with %s *Successfully validated ticket for user %s User %s successfully logged on. DException JTCSystemCallException, type: %s raised in InitPackage(). FException JTCUnknownThreadException, type %s raised in TermPackage(). Unknown exception caught in %s. 5Unknown entitlement system: %1. Logon cannot proceed.Failed while trying to insert connection provider object for system %1. Could be due to insufficient memory. Returning failure.KFailed while trying to obtain the connection provider object for system %1.No SAP system was passed as part of the user name and no default system was defined. User credential validation cannot continue. (EAS 10006)?Exception caught while trying to get credentials for system %1.AFailed while trying to parse the following entitlement string: %1MException caught while trying to get own SNC identity for use with system %1.MException caught while trying to get SNC library path for use with system %1.DException caught while trying to get SNC name for trusted system %1.>Failed while trying to parse the following identity string: %1FFailed while trying to parse the following SNC library path string: %1HFailed while trying to parse the following SNC trusted system string: %1,Parameter value for SNC_QOP (%1) is invalid.-Parameter value for SNC_MODE (%1) is invalid.`Schedule time Single Sign-On is not available in the current build of the SAP security plug-in. HSNC is enabled. Proceeding with request to logon with renewable ticket. @The provided RFC handle (%1) is not valid. Logon attempt failed.sFailed while trying to obtain the credentials of the calling user. RFC error code = %1. Exception text (if any): %2ESince SNC is required and SAP system %1 is not trusted, logon failed.ENo sac library was found for SAP system %1, logon failed. (EAS 10007)Invalid responsibility id: %1.RThe security option specifying the Oracle EBS roles enabled is not properly setup.8The user %1 is not a member in any of the mapped groups.KThe responsibility %1 does not exist in the Oracle EBS system of domain %2.bThe EBS token is forbidden to be used to logon. Please connect administrator for more information.IThe security option specifying Oracle EBS domains is not properly set up.yUnable to handle your request. Please make sure the security plug-in %1 is properly setup, and the service is running. %25The SAP client number must have 3 digits. (FWM 00004)5The SAP system ID must have 3 characters. (FWM 00005)5The SAP system number must have 2 digits. (FWM 00006)ZEnter the credentials for load balancing or the direct application host logon. (FWM 00007))The SAP user name is missing. (FWM 00008)?The password for the specified SAP user is missing. (FWM 00009)$The language is missing. (FWM 00010)AThe credentials for load balancing logon are invalid. (FWM 00011)JThe credentials for direct application host logon are invalid. (FWM 00012)Failed while trying to convert SNC partner name %1 to its corresponding ACL key. RFC Return code: %2. Exception string (if any): %3mFailed while trying to get the inbound connection ACL key. RFC Return code: %1. Exception string (if any): %2oThe ACL key of the inbound connection does not match the one stored in the Enterprise system for SAP system %1.eSNC is required but not present for the requested logon type - the logon attempt failed. (EAS 10008) *Attempting prevalidated logon as user: %1.dTicket could not be validated using address book %s. Standard error code = %i. SSF Error code = %i. 0Returning from SetParasSeq with return code %i. QException caught while trying to get SNC Mode for use with system %1. (EAS 10009)hException caught while trying to get SNC Quality of Protection value for use with system %1. (EAS 10010)GAttempting to verify ticket using new validation function on system %s VLogon ticket could not be validated by system %1. Message: %2. Ticket/logon string: %3`Attempting to verify ticket using direct logon to system %s using the following credentials: %s \Failed while trying to get the user credentials after manual ticket validation on system %1.BFailed while trying to parse the following availability string: %1@Exception caught while trying to get availability for system %1.|Entitlement system %1 is disabled. This may be because the SAP system is unavailable or because the credentials are invalid.2Logon request through RFC Handle is not supported.:Internal error. Setting security plugin properties failed. No error.An unspecified error occurred.'An internal programming error occurred.HAn error occurred. There is not enough memory to complete the operation.3An error occurred while accessing system functions.2An error occurred while loading a support library.DAn error occurred while loading a required resource from the module.MThe PeopleSoft Enterprise server returned an error. No details are available.NThe PeopleSoft Enterprise server returned an error. Error: (%1) %2. Detail: %3Failed to connect to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server. A communication error occurred. Please verify that the server address is correct, the server is running, and that this computer is connected to the network.yFailed to log on to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server. Please verify that the server name, user, and password are correct.uFailed to log on to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server. Please verify that the server name and logon token are correct.7Failed to access the query %1. The query was not found.9Failed to execute the query %1. No details are available.~Failed to retrieve query result. The result is invalid, or the query is no longer running on the PeopleSoft Enterprise server.VThe query definition of %1 has changed. Please verify the report against the database.PeopleSoft EnterpriseServerUserPasswordLanguageConnection InfoGPlease enter the following information to access PeopleSoft Enterprise.Default Bahasa MalayFrench (Canadian)DanishDutchEnglishFrenchGermanGreekItalianJapaneseKoreanPolish PortugueseChinese (Simplified)SpanishSwedishThaiChinese (Traditional)#The name is not well formatted: %1.Invalid user name: %1.Invalid user id: %1.Invalid role name: %1.Invalid role id: %1.uThe format for Peoplesoft Enterprise server address %1 is not specified correctly. The correct format is DOMAIN=HOST.Failed to connect to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server for domain %1. A communication error occurred. Please verify that the server address is correct, the server is running, and that this computer is connected to the network.Failed to log on to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server. Please make sure your logon information is correct. If your account is in any domain other than %1 you must enter your user name as DomainName\UserName.jFailed to log on to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server as the the system user name or password is incorrect.iFailed to log on to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server. Please make sure your logon information is correct.Unable to find a PeopleSoft Enterprise server of domain %1 to handle your request. Please make sure the PeopleSoft Enterprise authentication is properly set up, and the server for the specified domain is available.8The user %1 is not a member in any of the mapped groups.LThe role %1 does not exist in the PeopleSoft Enterprise system of domain %2.There is a version mismatch. The data stored in SAP BusinessObjects BI platform does not match the expected format for PeopleSoft Enterprise authentication.#The name is not well formatted: %1.Invalid user name: %1.Invalid user id: %1.*Invalid Oracle EBS user name and password.3Invalid Oracle EBS token, or the token has expired. Invalid responsibility name: %1.BusinessObjects NT UsersgBusinessObjects NT Users can use their NT user accounts to log on to the Enterprise family of products.Default DomainMapped NT Groups AvailablemAn error occurred during NT authentication. Please enter your user name as DomainName\UserName and try again.NT Authentication could not log you on. Please make sure your logon information is correct. If your account is in any domain other than "%1" you must enter your user name as DomainName\UserName.NT Authentication could not find the user "%1". If your domain is not "%2" enter your user name as DomainName\UserName (global account) or \\ServerName\UserName (local account).The NT Authentication plugin could not authenticate at this time. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact your technical support department.lAn internal error has occurred in the NT Authentication plugin. %1 Please contact your system administrator.The NT Authentication plugin failed to get the NT account name for the account with ID: "%1". Please make sure this account is valid and belongs to an accessible domain.UReport Processing Server ran out of memory. Please contact your system administrator.:A required argument is invalid or not specified near '%1'.-An invalid message '%1' has been encountered.+An invalid command '%1' has been specified.Data on the Report Processing Server may have changed. In order to prevent the display of inconsistent information, the data cached in your browser will have to be refreshed.:Information is needed before this report can be processed.{The number of simultaneous processing threads was limited to %1 by the system administrator. Please try to reconnect later.vThe number of simultaneous report jobs was limited to %1 by the system administrator. . Please try to reconnect later.There are no Report Processing Servers connected to the Report Caching Server or all connected Report Processing Servers are disabled or all connected Report Processing Servers are not part of the specified server group. Please try to reconnect later.9Internal error. Please contact your system administrator.The Report Caching Server did not succeed in connecting to a Report Processing Server. Please contact your system administrator.8Unknown error. Please contact your system administrator.vThe Report Processing Server you are trying to connect to is not accessible. Please contact your system administrator.The Report Processing Server gives an illegal response. The Report Processing Server is probably an old version. Please contact your system administrator.-Out of memory. Please try to reconnect later.XThe Server ran out of resources due to a limitation imposed by the system administrator.)The operation was completed successfully.Search failed after this page.Drill down not possible.!Crystal Reports Processing Server6Error encountered by Crystal Reports Processing ServerThe error message returned is6The report you requested requires further information.%When you are done, click View Report.Submit Server Name Database NameUser IdPasswordWThe database logon information provided to the subreport is invalid or incomplete - %1.Database Logon(s)Parameter Field(s)Stored Procedure Parameter(s)OLAP Cube NametA viewer of type '%1' is not supported. Please contact your system administrator to enquire about supported viewers.UThe request has an invalid format near '%1'. Please correct the syntax and try again.IRequest cannot be handled. There are already %1 requests for document %2.(The export format '%1' is not supported.$Error in the report processing unit.&Error in Crystal Reports Print Engine.Cannot initialize page managerError accessing file %1UnknownLInvalid number of command-line parameters to start Report Processing Server.The Report Processing Server was started without information on how to connect to a Report Caching Server. Please specify either -cs, -ns or -cache on the command line..Cannot initialize Crystal Reports Print Engine"Users to have object level for %1:*Remove users that have object level for %1&Users to not have object level for %1:Unknown error in prompt engine%1General?Failed to get valid page indices info; paging cannot continue. Schedule For Schedule ForAdd groups to scheduling listAdd users to scheduling list!Remove users from scheduling list&Groups to be added to scheduling list:%Users to be added to scheduling list:)Users to be removed from scheduling list:%Unknown error in the plug-in manager.'The plug-in manager is not initialized./Failed to create %1 plug-in home directory : %2,Failed to download %1 plug-in setup program.HError occurred when installing the plug-in. Error code: %1, message: %2.)Failed to initialize the plug-in manager.6User has Non-secEnterprise aliases, cannot be deleted.+Cannot create alias for secEnterprise user.TCannot add alias %1 because the user already has an Enterprise Authentication alias. Cannot reassign Enterprise alias)Invalid group name, cannot find group %1.Invalid user ID %1.bCannot add alias %1 because the alias does not exist, or it is an Enterprise Authentication alias..User must have at least one alias. (FWB 00010)Invalid alias ID %1.vThe Report Processing Server session you are using to connect is in the process of being shut down. You need to retry. Prompt name Prompt valueProcesstrackerProcessEdit$Create, Modify or Delete ConnectionsVoyager WorkspaceVoyager Connection6Access to system setup Repository and System User tabs4Access to system setup Universes and Dimensions tabsAccess to setup Time Config tabAccess to setup Parameters tabAccess to setup Tools tab"Access to setup Control Charts tabBusinessObjects Edge Series 3.0jThis copy of Business Objects BI Server is licensed to be used for evaluation or development purposes only'Business Objects BI Server Applications%Failed to run rexec. Error number: %1exec/tcp: unknown serviceError in system call: SELECT%Error reading output from remote host!BusinessObjects Edge Standard 3.0%BusinessObjects Edge Professional 3.0 BusinessObjects Edge Premium 3.0$BusinessObjects Edge Performance 3.0*Error with dbinfo file %1: %2. (FWB 00085)&The CUID "%1" is not for a CMS server.-The system has no servers with the CUID "%1"."The CUID "%1" is not a valid CUID./The friendly name "%1" is not for a CMS server.tThe CMS "%1" can't be started because it doesn't already exist in the database. You must create it first in the CMC.)Create and Edit Queries Based on Universe2That right cannot be denied for the administrator.Unknown right scope ID: %1,The Server Intelligence model is incomplete.Grants view rights for objectsBGrants all Schedule rights, as well as rights to refresh documents@Grants all View rights, as well as rights for scheduling objectsjConfiguration, auditing or enable/disable state change rejected; server %1 is currently being initialized.*Unexpected exception caught. Reason: [%1].^Server Intelligence server state update message rejected; server has not yet been initialized.Translation management tool3Modify settings for the Translation management tool3Schedule objects that the user owns to destinationsGLog into the Translation Manager and display it as an object in the CMCWidgets<Deliver business intelligence to a desktop in widgets formatInvalid property valueTCould not commit object number %1 because parent object with CUID %2 does not exist.k-scanfrs : only scan inconsistencies related to the FRS (default: always scan the FRS).k-scancms : only scan inconsistencies in infoobjects (default: always scan infoobjects).%1%1%12The Report Processing Server reported an error %1."Failed to create transport policy.Failed to set transport policy.%1%1%1%1%1System problem encountered: %1%1%1Operation failed: %1%18Cannot initialize and start diagnostics service manager.Cannot initialize and start diagnostics service manager.The following DLL could not be loaded or initialized: cidiagnostics dll.)File Repository Server Administrator: %1. Error: %1%1 Error: %1%1 Error: %1%1%1Daemon message from %1: %2.1Cancel operation not supported in current versionAIllegal request received due to data corruption or internal errorCreation of thread for %1 fails1Cancel operation not supported in current version1Out of memory in Report Caching/Processing ServerBCommunication with client failed. Continuing with other requests.sCannot write to cache folder %1. Most likely reason is that another process is accessing files in the cache folder.rCannot cleanup cache folder %1. Most likely reason is that another process is accessing files in the cache folder.Error accessing file %1#Report search initialization failedTransport error: Unknown error."Transport error: Invalid parameter*Transport error: Unable to allocate memory7Transport error: Implementation limit has been reached.2Transport error: Communication failure.(FWM 00001)*Transport error: Invalid object reference.:Fail to acquire credential handle from security package %1+Fail to accept security context from client8Fail to initialize security context to be sent to serverTSevere security package internal error or data corruption on server data is detected6The Server Group identified by %1 has invalid members.^Scheduling the object identified by %1 failed because the object was in an inconsistent state.ZThe schedule result provided by the Job Server for the object identified by %1 is invalid.[The security for the object identified by %1 could not be verified during schedule attempt.*The scheduler component cannot be started.0Internal error retrieving scheduling statistics.wThe object identified by %1 was not scheduled since the dependency on the event identified by %2 could not be verified.Could not set the property.Could not get the property.7Changes will take effect when this server is restarted."Unable to get the "post" value %1.#Unable to get the "query" value %1. Active FilesCould not get the metric. (unlimited)YesNoGroupUser9Internal error while trying to send a job to jobserver %1\Jobserver %1 returned an error while trying to create a job for the object identified by %2.pThe scheduler component failed the object identified by %1. The job associated with the object was unresponsive. New Hyperlink#Transport error: Permission denied. Transport error: Internal error.6Transport error: Operation implementation unavailable.Transport error: Bad typecode.#Transport error: Invalid operation.3Transport error: Insufficient resources.(FWM 00002)/Transport error: Persistent storage has failed.'Transport error: Unable to free memory.Unable to log on: Could not connect to server %1. Please check that the server name is correct, and that the server is running.Batch transaction error: Attempted to initialize a new batch transaction while a previous transaction was in progress. Please commit previous transaction before beginning a new one.iBatch transaction error: Attempted to commit a batch transaction without a corresponding BeginBatch call.VBatch transaction error: One or more failures have occurred in the batch transaction.Security plugin error: Unable to initialize plugin manager. Please check that the server name is correct, and that the server is running.fSecurity plugin error: Unable to install security plugin. The %1 plugin does not exist on the server.@Security plugin error: Unable to download %1 plugin from server.:Security plugin error: Failed to set parameters on plugin.1Unable to log off: could not find user in system.6Internal security error: unable to create logon token.Communication error while attempting to update other members of this CMS cluster. Cluster members may no longer be synchronized.Invalid type for right.VThe value entered for Time is not within the valid range. Please enter another value.A logon token was used from a client other than one specified in the token, or there was an error determining the IP address of the client. (FWB 00005))Invalid confidential channel. (FWB 00032)TNon-FIPS-compliant client cannot connect because FIPS mode is turned on. (FWB 00034)GAsk your database administrator to grant you CREATE PROCEDURE privilege)Cannot find the user, group or object %1.$Database Access Failure. (FWB 00089)YPlugin Manager error: Unable to locate the requested plugin %1 on the server. (FWB 00006)2Plugin Manager error: Invalid category for plugin.Unable to open file %1.Unable to read file %1.(This functionality is not yet supported. Program file %1 cannot be found.Error loading program file %1.'This report requires logon information.Logon information is corrupt.QAll CMSs in the same cluster have the same FIPS and SSL mode settings (FWB 00053)<No description>/Please input numbers, hyphens, and commas only. No Error.,Server %1 cannot be found or is not running.$An error occurred in naming service.Unknown object name.yInternal error: Out parameter is null. An attempt was made to retrieve some data without first allocating memory for it.CInternal error: Unable to initialize the security cache controller.9Internal error: Unable to initialize the session manager./Internal error: Unable to initialize a session.BInternal error: Unable to initialize the administration interface.Service was not found.Could not retrieve metric.-Internal error: Unable to set property value.hPlugin Manager error: Could not find information for plugin. The requested plugin may not be available.APlugin Manager error: Unable to install plugin on client machine.+Internal error: Unable to create InfoStore.5Internal error: Unable to create UserInfo COM object.Server not found.(Item %1 was not found in the collection.$Invalid internal Info Object pointerInvalid right value&Object was not found in the collection-Invalid list of rights returned by the plugin,Cannot modify inherited rights or principals;Error occurred when trying to connect to security subsystemWPrincipal must be removed from object to have the object inherit the rights from parentHThe object you are trying to change is read-only and cannot be modified.8The default file repository location could not be found./Unable to get the default file repository name.The file URL %1 is not valid.)Unable to get the file repository object.(Collection management properties not setUnable to remove %1 property%File repository server %1 unavailableYou do not have permission to perform the requested action. If you require assistance, please contact your system administrator,The requested picture type is not supported.wYou do not have sufficient rights to perform the requested action. Please contact your system administrator for details%Item %1 is already in the collection.WEnterprise Control has not been initialized by logging on or providing a Session objectLogon dialog was cancelled,The command for start/stop service is empty.3Failed to start/stop service on remote machine: %1.HTimeout waiting for subprocess (Server Manager) to response, reason: %1.OCommunication pipe timeout waiting for subprocess (Server Manager) to respond. You need to retrieve at least SI_DEST_SCHEDULEOPTIONS and SI_PROGID properties from the destination system object to be able to set information for scheduling. Out of range!5Internal error: An unexpected exception has occurred.2Internal error: An unknown exception has occurred.Internal error.File %1 not found.Memory allocation failure."Cannot register callback function.-This callback function is already registered. Remove callback listener failed.Empty name list.!Could not get required interface.Could not remove interface.#Could not find specified interface.$Could not initialize internal table.$Could not construct VB return value.Could not create thread.-The authorization name requested is not valid;Transport error: No response from server, timeout exceeded. Unknown errorInvalid internal Object pointerUnable to set %1 property valueUnable to get %1 property valueUnable to add %1 property,Internal error: Unable to create COM object.fProperty %1 is a Property Bag object. Do not try to set the property bag back into the container bag. (Property %1 is not a Property Bag object%Parameter on property %1 out of range3Object was not created by Enterprise Client LibraryUnable to create plugin object%PlugIn manager not installed properly'Invalid implementation of plugin objectjSecurity plugin error: Password expiry information is not available for the current authentication method.Security plugin error: Unable to change password for the current authentication method. You may not be able to change your password from within this application.^Your password has expired. Please contact your system administrator to re-enable your account.wYou do not have enough Named User Licenses to make this user a named user. You have %1 Named User Licenses. (FWB 00013)All of your system's %1 Concurrent Access Licenses are in use at this time or your system's license key has expired. Try again later or contact your administrator to obtain additional licenses. (FWB 00014)CThe Administrator is not allowing any further logons at the moment.fThe Web Component Server could not log you on to the CMS. Please re-enter your user name and password.Enterprise Security NT SecurityCrystal Reports Viewing Log OnsYou do not have enough Role-Based User Licenses to add this user. You have %1 Role-Based User Licenses. (FWB 00056)pYou do not have enough Named User Licenses to log on to the system. You have %1 Named User Licenses. (FWB 00057)vToo many users in your tenant are currently logged on to the system. The concurrent logon limit for your tenant is %1."Reporting - create and edit breaks3Reporting - create and edit predefined calculations8Reporting - create and edit conditional formatting rules-Interactive: Reporting - Create and edit rank?Reporting - insert and remove reports, tables, charts and cellsTwo destination property bags exist. Use the bag that is appropriate for your client's version number: SI_DESTINATION (version XI and earlier) and SI_DESTINATIONS (version XI Release 2 and later).AOnly one document schedule type is supported for the publication.~This license key is restricted by the limit of property %1. This license key wants to set the value to %2 but the limit is %3.This license key exceeds your maximum license limit of %4. This license key would result in a %3 license(s) for %2. If you would like a higher license cap please contact Business Objects to purchase a license with a higher cap.CMS DBInput FRS PathOutput FRS Path Date Scanned Directory Object Name Object Kind/Desktop interface - install from BI launch pad Desktop interface - send by mail,Desktop interface - remove document security<Documents - enable publish and manage content as web service*Reporting - create and edit input controlsReporting - enable formatting -Documents - disable automatic refresh on open,Disable Export to BI On Demand for this user.Disable Import from BI On Demand for this user\The Trusted Authentication shared secret will expire in %1 day(s). Please update the secret.AThe Trusted Authentication shared secret has expired. (FWB 00022)-The client clock skew is too big. (FWB 00023)IP address reported by clientHostname reported by clientIP address resolved by serverHostname resolved by server3Desktop interface - enable Web Intelligence Desktop*Desktop interface - save documents locally/Desktop interface - save document for all users#Desktop interface - print documents%Desktop Interface : Create a document$Desktop interface - import documents$Desktop interface - export documentsData - enable data tracking(Data - enable formatting of changed data3Relates an analytic to 0 or more BusinessQuestions.An analytic in the Encyclopedia is a descriptive entity that describes a report. It may relate to many business questions, many glossary terms and a single report./Relates an Analytic to 0 or more GlossaryTerms.NRelates an storyline to 0 or more start analytics and 0 or more end analytics.A business question in the Encyclopedia represents a question that analytics may answer, such as &quot;who are my best 10 customers?&quot;._A glossary term in the Encyclopedia is an entry that describes the meaning of a word or phrase.DUse this attribute to describe the purpose of the referenced report.ZA storyline in the Encyclopedia defines the navigation routes between different analytics.FUse this attribute to describe how the referenced report is to be usedPMUser,SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Applications#Crystal Reports Server ApplicationsfThis copy of Crystal Reports Server is licensed to be used for evaluation or development purposes onlytFailed to find and load authentication plugin %1 for Single Sign-On. Please log on using your username and password.OLAP Intelligence Connections(General - Ability to hide / show toolbox.The request returned an error. Error code (%1)>Exception was caught. Function: %1, Exception: %2, Reason: %3.OFailed to initialize %1 component, with path %2. Component may be unavailable.'Failed to initialize Connection Manager0Connection Manager initialized and ready to run.'Attempting to stop the Web App Service.6CoInitializeEx Multithreaded failed with error code %1lThe entry point CoInitializeEx was not found. Make certain that DCOM is installed, and Ole32.dll is present.)Unable to get the InfoStore session data.%Unable to get the logon token managerUnable to get the CMS name Unable to create the logon tokenUnable to release the token*Unable to load the session manager object."Unable to get the InfoStore objectMenusECreateInstance for HelpManager object failed. Unable to launch help.~Single Sign-On failed because the associated security context has expired. Please re-logon to Business Objects and try again.:Invalid %2 on object %1: the %2=%4 is not a valid %3. (%5)5Objects of type '%1' cannot be sent to a destination.2Unable to serialize current enterprise session: %1Single Sign-On failed because the required components have not been properly initialized. Please contact your system administrator.Reschedule instances'Reschedule instances that the user ownsThe commit is not allowed because the object named '%1' with id number '%2' is adding itself as a parent or child in the property bag named '%3'. File System FTP ServerEmailBI InboxDCannot schedule a job with an end date that is before the start date CollaborationThe Index InfoObject %1 for %2 conflicts with Index InfoObject %3 for %4; the SI_INDEX_COLUMN_NAME properties have the same value: %5. Two indices cannot store values in columns with the same name, even if they are storing values in different tables. Create foldersMaximum object level security(Out of memory in Web Intelligence ServeriThe Web Intelligence session you are using to connect is in the process of being shut down. Please retry.XThe Server ran out of resources due to a limitation imposed by the system administrator.Internal error.List of Values1Copy objects that the user owns to another folderObject %1 is not sendable.!Schedule on behalf of other usersThe administrator has disabled Single Sign-On logons for this authentication plugin. Please log on using your username and password.bThe object with id number '%1' cannot be deleted, modified or scheduled because it does not exist.The object named '%1' with id number '%2' cannot be deleted because it is the server object for this Central Management Server.cThe object named '%1' with id number '%2' cannot be updated or scheduled because it does not exist.cThe object named '%1' with id number '%2' cannot be deleted because it is maintained by the system.The unique Index InfoObject %1 for %2 must be created in its own table if it is not in the main table. It shares table %3 with Index InfoObject %4 for %5.The Index InfoObject %1 for %2 cannot be created in the same table as a unique index. It shares table %3 with unique Index InfoObject %4 for %5.An unknown error has occurred. Out of memoryNot initialized.Failed to initializeInterface not found Bad ParameterValue not foundFile not foundNot AuthorizedBuffer size too small.Logon DisabledNT Authorization Required<html><body><center><b>An error (%1) occurred in the Web Component Server. </b><p>The error contains insertion string: <i>%2</i> </center> </body> </html>g<html><body><center><b>Error: Could not connect to the Web Component Server.</b></center></body></html>!Interface to write data not found.Interface to communicate with client not foundInterface to get URL not found-Fail to load security package %1. Reason: %23Fail to initialize security package %1. Reason: %2,Fail to get security package %1. Reason: %2Invalid TemplateTemplate file not found.Tag name not found.Tag value not found.1Error: Failure to log in using NT Single Sign-on.Error: NT Single Sign-on is not supported on the Operating System. Please make sure you have the NTLM security package installed.qThe Web Component Server (WCS) %1 has been disabled, or started in a disabled state and will not accept requests.Failed to log in using NT Single Sign-on. The Web Server is not setup properly to use NT Challenge/Response or Integrated Windows authentication. Please consult your Web Server documentation.GLog message severity level %1 is not supported. The log message is: %2 Out of memorynCould not communicate with the Web Component Server (WCS). Reason: %1. Please check that the WCS is running.DCannot setup communication with the Web Component Server. Reason: %1FCannot get a reference to the Web Component Server: host: %1, port: %2:Web Component Server has returned the error code(s) %1, %2 Local HostDBatch transaction error: request %1 in batch transaction is unknown.Security plugin DLL %1 must be enabled in the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Central Management Console. Please contact your system administrator.;The number cannot be zero. Please enter a different number.$Cannot find user name for user id %1$Cannot find user id for user name %1pYou do not have permission to perform the requested action. Please contact your system administrator for detailsAThe request is not for the current CMS, it is for %1. (FWB 00001)'Unable to create new user. User ID %1.aThe %1 security plugin is not enabled. Contact your system administrator for details. (FWB 00002)3The %1 plugin does not have the required functions.$Not a valid logon token. (FWB 00003)HDB2 server version is %1 but DB2 driver version is %2. Use same version.xSecurity plugin error: An error has occurred in the plugin, but the plugin is unable to return a detailed error message.USecurity plugin error: Plugin returned too many parameters in detailed error message.BSecurity plugin error: Plugin has returned an unknown status code.OInternal security error: Unable to retrieve the requested service from the CMS.Not initialized properly"Requested service %1 not supported[The requested operation is not supported by the administrator of the File Repository Server7The File Repository Server did not initialize properly.!An unexpected error has occurred.fThe %1 security plugin is not up-to-date. Its version number is %2, the expected version number is %3.@Failed to load resource DLL %1. Using English resources instead.;The Administrator user can always change its own password. RThe administration property %1 was retrieved from the CMS with an unexpected type.IForm data retrieved from the browser is missing or contains invalid data.HURL data retrieved from the browser is missing or contains invalid data.The Alias has an unknown typePlease re-enter the passwordr(Either your administrator has assigned a temporary password which must be changed, or your password has expired.)Change Password?(If you require assistance, contact your system administrator.)User cannot change password7Cannot move cryptographic key from state %1 to state %2The root directory %1 (property value: %2) for the File Repository Server could not be set to the value entered. Please see the event log for details.bBad type for File Repository Server. Please contact your system administrator for supported types.Include lower rangeInclude upper rangeSelect View ReportDatabase Logon - %1-Process every request inside the Job Server. 9Launch a subprocess (Job Server Child) for every request.<Not clustered>DefaultSSLUnknownTop Level FolderUnable to get the session data.@Unable to get the admin object for the %1 service for server %2.Incorrect password. User "%1" not found. (FWB 00007)Group "%1" not found.Property is missing %1Object already exists %1The dll already exists %13Wrong value type for setting security parameter %1.No such parameter %1oEnterprise authentication could not log you on. Please make sure your logon information is correct. (FWB 00008)PInternal error: An undefined error has occurred in the administration interface.aInternal error: An attempt has been made to register a listener that has already been registered.JInternal error: The given listener was not found in the list of listeners.The %1 DLL exists/The %1 DLL could not be found or does not existCannot create object.Logon using tokenvLock acquisition failed for the object "%1" (ID: %2). To lock this object, the user must have the "%3" right granted.QCannot commit object(s). Object "%1" (ID: %2) is locked by session "%3" (ID: %4).YCannot commit object(s). Object "%1" (ID: %2) is cascade-locked by session "%3" (ID: %4).QCannot delete object(s). Object "%1" (ID: %2) is locked by session "%3" (ID: %4).YCannot delete object(s). Object "%1" (ID: %2) is cascade-locked by session "%3" (ID: %4).OCannot lock object(s). Object "%1" (ID: %2) is locked by session "%3" (ID: %4).WCannot lock object(s). Object "%1" (ID: %2) is cascade-locked by session "%3" (ID: %4).Cannot commit object(s). When committing object "%1" (ID: %2) with version %3, a conflict occurs with current version %4 over property "%5". Failed to merge changes. Failed to create info object.Failed to create a user object. Failed to create a group object.2Your password must be at least %1 characters long.Your password is too simple. You need at least 2 of: upper case, lower case, numbers, and punctuation, and your password cannot contain your userid.LThe new password is too long. Passwords cannot be longer than 64 charactersVYou have already used that password. You may not repeat any of the last %1 passwords.It is too soon after the last time your password was changed. Wait %1 days from the last password change before changing your password again.It is too soon after the last time your password was changed. Wait %1 hours from the last password change before changing your password again.It is too soon after the last time your password was changed. Wait %1 minutes from the last password change before changing your password again.;Attempted to read a write-only property. Property name: %1property out of range %1YThe value set for the property %1 is not of the expected type. Please set another value. Object appears more than once %1Invalid event type value %1Invalid property value %1Internal Error Out of MemoryInitialization FailureShutdown ProblemConfiguration ProblemUnknownConsole Initialization Problem!NT Service Initialization ProblemServer Instantiation ProblemServer Initialization Failure9An error occurred, but no reason was given for the error."Unknown exception caught in server2Cannot update status to NT Service Control Manager %1 started %1 stopped#Command line option '%1' is missing"Cannot determine version of server CPU Usage Memory Usage(Invalid syntax in configuration settings-dir is missing9Thread for %1 is not alive anymore or was not initialized1Cancel operation not supported in current version1Cancel operation not supported in current versionJReport Caching Server lost communication with the Report Processing Server1Unknown exception caught in Report Caching ServerPosting of request failed9Thread for %1 is not alive anymore or was not initializedACommunication with client failed. Continuing with other requests.4Unknown exception caught in Report Processing Server8Fail to create report source on Report Processing ServerDCreation of thread for %1 failed on Report Caching/Processing Server<Unknown exception caught in Report Caching/Processing Server1Unknown exception caught in Report Caching Server%1&Unknown exception while processing %1.4Unknown exception %1 while processing %2 message %3.Unable to open file %1.Unable to create file %1.#An I/O error occurred with file %1.Auditing has failed.FCMS is unstable and will shut down immediately. Reason: %1 (FWB 00087)4Sentinel was terminated while CMS was still running.&assert failure (%1) in %2. (%3 : %4).'CMS could not access the directory "%1"%1HCMS could not create a system account for itself. Reason: out of memory.Unable to load dll %1.Internal error for dll %1.&Could not read key (%1) from registry.zCannot access File Repository path %1. Please make sure the File Repository Server is running and registered with the CMS.zUnable to contact server %1 on machine %2 to perform status notification. Please check the server's system log for errors.Unable to delete file from the file repository. Make sure a File Repository Server is running and registered and enabled. Details : %1 Registry: %1"Cannot write key (%1) to registry.Object PackageStoppedStarting InitializingRunningStoppingFailedRunning with ErrorsStoppedRunningRestartForce Terminate Force Restart|The node name is invalid. The node name can only contain letters, digits and underscores and it can not begin with a number.Running with Warnings%1JInvalid hostname specified. Please check that you have a hostname defined.NClient is older than server! Contact your system administrator for an upgrade.uClient %1 is newer than server %2! You will not be able to connect to this server. Contact your system administrator.]Client is newer than server! Platform %1 (schema %2) tried to connect to server (schema %3).Unable to find or load %1.$Beginning to update CI_RUNTIMEIMAGE.0Finished updating CI_RUNTIMEIMAGE, success %1..Beginning to move objects into CI_INFOOBJECTS.:Finished moving objects into CI_INFOOBJECTS, success %1.Beginning to update CI_USERS.)Finished updating CI_USERS, success %1.@Access denied. You cannot log on to an older version of the CMS.%1&User %1 (%2) tried to change password.3User %1 (%2) failed to change password. Reason: %3.*The password for user %1 (%2) has expired.@The password for user %1 (%2) has been automatically re-enabled.?User account %1 (%2) disabled (too many failed login attempts)./User %1 (%2) tried to schedule (no permission).'User %1 (%2) has been added by %3 (%4).+Unable to allocate and initialize SID (%1).?User %1 (%2) has modified the CMS preferences from platform %3.3User %1 (%2) added Info Server %3 from platform %4.AUser %1 (%2) modified Info Server %3 properties from platform %4.>User %1 (%2) marked Info Server %3 available from platform %4.@User %1 (%2) marked Info Server %3 unavailable from platform %4.5User %1 (%2) deleted Info Server %3 from platform %4.9User %1 (%2) added Info Server group %3 from platform %4.<User %1 (%2) modified Info Server group %3 from platform %4.;User %1 (%2) deleted Info Server group %3 from platform %4.9User %1 (%2) added calendar template %3 from platform %4.<User %1 (%2) modified calendar template %3 from platform %4.;User %1 (%2) deleted calendar template %3 from platform %4.=User %1 (%2) modified the business calendar from platform %3.9User %1 (%2) added Info Server class %3 from platform %4.<User %1 (%2) modified Info Server class %3 from platform %4.;User %1 (%2) deleted Info Server class %3 from platform %4.2User %1 (%2) added event %3 (%4) from platform %5.5User %1 (%2) modified event %3 (%4) from platform %5.4User %1 (%2) deleted event %3 (%4) from platform %5.9User %1 (%2) added the new user %3 (%4) from platform %5.4User %1 (%2) modified user %3 (%4) from platform %5.3User %1 (%2) deleted user %3 (%4) from platform %5.8User %1 (%2) added a new user group %3 from platform %4.5User %1 (%2) modified user group %3 from platform %4.4User %1 (%2) deleted user group %3 from platform %4.=User %1 (%2) added user %3 (%4) to group %5 from platform %6.AUser %1 (%2) removed user %3 (%4) from group %5 from platform %6.(The CMS cannot logon to security system.%1(Security server threw unknown exception.The security server failed to set the parameters in the %1 plugin. The system may not work properly. Please make sure the parameters are still valid and restart the CMS.%1 (FWB 00090)NRetryable error returned from CMS database. Will retry the request %1 time(s).2Unable to write %1 data to table %2 because of %3.(Database exception. Error %1, %2 with %3GODBC Tracing is turned on. For best performance, turn off ODBC Tracing.&Database manager failed to initialize.CMS system database is overloaded, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact the system administrator(FWB 00027)Function %1 failed (hr: %2).0Database may contain corrupted data in table %1.%18ListenClusterMessage thread caught an unknown exception.kBefore CMS "%1" can join a cluster, you must add it to the cluster using the Central Configuration Manager.CMS "%1" is not allowed to join the cluster because it is using a different database driver. CMS machines in a cluster must all use the same database driver.CMS "%1" is not allowed to join the cluster because it is from a different version of SAP BusinessObjects BI platform. Only CMS machines of the same version may form a cluster.QPer Processor licensing does not permit CMS clustering across machine boundaries.Cluster registration failed against servers known to be running. Cluster integrity has been lost. System is being shut down to protect the system database. Check network connections to CMS machines, and test responsiveness of system database.Cluster connection with %1 has been broken on %2 side for reason: (%3). Check network connections to CMS machines, and test responsiveness of system database.KActive CMS(s) found without cluster link. Attempting to reconnect with %1.dOperation requires all CMS(s) in the cluster to be stopped. Please stop CMS %1 (id: %2). (FWB 00065)%18User %1 (%2) scheduled %3 (%4) with %5 from platform %6.:User %1 (%2) rescheduled %3 (%4) with %5 from platform %6.9User %1 (%2) terminated %3 (%4) with %5 from platform %6.6User %1 (%2) stopped %3 (%4) with %5 from platform %6.6User %1 (%2) resumed %3 (%4) with %5 from platform %6.8User %1 (%2) restarted %3 (%4) with %5 from platform %6.2User %1 (%2) put %3 (%4) with %5 from platform %6.6User %1 (%2) removed %3 (%4) with %5 from platform %6.MUser %1 (%2) scheduled %3 (%4) on behalf of %5 (%6) with %7 from platform %8.%1%1AUser %1 (%2) tried to logon from platform %3 (client version %4).ZUser %1 (%2) logged off from platform %3. Number of Logins: %4, Number of Connections: %5.%1!Timeout waiting for %1 to respond,Connection to machine %1, process %2 failed.Open Datagram Socket Failed!Map file (%1) already exists1Sender (%1:%2) posting message (%3) to window %4.8Sender (%1:%2) failed to post message (%3) to window %4.Open NamedPipe %1 failed.%1MAdding agent (%1) with path (%2), belonging to object (%3) failed to archive.6User %1 (%2) tried to delete %3 (%4) from platform %5.BUser %1 (%2) tried to restore %3 (archiveID: %4) from platform %5.Restoring object %1 failed.?User %1 (%2) tried to fetch the history on %3 from platform %4.No server has been specified.Database is corrupt.2Unable to register the callback function (hr: %1).Function %1 failed (hr: %2).%18The per processor license count of %1 has been exceeded.Unable to locate keycode.dll%1&Unknown exception while processing %1.%1BAn unexpected problem (exception) happened. Reason given: %1, %2.%1%1%13The root server reported an error %1. (Reason: %2).%The root server reported an error %1.%1&Unable to load an audit or logging DLL1An error occurred when calling DLL %1 Audit/ErrorUnable to open the EventLogUnable to write to the EventLog[Unable to find the specified messageId (%1), or the number of arguments (%2) was incorrect./Unable to terminate an audit or logging DLL: %1Out of memory in logger0Unable to initialize an audit or logging DLL: %1ENot all the necessary APIs are defined for logging or auditing DLL %1:Configuration problem: Missing path for DLL %1 in registry%1#The function %1 failed. Reason: %2.%1%1%1%1%1%14Unable to load or initialize the %1 performance DLL.%1%1%1%1@An unexpected problem (exception) was caught. Reason given: %1.Error message: %1.Log message: %1.Audit message: %1.NT Security message: %1.:Web Component Server Connector Initialization message: %1.%1HWeb Component Server Connector Communication Initialization message: %1.GSuccessfully connected to the Web Component Server, host: %1, port: %2.9Web Component Server Connector Communication message: %1.?An unexpected problem (exception) is caught. Reason given: %1.BThe following DLLs could not be found: ns-httpd20.dll, snsapi.dll.NT Service message: %1.[An internal error occurred while the CMS service factory was performing garbage collection.Crystal Reports (*.rpt)|*.rpt||Add file to folder &Default file File/Dir:&Browse&Printer specified in reportPrinter:&Choose Printer... Fax Options: Fax Number: Choose FaxCharacter-separated valuesComma-separated values (CSV)Crystal Reports (RPT)Data Interchange Format (DIF)Microsoft Excel 2.1 (XLS)Microsoft Excel 3.0 (XLS)Microsoft Excel 4.0 (XLS)Lotus 1-2-3 (WK1)Lotus 1-2-3 (WK3)Lotus 1-2-3 (WKS) Record style (columns of values)Rich Text Format (RTF)Tab-separated textTab-separated valuesTextMicrosoft Word documentMicrosoft Excel 5.0 (XLS)$Microsoft Excel 5.0 (XLS) (Extended)Microsoft Excel 7.0 (XLS)$Microsoft Excel 7.0 (XLS) (Extended)Microsoft Excel 8.0 (XLS)$Microsoft Excel 8.0 (XLS) (Extended)HTML 3.0 (Draft Standard)HTML 3.2 (Extended)HTML 3.2 (Standard)Paginated text Postscript Crystal QueryAdobe Acrobat (PDF)Microsoft Excel (XLS)DiskPrinterFaxPaginated Text (TXT)"Paginated Tab-separated Text (TTX)Report file %1 not found.Cannot read specified report. Group #%1VFailed to open print engine for %1. Ensure that CRPE32 is installed on this computer.oFailed to open picklist file %1. Please ensure that this file exists, and that you have permission to read it.FThe starting value of a range cannot be greater than the ending value.Function %1 is missing from %2.-You must enter a valid value for this prompt. Multiple...ClassGroup ProcessorMachineMemory Multiple ...5The report processing information has been corrupted.(Failed to start the name server manager.(Failed to restore the name server space..Failed to register the CMS to the name server.*Error in locating the name server manager.All Files (*.*)|*.*||Choose Export File Report Header Page HeaderGroup Header %1DetailsGroup Footer %1 Page Footer Report FooterPassword&You must enter a value for this field.-You must enter a value for this masked field.$The value must be between %1 and %2.(The maximum length for this field is %1.(The minimum length for this field is %1.!This character should be a digit.*This character should be a digit or space.<This character should be a digit, space, or plus/minus sign."This character should be a letter.+This character should be a letter or digit.7Please enter a valid value for this prompting variable./The entered text was longer than the edit mask.$This character should be upper case.$This character should be lower case.6Select a group parameter field which has a True value.$ Crystal Reports: Print Engine Error No error. Not enough memory for operation.;Buffer too small for string or missing null byte. File %1.0No print destination specified. %2. File %1. Invalid job number. File %1.(Invalid text or object handle. File %1.Report not found.Invalid table number. File %1.Invalid file name.Invalid field number. File %1.Invalid field name. File %1.Invalid formula name. File %1.!Invalid sort direction. File %1.Print engine not opened.$Invalid printer specified. File %1.%Export file already exists. File %1.Error in formula %2. File %1.3Invalid condition field in group section. File %1.&Print engine already in use. File %1.Invalid section. File %1.$No print window is opened. File %1.$Print job already started. File %1. Invalid summary field. File %1.Not enough system resources."Invalid group condition. File %1.Print job busy. File %1.Unable to load report.No default printer. File %1.SQL server error. File %1.%Invalid report line number. File %1.Disk full. File %1.File I/O error. File %1.Incorrect password. File %1.#Cannot find database DLL. File %1."Unable to open database. File %1.Error detected by database DLL.:Unable to connect: incorrect session parameters. File %1.9Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters. File %1.6Unable to connect: incorrect table location. File %1./Parameter has invalid structure size. File %1.(Operation not yet implemented. File %1.(Request cancelled by the user. File %1.Invalid date. File %1.,Missing or out-of-date export DLL. File %1.+Error detected by export DLL: %2. File %1.;Unable to go to previous page when at first page. File %1.6Unable to go to next page when at last page. File %1.HAccess to report file denied. Another program may be using it. File %1.AUnable to open report because OLE 2.0 cannot be loaded. File %1.3Invalid row or column field in cross-tab. File %1.+No summarized field in cross-tab. File %1.*Print destination is not export. File %1.Unknown label number. File %1.*Table is not a stored procedure. File %1.!Invalid parameter name. File %1.Invalid page number. File %1.Graph not found. File %1.Invalid graph type. File %1.Invalid graph data. File %1.2Cannot move the graph to other sections. File %1.Invalid graph text. File %1. Invalid graph options. File %1.!Invalid section height. File %1.!Invalid subreport name. File %1.Field already exists. File %1.!Invalid parent window. File %1.'Invalid window magnification. File %1.Invalid value type. File %1.)Invalid multicolumn label info. File %1.3Page header or footer longer than a page. File %1.Low system resources. File %1.?Report is not using Crystal Dictionary/Crystal Query. File %1.Invalid group number. File %1.%Invalid object format name. File %1.!Invalid negative value. File %1.Invalid memory address.Invalid object type. File %1.Invalid line style. File %1.*Invalid cross-tab row or column. File %1."Invalid graph data type. File %1.#Invalid paragraph number. File %1.!Invalid alignment type. File %1."Invalid tab-stop number. File %1.(Invalid embedded field number. File %1.(Invalid subreport link number. File %1..Parameter field link already exists. File %1.*Invalid cross-tab row col value. File %1.!Invalid summary number. File %1.*Invalid graph data field number. File %1.#Invalid subreport number. File %1.Invalid field scope. File %1.Invalid report type. File %1.Field is in use. File %1.Invalid file type. File %1.,Invalid database table alias name. File %1.#Invalid special var type. File %1.#Invalid parameter number. File %1.Invalid page margins. File %1.SReport is based on a secure query. It cannot be set to non-secure report. File %1.#Cannot open secure query. File %1.!Invalid section number. File %1.Cannot open SQL server.Logon to CMS failed. File %1.ACMS logon is different from the one used to create CIV. File %1.-User has no bypass info view right. File %1.Invalid summary type. File %1.'Invalid database link number. File %1.Not main report job. File %1.*Table alias name already exists. File %1.Invalid cursor. File %1."First pass not finished. File %1.&Creating data source failed. File %1./Creating drill down parameter failed. File %1.$Encapsulating page failed. File %1.(Encapsulating totaller failed. File %1.2Checking for data source changes failed. File %1.0Starting background processing failed. File %1. Drill on graph failed. File %1.&Get last page number failed. File %1.+Get page number for group failed. File %1.SQL server is in use. File %1.)Group sort field cannot be set. File %1.ACannot save summaries when not saving data with report. File %1.=Unable to load OLAP Database Manager, OLAPDBMG.DLL. File %1.#Unable to open OLAP cube. File %1.(Reading OLAP cube data failed. File %1.(Encapsulate field list failed. File %1.yCannot find Postscript printer. Please make sure Postscript is enabled and setup correctly in Info Configuration Manager.JUnable to open report file. Please make sure that the filename is correct.Info Server Error%%1 File is too large for attachment.!Notification of Report CompletionI Report Server note: Export file: %1 submitted by %2 is completed.QThe database logon information for this report is either incomplete or incorrect.yUnable to delete output file "%1". Please make sure that the file is writable, and not held open by another application.0Info Server cannot access the specified printer.2Invalid hCondition returned by the plugin '%1!s!'.jUnable to create local file %1. Ensure directory exists and there is enough free disk space on the drive.Job Server Agent(Timeout waiting for message from CMS %1.;An unknown exception occurred while processing this report.=Unknown printer port for the specified printer on Job Server.Unable to export HTML cache : )Job Server cannot access the fax machine.^Output to fax is not supported by this Job Server. Try rescheduling to a different Job Server.^Output to fax is not supported by this Job Server. Try rescheduling to a different Job Server.hNo Black Ice fax driver available on this Job Server. Please install it before you can schedule to Fax. Black Ice Printer Driver Open Job Server Plugin Error: %1;Failed to create Crystal Data Object for Table Of Contents. Invalid argument supplied to %1.NULLInternal error: %1Business days. Holidays.Vacation days.Non-business days. Weekdays. Weekends.DateTimeDateTime(Could not start Job Server. Reason: %1./The backend plugin DLL type was not recognized.AThis backend plugin DLL cannot be run within the current process.BThis backend plugin DLL cannot be run outside the current process.Internal Job Server error. Maximum job load exceeded.GTransport System exception for backend plugin DLL type %1. Details: %2.?Subprocess (Job Server Child) could not be started. Reason: %1.dJob Server is out of memory. Please try reducing the maximum number of jobs allowed on this server.GReport processing DLL failed to get the last modified time for file %1.4Report processing DLL failed to get or copy file %1.OReport processing DLL failed to save the file %1 to the File Repository Server.Failed to load the plugin %1.'Function %1 not found in the plugin %2.>The function %1 in the plugin %2 caused an unknown exception. )The function %1 in the plugin %2 failed. =Job Server %1 is disabled. Contact your system administrator.Free disk spaceNumber of jobs processingNumber of jobs receivedNumber of failed job creations*Job successful. Elapsed time: %1 seconds.&Job failed. Elapsed time: %1 seconds.FJob failed. Elapsed time: %1 seconds. Job will be retried by the CMSEAudit notification failed. Please contact your system administrator.*Invalid Introscope data directory path: %1Missing parameters.)Failed to load class: [%1]. Reason: [%2].-Program does not implement correct interface.*Failed to log on with token. Reason: [%1].&Failed to get InfoStore. Reason: [%1].0Failed to instantiate class: [%1]. Reason: [%2].2Error retrieving program InfoObject. Reason: [%1].5Exception caught while running program. Reason: [%1].[%1] is null: cannot proceed.'Failed to get CMS name: cannot proceed.>Temporary directory [%1] does not exist and cannot be created.4Failed to get user enterprise session. Reason: [%1].6Failed to get server enterprise session. Reason: [%1].&Failed to get InfoStore. Reason: [%1].0Failed to get id of service: [%1]. Reason: [%2].8Failed to get service: name [%1], id [%2]. Reason: [%3].)Failed to get server: [%1]. Reason: [%2].FFailed to get placeholders for enterprise node id: [%1]. Reason: [%2].RFailed to get files. [%1] is an invalid value for the file repository server name.7Failed to get files. Failed on file [%1]. Reason: [%2].7Failed to put files. Failed on file [%1]. Reason: [%2].Invalid audit event id [%1].Use Alert Inbox Use Explorer Use Search5Log on to the widgets and view this object in the CMC>It appears your database is empty so there is nothing to scan.:The object IDs of the deleted descendant objects were: %1.Initializing... Translators;Users granted access to the Translation Manager applicationGrants full accessi-startid <objid> : start searching for inconsistencies from the given object ID. (default: 0)/Fetching data when requested to use saved data.QUser specific security is in use. One database fetch per recipient must be used.%Document for recipients %1 failed: %2Untitled Report#Failed to create the parent folder.Parent BThe submitter ID %1 does not refer to an existing user infoobject.o-submitterid <objid> : repair submitter ID inconsistencies with the given user ID. (default: no repair)Unable to create temporary directory for job server use. Please make sure the specified location is accessible and that sufficient access privileges are granted to the account under which the job server is running.?%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3) has multiple Favorites folders.UAllow the application to consolidate multiple folders into a single Favorites folder.LAll Favorites folders have been consolidated into a single Favorites folder.i%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3)'s required caching server group is missing (Server Group Object ID = %4).:Reschedule the object and choose an existing server group. Server %1Published Addresses: %1.Listening on port(s): %1. Failed to listen on port(s): %1. Request PortName Service Port#Job Server Children Request Port(s)4Invalid value specified for maximum concurrent jobs.3Invalid value specified for maximum child requests.1Modify user access to the upgrade management toolLicense Restriction HTTP Port HTTPS Port1Failed to deliver alert '%1' by email, reason:%2.Original alert messages:Delivery Failure: %1&No given communication port to bind to8There is a significant problem with socket communication_The server has problems using TCP/IP. The port number you are using is probably already in use.^The server cannot contact the name server %1. Please make sure name server is up and running.A server of this name already exists. There might be another server registered using the same name. Choose another name or delete the corresponding server entry in the CMC.+Missing parameters when starting the serverUnknown exception4The value for %1 must be in the range from %2 to %3.%The value for %1 must be at least %2.qFailed to register with the CMS %1. Please make sure the CMS is up and running. Attempting an automatic retry...5Successfully registered with name %1 with name server The %1 group may not be deleted.'The directory %2 for %1 does not exist.+The name of the %1 group cannot be changed.-Updating security on objects in the %1 table.8Error occurred while attempting to reconnect to CMS : %1?Unknown exception occurred while attempting to reconnect to CMS"License Key Error: Invalid Key %1.JLicense Key Error: Duplicate Key %1. This key has already been installed."License Key Error: Expired Key %1.License Key Error: Mixed Key %1. You cannot mix keys from different product editions. This product requires keys for %2. The key you entered was for %3.ELicense Key Error: License keys are read-only and cannot be modified.KLicense Key Error: An unknown error has occurred in the license key system.y%1 is not a valid directory. Please verify the directory exists and that you have the necessary permissions to access it.Could not find the metric %1. Help file "%1" failed to load./The user account has been disabled. (FWB 00012)3Failed to register with the name server. Reason: %1<The Name Server may have been stopped or is not functioning.The server registration failed because the server InfoObject may not exist. There may be another server registered using the same name, or the server may not be associated with a Server Intelligence Agent. In the CMC, create the server InfoObject or change the server's name.A server running on a machine different from the CMS machine may not register to the CMS with your current set of license keys. The product must be upgraded.A server running on a machine different from the CMS machine may not register to the CMS with your current set of license keys. The product must be upgraded.License Key Error: Please confirm that you have not exceeded the maximum number of licenses for this product as explained in the End User License Agreement.,Could not open the file %1. Error code: %2.The file %1 is not found5Unable to call "get/put/checkout" on the directory %1'Out of Memory in File Repository ServerCould not open the file %1.QCould not save the file %1 to the File Repository Server. File %2 does not exist.OCould not save the file %1 to the File Repository Server. File already exists.'The requested directory does not exist.ICould not create a file with a unique name on the File Repository Server.$Could not complete the file transfer0Cannot connect to the File Repository Server %1.HCannot find the root directory '%1' to start the File Repository Server.yFailed to initialize the Transport layer. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact your administrator.&Please specify a name server and port.Either the file resource was not terminated properly (which may result in sharing violation), or a memory corruption was detected in the File Repository Server.NAccess is denied beyond the root directory of the File Repository Server by %1GThe command line option "-ns" (to specify the name server) was missing.%Initialization failure in file systemBFail to initialize file system. Please see event log for details.iFailed to erase content and create a temporary directory %1 in the file system. Please check permissions.EFailure in setting root directory %1 due to registry locking problem.The operating system encountered a problem when trying to access the synchronization resource. Please restart the server and try again.;File Repository Server does not support UNC root directory.No temp directory was configured in the registry for the file system. Could not create a temp directory in the root directory %1. Please check permissions.Cannot save temp directory location in file system for future use. Obsolete files may appear in the temp directory %1 without being cleaned up.The command line option "-category" (to specify the server category) was missing. Defaulting to use "file system" for this server.>The File Repository Server does not recognize the category %1.2Local file %1 already exists. Cannot overwrite it.6Failed to get file. The requested file does not exist.The file %1 could not be updated because it no longer exists. It may have been deleted or moved by another user while you were editing it.hFailed to count the number of files and/or directories in %1. %2. Please see the event log for details.lCritical internal error encountered in the File Store Manager DLL. Please contact your system administrator.+Out of disk space in File Repository Server>The reference (URL) to the File Repository Server was invalid.Fail to perform specified operating system file operation. If problem persists, please contact your system administrator for event log information on server.[The File Repository Server operation failed. Could not overwrite files that already exist.IFailed to copy %1 to %2 on the File Repository Server. %3 does not exist."Cannot overwrite destination file.AFailed to process request. File Repository Server %1 is disabled.}The operating system could not determine whether the root directory name %1 is a directory or file. Assuming it is a file...File system operation for %1 on File Repository Server failed. If the problem persists, please contact your system administrator for event log information.]Could not save the file %1 to the File Repository Server. No destination filename was given.KFile system operation for %1 on File Repository Server failed. Reason: %2.Failed to copy %1 to %2 on the File Repository Server because of file system problems. If the problem persists, please contact your system administrator for event log information.cFailed to copy %1 to %2 on the File Repository Server because of file system problems. Reason: %3.File operation (read/write) for %1 on the File Repository Server failed. If problem persists, please contact your system administrator for event log information.TFile operation (read/write) for %1 on the File Repository Server failed. Reason: %2.8Failed to write local file %1. Directory does not exist.Failed to set the root directory of the File Repository Server. Reason: Requested root directory %1 overlaps with existing root directory %2 in use by process %3.zFailed to setup the root directory %1 for use. Please make sure permissions are correct and there is no sharing violation.Failed to determine status information of file/directory %1 from the file system. Please check for file system corruption, permissions and sharing violationOFailed to determine file system status. Please check for file system corruption@Failed to create file/directory %1. Please check for permissionsFailed in a file system operation. This may due to an internal error in the File Repository Server. You may want to restart the File Repository Server if problem persistsaFailed to remove file %1 from the file system. Please check for permissions or sharing violations_Failed to set status information of file %1. Please check for permissions or sharing violations`Failed to copy file %1 to %2. Please check for permissions or sharing violations on both files.KFailed to open file %1. Please check for permissions or sharing violationsLFailed to read file %1. Please check for permissions and sharing violationsOFailed to write to file %1. Please check for permissions or sharing violationsaFailed to rename file %1 to %2. Please check for permissions or sharing violations on both filesAvailable disk spaceFree disk spaceTotal disk space"Percentage of available disk spaceNumber of active files#Number of active client connectionsNumber of bytes sentNumber of bytes written&Failed to find the end of the file %1.3The file %1 could not be opened. (Bad file handle.)$Failed to find beginning of file %1.&Failed to find location %1 in file %2.Failed to lock file %1.Failed to unlock file %1.Failed to read file %1.cThe file %1 may be corrupted. (Failed to "flush" the file.) Reason: Cannot commit changes to file.iThe file %1 may be corrupted. Reason: Cannot relocate the temporary copy (%1) to its real location (%2).aFail to open file %1 on the File Repository Server. Please check file permissions and existence.*Fail to write to file %1. Error code: %2.KFailed to perform the requested action on file %1. Access has been denied.Failed to find file %1.HThere are no available file handles to open %1. Please close some files.The file already existsCOut of memory in trying to communicate with file repository server.Failed to read local file %1.CFailed to find the end of the local file. The file may be corrupt.[Failed to connect to the File Repository Server %1. Make sure the server is up and running.QFile Repository Server operation not allowed. (Reason: Do a get/checkout first.) AFailed to communicate with server %1. Server is down or disabled.Unknown error (exception). Failed to write local file %1.Internal error: %1.Out of memory.Initialization error: %1.!The file has already been removed Failed to remove corrupted file.(Failed to get service from the server %1The file URL %1 is not valid.<Set the server name before changing the URL to a remote one.*Please specify a drive in the filename %1.BThe file URL %1 is not valid. Please check the format of the URL.The directory %1 was only partially saved to the File Repository Server. There may be some missing folders or files. Check the event log.*The requested directory %1 does not exist.The directory %1 was only partially retrieved from the File Repository Server. There may be some missing folders or files. Check the event log.The directory %1 was only partially updated to the File Repository Server. Some folders or files may not have been updated. Check the event log.Failed to initialize the transport layer to communicate with File Repository Server. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact your administrator.jFailed to initialize communication with the File Repository Server. (Details: Client-side Manager failed.)File %1 does not exist!Local directory %1 does not existTThe File Repository Server operation does not support directories (not implemented)."No destination filename was given.fFailed to shutdown the client-side Manager's communication with the File Repository Server. Reason: %17Failed to determine whether there is enough disk space.The directory %1 was only partially copied in the File Repository Server. There may be some missing folders or files. Check the event log.KFile Repository Server Communication error. Server may be down. Details: %1DFile system operation failed on File Repository Server. Details: %1.MFile required by File Repository Server operation was not found. Details: %1.bYou do not have permissions to access a required file on the File Repository Server. Details: %1.;Saving file to File Repository Server failed. Details: %1.eNot enough disk space on the File Repository Server to perform the requested operation. Details: %1."File already exists. Details: %1.@Retrieving file from File Repository Server failed. Details: %1.<Updating file on File Repository Server failed. Details: %1.iInternal error for file %1 in File Repository Server client (possibly memory corruption or code problem)."File Repository Server %1 is down.=Internal error handling file %1 on File Repository Server %2.2Operating system file operation on file %1 failed.,File %1 not found on File Repository Server.XAttempted to access a file (%1) outside the root directory on File Repository Server %2.?Failed to put a file/directory %1 on File Repository Server %2.3Not enough disk space on File Repository Server %1.'Invalid File Repository Server URL: %1.oNo file overwrite is allowed for %1. You do not have permissions or the file permissions are not set properly.?Failed to get a file/directory %1 on File Repository Server %2.@Cannot overwrite file/directory %1 on File Repository Server %2.>File %1 on File Repository Server %2 has already been removed.FThe requested operation is not supported on File Repository Server %1.<FRS generated unique filename>Communication from File Repository Server is corrupted or File Repository Server is experiencing some internal errors. Please check the server's event log.'Failed to open the file %1. Reason: %2!Fail to read file %1. Reason: %2"Fail to write file %1. Reason: %2PFail to flush file %1. Reason: %2. File may not be completely written to disk.File not opened yet.jYou do not have Read privileges for this file (not set properly). Please contact your system administratorkYou do not have Write privileges for this file (not set properly). Please contact your system administratorNo file access mode provided.Error Code: %11Out of memory in file system operation on file %1[Failed to create directory structure in file system operation on file %1. Reason given: %2File %1 was not founddFailed to get file attributes from operating system in file system operation on file %1. Reason: %2zFailed to remove the file %1 in a file system operation. Please check access rights or for a sharing violation. Reason: %2aFailed to copy the file %1 to %2 in file system operation. Please check access rights. Reason: %31Unknown error in file system operation on file %1:The file %1 does not exist. File system operation failed.iFailed to get status of file from operating system in file system operation on file %1. Reason given: %2Failed to remove %1 and its contents. Some of the files could not be removed. Please check file permissions or for a sharing violation. Reason: %2KFail to set file attributes in file system operation on file %1. Reason: %2WFailed to determine the total size of %1 and its contents. Some files may be corrupted.PFailed to determine the size of the file %1 in file system operation. Reason: %2Size of file exceeds 4 GBytes.0Failed to generate a unique filename. Reason: %1!Not supported on UNC directory. ZThe name %1 (provided as a directory for generating the unique file) is not a directory. .Failed to retrieve disk statistics. Reason: %1YThe name %1 (provided as a directory for requesting disk statistics) is not a directory. RThe operating system's call has failed. Please contact your system administrator.%Failed to rename %1 to %2. Reason: %3 Failed to get current directory.#File URL initialization error: %1. +No protocol is specified in the file URL %1MThe protocol specified in the file URL %1 is not valid. Protocol should be %2?No File Repository Server name was specified in the file URL %1Failed to register plug-inAccount ManagementServer ManagementHomeGlobal Management)Transport object for diagnostics is null."The specified listener is invalid.Topic %1 does not exist.<No registered listener was found. Please register one first.HThe registered listener is not valid anymore. Please register a new one.)Failed to initialize diagnostics service. The service from server is null.Failed to create COM object.UCannot find user, group or object %1, or the right %2 does not apply in this context. RestoringUnknownFailed to read the "NameServer" registry value for the WCS report viewing component. All viewing requiring security and non-local Report Caching Server access will fail.Logon credentials for this request are missing. Without these credentials the report is not viewable. Please enter your user name and password.0Users cannot be removed from the Everyone group.>Cannot remove the Administrator from the Administrators group.9The plugin with type %1 could not be found on the server.0CMS startup: loading string resources completed.:CMS startup: reading settings from the registry completed.QCMS startup: creating security, info object, info server, plugin and db managers.4CMS startup: initializing factory manager completed.'CMS startup: starting connection to db..CMS startup: reading CMS settings from the db.8CMS startup: reading CMS settings from the db completed.0CMS startup: reading info objects table from db.+CMS startup: setting up processing servers.!Failed to load the Report plugin.)Failed to create a new object collection.,Failed to create a new Report plugin object.9Failed to create the Session Manager. Unable to continue.8Failed to create the Plugin Manager. Unable to continue.CFailed to create the Report prompt edit dialog. Unable to continue.PFailed to retrieve the InfoStore interface from the Session. Unable to continue.4Failed to add the query "%1" to the CMS. Reason: %2.Failed to load Folder plugin.nThe object identifier %1 refers to an object of type %2 where it is expected to refer to an object of type %3..CMS startup: component %1 could not be loaded.FThe SOCKS Server would not accept the requested authentication method.lThe name and password given were not accepted by the SOCKS Server. Please contact your system administrator.9The domain name was too long (maximum is 256 characters).TThere was an unknown socks server failure. Please contact your system administrator.hThe connection was not allowed by the SOCKS Server's rule set. Please contact your system administrator.:Cannot perform this operation on the built-in account: %1.Buffer is too small.CSecurity plugin error: Unable to load specified authentication DLL.AuthenticationSettings License Keys Server GroupsServersIThe Report Processing Server is not currently available. Try again later.:An unknown error occurred in the Report Processing Server.-Out of memory. Please try to reconnect later.The value given was not valid.SuccessErrorFailed ProcessingNot respondingOn holdPaused Scheduled RecurringStoppedStoppingDeletedOutbox DB testedArchivedRestoredSFailed to commit the associated files of objects to the file repository server: %1.=Did not recognize the File Repository Server operation type. InfoStore initialization error.!File Repository Server error : %1+The object already exists in the collection7Unknown exception occurred when calling into the plugin)Object %1 does not exist on CMS anymore. Access denied when trying to connect to the operating system service manager for managing server %1. Please try again providing appropriate user name and password:Unable to connect to Service Control Manager on machine %1:Server %1 is not available as an operating system service.+Server %1 is already in the state requested;Unable to manipulate operating system service for server %1DInvalid property name %1. Only letter a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or - is allowed.MProperty %1 must be retrieved at Query time for this method to work properly.*Unable to find target object for shortcut.2CMS startup: setting up business calendar objects.&CMS startup: setting up event objects.=CMS startup: reading info object plug-in information from db.1CMS startup: reading runnable jobs table from db.+CMS startup: setting up CMS run time image.'CMS startup: starting security manager.1CMS startup: starting plug-in deployment manager.<CMS startup: initiating contact with all processing servers.FCMS startup: reading in leftover temp files from previous CMS session.JCMS startup: start helper threads -> DBWriterThread, DBMonitorThread, etc.CMS startup: completed! CMS shutdown: freeing resources.@The request was terminated because the server is being shutdown.*CMS startup: starting name server manager.%CMS startup: registering CMS factory.:CMS startup: synchronizing registered CMS cluster members."CMS startup: restore name space...8CMS startup: failed to start plug-in deployment manager.HObject failed to run due to an error while processing on the Job Server.7Object failed to run due to an error on the Job Server.=Object failed to run due to insufficient security privileges.AObject could not be scheduled within the specified time interval.Object could not be scheduled.EObject failed to run due to an unresponsive Job Server child process.;Object Package failed due to a component scheduling failureBComponent failed to run due to a Object Package scheduling failureNo action taken.&This object has already been repaired.EReposcan requires %1 database connections but could not acquire them.EFound %1 application reparable items and %2 manually reparable items.B-requestport <port> : specify which port to use for CORBAP-numericip : specify that numeric IPs should be used for CORBAR-ipv6 <interface> : specify which numeric IPv6 address to use for CORBAL-port <interface> : specify which IPv4 interface to use for CORBAD-threads <count> : specify how many CORBA threads to useObject failed to run because its constraints refer to missing objects. Please confirm that the server group, calendar and any dependencies are valid and that you have View rights on these objects.K-protocol ssl : specify that Reposcan should run in SSL modef-ssl_certdir <directory> : specify which directory contains the SSL certificates and configurationJ-ssl_trustedcertificate <file> : the filename of the signed CA certificateE-ssl_mycertificate <file> : the filename of the signed certificate>-ssl_mykey <file> : the filename of the private keyR-ssl_mykey_passphrase <file> : the filename that contains the plaintext passphrase!Failed to initialize subsystem %1Add/Remove ServersAdd servers to %1Available servers:Servers of %1:Add server groups to %1File Repository Server Event ServerMap an NT Group%1 Group Name:'Unable to write HTML back to the client*Your changes have been successfully saved.Unable to get the URL path."Unable to get the URL script name.Failed to get the %1 interface.GeneralMetrics"The requested Alias does not existThis Alias already exists Users of %1:%1 is a member of:Subgroups of %1:Add groups to %1:Add users to %1:,Choose which groups should be members of %1:-Choose which groups should be a parent of %1:GroupsUsersAvailable users:Available groups:FoldersReportsCopy/Move Folder Relationships CategoriesTop Level CategoriesCategories - Search ResultCategory TitlejThe %1 switch may not be used when the CMS is started within a cluster. Stop all other CMS and try again.The relationship named '%1' with id %2 cannot be created because the relationship named '%3' with id %4 is already using the name '%5' for the property '%6'.\The property '%1' of the object named '%2' with id %3 cannot exceed %4 characters in length.The relationship named '%1' with id %2 cannot be created because the table requested ('%3') already exists and does not have the correct schema.qThe property named '%1' of object named '%2' with id %3 is missing the SI_TOTAL property or the value is invalid.xObject named '%1' with id %2 has a non-numeric value ('%2') for the property bag named '%3'. Expected a valid object id._The property '%1' of object named '%2' with id %3 was expected to be a property bag but is not.9Property '%1' is missing on object named '%2' with id %3.mThe CMS is running in a cluster so the default relationship object named '%1' with id %2 will not be created.hAn error occurred while making a default object. The default object will not be made. The error was: %1. New Folder New ReportCopy/Move/Shortcut to Object New GroupNew UserObjects Add/RemoveAdd/Remove GroupsModify Member ofAdd/Remove Users Member OfModify Member OfAvailable server groups:8Choose which server groups should include %1 as a memberWeb Component Server!Crystal Reports Processing ServerCrystal Reports Caching Server Job Server Every day Every weekCalendar template On DemandReassign AliasAssign Aliases*Choose which aliases should be added to %1Available aliases:Aliases added to %1:New Server Group:Unable to get the %1 administration service for server %2.PUnable to get the web administration interface for the %1 service for server %2.Unable to get the CMS name. Server name parameter is missing!Service name parameter is missing;Unable to create the required interface: ("COMWASRequest").(The parameter %1 is missing from the URLContent Management-Unexpected value for parameter %1 (FWB 00084)!Central Management Console Log On"Account Information Not Recognized5Enter your user name and password, then click Log On.Please check that the appropriate CMS name and authentication type are specified. Re-enter your user name and password, then click Log On.Unable to change the password.You must change your password3Enter your new password, confirm it, then click OK.StoppedSuccessFailedRunningUnknownPendingWaiting (%1 unassigned named license(s))H(%1 unlicensed user(s) logged on) Need to purchase additional licenses. Set value to NULLKThe server %1 cannot be disabled because you are currently connected to it.<no server name>!Server has been enabled by CMS %1"Server has been disabled by CMS %1Plugin installation failed.SThe user %1 does not have a home folder. Please contact your system administrator.\The operation can't be completed in %1 seconds, please go back to the server page to verify.IAccess Denied (User does not have enough rights to manipulate the server).The service is already in the requested state.9Cannot reach the NT machine where the service is running.Other NT errors.BCannot add an object directly to the root of the favorite folders.xAn exception was thrown from the plugin %1. This plugin will be disabled. Please contact your administrator. (FWB 00017)/Cannot add users to a mapped third party group.GError on Processing Extension. Missing required export functions at %1.6Error on Processing Extension: Fail to initialize: %1.0Error on Processing Extension: Fail to free.: %10Error on Processing Extension: Function %1 fail.)Download files associated with the reportCache folder %1 does not exist.LA logon token cannot be created with an expiry time of more than %1 minutes.ACannot add subgroup %1 to group %2. The subgroup does not exist.ECannot add server %1 to the server group. The server does not exist.eThe provided name has been found in more than one cluster. Please provide a fully qualified CMS name.!Delete objects that the user owns:Modify the rights users have to objects that the user ownsC(%1 unlicensed named user(s)) Need to purchase additional licenses.Transport succeeds.#Transport error: unknown exception.-Transport error: unknown transport exception.$Transport system error: bad context.&Transport system error: bad_inv_order.&Transport system error: bad parameter.&Transport system error: bad type code.LTransport system error: communication failure. The name server may be down.0Transport system error: data conversion failure.,Transport system error: free memory failure."Transport system error: imp_limit./Transport system error: initialization failure.'Transport system error: internal error.#Transport system error: intf_repos.%Transport system error: invalid flag.+Transport system error: invalid identifier.1Transport system error: invalid object reference.'Transport system error: invalid policy.,Transport system error: invalid transaction.)Transport system error: marshaling error.*Transport system error: no implementation.,Transport system error: insufficient memory.*Transport system error: permission denied.%Transport system error: no resources.$Transport system error: no response./Transport system error: object adapter failure.)Transport system error: object not exist./Transport system error: persistent store error.-Transport system error: transaction required.-Transport system error: transaction rollback."Transport system error: transient.1Transport system error: unknown system exception.-Transport user error: unknown user exception.DTransport user error: object with the specified name already exists.(Transport user error: failed to proceed.Transport user error: invalid object name. The server InfoObject doesn't exist, or it is not associated with a Server Intelligence Agent. Transport user error: not empty.?Transport user error: object with the specified name not found.Transport user error: invalid.'Transport user error: invalid sequence.$Transport user error: invalid value.$Transport user error: type mismatch.)Transport user error: connection failure."Transport user error: event abuse.4Transport error: unable to retrieve the CMS factory./Transport error: name service is not available.*Transport error: function not implemented.^The network was not reachable from the SOCKS Server. Please contact your system administrator.[The host was not reachable from the SOCKS Server. Please contact your system administrator.FThe connection was refused. Please contact your system administrator.WThe connection's "Time to Live" has expired. Please contact your system administrator.The command was not supported.%The server address was not supported.Expected to connect to a version 5 SOCKS Server, but may actually be connecting to a version 4 SOCKS Server. Please contact your system administrator.7The user name was too long (maximum is 256 characters).6The password was too long (maximum is 256 characters).VThere were too many authentication methods. Please contact your system administrator.KThe server rejected the request. Please contact your system administrator.AThe DST was not found. Please contact your system administrator.CThe user ID was unknown. Please contact your system administrator.9An IP address (e.g., was expected, not a name.dTransport connectivity error: Failed to negotiate connection with SOCKS Server number %1. Reason: %2NTransport connectivity error: Failed to connect to the SOCKS Server number %1.vCrystalConfig failed to get id for NT group %1. Please make sure this NT group does exist and run CrystalConfig again.CrystalConfig failed to get name related info for NT group %1. Please make sure the group does exist and run CrystalConfig again.:Failed to initialize plugin distribution service manager. AThe shared plugin directory is not specified for the CMS cluster.>Job server (%1, %2) failed to create a job for instance (%3). 7No object type name can be obtained for job processing.)Unknown error occurred on the job server. Job server failed to create job.*Job server failed when processing the job. Less thanEqual to%CMS%%Object%%User% Greater thanName ParameterProgram Files (*.exe)|*.exe||Select Program FilesRange of values between:Include this valueRange has no lower limitRange has no upper limitandOkFile not found: %1End of file: %1Expected quote on line %1 in %2!Unexpected quote on line %1 in %2$Assignment expected on line %1 in %2Expected token on line %1 in %2 %1, line %2Expected end of comment."Unavailable scripting language: %10#include function requires <b>file</b> property.uuid is not in a valid format.,Version number is not in the correct format.<Failed to load the any version of the required type library.)Script must specify typelib path or uuid.Failed to open type library.OCannot find help files. Verify that they are in the following path "../../../."^The help files were not found for this language. English help files will be displayed instead.$Help files may be corrupt or missing%The server group "%1" already exists.Central Management ServerMaximum Instance AgeMaximum Instances Per Object%Maximum Instances Per Object Per User)Take Down Inactive Sessions After X Hours'Refresh Admin Listeners Every X SecondsMinimum Password Length!Must Change Password Every N Days!Unable To Repeat Last N Passwords&Must Wait N Minutes To Change Password'Maximum Number Of Failed Logon Attempts(Reset Failed Logon Count After N Minutes!Re-enable Account After N MinutesNot Responding Threshold%The Response object is not buffering.HThe server cannot be stopped or restarted while you are connected to it.&CMS has run out of memory. (FWB 00086)>Reports based on a Crystal Info View (.civ) are not supported. Copy of %1Copy (%1) of %2)CMS operation timed out after %1 minutes.>Error: An unknown exception occurred while running this scriptDuring the processing of this script an unknown exception was thrown and caught. If the problem continues, contact the system administrator. Run once.,Run every %1 days, %2 hours, and %3 minutes.Run on %1 day of the month.Undefined Info Store error\A session with security context has to be provided in order to perform Info Store operations'Failed to commit objects to server : %1Not a valid query. (FWB 00025)#Memory allocation failed on object.Object does not exist.Invalid object name.)Duplicate object name in the same folder.Create operation failed.Delete operation failed.Update operation failed.Move operation failed.6System objects can only be created in a system folder.mProblem retrieving object or its parent. Possible database problem, or the object has not been committed yet.Invalid parent id.!Instance update operation failed.Instance does not exist.Schedule operation failed.)Not enough rights to create a new object.,Not enough rights to delete existing object.!Not enough rights to move object.0Not enough rights to perform instance operation.,Not enough rights to update existing object.0Not enough rights to update instance properties.(Not enough rights to schedule instances.=Group object update would cause a circular reference problem.ECannot delete Favorite Folders, Inboxes, or Root Personal Categories.)Cannot create a favorite folder directly.Cannot move favorite folder./Plugin required for new instance not available.Principal does not exist.}Could not commit object '%1' because another object with the same name and type already exists under object '%3'. (FWB 00026)SThe Program Object reported an error while running, but no error code was provided.2Could not read the install path from the registry.IThe Program Job Server ran out of memory while trying to run the program.?An error occurred while reading values from the Program Object.-An error occurred while reading from the FRS./An error occurred while retrieving the file %1.CCould not set execute permissions for the file %1 on the JobServer.)Could not capture output for the program.@An error occurred while sending the program's output to the FRS.YAn error occurred while sending the program's output to the specified destination plugin.DAn error occurred while setting the specified environment variables.KAn error occurred while checking the external dependencies of this program.;Could not locate the external dependency %1 of the program./Could not determine the type of program to run.9Could not access a directory required to run the program..Running the program failed with error code %1.HProgram Objects that are scripts can only be run on Windows Job Servers.AAn unknown COM error has occurred while trying to run the script.;A main Java class needs to be specified to run the program.PCould not locate the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Java SDK on the Job Server.FAn error occurred while retrieving the logon token from the JobServer.ANo operating system credentials were set for running the program.GCould not authenticate using the provided operating system credentials.nThe supplied credentials are in an invalid format. Please specify the username in NT format 'DOMAIN\Username'7Could not create temporary directory for program files.BUnsupported script type. Only JScript and VBScript are supported..The working directory '%1' could not be found.HThe specified JVM '%1' does not exist or is not a valid executable file.BThe Java security policy file for the system could not be located.ERunning programs of this type has been disabled by the administrator.Authentication failed because we can not connect to the REXEC server. Confirm that the REXEC server is available on the specified system and that your user credentials are correct.'Run on the first Monday of every month.#Run on the last day of every month.Run every %1 month(s).Run every week.Run on the %1 of week %29Failed to put the file to file server: %1 already exists.TrueFalseGThis parameter is range limited and requires a value between %1 and %2.>The parameter value must be between %1 and %2 characters long. Example satisfying Edit Mask: %1HelpWYou can provide a single value for this parameter. Enter the value you want to include.XYou can provide a single value for this parameter. Choose the value you want to include.aYou can provide a single value for this parameter. Choose or enter the value you want to include.You can provide a single range of values for this parameter. Enter a lower and an upper limit to describe the range of values you want to include.You can provide a single range of values for this parameter. Choose a lower and an upper limit to describe the range of values you want to include.You can provide a single range of values for this parameter. Choose or enter a lower and an upper limit to describe the range of values you want to include.|You can provide one or more values for this parameter. Enter a value, then click Select, for each value you want to include.}You can provide one or more values for this parameter. Choose a value, then click Select, for each value you want to include.You can provide one or more values for this parameter. Choose or enter a value, then click Select, for each value you want to include.You can provide one or more ranges of values for this parameter. Enter a lower and an upper limit, then click Select, for each range of values you want to include.You can provide one or more ranges of values for this parameter. Choose a lower and an upper limit, then click Select, for each range of values you want to include.You can provide one or more ranges of values for this parameter. Choose or enter a lower and an upper limit, then click Select, for each range of values you want to include.You can provide one or more values (including ranges) for this parameter. Enter a value (or a lower and an upper limit), then click Select, for each value (range of values) you want to include.You can provide one or more values (including ranges) for this parameter. Choose a value (or a lower and an upper limit), then click Select, for each value (range of values) you want to include.You can provide one or more values (including ranges) for this parameter. Choose or enter a value (or a lower and an upper limit), then click Select, for each value (range of values) you want to include.!Couldn't find closure of comment.;#include function does not support <b>virtual</b> property.Cannot authenticate user using Kerberos at this time. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact system administrator.Failed to log on using Kerberos. Please enter user name as UserName@REALM_NAME, and then try again. If the problem persists, please contact your system administrator.Total Objects:Total Folders:OUnable to connect to CMS %1 to retrieve cluster members. Logon cannot continue.[Unable to connect to cluster %1 to retrieve updated CMS member list. Logon cannot continue.{Unable to connect to cluster %1 to retrieve CMS member list. Locally cached member list not present. Logon cannot continue.WUnable to connect to CMS %1. A wrong connection is made to %2. Logon cannot continue.%1 (%2)An internal error occurred preventing this request from completing successfully. If this error continues, please contact the system administrator.0Internal Error in Web Component Server Connector%1'SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Servers-SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Server Groups User Folders%SAP BusinessObjects BI platform UsersAnalysisApp Foundation ConfigurationRules Services BarhThe object named %1 with id number %2 cannot be deleted because it has children in the relation named %3Temporary StorageNDeletion of objects of type "%1" (Type ID = %2, Object ID = %3) is not allowedRModification of objects of type "%1" (Type ID = %2, Object ID = %3) is not allowed*Individual Profiler - Access to Membership'Individual Profiler - Access to Metrics(Individual Profiler - Access to PortraitAccess to Analytic ServicesCreate and edit BI workspacesAccess to Control ChartsCreate and edit modulesAccess to Derived VariablesAccess to Lists MenuAccess to Metric DefinitionAccess to Model DefinitionAccess to Population DefinitionPredictive Analytic Service=Select and add group parameter fields which have True values.+SAP BusinessObjects BI platform User Groups&SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Events)SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CalendarsThe Web Component Server Connector was given an empty list of Web Component Servers with which to talk to. Please check the WCS Connector configuration.jThe Web Component Server Connector failed trying to establish a reference to a Web Component Server at %1.Insufficient PrivilegesThe object that was requested could not be retrieved from the server.You do not have the appropriate permissions to see the object or the object was deleted. rUsers may not be created, modified or deleted with your current set of license keys. The product must be upgraded.nUser groups may not be created or deleted with your current set of license keys. The product must be upgraded.%BOE Express, Professional or Advanced*Plugin %1 has been successfully installed.7Plugin %1 has been successfully upgraded to version %2.<Failed to install plugin %1 due to the following reason: %2.JFailed to upgrade plugin %1 to version %2 due to the following reason: %3.4Plugin %1 is corrupted, and it has been reinstalled.mPlugin %1 is corrupted, and the reinstallation has been tried. But it failed due to the following reason: %2./SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Express Version4SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Professional Version0SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Advanced VersionAFailed to get SAP BusinessObjects BI platform System Information. New Object %1CMS Clustering is not supported in the version of SAP BusinessObjects BI platform you are using. Please upgrade your SAP BusinessObjects BI platform license keys.Plugin %1 is currently used by following processes: %2, and cannot be upgraded. Please shut down all those programs, and it will then be properly upgraded.UPlugin %1 is currently used by other processes, and cannot be upgraded at the moment.bCannot find CMS port number in the tcp/ip services file, please contact your system administrator.cCannot reconnect to CMS %1. The cluster setting of the specified server may have been reconfigured.Plugin %1 is not a COM dll.8Failed to create the plugin interface for the plugin %1.Plugin %1 does not exist.Plugin %1 is not installed.Only the Administrator and Guest users can login with the current version of SAP BusinessObjects BI platform. Please upgrade to SAP BusinessObjects BI platform license keys.This operation is not permitted with your current set of license keys. Upgrade your license keys to enable this operation. (FWB 00015)#Object with name "%1:%2" not found."The naming context is not empty. Unknown user error.Unknown name server error.Your license key is invalid or has expired. If you received a temporary license key by purchasing another SAP BusinessObjects product, you must register SAP BusinessObjects BI platform to receive your permanent license key. (FWB 00016)zServer groups may not be created, modified or deleted with your current set of license keys. The product must be upgraded.Crystal Reports Server 2008 V11Failed to connect to name server %1. Reason: %2.3Failed to disconnect from name server. Reason: %1.3Failed to reconnect to name server %1. Reason: %2.IFailed to check in name server if the given object is valid. Reason: %1.BFailed to register object "%1:%2" to the name server. Reason: %3.DFailed to reregister object "%1:%2" to the name server. Reason: %3.FFailed to unregister object "%1:%2" from the name server. Reason: %3.PFailed to search for objects of pattern "%1:%2" in the name server. Reason: %3.KFailed to rename object "%1:%2" to "%3:%4" in the name server. Reason: %5.WFailed to reregister all previously registered objects to the name server. Reason: %1.YFailed to unregister all previously registered objects from the name server. Reason: %1.User %1 already exists.User %1 appears more than once.Group %1 already exists. Group %1 appears more than once.No error details given.BPlease enter your SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Web Server Name:Invalid commit id.0A URI can't be obtained from the object provided;The URI provided describes an object which can't be createdDObject doesn't exist, you don't have right to it, or URI is invalid.!Unknown generic client exception.(obj %1, id %2 ) : %3.>Failed to apply the new cluster name %1 to the following CMSs.CMS cluster %1 has changed its name to %2. The following members are still pointing to the old cluster: %3. Please rejoin them to the cluster and restart them.CMS name space update error: %1(Object with name "%1:%2" does not exist.Cannot proceed.Invalid name server reference.Unknown system error.Invalid name "%1:%2".0A valid object with name "%1:%2" already exists./Failed to add a new action to the actions list.$Failed to get the object collection.(Failed to delete object from collection.Failed to set property %1.Object is NULL."Cannot determine format of object.#Failed to get file name for report.Failed to retrieve object ID.+Could not get object interface from object.;Could not get processing information interface from object. Print Error6Cannot find nor create a property bag for property %1.)Cannot find property bag for property %1.Failed to get property %1.7Failed to get property bag from the supplied parameter.Object is not initialized.<Could not initialize parameter value list from property bag.ZCannot create property bag. Ensure that InfoStor.DLL is installed and registered properly.8Could not get IWASUrlData interface from request object.;Could not get IWASClientData interface from request object.,A cookie with an empty key cannot be stored. Product codeMaintenance codeProduct + Maintenance codeEvaluation codeOKCancelCypress shipped at 49174. Don't alter insertion string logic for strings above this point. EID fixes can go after here, and before 49200.;Only one of the following properties should be present: %1.3Failed to read data from report file %1. Reason: %29Could not get IWASErrorLog interface from request object.:Could not get IWASWriteData interface from request object.Unknown action ID.'Failed to get the current object store.Failed to set scheduling flags.+Failed to commit the collection to the CMS.9Could not get IWASRedirect interface from request object.-This action is not handled by the Report DLL.DFailed to create the object needed to store the destination options.1Failed to retrieve property bag from this object.Error loading picklist file %1.Failed to create the Edit Parameter dialog. This dialog is needed to edit and validate parameter values. Please ensure that the DLL containing this dialog is installed properly.EFailed to retrieve single value interface from supplied value object.DFailed to retrieve range value interface from supplied value object.4Report object does not have an associated .rpt file.bPrint engine failed to open report file %1. File may not be the correct format, or may be corrupt.@The report file to associate with this object was not specified.?Failed to remove security information from secured report file./Internal error: cannot create temporary file %1WInvalid file index. Report objects may have only one associated .rpt file; use index 1.2Print Engine is unable to save temporary report %1DesignScheduleViewView with AnalyzerDeleteNewMoveCopyRenameAliasHoldReleaseStopRefresh PropertiesHistoryView Latest Instance"Failed to create new actions list.NewShortcut to %1 Preferences"Crystal Reports Application ServerIndex Out of RangeExpecting Numeric Input"Wrong format for the binary write.&A name must be specified for a cookie.&Users who can administrate this system Root Folder User Groups CalendarsPlugins Auth PluginsDesktop Plugins Admin PluginsDestination Plugins`Error: Unable to commit plugin infoobject because one or more property values have not been set. on failure on successsuccess or failureAdvanced RightsThe maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout.\Failed to find and load authentication plugin %1 for alias %2. This alias will be disabled.pNT Authentication can not be initialized with the default domain set to the source machine and will be disabled.eUsers with NT or Active Directory aliases had those aliases removed after migration to this platform.After removal of NT and Active Directory aliases, some users had no valid aliases. They have been imported as disabled Enterprise users.YFailed to find alias ID for alias name "%1". This alias will be removed from this object.WFailed to update any aliases for this user group. This user group will not be migrated.JAlias "%1" does not have a valid parent group. This alias will be removed.rFailed to initialize authentication DLL %1. This DLL is required to migrate users and user groups with %2 aliases.HFailed to update any of this user's aliases. This user will be disabled.0Failed to gain access to property collection %1.2Modify settings for the Central Management ConsoleModify settings for web desktop Meta Plugins\You are not allowed to log on to SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Central Management Console.Mismatch in type of value.Mismatch in edit mask.+Mismatch in support for exclusive grouping.Mismatch in group number.Mismatch in group membership.+Modify the rights users have to this objectDThe start date time is after the last date in the specified Calendar.Communication with a running instance is lost.Allow discussion threads The specified Calendar is empty.-Securely modify rights users have to objects.@Securely modify rights users have to objects that the user owns.;The new database connection information could not be saved.MThe data source name (DSN) could not be extracted from the connection string.DThe source connection string was invalid, or could not be decrypted.3Unable to read the database connection information.UpdateReset5Log on to web desktop and view this object in the CMCFirstSecondThirdFourthLastoThis copy of SAP BusinessObjects BI platform is licensed to be used for evaluation or development purposes onlyAggregation failed for the user or group with ID %1 because the parent group with ID %2 no longer exists. Please re-create the user or group to restore proper functionality.Aggregation failed for the server group with ID %1 because the parent group with ID %2 no longer exists. Please re-create the server group to restore proper functionality.ZFail/Timeout synchronizing access to registry. Registry access is non-thread/process-safeGFail to unlock access to registry. Future registry access will timeoutFail to uninitialize serverTried to allocate %1 windows desktops but only able to allocate %2 of them. The system may have reached its windows desktop limit. Please contact your system administrator.*The secLDAP plugin failed to find user %1.aDirectory server is unwilling to perform the requested operation. Additional info: %1 (FWB 00030)rInvalid username or password. If your account is under any root other than %1, you must enter your DN. (FWB 00007)?The secLDAP plugin failed to get the LDAP user/group attribute.5An internal error has occurred in the secLdap plugin.;The secLdap plugin failed to get the dn for the user %1. %2<The secLdap plugin failed to get the dn for the group %1. %2FThe secLdap plugin failed to get the name for the entry with dn=%1. %2MThe secLdap plugin failed to get the description for the entry with dn=%1. %2*Authentication failed. Additional info: %1lLDAP Authentication has not been configured to use single sign on. Please contact your system administrator.LDAP Error: %1. %2EThe LDAP server returned the portion of the dn matching an entry: %1.The secLdap plugin failed to verify the base dn. Please make sure this base exists and is accessible on one of the specified hosts.=The secLdap plugin failed to verify the referral credentials.JThe secLdap plugin failed to verify the server administration credentials.HThe secLdap plugin failed to connect to the specified hosts. (FWB 00028)`LDAP Authentication with an empty password is not supported when single sign on is not enabled. IThe value of maximum referral hops must be greater than or equal to zero.The LDAP server could not complete this action because it requires more than the allowable number of referral hops. Please increase the maximum number of referral hops and click Update. Then, try again.The LDAP server could not complete this action because it exceeds the 'look through' limit. Please increase this limit or reduce the size of the group to be mapped and try again.The LDAP server could not complete this action because it exceeds the 'size' limit. Please increase this limit or reduce the size of the group to be mapped and try again.The objectclass of the specified group entry does not match the class specified in the LDAP schema. Please verify that your schema settings are valid and try again.The objectclass of the specified user entry does not match the class specified in the LDAP schema. Please contact your administrator.LDAP authentication could not log you on. Your user name is not unique on the LDAP server. Please log on using your distinguished name.tThe certificate database file and/or the key database file could not be found. Copy both files to the %1 directory.When server authentication strength is set to use CN checking, specifying failover hosts is not supported. Please enter only the primary LDAP host name.aThe secLdap plugin failed to generate a logon context. Please contact your system administrator.eThe secLdap plugin failed to initialize the cert8.db/cert7.db and key3.db files provided for host %1.The SiteMinder agent name, agent shared secret, Policy Server host name/IP, ports and access mode are required to enable single sign-on.The security plugin failed to connect to the SiteMinder Policy Server. Ensure the host name(s) or IP address(es) and ports are correct.eThe security plugin failed to verify the SiteMinder agent name or the SiteMinder agent shared secret.Your security context could not be verified. Please close your browser and try again. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator.5The single sign-on vendor specified is not supported.2The Policy Server name exceeds the maximum length.*The agent name exceeds the maximum length.3The agent shared secret exceeds the maximum length.DLL error. [%1]: [%2]connection error. [%1]: [%2] could not disconnect. [%1]: [%2]server error. [%1]: [%2]login error. [%1]: [%2]password error. [%1]: [%2]read error. [%1]: [%2]write error. [%1]: [%2]"source directory error. [%1]: [%2]'destination directory error. [%1]: [%2]source file error. [%1]: [%2]"destination file error. [%1]: [%2]attachment error. [%1]: [%2]recipient error. [%1]: [%2]address error. [%1]: [%2]Destination disabled. [%1]: [%2]. Please note the name of the job server used for your request and contact your system administrator to make sure the specified destination is enabled. (FWB 00031)Could not find property in bag.Could not add property to bag.Could not create property.:Requested property is a property bag not a property value.Property index out of range. no source objects were specifiednno destination objects could be found (possible empty or invalid user or user group, or security restriction?)_address error [%1]. Email addresses are invalid or not defined for the following user(s): [%2].activity error [%1]: [%2].Recipient error [%1]. The user who scheduled the job does not have the view right on the enterprise recipient principals with IDs [%2]"Source: [%1] - SAP BusinessObjects Activity RoleAnalysis Process ParameterParameter Value Process RoleRoleCrystal ReportInbox9Deleted this object from the repository (Parent ID = %1).v%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3)'s Access Control list references a missing access level (Access Level Object ID = %4)._Allow the application to remove the missing access level from the object's Access Control list.GRemoved the missing access level from the object's Access Control list.'Failed to create the BOE Repair folder.Success Failed: %1You cannot perfrom this operation because it requires this report to contain saved data, but it does not contain any saved data.$File operation failed. Reason: [%1]./Could not find any e-mail addresses to send to.@Error initializing SMTP server. Return code: [%1]. Reason: [%2].JError sending address(es) to SMTP server. Return code: [%1]. Reason: [%2].=Error sending mail message to SMTP server. Return code: [%1].MSMTP Server does not support [%1] authentication protocol. Return code: [%2].KAuthentication failed with [%1] authentication protocol. Return code: [%2].?SMTP Server does not support authentication. Return code: [%1].4Destination index out of bounds (1 <= [%1] <= [%2]).DFailed to retrieve destination options for destination [%1] of [%2].AFailed to retrieve destination name for destination [%1] of [%2].ODestination interface is NULL while processing destination [%1] ([%2] of [%3]).XFailed to find local copy of file [%1] while processing destination [%2] ([%3] of [%4]).^Failed to add file (remote [%1], local [%2]) while processing destination [%3] ([%4] of [%5]).:Failed to clear files for destination [%1] ([%2] of [%3]).WCrimage plugin for WCS cannot not find crimage path and WCS install path from registry.GThe port number specified for the server is already in use. (FWB 00092)0The port number specified must be > %1 and < %2.Failed to register with the nameserver. Please ensure that the server exists, and check the validity of the server name: %1. (Note that duplicate names are not valid.) Also ensure that the server is associated with a Server Intelligence Agent.!Out of memory in the Event Server&Initialization failure in event serverNo name server givenyFailed to initialize the Transport layer. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact your administrator.5Fail to process request. Event Server %1 is disabled.Internal Error encountered in Events Manager. You may want to restart the server. If the problem persists, please contact your system administrator.PEvent %1 was used to identify a different event. Please use another event name.3Event category %1 is not supported by Event Server.%You are already listening to event %1$Unknown error(exception) encountered>Could not determine status of file %1 in file event monitoringKFail to communicate result to client. Transport layer problem encountered.5There is no event %1 registered with the event serverBad filename for event %1jSpecified file poll time %1 is invalid. It should be greater than %2 and less than %3. Using %4 seconds.Event registeredEvent unregistered Event updatedEvent triggeredNumber of events registeredQFailed to connect to the Event Server %1. Make sure the server is up and running.8Out of memory in trying to communicate with Event ServerUnknown error encountered.8Transport error: cannot communicate with Event Server %1,Fail to request service from Event Server %1=Fail to initialize transport to communicate with Event Server\Failed to shutdown the client-side Manager's communication with the Event Server. Reason: %1Communication from Event Server is corrupted or Event Server is experiencing some internal errors. Please check the server's event log.BThe administrator cannot be removed from the administrators group.Not initialized properly"Requested service %1 not supportedQThe requested operation is not supported by the administrator of the Event Server8Unable to launch %1 program to add report to the system.GTimeout waiting for ReportAdd to load and analyze report (%1 seconds).Host %1 not found. Reason: %2.YThe connected CMS is running on a different port(%1) from that specified by the user(%2).QAn error occurred while attempting to change the property value of %1. Reason: %2MCannot use this database because it does not support the ALTER TABLE command.CCannot use this database because it does not support transactions. A non fatal synchronization failure occurred in the Web Component Server. Either system resources have been exhausted, or a request has taken too long to process.Unsupported hyperlink type.8The database needs to have the ODBC data type number %1.OInfo object with id number %1 is corrupt and will be deleted from the database.!Database access error. Reason %1.cThe platform requested was not supported (%1). See documentation for a list of supported platforms.EventsFileCustomSchedule New EventThis event has been triggered.%Internal error retrieving object. %1.eError copying properties from schedule destination info to destination plugin. Reason: Name mismatch.9Server does not support requested administrative service.System AccountSystem account Guest accountAdministrator accountEveryoneAll users of this systemAdministratorsUnable to save query. File %1.,Unable to read database for query. File %1.;The number of days is too large or equal to zero. File %1.2The main report field is linked already. File %1.%Invalid mapping type value. File %1.Cannot load fax dll. File %1.,Unable to get printer information. File %1.,Selected the wrong printer driver. File %1.&Unable to create fax images. File %1.Unable to send fax. File %1.AFailed to locate report object in the given coordinate. File %1.JNo SQL expression by the specified *name* exists in this report. File %1.LNo SQL expression by the specified *number* exists in this report. File %1.#SQL Expression error: %2. File %1.9Invalid index for default value of a parameter. File %1.BThe specified PE_PF_* type does not have min/max values. File %1.GThe value types for both min and max values must be the same. File %1.:The named parameter has no browse field defined. File %1.Cannot link tables.Error creating router.Invalid field index. File %1..Invalid graph title type (PE_GTT_*). File %1.3Invalid graph title font type (PE_GTF_*). File %1.JThe specified value type is different to the current value type. File %1.DThe value types for the start and end ranges is different. File %1.wAn operation was attempted on a discrete(range) parameter that is only legal for a range(discrete) parameter. File %1.SInvalid faxDriver parameter value specified in the call to PEOutputToFax. File %1.GAn operation was attempted that is disallowed for subreports. File %1.9Invalid index for current value of a parameter. File %1.3Operation is illegal on linked parameter. File %1.8Maximum processing time or maximum records limit reached$Invalid hilightitem index. File %1.3Specified value is not one of PE_HE_RC_*. File %1.7Specified value is not one of PE_HE_BORDER_*. File %1.&Invalid running total index. File %1.?A running total by the specified name does not exist. File %1.LInvalid running total evaluate or reset condition (PE_RT_TOTAL_*). File %1.[The running total condition type (evaluate or reset) does not match the condition being set?The specified summary operation parameter is invalid. File %1.Invalid map type. File %1.!Invalid map theme size. File %1.*Invalid map distribution method. File %1."Invalid map legend type. File %1.(Invalid map legend title type. File %1.@The operation is undefined for the specified map type. File %1.GInvalid PE_RI_* combination in parameter rangeinfo specifier. File %1."Invalid OLAP cube index. File %1.$Invalid sort method index. File %1.=Graph subtype is invalid for the graph's main type. File %1.KOne of the members of a PEGraphOptionInfo struct is out of range. File %1.IOne of the members of a PEGraphAxisInfo struct is out of range. File %1.AInvalid PE_MAP_ORIENT_* in crosstab/OLAP map condition. File %1.oAn operation was attempted on a stored procedure parameter that is only legal for a report parameter. File %1.(The subreport is not imported. File %1.Invalid index number. File %1.$Invalid user group number. File %1.No restrictions. File %1.#Failed to get group info. File %1.GThe request could not be submitted for background processing. File %1.UMore background processing is required before the request can be processed. File %1.{Invalid parameter value: the value entered exceeds the Min/Max or conflicts with an existing value or edit mask. File %1.&Unknown formula syntax type. File %1.&Cropping values are too big. File %1."Invalid collation value. File %1.=The start page cannot be greater than the stop page. File %1.-Invalid export DLL or export format. File %1.gCannot call PEReimportSubreport while subreport preview window or subreport print job is open. File %1.Cannot save report to Crystal Reports 7 format because the report contains features not available in Crystal Reports 7. File %1./This alerting index ID does not exist. File %1.XThe parameter is in password mode. It can only contain single discrete value. File %1.@Edit mask cannot be set for non string parameter field. File %1.DCan't have mutually exclusive group with all FALSE boolean. File %1.^Can't disallow editing if the parameter doesn't contain more than one default value. File %1.BThis parameter option is read only and cannot be changed. File %1.6This report bursting index ID does not exist. File %1.7The minimum cannot be larger than the maximum. File %1.NThe specified start page is greater than the last page on the report. File %1.9Specified value is not one of PE_HE_FONTSTYLE_*. File %1.6Invalid Hierarchical Summary Type (PE_HST_*). File %1.$Unknown Query Engine Error. File %1.Query Engine Error. File %1.&The field could not be found. File %1.&The table could not be found. File %1.*The parameter could not be found. File %1.9The table alias is already in use in the report. File %1.7SQL Expressions cannot be used in this report. File %1.Logon failed. File %1.Unable to remove table. There are still fields in the report from this table. Please clear them before removing the table. File %1.-Failed to save database information. File %1.-Failed to save Query Engine session. File %1.-Failed to load database information. File %1.-Failed to load Query Engine session. File %1.(A processing limit was reached. File %1.,Query Engine initialization failed. File %1.3Unable to perform smart linking on tables. File %1..The rowset column could not be found. File %1.!Failed to open a rowset. File %1.2A matching connection could not be found. File %1..Failed to create link between tables. File %1.$Dictionary integrity error. File %1.Configuration Error. Error loading report database - newer version than expected. Please run a more recent version of the application. File %1.3Failed to create the Crystal Query Engine. File %1.DCannot add/edit/delete default value for Boolean parameter. File %1.CThis is a boolean parameter. It cannot have a range limit. File %1.NThe parameter has an edit mask already. It cannot take a range limit. File %1.bThe minimum and maximum values should be zero when the range limit option is not checked. File %1.`The parameter has an edit mask, so it cannot show the description of the default value. File %1.CInvalid parameter value options for the boolean parameter. File %1.GInvalid parameter value options for the non-boolean parameter. File %1.FA discrete and ranged parameter must contain multiple values. File %1.3Report can only be saved to latest format. File %1.RThe database driver used by this report is not supported by this product. File %1.HA non-report parameter cannot have 'Password' as its edit mask. File %1.TGet/Drill report part(s) failed - the report object(s) '%2' were not found. File %1.&Failed to modify text object. File %1.'Invalid Query Engine property. File %1.1Query Engine property cannot be changed. File %1.NGet/Drill report part(s) failed - the data context '%2' is not valid. File %1.[Get/Drill report part(s) failed - cannot find object(s) '%2' at data context '%3'. File %1.7Maximum number of print jobs has been reached. File %1.JThe user function manager DLL (ufmanager.dll) could not be found. File %1..Could not find the data context '%2'. File %1.Invalid reading order. File %1.#Invalid line spacing type. File %1.7The name %2 is not valid or is already in use. File %1.DThe Crystal Reports Objects Repository could not be located. File %1AFailed to logon to the Crystal Reports Object Repository. File %18Unknown Crystal Reports Object Repository error. File %1DThis method/interface is only supported on the system plugin object.YError on Processing Extension. Check whether processing extension exists at location: %1.PausedKSecurity operation not supported for BusinessObjects Enterprise Version 8.0New Sign-Up AccountsUsers who are newly signed upqThere is a scheduled instance of %1 that depends on a deleted server group. This instance may not ever schedule. !The server group cannot be found.jThere is a scheduled instance of %1 that depends on a deleted event. This instance may not ever schedule. The event cannot be found.HLaunch a pool of subprocesses and each will handle one or more requests.TokensLogon Sessions3Finished searching document and '%1' was not found. Not foundNo servers foundServer not selectedInstance PropertiesNonePlainLoginTCP open failed.TCP send failed.TCP receive failed.Out of memory./SMTP 211 - System status, or system help reply.SMTP 214 - Help message.SMTP 220 - Service ready.0SMTP 221 - Service closing transmission channel.%SMTP 235 - Authentication successful.1SMTP 250 - Requested mail action okay, completed.(SMTP 251 - User not local; will forward.JSMTP 252 - Cannot VRFY user, but will accept message and attempt delivery.+SMTP 334 - Server challenge/ready response.3SMTP 354 - Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>?SMTP 421 - Service not available, closing transmission channel.+SMTP 432 - A password transition is needed.-SMTP 435 - Unable to authenticate at present.@SMTP 450 - Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable.?SMTP 451 - Requested action aborted: local error in processing.CSMTP 452 - Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage.,SMTP 454 - Temporary authentication failure..SMTP 500 - Syntax error, command unrecognized.3SMTP 501 - Syntax error in parameters or arguments.#SMTP 502 - Command not implemented.$SMTP 503 - Bad sequence of commands.-SMTP 504 - Command parameter not implemented.#SMTP 530 - Authentication required.0SMTP 534 - Authentication mechanism is too weak.=SMTP 535 - Authentication failed (bad user name or password).ISMTP 538 - Encryption is required for requested authentication mechanism.;SMTP 550 - Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable.SMTP 551 - User not local.FSMTP 552 - Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation.@SMTP 553 - Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed.SMTP 554 - Transaction failed.To copy data from a previous version, use the Upgrade management tool. For more information, see the Upgrade Guide. (FWB 00064)IFailed to initialize the source database. Data cannot be read. Reason: %1QFailed to initialize the destination database. Data cannot be written. Reason: %1>Failed to clear old data from destination database. Reason: %1.Failed to update maximum object ID. Reason: %1@Failed to retrieve first object from source database. Reason: %1*Failed to retrieve next object. Reason: %1:Failed to write object to destination database. Reason: %1WarningError)ID ProgID Name Severity Error DescriptionAdd objects to the folder See objects View objects$Define server groups to process jobsSchedule to destinationsSchedule document to runCopy objects to another folder Edit objects$See the rights users have to objects'Modify the rights users have to objectsDelete objects#Pause and Resume document instancesEdit objects that the user owns#Delete instances that the user owns6Pause and Resume document instances that the user ownsRefresh the report's dataExport the report's dataPrint the report's dataDelete instancesView objects that the user owns:Reschedule the object and choose an existing server group.j%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3)'s list of profiles contains missing object(s) (Profile Object ID(s) = %4).aPlease update your Publication with existing profiles. No action can be taken by the application.fFile %1 exists in the Input or Output FRS, but there is no corresponding InfoObject in the repository.2Allow the application to remove the unlinked file.%1 object %2 (Object ID = %3) has file %4. The stored file size is %5 bytes which does not match the actual file size %6 bytes.FAllow the application to update the object with the correct file size.!This directory contains no files..Allow the application to remove the directory.7Invalid count of %1 arguments for input %2. (FWB 00080)The property '%1' defined in the custom dynamic property definition named '%2' (ID number %3) is already registered as a dynamic property in the system.CustomDynamicProperties2Duplicate of parameter %1 found in %2. (FWB 00081)0Unexpected parameter %1 found in %2. (FWB 00082)1Missing parameter %1, expected in %2. (FWB 00083)Maximum instance age in days!Maximum instance count per object*Maximum instance count per object per userMFTP destination properties have been set to the chosen Job Server's defaults.YUnmanaged Disk destination properties have been set to the chosen Job Server's defaults. NSMTP destination properties have been set to the chosen Job Server's defaults.Sorry, you do not have the right to '%1' (ID: %2) for '%3' (ID: %4). Please contact your administrator if you require this right..Destination plugin object %1 is not creatable.*Desktop plugin object %1 is not creatable.Users to be added to %1Users to be removedUsers to be removed from %1:1Add users to have access levels specified for %1 /Users to have an access level specified for %1:;Add users to have a maximum instance limit specified for %18Users to have a maximum instance limit specified for %1:7Add users to have instances deleted after N days for %14Users to have instances deleted after N days for %1:5Remove users that have access levels specified for %1*Users to not have an access level for %1: 5Remove users that have a maximum instance limit on %1<Users to not have a maximum instance limit specified for %1:<Remove users that have instances deleted after N days for %18Users to not have instances deleted after N days for %1:the user the group Add Users Remove Users%1 - Invalid serverView document instances*View document instances that the user owns<Invalid Server Group>User cancelled DB copy$Alias name cannot be an empty string4Alias id has to be in the form "Authentication : Id"+SAP BusinessObjects BI platform OEM Version/SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Premium VersionMThis report cannot be published because the license information is not valid.QThis report cannot be published because the license limit of %1 has been reached.This license key cannot be added as long as non-OEM reports are in the system. Please remove all non-OEM reports and instances (%1) and try again.This license key cannot be added because the number of the OEM reports in the system exceeds the limit of %1 reports for this key.JThis license key cannot be added until the current keys have been removed.The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout.line: This object is not allowed in %1This CMS will not startup because the current time on this computer and the current time on the computer of the CMS called "%1" is different by more than %2 minutes.AlertsEnabledDisabled/Failed to find Enterprise data in the database..Cannot migrate data from the supplied version.YYou must use the ODBC database subsystem to connect to a Crystal Enterprise 8.0 database.LFailed to update the current version in the destination database. Reason: %1PFailed to migrate discussion folder because corresponding report does not exist.HFailed to set paper size. Reason: PageSize is set to a predefined size.Object Settings;Failed to decrypt object %1 using cryptographic key ID: %2.Repository SettingsReportSource ErrorqThe file '%1' is included by itself (perhaps indirectly). Please verify all files which are including file '%1'. 'No authentication plugins are installedzCMS host '%1' cannot be found on the network. Please verify the name and that network name resolution is working properly.CMS host '%1' address was resolved properly, but cannot be reached to establish a CMS connection. Verify that your router/firewall allows communication on port %2]The system %1 can be contacted, but there is no Central Management Server running at port %2.*Print the instance to the default printer.The instance is not printed.Database Default ViewPathsServerShort Field NameLong Field NameField DescriptionStandard Leading BreakTrailing BreakTable Drop TableExecutive, Leading BreakExecutive, Trailing BreakShadingRed/Blue BorderMaroon/Teal BoxFailed to get the %1 interface.GURL Data retrieved from the browser consists of missing or invalid dataUnable to get post value %1.Could not set the property.Could not get the property.[Changes updated. Changes will apply to new Analysis clients connecting for the first time. %1 MBytes %1 GBytes %1 TBytes %1 KBytes'Cannot create string enumerator object.Cannot create object %1."Cannot create COM security object.ModifyCrystal Reports for EnterpriseCrystal Reports 2011Crystal Reports Read-Only (owner right).Failed to contact the Active Directory server.fNo authority can be contacted for authentication. Please make sure the Domain Controller is reachable.zKerberos target name %1 is unknown. Please contact your system administrator to make sure it's set up properly.(FWM 00003)>The secWinAD plugin failed to get the AD user/group attribute.The Active Directory Authentication plugin does not support the mapping of Distribution Lists. Please ensure that all mapped groups are valid Security Groups.1Active Directory Single Sign-On is not supported.QSingle Sign-On failed. Please try again or try logging on using your credentials.Active Directory Authentication could not log you on. Please make sure your logon information is correct. If your account is in any domain other than "%1" you must enter your user name as DomainName\UserName.The Active Directory Authentication plugin could not authenticate at this time. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact your technical support department.Active Directory Authentication failed to log you on. Please contact your system administrator to make sure you are a member of a valid mapped group and try again. If you are not a member of the default domain, enter your user name as UserName@DNS_DomainName, and then try again.KThe secWinAD plugin failed to get the name for the account with ID "%1". %2GThe secWinAD plugin failed to look up the account for the user "%1". %2The secWinAD plugin failed to look up the account for the group "%1". Please enter non-local groups as DomainName\GroupName and local groups as \\ServerName\GroupName.RThe secWinAD plugin failed to get the description for the account with ID "%1". %2Active Directory Authentication failed to get the Active Directory groups for the account with ID "%1". Please make sure this account is valid and belongs to an accessible domain.Active Directory Authentication failed to get the members of the group with ID "%1". If the problem persists, please delete this group and re-map it into SAP BusinessObjects BI platform, then try again.Active Directory Authentication failed to verify the mapped groups. If the problem persists, please delete and re-map into SAP BusinessObjects BI platform all currently mapped groups. %1The Active Directory Authentication plugin failed to verify the administration credentials for the user "%1". Please enter the user name as DomainName\UserName or UserName@DNS_DomainName, then try again. %2The Active Directory Authentication plugin failed to verify the domain: "%1". Please make sure this domain exists and is accessible. %2[The Active Directory Authentication plugin does not support authentication for local users.aThe Active Directory Authentication failed to use encryption when connecting to Active Directory.ZThe Active Directory Authentication failed to use SSL when connecting to Active Directory.fThe Active Directory Authentication failed to use content sealing when connecting to Active Directory.The Active Directory Authentication plugin failed to verify the currently specified administration credentials required to connect to Active Directory. Please contact your system administrator. %1The Active Directory Authentication plugin does require valid global administration credentials in order to access Active Directory. Please specify administration credentials and try again. %1The Active Directory Authentication plugin failed to verify the specified administration credentials because a required privilege is not held by the service. Please see documentation for required privileges. %17The GUID %1 (found in property %2) is not a valid GUID.LThe GUID %1 (found in property %2 on object number %3) is not a valid GUID. ;The GUID for property %1 of object number %2 is not unique.:The GUID for property %1 of object number %2 must defined.pThe change to object number %1 is not allowed because there is another child object with the same SI_RUID value.^Argument number %1 (%2) to the function %3 is not valid. Please check the documentation of %3.iThe function %1 is being called with the wrong number of arguments. Please check the documentation of %1.@Error while calling the function %1. Object number %2 not found.Active Directory Authentication failed to verify one or more of the mapped groups. If the problem persists, please delete and re-map into SAP BusinessObjects BI platform the following group(s): %1In order for this operation to succeed, please add first an OEM report license key or remove all reports and instances (%1) and try again.&A report has been viewed successfully.A report could not be viewed.Auditing A report is opened successfully.A report is saved successfully.'A report has been created successfully.A report fails to open.A report fails to save.A report fails to get created..The value for the property %1 cannot be empty.Cannot require user password to be changed at next logon because the password is not allowed to change. Resolve property contradiction before setting this property.Cannot disallow password modification because the password is required to change at next logon. Resolve property contradiction before setting this property.*File not open yet, please open file first. Hyperlink Go to websiteaThe uploaded file is empty. The file may not exist on your machine or the file is an empty file.tThe calendar used by this instance has been deleted from the system, or you do not have rights to see this calendar.TThe SI_GUID or SI_CUID property of an object being created or updated is not unique.HError while calling the function %1. Could not access property named %2.Error while calling the function %1. The property %2 is not a valid list of values because the argument count (%3) is missing or out of range.]Error while calling the function %1. Property %2 in the property bag %3 is not a valid value. %1 is not a valid function name.Application FolderHistoryAlert NotificationDatabase ParametersFiltersSchedule DestinationFormat Print SetupLimitsRightsProcess PropertiesLinksCheck User RightsCannot change audit log file directory. Moving of one or more audit log files to %1 fails. Please refer to the event log for details.WMaximum number of events per audit log file must be greater than %1. Defaulting to %2.Auditee failed to read from file %1. There may be permission problems or a file system availability problem. Please copy the file to the auditee's current audit logging directory %2 if necessary and restart the auditee.Auditee failed to remove file %1. Please check file lock problems or accessibility of the corresponding file system. You may remove this file safely.Audit/Metrics logging directory %1 does not exist or cannot be accessed or is not a directory. Please create the directory with the appropriate permissions.NAuditee failed to copy file %1 from directory %2 to directory %3. Reason: %4.5Auditee failed to audit due to an out of memory errorAuditee failed to audit due to a failure to read from the file system. Please check for file system problems, for instance, unavailability of file server or file system is fullAuditee failed to audit due to a failure to write to the file system. Please check for file system problems, for instance, unavailability of file server or file system is full.Auditee failed to audit due to unknown reasons6Auditee is busy and cannot respond to auditing request#Auditee has returned all audit dataHAuditee has encountered internal error in responding to auditing requestCannot update enabled auditing or metrics logging properties to the registry. Please check permissions. This may result in auditing or metrics logging not working properly when the server restartsGCannot retrieve auditing or metrics logging configuration from registryMetrics logging time intervaldInternal error when setting up metrics logging. No metrics logging will be performed by this server0Starting Crystal Reports Application Server : %13Failed to start Crystal Reports Application Server.7Failed to start Crystal Reports Application Server : %1+Crystal Reports Application Server is down.Unknown exception.aObject number %1 cannot be the child of object number %2 because of the type of object number %2.iObject number %1 cannot be changed to type %2 because object number %3 may not be a child of this object.kThe value '%1' cannot be compared to the value in the property %2 because the type conversion is not valid.Object number %1 cannot be created under the given folder (number %2) because it must be under folder number %3 either directly or indirectly.eCreation of the user %1 cannot complete because the user is not a member in any of the mapped groups.Moving an Object into an Object Package is not supported. To add objects to an Object Package you must copy them into the Object Package or create new objects within the Object PackageTLogon failed. Please make sure you are a member of a valid mapped group. (FWB 00029)The connection to the audit database has been broken, this auditor is disabled and will no longer write to the audit database. Please check that the audit database is running properly.Concurrent user logon succeededNamed user logon succeededUser logon failed. Reason: %1User logged offUser password has been changedNew folder createdFolder %1 deleted from path %2Folder modifiedNo valid license key foundpOnly guest and administrator can log on to SAP BusinessObjects BI platform with your current set of license keys Unknown userUser account disabledNamed user limit reachedConcurrent user limit reachedDeniedGrantedAll object types%Role-Based User License limit reached3Subscribe to Alerts and view this object in the CMCInvalid password Invalid tokenToken was used on a client other than the one specified in the token or there was an error determining the IP address of the client Token expired!Token maximum usage count reached9Job failed. Reason: unresponsive Job Server Child processiMaximum number of concurrent sessions reached for named user in BOE with your current set of license keys*Fatal error obtaining lock. Restarting CMS!Failed to audit event. Reason: %1,Database access thread has quit unexpectedly$Unknown exception in database threadGUnknown exception in database thread while checking for completed itemsBUnknown exception in database thread while releasing Queue entries;Unknown exception while generating new Object ID or Type IDURequest for reload database with multiple database queue threads triggers CMS restartZAuditor batch size must be between %1 and %2 minutes. It has been adjusted to %3 minutes.bMetrics logging batch size must be between %1 and %2 minutes. It has been adjusted to %3 minutes.VAudit interval must be between %1 and %2 minutes. It has been adjusted to %3 minutes.`Metrics logging interval must be between %1 and %2 minutes. It has been adjusted to %3 minutes.kAudit time synchronization interval must be between %1 and %2 minutes. It has been adjusted to %3 minutes.'Connection to processing server failed.iThe requests received have the format of an old version. Please ask your system administrator to upgrade.nThe request could not be processed due to heavy load on database or processing server. Please try again later.OCannot cleanup cache folder %1. This indicates an internal error in the server.yThe server cannot logon to the CMS. This is due to invalid security credentials. Please verify your user ID and password.You are trying to view a report based on Info Views. The Info View feature is not supported by this version of the server. Please contact your system administrator.-The server cannot load files in directory %1.-The server cannot save files to directory %1.1The server cannot access file %1 in directory %2.Your request was cancelled due to an internal error on the server. The object you are trying to view does not have the required property '%1'. Please contact your system administrator.Your request was cancelled because the server was disabled by the system administrator. If this is unexpected, please contact your system administrator.The object you are trying to access (ID = %1) has type %2. The processing server only supports objects of type %3. Please select a different object.GThe server ran out of memory. Please contact your system administrator.Data on the server may have changed. In order to prevent the display of inconsistent information, the data cached in your browser will have to be refreshed.There is no server available to process your request. Please try again later, or contact your system administrator if the problem persists.TCannot perform schedule operation on Object ID %1. It is a component of Object ID %2SAn error has occurred trying to create component instances for object package ID %1Cannot perform schedule operation on Object Package %1. The Object Package is empty. Please add objects to the Object Package and try again.'Subscribe to objects that the user owns4Schedule on behalf of other users that the user owns*Securely modify right inheritance settingsISecurely modify right inheritance settings for objects that the user ownsBYou do not have sufficient rights to view security on this object.IYou do not have sufficient rights to make the requested security changes.Subscribe to objectsXCMS Server Watcher: server named '%1' is being marked as down because it is unresponsive?Added right='%1'; value=%2; scope=%3; applicable object type=%4JRemoved right='%1'; previous value=%2; scope=%3; applicable object type=%4FModified right='%1'; new value=%2; scope=%3; applicable object type=%4Current objectDescendant objects8XML Parsing Error. Check your XML document and location.Encryption error.Decryption error.Choose to copy, create shortcut(s), or move the selected object(s) from their current folder(s) to a destination folder or object package.zChoose to copy or move the selected object(s) from their current object package to a destination folder or object package.Copy/Move Object(object %1, id %2 ) : %3(object %1) : %2ObjectsNew Object PackagexChoose to copy, create shortcut(s), or move the selected object(s) from their current folder(s) to a destination folder.>The property %1 may only be selected using the equal operator.6Failed to get new info object ids from CMS, reason: %1+Object %1 already exists in the collection.ACannot merge objects from different version or different cluster.)Objects of type '%1' cannot be scheduled.&You do not have right %1 on object %2.FUpdate is not supported for objects from BOE versions lower than 10.0.:Update is not supported for objects from the same cluster.BObject with same CUID does not exist in current object collection.xYou do not have any Concurrent User Licenses to make this user a concurrent user. You have %1 Concurrent User Licenses.(Indexed property %1 cannot be encrypted.Addition of the Enterprise alias cannot complete because the alias information is inconsistent. The alias name and id need to agree with the object name and id.iRemoval of all aliases is not supported. Please delete user object if removal of all aliases is intended. New AliasWebsiteEmailHTMLCrystal ReportWebsite Field ValueEmail Field Value UndefinedoYour request has failed due to a problem with the security server resolving hyperlinks within object package %1GAn error occurred while creating a Report Processing Server subprocess.SA failure occurred while the Report Processing Server was processing report file %1>A Report Processing Server subprocess was forced to terminate.dA failure occurred while the Report Processing Server was processing report '%1' (id=%2) for user %3Your request could not be completed because a failure occurred while the report was being processed. Please contact your system administrator. Web Service&A job with ID %1 has run successfully.!Job with ID %1 has failed to run.m Failed to commit property %1, object %2 (CUID: %3) - encryption is not supported in attributed relationship.|-dbdriver maxdbdatabasesubsystem -connect "UID=<user>;PWD=<password>;DSN=<databasename>;HOSTNAME=<hostname>;PORT=<port>"Translate objects#Translate objects owned by the userTrigger alertsFCannot delete %1. Deletion of deployment file objects is not allowed.}Cannot commit %1. The DFO data is older than the DFO in the repository. The following properties are causing the problem: %2.'Modify settings for alert notificationsLaunch client actionAThe CUID %1 does not refer to a valid license restriction object.:Object ID number %1 has an invalid kind of %2. (FWB 00054):Object ID number %1 has an invalid prog ID %2. (FWB 00055)/Error parsing DFO from DeploymentFile object %1 Drilldown Report ObjectReservedDisabledAbsoluteRelativeObject not found (%1)]Not all %1 aliases could be imported because there are no more named user licenses available.RNo %1 aliases will be imported because there are no named user licenses available.WNo %1 aliases will be imported because there are no concurrent user licenses available.JServer audit administration interface is not supported for this server %1.Central Management ConsoleChange user's preferencesOrganize foldersSearch by description$Filter object listing by object type"Trusted authentication is disabled Invalid dataCNo authentication credentials were provided to the FRS. (FWB 00058)XThe authentication credentials provided to the FRS were rejected by the CMS. (FWB 00059)3The FRS does not have a CMS connection. (FWB 00060)GThe authentication credentials do not permit the operation. (FWB 00061)9The FRS credentials were rejected by the CMS. (FWB 00062)User not found (%1) (FWB 00063))Download files associated with the object&Failed to find secSAPR3 plugin object.System ID is empty. (FWB 00066)Keystore is empty. (FWB 00067)Alias is empty. (FWB 00068)<Download files associated with the object that the user ownsRESTful Web Service Hot Backup Object Title Folder Title Account Name Group NameEach clustered CMS must be configured to have the same audit database connection. Please check the audit database connection for this CMS and make sure it matches the settings for the other CMS cluster members.1Report was opened for viewing and/or modificationReport was saved to the CMS'Report was created and saved to the CMS&Report could not be opened. Reason: %11Report could not be saved to the CMS. Reason: %13Report could not be created in the CMS. Reason: %1&Rights on an object have been modifiedNoteObjects may not be scheduled or sent to destinations with your current license keys. Please purchase a license key that enables scheduling and sending to destinations.]Not all %1 aliases could be imported because there are no Role-Based User Licenses available.View favorites folderAn event is registered.An event is unregistered.An event is updated.An event is triggered.!A concurrent user logon succeeds.A named user logon succeeds.A user logon fails.A user logs off.A user's password is changed.An object is created.An object is deleted.An object is modified. A job has been run successfully.A job has failed to run.'A job failed but will try to run again. New Calendar(Auditing is not enabled for this server.Text Rich Text Adobe AcrobatMicrosoft ExcelMicrosoft WordProgram ExecutableJavaScriptAuxiliary FilesMicrosoft PowerPointRefresh OptionsCrystal ProgramObject PackageParser failed to initialize.$Failed to migrate relationship data.)Download files associated with the objectInboxes - Search ResultCopy/Move Object(s)Unread Text objectRich Text objectAdobe Acrobat objectMicrosoft Excel objectMicrosoft Word objectProgram objectMicrosoft PowerPoint objectHyperlink objectreportSchedule Now - %1`Index info object with id %1 may not be updated. Index objects may only be created or destroyed.IndexesMThe value for property '%1' of the object named '%2' with id %3 is not valid.The index info object with id %1 does not match the type of the index already in the database. The requested property type is %2 and the one in the database is %3. The requested property size is %4 and the one in the database is %5.\The property %1 of info object with id number %2 is not unique. Table = '%3'. Column = '%4'.Web Intelligence Document9Web Intelligence Document must have at least one UniversevThe indices may not be rebuilt when the CMS is started within a cluster. Stop all other cluster members and try again.+The property %1 of plug in %2 is not valid.)The property %1 of plug in %2 is missing.rThe index for property %1 of plugin %2 and plugin %3 are not compatible because of differences in the property %4.DThe property %1 of plug in %2 cannot exceed %3 characters in length.TThe property %1 is already a built-in index and may not be changed by the plugin %2.UniversenRelationship info object with id %1 may not be updated. Relationship objects may only be created or destroyed.Cannot commit relationship attribute changes. When committing relationship %1 between parent %2 and child %3 with version %4, a conflict occurs with current version %5 over property "%6". Failed to merge changes.Cannot commit relationship attribute changes. When committing relationship %1 between parent %2 and child %3 with version %4, a conflict occurs with current version %5.Cannot delete object(s) modified between query and commit. When deleting object "%1" (ID: %2) with version %3, a conflict occurs with current version %4.yCannot commit object(s). Since the object "%2" (Id - %3) was queried for, another user has changed the relationship "%1".Cannot commit object(s). The object "%1" (Id - %2) with version %3 is too old relative to current version %4 for a successful merge. Objects must be within %5 versions.Some properties were not merged. Committing object "%1" (Id - %2) with version %3 conflicts with current version %4. The following properties were not merged "%5".Properties overwritten. Committing object "%1" (Id - %2) with version %3 conflicts with current version %4. The folliwing properties were overwritten "%5".VNo existing edge for update: Relationship (%1), Parent (%2), Child (%3), IsMember (%4)/Impersonation of the requested user has failed.SInitialization of the %1 authentication system has failed. Please try again later.qSingle Sign-On failed because authentication using %1 is not supported. Please contact your system administrator.cError creating an index for Index InfoObject %1: property %2 of type %3 (on table %4 column %5): %6UThe Index InfoObject %1 tried to create a custom index for %2 but one already exists.zThe Index InfoObject %1 for %2 collides with Index InfoObject %3 for %4 which already has an index for table %5 column %6.<undeterminable property name>:The SAFEARRAY is too large, its size is bigger than 1 MEG.Check Universe IntegrityRefresh Structure WindowUse Table BrowserApply Universe Constraints Link UniverseHCannot determine file size, the file does not exist or cannot be opened.All DashboardsWrong right ID provided: %1.ReportLogon2SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Repository VersionsObjects may not be scheduled with your current license keys. Please purchase a license key that enables scheduling.wObjects can only be created in the repository with your current set of license keys. The license keys must be upgraded.This operation is not permitted with your current set of license keys. Please upgrade your license keys to enable this operation.vOnly File Repository Servers may be enabled with your current set of license keys. Your license keys must be upgraded. NotificationJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember First QuarterSecond Quarter Third QuarterFourth Quarter All ObjectsObjects - Search ResultTop Level FoldersFolders - Search Result All UsersUsers - Search Result All GroupsGroups - Search ResultThe client certificate name to use on host %1 was not specified. Please specify a client certificate name to use on this host.The secLdap plugin failed to retrieve the client certificate from the certificate database. Either the key database password is incorrect, or the certificate specified does not exist.Switching between server and mutual SSL authentication, changing the server authentication strength or changing the SSL database path is not supported. To make these changes, first restart the CMS.Changing the key database password or the client certificate used for mutual authentication is not supported. To make this change, first restart the CMS.LDAP Authentication failed to verify one or more of the mapped groups. If the problem persists, please delete and re-map into SAP BusinessObjects BI platform the following group(s): %1LDAP Authentication failed to verify the mapped groups. If the problem persists, please delete and re-map into SAP BusinessObjects BI platform all currently mapped groups.LDAP Authentication failed to get the members of the group with ID: "%1". If the problem persists, please delete this group, re-map it into SAP BusinessObjects BI platform, then try again.The secLdap plugin failed to connect to the specified hosts. The hosts may be down, the server certificate may have been rejected, or the hosts may be configured for mutual authentication.The secLdap plugin failed to connect to the specified hosts. The hosts may be down, the server or the client certificate may have been rejected, or the hosts may not be configured for mutual authentication.KThe secLdap plugin failed to find the cert8.db or cert7.db file on host %1.>The secLdap plugin failed to find the key3.db file on host %1.yThe secLdap plugin found more than one cert8.db or cert7.db file on host %1. Please specify a single path for this host.lThe secLdap plugin found more than one key3.db file on host %1. Please specify a single path for this host.The secLdap plugin found more than one client certificate name specified for host %1. Please specify a single certificate name for this host.The secLdap plugin found more than one key database password specified for host %1. Please specify a single password for this host.LDAP Authentication could not log you on because a connection could not be made to the LDAP server. Please contact your system administrator.NT Authentication failed to verify one or more of the mapped groups. If the problem persists, please delete and re-map into SAP BusinessObjects BI platform the following group(s): %1kNamed user cannot have more than %1 simultaneous connections with BOE with your current set of license keys:The value %1 is too large for the audit database column %2EDisconnect when all records have been retrieved or the job is closed."Disconnect when the job is closed.<Cannot add a table based on Business Views directly. File %1Failed to open the connection.Error in Business Views SDK.WThere is a row and column restriction applied on the same field. No data will be shown.Business Views security error.%Repository object could not be found.HBusiness View based reports with multiple connections are not supported. Business View object not loaded.)Business View invalid enterprise session.(Business View invalid repository object.Business View integrity error.No security permissions for Business View. Please contact your System Administrator to obtain the correct set of rights for the Business View objects that this report is based upon.&Business View invalid object property.%Business View error in formula field..Business View error in Dynamic DataConnection.Business View error in Filter.(Mismatch in support for multiple values.#Mismatch in support for NULL value.$Mismatch in support for range limit.Mismatch in maximum value.Mismatch in minimum value.(Mismatch in support for discrete values.%Mismatch in support for range values.+Mismatch in support for non-default values.%Mismatch in providing default values.)Mismatch in the number of default values.Mismatch in a default value.'Error while copying parameter value(s).1Log on to the CMC and view this object in the CMC0Program Object does not have an associated file.Use the server defaults.Edit this object"Business View error in Table Link.&Invalid argument for database. File %1No data access right for data connection. Please contact your System Administrator to obtain the correct set of rights for the Business View objects that this report is based upon.IReport that has been disconnected from Business View cannot be refreshed.Cannot get the object from the repository. Either you do not have view right on the specified object, or the object has been deleted from the repository./Cannot add hidden business view database field.Failed to load Business View. Failed to process Business View.HTopN/BottomN/TopPercentage/BottomPercentage value is out of valid range.Invalid formula.+Invalid dynamic cascading prompting object.KSelected exporter does not support one of the features used in this report.Invalid export options.Further drill down within this report has been disabled. All data in the report has been displayed. For more information, please contact your Crystal Enterprise/Reports Administrator.bReports created with the Crystal Reports for Enterprise designer are not supported with this tool. (automatic)6Log on to the Designer and view this object in the CMCUse Dashboard BuilderLog on to Web IntelligenceUniverse design tool8Modify settings for the Universe design tool application BI workspaces!Modify settings for BI workspacesWeb Intelligence4Modify settings for the Web Intelligence applicationCrystal XcelsiusMacromedia Flash>Run on the %7 %8 of the month between %1 %2, %3 and %4 %5, %6.DRun on the last 7 days of the month between %1 %2, %3 and %4 %5, %6.JRun every day of the %7 week of the month between %1 %2, %3 and %4 %5, %6.-Run every %7 between %1 %2, %3 and %4 %5, %6..Run every day between %1 %2, %3 and %4 %5, %6.ARun on the %5 %6 of the month between %1 %2 and %3 %4 every year.GRun on the last 7 days of the month between %1 %2 and %3 %4 every year.MRun every day of the %5 week of the month between %1 %2 and %3 %4 every year.=Run every %5 of the month between %1 %2 and %3 %4 every year.1Run every day between %1 %2 and %3 %4 every year.YRun on the %5 %6 of the month between %1 day and %2 day of the month, from year %3 to %4._Run on the last 7 days of the month between %1 day and %2 day of the month, from year %3 to %4.eRun every day of the %5 week of the month between %1 day and %2 day of the month, from year %3 to %4.URun every %5 of the month between %1 day and %2 day of the month, from year %3 to %4.IRun every day between %1 day and %2 day of the month, from year %3 to %4.PRun on the %3 %4 of the month between %1 day and %2 day of the month every year.VRun on the last 7 days of the month between %1 day and %2 day of the month every year.\Run every day of the %3 week of the month between %1 day and %2 day of the month every year.LRun every %3 of the month between %1 day and %2 day of the month every year.@Run every day between %1 day and %2 day of the month every year.DRun on the %5 %6 of the month between %1 and %2, from year %3 to %4.JRun on the last 7 days of the month between %1 and %2, from year %3 to %4.PRun every day of the %5 week of the month between %1 and %2, from year %3 to %4.@Run every %5 of the month between %1 and %2, from year %3 to %4.4Run every day between %1 and %2, from year %3 to %4.7Run on the %3 %4 of the month from %1 to %2 every year.=Run on the last 7 days of the month from %1 to %2 every year.DRun every day of the %3 week of the month, from %1 to %2 every year.&Run every %3 from %1 to %2 every year.'Run every day from %1 to %2 every year.2Run on the %3 %4 of the month, from year %1 to %2.8Run on the last 7 days of the month, from year %1 to %2.>Run every day of the %3 week of the month, from year %1 to %2.!Run every %3, from year %1 to %2."Run every day, from year %1 to %2.Run on the %1 %2 of the month.$Run on the last 7 days of the month.*Run every day of the %1 week of the month. Run every %1.Run every day.Run on %1 %2, %3./Run on %1 day of the month, from year %3 to %4.&Run on %1 day of the month every year.1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th13th14th15th16th17th18th19th20th21st22nd23rd24th25th26th27th28th29th30th31stlastUse legacy sharing options.Advanced No AccessViewScheduleView On Demand Full Control1The access level %1 doesn't apply to this object.User has logged off. Unknown right%1Discussions Program Schedule NowScheduleProcessDatabase Logon Parameters CategoriesPersonal CategoriesInboxes[Failed to invoke collation service for locale %1. Query results will be sorted incorrectly.Filters Print Setup NotificationAlert Notification DestinationFormatLogon Components On DemandRun NowRUnable to reconnect to the CMS %1. The session has been logged off or has expired.@Communication error occurred when trying to connect to server %1!Service %1 not found on server %2)Server %1 not found or server may be down1A problem occurred while talking to the server %1$The server group %1 not found in CMS9Unable to connect to service %1 from server %2 via CMS %3HAll the servers with CMS %1, cluster %2 and kind %3 are down or disabledBad port number in CMS name %11Unable to list services from server %1 via CMS %2^The service has been successfully reconnected after a failure, but a manually retry is needed..Failed to reconnect the service %2, reason: %1;Error occured while trying to use the service %2, reason:%1CORBA error: %1. Details: %2Strategy BuilderIntelligence Management BI workspacesStrategy BuilderCreate, Modify, or Delete Flows View FlowsCreate, Modify, or Delete Goals View GoalsAccess to Goal Management Publish GoalsAccess to Strategy BuilderEdit Private RulesEdit Public FoldersEdit Public RulesView Public RulesAccess to Dashboard BuilderAccess to My DashboardsAccess to System SetupOptionsSingle DashboardUse Strategy BuilderCreate, Modify, or Delete Roles$Create, Modify, or Delete Strategies(Modify settings for the Strategy BuilderAllows changing of passwordUAllows download of 3-tier BusinessObjects to create or edit BusinessObjects documents)Interfaces - enable web viewing interfaceEnable HTML Report Panel-Interfaces - enable Rich Internet ApplicationExtend scope of analysisd5.x docments only; allows drilling outside the cube with no prompt (for 6.x: option set in InfoView)Enable drill mode>Allows adding an external web page as a portlet in My InfoView#Allows change of BI launch pad skinFAllows viewing of document list options and changing default home pageNWhen disabled, allows deletion of corporate documents published by other users/Allows downloading of BusinessObjects documents0Allows downloading of Web Intelligence documents*Allows document generation in Excel format(Allows document generation in PDF format#Allows management of all categories9Allows management of categories of which one is the owner<Allows creation, editing and deletion of personal categories%Allows viewing of corporate documents!Allows viewing of inbox documents/Allows refresh of document lists and categories2Allows running of queries and refresh of documents/Allows viewing and saving of personal documents0Allows publishing of documents in the repository5Allows publishing of documents with scheduled refresh4Allows sending of documents to users in other groups9Allows sending of documents to users in user's own groupsAllows upload of documentsManage EMail publicationsManage Web publicationsDocuments - enable creationMWhen command is disabled, the SQL of queries is regenerated with each refreshAllows editing of documentsAllows editing of queries!Allows refresh of lists of values$Allows use of the Formatting toolbar)Reporting - create formulas and variables6Allows use and refresh of lists of values in documents,Query script - enable viewing (SQL , MDX...)Setting the property %1 of the object named '%2' with id number %3 failed because a constraint was violated. The constraint failed for the object named '%4' with id number %5 and the object named '%6' with id number %7 because of the following constraint: if %8 then %9.Access to Rules MenuAccess to Schedule MenuAccess to Sets MenuAnalytics CatalogEdit BI workspacesCustomize My DashboardsLDefine Sliced Metrics - Ability to select a dimension when creating a metric[Edit Binning - Controls the ability to create, edit, or remove bins for predictive analysisEdit Control Charts^Edit Data Mining Metrics - Controls the ability to create, edit, or remove data mining metricsZEdit Derived Variables - Controls the ability to create, edit, or remove derived variablesGEdit Documents - Ability to add/edit/delete a Web Intelligence document Edit MetricJEdit Models - Controls the ability to create, edit, copy, or remove modelsNEdit Populations - Controls the ability to create, edit, or remove populations,Edit Schedule - Access to the scheduler menuPreview AnalyticsRefresh Control ChartsRefresh or Purge Metrics&Refresh Statistics or Regenerate ModelSchedule Sets Refresh6Send email - Controls the ability to email an analyticActions - Define a ListActions - Execute SQLActions - Generate a URLActions - Generate an EventActions - Launch an ApplicationActions - Raise an AlertActions - Refresh a ReportActions - Refresh MetricsActions - Send an EmailEdit Private FolderseWaiting for global delivery rule job to complete. Job ID:%1, name:%2, kind:%3 in %4 state (FBE 60107)]Waiting for distribution job to complete. Job ID:%1, name:%2, kind:%3 in %4 state (FBE 60037)[Waiting for scheduling job to complete. Job ID:%1, name:%2, kind:%3 in %4 state (FBE 60509)mSecurity context cache is not enabled. You can enable it on the Windows Active Directory Authentication page.Security server failed to decrypt the Kerberos ticket sent by the client. Contact your system administrator to make sure Kerberos authentication is configured properly. (FWB 00004)Refresh on openRefresh manuallyTrueFalseThe update to the relationship named %1 with id number %2 is not allowed because the relationship would no longer be a tree since the object with id number %3 would have more than one parent.The update to the relationship named %1 with id number %2 is not allowed because the object with id number %3 will be part of a cycle.The database returned an error while trying to update the index data structures for the index info object of the property named %1. This is possibly caused by the column name (%2) being a reserved SQL keyword. The error was %3. The database query was %4.The value %1 for property %2 of the object named %3 with id number %4 is not valid. The property is indexed and the type of value specified does match the type of the index.Apply Overload to UserNew List of Values DiscussionsModify settings for DiscussionsiAn index may not be made for the property named %1 because this is a property already used by the system.EOnly objects that can be scheduled can be added to an Object Package.CMSReport Caching ServerReport Job ServerRAS Event ServerProgram Job ServerWeb Intelligence Report ServerDestination Job ServerWeb Intelligence Job ServerDCP Job ServerUnknown applicationQuestion Engine ServerDesktop Intelligence Job ServerConcurrent Logon EventNamed User Logon EventUser Logon Fails User LogoffPassword ChangeObject is CreatedObject is DeletedObject is ModifiedUnresponsive SchedulingReport Viewed SuccessfullyReport Viewing Attempt FailedEvent is RegisteredEvent is UnregisteredEvent is UpdatedEvent is TriggeredScheduling SucceededScheduling Failed)Scheduling Failed but will be reattemptedReport is Opened/Object is Published/Saved Successfully (4 or 6)Report is CreatedReport Fails to Open*Object Publish/Save attempt Fails (4 or 6)Report fails to get CreatedGet list of universesSave document to repository Read DocumentSelection of universeDocument refreshList of values Edit document Apply formatGet page Generate SQLDrill out of scope Select promptQuestion SucceededQuestion FailedEvent IDEvent Filename User Groups Object NameObject Folder PathObject Category Path Session IDEnterprise Error Text ODBC SQLSTATEODBC Error Text BOE UserID Object TypeReport Data Type Universe nameNumber of linesNumber of elements Document name Document size Description Category nameKeywordsRefresh options Overwrite SQL value Document type Report nameSave as Excel or Text Save as PDFPrint UniverseShow Table or Object Values Data AccessEdit Access RestrictionsDo Not Always Regenerate SQL Edit QueryRefresh List of ValuesUse Lists of ValuesView SQLThe update to the relationship named %1 with id number %2 is not allowed because the object with id number %3 will be not be reachable from the root object number %4.wMutual authentication between the client and the security server has failed. Please contact your system administrator.An error has occurred propagating the security context between the security server and the client. Please contact your system administrator.WThere is no security context cached in the security server for the requested operation.Expecting system rightWrong plugin kind..Choose which groups should be in the send listAdd users to the send listRemove users from the send listOInbox destination properties have been set to the chosen Job Server's defaults.ShortcutSendGroups in the send list:#Users to be added to the send list:'Users to be removed from the send list:qThe Active Directory plugin failed to verify the provided SPN. Please ensure the SPN identifies a valid account.wThe property %1 may not be set on the relation named %2 with id number %3 because the property %4 is set to value '%5'. Reschedule'Reschedule and Replace Pending InstanceSend Object(s) toUnlock Universe?You need a license to publish files of type "%1" (typeId = %2).Change user's preferencesOrganizeSearch for simple text Do an advanced search$Filter object listing by object typeView the favorites folderView the InboxCreate categoriesAssign categories Out of memoryCreate personal categories0The executable filepath of this server is empty.The executable could not be launched. Possible reasons are insufficient RAM or disk space, or an invalid filepath or working directory. Actual reason: %1SThis server is considered failed because it has stopped %1 time(s) in %2 minute(s).=The Server Intelligence Agent for this server is unavailable.0Unrecognized value of %1 for expected run state.%This server has configuration errors.Do a content searchW%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3) is referencing files that do not exist in the FRS (%4).NAllow the application to remove the missing files from the object's file list. BOE RepairIThis folder stores orphaned objects whose parent objects cannot be found.CMoved the object and its children objects to the BOE Repair folder.)Assigned the object to the Administrator.+Updated the object with valid submitter ID.Send documentsCreate dashboards7Log on to BI launch pad and view this object in the CMC!Modify settings for BI launch padSBStrategyBuilderSBIntelligenceManagementSBPerformanceManagement?SSL mode is being requested but the %1 argument is not present.zSSL mode is being requested. Failure occurred trying to open or read data from the file named %1. The error message is %2.The passphrase provided could not be used to decrypt the private key provided. See documentation for a description of the private key and passphrase.RThe selected cypher is not valid. See documentation for list of available cyphers.PThe certificate provided is not valid. See documentation for the correct format.The object named %1 with id number %2 cannot have the object named %3 with id number %4 as a child because members may not have children in the relation named %5 with id number %6. Enable toolbar and editing menus6Interactive: Use reporting toolbar and reporting menus;Interactive: Formula - Enable toolbar and variable creation"General - enable right-click menus%Interactive: Display document summary1Left pane - enable document structure and filtersDInteractive: Left pane - Enable available objects, tables and charts BI launch pad ConnectionDThe program failed to run and supplied the following information: %1"You need a license for scheduling."Business objects Reporter DocumentIThe library named %1 could not be loaded. The system error message is %2.yThe database subsystem could not be loaded. Make sure that the database client is installed. The message returned was %1. Categories CorporatePersonalAssign Corporate CategoriesAssign Personal CategoriesPChange the Corporate Categories assigned to the object, then press the OK buttonUSelect a user, change the categories assigned to the object, then press the OK buttonAvailable CategoriesAssigned Categories,Save current changes to assigned categories?The property list(s) '%1' committed on the object named '%2' with id number %3 contained reference(s) to non-existant object(s) with id number(s) %4.Failed to read parameter object Refresh the List of Value's dataUniverse Designer Users9Users granted access to the Universe Designer applicationgThe Active Directory Authentication plugin does not support the specified Single Sign-On provider type.eThe value for the Single Sign-On security context cache expiry must be greater than or equal to zero.hThe CMS failed to update the value for the Single Sign-On security context cache expiry in the registry.The authentication provider (%1) associated with this logon session does not support inter-process Single Sign-On. Contact your system administrator for details. (FWB 00018)The authentication provider (%1) associated with this logon session does not have inter-process Single Sign-On enabled. Contact your system administrator for details. (FWB 00019)QSingle Sign-On failed. Contact your system administrator for details. (FWB 00020)Single Sign-On failed because the associated session can not be verified. Try to log on to Business Objects Enterprise again. (FWB 00021)Single Sign-On failed because the associated security context can not be verified. Please re-logon to Business Objects and try again.Single Sign-On%Add users to have object level for %1vThe object named '%1' with id number '%2' cannot be created because objects of type '%3' are maintained by the system.vThe object named '%1' with id number '%2' cannot be moved because its parent must be the root of the favorites folder.The object named '%1' with id number '%2' cannot be moved to the folder named '%3' with id number '%4' because only objects of type '%5' may be in that folder.KThe object named '%1' with id number '%2' may never be modified or deleted.The object named '%1' with id number '%2' cannot be moved to the folder named '%3' with id number '%4' because only objects that are containers may be in the folder.HThe object with id number '%1' cannot be created because it has no name. Send list:Modify the send list:Scheduling list:Modify the scheduling list:Change user password,Change password for users that the user ownsChange preferences1Change preferences for objects that the user ownsSend to Business Objects InboxSend to email destinationDesktop Intelligence8Modify settings for the Desktop Intelligence Application>Log on to Desktop Intelligence and view this object in the CMC%Create Desktop Intelligence DocumentsCreate Templates Use Templates#Save Desktop Intelligence DocumentsSave documents for all users)Desktop Intelligence Document Interaction'Desktop Intelligence Report Interaction%Refresh Desktop Intelligence DocumentPrint DocumentsCopy to ClipboardEuro ConverterEdit Euro Converter Rate Drill ThroughEdit Scope of AnalysisWork in Drill ModeWork in Slice-and-Dice Mode Edit VBA Code Run VBA CodeInstall Add-InsManage All Corporate CategoriesManage My Corporate Categories$Refresh Document List and CategoriesSend Documents to RepositorySend Documents to MailRetrieve DocumentsCreate And Edit ConnectionsData Provider ManipulationEdit Free-hand SQLUse Free-hand SQLEdit Personal Data FilesUse Personal Data FilesEdit Stored ProceduresUse Stored ProceduresAlways Regenerate SQLEdit Query SQL"Use other SQL requests than SelectView SQL Edit Queries Use QueriesEdit List of ValuesUse List of ValuesRefresh List of ValuesUse User ObjectsSend Documents to InboxDesktop IntelligenceDesktop Intelligence Add inDesktop Intelligence TemplateYCould not establish a connection to the server. Please contact your system administrator.dThe server you are trying to connect to is not accessible. Please contact your system administrator.qThe server returned an illegal response. It is probably an old version. Please contact your system administrator.XThe Server ran out of resources due to a limitation imposed by the system administrator.EInvalid number of command-line parameters to start processing server.The processing server was started without information on how to connect to a caching server. Please specify either -cs, -ns or -cache on the command line._The server session you are using to connect is in the process of being shut down. Please retry.The server ran out of memory.IThe connection to the processing server was lost. Please try again later.'Unknown exception caught in the server.2Unknown exception caught in the processing server.'Fail to create report source on server./Creation of thread for %1 failed on the server..Unknown exception caught in processing server.#Unknown exception caught in server.GAn error occurred while creating a subprocess in the processing server.AA failure occurred while the server was processing report file %1=A subprocess in the processing serer was forced to terminate.RA failure occurred while the server was processing report '%1' (id=%2) for user %3The version ('%1') was not recognized by the server when loading the Processing Subsystem. Please contact your system administratorWThe Processing Subsystem could not be loaded. Please contact your system administrator.!The file/directory path is empty.;The temporary file manager could not get or copy file '%1'.GThe file properties for file '%1' could not be retrieved. Unknown file.0The temporary file manager ran out of resources.*The Auditee Manager failed to audit event.4Invalid Object ID (id=%1) found when auditing event.1Unable to retrieve properties from the Infostore.4Unable to retrieve properties from Server sub group.!COM threading model is incorrect.)Could not logon using the token provided.!Unable to retrieve the Infostore.nAn error occurred while communicating with the Processing Subsystem. Please contact your system administrator.6An error occurred while communicating with the server.Maximum Lifetime Jobs Per ChildMaximum Prestarted Children=The value for this property must be either "true" or "false".tThe property '%1' is read-only. Reasons for this include it being present as a command-line parameter to the server.Document Processing ServerReport Data Source,Modify settings for Crystal Reports ExplorerCrystal Reports ExplorerProfilesTop Level ProfilesProfiles - Search Result Profile Name$Use connection for Stored Procedures Publication Subscribe Unsubscribe PublicationNew Publication Add users to be subscribed to %1Users to be subscribed to %1*Remove users from subscription list for %1/Users to be removed from subscribed list for %1 Add users to be excluded from %1Users to be excluded from %1*Remove users from the excluded list for %11Users to be removed from the excluded list for %1#Connections Not Managed By the Pool No TimeoutMaximum Pool Time %1 Minutes Not LoadedLoadedFailed Encyclopedia Modify settings for Encyclopedia EncyclopediaNew method get_Destinations() and old method get_Destination() cannot be used at the same time. Please use the new method only. EncyclopediaAfrikaans (South Africa)Arabic (United Arab Emirates)Arabic (Bahrain)Arabic (Algeria)Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Iraq)Arabic (Jordan)Arabic (Kuwait)Arabic (Lebanon)Arabic (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)Arabic (Morocco) Arabic (Oman)Arabic (Qatar)Arabic (Saudi Arabia)Arabic (Syrian Arab Republic)Arabic (Tunisia)Arabic (Yemen)Byelorussian (Belarus)Bulgarian (Bulgaria)Catalan (Spain)Czech (Czech Republic)Danish (Denmark)German (Austria)German (Switzerland)German (Germany)German (Liechtenstein)German (Luxembourg)Greek (Greece)English (Australia)English (Belize)English (Canada)English (United Kingdom)English (Ireland)English (Jamaica)English (New Zealand)English (Philippines)English (Trinidad and Tobago)English (United States)Engilish (Vrigin Islands, U.S.)English (South Africa)English (Zimbabwe)Spanish (Argentina)Spanish (Bolivia)Spanish (Chile)Spanish (Colombia)Spanish (Costa Rica)Spanish (Dominican Republic)Spanish (Ecuador)Spanish (Spain)Spanish (Guatemala)Spanish (Honduras)Spanish (Mexico)Spanish (Nicaragua)Spanish (Panama)Spanish (Peru)Spanish (Puerto Rico)Spanish (Paraguay)Spanish (El Salvador)Spanish (Uruguay)Spanish (Venezuela)Basque (Spain)#Persian (Iran, Islamic Republic of)Finnish (Finland)Faroese (Faroe Islands)French (Belgium)French (Canada)French (Switzerland)French (France)French (Luxembourg)French (Monaco) Hindi (India)Croatian (Croatia)Hungarian (Hungary)Armenian (Armenia)Interlingua (Indonesia)Icelandic (Iceland)Italian (Switzerland)Italian (Italy)Hebrew (Israel)Japanese (Japan)Konkani (India)Korean (Korea, Republic of)Macedonian (Macedonia)Marathi (India)Nauru (Norway)Dutch (Belgium)Dutch (Netherlands)Norwegian (Norway)Polish (Poland)Portuguese (Brazil)Portuguese (Portugal)Romanian (Romania)Russian (Russian Federation)Slovak (Slovakia)Albanian (Albania)Swedish (Finland)Swedish (Sweden)Swahili (Kenya) Tamil (India)Thai (Thailand)Turkish (Turkey)Ukrainian (Ukraine)Vietnamese (Vietnam)Chinese (China)Chinese (Hong Kong)Chinese (Macao)Chinese (Singapore)Chinese (Taiwan) Not DefinedNo network layer available.Report Conversion Tool6Modify settings for Report Conversion Tool Application@Log on to Report Conversion Tool and view this object in the CMCReport Conversion Tool Users>Users granted access to the Report Conversion Tool applicationNo database engine available.Wombat Testing PSS Document Test Mode-Query script - enable editing (SQL , MDX,...)$Reporting - enable merged dimensions#Interfaces - enable web query panelGeneral - edit 'My Preferences'#Left pane - enable document summaryLeft pane - Enable data summaryEReporting - create and edit report filters and consume input controls!Reporting - create and edit sorts Connections UniversesError in formula. %1:%2:"Error occured in fomula: Error = %1, %2.%3, Formula= %4"WThere was an error reading the shared secret from trusted principal configuration file./There is no source document in the publication.+There are no recipients in the publication.Desktop Intelligence Server#Desktop Intelligence Caching Server&Desktop Intelligence Processing ServerBRefreshProcessingInfo() can only be used before schedule an objectAgnostic ObjectAgnosticSend messages to Message Server$Receive messages from Message ServerRead the message contentReplicate content$Replicate content that the user owns!Trigger alerts that the user owns!Allow discussion on owned threads(Failed to log onto CMS %2@%3. Error: %1Unsupported operation.:Additional information is required to acquire the service.$Failed to get service %2. Error: %1Failed to set callback channel.,An unknown transport service error occurred.Invalid service address: %1!Transport service CORBA error: %1$Failed to send a request. Error: %1Unsupported transfer encoding&No ServiceContainer InfoObjects found.-No ServiceContainer InfoObjects found for %1.+Cannot find ServiceContainer InfoObject %1.No Service InfoObjects found.$No Service InfoObjects found for %1."Cannot find Service InfoObject %1.No Install InfoObject found.$No EnterpriseNode InfoObjects found.*No EnterpriseNode InfoObjects found for %1Invalid configuration for %1/Too many ServiceContainers related to Server %1&Too many Services related to Server %1.Too few ServiceContainers related to Server %1%Too few Services related to Server %1.Service %1 is missing a Service it depends on..Service and ServiceContainer are incompatible.4Service %1 is incompatible with ServiceContainer %1.Invalid directory Invalid valueUnsupported functionality'This functionality has been deprecated.To retrieve application-specific auditing settings, you need to provide the auditing service with the application object's CUID.>No valid application object is associated with the given CUID.Auditing service not found.6Failed to send a message through the auditing service.5Audit service is not enabled for current application..The event type %1 is not enabled or supported.8Inbox delivery is not supported for this object type: %13For object %1, there is no recipient to deliver to..For object %1, there is no file to deliver to.SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: The CMS system database connection information provided does not have a valid format. Please check that the CMS system database connection information is correct.bSAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Unable to connect to the CMS system database "%1". Reason: %2SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: CMS system database "%1" is not available. The error cannot be rectified by the end user. Please report this error to your system administrator or database administrator. (FWB 00024)SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Number of desired CMS system database connections cannot be zero. Please set number of desired CMS system database connections to a number greater than zero.SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Lost a CMS system database connection to "%1". %2 CMS system database connections are remaining. Reason: %3SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Partially connected to CMS system database "%1". %2 CMS system database connections were requested but only %3 CMS system database connections could be established. Reason: %4SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: All connections to CMS system database "%1" are lost. CMS is entering the "Waiting For Resources" state. Reason %2SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Connection to CMS system database "%1" has been recovered. CMS is leaving the "Waiting For Resources" state.mSAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Successfully established all %1 connections to CMS system database "%2".ASAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: During the last %1 minutes the CMS system database "%2" queue length was never shorter than %3 requests. System performance may be improved by increasing the number of database connections between CMS and CMS system database "%2" or by improving CMS system database "%2" performance.USAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: CMS system database connection lost. Reason: %1SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: All connections to CMS system database are lost. CMS is attempting to restart. (FWB 00091)zSAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Error occurred during batch operation. Entire operation must be retried. Reason: %1SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: The CMS audit database connection information provided does not have a valid format. Please check that the CMS audit database connection information is correct.aSAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Unable to connect to the CMS audit database "%1". Reason: %2SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: CMS audit database "%1" is not available. The error cannot be rectified by the end user. Please report this error to your system administrator or database administrator.SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Number of desired CMS audit database connections cannot be zero. Please set number of desired CMS audit database connections to a number greater than zero.SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Lost a CMS audit database connection to "%1". %2 CMS audit database connections are remaining. Reason: %3SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Partially connected to CMS audit database "%1". %2 CMS audit database connections were requested but only %3 CMS audit database connections could be established. Reason: %4SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: All connections to CMS audit database "%1" are lost. CMS can no longer serve as Auditor. Reason: %2SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Connection to CMS audit database "%1" has been recovered. CMS can resume duties as Auditor.lSAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: Successfully established all %1 connections to CMS audit database "%2".@SAP BusinessObjects BI platform CMS: During the last %1 minutes the CMS audit database "%2" queue length was never shorter than %3 requests. Auditing performance may be improved by increasing the number of database connections between CMS and CMS audit database "%2" or by improving CMS audit database "%2" performance.8CMS audit database connection has been lost. Reason: %1S%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3)'s parent object is missing (Parent Object ID = %4).DAllow the application to move the object to the "BOE Repair" folder.O%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3) owner object is missing (Owner Object ID = %4).@Allow the application to assign the object to the Administrator.W%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3) submitter object is missing (Submitter Object ID = %4).`Reschedule the object or use the -submitterid command line to replace the invalid submitter ID.%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3)property of last successful instance refers to a missing object (Last Successful Instance Object ID = %4).2Allow the application to recalculate the property.W%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3)'s calendar object is missing (Calendar Object ID = %4).\Reschedule the object with an existing calendar. No action can be taken by this application.l%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3)'s required scheduling server group is missing (Server Group Object ID = %4).fReschedule the object and choose an existing server group. No action can be taken by this application.n%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3)'s list of pending events contains missing object(s) (Event Object ID(s) = %4).eReschedule the object to wait for existing event objects. No action can be taken by this application.q%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3)'s list of events to trigger contains missing object(s) (Event Object ID(s) = %4).[Allow the application to remove missing events from the object's list of events to trigger.p%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3)'s Access Control list references a missing principal (Principal Object ID = %4).\Allow the application to remove the missing principal from the object's Access Control list.,Scanning... %1 of %2 items [%3%%] completed.-Repairing... %1 of %2 items [%3%%] completed.Done.I%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3) contains invalid Input File entries (%4).PAllow the tool to remove the object's invalid entries from its Input Files list.J%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3) contains invalid Output File entries (%4).PAllow the tool to remove the object's invalid entries from its Output File list.l%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3)'s required processing server group is missing (Server Group Object ID = %4).Recalculated the property.No action taken.No action taken.No action taken.GRemoved the missing events from the object's list of events to trigger.DRemoved the missing principal from the object's Access Control list.?Removed the invalid entries from the object's Input Files list.@Removed the invalid entries from the object's Output Files list.No action taken.No action taken.No action taken.1Updated the object to have the correct file size.Removed the empty folder.6Removed the missing files from the object's file list.W%1 object '%2' (Object ID = %3) is referencing files that do not exist in the FRS (%4).rAllow the application to delete this object. Any objects that are descendants of this object will also be deleted.RepoScan Usage: %1 -dbdriver <dbdriver> -connect <dbconnectstring> -inputfrsdir <inputfrsdir> -outputfrsdir <outputfrsdir> [options...]RepoScan error: %1.Scanning %1 repository objects and %2 files..."Repairing %1 inconsistent items...%1 repairs succeeded.%1 repairs failed.Wrote results to file %1.#Failed to write results to file %1.#Object %1 has already been deleted.Error accessing file %1: %2Invalid options file line: %1. %2 tokens expected but %3 found. Please make sure you are using quotes around option values when necessary.X-optionsfile <optionsfile> : the path to the file that specifies the reposcan options.U-dbdriver <dbdriver> : the name of the driver for the database to connect to.r-connect <dbconnectstring> : the database connection string in the format "UID=<user>;PWD=<password>;DSN=<dsn>".c-inputfrsdir <inputfrsdir> : the root directory of the Input File Repository Server's file store.d-outputfrsdir <outputfrsdir> : the root directory of the Output File Repository Server's file store.Has More InconsistenciesThe canonical name %1 and host name %2 map to different sets of IP addresses. The canonical name maps to %3. The host name maps to %4.S-dbdriver db2databasesubsystem -connect "UID=<user>;PWD=<password>;DSN=<dsn>"z-dbdriver mysqldatabasesubsystem -connect "UID=<user>;PWD=<password>;DSN=<databasename>;HOSTNAME=<hostname>;PORT=<port>"S-dbdriver oracledatabasesubsystem -connect "UID=<user>;PWD=<password>;DSN=<dsn>"S-dbdriver sqlserverdatabasesubsystem -connect "UID=<user>;PWD=<password>;DSN=<dsn>"S-dbdriver sybasedatabasesubsystem -connect "UID=<user>;PWD=<password>;DSN=<dsn>"[The name marker must appear in front of number marker in the duplicate name pattern string.BThe name marker is missing from the duplicate name pattern string.DThe number marker is missing from the duplicate name pattern string.UThe given algorithm number marker is not valid for the duplicate name pattern string.BThe test commit mode is only valid when using atomic batch commit.Dependency Rule Logical GroupUpgrade management toolAuditEventInfo2 plug-inU-dbdriver sqlanywheredatabasesubsystem -connect "UID=<user>;PWD=<password>;DSN=<dsn>"Add or edit user attributeseFailed to decrypt the object, please get the latest object from the cluster and try again (FWB 00077)Multitenancy management toolHLegacy application support is disabled by the Administrator. (FWB 00078)-syscopy : used when copying a system to another cluster (cannot be used when -repair is used or when the cluster is running)SysCopy completed successfully.SysCopy failed./Failed to remove %1 in a file system operation.=Please check either access rights or for a sharing violation.Tenant5Modify settings for the multi-tenancy management tool<There is no object in the object package with the RUID "%1".Comment on documentsView comments on documents&Comment on documents owned by the userDThe property '%1' on the AuditEventDefinitions2 object is read-only.GUnrecognized detail ID '%1' in the SI_DISABLED_AUDIT_EVENT_DETAILS bag.3Cannot disable the audit event detail with ID '%1'.The property SI_ENABLED_AUDIT_EVENTS on the AuditEventDefinitions2 object cannot be modified directly when the audit level is not set to 'Custom'.[-dbkey <passphrase> : the passphrase used to generate the bootstrap encryption key?The property named %1 must be set on object number %2 named %3.BThe property named %1 may not be set on object number %2 named %3.LThe property named %1 set on object number %2 named %3 has an invalid value.Deployment FileAlert NotificationAlerting ApplicationAdministrative ToolCryptographic key File Event Custom EventSchedule Event InconsistencyWarning SuggestionStatusActionTotal InconsistenciesTotal Inconsistent ItemsInconsistent ObjectsInconsistent FilesInconsistent FilenameInconsistent Object ID Back to topRepository Scan Report Scan Summary Date RepairedRepaired ObjectsTotal Repaired ObjectsRepository Repair ReportRepair SummaryRepaired Object IDRepaired FilesRepaired FilenameTotal Repaired ItemsTotal Repair FailuresUnrepaired Items(Document Processing Cache Administration"Document Processing AdministrationAudit Event Information!Business Intelligence Application Access Level Delta StoreEnterprise NodeFlashInstallReplication ListMetric DescriptionsRemote ConnectionReplication JobServiceService CategoryService ContainerXcelsiusXcelsius DM TemplateAudit AdministrationCMS AdministrationEvent Server AdministrationFile Server AdministrationJob Server AdministrationSingle Sign-On Administration EnterpriseLDAP Windows AD Windows NT ConnectionFavorites FolderFolder License KeyShortcutSearch Application\All the servers with CMS %1, cluster %2, kind %3 which host service %4, are down or disabled BI workspaceApplication FoundationUniverse design tool Federation BI launch pad My InfoViewStrategy BuilderWeb Intelligence AdministrationWeb Intelligence AnalysisWeb Intelligence InfoViewWeb Intelligence Publications Web Intelligence Query Web PanelAssociation DefinitionAssociation End DefinitionAssociation InstanceAttribute DefinitionAttribute ValueTopic DefinitionTopic ePortfolio Plugin ActionAssociation EndSAP Oracle EBSPeopleSoft EnterpriseJD Edwards EnterpriseOne PeopleSoft 8Siebel 7A Service failed to start.A Service failed to stop.All operations succeeded.&A Service failed to start. (FWB 02002)%A Service failed to stop. (FWB 02002)&A Service failed to start. (FWB 02001)%A Service failed to stop. (FWB 02001) ConnectionCalendarReport Conversion ToolWizard Client ActionClient Action SetClient Action UsageOverloadUniverse$Report Caching Server Administration'Report Processing Server Administration(Report Application Server AdministrationModuleEPM ViewMultidimensional AnalyticQuestion Domain M13N TargetM13N Target GroupMaterialization PM Model M13NVoyager ConnectionVoyager WorkspaceAbstract ObjectSL Metadata InfoObject(Desktop Intelligence Cache Adminstration+Desktop Intelligence Process AdministrationWebI Server AdministrationDesktop Intelligence Report!Desktop Intelligence Report AddinDesktop Intelligence TemplateQuery as a Web ServiceWeb Intelligence ReportWeb IntelligenceActivityCategoryEventPersonal CategoryProfile Server GroupServer User GroupUserPersonal Folder)Add objects to folders that the user ownsCDefine server groups to process jobs for objects that the user owns+Schedule document that the user owns to runAllow access to Security Query"Allow access to Relationship Query Allow access to Instance Manager%Can not remove InfoObject property %1 Save as CSV,Query script - enable viewing (SQL , MDX...)/Desktop Interface - enable local data providers?Cannot Map Profile Value to non String Field: %1 in Report: %2.QCannot Map Multiple Profile Values to a Single Parameter Field: %1 in Report: %2.GCannot Map Profile Expression: %1 to Parameter Field: %2 in Report: %3.WFailure to Convert Profile Value Type to Report Field Type for Field: %1 in Report: %2.aCannot personalize parameter: %1. Personalizing a parameter in a boolean group is not supported.Personalizing on data parameter %1 in report %2 can result in poor performance by potentially causing 1 db refresh per recipient.Documents - enable autosaveXCannot modify or delete %1 - ID %2. Modification of "Read Only" objects is not allowed.Send to file locationSend to FTP locationSend to StreamWork*Failed to generate cipher key, reason: %1.4Failed to encrypt/decrypt a file stream, reason: %1.The category specified for the request is %1, however, the user object indicates the category should be %2. The request will not be processed. (FWB 00079)Internal Error: The logon is not allowed because the specified application type CUID is not valid. See the AuditEventInfo2 object SI_AUDIT_APPLICATIONS for a list of valid application type CUIDs.BThe last modify time is not valid. The object cannot be committed.The tenant ID specified for the request is %1, but the user object indicates the tenant ID should be %2. The request will not be processed. (FWB 00080)HANA Authentication@Missing critical system object. Name: %1, CUID: %2. (FWB 00036);Missing critical system object type. Kind: %1. (FWB 00037)MDeployment file directory %1 does not exist or contains no files. (FWB 00038)VDeployment file directory %1 does not exist or contains no key code files. (FWB 00039)PDefault object with CUID (%1) has invalid or missing parent ID/CUID. (FWB 00069)jDefault object with CUID (%1) has invalid or missing type information. Check value of SI_KIND. (FWB 00070)sDefault object with CUID (%1) cannot be processed because it is invalid. Check assert log for details. (FWB 00071)lAttempt to set up sub-directory for namespaced default object files failed. Name: %1. Error: %2. (FWB 00072)Default Object fragment from file %1 failed to be applied to object (Name: %2; CUID: %3). Check assert log for details. (FWB 00075)ZSecurity plugin: %1 is either enabled or it does not support attribute binding(FWB 00076)>Cannot perform SysCopy on a cluster that is currently running.,View comments on documents owned by the userSAML Service ProviderOThe user '%1' does not have sufficient permissions for tenant '%2'. (MTM 20000)3Tenant with ID '%1' could not be found. (MTM 20001)Principals are allowed to join only user groups belonging to the same tenant. Related principals are not in the same tenant: %1 '%2'(id=%3, tenant=%4) and %5 '%6'(id=%7, tenant=%8). (MTM 20002)Bad port number in CMS name %1. If the name contains an IPv6 numeric address, enclose the address in brackets, '[' and ']'. For example, [fe80::6da9:75d9:ec31:d463]:6400.Missing activity name$Missing activity or invalid activityMissing item nameMissing item or invalid itemDB2 is running with HADR enabled. This requires that the %1 column of the table %2 be set to LOGGED. That cannot happen because the current version of DB2 does not support logging of large blob columns. The CMS will not start under this condition because database failover would corrupt the repository. To resolve this problem, you can either turn off HADR, or upgrade the DB2 server to DB2 v9.5 fixpak 5 or higher, DB2 v9.7 fixpak 1 or higher, or DB2 v10 or higher. (FWB 00088)[Cannot delete tenant with id '%1' since there exist %2 objects associated with this tenant!_Cannot host '%1'. Only one instance of this type of service can exist in a cluster. 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